Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 13, 1920, Image 1

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    : The Omaha . Daily B:
VOL. 60 NO. 49.
Fred Bostelmann, Stoddard
Farmer, Gave Poison to
Daughter to Prevent Her
' Marriage, Verdict.
Deadly Drug Administered by
Hypodermic Needle, Under-
-taker Says Two Sons Say
Parent Is Insane.
Hebron, Neb., Aug. 12. (Special.)
-The cororner's jury at the re
sumed session of the inquest over
the death of Frieda Bostelman, 19
year old Stoddard girl, returned the
following verdict at 3:30 p. m. today:
"That Frieda Bostelman came to
her death at her home near Stod
dard. Neb., on June 7. A. D., 1920
by strychnine poisoning, the said
strychnine being feloniously admirt
istered by her father, Fred Bostel
mann." The Bostelmann girl died the day
before her scheduled wedding to W.
F. Butzke, professor of the Lutheran
seminary at Chester. .Her father
was known to have opposed the pro
posed marriage. -
The jury retired at 1 p. m. and re
turned their verdict at 3:30.
Bostelmann was returned to jail
here to be held, without bond for
trial in the district court.
The crowd which thronged the
' courtroom made no demonstration,
being apparently satisfied with the
verdict. . , i
There was a stir in the court room
this morning when Charles Geisler
of Deshler, an undertaker, testified
that he exhumed the body three
weeks after burial and found a dis
colored welt over the left eye, in
the center of which a puncture-evi-dently
made by a sharp instrument
such as a hypodermic needle, was
plainly visible. '
The puncture extended through
the flesh and along the surface of
the bone, he said. ' .
County Authorities Puzzled.
Following the girl's, death, an
v examination of the kidneys and
other organs was made ana the re
port was that Miss Bostelmann died
from poison. ' 1
. County authorities . were rjuzxlgd..
by failure to find any trac ot poison
in the stomach, although there were
positive evidences in the kidneys.
County Attorney .'Harvey Hess
now believes the presence , of poison
in the girl's system, while none-was
found in her -stomach, is explained
by the puncture over her eye.
Insanity Theory Offered.
Five witnesses were placed on the
stand today. ' Mrs. Bostelmann tes
tified she believed her husband had
been insane for several months. She
said she did not believe he was re
sponsible for his acts at the time of
Frieda's death.
. Two sons, Henry and Elmer, also
testified they , believed their father
Fred Bostelmann "was . brought
into court by two deputy sheriffs.
The attitude of the spectators was
evidently hostile, but there was no
demonstration, y
Bostelmann walked with a cane
and continually muttered to himself.
:He looked many years older than
, when on the stand at the beginning
of the inquest six weeks ago.
His replies to questions were in
whispers and apparently his mind
was off something else. He seemed
dazed. -
Once he exclaimed dramatically:
"I hope to die where I am sitting
if I gave her poison."
Girl Feared Father.
County Attorney Hess said he had
secured possession of three letters
written by the dead girl to her in
tended husband, under dates of May
S, May 25 and June 4, in which she
expressed 'fear of her father.
She died on Jun,e 7 of convulsions,
which doctors have testified were
caused by strychnine poisoning. ,
She had quarreled with her father
over the man she was to have mar
lied and hty had started for, Ches
ter in a buggy. When they reached
home the girl was in convulsions
and died a few minutes later.
Father Bought ."Medicine."
Testimony - previously" offered
showed Bostelmann had opposed his
daughter's marriage to' W. J. Butzke.
. 4. teacher in the Lutheran college at
Chester, and they had quarreled over
the matter on several occasions.
The county attorney also said to
day he had positive evidence BosteJ
.manrt purchased "medicine" for his
, daughter x Oxford; Neb., when the'
same drug could have been pur
chased in any of several tovvns
neater home. He refused to divulge'
the nature of the "medicine."
Alleged Store Thieves
; Arrested With Clothing
Carrying two Yjitcases filled' with
silk shirts, blouses and other ar
liclts' of .-slothinjr wofth-$500. al
leged to. have been stolen, Juan
Rue and Mike. Alledore, Tenth
street and Capitol .avenue, were ar
rested yesterday by Detectives
Cooper and" Palmtag, as fugitives
- from justice. -
The arrest was made on advice
from Nebraska City police.
