Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 15, 1920, Image 1

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    tiNDAY Bee
VOL. L NO. 9.
r.ttrU SwM-CtN Mtttir Mur 21. 190. it
Oatha P. 0. Uw Art ! Mink J, IS79.
By Mid (I yur). laildt 4th . Dally and Suadav. $9: Dally Oaly. W: t4n. U.
Ovtaldt 4th Zona (I yur). (tally aad Sunday. Ill: Dally Oaly. S2: Saaday Oaly, $.
m n n
British Firms Are Threatened
With Loss of Supremacy as
Result of Conference in
Washington Next Month.
Action to Prevent Landing of
Wires at Miami Recently
Taken as Result of Requests
Of American Interests.
(hlrugo Tribuue-Omaha Bee 1-caned M ire.
Washington, Aug. 14. Control of
cable telegraph systems, now largely
in the hands of Great Britian, may
be entirely revolutionized and the
way opened for a greater degree of
American activity in this field, as a
result of the international conference
on wireless and cable communication
to bc held here next month. The
British established their control of
the avenues of cable communication
by pioneer enterprises, in layiirg
cables under long-term concessions
granted by a multitude of countries,
which concession's exclude compe
tition. The aim of the iuternational
conference is to establish an inter
national agreement removing the re
straint on competition, defining prop
erty rights in cables and enunciating
the principles of international and
national regulation of cable and
wireless communication.
Pending the deliberations of this
conference the United States gov
ernment recently refused to issue
a permit to the Western Union Tele
graph company to land at-. Miami,
Fla., the American end of the new
cable the Western Telegraph com- j
pany, a British concern, proposes to
lay between the United States and
-the Barbados Bj-iJbuposses5 jpu
in the West Indies. ,
" ' Destroyers Prevent Landing..
To prevent the landing of the
cable without a permit. Secretary
of Navy Daniels rushed five de
stroyers to Miami to intercept a
British cable laying ship. The
destroyers reached the scene of
action and with due ceremony the
American commander went aboard
the British cable layer and com
municated the warning of the Amer
ican government to commit no in
vasion of American soil with the end
of the submarine telegraph wire. But
the cable layer already had re
ceived a wireless message from Sir
Eric Geddes, British ambassador to
the United States, instructing him
to take himself hence pending a
settlement of the question.
In view of the readiness With
which the British ambassador acted
as soon as the matter was brought
to his attention, and in view of the
tolerance with which the Wilson
administration has treated serious
invasions of American sovereignty
that would have justified even more
(Continued on Pane Two, Colnmn On.)
Bobby Fails to Elude
Wife and Is Fined $50
By Irate Police Judge
Akron, O., Aug. 14. When Bobby
Thomas left his . home the other
evening he promised his wife he
would be home early.
But Bobby didn't keep his word.
Then his better half started on the
hunt for him.
He was trying to escape her. he
said, when he fell through a plate
glass window in a grocery store.
Charged with malicious destruc
tion of property, he was fined $50
and costs in police court, and was
severely reprimaaded by his A'ife be
sides. ' .
Perfume for Mrs. Wilson
Is Rushed to White House
Washington, Aug. 14. Medicines
rushed to the White House' for
President Wilson never knew great
er speed than did a shipment of
choice perfumes and toilet articles
which arrived for Mrs. Wilson late
Friday. "No one yet knows what
occasioned the haste.
At 5 o'clock the big iron gates at
tht front of the White House sel
dom opened these days swung ajar.
A crowd gathered, expecting a
gtimpse of the" president. Instead a
lavender-tinted , delivery motor
dodged in.
It bore the package of perfumery
which arrived a few minutes before
at the flying field. It had come
from New York by airplane-
Demo Chairman Says Bryan"
Will Give Support to Cox
New- York, Aug. , 14. George
White, chairman of the democratic
national committee today formally
announced that he believed William
Jennings Bryan would whole-heart-edlv
support Governor Co and Tn
democratic ticket daring the demo
cratic campaign.
