1 THE BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY, AUGUST 9, 1920. lassified Advertising Rates! BRINGING UP FATHER SEE JlGGS AND MAGGIE IN FULL VACE OF COLORS IN THE SUNDAY BEE Drawn for The Bee by McManus. Cnpi-r-fe IV" Iri-?'val Newsservice. FINANCIAL. Real Estate Loans. c per Hne (count word to Una) 1 day CITY AND FARM LOANS. Dl'MONT CO.. 416-418 Keeline Bldg. . OMAHA HOMEiC'EAST. NEB. FARMS? O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1016 Om, Nst. BkBldg. Doug. JU. DIAMONDS AND JFWELRT LOANS. Lowest rates Private loan booths. Harry Melaehock. 1614 Dodge. D. 6618. Es. 1894, PRIVATE MONET. 31110 to $10,000 made promptly. P. D. WEAD. Weed Bldg.. 310 S. 13th St. MONEY available for making several $1,000 loans. F. D. Wead, Wead Bldg., 310 So. 1 nth, PRIVATE MONET ' SHOPEN COMPANY. Doug. 4228. PROMPT aervloe. reasonable rates. prlvaU money. Garvin Bros.. 345 Omaha Nat D. E. BUCK. Leans. 441 Omshs Nat Stocks and Bonds. 6a per lino pr day. I consecutive oiji ; 5c par Una per day. T consecntavo day I 4o Dvr'llne par day, SO consecutive day ' 5 DO VOO REMErABER Mf TATHE.R FOR MX OO M04J tENCNC,CB MO V-E VvXXJLO ftlT e TME HU AND &EFORE. Vt "WERE MARRIEO XOO TOOK ME. IN XOOR Al?r, AiSO AtKCO ME TO THE tVEET MDRD WHICH WOULD MK TOO HAPPY FOR ,j FOR. 4000NEi ake; l f No ada taken (or Iraa than a total or J be. XE4&OT "TOO MA.VC Changed TE,-ANO TOO tAIO THE WROH MA;iie - wht oont These rates apply itner lu tne Daily YEP.' I NEVER A HAPPI ER MAN IN tOU throw pillow? he Sunday Baa. All advertlsemente ap- ar In both morning and evening daily baper (or the orfe charge. HANO ? t CONTRACT HAIM APPLICATION Want a da accepted at tb following ef Ices? ,f AIN OFFICE. ...17th and Farram Sta. ME LIFE THAN HE -one:: 7 t-irt- woz.: r'outh Side -'J IS N St. ounetl Bluffs Ik Scott St. LvANT ADS RECEIVED BT PHONE AT T Y LcJrt IOU0 THB BEE will not b issoonslble for re than ona Incorrect Insertion of an Ttvuunjnant uiiei'ea (or mora man one CLOSING HOURS FOR WANT ADS Ivenlng Edition. .12:00 M. doming Edition ' ! 00 P. M. Sunday Edition 9:00 P M. Saturday I A lUn ME LIFE f X DEATH & FUNERAL NOTICES. VARD John M . aged 61 years, died Sat urday morning at hia home, 4427 South Twenty-first street. Funeral from residence Sunday at 1 "p. m.. Rev. J. Delmon Kuykendall offi ciating. Masonic services at the frave at 4 p. m. Interment Springfield, Neb. tATIGAN Jack, H years id. son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hatlgan, dl td Friday afternoon following short ill ness. Funeral services from residence, 4208 South Twenty-sixth street. Sunday all ernoon at 3 p. m. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. rHULSE & RIEPEN, i PIONEER FUNERAL Dl RECTORS. (11 South Kith St. Douglas 1226 BTACK & FALCONER, INDEPENDENT UflDERTA K ERS" PIERCE-ARROW AMBULANCE SERVICE. Llrtr-thlrd and Farnam. Harney 64. T AUG ART & SUN, UNDERTAKERS AND EMBAI.MERS. Iephone Douglas 714. 2216 fuming -St. HEAFEY & HEAFEY, Undertakers and Emhalmurs. hone H. 205. Office 2611 Farnam. FLOMSTS. JSEL. LARMON Florist! 1114 Douglas St. Douglas 8244 fOHN BATH 18th and Farnam. D. 3000. LOST, FOUND AND REWARDS, LOST at Krug Park, Aug. 6. small t crocheted ecru bag containing i.oerty bonds and some money. Bonds no : good to anyone but owner. Finder I please return to 1327 So. 10th. Liberal f reward. Duuglas 2846. - I.oat. strayed or stolen, dark yellow k dog, size of Fox terrier, answers to name Buddy. White stripe between t eyes, white chest and feet, tag No. 7 ts 4 asm jifwty Ave. narney .-laia. kOKARTICLES LOST on stitet ears tele- V . ir.,l. ,11(1 W?m. a anvinn. tn - - llbUM IJWI " " " . . V a -9 VIIA1WI1-. 1 store lost articles to rightful owners. OMAHA COUNCIL BLUFFS ST. RT. EOST Sum money last Thursday between Weat Side Pharmacy. 48th Leavenworth, and Pharmacy Soth Leavenwortn. Notuy Omaha Steel Works, 48th Leavenworth. KOST Black leather purse witn 3o; If f 160 bills and 140 checks; between 60th r and U and 41st and L. -Call south I e; reward. - OST Boston bull terrier, female; dark hflrMta u'hira fnrAhA-.il -iir-iur tnllr -nl. I lar marked H. D. 3433 S. 15lh. Re- ward, Douglas quo.-. OST Bet wren depot, council uiurts ana Omaha bridge, lower set of false teeth. F Reward. Walnut 4463. V SPECIAL NOTICES. WILL NOT be responsible for any debts of creditors of A. H. Smith, grocer. 3190 Ames Ave., after August 20, 1920, which la .low under the name of N. Baumer. I (Signed) N. Baumer. PERSONAL. HE SALVATION Army Industrial" home solicits your old clothing, furniture, mazaxlnea. Ws collect. Wo distribute. h Phone Doug. 4135 and our wagon will Wall. Call and Inspect our new tome, 3 tl, ni l. mi Dndae St. A-VING adjusted the differences between my wrjfe and myself. I hereby retract the'itatement that I will no longer be responsible for her debts. Qeorge A. b Mulfimjer. ; , BAb "Swedish massage: baths by skilled operators, at sanitarium or your home; also-ream with nursing care for patients 1 by week. Douglas 6877 t ULECTR1C bathsT8wedlsh or elec. I nws , sage. In hmevor wllj go out.Web. 2911. i-fRSK tkes!patien. priv. homes. Wal. pLECTRO Theraoy massage. ' 311 Neville BldK. , A8SAOE!. "Hi North 17th St." ANNOUNCEMENTS. Attorrryg. J- FRIKDMAN. attorney, announces re- yjmoval of offices to S02 Omaha Natlpnal; (j Tel. Tyler 44::. Will be on vhih.ii m I t orn August li to ;:o. Attractions. 