f - t r. C.v THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 11. 1920. U. S. OPPOSED TO ANY AGGRESSION BY EUROPEANS State Department Would i Confine Both Russia and r Poland to Own Na- 4 tional Borders. ((ntiuutil fiNim Ptige On.) has mny historical parallels, and the l!n ited Statrs is confident that rcitored, free and united, Ruisja will again take a leading place in the world, joining with the other nationi in upholding peace and or derly justice. Must Protect Interests. , "Until that time shall arrive, the lVrd State? feels that friendship ani honor require that Russia's in livckts must be generously protect ed, and that, as far as possible, all decisions of vital importance to it, and especially those concerning its sovereignty over the territory of the former Russian . empire, be held in abeyance. ' ' "By this fueling of friendship and honorable obligation to the great nation whose brave and heroic self sacrifice contributed so much to the successful termination of the war, th: government of the United States was guided in' its reply to the Lithuanian national council on Oc tober 15, 1919, and in its persistent refusal to recognize the Baltic states as senarate nations independ ent of Russia, The same spirit was manifested in the jiote of this gov eminent of March 24, 1920, in which it was stated, with reference to cer tain proposed settlements in the Near East, that 'no final decision ' should or can b'? made without the consent of Russia' "In line with these important dec larations of policy, the United States withheld its approval from the decision of the supreme coun cil at Paris recognizing the inde pendence of the socalled republic of Georgia and Azerbaijan, and so instructed its representatives in southern Russia, Rear Admiral Newton A. McCully. Finally, while gladly giving recognition to the independence of Armenia, the government of the United States has taken the position Jthat the final 1 must not be m'ade without Russia's! co-operation and agreement. Not only is Russia concerned because a considerable part 'of the territory ot the new state of Armenia, when it Buuii uc uciincu, ionneriy Deiongea to the. Russian empire, equally im portant is the fact that Armenia must have the good will and the protective friendship of Russia if it is to remain independent and free. 'These illustrations show with what consistency the government of the United States has been guided 'in its foreign policy by a loyal friendship for Russia. We are un willing that, while k is helpless in the grip of a nonrepresentative gov ernment whose only sanction is brutal force, Russia shall be weak ened still further by a policy of dis memberment, conceived in other thin Russian interests. "With the desire of the allied powers to bring about a peaceful so-' It'tioij o.f the existing difficulties In Europe, this government is, of course, in hearty accord, v and will support any justifiable steps to that end. It is unable to perceive, how ever, that a recognition "of the so iet regime would promote,, much Jess, 'accomplish this object, and it is. therefore, averse to any dealings with the soviet regime beyond the most narrow boundaries to which a uil Ul Alt dl can DC confined. "That the present rulers of Rus sia do not rule by the will or the . consent of any considerable propor tion of the Russian people is an incontestable fact. Although near ly two anq a nan years nave passed since they seized the machinery of government, promising to protect the constituent assembly against al leged conspiracies against, it, they have not yet permitted anything in the nature ol a popular election. At the moment when the work of cre ating a popular representative gov eminent, based upon universal suf frage, wa nearing completion, the boli.heviki, although in number an inconsidarable minority of the peo ple, by force and cunning seized the powers and machinery of govern ment and have continued to use them with savage oppression to maintain themselves in power, Will Consider Help. "Without any desire to interfere in the internal affairs of the Russian people or ' to suggest what kind of government they should have, the government of the United States does express the hope that they soon will find a way to set up a government representing their free will and pur pose. When that times comes, the United States will consider the meas ures of practical .assistance which can be taken to promote the restoration ' of Russia, provided Russia has not taken itself wholly out of the pale of the friendly interest of other nations, by the pillage and oppression of the Poles. ''It is not possible for the govern 4 ' HIMjtV ;HS-lT I The last word in ( shortbread LORN A DOONE Biscuit, so tender, delicate, mealy, ' crumbly. Try