Is Fined $100 for Aiding
Brother to Gain Freedom
R. L. Churchwell, "4528- " South
Forty-second street, was fined $100
in Central police court today for al
leged assault on Probation' Officer
Vosberg ?nd aiding his brother,
. Floyd, .on parole from the state re-
Cam.. ft a m." rm (.am, ft H nttif-r
two weeks ago, Floyd Churchwell
is still free, j
Entr4 SMMd-Clan MtHtr Mn
Oaaha P. 0. Uailef Act at Mart
He Gave Poison to
Daughter to Cheat
' Cupid, Jury Verdict
Fred Bostelmann.
Leave Warsaw to rran9e
Armistice: and Arrange
" Treaty With Plenipoten
v tiaries of Soviets. ,
- By The Ansoclnted PreM.
Paris, Aug. 12. A great battle is
in progress on the - Russo-Polish
front upon which hangs the fate of
Warsaw, according to information
reaching fthe French foreign office
today. ' '
.Paris, Aug. 12. The, Polish ar
mistice and peace delegates, M.
Okeucki, director of the political
department of the. ministry of foreign
affairs, and Major. Stamirowski, le.ft
Warsaw Wednesday evening to meet
the Russian delegates, according to
a-dispatch to the. Temps from War
saw today. ( -
Dispatches to the Echo de Paris
from Warsaw today represent the
military situatidn as greatly im
proved following the reinforcement
o the- northern Polish army in con
formity with the ar. "ice of General
Weygand of the French ' mission.
The Polish army is said to be the
equal numerically - of the soviet
army. ' ' " ' - .
progress- for the Russians against
the Poles on the scuthern front was
announced m Wednesday's official
statement from Moscow.i Wlodawa,
on the Bug, south of Bfest-Litovsk,
has been taken by f he Soviet troops,
while further southeast they have
captured, east of
the Bug. Further advances on the
front nearer Warsaw also are an
nounced. Lloyd George Tells Reds'
Envoys Poles Leave.for Minsk
London, Aug. 12. Premier Lloyd
George last night 'notified Leo
Kamencff, soviet emissary here,
that the Polish government had just
informed the Biitish premier that
up to ,9 a. m. Tuesday Poland had
not received a reply. from the Mos
cow government "to the message of
Poland expressing a willingness to
send delegates to the armistice and
peace conference at Minsk.
Poland informed the prime" min
ister that the -Polish of ficcr ' com
manding thev sector beyond Siedlce
had announced that the Russian
peace delegation had arrived in that
sector and, not finding the Polish
delegates, had stated that it would
wait until 10 a. m. Wednesday.
The premier further informed M.
Kameneff that Poland rsplied that
tbePoljsh deJegifion was proceed
ing to the front immediately to meet
the. Russians and that if the Rus
sian delegates were still there the
Poles would send their pcarc dele
gation immediately. Poland further
stated she was notifying the soviet
authorities that, she, was prepared to
start her armistice and peace 'dele-N
gation for the scene Wednesday
night. ,
Reds Take. Mawa Is Report
Of Newspaper Correspondent
Johannisbufg; East Prussia, Atjg.
12. (By The Associated Press.)
Reports that Mlawa. an Important
city on the Warsaw-Danzig railway,
was taken by the-Russian bolsheviki
on Tuesday and that soviet cavalry
was within rifle shot of Warsaw, the
fall of which was expected Thurs
day or Friday, were brought here to
day by a correspondent of , the
Koenigsb'erg Adegemeine Zeitung.
No official have indicated
the soviet armies, have taken Mlawa,
and most recent advices have shown
the bolsheviki to be some 30 miles
from Warsaw. ' " . !
Americans, British and ' French
who ary fighting with the Poles
against the bolsheviki are considered
"fair game to. kill" by the common
soldiers of the soviet army, it is de
clared by the correspondent, who
says the bolsheviki havebeen told
these fighters are "bourgeoisie who
should be exterminated j
i -
t V
t. ISM. It
8. 117.
Audit of Exchange Wizard'
BOOkS ShOW UabirSgSree'Saa
Approximately $7MfeSrf. 1 ThSS
Authorities ueciare.
v BONDS bF $25,000
Prisoner Sticks to Assertion
That Company Is Solvent
And That He Can Pay Off
All Outstanding' Claims.
Boston, Aug. 12. Another get-rich-quick
bubble burst today. Fed
eral authorities who have been audit
ing the - books of Charles. PonzK
and the Securities Exchange com
pany reported that the liabilities of
the young financier were upward of
$7,000,000. Ponzi had claimed that
they would not exceed $500,000.
