Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 13, 1920, Page 2, Image 2

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Jf Tariffs Are Revised Grain
Can Be Shipped Via Lakes,
, Governor Harding
. Declares.
By E. C. SNDYER, '
Waahiaftoa Cormpondent Omaha Bee.
Washington, Aug. 12. (Special
Telegram). Following assurances
of Chairman Clark of the Interstate
Commerce commission that the pro
posal to readjust rail rates between
the seaboard and upper lake ports,
so as to make lake transportation
of grain agiin profitable, was looked
upon with favor by the commission.
Governor W. L. Harding of Iowa
and J. R. Howard, president of the
American harm Bureau leaeration,
requested Daniel Willard of the rail
way executives' association to ask
the lines affected to voluntarily
agree to the proposed rate readjust
This action follows the disclosure
of the fact that rate manipulations
had practically driven lake transpor
tation out of business. Where, pre
vious to 1916. heavy tonnages were
moved in both directions on the
great lakes and at very low rates,
these bottoms now are largely idle,
and the resulting burden thrown
upon the railroads from the middle
west to the seaboard constitutes one
of the big reasons for the present
costly freight congestion.
To Relieve Shortage.
"Boats capable of carrying the
equivalent of 75,000 car loads of
grain per trip would be immediately
available if these rates were prop
erly adjusted," saitl Governor Hard
ing. "There is no justification for
a rate of 10 cents per bushel between
Buffalo and New York when the
rate for the entire haul from Chi
cago to New York is only 13.8 cents.
The rate for the western end of the
trip should be raised and that for
the eastern end lowered. The rail
service between Chicago and Buf
. falo represents 60 per cent of thi
Vjrait service between Chicago and
New York. If this 60 per cent of
energy in railroad, man power and
mechanical equipment could be
saved by utilizing the lakes and di
verted to other districts and other
commodities :t would soon bring
about a very favorable improvement
in the entire transportation situa
tion. Cars should shuttle back and
forth between the grain fields and
the lake elevators at the western
end of the line and in the same way
between Buffalo and the seaboard,
thus avoiding the long hauls and
emptpr return trips now necessary."
Fanners Are Big Losers.
"The entire American Farm Bu
reau federation is solidly back of
this proposition." says President
Howard, "and will insist that what
ever action may be necessary be
taken at once tc utilize every avail
able means of transportation.
"Losses to farmers are mounting
high into the millions of dollars be
cause of inability to ship their prod
ucts to market. Any petty, artificial
trade obstructions cannot be al
lowed to stnd in the way of what
ever transportation relief may be
devised or discovered.
"The railroads," said Mr. Howard,
"have recently received extraordi
narily liberal treatment at the hands
of the Interstate Commerce com
mission, and this is the time for
them to come forward and voluntar
ily agree to the readjustment of
these water-rail rates and thus re
lieve the situation at once, without
waiting for the slower and more
costly legal processes."
Will Break Bottle of
Wine on Omaha Balloon
Mary H. Anslcad, IS years old,
of Cleveland, who is visiting Cap
tain Henry C. White, commander of
Fort Omaha and his wife, will break
a bottle of real champagne across
the basket of the racing balloon now
under construction at the fort. The
balloon is entered in the Interna
tional races at Chicago.
Jane Peters, S years old, held the
silk bag from which the , names of
IS girls entered in the sponsor con
test were drawn.
Omaha Man Gets Skiff
Back; Three Are Arrested
Plattsmouth. Neb., Aug. 12.
;. (Special.) Two of three men cap-
they are alleged to have stolen from
an Omaha man were returned to
Omaha today by members of the
Omaha police force. The third man
thought to be a deserter from Fort
Crook, and returned to the military
authorities at that post. Although
the three men were armed, the owner
of the skiff, who had come from
Omaha, took them into custody sin
gle handed from a boat secured at
the ferry landing here, disarmed
them and turned them over to the
local authorities.