a pound today, NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY I I I'd ment of the United States to recog nize the Dresent rulers of Russia as a government with which the rela tions common to trienmy govern mna ran.h maintained This ron viction has nothing; to do with any particular political or social struc ture which the Russian people them 1vr m.iv tee fit to embrace. It rests upon a wholly different set of tacts. Ihese tacts, wnicn none qis- jputes, have convinced the govern ment of the United states, against us will, that the existing regime in Rus Ka"H unnn the negation of every principle of honor and good faith, and every usage and conven tion underlying the whole structure of international law; the negation, in short, of every principle upon which it is possible to base harmonious and trcisttul relations, whether of nations or of individuals. Little Faith in Promises. "The responsible leaders of the re gime have frequently and openly boasted that they are willing to sign agreements and undertakings with foreign powers, while not having the slightest intention of observing such undertakings or carrying out such agreements. This , attitude of disre gard of obligations voluntar:!' en tered into, they base upon the theory that no compact of agreement made with a nonbolshevist government can have any moral force for them. They have not only avowed this 'as a doc trine, but have exemplified it in prac tice "Indeed, upon numerous occa sions the responsible spoilsman of this power and its official agencies have declared that it is their under standing that the very existence of holshevism in Russia, the mainten ance of their own rule, depends, and must continue to depend, upon the occurrence of revolutions in all tu.. -,f rivilirot nations, includ- ing the United States, which will overthrow and destroy their gov ernments and set up bolshevist rule ;., tur ctar1 Thev have made it plain that they intend to use every means, inciuains. vi tuuuc, unu matic agencies, to promote such revolutionary movements in other countries. . ic tm that thev have in va rious ways expressed their willing 1 Take a Victrola on your summer outings See and hear these portable styles of the Victrola today at any Victor dealer's. Then you'll appreciate the pleasure they will give you wh en you go camping aboard your boat 1 at your bungalow on your porch out on the lawn You can easily take them wherever you want and have an open-air Victrola concert at any time. Any of these Victrolas will play r any of the more than 5000 records in the Victor Record catalog. New r Victor Records demonstrated at all dealers on the 1st of each month. Vic t r ol a Victor Talking Machine Co Camden, New Jersey ness to give 'assurances' and 'guar antees' that they will not abuse the privileges and immunities of diplo matic agencies by using them for this purpose. In view of their own declarations, already referred to, such assurance and guarantees can not be very seriously regarded. Moreover, it is within the knowl edge of the government of the United States that the bolshevist government is itself subject to the control of a political faction with extensive international ramification's through the third internationale, and that this body, which is heavily sub sidized by the bolshevist govern ment from the public revenues of Russia, has for its openlv avowed aim the promotion of bolshevist revolutions throughout the world. "The leaders of the bolsheviki have boasted that their promise of non-mterfence with other nations would in no wise bind the agents of this body. There is no room for reasonable doubt that such agents would receive the support and pro tection of any diplomatic agency the bolsheviki might have in other coun tries. Inevitably, therefore, the diplomatic service of the bolshevist government would become a channel for intrigues and the propaganda of revolt against the institutions ana laws of countries with which it was at peace, which would be an abuse of friendship to which enlightened governments cannot subjeet them selves. No Common Ground. "In the view of this government, there cannot be any common ground upon which it can stand with a power whose conceptions of inter national relations are so entirely alien to its own, so utterly repug nant to its moral sense. There can be no mutual confidence or trust, no respect even if pledges are to be given and agreements made with a cynical repudiation of their obliga tions alerady in the minds of one of the parties. We cannot recognize, hold official relations with, or give friendly receptions to the agents of a government which is determined and bound to conspire against our in stitutions: whose diplomats will be the agitators of