Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 14, 1920, Page 2, Image 2

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Executive Still Is Possessed of
Emergency Powers Granted
Him During War, Except
Roads' Control.
Picture Which Resulted
"v , . . , ...
In Court Suit Over Dog
Chleato Trlbant-Oniahe Dm Lcm4 Win.
Washington, Aug. 13. Oflrcial
confirmation reached Washington
today that France has extended de
facto recognition to General
Wrangel a hvad of the South Rus
sian government.
Although officials would not com
ment on the recognition of General
Wrangel, the action of France is
kncwfn to meet with general ap
proval here. Certainly the United
States could not consistently oppose
recognition of General Wrangel by
France because General Wrangel, at
the head f the governjnnt in the ;
Crimea seeks to bring about the i
unity of Rrssia under a stable dem
ocratic government That is just
what the United States wishes to sec
done as so forcibly expressed by
President Wilson's note to the
ftalian ambassador outlining the ?o
rition of the United States in the
Polish-Russian controversy
Will Sound U. S.; Sentiment.
In the minds of some here the ac
tion of France is believed to have
oeen taken with a view to sounding
out the United States and with the
hope that this government would
join it in recognizing the Wrangel
government. Ji is not believed here,
however, that such recognition is
forthcoming at this time. A little
later, dependent upon tuture suc
cess of the Wrangel forces, recogni
tion by the United States might fol
low. But it is apparent here, France in
recognizing General Wrangel, has
not stirred up any animosity in of
ficial Washington. Quite the con
trary is the case even though the
Unite MsteS does not see it s way
clear to extend similar recognition
to the South Russian government at
this time.
Colby is Silent.
The State dpartment was still
silejst today on the question raised
by the president's note pledging "all
available means to support, Poland
in maintaining its territorial in
tegrity, as to how far the govern
mem intends to go. Secretary
Colby when asked yesterday to in
terpret spccilically all available
means" wis silent Me remained so
The republican publicity associa
tion has taken the president's note
as a serious pronouncement.
"If Secretary Colby means what
he says, the United States is on the
eve of another great war," says the
association, headed by Jonathan
, Bourne, jr., in ""a statement-. 'ilssued
' today.
Reds' Arraignment Pleases.
"The severe arraignment of the
bolshevik government contained in
the note of Secretary of State Colby
' addressed to the Italian ambassador
will meet with the approval of all
true Americans, who it may be
remarked, have frequently been dis
f sf; T'
: Y -tlx '
- t vl- X Tfz' 4f rv K v
ruayed by evidences of a sympathetic
teeling between the Wilson admin
istration and the present rulers of
Russia. Neither can any1 exception
be taken to the expressed wish of
Mr. Colby that an" armistice be
tween Poland and Russia may bring
a speedy cessation of hostilities.
Hut the American people are going
to take emphatic issue with the
secretary in his attempt to pledge
"all available means" to the main
tenance of the territorial integrity
of Poland. "
"Let it be remembered that the
president is possessed at this mo
ment with every one f the emer
gency powers ' granted to him for
the waging of-war, with the excep
tion of the -control of our trans
portation systems. Congress has
pressed a bill repealing practically
all of the war legislation - but ' Mr.
Wilson refused to sign it and it
failed to become a law. Under the
powers with which he is clothed
Mr. Wilson ordered our soldiers to
Archangel to fight the Reds, sent
other military detachments into
Poland on a similar mission, and
transported several thousand men
across the Pacific to guard against
the bolsheviks in eastern Siberia.
There is not a doubt in the world
that he could, if he wished. ,send an
army to Poland tomorrow."
Annual Attack of Hay
; Fever Is Friday the .
13th's Gift to Bourke
Daniel Retoult Says Recogni
tion, of General Wrangel
Was Last Straw That "
Did Work.
W. T. Bourke, secretary of the
Board of Education, is convinced
that Friday the 13th hodes no good
for him.
Yesterday morning he, was strick
en with his annual attack of hay
Judge Robert W. Patrick, exalted
ruler of the Elks of Nebraska,
walked tinder a ladder yesterday
morning just ta show his disregard
, for the day.
S "Friday the 13th doesn't disturb
my equanimity a particle," said the
- judge.
Daughter of County Judge -Dies,
Following Operation
Beatrice, Neb., Aug. 13. (Spe
cial.) Miss Ethel O'Keefe, daugh
ter of County Judge O'Keefe, died
here Thursday following an opera
' tion for appendicitis. She was taken
ill last week after she had returned
from her vacation trip to Denver.