Cass and Otoe Counties
Prepare for Reunion
Plattsmouth, Neb., Aug. 12. (Spe
cial.) Old settlers of Cass and Otoe
counties will gather for their annual
reunion Friday and Saturday, Au
gust 20 and 21, at Union. The affair
has been held yearly for more than
30 years. Among the entertainment
features this year will be the 20th
infantry band from Fort Crook.,
City Employes Get Baise.
Plattsmouth. Neb., Aug. 12.
(Special.) The city has raised the
wages of street department employes
from 45 to 55 cents per hour and de
creased the working day from 10 to
nine hours. A second requem by the
Plattsmouth Water company for an
increase in rates was referred to the
f irt and water committee.
New Game Warden.
Lincoln, Aug., 12. (Special.) A
hew game warden was added to the
force last night when the family of
Deputy Warden Elmer Heinzelman
was increased by the arrival of a
new Elmer Junior, according to a
message received by Chief Game
Warden Koster.
Reports That Poland Is in
Desperate Straits Not So,
Declares Col. Henry Reilly
Stories Picturing Polish Army as Beaten and De
moralized Are Due to Propaganda by Enemies
Inaccurate Reports of Untrained Observers and
Panic-Stricken Individuals Seeking to Justify
Their Actions in Running Away.
' AntTBla.
Xew Tork. Auc. 11 Vtndcllt. Olurew.
Cherbourg. Auc 11 Olympic, Antwerp.
Genoa, Auc t OotMppl Verdi, New
Callao, Aof. Siskiyou. San Francisco.
Mew Tork, Alls". 11 Pannonla, Trieste
fend Naples.
Glasgow, Ant. 10 Columbia, Mew Tork.
Ktw Tork. Auc. 11 Carolina, Bordeaux;
Saford, Cristobal ; Dungannon, San Fran
1 aisca.
Adelaide, Auc (Wait ifakwah. Ta
aoma. .
O las row, Aug; 19 Havllah, Tacoma, via
Panama canal.
Saa Francisco. Aup- 11 Colombia, Hong
kong; Manoa, Honolulu.
Sailings. '
; OUbraltar. Auc. Canople. New Tork.
Manchester. Aug. I Caledonia, Boston.
' Boston, , Aug. 11 Springfield, Pacific
oast ports. .
Now Tork, Aug., Van-
New Tork Times-Chicago Tribune Cable.
(Copyright, 1120.) -
Warsaw, Aug. 12. A personal in
vestigation of affairs in Poland dem
onstrates that the various reports
now flooding the press stating that
conditions are desperate, are not
founded on fact. .'
Admittedly the situation is serious
but the repeated attempts to picture
the Polish army as a beaten and de
moralized force, fleeing from a far
superior enemy, elated by victory.
whose occupation of Warsaw and
Lemberg is only a question of the
time necessary to march into them
are failures for three reasons:
Deny Panic Reigns.
"First, the reverse of the truth,
resulting from a orooaeanda by the
enemies of Poland; second, the in
accurate reports from observers un
trained in war; third, panic stricken
reports mostly from foreign individ
uals voiunianiv clearing oui anu
justifying their actions by methods
similar to runaways rrom battle
fields who always report that their
units have been exterminated.
Everywhere the stations are full
ot volunteers bound lor tne tront
receiving a patriotic send off. War
saw exceot for its stylish restaurants
and hotels appears normal. Martial
law has been declared, but few re
strictions have been imposed. The
usual lights by night are being main
tained. No enemy aviators so far
have dropped bombs. The govern
ment still is here. Ihe wounded
constantly are arriving but not in
large numbers. Among them are
a fair number of bolsheviks; the
lightly wounded prevail. There are
few bad fractures and losses of
limbs and some generally serious
wounds caused Joy shell fire. "
Little Shell Fire.
The wounded report there is little
shelling and that eight out of the
10 shells are duds. They are well
cared for and promptly are evacu
ated, American Red Cross chiefs
here actively taking care of them.
The spirit of the Polish people is
shown by the readiness of men and
women to volunteer in large num
bers in all classes of public service.
There are such cases as that of
Patik, former minister of foreign af
fairs, and Outowski, formerly secre
tary of the Russian embassy in
Washington, each 48 years old, who
enlisted at the front as privates. The
farmers voluntarily are giving their
horses and other needed supplies.