'LARK'S colored juzz orchestra. Sl3JL8i- Wal. ; : Patent Attorneys. KTERNATIONAL PATENT CO. patent attorneys, procure, buy and aell pat ents. 171 Dodge St.. Omaha. Chiropodists. . arrle J. Burford. 620 Paxton Bid. D. 1208. Contractors and Carpenters.;, REENTERING, repairing. '"remodelln'K ,j)tl. J... J. Erickson. Call Walnut 1637. iXPER i P.NCED carpenter wanta work. Dg. 6606. - Dressmaking. jKitssja Attiwu snirtniaking. Mar;-i677. f Dancing Academies. f "'8UMMER DANCING RATES. TV1 PTMTi1 School for Dancing. tLCiljrrllSCj 2424 Farnam. D. 7860. J Class at S: dancing at 9 p. m. Monday. Thar. Sat Private iaonsiiny time. Detectives. "liKINrS NATIONAL DETECTIVE AGENCY. Incorporated. Douglas 1107. Arlington- Blk.. Omaha, Neb. . UAMES ALLAN. 312 Nrvllle Blk. Evf- dence secured In allcasea. Tyler ii3. iELIABLB Detecnye Bureau. Railway S EX.. Bldg. Doug. 036. Night. Col. 466. Dentists. IrTBradbury. JIo pain. 21 W. O. W. Bid. Electrical Utilities. JiENT Hoover sweeper, TeL Webster ENT electric 'vacuum cleaners. D. 6718. Dress Suits. DLL dress suits and tutedoa for rent. 10 N. 16th St. John Feldman. D. 8128. LTJag Stoves 'Connected. ONNECTIONS, 32Tnouse pining. H. 1619. . Hats Blocked. UtATS oWfiiied and blocked while you wait, at Paxton Hat Works. 1607 to f arnam St. Work cuaranteed. D-6'39. T T . ' . ' " "j "Til . - I -Jicmsiitc.iing ana .ricaiing. JCCORDION. side, knife, sunburst box pleating, covered buttons, all sizes and styles; hbmestltching, plcot. edging, eye let cut work, buttonholes. pennsnts. tdet " Button and Pleating Co., 808 Brown. Blk. Douglaa 1936 'Vlop- "Notch Shop Hemstitching, braiding. j beading, sll kinds pleating. Doug. 6011. ! Room 31. Douglaa Blk.. 16th and Dodge. T Insurance. iTE WRITE fire, tornado, automobile, In-'ld-mnity, burglary and all other forma Kt of Insurance. Edward F: Williams Co., U03-S04 Omaha Nat. Bank. Doig. 420. Hauling. fAXT steady Job hauling with team of horses. Phone Tyler 163.. Kodak Developing and Finishing. ILMS dsseloped: printing and enlarging. El Write for prices. , The Ensign Co.. 1607 newara ot. ramung ana rapernanguig. i v. ; AINTINO. paperhanglng. plastering. walnut 4567. jAlNTING, papering; loweat prlcoa. l i-tVTINO and paperhanglng. WaL 5461. ..."-H-. " Jewelry. J) IAM0NDS pt, pwtt the beat ith Diivllege iio puy i JEWEL Jjag 04. Ao Juy hack at small profit. GROSS KWELRI CO.. 403 Pi. ItlD OC UOUg las tQi. Printing. rEDDING annosmeementa and printing. tiooi-l Printing Cp. Tel. Douglas 644. Raxor Blades Sharpened. fAFETV razor blades sharpened, new ra- orsv rator blades aoid. omana Kazor Bharpenmg Co.. 1523' fJggt. ltfi N. i. Welding.' UMSiA' WSLDING t.' "The Criul Welders.'' istb and Jackson, p. 4)17. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Towel Supplies. Omaha Towel Sup ply. 207 S. 11th. O. 628 Safes. "1 SAFES B j"' JA"l)e I2tb &"Farnam Derlght Safe Co. Sewing Machines. SI "7ING MACHINES We it., repair, s"ll needles snd parte MICKEL'S 15th and Harney. Douglas 1973 UTici11n Ana I iUIOVhtlBitVUai "PAXTON-MITCHELL Co . 2Tth and Martha 8ta Omaha. Neb. i Brass, bronze, aluminum and machine gray Iron castlnga. BELL'S MENTHOL OINTMENT can be purchased at Rialfu Drug Store. 16th and Douglas Sis.. Omaha. Neb. FOR SALE. Furniture and Household Goods. ALV riON SALE of unredeemed household goods at 807 South 17ti St.. Saturday, Aug. 14, 10 a. in. OMAHA VAN & STORAGE CO. ONE steel kitchen ntnse. 1 bed, sprinss and mattress, 1 lio-Htcuse, 1 kitchen cup-- bnarJt Phone H. C::4. ONE ranire stove anil T hard coal burner, rmsonulilc. 4507 Clsarles HOUSEHOLD furniture for "sale cheap. Call at 2943 Evans.. HOUSEHOLD furniture for sale cheap. Cali Sunday 242'Jc'harles. Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING MACHINES ALL MAKES, bought, sold, rented and repaired. Sole agenta for the CORONA. Oat our price before vou buy Kverv machine guaranteed Central Typewriter Exc. Douglas 4120. 1913 Farnam. WE buy. acll and exchange all makes of typewrltera . Write for list. L-'Idland Office Supply Co., 1404 Dodge. ALL MAKES Typewriter Co., "afi makes?' 206 S. 18th St. Tyler 2414. ROYAL typewriters, all models, for rent. JRoyal Typewriter Co.. 316 S. 19th sft. F. A E. checkwrlters, bargains. 320 Neville- Pianos and Mustcal Instruments. LARGE, beautiful, $160 mahogany phono-. gruph. just like new. Including records and needles; lr quick sale, 385. Wal. 3941. a. hospe co.,fr,yndlnmU.,.c Planoa for rent, 14.00 per month. DRUMS, trails, marimbas. Instructions. repairing. Phone Harney 29.67. Geo. A. Smith. 2761 Davenport St. PIANOS for sale; bargain. Doug. 9227. Miscellaneous. GLASS FOR SALE SIZES 6X7, 6X8, 8X10. BEST GRADE: CAN BE USED FOR HOT HOUSES, WIRELESS, SETS. ETC. CALL MR. HADLET, TYLER 1000. ENGRAVING DEPT. FOR SALE AT BARGAIN TWO 16-30 and six 12-20 new Ad-vanee-Rumely Oil Pull Tractors. If interested write or wire box 828, Dan- vlile, Virginia. i OMAHA PILLOW CO. Feather mattrees ea made from your own feathers, sum mer and winter aides. Pillows i-enovat- ?d and mnde up In new featherpr"nf icklng. 1907Cumlng D ?I67. HORIZONTAL steam boiler for sale; also 30. inch blower i. nd srood delivery vk on. Htamlard Laumlry. 