PICTLWU lkl;SS U R A V U U I ; SUCTION i 1 4 "Sill ins - sp ipfcSr SIS SJ! HI c ' H A Above is Babe Ruth. Was Babe woith tht $137,500 the Yankees paid to secure biru fiom Boston? His faculty for knocking out home runs has run the daily average .ittenaancc up to 20,000, double that of last season. At the right is Mrs. George Herman Ruth, wife of Babe Ruth, the Yankee outfielder and home-run king. Babe's home-iun record has aroused interest all ovci the country and millions are watching and reading of his daily doings on the baseball diamonds. Mrs. Ruth is an ardent ian and every day is at the ball park to root for her husband. They have been married six years. - II II IK. r w - . is If a In order to deprt to the school authorities and school children throughout the United States the sr lencid rts'ilts a which have been obtained bv the jyitetn of physical instruction which ts given to the boys and girls ho atten 1 th' elementary schools, an exhibition of drill and gymnastic exercises were recently held in New York City under the personal direction of Professor Dickstein, instructor of physical culture of the board of education. - BABE". "DOUG" AND "MARY" ON THIS PAGE; W ROMANCE AND TRAGEDY, FROM DANCING ON THE. GREEN TO SHOOT1NC TRAITORS IN A SYLVAN SETTING IN FRANCE i rhuluni'Uph C'j.i ik!h. il hy Im.-i n.ui.iiiiil mi. I U'i.l. SV..M I'll. .!...-) 1 .: .i.u m -4 n Ihis remarkable photograph shows the execution of four French traitors, one woman and three men, in the grove outside the famous prison i ,'inccnnes. Paris. The woman is tied to the post at the extieme left. All four were convicted of giving information to the Germans during the occi atiou of La .i iff i 1 1 r Kb? - 1 II ii jr. TV It. -.. N,. s S M ft .-'1 t-- JR f m m A.. :W.',ii;, 1 tt 1 7 y Mr and Mrs. Dou,-las F.irb.nks at their estate, Berk-l,y i.lk. Olivia, with the Fairbanks thoroughbred do,s. Mr.. Fairbanks, as everyone knows, ,s our ,n k.ry Pickford. 1 Miss C. Walker, champion amateur woman fencer of Great Britain, will soon come to the United States to meet the best of our women foil stars. Former President and Mrs. William Howarc Miss Betty Baker, daughter of the Secretary cf War, proved Tgf( rcfentiy announced the engagement f herself to be an accomplished dancer at the lawn and gar-er. theif dauanteri Misg Helen Herron Talt, to fete aiven recently bv Washington soriety for the benefit it v,.,.rirU Tnhn.on Manninc. an instructor :u the ism Jtast ieiii . h ttorv at Ya University. I he marriage mi muuufi . 0 ink " -? kef o 5 ' v Se1 : take place in Canada this monfh. O O