Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 14, 1920, Page 10, Image 10

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Miss Rollins a
Mr. and Mrs. C H. Rollins an
nounce the marriage of their daugh
ter, Peggy, to Marion L. Evans, jr.,
of Stormhurst, III. The ceremony
was performed in Galesburg on
Thursday, August 12, at the Meth
odist Episcopal parsonage, Rev.
Dimmctt officiating. Mr. and Mrs.
Evans have gone to Glacier park for
a wedding trip. They will be at
home after September 1 at Stormhurst.
Mrs. Evans was a very popular
Omaha girl. She attended school
in Illinois and Pomona, Cal. Mr.
Evans, who is a graduate of Cornell
university, completed his schooling
in Berlin.
Mr. and Mrs. Rollins attended the
wedding. They will leave Saturday
night for six weeks in Colorado.
The women of Pitcairn Island, de
scended from English sailors and
Otaheitan mothers, are described as
being unusually graceful as well as
vigorous. It is a common sight to
see the young women of the island
go up and down the steep, rocky
shores, carrying barrels of water
or other heavy burdens on their
shoulders, apparently with as much
ease as the young men do.
Heat Saps Power;
Store up Energy
lion perfect with Dr.' NT
Keep digestion perfect
Caldwell' Syrup Pepsin and you
will have strength to work
SUMMER is the season of vaca
tions, of slowing up in work.
And there is a eood reason for it Heat
is enervating ao work quickly Urea.
But people must work, and we should
all keep curatives in such fine physical
condition that w can do our share
evan in hot weather.
Of first importance Is to see that there
is a regular, daily bowel elimination. If
you ski" a day you are constipated.
Constipation, especially in summer, is
quickly followed by fatigue, loss of
appetite, chills and colds. There is no
energy for work.
When you feel constipated and oat of
sorts, more tired than you know the
circumstances warrant, take a spoonful
of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. This
delightful laxative-tonic is a combina
tlonof simple laxative herbs with pepsin
and can be bought at any drug store.
Syrup Pepsin wilt quickly relieve
your constipation and give you a feeling;
of lightness and clear headedness.
Mr. Walter of 441 Minnie St.. San Fran
cisco, had to quit work because of con
stipation, colds and a train of other ills.
- He took Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin
and promptly recovered bis health and
strength and is now at work again.
Yon will make no mistake getting
yourself a bottle of Syrup Pepsin and
taking a little at the first sign of
1 Milions of people of all ages sujer from occasional or
ftj m d m chronic constipation. Let them send name and address
P l12lj toDr.W.B. Caldwell, ?ia Washington St, Monticetto,
lll.,forafree sample bottle of his wonderful Syrup Pepsin.
8 million bottles were bought at drug stores last year, the largest sale in the world.
of quality and at prices Saturday, that will enable you to place a new
Mattress on every bed in the home. There is, as you know, a satis
faction in having a good, well-made Mattress on yqur bed. It means
a DClier nigma rest any ocibcr uay nuii. y
Take Advantage of This Special
One Day Mattress Sale
You will find a values in every purchase made at the Bow en
Store. , '
" We have grouped the Mattresses in four lots, and each
lot is the best value for the money ever offered. Examine
them and sec for yourself. ' '
45-lb. Cotton Mattress made
up in Art Ticking with Roll edge
Saturday, Special Q p
Price, only eeOU
Lot 3
43 lb. Cotton Felted Mattress
extra heavy ticking, Saturday,
Special Price,
Lot 2
45-lb. Mattress, Cotton Felted,
Art Ticking,roll edge. Extra
good value, Saturday Special
Lot 4
50-lb. Cotton Felted Mattress.
An extraordinary value, Satur
day, Special tf f J Cf
Price, only P I eUV
We sl the celebrated
. Sealy Tuftless Mattress
' Ask to see one when in the store. We likewise specialize
in the making of
Box Spring Mattresses
Leave your order with us when you want one made.