240i North 24th. Webster 130. - WE buy. sell safes, make desks, shew casts, etc. Omaha Fixture &, Supply Co., S. W. Cor 11th and Douglas Dg. 3724. GPET wicker baliy buggy, fine condition. Will sacrifice. $1S.S0, W( b. 4312. PflTTT TTCI at Nathan Steinberg's. DKJ 1 1 JUUlO 1019 Harney St. D. 6165. MIRROR FflRRALE.Nougllls 8105. KINDLING and lumber. Web. 46. WANTED TO BUY. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks; used desks bought, sold and traded. J. C Reed. 1207 Farnam.D. 6148. LIBERTY BONDS BOUGHT. MACKS BOND HOUSE. 1421 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Tyler 3644. WILL buy second-hand clothing, shoes and furniture. Ty. 2598. A. saveu. iho w. m. SITUATIONS WANTED Male. REFINED white chauffeur wishes posi tion in private family. Best of refer ences. Address Box X-67, Omaha Bee. " Female. HOUSEKEEPERS. LAUNDRESSES. Watch the Domestic column of The Bee. Lots of good places are always advertlaed. Don't miss them. WANTS housework, girl 22 . years, just come from Dnmark. Write to S. Jen sen, Valley, Neb. . Laundry and Day Work. V OMAN wants day work. Call Afro Ajnerltarm Employment , Agefccy 252214 Lake. 1 Web, 6976, - '; , ' - LAUNDRY?' day work, jtleartng, ex-" perlenced. Webster 6.S62." j LAiJndRY Day work: exrerienced. Webster 3254. J LAUNDRY. Tuesdays snd Wednesdays. Web. 6182. LAUNDRY work" Mrs! "Gibson, 5914 No. 36th St. l BUNDLE WASHING wanted. Webstar 1379. . LAUNDRY for Mon.. Tue.. Wed. Web ster 3086. ' . CLEANlNcC day work, experienced. Web ster 8254. DAY work, laundry, Web. sno;. colored laundresa. DAY WORK wauted experienced. Web- ster 3955. WANTED Day work, experienced. Doii- lssJ368. LAUNDRY, day workT'expcrlenced. Web. 51 17. j LAUNDRY, day, work, cleaning exp. Web. I953. BUNDLE washing, prices reasonable. WeD. 2M. BUNDLE washing, daywork. "Webster 4195. . LAUNDRY, dy work? . cleaning. Web. H24. BUNDLE washing Colored lady. Web. t -- DAY work, laundry, exp.. colored. Web. aii;u. SILK bundle and family washing. Web. 3445. ' ' BUNDLE washing; day work. 3948. Webster DAY work wanted; colored lady. . Web. 2498. ' BUNDLE washing, experienced. Webster 1508. DAYWORK, experienced, laundress. Web 4448. ; DAY work wanted; experienced. Web 6450. ; . DAY work; laundry; experienced. Web 444.t. ' LAUNDRY woYk? whHe woman. Coif. 1611. DAY work. cleaning,laundry. Web. 3131. DAY work, colored woman. .Veb. 5472. DAY work wanted. Webster 6H44. BUNDLE washing Webster 1379. DAY work wanted, experlent-ed. Web. 64f. LAUNDRY Day work: exp. Web. 4796. DeVY work? "xp?"'web. 6702. Mr ScrugKs. BUNDLE WA SIi I NG wanted. Weo. 2401. Daywork. "laondryjxperienced. Tyler S671. B UN DL e" 'washing. " W"' 3;:03. IRONiNfi,' cleaning, by day, Web, I 11 1 - SITUATIONS WANTELX Laundry add Day Work. DAY WORK in private home. Web. 6218. BUNDLE washing wanted. "web. 6808. BUNDLE washing, "reasonable. Web. 2127. LAUNDRY work wanted. Webster 4496. BUNDLE wssi-.lr.it; roft wat.r. Web. 6949. DAYWOEK, housecleaning. Webster 6218. ROUUHDRY Tb"undl"ewsahliig. Web 6450. BUNDLE washing wanted. Dg. 3199. DAYWORK by the hour. Web. 6028. DAY WORK wanted. Tyler 3671. WANT LAUNDRY work. Web. 1268. DAY WORK, laundry. ex Web.i 3780. BUNDLE washing, Webster 3303. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Stores and Office WANTED EIlott Fischer bookkeeper, must have at leaat one years experi ence and capable of balancing owii books, good salary. L. V. Nicholas Oil Co.,ithand Howard Sts. EXPERIENCED . stenographer wanted? steady employment, good pay to right - party, y Henry & Robinson Heavy Hardware Co., Douglas 22S5. Professions and Trades. YOUNG LADIES D. you want a permanent position I No profession today otfers better op- v portunltles for good salaries and stead . employment than local or long distance elephone work. Tbe work ' Is fascinating, pleasant, healthful surroundings, annual vaca tions with full" pay. 81ck and accident benefit without cost to employes. No experience necessary. Substantial weekly pay while tn training. Rapid advancement , Parents invited to Investigate working conditions. ' Apply to MRS. MORRIS Employment Secretary, Room 116. New Telephone Building. Nineteenth and Douglas Streets. WANTED DICTAPHONE OPERATER WITH REFERENCES. APPLY MISS HOFFMAN. WESTERN ELECTRIC CO.' V 802" FARNAM. EXPERIENCED CASHIER AND WRAPPER APPLY AT ONCE. . HERZBERG'S. 1517 DOUGLAS ST. Saleswomen ana solicitor!. WANTED, 7 WOMEN 1 have just connected with a wor!de fill proposition. .Most legitimate, clean, honest, refined proposition. Something to sell. Live women with good appear ance and pleasing personality with rea sonable ability, should average 315 to $25 per day on commission. I am a woman and knew that this Is a wonder ful chance. Married or single. All or part time. Experience unnecessary. City or country. Write or call but get In while you can make a lot of money. At of fice 8 to 10 a. m.. 6 to 7 p. m. Miss Madge M. Coons. .740 First National Hank Bldg., Omaha, Neb. COMPETENT maid for general house work; must be good cook; small family; best wages; references. llrs. W. F. Weston, 303 So. 61st. Walnut 278. WANTED at once white woman or girl, no washing or cooking, good, home. Douglas 6203. COOK, colored, wanted; good wages; ref erences required. Call Harney 330. WANTED A competent second maid. with references. Har. 206. ' WANTED White girl for general houje wurk, CalHarney 134S. - MIDDLE aged woman; family of 2. JIVob. 