The railroad men's union has pre
sented to the country. and is oper
ating an excellent hospital train of
50 cars.
Retreat, Strategic One. .
The beginning of the retreat from
the Dnieper-Berezina line was not
the result of a decisive battle but
was caused by the outflanking of
detachments scattered along a large
front without sufficient reserve in
any section, plus the great superi
ority of the enemy of cavalry. The
retreat was not a lighting one in
which every step was contested
similar to the German retreat in the
second Marne battle, but was a pas
sive type of retreat ximilar to
Joffre's retirement from the frontier
to the first Marne where every at
tempt was made to avoid combat for
the purpose of retiring and con
centrating on a shorter and better
line for decisive combat.
Thus where the local situation de
manded, no serious effort was made
to stop the enemy. The defense of
Brest-Litovsk was not serious
similar to the fight fcefore Rheims
just preceding the first Marne. , A
defense of; the Bug river line -was
not attempted, the retirement across
that river being similar to the French
retirement south of the Aisne in
August. 1914.
There was a certain ajnount of
jflggjjPg ,B gksjmccyhput leave,
similar to all retreats under attacks
by superior numbers. The troops
are retiring slowly in good order. In
manv places the enemv is not Dress
ing the Poles and in other places on this presumption. I hope the an
Recognition of General Wran
gle by France Will Cause
British Parliament to
New York Tlmes-rntcago Tribune Cable,
" Copyright, llttO.
London, Aug. 12. The Anglo
French situation l:as taken an ex
tremely serious turn, owing to
French recognition of General
Wrangel as head of the de facto
government of south Russia. In
stead of adjourning the house of
commons Thursday, it was decided
to reassemble that body next Mon
day, when it is hoped the situation
will be more clearly defined. Prime
Minister Lloyd George Wednesday
night in the hr.use of commons
made the following statement:
"The French announcement was
placed in my hands only a short
time ago. I read it with great sur
prise and anxiety. No other infor
mation of this kind, either official
or otherwise, has been communi-
cated to me or tne toreign oince.
"Lord Curzon has communicated
with the French embassy, which had
heard nothing.
Doubts Announcement.
"I can hardly believe the an
nouncement is accurate, i met Pre
mier Millerand last Sunday and dis
cussed the whole situation with him
at great length. On Monday there
was no proposal nut before the con
ference to recognize General Wran
gel. There was some discussion as
to what would take place if the
soviet terms should be tound to be
unsatisfactory, and what action
should be taken in that contingency.
"I am certain that Premier Mil
lerand, from what I know of him,
would have communicated to me
such intention of the French gov
ernment, and that is why I am as
suming that the announcement must
be inaccurate. I do not believe the
French government authorized it.
The French announcement came
almost at the same time as the com
munique from America on the bol
shevik program, and Hritisn omciais
saw in the statements a lining up of
the United States and France as
against Italy and Great " Britain,
which miirht easily cause' a deep
breach into the entente ranks. Some
went so far as to say that the un
expected French announcement was
of a new policy adopted as a direct
result of the state department s pro
A hih British official, in reply to
a question regarding the meaning ot
the announcement at this particular
time, said: 1
Ther French evidently does not
believe the bolsheviki will play, fair
at Minsk and apparently are acting
. T 1 " il. .
Feeling Runs High , Against
Men Who Attempt to
, Evade Army Duty.
New York Tlme -Chicago Tribune Cable,
Copyright. 10!.
Warsaw, Aug. 12. So far as is
known, at no time nor place during
(he great war did the slacker re
ceive more distinct attention than is
awarded him these days at Warsaw.
W hue the response to the de
mands sw.h as wcrc voiced in one
big women's meeting, that all men
tetween the ages of 17 and 50 be
called to the colors has smoked out
nearly the last of this variety, occa
sionally one is found and life is
made miserable for him.
The clearest case illustrating what
the' populace prefers to do to such
persons 'came today, when, through
the accidental loosening of a big
bonnet, a small boy detected a
hearthy, full, grown young man
slinking along in feminine garb.
