Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 07, 1920, Page 7, Image 7

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Briej City News
Ak-Sr-Ben Pienlo The annual
picnic of the huitllng- committee of
the Ak-Sar-Ben and working crew
win De neia tnu afternoon.
Says Wife Called Him "Fool" Al
leglng that his wife called him "a
l big brute" and "afool." Jun T
Lett filed In district court yesterday
a jjriiiion ior divorce.
Mr. Clark-Wants Divorce Pearl
M. ciark filed petition for dfcrorce
in district court yesterday alleging
inai ner nusband. Earl Clark, aban
doned her while ah was ill.
Doctor Breaks Arm Dr. Clarence
Rubendall, 2807 Shirley avenue, just
came back from a vacation, but went
on another one when his Henry
Dacxnrea and broke his arm.
Admirers Meet Anltn Anita Stew
art was met In Omaha yesterday by
nost or movie fans and exhibitors.
She is en route from Los Angeles
to Brightwaters, Long Island, N. Y.
Woman Loses . $10 Margaret
Tracy. 1327 Tenth street, lost a hand'
bag containing $10 In cash and three
J DO Liberty bonds somewhere in
Krug park Thursday afternoon.
Can't Close Inn The authorities
cannot close Dublin Inn Until there
is proper evidence tnat they are dis
obeying the laws there, according
10 county Attorney Shotwell yes
terday, y
Shoplifter Pleaded Guilty Juan
Segura, professional shoplifter, who
was caught after a long chase,
pleaded guilty In police court yes
terday and was ordered held for the
district court
" Sires at Prowler Fred O. Hues,
2115 Martha street, fired at a prow
ler yesterday morning while the
man was standing In his bedroom.
The prowler fled. Detectives were
unable to find any trace of the man.
Hart In Runaway Alvln Brown,
Tirty-eighth and Curtis-avenue, .was
hurled from his wagon against a
telephone pole yesterday when his
team ran awy. The accident oc
curred at Thirty-sixth and Ames ave-'
nue. He suffered Internal Injuries.
Flan Airplane Race The first air
plane race in Nebraska 'will be held
from Omaha to Crawford, 47 3 miles
northwest, in connection with the
Tri State fairthere. The planes will
stop at Grand Island, ISO miles away
for fuel.
Postpone Benefit Ball Rev.
Father Hettwer, pastor of the
Church of the Blessed Sacrament,
announced yesterday that the bene
fit grand ball in the municipal audi
torium will be indefinitely post
poned from August 8.
' Sap Used for Booze Workmen aU
lemrai mgn scnooi aiscovered sap
oosing' from a cottonwood tree yes
terday morning and everyone ran
for waterpalls. All . because some
one said he sap would make an in
toxicating liquor if boiled.
" Files Suit for Commission Edwin
T. Swobe filed suit against Albert
L. Johnson In district court yester
day for $5,000, which he alleges is
commission for selling $31,500 worth
of stock of the Abbott company of
Nebraska to C. L. Sutphen. .
Couldn't Find Dead Man Omaha
police say they are even too sjow to
catch a dead man. According to a
report by an excited pedestrian yes
terday a man fell dead at Seven
teenth and Chicago streets. When
police arrived they were unable to
find one.
To Open Branch Office The Chi
cago Granite Manufacturing com
pany will establish a branch house
of its company here at the north
half of the Henry Gering building,
Florence boulevard and the Belt line
according to R. S. Grogen, general
manager of, the company.
Aks $50,000 for Health Jennie
McCain filed a suit of $50,000 dam
ages against the Omaha Cold Stor
age company and the Omaha SteeW
company yesterday afternoon In dis--trlet
court because her husband was
The Bee's Fund for
Free Milk and Ice
yhV not do something REAL by
bringing health and life to some
poor BABY with a dollar or two of
yours? ' v
There are many of these poor
waifs in miserably poor families in
Omaha, in dire need of relief, these
sweltering days.
The Bee's fund supplies them with
pure milk and cooling ice. Every
cent counts, for every cent goes for
this purpose without any adminis
trative expense.
Prevlouely acknowledged ......... 1311. 'i 5
Mr j. Ford E. Huvey .". 6.00
Total 1316.75
KJUed in an accident while working
for the steel company on a builcltnt,'
of the Omaha Cold Storage com
pany. Mullen May He Appointed Ac
cording to political rumors, Arthur
Mullen .democratic leader In Ne
braska, may receive the appointment
of vice chairman of the democratic
national committee. .