5691; ' CAPABLE woman to cook; no laundry, llrs. Fred Daughe. ty. Har. 2650. Hotels and Restaurants. GIRLS to wttit soda tablea; good pay; steady work. Apply Green Room. Brandels Stores WANTED Experienced candy girl; short hours, good ay. Phelps Hut, 1708 Douglas. EXPERIENCED second cook, references. Flatlron Cafe, 1720 St. Marys Ave. Miscellaneous. BTO! SISTERS ASSOCIATION, for the benefit of business girls. 623 Bee Bids. Douglas 6592. HELP WANTED Male and Female. WANTED yuun men and ladles to sail thb SCHMOLLER . & MUELLER and COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPH. An op poi tuniiv to make $50 to $100 per week.' Experience in this line not absolutely na-essrtry. Sen Mr. Hammon. SCHMOLLER A MUELLER PIANO CO.. Oiiiiiha, Neb. WANTED Men. ladies and boys to learn . barber trade; big demand: wages whild learning; striutly modern Call or write 1403 Dodge St., Trl-Citv Barber College. HELPANl'ELJMALE Stores and Offices. MEN WAITED. FOR SERVICE IN Til E HOUSE. PERMANENT TOSITIONS.- : GOOD SALARY. ; APPLY SUPT. BALCONY. V BURGESS-NASH CO. W ANTEDBy a rubber plant' making heels and all kinds of molded goods, a man who has experience and Is able to take complete charge of the production and the business In general. T,his Is a wonderful chance for some man to show his worth and be assured of the future. Give references and state experience and salary In your first letter. ThePremler Tire and- Rubber Co., Kansas City. Mo. NY intelligent person may earn $f00 to $200 monthly currespondlng or newspa pers: $15 to $21 weekly in ipare time; experience unnecessary; no canvassing; subjects suggested. Send for particu lars. National Press Bureau, Buffalo. n.jy. -.,... ASSISTANT cashier of south city bank with practical experience I deaires offi cial connection with bank In clty of nbt less than 5,000 population. Address Box Y-1214, Bee. Salesmen anr! Solicitors. WANTED Experienced piano nd Vlo trola salesman In the richest agricul tural part of the v.ountry, and one of the best home cities tn the United States , Good salary. ' commission and expenses. References required. Ross iP. 4'oetW -,. I' -n ' I '' for 40 yen's. Largest muslo merchants " In lbs state, HELP WANTED MALE Salesmen and Solicitors. SALESMEN WANTED 1 Men and womejj every- i where, city and country, experience unnecessary; to sell oil leases in the " . great High Island Dis . t?ict Gulf Coast Oil Fields of Texas. You can make $500.00 per week selling for our company. Big commis- sion. Everybody buys. Our company is a fine, producing, money mak ing company. We have jnst struck oil on our 10,000-acre lease in Wyoming. We will bring in a big well on our 88 acre lease, Burkbumetf, Texas, very soon, now drilling. We own 7 fine producing . wells and drilling more at Humble Gusher ... Field, Texas. We o'w-n all our own' drilling rigs and equip- v ment. iWe start drilling at High Island as quick as our men can rig up and ,spud in. These leases most valuabJt on the market. Govern ment reports describe High Island with fon; derful possibilities. Sale v just started. Over 30 per cent of entire tract sold before big advertising campaign is- com menced. Act on that impulse,.. Get in quick. , Come to office if possi ble. Talk it over. Write or wire for your exclu sive territory. Get our bullstin hot off the press , with map and pictures of great gushers of Gulf Coast Fields. Most wonderful Gusher District in " America. These leases going into big money, and chance for every lease owner to clean up $50,000.00 on small investment. Looks like a sure shot. Men backing this company j "old-time operators." This company has made good every promise. Every " , prediction has come true. This company has never drilled a dry hole. This is Nebraska's very own oil company. Fully 98 per cent of our inves tors are citizens of Ne- braska. Every citizen a prospect; every citizen our friend and booster. This means' immediate big business for every salesman who uses his , red-blooded brain power. Get in quick. Work and we work with . 3'ou. This proposition going over the top into . .. big money. ,j OFFICERS IN CHARGE.' H. R ELL WOOD, President. OIL OPERATOR OF OMAHA, NEB.. WILLIS E. REED, First Vice. President. k FORMERLY ATTORNEY GEN ERAL FOR NEBRASKA. . MADISON. NEB. W. J. GASKILL, Second Vice President. LIVE WIRE BUSINESS MAN OF OMAHA. NEB. These men do big thingj. play the winners. We refer you to any body in Nebraska. - Call, write.wire-or phone GULF COAST DEVELOPMENT & REFINING CO., 740 First National Bank Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. . Long distance phone Tyler 398.' WE CAN uae two more good salesmen plenty of goods, good cominjaalona: rbgs.V blankets, table linen and silverware are a few of our leaders, all sold on our easy weekly payments. W. S. Buck Mercantile Co.. 2568-70 Leavenworth St. sk for Mr. JJennett. NTED Salesmen for state and county on a newly patented mechanical device nf merit; used by all check writers; en dorsed by bankers; easily carried In 'he vest pockt; exclusive territories as signed; big Income. Security Products do., P. O. Box 79, Chicago. 