Ponzl is a prisoner at the office of
the United States marshal, having
been until this afternoon unable to
arrange bonds of $25,000. He was
arrrsted, charged with using the
mails to defraud after he had sur
rendered soon after 1 o'clock. Sub
sequently, a warrant for his arrest
for larceny in three counts was is
sued in the municipal court on ap-
plication of the attorney generals
office. The state authorities ex
pected to gain custody of Ponzi if
he obtained the bonds releasing him
from the federal authorities. "
District Attorney Gallagher said
that Ponzi had surrendered because
he felt himself unable to carry out
promises he made for the redemp
tioij of his notes tomorrow.
Bank's Capital Gone.
Bank Commissioner Allen an
nounced this afternoon that the cap
ital of the Hanover Trust company
probably had been completely wiped
out. The bank was closed by the
commissioner yesterday. Charles
Ponzi had been a director up to yes
terday. Attorney., General Allen said that
Ponzi's liabilities will run into the
millions. '
Ponzi issued this statement after
his arrest: . .
"I had an agreement with the dis
trict attorney to go tomorrow and
meet.jny, liabilities withcash. With,
the closing of t'ie' HanoverTrust
company arid with other funds tied
up I find, myself unable to do so.
I felt it my duty to tell him and
ask him to detail me."
Takes Rest Early Today.
A creditor's petition asking for
the appointment of a receiver for
Ponzi was filed in the federal court
today a few minutes before . his
surrender. .
Early today Ponzi halted in the
midst of his sensational financial
career to rest from the ' nervous
strain caused by events of the last
few days.
"My nerves can't last forever,"
Ponzi said. "I've got to rest. I
am not going to.give out any more
statements for a while., . I am going
to keep away from people."
Guards were posted around
Ponzi's home to insure that people
kept away. ;
Insists He is Solvent
Ponzi continued to assert that ha
was solvent and that he could pay
ull notes outstanding against' him
and the Securities Exchange coin
pan', through which he claims to
have transacted his operations in -international
reply coupons. The audit
of '.he company'r books is expected
to be completed by tomorrow.
Replies to Attorney General Al
len's advertisement in many news
papers requesting holders of Ponzi's
notes ' to communicate with Mr.
Allen continued to be received in
large quantities.
Mr. Allen declined today to' give
any estimate on Ponzi's liabilities
represented by unpaid notes report
ed to him, but it was stated at h's
office earlier in the week that the
average investment of the first 100
.who reported was $500.
State Appeals Labor Law
Decision to High Court
''Lincoln, Aug.: 12. (Special.)
The Douglas county attorney has
asked the supreme court to grant
le-ive -to file a bill of exceptions in
a case where William G. Crbunse,
superintendent of the mailing di
vision of the World Publishing com
pany of Omaha was found guilty of
working women iTl violation of the
female labor law by the police judge
of Omaha. '
The case was appealed to the dis
trict court of Douglas county and
the verdict reversed on the grounds
that the law did not cover newspa
per offices where the only time the
women can . work is during the
night when the editions of the
morning papers are prepared for the
mails." ... - . .
Walter Winans, American, N
Dies In London While Racing
London, Aug. 12. Walter Winans.
widely "known American resident of
London, collapsed and died while
driving his horse, Henrietta Guy, in
a race at Parsloes park today. Mr.
Winans called out- for his horse to
be stopped, but before this could be
done he fell off 'the sulky. He was
dead when picked up.
Burglars Help Selves to
Clothes Drying on Line
Clothesline burglars stole sheets,
pillow cases, tablecloths and per
sonal clothing from the clothesline
in the rear of the home of W.
Wright, 3305 Poppletoa avenue,
Jhursday afternoon, according' to
police. - - n 1 v
. 1.,,. .. .-. A si.. ,
Attempt Is Made to
' Assassinate Premier
Of (ireece in Paris
Paris, Aug. 12. Premier-Venize-los
of Greece was wounded slightly
today as he was leaving the Lyon
railroad station for Nice. As he
stepped on a train two men fired re
volvers at him. His assailants were
arrested. ,
kin? leave offends
wounded ia the right side and left
His assailants wex rescued "by
the police from crowds with diffi
culty, the mo,b shouting "lynch
them." Both were severely man
handled. .