This Boy a Story Teller Rex
Kling. Orleans, Neb., where his
uncle, William Cole lives, was me
address ana inrormaiion given iu
juvenile authorities yesterday when
he was taKen irom a ireigm iram.
His body showed marks or neavy
blows. Young Kling told many dif
ferent "stories" about his life to the
Higher Rail Rates
To Increase Cost
Of living Here
Added freight rates effective Aug
ust 25 mean a general increase in the
cost of living in Omaha, according
to heads of many Omaha industries,
who say the boosted expense will
have to be distributed among vari
ous industries.- ;
Coal is due for a leap of $2 per
ton, J. E. Davidson, vies president
and general manager of the Nebras
ka Power company, believes.
J. M. Harding, secretary of the
Harding. Creamery' Co.r said added
freight rate on coal used by his firm
will amount to approximately $5,500
a year. '
Foreign" Exchange,
American State Bank,.
18th and Farnam Sts. -
Divorce; Court
1 Divorce Decrees.
Florence F. JenklnV from John Le Roy
Jenkins, nonsupport, ' - - - v
Marlon T. Marshall front Oscar F. Mar
shall, cruelty. ... ,
Ruth PKn from Frank Pair an cruelty.
Cella Peterson from Olaf . Peterson,
cruelty. . .
Harry K. Trimble from.. Margaret Trim
ble, cruelty. ,
Nina Hushing from Henry Rushing-,
cruelty. - .....".
- Divorce Petitions.
James T. Lett against Martha ' Lett,
Bessie Brown against Wallace H.
Brown, cruelty, . i
nQ. R.S.
for August
that will please
1154 Indiana Moon.
1155 Jazz Dance Rep
ertoire. 1156 Moonlight in Man-
1 153 For vcVj Boy
the Level
Girl- Who's
1149 Ask the Rose. i
1152 China Moon.
1148 What Cha Gonna, 1
Do When There Ain't f
No Jazz? .
1147 Blue Clover Man. I
1151 Chili Bean.
1160 The Japanese I
Sandman. ' I
1 1 "The HoutT
of Pleasant
I 5
v i r
5 3
and Harney
: ri
Active and Healthy
With Cuticura Soap
86ep.0hitmftnt.Tilcam.26e.evarrwhm.For samples
addnis: 0mLatewJtartX,lUlsBjs.
Money back without quetMO
If HUNT'S Salve falls la the
treatment of ITCH, EC2ICMA,
atherUcMm skin diseases. Try,
7S cent bos a our risk.
Sherman McConnell Drug "Co.
AT-" Al
M lMm
We Starts
tats nee
In Connection With Our August Unloading Sale
Thu will give every man the opportunity of matching: up his odd coator buying
a pair of business or work pant at a decided saving in price. A maker made us 6.
ery tempting offer 3,400 pairs of pants at 40 off. We couldn't resist so we
took the pants and will sell them.
Here, are pants for every purpose, every build, every taste, and at every price,;
Every pair perfect , '
1000 Pints
Worth SSJIO awl S7.SO
The Making alone would cost you
today mors than our sa!e price for the
pants mads up. ' J
Bona IMe $6 JO anal $7JH Garments at
Four distract lines at this one price.
Sizes 28 to 42.
Blue' Serf Pants .worth 17.50
Fancy Worsted PanU .... .worth SS.B0
Strong Corduroy Pants. .. .worth 7.00
Palm Beach Panta worth SCS0
950 Work Pants
Mads to Sell at S4 S0 Sale Prke
Extra strong, dark-color worsted
pants; made to withstand bard wear;
full cut garments, la dark shades not
easy to sod. Any man nsodlng work,
mg pants should bay kail a dozen of
tkoso garments! slsos 2S to 43.
2100 Pints
, Worth $13 and $14
T $8.48
Note These are all wool : the sizes
are 29 to (0; the values are $13 to $14.
All-Wool Flannel Pants. . .worth $14.50
All-Woo! Blue Sorgo
Panta worth $13.00
All-Wool Suiting Panta. .worth S13.SO
All-Wool Gray Clay Pants, worth $1430
All-Wool Worsted Pants.. worth $13.50
All-Wool Thibet Pants. . .worth $1330
Black Clay Pants worth $14.50
Fancy Worsted PanU. .. .worth $13.00
1200 Pints
.Worth $8 and $9
" , A collection of pants seldom seen in
a sale and especially at this price.