111. Experienced Salesmen To sell high-grade, dividend-paying stock. Extraordinary proposition, . fast seller, big commission. Write at once tor Interview. Box Y-1320. Bee. V ANTED Flrat-clais stock saleamen who can furnish references to sell preferred atock in growing corporation now paying good dividends, participating In all the profits, tlnqulre 2404-06 Amea Are., up stairs. . Stock Salesmen Unusual Issue, btg seller, good terri tories, attractive commission. Write for Interview at once. Box Y-U19. Bis. Bee Want" Ads Will Boost Your Business. L's Thun. ' 120 BT INTI PlATUWg (CSV ICS. IKW. HELP WANTED MALE Salesmen and Solicitors. WANTED Salesmen with established trade In Nebraska, to carry 34 samplea men's welt shoes. CanVbe carried as a side line. E. B. Pteken brock Sons. Dubuque, la. Professions and Trades. MEN WANTED IN SHIPPING D'EPT. APPLY TO SHIPPING CLERK. LOOSE WILES BISCUIT CO.. 13TH AND DAVENPORT. - YOUNG MEN. We have several openings for young hien to learn te,uhone switchboard In stallation work; liberal starting salary, with opportunity for advancement in an Interesting job. Apply Room 216 Telephone Bldg., 9 a. m. and 4 p. m. YOUNG man, study law. Eve. downtown sessions, ilnlver. of Omaha Law Dept. Thorough cSurse; nominal tuition. Sec. 404 Omaha National Bldg. WANTED One good machinist and one good automobile repair man. Scotts-bioff-Overland Co., Scottsbluff, Neb. WANTED Five single young men for clerical work: salarlea from 1140 to S200. Phone D. 6556. t MOLDERS Bench and floor men, ateady work. Berry Foundry,. St. Joaeph, Mo. GRANITE letterer wanted at. once. The Cherokee ' Monumett Co.. Cherokee, la. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE. 110 SO. 14TH ST. CATALOGUE FREE. Miscellaneous. - ' . WANTED MACARONI PRESS MEN AND HELPERS. Can use a few more handy men, also boya over 10 years; steady Nwork and no shutdown. Apply Monday a. m. ready for work, west aid.; entrance. SKINNER MANUFACTURING i CO.. ! . 14TH AND JACKSON STS. 25 ambitious young men to become sales men; 8,1.600 up; experience unnecessary. For openings and particulars write M-12, Omaha Bee. 2 GOOD auto mechanics wanted to work on an cars. inquire u. J,. u. uarage. Gretna, eb. A"ANTED Two- younir men for shipping department. Apply Mr. Tully 1307 Hurney. COOKS First class, want positions In and out or city. Omaha Oooka association. Douglas 9453. EDUCATIONAL DAY SCHOOL NIGHT 8CHOOU BOYLES COLLEGE. Complete courses In accountancy, ma chine bookkeeping, comptometery, short , hand and typewriting, railroad and wiring telegraphy, civil service and all English snd commercial branches. Write, call or phone Douglas 1565 tor targe Illustrated catalogue. Address BOYLES COLLEGE. Boyles Building, Omaha. Neb. Van Sant School of Business, Day and Evening Schools. x 230 Omaha National Bank Bldg. ' Douglas 6890. ' BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR sale Electric shop in a good town. oirice on main street. 1 win sell my complete electric stock and business. Can get right man agency for farm lighting plant. Have two months work on hand. Price $950.00. If Interested write or see Leo M.cGrath, Chappell, Neb. BIG MONEY $50 to - $100 Invested aa ground floor members on our double object plan gives cpportunlty to make .'.500 to $1,000 in 60 to 90 days. Act quick. Shauble. 250 Dwlght bldg.. Kan sas City.Mo. , Garage toy Sale A bargain: full equip ment of auto woodwork ana DiacKsmitn tools; 'cheap rent. Lake Street Auto Re pair Co., 14th and Lake Sts. Webster 3597. - ..'- To get In or out of business. See LEWIS ft CO 411 Mccague Bldg FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. PHONE THE WANT AD DEPARTMENT, TYLER 1000, AND ASK ABOUT OUR ' BIG ROOM LIST PRINTED EVERY WEEK FOR THE BENEFIT OF OUR READERS AND ADVERTISERS. LARGE front room, breakfast, can have garage. Hansc.om Park District. Har. 1044. COOL, attractively furnished front room, excellent neighborhood; referencea re quired. Harney 7916. 2614 JONES Very desirable room; strictly modern home; reasonable, uougias 41 1'.. MODERN room, with bath; gentlemen preferred. JH25 Nicholas. Harney 4060. NICE furnished modern rooms for house- keenlna. walking distance. Dg. 6349. ROOMS, 4 per week; room and board, 810.60 per week, call I'oitax ill. MODERN rooms, home privileges. Web- ster 6451. - COOLi front downstairs room. 7119. Harnoy ATTRACTIVE room, private family. Web. bSla. X.: MODERN "room, home privileges. WaL 458. - ELEGANTLY furnished room with gar.ige. privileges. 150 South 10th St. D. 3291. COOL, attractive, front room, suitable for rJ. prlyate-jfamily. Douglas 8513. LARUja-fcpnt room furnished, suitable for 2; walking distcnee. Doug. 7172. 2417 Dodge Cool rooms, Ty. 4111, Ty. 4016. LARUE, coul south room. Douglas 6277. ROOMS for rent, 626 South 25th Ave. NICE south room. Douglas 6277. Housekeeping Rooms. LARGE parlor housekeeping room, kitch enette, everything complete, reaaonaDie. Tylert318. Webster 2310. NEATLY furnished light housekeeping room; desirable location. 