. Arrivals.
TokohonS. Auav 11 Heffron, Su Fran
cisco. Naw York, Aaf. li Nlrr. BordMUS.
San Franctnco, Aus. 1 J China, Hon
Icons; Korea Mara, Konfkong; Salt Alicia,
Callna Crux.
Nsw York, An. II. Fradartck Lorken
bach. San FrancUco; Hcllifolay, Cnrts-
UHookoaf. Aug-. 10. West Klir, San
Franclaoo. ' ,
Tokohama. Aug. T. Empress of Asia,
Kobe. Aug. . Archer, San Francisco.
Genoa, Aug. . Pesara, New York.
Boulogne, Aug. 11. Rotterdam. New
5 nIw Tork. Aug. 12. Imperator, South
ampton. Plrmonfir, Aug. II. Rotterdam (from
Rotterdam) New York. -
Qtieenstown. Aug. li-Celtlc (tross. Ll
roool) New Tork.
Paris, Aug. 13. "Tht treaty of
Versailles died today."
Daniel Retoult, the fighting menv
her of the French Chamber of Depu
ties, thus epitomized his view of the
situation Thursday. ''The treaty,"
he continued, "depended on two
things: First, the league of nations
and, second, the Franco-British al
liance. The league of nations, to all
intents and purposes, died long ago.
Premier Millerand by recognizing
General Wrangel gave the entente
its mortal blow. New we know why
rhe French official communications
tor the past few 'weeks have been
full of covert attacks on England.
"The. inevitable rupture between
London and Paris has now arrived
and simultaneously that monument
cf iniquity, tne so-called treaty ot
Versailles is crumbling to power.
"Premier Millerand's decision to
recocnize General Wrangel has m
flamed the labor element throughout
France. Meetings of protest will be
held in every city, beveral meetings
in Paris have already been broken
no bv the tjolire with drawn sabers,
indirating that it is the government's
determination to prevent gatherings
for fear of riots or possibly revolu
It is not announced yet whether
the police will break up the monster
meeting of protest tonight at the
Uraue de Paris, but it is reported
lhatlextraordinary precautions have
1. 1 a a. JI J
oeen laKen 10 prevent aisoraer.
Body of 14-Year-Old
Suicide Is Found In
Bushes In City Park
Davenport. Ia., Aug. 13. Nicolas
Chaimouras, 14, committed suicide
Wednesday by shooting himself
through the heart with a revolver.
His body was tound in a clump ot
bushes in Vanderveer park.
The boy, who was born in Greece,
came to this country last January
and had made his home with his
uncle, Alex N. Melios, real estate
agent. The uncle claims that his
nephew had been nervous and afraid
ever Since the Melios home was
robbed on two occasions a short
time ago.
Raisins and Sugar Only to- '
Make Water Taste Better
Grafton, W. Va., Aug. 13. An
other trial will be necessary for a
foreigner -whose novel defense suc
ceeded in splitting a jury who heard
charges of moonshining against him.
The man claimed the water near
his place had been condemned and
he had been ordered to boil it for
drinking purposes. This he did, but
finding it then had a sour taste lie
poured in 25 pounds of raisins an J
some sugar to make it palatable. To
keep a supply on hand for family
use e boiled enough "water" to fill
two 50-gallon barrels.
13-Year-0ld Girl Will Try
For Admission to the Bar J
Mary Claire Collins, the 13-year-old
daughter of Justice George S.
Collins, is going to take the exam-
illation ior aamissiun iu mc uai
with her father next June when he
takes his examination. :
Last June, Mary graduated from
Mount St. Marys seminary with
high honors. Since her graduation
she has been helping her father at
hii: office until now she has deter
mined to start in the law profession
herself. (
ticnic Well Attended.
Bea'trice, Neb., Aug. 13. (Spe
cial) The fraternal picnic at Diller
.Thursday was well attended, the
principal speakers being John
Heasty of Fairbury and Merton B.
Corey of Omaha. f
' Lighting Fixtures Burgess-Gran-den
Co. Adw i
1 5 Claim Ownership
Of "Gentleman Jack;"
Decision Postponed
The contest for possession, of
"Gentleman Jack" will not be decid
ed until next week. Fifteen letters
claiming ownership of this Boston
bulldog which had been held in. the
city pound have come to C. E. Mc
Cki:i, superintendent ot the depart
ment, since the publication of a
story and picture of the dog in The
Sunday Bee.