Producjion Estimated at 214,
964,000 Bushels, Increase
of 30,778,000 Bushels
Over Last Year.
Lincoln, Neb., Aug. 12. Nebraska
may havea record yield of tern this
year, according to a report based
on August 1 conditions, issued by
A. E. Anderson of the United States
bureau of crop estimates and Secre
tary Leo Stuhr of the state depart
ment of agriculture, who predict
that production will be 214,964000,
compared to 184,186,000 last year, or
an increase of 30,778,000 bushels.
Despite damage "by black rust and
a reduction in acreage 'ot approxi
mately 19 per cent, the winter wheat
production for the state is nearly as
large as lasf year, the report says.
The yield was placed at 52.366000
bushels, compared to 54997,000 in
1919, a decrease of 2,631,000 bushels.
Damage from rust was estimated
to be t least 15 and possibly 20,
per cent.
Rust Hurts Winter Wheat.
Spring wheat lost 25 points dur
ing July, due to the ravages of black
rust, the report states. Production
is estimated at 4,421,000, against
5,676,000 last year, a reduction of
1,257,000 bushels. Many fields in
the northeastern part of the state
"are not worth harvesting, due to
black rust and scab," declares the
report, which in full is as follows:
"A yield of 18.4 bushels of winter
wheaC-S compared ,to 14.8L bushels
last year, is the preliminary esti
mate of A. E. Anderson of the bu
reau Of crbp estimates. In spite of
black rust damage to the late wheat
and a reduction in harvested acreage
of approximately 19 per cent, this
year's production is nearly the same
as last year, being 52,366,000 bush
els, against 54,997,000 bushels a year
ago. Much of the wheat that was
not damaged by black rust is mak
ing record yields, and this partially
offsets the low yields from rust dam
aged fields.
Damage IS Per Cent
With the splendid prospects Ne
braska had for a record wheat crop
previous to the attack of black rust,
it is believed that the damage from
this cause will amount to 15 per
cent at least, and possibly as much
as '20 per cent. Central Nebraska
received the greatest damage from
rust. While western Nebraska has
the highest yields, according to pre
liminary reports, several of the
southeastern coufities have --high-average
yields also. The southern
tier of counties seems to have es
caped serious damage from black
rust, according to preliminary re
turns, as the yields decrease rapidly
northward through the center of the
"An increase of 6 per cent in con
dition of corn through July is rather
exceptional, as the change is usually
in the other direction. .The present
condition is 91 per cent, as compared
to 81 per cent a year ago and the
10-year average of 75 per cent. If
corn matures properly before frost
Nebraska has a good chance to
make the highest yield since 1906,
which was 34.1 bushels, and a fair
chance to break the, record since
1896, when the average' was ' 37.5
bushels. The August 1 condition
was good over the entire state, ex
cept a- few of the south central coun
ties, which were short of moisture.
The present condition indicates a
crop of 214.964.000 bushels, com
pared fo 184,186,000 bushels last
Expect Decrease in Spring.
"Spring wheat lost 25 points
through July, due to the ravages of
black rust, and a further deciease is
expected, depending upon the final
outcome in western Nebraska, where
the-reports show no damage up to
August 1. The present condition of
63 per cent forecasts a production
of 4.421.000 bushels, as comnared
to 5,678.000 bushels last year. Many
fields of spring wheat in northeast
ern Nebraska are 'not worth harvest
ing, dtie toJilack rust and scab. The
condition in central and north cen
tral Nebraska is 1so very poor.
The August 1 forecast of production
of all wheat is 56.787,000 bushels, as
compared to 60,675,000 bushels last
Arkansas Senator Loses n
In Race for Renomination
Little Rock, Ark., Aug. 12. Unit
ed States Senator William F. Kirby
apparently was" defeated for re
nomination by Representative Thad
deus H. Caraway in -Tuesday's
democratic primary, unofficial re
turns from more than two-thirds of
the state, showed early, today.
A tabulation by the Arkansas
Gazette gave ! Carawav, 70,823;
Kirby, 41,458.
Former Congressman Thomas C.
McRae had piled up a big lead ever
his eight opponents for the guber
natorial nomination. The vote: Mc
Rae, 34,357; S." Mead Powell. 22,
768; Tom J. Teixal, 20,227,
: . i ..." .
AUGUST 13, 1920. .'