Every Polish boy has three palss
and this quartet sounded a shrill
alarmThat brought not only a score
of civilians, but two soldiers on the
lookout for just such an incident.
It was only with difficulty that the
military rescued this slacker, and
with bayonets touihing ribs on each
side of them, they started marching
down the street. . More than once
they were forced to whirl and turn
their points against the small mob
to prevent their lemoving the- rest
of the lady's clothing, which, by this
time had reached such a state as left
extremely little doubt as to sex.
A surprising but effective trick
that guards have teen employing in
such circumstances recently has
been to say that the prisoner is
merely suspected of being a bolshe
vik. This n-ually turns away the
crowd from the prisoner, while, if
they had believed him to be a slack
er, they would have made a deter
mined effort to make him pay the
full penalty foi his cowardice.
First Prpvided Postponement
Till August 24, the Other
Prohibited Any Ratifica
tion A'ction.
there is no contact whatever. Large
numbers of volunteers are waiting
for their first action. Wherever en
gaged so far they have done well,
showing determination and spirit.
with -considerable loss, one regiment
enduring 800 casualties while suc
cessfully resisting attack by superior
While the bolsheviki outnumbering
the Poles, threaten Warsaw and its
communication with Danzig and oc
cupy several geographical points,
they have not yet decided the (Cam
paign despite public belief to the
contrary. A decisive defeat can
only result from beating the Polish
army wherever it chooses to stand,
This decisive battle has not been
fought. The Polish position is seri
ous, but not desperate and is simi
lar to that of the French immediate
ly prior to the first battle of the
Marne. Similarly the chances of
Polish victory are good, should the
enemy risk a general assault when
the Poles are ready.
Lounge, Auto and Other
Lizards and He-Vamps
Have Eyebrows Plucked
New York, Aug. 12. Girls, what
do you think. Right here in New
York City who do you suppose is
stealing your stuff and taken to hav
ing his eyebrows plucked just like
any Broadway vamp?
Well, it is none other than Mr.
Man himself. In most any upper
Broadway barber snop between l
and 3 p. xn. the hours when the
lounge auto and orner varieties of
lizards and he-vamps drop in for
their daily dolling up one may see
the tonsorial artist busy with his
comb and tweezers reducing the eye
brows of the Sun Dodgers fraternity.
Nebraska Girl Chosen for
Princess at Exposition
Lincoln, Aug. 12. (Special.)
Governor McKelyie received a com
munication some time ago from the
management of the Cotton States
Exposition at Waco, Tex., asking
that a young woman in Nebraska be
appointed to act as princess at the
exposition, representing this state.
Ihe governor at once gave notice
that volunteers who could pay their
own expenses and be accompanied
by a proper chaperone, should notify
him and he would make the appoint
ment. .
He has selected Miss Eva Arm
strong of Wilsonville. Miss Arm
strong is 18 years old, a high school
graduate and a teacher.
State G. 0. P. Organizes
Norfolk Neb.. Aug. 12. (Special
Telegram.) Charles A. McCloud,
state chairman of the republican
committee, is in north Nebraska
completing organization. He an
nounced that Governor Coolidge
will come to Nebraska to speak and
that Senator Harding might be in
duced to make at least one visit to
this state.
i . .
Boy Loses Bight Hand.
-Norfolk. Neb.. Aug. 12. (Special
Telegram.) Elmer Classen, 18 years
old, employed in a local planing
mill, lost the greater portion of his
right hand while operating a cir
cular saw here.
Have Roo. Print
W . a
nouncement will not prejudice peace
negotiations, The contents of the
American communique ought to help
to bring the extremists of Moscow
to their senses.
Archbishop Mannix
Receives Messages
From Sympathizers
London, Aug. 12. Archbishop D.
J. Mannix, of Australia, who arrived
yesterday after having been techni
cally arrested on the liner Baltic and
taken ashore at Penzance, today was
overwhelmed f with messages from
sympathizers' in England, Scotland
and Ireland. They contained, be
sides expressions of indignation at
his arrest, invitations to address
meetings, according to a statement
by the prelate's secretary, Father
None present at the Nazareth
house convent where the archbishop
and Father Vaughan are residing,
would discuss reports published in
London that the archbishop was
seeking legal advice to determine
his chances in a suit against the
government. Authorities on the
subject however said that from a
purely legal viewpoint, it was be
lieved Archbishop Mannix could
have little hope of winning. The
reason given was that the govern
ment enjoys wide powers under the
defense of the realm act.