1041 S. iStli. Harney 7366. NICE, cool. Ilght housekeeping room, yaunory privileges. weDsier buj. 2628 CAPITOL, cool light housekeeping NICE cool, light housekeeping rooms; laundry privileges. Webster so:. 2 NICE Jiousekeeplng rooms, 2468 Cass. TWO front rooms,, modern. Harney 1141. .Board and Rooms. BEAUTIFUtT larg room and board, suit able for 3 gentlemen, one block to car. Webster 4046. 663 SO. 26TH AVE. Room and good board to college boys. Harney 2129. 619 So. 26th Ave. Board, room. Dg. 8095. Unfurnished Rooms. 8 UNFURNISHED rooms at 1310 South 30th Ave. Har. .1739.. 4 ROOMS unfurnished. 1818 North 21st. St. Webster 63C4. ' MiscelUneou"- LIST your property for rent or sale with FIRST TRUST COMPANY. Realtors. Tyler III. FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS Unfurnished. LET us rent your houae or flat. Benjamin rankenoffrg. a Bee iav 'OR APARTMENTS see W. Farnam Smith . A Co., 1320 Farnam SU Douglas 664. , FOR RENT APTS, AND FLATS Furnished. HOME WITH CONVENIENCE OF HOTEL. Suites of 2 snd three rooms rr'beau tituily appointed building. Linen, bed ding, china, cooking utensils, heat, gas. light, water, phune and other necessi ties furnished. We assume Jour servant problem. Every courtesy extended In showing apartments. EL-BEUD R APARTMENTS. Dodge at 18th -Tyler 4200. VERY desirable apartmen In Dundee: rent 370; leasee must purchase furni ture. Victor - Roos. Harney 2406. WANTED TO RENT. Unfurnished Apartments and Houses WANTED j or 8-room modern house in good neighborhood, either In Omaha or Council Bluffs, by Sept. 1 or 15, at rea sonable rent by professional man with family properly reared; will guarantee proper care of property. Address Y 1 -ga. Bee. ' ' FOR RENT Business Property FOR RENT Office space, second floor, 19th and Douglas Sts., "available on or before September 1. Bankers' Mortgage Loan Co., 318 South 18th St. Douglas 1014. FOR RENT-Business rooms, one suit able for pool room. 23x60 : other suit able for grocery or furniture store, 23x90. On main street in thriving town. For Information write Box 196, spen dan, Wyo. ' FOR RENT Entire second floor. 22x132 ft., at 1111 Farnam St.. suitable for of fice or small factory. Key on flrat floor. Telephone Douglas 4199. MOVING AND STORAGE. WE assemble and forward -tarloads of both household goods and automobiles. Watch this column, as it will keep you Carloads informed where we are making carload shipments to. If yc vou are shipping 4o any of the cit ies represented or to towns adjacent to nur shinning noints. see us about our rates, as it ,1s likely that our through: late is . less than the regular local rate and you have the advantage of carload service. Todey we are accepting shipments foi ".he following cities: Portland. Ore. Los Angeles. Cat. Seattle, Wash. Chicago, 111. San Francisco, Cal. Oakland Cat. Kansas City. Mo. GORDON FIREPROOF WAKE HOUSE AND VAN CO., 219 N. 11th St. Phone DdUglas 394. Omaha. Neb. FIDELITY and11 van CO. STORAGE. MOVING. PACKING HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND PIANOS. v REASONABLE RATES. 1 FREE RENTAL SERVICE. COMPLETE LIST OF HOUSES AND APARTMENTS. 16th and Jackaon Sta. Douglas 288. MOVING. PACKING, STORAGE. tiro fnonnn m . o cuoiidei l 11,1.1 l.Wf it ixiiuil, 'l.:i.. Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos, moving, packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO., 806 South 16th. . Doug. 4161. METROPOLITAN VAN and STORAGE CO. Owned by H. R. Bowen Co. Tyler 8400. GLOBE VAN, TRANSFER AND STORAGE CO. For real service In hauling or stor age, call Tyler 230 or Douglaa 4S 8. Auto or wagon service. k UNION TRANSFERCO. Let us estimate your moving, packing and storage. 1605 Davenport Doug. 2908. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. FOX TERRIER pups.. $5. Walnut 2168. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE.. A SAFE. AND SANE INVESTMENT Re-newed and re-built trucks by Packard Omaha Company: ; PACKARD, 2-ton, guar anteed same as new. A bargain. MASTER, 2-ton. Nearly t new. Very reasonable. G. M. C, '34-ton.' Will make ' excellent serVice truck. REPUBLICS. Several to choose from. All bargains. PACKARD OMAHA CO. 3016 Harney St. Tel,,: Harney 10. . Open Evening, and Sundays ; STUDEBAKER SIX Seven-passenger touring car. Special winter tou, with removable sides. We 'are offering this car at a ret,-. v " markably. low price. Will consider a small car ip ex change and will give terms on the balance to resf.nsi- . hie party. .XS16 Harney St. Tel, Harney 10. Buy a Guy L. Smith - Used Car :y A SAFE INVESTMENT. We always have a few first-class used cars which are real bargains. Each is guaranteed and with a real service behind it. Call Doug las 1970 any time for description i of car and prires. A REAL BARGAIN National 7-paasenger. In excellent con dition; only been driven 1,600 miles; looks and runs like new; dandy oar for a large family; will aell at real sacrifice; very liberal terms If desired. MORSE-STCTZ MOTOR CAR CO.. 1427 Farnam St. Douglas 1311. NEW TRUCK Ntver been used: Repub lic, 'model 10 one-ton; pneumatic tires, grain and stock body: sell less tnan wholesale cost. Box 266, Sargent, Neb. '.'ANTED For spot cash 100 ustd care, quirk action: no delay Auto Exehangi Co., 2059 Farnam tit. -Douglas 8036, AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. DRIVE IT YOURSELF COMPANY RENT A NEW FORD DRiVE IT YOUItSELF THE MOST ECONOMICAL AUTO MOBIL1NO; CHEAPER THAN OWN ING A CAR. NEW Al CONDITION. PELF -STARTERS OPEN DAY AND NIGHT THE 365 DAYS 1314 HOWARD STRE ET DOUG 3632 FOR SALE New Stephens "Salient Six." 4-passtneer. run loo miles; lius is a real bargain and will iro quick. Will take good usei I'-ird in trade, balance cash. I'hono Koutn 2382. Alter 8 p. m. call Soufh 849. j WE SAVE YOU $5 out of every $10 on auto insurance. Phone Douglaa 7761. 