. Garments worth $8 and $9 at less than
cost to make; sala price
Many rf these are strictly Summer
pants. Two lots are suitable tor wear
all year and all of them are rate al-,
ues. The sixes are 23 to 46.
Suiting Fabric Pants. .... .worth $9.00
Sancy Worsted Pants worth $8.00
ummer Outing Pants worth $9.00
Genuine Mohair PanU. . . . .'worth $8.00
1800 Pints
Worth $10 and $12
Pants' for work, business or. dress r
full cut, well made garments, in sizes
28 to 48. ' Sizes for the big man as
well as the man who takes a regtlar
size. Sale price
Striped Worsted PanU. .. .worth $10
Blue Serge Panta worth $10
Clay Worsted Papta worth $12
Black Thibet Pants worth $10
Suiting Pants worth $12
Flannel Panta ..... .1 .worth $12
White Flannel Pants worth $12
Striped Outing Pants.
850 Khaki Pants
Made to Sell at $3 Sale Price
Made of fine khaki cloth in . olive
drab shade of fast color; cut big and
full; double-stitched, and trimmed with
patent "stay-on" buttons; sites
42. Good, strong, serviceable gar
ments, worth 12.75 to. IS. ;
n0l7 MEN! This h Your Chance!
Slits Worth $35, $40 and $47.50
We want you to be convinced that these are
$35, $40 and $47.50 Suits and if you are not,
we will refund your money. This is the re
mainder of that big sale and if you are quick
you can get a suit of the highest character at
Less Than Our Factory Cost. Taka These Suits
with Our Compliments and guarantee tomorrow
Our -factory had them left over after supplying our chain of
stores. There were only enough for one city so they were sent
to our New York Stores to be disposed of. . Highest class Suits that
will give you a genteel and prosperous appearance; all have custom
made finish. '
August Sale of
Furs Now in Progress.
Offering 25
.August Blanket
Sale Begins
Monday, Augusts,
At 9 A.M.
Our Enormous Annual,
Summer Xlearance Sale
Starts Monday, August 9h
' and will include
in merchandise for men, women, children or for the
An Incomparable Sale of All Our Beautiful
Silk Skirts
$15.00 $19.50
This is the most important sale of fine skirts we
have announced, and the extreme valties and wonderful
styles are going to result in remarkable selling. Fan-ta-si,
satin barronette, crepe de chine, natural and white
pongee and Japanese silks.
Second tloor '
An Opportune Sale of
Women's Slip-On
Below Cost, at
A purchase of travelers' samples enables us to place
in this sale a limited amount of women's slip-on sweaters
in a variety of weaves, in Shetland wool, with angora,
collars. Colors are American beauty, salmon, twig, pink,'
purple, navy, bisque, French blue, brown, and white. In
sizes from 38 to 44. It will be to your advantage to come
early, on account of the limited number.
Second Floor
Long Silk Gloves
Extra Special, $1.95
, A special purchase of factory run of a famous glove manu
facturer. These gloves are a beautiful quality of tricot silk, 16
btttton mousquetaire style with Paris point backs, in white onlyv'
The gloves have slight imperfections, which will not interfere with
the wearing quality in the least.
Short Silk Gloves, 85c
A splendid assortment of short silk gloves, Milanese and tricot
silk, with two and three clasps, in white, black, brown and pongee.
Main Floor
Choice of Our Entire Stock of
Beautiful Summer
In Two Groups
By far the greatest
values we have ever of-
fered in our blouse de
partment. This sale includes all
our French voiles, dimi
ties and batiste, also
white and flesh Georg
ette, with the exception
of new fall models.
Trimmings of real
Filet, Irish and Val.
laces, hand embroidery
and hand boadingf.
Both long and short
Sizes 34 to 58 12.
Sale starts at 9 a. m.
Second Floor
Real Values
Women's Silk Hose
Tlain white, black. All shoe
and evening i shades. A full
fashioned stocking with a
double thread toe and heel
which gives real service. Priced
for this sale, only $2.45.
Hosettes, $1.89
Women's hosettes, 1 a i n ,
white, black and all the sport
and beach shades. Some are
the Rembrant and Richelieu
effects. Very specially priced
at $1.89.
Children's Sox
27c Pair
Plain white with colored
tops also other colors. A real
bargain at 27c a pair.