Printers Will Hold 1921
Convention at Quebec
Albany, N. Y Aug. 12. The In
ternational Typographical union
chose Quebec for the 1921 conven
The monthly per capita tax for the
maintenance of the union printers'
home in Colorado Springs, Colo.,
will be increased from 20 to 30 cents
under an amendment to the law ap
proved today.
Ihe report ot the. secretary-
treasurer showed the membership
to be 74,719. Total earnings for
the year ending May 31, last, were
$32,130,091, an increaseof 40 per
cent over the previous year. The
organization's total assets on July 31
last, were $1,966,903. .
Police Shatter Dreams of
Would-Be Movie Artists
Rockford. 111.. Aug. 12. Dreams
of cinema careers were shattered for
a dozen would-be artists when De
tective Manson dismissed the Black-
stone players studio in the Palace
theater building today. Frank B.
Havward. the detective informed the
students, had just been taken in
custody for criminally attacking a
Seattle girl of 14. Hayward drifted
into town with capital at ebb, and
started his studio. He charged big
fees, guaranteeing to make artists
out of most anybody. Several
prominent Rockford women were
enrolled in his classes. .
Blue Polka-Dot Ties Now
The Last Fashion Craze
New York. Aug. 12. Blue polka-
dot bow neckties are mere man's
latest fashion craze. Haberdashers
reported that the demand for dotted
blue '.'bat Wings" eclipsed any run in
recent years. I he craze is due, iney
declare, to newspaper photographs
which show Sir Thomas Lipton. the
famous Englishman,, and senator
warren u. Harding, the republican
candidate, wearinsr the tidy "bat
Left Hand Drive Mav
Cause Banishment of
U. S. Autos In England
Washington, Aug. 12. John Bull
is kicking about . American made
automobiles driven . from the left
hand side, as are the great majority
of motor cars manufactured, in. this
Because the rule of the road in
Great Britain compels the driver to
keep to the left, the exact opposite
of the rule in most ofiier countries,
all forms of transport are driven
there from the riirht hand side.
The importation of American
made motor cars with the left hand
drive, is consequently arousing
trouble and American " automobile
manufacturers it is learned here, are
being warned of a possibility that
cars ot this type may be barred
from the roads of England in the
At present, it is reported, the com
mittee of the ministry oi transport
is sitting to decide what action shall
be taken regarding the cars of left
hand drive already in England and
whether future import of such cars
shall be forbidden.
State Assessment
For General Fund
Shows Big Decrease
Lincoln. Neb.. Aug. 12. (Special.)
The State Board of Equalization
vesterdav announced that the general
state assessment for 1920 at $778,000,
000, with a reduction of the levy for
last year by Z.61 mills. 1 he reduc
tion was made possible by the in
crease in valuation of the state.
Lew for the general fund is an
nounced at 3.44 mills as compared to
4.80 mills last year. The capital
building fund levy is reduced from
1.50 mills to 1.10 mills. Levy for
the general university fund remains
at 1 mill; the university account .75
mills! snecial university fund .75
mills and the normal school fund 1
The state aid road fund levy is
cut from 3 mills to 2.21 and the state
and bridge fund levy from 21 to 15
mills. In fixinc the lew the equal
ization board states that 3.44 mills
for the eeneral fund will raise a suffi
cient amount to meet the require
ments of that fund.
High Grade Gasoline
Pumped From Tulsa Well
Tulsa, Qkl., Aug. 12. A water
well in the industrial section ot
Tulsa is giving up 60 gravity gaso
line For several davs negro ten
ants have been pumping the product
from the well and emptying it into
thp cutter, thinking kerosene , had
been poured into the well. Officials
of a local oil company were called
and pronounced the fluid gasoline,
but were unable to give an expla
nation. .