As Gov. Gox
Search of Eight Months
Through Five States Ends
In Nebraska Town This
Aval Johnson," la-year-old son of
Mrs. Letha Rudder of Leachville,
Ark., for whom his mother has con
ducted a search for eight months, is
being held by Marshal Frank Van
Cleave at Elgin, Neb.; for the
woman, who was expected to leavi
Om;.ha at 5:30 p. m. yesterday for
Mrs. Rudder arrived in Omaha
Wednesday night to seek the aid of
police in her hunt for her only son.
She . said he had been kidnaped by
an itinerant theater company eight
months ago. .
Passed Through O'Neill.
Omaha police ' learned the Du
bensky Bros. Stock company, with
which the lad was supposed to be
traveling, had passed through Oma
ha enroute to O'Neill, Neb.
Sheriff P. W. Duffey, in communi
cation with Omaha police, said he
had talked with Aval only recently
when the Dubensky shows played
in O'Neill.
He said the lad asked him how
much it .would , cost ; to telephone
his mother in Leechville.
Marshal Locates Boy.
The O'Neill " station agent told
Omaha police the Dubensky show$
boueht tickets for Elgin, Neb.
Yesterday noon Marshal . Van
Cleave, at Elgin, located the iau
with the Dubensky shows.
He said a man with whom the
boy was staying said he was given
custody of the child but reiused to
telf on what grounds .or answer
questions direct.
Under Surveillance.
The man acted suspicious to him,
the marshal said, and he will keep
him under surveillance untl the
mother can arrive at Elgin. ;
- Meanwhile, he said, he is holding
the boy, and asked that the mother
be sent, to Eigin yesterday after
noon. Location ot the Johnson boy by
Marshal Van Cleave and The Bee
ends a long hunt of eight months
through every town of consequence
in Arkansas, 'Mississippi, Oklahoma,
Missouri anLKa:isas by the mother.
Mystery in Removal of Man
Held for Kidnaping Child
Philadelphia, Aug. 12: An air' of
mystery surrounded the removal last
night of Augustio Pasquale, held in
connection with the ' kidnaping of
Blakely Coughlin, from his cell in
city hall. Authorities declined to
discuss the matter.
After being brought back from
Egg Harbor, N. J., where he was
identified by Mrs.-Harry Foster as
the man she saw conversing with a
woman, who carried a small child,
at the railroad station there a few
hours before his capture on August
2, Pasquale was taken from his cell
shortly .before midnight by s"tate
policemen, who drove away in an
PlattsmouttYs Sole Night
Copper Quits, Pay Too Small
Plattsmouth, Nebi, Aug. 12. (Spe
cial.) With the business men clam
oring for the addition of another po
liceman to the force, Plattsmouth's
one night patrolman has tendered his
resignation because, he says, the $100
a month salary is inadequate to sup
port his family. The city' budget has
been made for the coming year and
the city dads are facing . a trying
Mill (I tear). " O"1
Oattli. 4M 2 Ml (I ur). Dally aaa
Writes About
(Ccpyrlht. 120. by th Chleo Tribune.)
' ;
Four Men Held by Police on
Charge of Stealing
John White, negro, and Walter
Beeds, arrested on a charge of break
ing and entering .Illinois Central box
cars., in Council Blu.ffs..andU6tcaling
10 sacks of flour, were arraigned in
Bluffs ' police court yesterday and
waived to the grand jury. They are
held under $500 bonds each.
Railway detectives, aided by police,
recovered five of the sacks at the
home of Walter O. Cook, grocer.
Twenty-seventh street and Third
avenue, and the other five sacks at
the home of Price Gibson, former
city scavenger. Twenty-second street
and Avenue K.
Cook and Gibson were both ar
rested on a charge of receiving stolen
property. Their cases are still pend
ing. Perry Moore,, 16 years old, is be
ing held at the Creche in connection
with the tlvcfts of flour. Police say
he aided White and Beeds.
Error Changes Lead
"Of .Candidates in Race
For Ohio Senatorship
Columbus. O., Aug. 12. W. A.
Julian of .Cincinnati jumped into a
ead of 2,318 votes over Judge A. F.
O'Neil of Akron in the race for the
democratic nomination for senator
'.v'nen an error was discovered in
t.-ibulation of returns from all but
155 precincts. The corrected vote
was: Julian, 63,885,; O'Neil, 61,567.