"My reason for saying this is not
founded on any logical reasoning,
but because I have received a hunch
that we mav expect his co-operation,
said Mr, White.
James J. Montague Will
Write Regularly for Bee
Verse Writer Known from
Coast to Coast for
Brilliant Work.
James J. Montague, whose daily
verse is read from Maine tp Califor
nia and from Puget Sound to Flor
ida, is to become a regular contrib
utor to The Omaha Bee, daily and
Sunday, beginning tomorrow.
No tine who knows James J.
Montague more than 10 , minutes
ever "misters" him. They call him
"Jimmy." And more people fell at
liberty to "Jimmy" James J. Mon
tague than Hhe average person ever
seev in a lifetime.
He is the most widely circulated
and the most widely circulating
poet in the United States. Since the
death of James Whitcomb Riley no
American verse writer has enjoyed
greater popularity.
For years Montague accom
plished the seemingly impossible
task of mixing the oil of poesy with
the troubled waters of politics.
Theodore Roosevelt used to
"Jimmy" him at will. So do Presi
dent Wilson and Joe Tumulty and
Senator "Hi" Johnson and hundreds
of other political celebrities. A big
convention without "Jimmy" Mon
tague at the press table would seem
scarcely legal. He had the reputa
tion of being one of the greatest po
litical reporters in the country. He
was a "star" man at the peace con
Incidentally, Montague represents
the highest cost of peotry that this
country has seen in quite at spell.
Bank Examiner, Closes Pri
vate Depository as Result of
Exchange Ramification?
. Wizard Still In Jail.
v. -r- . -y- : .-"' . 5
Bjr The Associated Frets.
Boston, Aug. 14. Bank . Commis
sioner Joseph C. Allen today took
charge of the atfairs of the Polish
Industrial association, conducting a
private bank at 37 Cross street in
this city. Henry H. Chmielinski,
president of the Hanover Trust com
pany, the chief depositary of Charles
Ponzi, which was closed last Wed
nesday by , the commissioner, is
president of the Industrial associa
tion. .
Bank Commissioner Allen said
that the loans of the association
were either bad or of doubtful value
and there was virtually no cash left.
He said its affairs were hopelessly
interwoven with those of the Han
over Trust company. The capital of
the association 'is $13,775 and it
had deposits of about $350,000.
Ponzi Still in Jail.
Ponzi ate his breakfast In the
Middlesex county jail, in East Cam
bridge, a prisoner of the government
in default of $25,000 bonds.
Three officers of the Old Colony
Foreign Exchange company, a rival
concern of Ponzi"s Securities Ex
change company, were prisoners of
the commonwealth in default of
$50,000 bonds each. Samuel Zorn,
said to be an employe of the Old
Colony Foreign Exchange company,
was at headquarters awaiting a
hearing on a charge of larceny of
$500 from persons unknown.
The three officers of the company
held are Charles M. Brightwell,
president and treasurer; Raymond
Meyers, office manager, and Fred
Meyers, sales agent. The men were
held on technical charges of larceny
of $500 from persons unknown.
Faces More Charges.
Ponzi, .whose bondsman surren
dered him yesterday, was confronted
with the alternative of remaining in
federal custody, or if he could find
another bondsman, of being arrested
again by the commonwealth under a
blanket warrant charging him with
larceny in 53 counts, totaling $24,-
ooo. ; .
The authorities were said to be de
termined that the sensational finan
cier should remain in custody, to
preserve for his creditors whatever
(Continued cm Fan Two, Column Two.)
Denver Strike Riots Will
Be Probed by Grand Jury
, Denver, Colo., Aug. 14. A grand
jury to probe disorders in connec
tion with the strike of trainmen of
the Denver Tramway company was
authorized today by Judge C'arence
J. Morley of the district court.
Wife 8 Aim Unerring
Says Unhappy Hubby
In Plea Before Bar
Grand Rapids, Mich-. Aug. 14.