Nisbville.' Tenn., Aug. 12. Suf-
frae-sts in the lower house of the
Tennessee legislature today won an
other poin! in the fight for ratifica
tion of the . suffrage amendment,
when a joint resolution which would
hav nrohioited' action of ariV kind
of ratification, was tabled by a. viva
vocs vote. :
Suffrage forces yesterday won the
first skirmish of the battle for rati
fication of suffrage by the Tennessee
A joinU resolution to postpone
action until Aucrust 24 so that Ten
nessee mass meetings- on August 21
might express an opinion for or
against ratification was tabled in the
house, by a vote of 50 to 37 after a
debate which at times aroused the
members and the crowded galleries
to a high pitch of enthusiasm. Every
parliamentary advantage won by the
opposing forces was cheered.
Chairman Riddick of the house
committee of constitutional conven
tions and amendments to which was
Referred the joint resolution pro
viding for ratification of the amend
ment, announced last night that the
lower branch of legislature would
vote on ratification Friday. At the
same time Speaker Todd of the
senate stated that the upper house
also would act that day.
Opponents Busy.
While the campaign of the suf
fragists was moving forward, the
opposition was busy. Representa
tive Frask Hall, one of the authors
of the Vesolution to defer action, said
the measure was a sincere effort to
sound out the sentiment of the
state. Suffragists, however, charged
that the resolution was merely a cog
in the machinery of the opposition.
Undaunted by its failure, Repre
sentative Story later (introduced a
joint resolution which would prevent
action either for or against passage
or rejection.
Shot at Lobbyists.
Suffrage advocates and opponents
here from other states were targets
of a joint resolution offered in the
senate by Senator McFarland,
democrat, who is listed among jop
ponents of ratification. It wauld
ask the lobbyists to "please go away
ana let us alone we would much
prefer your room to your, company."
ihe men of lennessee, noted for
their integrity and chivalry, are de
sirous of doing in this case for their
women as they always have," it
adds, "and we feel we are fully
capable and competent to fight our
own fights without interference
from any outside people."
Representative J. Will Taylor in
formed the national woman's par
ty today that the republicans would
give a majority of their membership
in -each house to ratification.
Senator McKellar, active in the
contest for ratification, said he had
been confident of victory from the
beginning, but that the situation
now makes success a certainty.
Ralieigh, N. C, Aug. 12. Sixty
three of the 120 members of the i
lower house-of the North Carolina
legislature last night sent a message
to the lennessee legislature, assur
ing that body that jNorth Carolina
would not ratify the federal suffrage
amendment, and asking that the
amendment be not forced Upon the
people of North Carolina by Ten
Coal Operator Says
Fuel Prices Due for
Drop in Near Future
Chairman Suffers Broken .
Nose in One-Sided Fight
Fremont,' Neb.. Aug. 12. (Special.)
Arthur Schultz of Scribner, chair
man of the republican county cen
tral committee, sustained a broken
nose and other severe injuries at the
hands of John O. Brummett, John
Mudt, jr., and tamest Jiberhard, in
an altercation that took place in a
harvest field.
The men charge the republican
leader with making remarks casting
reflections upon one of them. H.e
denies this, and alleges a conspi
racy to assault him. The three were
fined $1 and costs each, by Justice
Kidder, but have appealed to the
district court.
Illinois Governor Plans
To Campaign for Harding
Chicago, Aug. 12. Governor Low-
den of Illinois, defeated for the re
publican nomination for the presi
dency, will be a speaker in Senator
Harding's campaign, it was an
nounced at republican headquarters.
Head of Society Seeks to
Place Homeless Children
The Rev. R. B. Ralls, superinten
dent of the Nebraska Children's
Home society. 307 Leflang building,
is seeking homes for two 8-year-old
gils, and three boys, 7 years old, 3
years old and 8 months old.
We Are Remodeling
Rather than move our stock to the new space we are preparing, we
are going to give the public an opportunity of buying d .
this merchandise, valued to $10, at small price of P at
Which is less than the cost of workmanship on any item.