Justice George S. Collins post
poned the case to decidft whether
Jack's real name is Buster1 Friday
when J. E. Van Dorn, attorney for
Harley W. Balliriger, 3334 Mander
son street, stated that his client
was mudbound at Kearney, Neb.
Mr. Ballingef now has possession
of the dog, having obtained it by
replevin. Mrs. Ballinger was in
court, but left "Gentleman Jack" at
home. They claim to have bought
the dog four months ago.
Meanwhile, John E. Wilbur, 3212
Poppleton avenue, saw the picture
in The Bee, and appeared before the
Humane' society, claiming that it
was named "Buster" and belonged
to him. His daughter had burst
into tears at the sight of the pic
ture, and declared it was her pet.
A suit for "Gentleman Jack's" -possession
has resulted.
Sailor Confesses He Gave
Poison to Wife, Police Say
San Diego, Cal., Aug. 13. T. F.
Flash, chief pharmacist's mate on
the U. S. S. Prairie, who was ar
rested here in connection with the
mysterious death of his wife, Edna
Flash, nearly two months ago, this
afternoon confessed that he gave his
wife poison which resulted in death,
the police announced. Flash is
quoied-as saying' his wife tooTc the
poison voluntarily after a quarrel.
Governor Bickett, In Address
at Joint Session, Strongly
Urges Legislators to
Adopt Amendment.
v Nashville, Tenn.; Aug. 13. The
Tennessee senate today ratified the
woman's suffrage amendment. The
vote was 25 to '4.
Raleigh, N. C.,-Aug. 13. (By The
Associated Press.) Declaring that
women should have "the first right
to speak when the issue is whether
or not the world shall hencetorth pe
ruled by reason and righteousness or
by blood and iron," Governor
Bickett, in a special message today,
called upon the North Carolina
legislature to accept the "inevitable
and ratify the- federal woman sut
frage amendment."
Thevcovernor warned his demo
cratic friends that the most the
would be able to do by defeating
the ratification resolution would" be
to delav "for six months, a move
m'ent you are powerless to defeat."
tie urgea tnem to accept it as, inr.
Dart of wisdom and grace-
adding that within the period of a
few months "some other state win
open the door and women will enter
the political torum. (
Can't Prevent Suffrage.
"We may just as well realize.
eentlemen." the governor continued,
"that this country is no longer an
association of states, but a nation.
Whatever a majority of the people
of the ration want is going to be the
supreme law of the land.
There :s another ana lar deeper
reason for not de la vine the move
ment we are powerless to' defeat."
he said. "The big question that is
going to be SPttled in the next six
months is whether this nation shall
enter an alliance with 29 of the most
powerful nations on earthy for the
purpose ot torever delivering Hu
manity from tne burdens nd nor
rors of warr- On that question the
women have a sacred right to be
heard, for when cannon roar the
women furnish the fodder."
Discusses Political Effect.
Discussing ihe possible effect of
equal suffrage on the race relations.
Governor Bickett said:
"For 35 years after the civil war
all political energies of our people
were absorbed in tbe struggle to
maintain on our borders a white
government I greatly fear that
woman suffrage would force us to
fight again tlif! battle for a white
Nashville. Tenn., Aug. 13. A mo
tion to table-a minority repqrt urg
ing no action on the sunrage resolu
tion and offered as a substitute for
the favorable majority report which
recommeftrled adoption was carried.
23 to 10, in the Tennessee senate to
day. It wus the first definite indica
tion of the strength of the opposing
forces. Seventeen votes are neccs
ary for ratification by the senate.
Philadelphia Man Is
. Named President of
Associated Ad Clubs
Cleveland, Aug. 13, Rowe Stew
art, Philadelphia, was elected presi
dent of Ahe Associated Advertising
Clubs of the World at a meeting of
the executive committee today t
succeed Charles A. Otis, Cleveland,
Atlanta was v selected for the in
ternational convention the wek of
June 12, 1921. The next executive'
committee meeting will be held in
Chicago September 22.
High Priestess of Cult Foretold
Wedding of Mrs. Gait
To President.
Washington. Aug. 13. Eminent
Washington women Have taken up
the study of astrology and now the
craze -or horoscopes has dis
possessen the ouija board.
One Jiigh priestess of this cult is
Madam Marcia, ;ho first attained
wide reputation by predicting that
Mr Wiwon would preside as th
first lady cf the land.