Our Drapery Department
(Second Floor)
holds thousands of attractive
Value-Giving opportunities,
for those who wish some
thing exclusive in design
and, making all our Draper
ies as we do, excellence in
A recent arrival of a
heavy shipment of hundreds
of the latest and most cov
eted , patterns makes the
choosing of your New
Draperies at Bowen's ex
ceedingly easy.
aosnae sx
MTwtCH ante
Skin Tortured Babies Sleep
Mothers Rest
Aftejr Cuticura
sW.Otatet.Tlem4k.mrThn. fmmto
If HUNT'S Sal teUa la the
tmrmoit oft TCH, KC2KMA.
ethw Itchlnt sfctBdliMisa. Try1
1i seat bo at our risk.
Sherman t McConnell Drug Ce.
The marriage of Miss Frances
Laura Bollard, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. H. H. Bollard, to J. Ralph
Dykes will take place Saturday
evening at 7 o'clock at the home of
the bride's parents, Rev. D. D.
Proper of the First Baptist church
officiating, v
The bride will wear a gown ot
white taffeta and Dutchess lace and
a veil or tune, one win carry a
shower bouquet of brides roses and
white swee'.neas
Miss Elizabeth Morgan, her only
attendant, will wearpink organdie
r.nd will carry pink roses.
Charles F. Hardy will serve as
best man, and little Philip Bollard
will carrv the rinsr in a basket of
A reception will be held following
the ceremony, after which Mr.
Dykes and his bride will leave for
an eastern trip, iney win De at
home after October IS at 3016 Ma
son street.
Mr. Dykes came to Omaha from
Salisbury, Md. He is a graduate of
the University of Maryland.
Miss Bollard attended the Univer
sity of Nebraska and is a member of
Alpha Omicron Pi sorority.
Mr. and Mrs. I. L. -Brandeis of
Council Bluffs announce the mar
riage of their daughter, Edith, to
Max Steinberg, which will take place
Sunday August 22, at the Danish
hall in Council Bluffs, Rabbi M, N.
Taxoti of Omaha officiating.
Miss Ivy Seigal of Omaha will be
maid of honor and the bridesmaids
will ie the Misses Jennie Gross and
Minnie Heisentatt, both of Omaha.
Little Rose Brandeis will be flower
girl ant' Helen Steinberg will be the
ring beirer.
Sam Steinberg will serve as best
man. tne usners win De xiarry
Chernass and Harry Malashock of
The cciiple will be at home atter
September 5, at 202 South Tenth
street, Council Bluffs.
ilr. and Mrs. H. Rubin announce
the marriage of their daughter," Ida
Sarah Tuchman, to Arthur Rubin.
on Sundav, Angust 1. at ,the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Rubin. Rabbi j
Taxon read the wedding service. !
Swimrafrg Party.
Miss Regina Clancy was hostess
number of friends corhph-
Clancy's. Guests present were:
Marie Casey. Adele Becker, Julia
Foley, Kitherine Kaneft, Marie
Tobin, Madge Butke, Eva McCall,
Reeina Clancey. Edward Clanciy,
Gerald Harrington, Leo Dailey,
Tack McAndrews, Dick OBnan
Tom Lowrey .William McGowan.and
Willard Burke. Mr. and Mrs. K. G.
Clancey chuperontd.
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Dickens an
nounce the marriage of their daugh
ter, Mildred Elizabeth, to M. D.
Spaulding, both of Omaha, on Au
gust 4. The wedding took place in
rremont. t
Mrs. W. C. Tompkins entertained
eight guests at a Unarming home
luncheon Friday at 1 o'clock. Honor
Ernests were Mrs. Marv Hood of Al
bion, N. Y., and Mrs. John Ferguson
of Grand Island.
Mrs. William T. Burns of New
York City, who isisiting her par
ents, Judge and Mrs. J. W. Wood-
rough, entertained at .luncheon Fri
day at the Omaha club. , Garden
flowers formed the centerpiece and
covers were placed for Mesdames
Walter Byrne, Earl Burket, Cecil
Hitchen, George Howell, Harold
Thomas, Carl Hopkins, Everett
Burke, Zora Hamilton, -Nile Booth,
Morton Engelman, J. W. Wood
rough and the Misses Mary Taylor,
Sarah Sears, Helen Weeks and Mrs.
Burns. x
Mrs. Burns will return home Au
gust 20.
Basket Picnic.
Tost A of the Travelers' Protec
tive association will hold a basket
picnic at Elmwood park Saturday,
August 21, at 3 p. m. A ball game
will be one of the features. Gus
Miller has the program in charge.