Ladies' Shoes, high or low-heeled
styles, black or colored tops,
$7.50 values, per pair 994
All white Middy Suits, Smocks,
White Skirts and Children's
Dresses, while they last.. 81.49
AH Ladies' and Misses' Sport or
Straw Hats, values up to $5.00,
for 994
Boys' Play Suits, sizes from 2 to
8 years, in striped denim and
khaki, regular $1.98 values,
at f 994
Men's' $3.00 Straw Hata. . .994
Men's Union Suits, short or long
sleeves, in fine ribbed or Foros
knit, regular $1.75 garments,
for 994
4 pairs Men's Lisle Hose, in all
sizes and colors, 4 pairs. . .994
2-piece Men's Underwear, in Bal
briggan or Porosknit, 2 for 994
Men's Caps, values up to $2.25,
for 994
Men's and Boys' Neckties, regu
lar 75c values, 3 for 994
Watch tomorrow's papers for
our Batemont Bargains
Th Faatatt Growing Storo in Omaha
24th and O Straata Watch Us Grow
South Sida
Chicago Tribune-Omaha Be LMaed TVlr.
Washington, Aug. 12. Harry N.
Taylor of Kansas Cityand Chicago,
former president of the National
Coal association and a large bitu
minous operator, declared, that the
efforts oi the bituminous operators
now being exerted to. overcome the
coal shortage will have the effect of
bringing down prices in . the open
market. j,: f
Asked by representatives of the
national association here what the
soft coal industry ought to do to
meet the existing emergency,-, Mr.
Taylor said:
Hrst, keep cool; don t get excit
ed or ailow yourselves to be stam
peded, into an untenable position.
Truly' you are facing a -crisis, but
you have faced graver problems be
fotc and have solved them.
"Concentrate on production, cooperate-with
the railroatjs to im
prove car supply. Prompt loading
ar.dmnloading of cars, speeding up
movement, will Increase available
car supply. Betterar supply will
increase production. ' Increase pro
duction to normal and prices will
regulate themselves."
Democratic Campaign
Opened at Chicago
By Roosevelt Talk
Chicago, Aug. 12. Franklin D,
Roosevelt,' democratic candidate for
vice president, opened his campaign
here last night before 3,000 people.
He urged republicans and independ
ents to join the democrats in sup
port of their piatform and ticket.
He told republicans their partyJ
had been split by a quarrel among
leaders and that the faction repre
sented by Senator Harding was the
"old guard" Theodore Roosevelt had
beven hundred women were given
the places of honor on the stage.
He said in part:
"Tonight we are firing the open
ing gun of a battle of far-reaching
importance and once again the shots
are going to be heard around, the
world for the action of the Ameri
can nation . will be watched with
anxious eyes by all civilization.
"Governor Cox and I believe it is
the simple duty of the candidates to
give to as many citizens as possible
an opportunity to see and hear and
form their own impressions of the
men they are to vote for. It is only
frankness to say that the great ma
jority of the newspapers are owned
or controlled by men affiliated with
the republican party. It is there
fore doubly necessary for us to pre
sent our views and our aims in per
son. Mother of Bishop Mannix '
' Says Her Son Favors Peace
: Dublin, Aug. 12. "My son is a
man of peace, he wouldn't hurt a
fly," was the comment of. Mrs. Man
nix, 89 years old, the mother of
Archbishop Daniel J. Mannix of
Melbourne, Australia, now in Eng
land under surveillance. "I hope
that God will spare him and induce
the English officia-is to let him come
home to me. 1 am too old to make
the trip to England to see him."
Ppstoffice Orders.
Washlnitton. D. C Aug. 12. (Special
Telt'Krftm). Postmatr appointed: Iowa
Cummin, Warren eminty, Luthar B.
BurkheatI, vice, Loral J. Rockfellow, re
signed; Jackson Junction, Winneshiek,
county, Louis A. Jlrak. vice, Nellie Dunne,
reslcned; Tlppcrary, Lucas county, Earl
Weed, new office.
Nebraska L. M. Pickett, Milldale, Cus
ter county, vice, Efrt A. Whaley, der
South Dakota W. W.' Straight, Crook,
Minnehaha county, vice, Clara Harllick
son, resigned. .