313 Peters 1'ruat Bldg. Continental Inv. Co. WE have been forced to take a 2-ton truck to aatlafy an indebtedness and will sell for the balance due us. Liberal terms to responsible party. Harney 13) 0. . SOME bargains In used Ford ars. Mc Caffrey Motor Co. The Handy Ford Service Station, 15tb and Jackson Doug las 3600. OVERLAND. 6-passenger. first class shape: good tires; will sacrifice for 817S. Can be seen at Crcightun Garage, 17th and Davenport St.. after 6 o'clock. DO YOU want a good automobile at a bargain price? All makes and i7es. Terms or cash. Call Mr. Jones. Doug las 5188. FORD truck, 191S, panel body, This la a dandy, for only $325 Can be seen at Leavenworth Heights Garage. Walnut 4743. - TRACTOR .New Hart-Parr" 15-30 tractor, new Oliver thret -bottom plow, new Ol iver 40-wheel tractor disc; will sacri fice. Box 266, Sargent, Neb. THE DIXIE FLYER. W. R NICHOLS MOTOR COMPANY. 520 Farnam St. OAKLAND Sensible Six. MARSH OAKLAND CO., 1309 Farnam Bt. NEW and used cars; also Ford bodies, at Golds! rum Auto Sales Co., 1218 Harney St. Tyler 714. WE have 50 good used caia to select from. All prices. MEEKS AUTO CO.. 2026 Fa rnam. GARAGE, 10x16 feer-" complete. SI ti"6. 'Dickson A Newman, So. 2794 or So. 1761. HUPMOBIL5, bargain for cash: terms: consider part trade. 1329 S. 32d St. 1920 FORD RUNABOUT or truck; good condition; for sale. Walnut 6649. 1918 FORD roidster. bargain. Must sell. Call H srney 2790 after 6. Repairing and Pamting. RADIATOR CORES INSTALLED. Manufactured In Omaha. 24-hour serv ice for auto, truck and tractor. Expert radiator and fender repairing; body dents removed; new fendera made. OMAHA AUTO RADIATOR MFG. CO." 1819 Cuming St. Tyler 917. . . Tires and Supplies. USED TIRES. 30x3. $6.00; 30x8 4. $6.60. All sizes In proportion. .' ook over our rebullts, Opon Sundays. Tyler 296. SAVIGB TIRES. 908 N. 16th St. ' Keyatone Tire Shop. NEW TIRES FIRST-CLASS. 35X3 ..310.95 1 32x4 $10.98 311X3 Vi... ..-.'. 13.95 33x4 20.95 30x4 29.95 1 34x4 20.95 GOODRICH ?ORD TUBES. $2.50. KAIMAN TIRE JOBBERS, 1722 CUMING. NEW GUARANTEED TIRES. 30x1 3 9.75H 33x4 $21.50 30y.'i 12.50 I 34x4 21. STANDARD TIRE CO., 410 No. 16th. Motorcycles and Bicycles. IXDIAN motorcycle, almost new, will sacrifice for quick sale. Tyler 627, Mr, Christy. FARM LANpS Michigan Lands. GOOD LAND ON CREDIT. Big opportunities for you in Kalkaska ana Antrim counties Mien. Make home on hardwood land, growing big crops of clover, alfalfa, grains, pota toes, etc.; $15 to $35 per ae; e.asy terms: 10 to 160 acres; schools, churches, markets, railroHds own your owu home; booklnt free, &w;lKart Land Co.. J 1252 First Nat'l Barn Bldg,. Chicago, III. Nebraska Lands A REAL FARM HOME 1-2 Mile From Central. . . City, 125 acres highly improved, one. half mile from paved street of th? best little town in the state. If interested at all waste a stamp and write for full description.' M. A. LARSON Central City, Neb. KIMBALL COUNTY" WHEAT - Yielding from 25 to 50 bushels to the acre. Farmers paying for their land with one year's crop. 320 acres.- Improved farm. 150 acres . summer-fallowed and ready to seed to fall wheat. Price, $60.00 per acre. 4S0acres. Improved farm. 310 acrea In wheat. This wheat is now being headed and stacked, one-third goes to purchaser dellvere l at elevator. Price 16 5. CO per acre. I have several ' bargains In 10, 320 and 640 acre improved and unimproved farms. - FRANK A. SMITH, ' Kimball. Nebraska. "3715, ACRE "HOOKER COUNTY qN P-iojxo 'SJeqiog 'v T "apBJj Jpis -uo in ;pu uo 4,iUB(uq 'uub.i Jsq OVt U.WOM 9J.IB Jed 0Z8 .N1 :Ooq.is UJOJJ S4IU1 Z 'SJBJU Pus ja.vop dMS sjjs ooll o 003 :stuuiAOjdtui ujo -pout 1 1 b :puv ,I4 te.w sjjod 008 :iiju.t 320-A.. good second bottom land. 6 mites from Tekamah, fair bldgi., 6-a. pas ture: 10-a. alfalfa, bal. farmed, $221 ..per acre, easy terms. Can buy crop if wanted. Other farms. Also some good ranches. . Clarence Dingle, Agent, Tekamah, Neb. 80-A. all hog-tight and fenced Into sever. al fields: fine buildings, electric light plant, water system, lots uf tame arass. Six miles from Tekamah. nearer Craig. $350 per acre, terms. Clarence Dingle, Agent, Tekamah. Neb. TbUR"FARM OR RANCH Turned tmlctily Into n ny our unique method. Write for bcoklet. Ne braska Reslty Auction Co.. f ntral City, Neb. 4.000 ACRES Box Butte county Urm land: $25 to $35 sn sere In half section lots 8. S. AND R. E. MONTGOMERY. 813 City Nat'l Bank Bldg For Neb. Farms and Rsnchea aee , Graham-Peters Realty Co., 82 Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg., Omatia. GOOD' hay ranchea for aale; will con alder some trade. T L. Lorn as Burwell. Neb. , j A. "A. PATZMAW. Farms. 