Additional returns did not make
any .material change in the vote of
the ieading candidates for other of
fices. Former Maypr H. L. Davis
of Cleveland still was leading Ralph
D. Cole for the republican nomina
tion for governor by about r 17.000
votes. Former Gov. F. B. Willis
apparently will be- the republican
nominee for senator by a plurality
of approximately 50,000 'over his
nearest opponent, Walter F. Brown
of Toledo.
Result of Demo's Race for
Ohio Senate Is Uncertain
Columbus. O., Aug. 12. Straggling
returns today rendered still more
uncertain the outcome of the contest
between W. A. Julian of Cincinnati
and Judge A. F. O'Neil of Akron
for the democratic nomination . for
United States senator.
With 5,594 precincts heard from
out of 6,000, O'Neil's lead was only
299 votes. The' count now stands:
Julian 59,951; O'Neil, 60.250.
Returns received this , morning
made no material change in the other
Man Arrested by Troopers
Believed to Be Bergdoll
Oneonta, N. Y., Aug. 12. A
young man who, state troopers say,
answers the description of Grover
Cleveland Bergdoll, the wealthy
draft evader, was arrested by two
troopers 10 miles west of hfre to
dav. The suspect denied that he was
Bergdoll and gave his name as
George Lenno of Buffalo.
The Weather
Hourly Temperatures:
a. m. .
a. m. .
a. m. .
a. m..
. ITU.
I p.
t d.
1 p. m..
4 p. in..
5 p. m..
S p. m..
7 p. m. .
m. .
11 a. m.... 51
11 noon tfiiiiuv.f
4 P Jll. . .,
" i?!,fcL,S.?!' &
Sit: Dalit 0l. 113) Sa.awr 0l. IS.
the League
Samuel Nicholson Receives
Nomination for U. S. Senator
Governor Shoup Unop
posed for Governor.
Denver,' Aug. 12. The Colorado
republican state assembly in a one
day session today designated can
didates for nomination at the Sep
tember primaries for. United States
senator, presidential electors and all
state officers, endorsed the record
of the state republican administra
tion and the republican congress
and adjourned.
In the principal contest of the day
Samuel D. Nicholson, Ledville and
Denver banker, led in the race for
United States senator ovil Attorney
Karl C. Schuyler and former Lieut.
Col. Rice W. Means. All thtee were
designated to go on the primary
ballot by the tollowmg vote:
Nicholson, 418; . Schuyler, 411;
Means, 106. 5
Gov. Oliver' H. Shoup was unop
posed for renomination.
Ten per cent vote was necessary
for designation.
Something of a sensation was
caused when Mr. Means came ta
l. i u : :
L11C pidllUUU IU JlldCC ills lldlllC ill
nomination. Previously Mr. Schuy
ler and Mr. Nicholson had- been
Mr.. Means declared he would not
ask a friend to comebefore the as
sembly and eulogize him. ''Friends
tave asked me why I want - to be
fnited States senator," he said. "I
will tell you why. It is because
dverseas I got a new conception 6f
my duties as an American citizen
I returned seekinpr an opportunity
to- serve my nation, my state and
my fellow men." . 1
Mars Seeking to Signal '
Earth, Says Frenchman
Paris, Aug. 12. Mars is attempt
ing to signal the earth by mtans of
telephonography, according . to
Camille Flamarion, the famous
French astronomer. He asserts
that the white spot which recently
appeared on the Martian equatorial
plateau could not possibly hive been
snow because this is the ' plant's
summer time. It is the third time
since 1879 that the noted spot which
cannot be accounted for except as
an effort by the Martians to com
municate with th: earth, has ap
peared, he said.
Negro Who Shot Man Moved
To Avoid Lynching
Joplin, Mo., Aug 12. Lawyer TV
!)ias, the negro who shot Howard
Thomas :it Fort Scott last night,
was brought to the Joplin jail today
by the sheriff of Crawford county,
Kansas, and the chief of police from
Pitltburg. Chief of Police Myers
said that he would be removed from
Joplin if there is any signs of a
mob coming here. An automobile
and a squad of officers armed with
riot guns are on hand to take the
negro away, Tobias says his home
is in Mississippi
Congressman Wins Seat . ,
; In U. S. Senate From Kirby
Little Rock, Ark., Aug. 12.
Totals compiled, by the Arkansas
Democrat at noon show that Con
gressman T: H. Caraway has 74,
073 votes and Senator W. F. Kirby
43,146 in the race for the nomination
for United States senator. ' This in
cludes returns from 15 counties com
plete out of 75 in the state. Nine
counties have not been heard from.