Ihe stars toretold this six years
before . the present Mrs. Wilson
came, to the White House," said
Madam Marcia. When. I told then
Mrs. Gait that she would marry a
president she exclaimed: 'If I am
ever the first ladv of the land, I'll
make you the official fortune teller
and let you pitch your tent in the
White House grounds. She has not
communicated w:th-me since . the
prophecy 'vas fulfilled.
"I have this year predicted an
other occupanr of the White House
and this meeting came about in the
most unusual way. 1 make it a rule
not to see mote than one person at
a time.
' Last February five ladies, three
of them senators' wives, called and
asked if any of them was destined to
occupy the White House.
1 looked at each questioner
Mrs. Poindexter. Mrs. butherland
and Mrs. Harding--and selected the
latter as the fortunate one. I had
never, seen Mrs. Harding before.
Just before the convention Mrs
Harding called again, bhe was
dressed in summer clothes and I did
not know her. She brought in the
date and birthplaee data which I
require for casting astrological
charts. She had not brought her
own data; I at once detected ft, anl
aid: 'Madam, the party whose
data, appears here is not your own;
it is that of a man, and he will be
president of the United States."'
Mrs. Harding was questioned
about the prophecy during ,her last
visit to Washington.
'It is true, we did make this visit
in a -spirit of curosity and unbelief.
Madame." she said, "had not seen
me before and in order that I should
not give her a clue I even remained
silent when she gave me the initials
of my husband s name.
Two Hundred and Twenty-
two Prizes Awarded
Motion Pictures Made.
One hundred and fifty members of
the Ad-Selling league picnicked at
Carter I.ak rlnh Thursday. 'Ath
letic events were followed by a chick
en dinner. Two hundred and twen
ty-two prizes were awarded, ranging
in value, trom $MJU to a dime s worm
of'cookies. y
Fred Larkin, Lloyd Mattson,
Charles Duffie and Gus Miller'were
in charge. During the athletic
events Larkin Suffered a sprained
ankle and Ray Talbot was hit in the
eye with a base ball. Harry B.
Whilehouse supervised distribution
of the prizes.
Motion pictures of the picnic will
be shown at the Strand theater soon.
Vote Bonds 'for Gas Plant.
'Central City. Neb., Aug. 1J. (Spe
cial.) In the election held Tuesday
to vote on issuance of bonds amount
ing to $25,000 for the purchase and
maintenance' of the Central City gas
plant. -the bonds carried by a lead
of 250 votes. v
Accept this as a personal invita
tion to yourself and friends to
visit this new store tomorrow
Our Formal Opening Day.
Second Floor, Brown Blk.,
Haas Brofh
Announcing for
Saturday, August 14th
of Our Magnificent New Daylight
Apparel Mm
f Entire Second Floor Brown Block
- ' 16th and Douglas f
A wonderful exhibition of Fall & Winter
Suits - Wraps - Coats
Dresses - Skirts - Blouses
A magnificent all-new assemblage of the
favored Fashions for the approaching sea
son will greet you here on Opening Day.
A real style education for the woman
who cares. "
Combined with this special exhibition, we are offer
ing most unusual values in every department. It is
.indeed the ideal time to make apparel selections
for fall.
e- .L l r i
oixicenin una uou(iti.
ifega naas premiers !SS-s
gjjT"k EUrator, Sixteenth Street EntranceS 'g? -J
Youths Held by Police Jook
Stories of Wild West
Cowboys, Indians and Mexicans
in the western wilds of Nebraska
caused "Robert Walsh and Joseph
Ray, both 20 years old, of South
Bend, Ind., to carry .32 caliber re
yolvcrs up their sleeves while visiting
in Omaha, they told Judge Foster in
Central police court yesterday.
The boys were arrested Wednes
day afternoon in the pawnshop of I.
Gerber, 410 South Tenth street, wheu
they asked Gerber to change a $20
bill for them. ,
They said the sight, of several
Jde.xicans at the railroad statiou
when they dismounted from their
train caused them to- believe the
stories of the wild and wolly west
they had heard applied to Omaha.
Judge Foster confiscated the 're
volvers and took the boysunder his
wing. ' "
"We are civilized out here," he
told them. "You are protected. You
don't need to carry revolvers."
The judge took them to the Y. M.
C A., where lie arranged for a room '
for them until the earn enough
monev to pay their way back home
1 to Indiana. ' ' ' v?