Lawn Social.
The Holy Name church will give
a social on the church lawn Wed
nesday evening. The proceeds will
be used toward the .erection of a
new school buildincr.
Miss McHugh
to a
mentary to her guest. Miss Mare-
Casey, of Chicago, for a swimming
j party Tuesday evening at Clear
Lake, la. Dinner was .served at
"Edgewood." summer home of the
Anyone Now-Can Have
Pretty Curls and Waves
' Hair tortured with the hot curling iron
is bound to become dry, harsh and brittle,
as so many know from sad experience.
It's far more sensible to use the simple
silmerine metfiod, which can do no harm
and which produces a curliness much
prettier and more natural in appearance.
And the effect lasts much longer, par
ticularly in hot, moist or windy weather.
Silmerine is also a fine dressing; for the
hair, preserving its texture and health,
keeping it delightfully soft and glossy.
Liquid silmerine is not sticky or
greasy and it won't stain or streak hair
or scalp. Get a few ounces from the drug
gist, pour aMittle into a saucer and with
a clean tooth: brush apply evenly to the
hair just before doing it up. The added
glory to your "crowning glory" will be
quite remarkahle. ,
For Visitor.
Mrs. A. S. Pinto entertained at
a Kensington rnaay atternoon at
the Prettiest Mile club in honor of
Mrs. L. C. Fix of Philadelphia, Pa.,
guest of Mrs. S. S. Montgomery.
Travelers Return.
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Long and
three children have returned from
Colorado, where they spent some
time on a ranch near Yuma and at
Colorado Springs and Manitou.
They were joined by Mr. Long at
Colorado Springs and arrived in
Denver in time to witness some of
ft - ,
Carter Lake
Fontenelle chapter, Order of East
ern Star, Kensington club will en
tertain at a swimming party, fol
lowed by a picnic luncheon, at the
Carter Lake club Tuesday afternoon,
August 17. Mrs. C. G. Hargadine
will have charge of the arrange
ments. Mrs. G. H. Furness entertained 10
children at a picnic party Friday
afternoon at the club grounds, in
honor of the fourth birthday anni
versary of her daughter. Alice May.
Miss Grace Mahaffey has returned
from Colorado, where she spent the
past two weeks.
Lakoma Club
miss rate a. Mcriugn Has re
turned from Denver, whee she vis
ited her sister, Mrs. Edwin Piatt.
Asked about her plans for the com
ing year, Miss , Mcriugh used the
word joater. umana people sus
pect, and even find evidence to sup
port a Relief, that this merely means
freedom from routine with leisure
for further progress on the part of
Miss McHugh in the art of living,
nd a large sharing of that art with
the community in which she resides
' Kathcrine Alleman entertained 12
friends at the Field club Friday aft
ernoon in honor of her 14th birth-
Hlay anniversary.
Among tnose who have reserva
tions at the Field club for dinntr
Saturday evening are H.
and Floyd Master.
the scenes during the tramway
strike riots and one in which three
persons were. killed and a score or
more wounded.
For Miss Bushee.
Miss Carolyn Miller entertained
complimentary to Miss Bernice
Bushee of Kimball, a guest of Miss
Katherine Reynolds, at the Athletic
club Friday evening. Swimming
was followed by dancing and sup
per on the roof garden. The quests
were Miss Busheee, Miss Reynolds
and Miss Miller; Dr. Charles Heider,
David Broad well and Ray Phelps.
League of
Women Voters
The Joy Of A
Perfect Skin
Know the joy and
' happiness that comes
f to one thru possessing
a skin f purity and
5 beauty. The soft, dis
. tinguished appearance it
renders bnngs out your
natural beauty to Its full
est In use over 70' years.
1SI 'l
A group of women who are inter
ested in the League of Women Vot
ers met at the home of Mrs. H. H.
Baldrige Friday morning to com
plete plans for the mass meeting
called for Monday at 2:30 p. m. in
the council chamber of the city hall.
Mrs. E. S. Rood, director of the Se
ond congressional district for the
Nebraska league, called the meeting.
The meeting Monday is open to the
public and all women interested m
the new citizenship for women are
urged to attend.