dangerous revolt: whose spokesman says that they sign Victrola IV, $25 Oak ma. v. mt, err. agreements with no intention of keeping them. '"To summarize the posif'on of this government, I would say, therefore, in response to your excel lency's inquiry, th.M it would regard with satisfaction a declaration by She allied and associated powers that the territorial integrity and true boundaries of Russia shall be re spected. These boundaries should properly include the whole of the former Russian empire, with the ex ception ' of Finland proper, ethnic Poland, and such territory as may by agreements form a part of the Armeian state. The aspirations of these nations for mdependence are legitimate. Each was forcibly an nexed, and their liberation from op pressive, alien rule involves no ag gressions against Russia's tarrtorial rights, and has received the sanc tion of the public opinion of all free peoples. Such a declaration presupposes the withdrawal of all foreign troops from the territory embraced by these boundaries, and in the opin ion of this government, should be accompanied by the announcement that no transgression by Poland, Finland or any other power of the line so drawn and proclaimed will be permitted. "Thus only can the bolshevist regime be deprived of its- false, but effective appeal to Russian national ism and compelled to meet the inevi table challenge of reason and self respect which the Russian people se cure from invasion and territorial violation are sure to address to a social philosophy that degrades them and a tyranny that oppresses, them. "The policy herein outlined will command the support of this govern ment. "Accept, Excellency, the renewed assurances of my highest considera tion. (Signed.) "BAINBRIDGE COLBY, "His Excellency. "BARON CAMILLO ROMANO AVEZZANA. "Ambassador of Italy. No woman has entered the corn vent of St. Catherine on Mount Sinai for more than 1,400 years. sr-i x&usMT.orr This trademark and the trademarked word "Victrola" identify all our products. Look under the lid I Look on the label I VICTOR TALKING MACHINE CO. Last Note Written By Girl to Bqy to Whom She Was True "Dearest: "I have just been to a lady doc tor in The Bee building. "The lady doctor advised me to marry you. She said she did not take care of such cases. J "I went out into the hall and I saw the sign over a doctor's door. I went into his office and asked him could he take care of me. "He said 'yes,' and when I asked him how much it would tost, he replied '$300.' "I told him that I could not pay that much and he finally con sented to take my case for $200 $150 to be paid down, "I want you to send me a check for the other $50 as I have not enough to -make the entire payment. "Try and send me $1$ extra so that I will have something.to live on in the meantime. "Dearest, this is terrible, but it is the only way out. The doctor VS going to take me to a nurse's home and perform the operation there tomorrow. "If you don't hear from me, Watson, sometime soon, come to Omaha and look me up. I know you will find me for I do not know just what kind of a place this is that I am going to be taken. "Should any of our friends ask where I am tell them I am work ing hjre in a Store or something else. I know you will keep the secret. "Well, dearest, I'm going through all of this for you and after it is all over then we can be happy and have our whole lives to pay for it." "Oh, I love you, Watson, and I am not going to be one bit scared. i "RUTH." fctrola VI, $33 IxUhofaajeroak Victrola VIII, $50 0 Victrola IX, 975 Mahoga-y or Oak V "HIS MASTERS VOICE Camden, N. J. Sweetheart of Girl ' Who Is Held In jail I Boy Lover of Girl Who Died Is Held (Continued from Pace One.) ( said, "and found the operation had already been performed. "I asked her to go to a hospital, but she refused, so I sent her to a nurses' home at 2704 North Sixtv fourth street. Only Attended Girl "I had nothing to do whatever THOMPSON-BELDEN & COMPANY Autumn Frocks Have Lowjered Waistlines Unlike the bouffant spring style that appealed only to youth and slenderness, the Autumn mode is a universal one, a lithe, lohg-waisted silhouette that becomes the slender and stout alike. In the Thompson-Belden displays you will vfind it de veloped in tricotine, Poiret twill, duvet de laine, satin and serge, in styles varying from trim tai lored frocks for business women and for school girls to graceful afternoon gowns of evident dis tinction. Prices Range From $45 to $125 .1 v "' Apparel Sections Third Floor. Chamois Gloves Bacmo washable chamois gloves in gauntlet or single clasp styles with contrasting embroidered backs may be . had for $3.25 and $4.50 a pair.' Wenoma Corsets For $2.98 a Pair This attractive corset, low bust, with rubber