Senator Kirby conceded the nomi
najion of Congressman Caraway. .
Failure of President to Even
Mention Covenant in Note
To Italian Government Is
Cause of Discussion.
Condemns Great Britain for
Entering Anglo-Persian Pact
Without Consulting Mem
bers of League.
Chicago Tribune-Omaha Bos Leaood Wire.
Washington, Aug. 12. Failure ol
the president even to mention tha
peace processes of the covenant in
his note to the Italian government
on the Polish crisis has raised the ,
question whether Mr. Wilson re
poses any faith in the ability of the .
league of nations to Stop the Russo
Polish and other wars now raging
in Europe and Asia.
Administration officials, supposed
to know themind of the president
in this matter, decline to offer any
explanation of Mr. Wilson's silence.
Among those outside the president's
confidence some hold to the theory i
that Mr. Wilson, because of the
failure of the United States to join
the league, feels a certain delicacy
in pointing the way to peace
through the processes so meticu
lously provided by the covenant.
On the other hand, it is suggested
that the president must ardently ide
sire the league to furnish an im
pressive object lesson in the suc
cessful operation of the machinery
which he had guaranteed would sup
press and prevent wars. This has
led to the theory that Mr. Wilson
has' been informed of the reasons
for the failure of Great Britain,
France, Italy, Japan and the four
other nations composing the league
council to invoke the league proc
esses for the re-establishment of
pence and that he regards those ob'
stacles insuperable at this time,
Blame Big Powers. "
It has been charged that the big
powers 'prevented the league from
acting when Poland was waging
wax successfully against Russia be-.
cause they' desired the overthrow
of the bolsheviki- and when Poland "
met reverses because public senti
ment at home made impossible the .
dispatch of any effective military ,
forces the league council might,
requisition. In both cases the league
has failed to function in accord with
the covenant.
''President Wilson's peace treaty,?
said Senator Knox today, "includes ,
provision for the maintenance of the .
political and territorial integrity of
Poland, a land which is indeed in
sore distress at this time. But I
imagine that there would be great
ado in this country if we were to
follow the president's advice to the
letter and send men and munitions ,
to that country now simply because
we are financially and physically the
strongest nation.
k "Undoubtedly the league
. 3 . r .
(ions, as consiruea Dy loreign coun
tries at least, is having a fair test,
yet the newspapers of today cani
answer the question whether it is -proving
a success."
Grey Condems British. v'
Viscount Grey, an ardent advocate, '
of the league of nations, blames the
European powers for their failure
to invoke, its processes . and cony
demns the British government foi;
having negotiated the Anglo-Persian i
agreement without consulting tha
"The po'icy of six months age?
was to do nothing except to sup-
port neighboring states against Rusi
sia if they were; attacked," he said". '
"That was the moment when I think ..
the league of nations might have
befii useful.
"They might have said to Poland
and the other free states on the
Russian border, and to the bolshe'?
vist government: 'Will you agree to f
accept certain provisional bounda-l
ries and will you agree that a com- i
mission should be appointed by the )
league of nations to inquire into the '
matter and report on it?'
v "It may be said that that proposal
would not have been accepted. I do
not know whether it would hara
been or not. But at any rate, an at
tempt would have been made to use
the league of nations and if the pro
posal had been accepted, nfthe pres-,
ent moment we would have peacdr
in that rt of the world." J.
Couxt-Martial Reaches
Verdict in Bergdoll Case
New York, Aug. 12. Court-martial
of Erwin Rudolph Bergdoll, wealthy
Philadelphian charged with deser
tion from the army in evading the
draft law, ended on Governor's Is
land when a verdict was reached,
after less than five minutes' deliber
ation by the court. .
The verdict came shortly aftetv
news of the arrest near Oneonta, N--Y.,
of a man said to answer the de
scription of Grover Cleveland Berg
doll. Erwin's brother. ' ' : "
i tiiiuuig ui me luuii .win rct
main secret until passed on by Ma
jor General Bulla rd. . .
Ask Probe of Gasoline
Prices in California
- Sanfrancisco, Aug. 12. Attorney
General Palmer has been asked by v
Frank M. Silva and Robert O'Con
nor, United States attorneys for the
northern, and southern districts , of
California, to send special investi
gators to this state' to inquire into
recent increases in the price of gas
olinet it as ascertained, jodjj