For the past 67 years, Miss
Miranda Steele, 84 years eld, has
been employed in the same mill in
Claremont. N. H.
Among those who entertained at
dinner at Lakoma Lake club Thurs
day evening were Mrs. Charles F.
Grunig, who had 10 guests; Mrs.
Chris Melcher, eight; R. Bowen,
five, and Mrs. James H. Adams,
four. ,
Happy Hollow '
Reservations have been made at
Happy Hollow for the dinner-dance
Saturday evening by J. B. Carring-
ton and Mrs. E. Holmquist.
Field Club
A. Wier
Winter Dancing Club.
The Winter Dancing club will
hold a smoker and business meeting
hnday evening at the home of Earl
H. Burket. 1331 Thirty-third street
Prettiest Mile Club.
Ihere will be a dinner dance at
the Prettiest Mile club Saturday eve
ning. Keservations must be in be
tore 8 p. m. rriday.
i a .j 1 .ill
J n
r J 1 If
1 ..r-rJJvwKf
.' it i ii
ir m m 1 ii il .i ,
ivrvar run iwi
r-v ssVm tw j ufmf r- m m i
Miss Callie McConnell is spending
several weeks at Minnesota lakes.
Mrs. Clement Chase will return
from Pasadena, Cal., about August
20. .
, Miss Zula Johns is a visitor a
home of Mrs. J. E. Waller in
Mrs. C. C. Becker of Lincoln
visiting her sister, Mrs. Lester
Klein. .
Miss Cornelia Baum is rccoverin
from an attack of pneumonia at the
Blackstone. A
Mrs. Carrie Wilson is the guest
heY sister, Mrs. Wilford Johnston,
in. Lincoln.
Fiorence and Jeanette Shames are
spending a summer vacation in Col
orado Springs.
Miss Minnie Bowser is visiting at
the home of her uncle, H. F. Duerf
baum of Yutan.
Miss Genevieve and Calnon Feif-
ton are in Lincoln visiting Mr. and
Mrs. William Fenton.
Colors for Babies
i ve torgotten whether Dink is
the color for boy babies or for girls.
Can you tell mer Ihis is a ques
tion that's often asked. Not that it
makes a bit of difference to the
baby, of course, but it's a Question
about which no two doting mothers
or grandmothers or aunts seem to
agree. Just the other day, however,
we heard a rule, which, even though
there seems to be no special reason
for it, is easily remembered, and so
we're passing it on. Here it is: Pink
is tor girl babies; blue lor boys.
You can remember this because
'boy" and "blue" both begin with-the
letter "b."
35c Nichol's Roach Powder,
at .....23
50c Samuels' 3-P - Capsules,
at 29t
20c Charcoal and Soda Mint
Tablets 10t$
25c Lysol ..16
1.25 Lyko Tonic ..$1.00
$1.75 Bath Spray $1.35
60c Miona Tablets 38
$1.25 Hostetter's Bitters, 98
60c Liquid Veneer 42
25c Phenolax Wafers 19
35c Energine 27
$1.00 Sdftiibb's Liquid Pe
trolatum 83
x35c DeMar's Shaving Cream,
extra special . .X.23
50c Orazin Tooth Paste,
at .27
30c Mavis Talcum Powder,
at 19
25c Mennen's Violet Tal
cum 16
40c Castoria 27
60c Lavoris 46
60c Cocoanut Oil Emulsion
Shampoo T.. .39
60c Beaton's Brilliantine, 39
50c Kodol Dyspepsia Tablets,
at ....39
25c Bandoline, light or dark,
at ..19
25c, ',4 -lb. Peroxide Hydrogen,
at -.10
Leonard's Ear. Oil $1.00
60c Danderine 45
30c Mentholatum ......17
$3.75 Horlick's Malted Milk,
at ...,...$2.98
Quality the highest priced
, lowest by comparison.
Beauty Secret
Lifts out lines
Draws out blackheads
Seduces enlarged pores
Bleaches the skin
Corrects sallow-skin
70c Sal " Hepatica .... 53
50c Eatonic '....34
35c Freezone 27
35c Sloan's Liniment. .. .21
60c Canthrox 45
$1.10 S. S. S. 83
15c Irish Linen Writing Tab
lets 10 i
50c Rubber Bath Sponges,
at ...38
Virginia Dare
A drink of
quality for all
hospitable oc
casions. It's a
real wine. "v
' Millions
- Drink
It .