"She's a regular Mrs. Jiggs, your
honor," declared Albert Schroeder,
unw.rapping a red brick from a news
paper and holding it up before the
judge. ,
Schroeder was testifying against
his wife, whom he had haled to court
on an assault, charge.
"She wanted to travel in high
society," he declared, "and when I
protested she bounced this and sev
eral others off my head."
Mrs. Schroeder, reply, charged
"Al" with similar abuses of the
privileges of matrimony. The court
(placed both on probation for a year.
1 lie man who remarked tnat one
cannot live by verse alone didn't
know Montague.
"Jimmy" was born in Iowa, but
rajped in Oregon. About 17 years
ago, while working on a Portland
paper, he attracted the attention of
a New York editor who offered him
a job. Montague didn't want to
leave Portland so he decided to put
a prohibitive price on his services,
He was flabbergasted when New
York took him up on his own terms
Tidiness After "Party" Rouses
Suspicion Carbon Copies
of Replies Also In
A ,eatnFie-,L
By International Newi Service
New York, Aug. 14. When Louis
S. Diamond returned from a six
months' business trip to the middle
west in February, 1917, his wife,
Celia, gave him a welcome home
What followed is recited in her
affidavit, filed in a separation suit.
It should serve as a warning that
the toe of a shoe is no place for a
married man to hide Jove letters.
Diamond, who is auditor of a film
exchange, admitted, his wife asserts
in her suit, that he loved the "other
Her affidavit of events following
her husband's welcome home party
Tidiness Rouses Wife.
"Very early the next morning I
noticed my husband's socks neatly
folded over the tops of his shoes,
placed in a corner of the room. This
titfiness and precision being so un
usual a sight, my suspicious were
Her curiosity ejecited, she felt in
side the shoes and found a wallet in
the toe of one.
The wallet contained letters from
Miss Emma A. Guenthner of Kan
sas Cify, where Mrs. Diamond says
she found her husband had spent a
great deal of his time.
Carbon Copy Replies.
With Miss Gtienthner's billet
doux Diamond had placed carbon
copies of his replies." A number of
photos of Miss Guenthner and Dia
mond were also found. 1
Copies of this affectionate corre
spondence are incorporated in affi
davits supporting Mrs. Diamond's
demand for alimony pending trial,
filed by her attorney.
Miss Guenthner wrote in one letter
quoted by Mrs. Diamond: ,.
"Believe me, darling, no man has
ever so far in my life held me so .
closely to him as you, and as to the
future, I have pledged myself to you.
I often wonder, when I am all tucked
away in my little bed, why I should
love you so.
"Dear, I must ask you, is your
hair so 'shiny' black? How I long
to grab that pretty head. Well,
what's the use to crave for such a
thing? Should I not be satisfied that
I can do that when you come my
way and haven't you said you were
From her husband's carbon copy
of his reply Mrs. Diamond quotes:
Here's What He Wrote.
"My Own Precious Darling: You
are by far the dearest little woman
in the world. to me. You precious.
It seems to me that my hair is the
same as when you saw me last, but
no one but yourself seemed to pay
any attention to it. You can do your j
will with it when you see me. ;
"In closing, dear, I want to assure
you that I love you with all my
heart and soul and want so much to
be with you. Until death do us part,
I am, dear, always, your own loving
boy." , ,
Mrs. Dia'mond says that her hus
band, after his. return from Kansas
City, used to walk around the house
wearing his hat so as to preserve his
"shiny" hair. She says, he admitted
that he loved Miss Guenthner and re
marked: "Love has no bounds.'
Aviator Killed by Fall.
Manila, P.- I., Aug. 14. William
C. Maxwell of Atmore, Ala., was
killed when his airplane fell here.
His mechanician was injured seriously.