Women's Union
Suits, $3.45
Women's silk top union suits
with bodice or band tops, white
and pink, all sizes. For this
sale, at $3.45. ,
Main Floor
Mothers Will Appreciate
Organdy, Voile and Batiste
$5.00 ;
Which is MUCH LESS than half
their former price ; hand embroidered
and lace-trimmed models, dainty rib
bon sashes. Sizes 6 to 14.
Junior Dept. Second Floor
Eluy Your Kodak Films Here'
Just arrived, a large shipment of
Brownie Cameras, from $2.86 to $5.90.
Our photo work is guaranteed, and
one-day serv'ce.
' Main Floor ' .
New August
Are Here
"Gems From 'Apple Blos
soms' " Victor Light
Opera Co. . ?$1.35
"Gems From 'Irene" Vic
tor Light Opera, Co. . . .$1.35
"The Love Nest" (from the
Musical Comedy
"Mary") John Steel 85o
"Blue Diamonds" Henry
Burr v. . . .85c
"Tiddle-Dee-Winks" Billy
Murray 85e
"I Love the Land of Old
Black Joe" Billy Mur- 1
ray and Peerless Quar
tet 85c
"All-Star" (One-Step)
All-Star Trio ......... .85c
"Hy'h Dri" (Fox' Trot)
All-Star Trio 85c
"Love Nest"- (Medley Fox
Trot) J 0 s e p h C.
Smith's Orchestra 85c
'A Young Man's Fancy" A
(Fox . Trot) -r-Joscph
C. .Smith's Orchestra. . ,85c
Emilio De Gorgorza, Baritone,
"Each Shining Hour"
- Glad Forster ...$1.25
"Introduction and Taran-
telle" Played by Hei- -fetz
Pablo De Sar
asate ....7 :....$1.75
"Philadelphia Orchestra" "1
L. Stokowski.
"Blue Danube Waltz" f1,75
Johann Strauss. J
Ernestine Schumann-Heink,
"Old Folks at Home"
Stephen Foster ...... .$1.75
First Victor Record by a Famous
Sergi Rachmaninoff, Kanist
"Prelude in G Minor"
Rachmaninoff $1.75
First Record by Mme Homer and
Mme. Homer, Contralto, and Miss
Louise Homer, Foprano
"Last Night" -i-Half dan
Kjerulf $1.75
Geraldine Farrar, Soprano
in Italian
"Zaza-Mamma usciva di
Casca" (Mother Has
Gorie) Leoncavallo. . . .$1.25
Fourth Floor .
An Important Sale of
Beaded p ags
Saturday at the Very Special Price of
$15.75 -$21.50 -$29.75
Just arrived from abroad, bags of rare beauty, so lovely in
coloring and design that only in France could they originate;
Colors sometimes subdued, sometimes allowed to blazon
forth in vivid beauty, but always in perfect iaste. -
4 Fashioned skillful hands until each is a masterpiece of French craft
and" at these prices, are unequaled values.
-In drawstring models, or mounted on shell frames. Beau
tifully silk lined and fitted with mirror and purse.
x Nj Main Floor . s I , . ;
, Ther. ia just a .limited number of bmg thia collection moit)f them individual atylea
with p.rhaps 10 duplicatm in th. entire collection. 1 "
Toilet Articles
Very Special for Saturday;
Velour powder puffs for 6e.
Mary Fuller -ds
nail polish, 18c. , J
Large buffers, detachable .
chamois, 98c.
Listerine, medium size,
Espey's cream for tan
and sunburn, 18c.
IV Liquid dress shields'
for perspiration, large
size, 45c.
La Pactic pills, 100 in
bottle, 39c. .j
Floranze vegetal toilet
; water or perfume, $1.19.
Java rice powder,
all shades, 42c.
; Mavis ;old cream,
-39c. , 1
Remmo toilet soap,
8c bar.
Kirk' hsrdwater castile, 8c bar.
'Jap Rose soap,
8c bar.
Palm Olive,
coid cream in
tubes, 19c.
Stevens' depilatory, 59c.
Bathing caps, less 25.
Combs, all coarse or coarse and
fine, 9-inch, 40c ,
Magic dye. soap, 6e.
Thermopack ice cream con-'
tainer, 89c.
Sanitol shaving cream or sticky i "
Gem razor blades, 39c
Sayman's soap, 10c bar.
; Odorono for perspira
tion, 24c. '
Milk of magnesia, large
size, 27c
Resinol ointment, 45c.
R. & G: imported
Bandoline, 19c
Large Buffers, detachable cha
mois, 39c.
j , Main Floor