Labor Opposes War
London, Aug. 13. The' opposition)
of British labor to assistance in
day with unanimity at a conference
reresenting all elements oi me woi
representing all elements of the
workers. ,
Resolutions adopted "hailed wtthj
satisfaction the Russian govern
ments declaration in tavor ot -tne
.AmM.t. inil.nAnrl.iii. "if TVllanH.'
r n A nl.rfnrn
OHU "eVl. ..IS. Mr . 1
Silk Gloves for
79c and 98c a pair
Fownes' yashable silk
gloves, in white only,
may be , had Saturday
for 98c a pair.
Kayser two-ciasp silk
gloves, in black and
white, are priced 79c a
Sale of Odd
Table Cloths
Double damask linen
cloths which are slight
ly soiled, hence the re
ductions of almost half.
Four $30.0,0 cloths
(2x3 yds.f $17.50
One $25.00 cloth
(214x214 yds.), $15
Three $27.50 cloths
(2l2x2l2 yds.), $16.50
One $35.00 cloth
(2i2x3 yds.), $20
One $50.00 cloth
(2ijx3 yds.), $25
On Sale Saturday.
French Voile Blouses
for $5.95
Fine French voile blouses, mostly over-blouses, in white
and light colors, will be placed on sale Saturday.
Touches of hand work and distinctive trimmings make
them a bit finer than ordinary wash blouses, with all
the charm of a French hand-made. 1
Values to $15, Saturday, $5,95
-The Store for Blouses, Third Floor.
Sorosis Slippers
'for A Great Savings
A choice of any pump or oxford in stock, with Louis
heels, for only
$8.85 a Pair '
This includes all of our new
and seasonable pumps, ox
fords and two-eyelet ties.
Pumps of dull kid, patent
leathered white Nile cloth,
Theo ties of dull kid, two-eyelet
ties of suede, patent, dull
kid and white Nile cloth, ox
fords of patent leather, dull
kid, brown kid and white kid,
Values from $11 to
$16, Saturday $8.85
' Shoe Department, Main Floor
The new Fall colorings
may be had in velvet
that is wonderfully soft
and silken in texture.
Black, Brazil nut, duck
blue, taupe, dark seal,
mole and navy are of
fered. .
A large selection of at
tractive colorings, vivid
hues that the season fa
vors, and grayed shades
for those who prefer
them, are offered in fine
woolen plaids for smart
Fall skirts.
Fabrics, Main Floor.
A Sale -of Silk
Hose for $2.69
Pure thread silk hose,
silk to the top, in a
very sheer, fine gauze
weight, may be had
in black and African
brown for $2.69 a pair.
Main Floor.
Children' s Socks
And infants' half and
three-quarter hose are
greatly reduced. A splen
did selection of colors and
Center Aide, Main Floor.
Odd Corsets
Remaining from previ
ous sales, some brocaded;
others of plain fabrics;
an assortment that in
cludes Lily of France, La
Grecque, Wenoma and
other well known makes,
qualities originally to
$7.50, Saturday for
$2.29 and $3.98.
Second Floor.
A Clearance of
But tons
Fifty dozen buttons,
ranging in price from
35c to $2.25 a dozen, .
will be sold Saturday
for 10c and 25c a dozen.
'A miscellaneous assort
ment that includes jet,
brass, painted china, a
few silk covered, fili
gree and Persian but
tons, all on sale
- Saturday for 10c
and 25c a dozen.
Notions, Main Floor.
Paraspl Sales
, Women's parasols are now
selling for just one -half
their former prices.
Children' parasols have
been greatly reduced.
uit to the Left as You Enter.
Reductions In
Mum, a very fine de
odorant, Saturday, 19c.
Haskins' cocoa hard
water Castile soap is
priced six cakes for 42c.
Main Floor.
In the Men's Shop
Bathing Suits
are reduced for an im
mediate clearance.
$10.00 suits for $6.00.
$ 7.50 suits for $4.50.
$ 5.00 suits for $3.50.
Union Suits, $1.49
Nainsook or lisle suits,
wonderful values for
this low price.
Wash Neckwear
has been reduced for
Saturday's selling. '
$2.00 wash ties, $1.49.
$1.50 wash ties, $1.00.
$1.00 wash ties, ' 75c.
75c wash ties, 50c.
50c wash ties, 85c.
Three ties for $1.00.
August Shirt Sale
Economies are well
worth an inspection.
rYou will perceive the
wisdom of supplying
your Winter need now.
$3 shirts for $2.65.
$4 shirts for $3.15. 1
;$5 shirts for $4.05.
Fibre and silk shirts
are also reduced.
To the Left as You Enter.