University of Illinois Professor
Charges Young Wife Carried
On Courtship in Ice Box
With Business Man.
Instructors Whose Resigna
tions Were Linked Up With
Investigation of "Wine,
Women and Song" Indignant.
Champaign, 111., Aug. 14. Prof.
Cyrus L. Palmer, member of the
faculty of the University of Illinois,
stated through his attorneys today
that he is about to file a divorce suit
charging that his beautiful young
wue aim carl A. Carlson, business
man, earned on a courtship in an
ice box of a butcher shop.
The announcement that this suit
is to be filed is about to beak the
"wine, women and song" "scandal
which has hung threateningly over.
tne university ot Illinois and Lham
paign social circles.
To Tell of Parties.
The divorce suit, it is said, will tell
ot wild parties at the home of a pro
fessor, where other professors' wives
and prominent business men and uni
versity students participated.
It wasN reported through Cham
paign today that Prof. Leroy Wilson
is coming up from Cincinnati to find
the source of rumors that he was
forced to resign from the faculty
through a connection with the Pal
mer scandal. When he finds the
source, it is hinted he will do battle
with whomever originated it.
Ralph Jones, instructor in athletics,
has also announced through his
friends that he will demand retrac
tions of rumors that he resigned be
cause of the Palmer affair.
Political Issue. .
,; So stirred up is. Champaign over
reports growing out of the Palmer
scandal, of shimmy parties and jby
rides among the exclusive university
set, that it threatens to become a
county political issue.
Professor Palmer left his wife in
Tune after he had the police raid his
home. He had told the officers other
men were there, but they failed to
find any.
Morals on Bargain
Counter of Country
Declares Clergyman
Columbus, 0 Aug. 14. That
"morals are on the bargain counter
throughout the country" is the decla
ration of Rev. Dr. Daniel F. Ritten
house, local Baptist clergyman, ser
monizing on "The Tragedy of the
"The great tragedy of the hour is
that there are so many people who
call themselves respectable who have
no consciousness of the presence of
God," said Rev. Dr. Rittcnhouse.
"Everybody is grasping for filthy
"European nations are saying:
Tf that is what democracy does for
America, we want none of it.'
"Thousands of respectable people
have no more regard for the Sab
bath than heathens.
"Diamond dust and gold bars are
millstones around the neck, unless
consecrated by the consciousness of
the presence of God."
Increased Use of Raisins '
Sends Imports Skyward
Washington. D. C, Aug. 14. In
creased consumption of raisins in
the United States since prohibition
is believed to account for the 1,400
per centincrease in raisin imports
from Spain during the first six
months of 1920. Nearly 8,000,000
pounds were exported from Malaga
up to June 30, exceeding the total
exports from that port from 1913-
1919, inclusive. rf.
Resumes Publication.
Beatrice, Neb.. Aug. 14. (Spe
cial.) Christopher Peckham, editor
of , the Lewiston Post, has tesumed
the- publication of the Burchard
Times. -
' The Big Features of
"Forbidden To Women 1.000 Years,"
A Story of Bars Lifted By the
Great War. Page 1, Section D.
For Boys and Girls. Page 3, Sec
tion D.
Jolly Dope About Omaha Folk.
Page 8, Section D.
News and Gossip for Women.
Section B.
How to Saye in Table Expense.
Page 5, Section B.
For Home Builders. Page 6, Sec
tion a. '
"Letters From a Home-Made Man
to His Son," by Ed Streeter.
Page 8, Section A. ,
"Heart Secrets of a Fortune Teller."
Page 10, Section A.
Snort Section C.
Oldest Nebraska Rural Mail Carrier.
Page 4, Section A.
I ' 1
' : III ,j j v . :
Circuit Rider Who Sold 'Java'
To Keep Wolf From
Door Comes to
Big Stone Gap, Va.. Auir. 14.