Quart botfles. . - SI. 00
60c Walnutta 49
$1.25 Manicure Scissors, 89
35c Nichol's Bed Bug Powdter,
, at .25
Beaton's Freckle
: . . .
at ,
at ....
15c Wash
Goutorbe Face Powder,
Cloths 9
60c Nadine Face Powder, 39
DeMar's Talcum Powder, 20
Beaton's Cold Cream for tan
and sunburn 25
Walker Foot Powder for tired
and aching feet, at. . . .50
Films Developed Free When
Prints Are Ordered.
Good service, food pic
tures spells the wonderful
business we are enjoying
since doing our own developing.
$3.50 Mary Garden Extract,
per ounce . . .$2.15
75c Locust Blossom Extract,
per ounce .49
75c White Rose Extract, per
ounce 39
30c Resinol Soap 22
15c Lux Soap l6
30c Shah of Persia Soap,
at -.19
20c Pears' Unscented Soap,
at ......12
J. H. S. Panaiella, 3 for 20
Box of 6Cr. .$3.00
8c Autocrat, each ........ 6
San Torin ......5
Ladina, can of 25.... $1.75
New Bachelor 7
Beaton Drug Company
15th and Farnam Streets
Mail Orders Receive Our Most Careful Attention
Making Hand Tucks.
The hardest part of making tucks
by hand is getting them even, yet
tLey are a pretty trimming and a
great convenience on children's
dresses. Make them on the ma
chine, using the tucker, a coarse
needle, and no thread, creasing
firmly as you work. Then it is
easy to use the needle holes as a
guide for the hand sewing, and the
result is quick and even work.
June Groves spent a few days this
week in Lincoln, where she attended
the annual picnic of the Willard sor
ority of Wesleyan university.
New York. (Special correspond
ence.) The woman who wears one
of these black taffeta and white or
gandy combinations engages in a
constant firtation with the cleaner.
Yet does she care? Not when .she
is sustained and soothed by the un
taltering trust that everybody else is
doing it. Meanwhile all manner of
new versions of this combination are
found. Here is one of the very latest
and, incidentally, we behold in the
tunic drapped at the side one of the
late manifestations of fashion. The
same mode may be applied, in fact.
to any of the various silk combina
tions of the pummer. ror example,
a figured foulard would be charm
ing if drapped in this way over a
georgette skirt trimmed perhaps with
bands of the figured fabric.
Miss Mildred Walker left Wed
nesday for Columbus, Neb., where
she will be the guest of Miss jiulalia
Miss Frances Edwards, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis T. Edwards,
returned home Monday from the
University of California at Berkeley
where ''she attended special kinder
garten classes and studied music.
While in the west Miss Edwards
visited in Ontario, Cal., at the home
of the Silas Brewster family, for
merly of Omaha, and in Los Angeles
she was the guest of Mr. and Mrs.
John Sorenson.
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Murphy, ir,
will leave soon to make their per
manent, home in Grcclev, Neb.
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Harvej
announce the birth ot a daughter,
Elizabeth Jane, on August 10, 1923,
Mrs. B. F. Crummer and son, Dr,
I.eRoy Cruniiiier, returned Sunday
trom the Adirondack mountains)
where they spent several weeks.
ir- V i T r p . ''11
:ur. ana jurs. v. roiooi win
return trom .Northeast Harbor, Me., f
about September 15. Miss Virginia 1
Crofoot, who is traveling in Eng-
land, will return in time to resutnf 1
her studies at Vassar college. ' yfj
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Horn, wl
were married last April, leave 5atuv
day on a belated honeymoon trip tjr
T . . I 1 1 .l 1-1.- 1
lJctrou, oiicn., ana noruierii ihkc re
sorts. "Miss Horn was formerly Miss
Elsie Golden.
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Browcr re
turned from Colorado Springs Fri
day, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs.
J. H. Brower of St. Louis, who w.U
return home Saturday. The couples.