Republican Nominee Deserts
Front Porch to Deliver
Speech jn Suburbs' '
Of Columbus.
Chlrafo Trlbaae-Owaha Bee Leased Wire)
Columbus, O., Aug. 12. Senate
Warren G Harding deserted hisi
porch yesterday for his brother',
place, Rest Home, at Worthington,
a suburb of Columbus. Here, the sen
ator addressed members of the Ki
wanis club of Columbus and tha
Worthington Chamber of Commerc
cn the ills of modern civilization.
Tlve senator's brother, Dr. Georg
T. Harding, jr., is a nerve specialist,
Senator Harding took note of thi
rcftTence and suggested that the
world, perhaps, was in need of a
nerve doctor or the brother of one.
We pictured Americanjstability as
the hope of the world.
"The biggest need of the hour m
America and in Europe," he said,
"is to steady -down somehow; take
drifted in the tumult of war, get our
feet on the right path, then through
understanding, move on to ' future
triumphs. I am not a pessimist, but
I will tell you that there is just as
real a menace in the world this eve
ning as there was in the turmoil of
"Civilization has not crystallized.
Revolutions are threatened. There is
an assault on our inherited civiliza
tion "I want our country to settle down
and stand as a barrier against revo
lution and destruction- throughout
the world.' r a
The senator made further use of
bad roads as a simile for his
thought. He had been riding over
detours part of the day and was
dusty. The supreme need of the
day, he said, is the gospel of under
standing. He spoke of the need of
firm foundation in government and
in building for the future, with an
C . Hi's mtnJ nr. a ... i 1.
eve lur uukccu. itia iiiuiu va, mm
the world trouble, however, and he
referred again to unrest and rebellion.
Debt Is 1,277,888,000
Pounds, Savs Report-
London, Aug. 12. Great Britain's
external debt on March 31, last,
amounted to 1,277,888,000, accord
ing to a White Paper recently pub
lished. Of this amount 1,046,774,
000 is due to the United States, in
cluding some small amounts bor
rowed from continental countries
which have to be paid back in
United States dollars.
The various items below are
worked out on a par exchange basis;
Payable In: Founds.
if. S. A 1,046.774,000
Canada 73,411,000
Japan 7.170,000
Argentina 1, 200, 000
Uruguay 6,964,000
Holland 743,000
Switzerland Nil
Switzerland -. Nil
Sweden Nil
Spain .' ;.' 2,600,000
rill 434,000
Straits Settlements 7, 58,000
Mauritius 631.000
To certain allies.-. 111,600.000
.11. 377,883, 000
Kolexa Reaches Rome
Rome, Aug. 12. Spiro Kolexa.
Albanian minister to Itafy, has ar
rived in Avlona to arrange for the
evacuation of Albania ; by Italian
A Sale of Women's
Separate Skirts and Sweaters
Silk Sport Skirts of
light Fan-ta-si, for
merly $25
Friday only
Tub Skirts of white
cotton gabardine and
twill, priced former
ly up to $17.50
Friday only
$5.95 and $7.9p
$45 All-Silk Sweat
ers, $29.50 Ameri
can beauty, turquoise,
henna, pink, tan and ,
Nanking blue.
$29.50 Fibre Sweaters,
$19.50 Pastel shades,
green, rose, tan and pink.
Apparel Sections,
Third Floor
Hem's Shop
$4.50 and $5
Pajamas, $4
One and twd-piece styles
in white and colors.
Faultless and Universal
makes in all sizes.
, Union Suits
$1.49 Friday
A clearance. All sizes
in knit and athletic gar
ments. Excellent values.
Any 75c Wsb
Tie for 59c
To tha Loft A You Eater
Final Reductions
on Bathing Suits
for Children
$3.50 suits, $1.98
$2.75 suits, $1.79
$1.25 caps - - - - 79c
$1 and 85c caps - 59c
65c and 75c caps, 39c
Second Floor
$4.75 Silk
Hose, $2.98
Black pure thread silk
hose with flare garter
tops and double soles.
$4.75 quality, $2.98-