Parson Tolliver Simpson has been a
"circuit rider" in the mountains of
Virginia, West Virginia and Ken
tucky for nigh on to 40 years. Regu
larly, with the phases of the moon,
rarson bimpson on his bony old
nag could be seen winding through
the valleys to the little settlements,
carrying the uospel to the mountain
tolks, administering to their ills, it
such hardy folk were down, and
cariying them supplies from the out
side world.
And so the parson was beloved of
the mountain folk. Hut now the
parson hasn't made a visit to the
folk down in the valleys for several
weeks. His . swallow-tailed coat
and top hat no more are seen bob
bing up and down on his bounc
ing old sorrel. The parson has
found a "bar hole," as the saying
goes, and is staying thar. And
Bud Barrow, who came to town the
other day, went back to his clan
with the information that the parson
had fallen from grace.
It s a queer story.
The parson, it seemed, began to
feel the high cost of living, even
though he always had a bunk and a
meal at any of the mountain cabins
lie visited. But he long had been m
close touch with poverty and in
helping others had no time to help
himself. Then he had the germ
of a great idea.
He would sell coffee.
The Darson made all the little
mountain towns selling coffee, and
only once in a tijonth or so would he
go back to the; mountains to carry
the "truth." '
x Coffee Becomes Popular.
He bought himself a jolt wagon
and though the old sorrel balked, in
dignant at having to pull something,
he went on. Coffee became popular
m the towns outside the lulls and
the parson went farther into the
larger places. The demand for
"iava" became greater and greater.
1 hen the parson came to grief.
, He sold some of the coffee to a
"rcvonoor" one day. The purchaser
found a bottle of white liquid amid
the coffee beans. He tasted: Hoop!
It made him tingle, that moonshine
The parson still is in his "bar
Utica Man Breaks Leg.
York, Neb., Aug. 14. (Special.)
Wayne, son of .Dt. and Mrs. Hanch
ens of Utica, broke his leg in a fall
while playing near a cave at Jules
burg, Colo., friends here have been
notified. The Hanchcns family,
visiting in Colorado for the last
month, was preparing to return to
their home when the accident oc
curred. General Strike in Italy.
London, Aug. 14. A general
strike at, all Italian ports has been
declared, according to a M'latf dis
patch to the London Times.
The Passing Show of 1920
Up to Candidate to Repudiate
O' Justify Waste of Ad
ministration. Chicago, III., Aug- 14. (Special
Telegram). Declaring that Mr. Cox
is seeking to dodge the "wanton
waste" and criminal extravagance"
of the Wilson administration, Chair
man James W. Good of the house
appropriations committee, in charge
of the speakers' bureau at republi
can headquarters herie, said the dem
ocratic candidate would not be al
lowed to evade it.
Not only the Wilson league, but
the "maladministration of finances"
by the democratic party will be is
sues, asserted Mr. Good.
"Neither parties nor men make
political issues," said Mr. Good.
"They but formulate the issues. Un
questionably the league of nations,
as presented by the president, will
continue to be one of big issues in
the campaign, but there are other
issues in the minds of a great many
of our people. The issues of waste
and extravagance of the' Wilson ad
ministration are paramount.
Mr. Cox is attempting to evade
them and the responsibilities of his
party for the mismanagement of
the government's affairs. The peo
ple are feeling the burden of heavy
taxes. They know that during the
last three years they have paid into
the treasury, in taxes and the pur
chase of government bonds, more
than $40,000,000,000.
"Mr. Cox will be called upon,
either to repudiate the wanton waste
and all-around criminal extrava
gance of the Wilson administration
or to explain or to justify it. I re
gard this as one of the big issues of
the campaigu and one that is
troubling Cox and Franklin D.
