Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 07, 1920, Page 4, Image 4

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Blind Senator Bitter Opponent
Of President on Many Is
!, sues "Wets" Gain
1 Mote In House.
, Ckirafo Triban-Ontnh Be. LwMd Win.
"Washington. Aug. 6. Endorse
ment by the democrats of President
v Wilson s stand on the league of
' Vnations issue, aproval by the repub-
Jicans of the Lodge reservations to
the covenant, and a gain of one vote
by the "wets" in the house of rep
' ; resentatives were the outstanding
results of the party primaries held in
U half dozen states Thursday.
, The defeat of Senator Gore of
. Oklahoma, democrat, for renomin
, ation by Representative Ferris was
a distinct victory for the president
on the score not only of support of
' the covenant without reservations
but of unquestioning fealty to the
41 A fit iMl'ftrtlAH
Senator Gore has fought the pres-
. , ident on legislation the greater part
of his term of office now expiring.
ne auvocalea tne MCJ-enioore res-
olutions to keen ' Americans
v armed ships, he wa? one of the 12
"willful men" who prevented adopt
ion of the armed neutrality meas
V" ure. ht voted against the draft act and
r. he voted for the peace treaty with
" "the Lodge reservations. He also
opposed the president's wheat price
guarantee and other wartime food
v regulations legislation.
'7 (Ferris Backed Wilson.
' Representative Ferris stood with
the president against the McLe
Biobre resolution, advocated the cov
enant without reservations and
otherwise supported "the administra
tion at all times. Gore had been de
prived of all federal patronage and
the administration1 forces were sol
idly arrayed against him in the pri-
Such bitterness characterized this
democratic conflict that the repub
licans are encouraged to believe they
have a good chance of carrying Ok
lahoma for Harding and for the
republican nominee 'for senator,
C Representative Harrold.
Another adminstration victory on
, the league was the nomination of
Breckenridge Long, who recently
.resigned as third assistant secretary
i of state, for senator from Missouri,
y He made the race in support of the
. . president's stand on the league of
nations and appears to have defeated
4 ,'by a narrow margin Judge Priest,
who was anti-league and supported
. conspicuously by Senator Reed,
treaty irreconcilable.
. Republicans in Missouri and Kan
sas upheld their senators in voting
for the Lodge reservations. Sen
ator Spencer in the former and Sen
ator Curtis in the latter state easily
defeated their opposition to renomi
nation. Liquor Big Issue.
The liquor issue figured in many
,of the primary contests, but the only
change from the present complexion
of the house on this question was
recorded in Virginia, where the dem
ocrats nominated J. T. Deal to suc
ceed Representative Holland Of the
Norfolk district, who did not seek
re-election. Deal ran on a light wine
and beer platform. Holland is a
In Missouri, Judge . Priest -m-braced
lhe "wet" cause, while Long
avoided committing himself on the
issue. Senator Spencer defended his
vote for the Volstead act, on which
he was assailed by his opponents.
. The republican and democratic nomi
nees for governor are "dry."
In Oklahoma and Kansas, both
; banner prohibition states, the "wets"
, did not get a lpok in.
In previous primaries Representa
tive Shreve of Pennsylvania, a re
publican and a "dry," and Repre
sentative Crago of Pennsylvania, re-
."' publican, and Dent of Alabama, dem
ocrat, both of whom are "wet," were
'.'defeated. Representative Small of
-' ': North Carolina, who did not vote on
. ' the prohibition measure in this con
gress, also was defeated. There was
one liquor fight in Texas, in which
j Representative Buchanan, ,a "wet,"
-was renominated.
House Strongly Dry.
'. ; "The house will be sttongly dry,"
. said E. C. Dinwiddie, chairman of
.the International Congress Against
Alcoholism, "but even if it were wei
.the senate, which will be dry, would
block any modification of the law.