in serts at the sides, is ad mirably suited to the average figure. It will emphasize all your natural grace and make of your new gowns a marvel of perfection. To see it is to appreciate its merits. Corsets Second Floor Sale of Women's Bathing Suits Attractive colorings and most unusual styles. $11 Suits, Wednesday, $7.98 $9.50 Suits, Wednesday, $6.98 $7.75 Suits, Wednesday, $5.98 $6.60 Suits, Wednesday, $4.98 $4 Suits, Wednesday, $2.98 Second Floor ith ' the operation. I only at ten J n. the girl after some other doctor hud operated on her." The girl died at 2704 North Jixty fourth street, according to police. Officer Sinclair, who questioned Dr. Fields, said the docto had in his possession a $50 cashier's chuck which had been given him by the girl, but had not been endorsed. Woman Refused Case The only letter which the girl wrote to Alexander after she came to Omaha, the lad says, was written August 3 and was the last word he received from her. In it she said she had just been to a woman physician in the Bee building but the woman had refused to take her case. Alexander toid police he was "willing and anxious to marry" the girl but her stepfather had ob jected and would not permit him to call on her. 'When the boy was old of the girl's death, he was overcome with grief. Time after time, when he was being questioned by police, he broke down and wept. . . Mike Dempsev, special invests gator for the county attorney s ot- fice, talked with the lad yesterdty and was the only one permitted to enter hi? cell. Chief of Detectives Anderson was to hold a conference with the lad in the afternoon. , Sobs Over Trouble. "Just think that I got' her in all this trouble," sobbed the lad. "Take me to her and let me see her just one minute. "Why, I've got a good reputation in Hayes Center. My people are well known and I have always been respectable. "When these circumstances arose I thought it would be best to resort August Sale of Furs A selection sufficiently varied and of such depend ability that one need only consider the gratifying of individual tastes, the style and quality is un questionable. Coats Raccoon,. $400 and $450 Hudson Seal, $475 to $950 Squirrel, $500 to $750 Pony, $179.50 to $450 Wraps and Scarfs Mink, $67.50 to $1200 Fox, all colors, $35 to $125 Black Lynx, $65 to $279.50 Skunk, $27.50 to $475 Taupe Wolf, $22 to $65 Squirrel, $19.50 to '$475 THE FUR SHOP, ' Third Floor. For Your Vacation A Hartmann Wardrobe Trunk will add more com fort and satisfaction to your outing than any other one feature It is a regular traveling wardrobe which you do not have to unpack and keeps your clothes fresh and free from wrinkle. Think of Getting a Genuine CCC C A Including Hartmann Wardrobe Trunk for P DDuf War Tax Freling Steinle N Omaha's Best Baggage Builders to an operation and when Ruth was old enough we would be married. "I never dreamed of anything like this." , . The girl's mother and step-fathef were expected to arrive in Omaha yesterday afternoon. ' Said Cast Was Fields'. Dr. G.' A. Angus, 3520 Hamilton . street, who says he sends conval escing cases at times to the home of Nurse Minnie Deyo at 2704 North Sixty-fourth street, where the girl died, declared yesterday he knew nothing of the Ayer girl's case until that morning, Dr. Angus said he talked with Nurse Deyo about th,e case this morning and asked her if it was Dr. Fields' case. She replied that It was, he said. ' ' No Report Made. - ' j - , clared yesterday they secured the hrlv of the Avr ffirl from the house at 2794 North Sixty-fourth street. . v ;- Thev said thev had not vet made out the report of death required by law and that tney am not Know wno the doctor was. ' This- report must carry the name of the attending physician. Nurse Minnie feyo was to oe in the office of the county attorney for a conference with the officials at 2 p. m. yesterday, according to Dr. Angus. Plans Are Completed for Carter Lake Water Events Entries for the Annette Keller man swimming contest at Carter Lake clt today, at which Miss Annette Kellennan herself will be' a judge, totaled 38 Omaha women last night. The contest starts at 2' p. m. and the directors have thrown open the gates of the club to the public. Glove Silk Vests $2.89 Flesh colored vests, either round neck or bodice topped, $3.50 values, will be placed on sale Wednes day for $2.89. Second Floor. Odds and Ends In Silk Hose , Wednesday, $1.98 Odd sizes, which have ac cumulated during previous sales, not all sizes nor col ors, but excellent values,' will be priced for a clear ance, $1.98 a pair. Center Aisle Main Floor.' ( i v.Jf: W TT V ft !; ;-!ir '(-'' - pi. . - Vfc-. V -' , -tit -. . i ; cr r ,v?; 4 1 y: 1 J J-'Xi J JSj ?t it EXPRESS PREPAID 103 Farnam St. IS Ytara in Omaha V