Roosevelt as much, if not more, than
the league of nations issuci
Man Ordered From Mexico
Held Prisoner at Capital
San Antonio, Tex., Aug. 14. In
formation received here by authori
tative sources say that Dr. Paul Al
tendorff, recently ordered to leave
Mexico as an undesirable foreigner,
was taken from a train at Monterey,
N. L., while on iiis way to NucVo
Laredo, and returned to Mexico
City, where he had been placed in
Altendorff's wife, who was 'Mrs.
Wallace Mclvor-Woodv of Louis
ville, Ky., has beer in San Antonio
several weeks, and has been without
word of her husband since August
7, when she received a telegram
from the American embassy at
Mexico City saving her husband
had been arrested.
The Weather
Nebraska: Fair and warmer
Hourly Temperatures.
B . m,
6 a. m
7 a. ni
a. m,
a. m.
1 P. m.
2 p. m.
2 p. m.
4 P. m.
t P. m.
5 p. m.
. . . .75
IS a. m.
11 a. in,
i: ooou
7 p. m.
.It I j. m.
Put Stern Captain Who Found
Her in First Class Cabin
Pays No Heed to
New York. Aug.- 14. "Oh, please
let me stay on this ship until I reach
the other side, where I can complete
my art studies, and I promise you
I shall reimburse the company for
my passage at the earliest opportun
ity." This pathetic appeal was addressed
by a beautiful, modistly gowned
young woman to the purser of the
ship New Rochelle, bound for Dan
zig, Poland, when the official, mak
ing his customary rounds, collecting
passage tickets and inspecting pass
ports, found her in a first-class cabin
which had not been booked.
Addresses Fictitious.
She was unable to produce either
passport, ticket or money. She gave
her name as Maxine Douglas and
supplied several addresses, all of
which subsequent investigation
proved fictitious.
"All my life I have been passion
ately devoted to art. Miss Douglas
continued, tears starting from her
lustrous eyes, "and I just must get
to Europe and finish my studies so
that I may realize my life's ambi
tion. I have learned all I can over
here. I know I did wrong coming
on this ship as I did without ticket
or money, but I was driven by my
love for art."
Captain Basiux was summoned to
the cabin and listened patiently to
the young woman's plea.
"I am very sorry, mademoiselle,"
he said, '"but I cannot keep you on
my ship."
The vessel was by this time a con
siderable distance beyond Quaran
tine, and the mode of getting rid
of the self-constituted passenger be
came a problem until it was discov
ered that the ship must "lay to" three
or four hours while its compasses
were adjusted.
- Captain Basiux wirelessed New
York for police aid. wMiss Douglas
was taken off the liner and brought
back to the waterfront police sta
tion, where she was set at liberty
after being questioned. She quickly
effected a disappearance.
Takes Nap on Telegraph
Wires as Crowd Stares
Newark, N. J., Aug. 14. William
Merkel, 30, told inquirers that he
could not remember under just what
circumstances he had climbed a tele
graph pole and gone to bed on the
A patrolman saw Merkel lying
across the wires and sent in a call
for reserves, but when disturbed
Merkel said he Wanted to sleep.
Injured in Auto Smash.
Beatrice, Neb., Aug. 14. (Spe
cial Otis Wilcox 'sustained three
broken ribs and "Chub" Miller a
broken nose when a Dodge car in
which they were riding went into
the ditch seven miles west of
Wymorc. . '
Trio of Omaha Gunmen Whc
Plied Trade for Weeks Admit
Part" They Played in Scoii
Of Stickups.
sister of oneTbandit :
Desperadoes Who Craved Etf
citemenf Took Fiendish De
light in, Frightening Unarmec
Victims, They Tell Detectives
Three holdup men, arrested by de;J
tectives Fridav and who confessed
yesterday to more than 20 holdups i
admitted to robbing the Waterloo
nllarmacv if $4011 iwnrtfl ft .4
jewelry and stealing 100 pennies itix
uic ji uiics puui iidii ui tuai wwii
last luesdav.