. frc A TT "TliamrmH tine 3Q hr
guest Miss Sadie Grawoig of ChW
cago. Miss Rea Grawoig, whose en
gagement to Jess Pregler of Omaha
was announced recently, is also 'a
guest of, her sister, Mrs. Diamond.
i A
Miss Marian Wyman has returned
home after attending the summer
session for secretaries at Boulder,
Cofo., during the summer. Miss
Wyman will spend a short time here
with her parents before taking up
secretarial duties at the Y; W. C. A.
at Lincoln. Miss Wyman stopped
en her way home for a short visit
with her friend. Ruth Sheldon, who
entertained in her honor.
Problems That Perplex
Answertrf By
"Royal Turin
Chopped N Citron and
Maraschino Cherries
flavored with Royal
Ice Cream
I Your Dealer Can Supply You (
The Fairmont Creamery Co.
He Persists in Caring.
Dear Miss Fairfax, Omaha Bee: I
a.i a girl, just 20, and I am engaged
to a young man of the same age.
We have been going together a few
years, but now we are separated.
My love for him Is growing less, but
his persists to be the same or
greater since I left him, and I won
dered if ft woud be safe for me to
marry him, as Ve are planning on
doing very soon. Will married life
cure him of it?
Flease give me your honest opin
ion ort this, Miss Fairfax.
Your letter doesn't sound very en
couraging to a marriage. Do you
wish to cure him of caring for you
Are you willing to marry him whnfcn
you are not sure of your own 'Soil
ings? I advise to wait a. year! for
two. Perhaps you can then JuJ"9
for yourself more clearly. . ,'
P. K Council Bluffs: I would ad
vise you not to write to the motion
picture actors you mention. They
would not laugh at you, because
they would never see your letters.
No doubt they receive hundreds of
letters from admirers which are
opened by their secretaries , ail
which they never see. Save you
energy and direct It in some mojr
useful way.
mum KM:m w imtm mmu i.i imim hi mm
Harney St.
Best Cut Fancy 171
Pet Roast, per lb.. 1 "C
Fancy Xoun Veal OP
Roast, per lb 6JC
Young Mutton 1 P
Shoulders, per lb...T. IOC
48-lb. Sack Mar- Q Cf
shell's Best Flour. . pO.OU
6-lb. Sack Marshall's
Best Flour TrOC
Large Cans Dundee 1 OJL-
Milk, per can lsti2C
12 Bars Big 4 d "I ff
Naptha Soap P 1 tUU
Ginger Ale, 1 P
Pint Bottles IOC
Central Special Coffee,
per lb
Come Once
nd You Will
. Come
Always !
LB.' ...52tfo
Prime Rolled Rib 071,, Pig Pork Roast, OtZ-kf
Roast, per lb I fC per lb .SOC
Fancy Young Veal IP- Legs Fancy Young- OC.
Breast, per lb ... 1 p C Mutton, per lb . .y.
We make our Wienies, Frankfurts, Bologna and other Sau
sages fresh every day. , Trv some today they are just fine.
-iz-iD. sacK luarsnau s Qfl
Best Flour 7vFC,
24-lb. Sack Mar
shall's Best Flour.
Qt. Mason Jars,
per dozen
Quaker Oats,
2 packages
No. 3 Cans Apricots,
in syrup ,
Advo Jell, assorted,
2 packages
Best Creamery Bulk
Butter, per lb
Coconut Jumbles,
per lb
Extra Fancy Elberta Peaches,
35 c
3-lb. Can
Fancy Pink Salmon,
3 cans
Ginger Ale,
Quart Bottles
Advo Ice Cream
Powder, per pkg. . .
1 Extra Santos Coffee
I per lb., 35c; 3 lbs. for.
Strictly Fresh Checked A A
. 15c
Finest Grade Yellow FjUll
Cream Cheese, Oft.
per lb 6V C
Speecial Today only Fresh
Graham Crackers, by OO
can, per lb s&OC
Extra Fancy Italian Blue
Prunes, per basket, j0 Q
75c; per crate.... $ijJ
Eggs, in cartons, doz .
Fairy Soda Crackers,
by can, per lb ,
Fresh Strawberries, Red Rasp
berries, Wild Plums and fresh
fruits and vegetables of al)
kinds. -, . ,
Sherman & McConnell Drug Co,