81 Karbach Blk. 1 Oklahoma Lands. SHAWNEE, OKI,., center of a great farm ing country. Write for free agricultural booklet. Board of Commerce. Shawnoe, Okl. Wyoming Lands FOR SALE 2S0-acre ranch near Lander. Wvo.; 186 acres irrigated, balance pas ture; close to school snd free rsnge; river runs through entire place: good aet ot improvements and Jences, In outre of ownen F. J. Miller, 113 Du re n so St.. El Paso. Tex. ' FINANCIAL. Real Estate Loans. FARM LOANS Th Corm. Mu;. Life Ins. Co. Is still msklng farm loans through Ita fiscal agent, Paul Peterson. 864 Brant dels Theater Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. Low est rates, best terms. MONEY IS TIGHT BUT I will still buy some good farmers' notes at a sub stantial discount. I will also buy certificates of deposit. EDWIN L. COYLE, 105 S. LA SALLE ST., CHICAGO. REAL ESTATE WANTED. you WANT TO BELL THAT HOUSE t Want quick action? Just try us. Call Tyler 496. OSBORNE RKALTYCq.4S0 Bee Bldg. E. G. SOLOMON 212 Karbacb Blk. Doug. 626. To buy or sell Omsha Real Estste see FOWLER & M'DONALD, 1120 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. Doug. 1418. w. g. shriver R,r,ur- 1047-8 Omaha NaBankBld;.J)lJSi. HAVE Htquirlea for homes; do you want to sell your property? List It with C. A. Grlmmel, Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. HAVE buyers with $500 cash down. List with Vs. R. F. Clary Co.. 2404-6 Ames Ave., North Omaha Realtors. Colfax In. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE K,0 irnira Parlrlna r.ountv. South Da-, kota; land for salo cheap, or will trade for what have you? lddresa Box X-83, Omaha Bee. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS. Close-In Flat Bargain. Splendid press brick, tolld oak-finished flat, consisting nf 10 rooms and 7; dandy corner: all specials paid; worth $20,000. Price only $12,600, and can be handled with $3,000 down. ' OSBORNE REALTY CO.. 430 Peters Trust Bldg. Tyler 496. ;"M00RCR0FT " OIL LAND FOR SALE. 9fi7 acres deeded land, best ranch . hulldlngs In radius of 100 miles; price cheapJ D. H. Eyler. Clarion) la. WALSH-ELMER CO.. iRealtors, Real Estate. Investment, Insurance. Rent als. Tyler 1536, 383 Securltlea Bldg. REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED. CHEAPEST LOT IN DUNDEE. In restricted district near 52d snd Dodge 50x135, only $1,600 for qui-, sale. Terms If Tiecesavy. GLOVER & SPAIN. Realtors. , J19JanBankBldg; Doug.S850. Vacant Property. SOUTH" Side trackage, 3," 6." or 10 acres. South Side Land Co.. Doug. 8388. CORNER lot on Blvd., near Douglas Mo tor. Bargain. $700. Doug. 4b4i. 70t. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Benson. LEAVING city, must sell my five-room bu ngalow, trkree rooms finished upsulrs. 39 No. 6Jira. Call Owner. Wal; 3246. 2639 N Dundee. DUNDEE. "" Double corners, 62d and Farnam, 52d and Izard. Priced right. Alfred Thomas. 604 First National Bank. r , x Florence. VETH A WAY. Suburban prop ty. Col. 1409. Miscellaneous. - 6-1; OOM J97. modern cottage. Owner, Tyler REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. West 6-R00M SEMI BUNGALOW Excellent location, close in, large lot; shade and fruit trees. First floor has reception hall, liv ing room, dining room and kitchen. Quarter sawed oak finish and floors. Second floor has three - fine bedrooms and bath; large closets; full . cemented and parti tioned basement. An excelent buy at $8,000 for borne or investment. Benson & Carmichael, 642 Paxton Block. Tyler 3540. Evenings and Sunday, Walnut 1580. CATHEDRAL ' DISTRICT. Fine brick hous?; $8.000 ; $2,000 cash. Fur InformflHon oMr J. J. MULVIHILL. L.D. 9. 200 Brar.deis Thester BMg. BEMIS Park District. 8-room house with ' garage, large cornen lot. Call Irving Sorensen. Dg. 6790. j" B ROBISON, real estale and Inveat- ment. 442 Bee Bldg. Douglas8097 BENSONIEYER3 COtiOnL J!at. , North. : Near Kountze Park Just listed a 6-ronm full two-story strictly modem residence, large living room serous the front, rtsndy dining room butlers jj-intry and kitchen on tne firt floor Willi oak floors and oak fin ish. Three dandy nice bedrnoma snd bath on tie second, floor and large floored stile above, full cement base ment, furnace heat, hot and cold wsfr. rtrnin. fruit room complete. Storm win dows and screens complete for all over the house. Dundy large lot on paved street, paving paid. Garage. Owner of this property has offered to eacrlfl-e on reasonable tetms aa he la leaving for Crilifornla. Payne Investment Co., C37 Om. Nat'l Hiik Bldg. Doug. 1781. Suiiday32i7. "New Home Three Lots Choice r.ew six-room oak flnisneei home built by owners: floored nttis, full basement with all the convenience; three large lots covered with fruit nnd berries and only one block to car in1 Miller park; a big snap at $10,500. For appointment call OSBORNE REALTY CO. 430PeterarrustBMg. Tyler '49I. 7-RO'OM modern house, $4,500: $1,001 cash, 835 per ninntn. 6-room, part modern, p.ived street, house In line repair. $l,5uo. 8i00 cssn, 320 per month. Neat 2-room houae. large let, 81.600; $300 fash. $13 per month. M. DEUEL a CO. 105 Ames Ave. Colfax 726. ' First Time Offered x CHOICE BUNGALOW. Five nice rooms and bath, oak finish strictly modern, east front, on paved slret: a bargain at 84.SO0: $2,600 rash, balance Ilk lent. Call 1ler 48 ! t: f 1: .j; i 1 i