Miss L. Murphy, sister of one 6s
.1-- L-)J L.- I -1 J
rne notaup men, nurnca up idoui
$300 worth of iewelrv to orotect heiS
brother, police say. Only abou
$100 worth of stuff was recovered!
She was to have been taken in cusl
tody, but her physical conditio!?)
prevented the police from arresting
her, Acting Chief of Detective:)
Pszanowski said.
The confessions were obtained
only after a five-hour grilling b!
Chief Pszanowski and Detectiveij
Wavrin, Whalen 'and Bolar. i
' . ( I
One an Ex-Convict. t
Beginning with last Monday-'
night, all three confessions, whidi
tallied in all important details, tolcl
of the inner workings of the trio.'
scheme which cams t6 an . enc
Thursday night. i
The trio is Martin Cunningham'
119 South Twenty-ninth street; Ly;
man Larson, 2120 Douglas street
-and P. J. Murphy, 2755 Davenport
street. -. $
Both Larson's and Cunningham'!,
confession were eiven mofe.-freelv
than that of Murphy, who, deteol
tives say, is more "educated tnjiH
his "pals" because of a recent seal
tence in the state penitentiary. ,
Murphy was sentenced iron,
Omaha to serve from three to 1:
years for highway robbery on Feb
rnarv 13. 1917. He was oardoned
police say, after sarving two yeari
and eight months.
How They Operated.
Chief Pszanowski yesterday id
clared that victims of last week's;,
series of holdups boosted the amount
of their losses in reports to police
He based his statement on the con
fusion of the trio who recited dc'
tails of 17 holdups.
On Monday, according to the pur
ported confession, the first mantha-1
the trio held up was S. Sheeler a
twentieth and Cass. J.hey got $5.
According to their confessions the
men would steal an automobile ecck
night to use in their operations. Lar
son would do the driving while
Vf u.. i r : i u j- '
.viuipiij duu i.uiiiiiiigiiani woum U13-
mount upon the sight of a victim
They would then cover him witfe
revolvers and relieve him of val.:
uables. Larson wouhj drive a couplel
of blocks away and wait ready toJ
start upon the signal of the other
After their operations each night
the trio would abandon the stolen
car and go to their "den" at Tenth"
and Capitol avenue where they
would divide their spoils, police
say. - . f
According to the police, auto
mobiles were stolen by the trio
from Charles Lovejoy, 2209 Farnami
street. R. G. Clark in front nf th
Strand theater and William Baker,
jjio :xuth second street at Tenth
and Howard streets. The cars have,
been recovered.
Like the Excitement
When asked by detectives for theti;
reasons for their daring holdups'
both Cunningham and Larson saicj
that they committed the crime mo
for the excitement I
"It was fun to see how those birds
fell," said Cunningham, who was tht
jollier of the trio. "As soon as out
victims were covered with guns ii
would seem that their pockets wert
already extended out to us." Mur
phy had little to say, save that h
asked detectives to help him mak,
a quick journey to Lincoln. The
trio said, according to officers, that
they would plead guilty to a high
way robbery charge when they are
arraigned in police court Tuesday
Chief Pszannwst-i want tti n-v. 1
r ..... .J . . ' . I.U.lll.,
of every person held up in Omab'
l.lct ulr tn Vim ...ill I,., a ..1J '
" - ' 1 in. nui nave cuuugiib
evidence aeainst the irin in tnilra si
strong case in the event the menf
snouia repudiate statements the po.
lice say they have made.
Vote to Continue Strike. '
New York. Ausf. 14. Marin "J
gineers, tugboat officers and other!
employes ot floating equipment of;
rail lines here, who have been on
strike since April 1. have voted tof
continue the struggle, it was an4
nounccd. ,: ...
Eleven Injured in Wreck..'
Sherbrooke, Que., Aug. . 14.;
t-ieven persons were injured when
the Grand Trunk morning train
from Portland, Me., to Montreal ran!
into a washout near CoatjeoookJ
U. , . .v ,' ,'