"I have carefully examined the
" - records of the senators and I find
that in the two-thirds membership
I of the senate not up for election this
j fall we can count upon almost
Enough senators to ive us the nec
i . tssary majority; We will have to
have with-us only 8 of the 32 sen
s ators who will be elected in Novem
ber to retain control on the prohibi
tion question. As a matter of fact,
t the majority of the senators who are
.utandinsr for re-election are dry and
; most of trie men who are opposing
them are dry, so we cannot lose the
" War Office Issues Sharp
Reply to Protest of Town
f ri Shenandoah, la., Aug. 6. (Spe-
cial.) A telegram from the War de
partment, sent in reply to one from
' th Community club - pretesting
against the use of cars at this time
to move the Camp Dodge equipment
to Camp Lewis just when the cars
Si re needed to move the wheat and
'coal of the country, practically in
1 formed Shenandoah that the depart-
l inent would tend to its own busi
j ness and advised Shenandoah to at
' tend its own. ?
The statement was supplemented
' by the information that cars needed
for mqying the Iowa wheat would
not be used. . ... " -
: Irish Crimes Measure ,
' Passes After Hot Debate
r s London, Aug. et After the. debate
-which ftevelooed heat and Personal
1 I scene between Premier Lloyd George
and Herbert H. Asquith,- the gov
' i ernment tonight defeated the motion
- of John Robert Clynes, labonte. for
' rejection of the new Irish crimes bill,
? and the measure passed second read
ing 2S9 71. The votina-was car-
' " tied out under a motion made in the
, .house today by Andrew eonar iaw.
J. providing Aot passage of the bill by
Mrs. May Coseboom Says
Former Omaha Man
Tore Her Clothe.
Los Angeles, Aug. 6. (Special
Telegram.) Mere chance brought
about the first meeting between Mrs.
May Coseboom and George F. Reim,
president of the Reim, Thompson
company, according to her testimony
in Justice Hanby's court, where Reim
was given a hearing on a charge of
attempting to commit a statutory of
fense against her.
Mr. Reim was for 11 years agent
in Omaha for a large automobile
Mrs. Coseboom testified that she
was hurrying to work one morning
when Reim stopped his car and of
fered to give her a lift. During the
ride he gave her his name and she
handed him a pay envelope with her
name on it, adding her telephone
number, she said. Subsequently he
took her out to lunch several times,
but, she said, in company with a girl
friend. Twice he drove her to her
home in Long Beach, once meeting
and talking with her husband.
On Tune 28, she said, he offered to
drive her to Long Beach, but near
.pLynwood turned the car off the high-
way, saying he had to make a de
tour. The witness then said she had
a struggle with the defendant, during
which she tore off the draperies in
his car. She managed to get away,
she said, after he had slapped her
face, and ran screaming down the
Lroad to where she saw Cecil R.
Clark working on a tractor in a field.
She asked Mr. Clark's protection, she
Mr. Clark testified to meeting the
young woman and escorting her
against Mr Reim's wishes, to the
home of Mrs Katherine L. Shaw,
who cared for Mrs. Coseboom. Mrs.
Shaw said the young woman's face,
neck and chest were bruised and that
her garments were torn.
The case is being" prosecuted by
Deputy District Attorney Hill and
H. L. Geisler and Claire Woolwine
appeared for the defense.
A continuance was taken until Au
gust 17, when the defendant's case
will be presented.
Republicans Lay Plans
For Campaign in Maine
Chicago, Aug. 6. Plans for the
republican campaign in Maine, where
the general elections are to be held
ou September 13, were laid at re
publican national headquarters.
Four speakers from the western
bureau will be among those sent into
Maine o speak fpr Senator Harding
and Governor Coolidge. They are
Congressmen Nicholas Longworth
of Ohio, Henry Lane Wilson of In
diana, former Ambassador to Mex
ico; George E. Foss of Illinois, for
mer congressman, and Leslie M.
Shaw, ex-secretary of the treasury.
The Maine election is always
watched with interest by politicians
as indicating the trend of sentiment.
Navy Yard Employes Ask
40 Per Cent Wage Increase
Washington. Aug. 6. Representa
tives of 80,000 navy yard workers in
43 navy yards appeared before the
navy wage board to urge an imme
diate increase in wages of approxi
mately 40 per cent. They asked that
the average wage be increased to
$1.05 an hour, which they said was
5 cents less than workers in the
same trades received from private
More than 200 spokesmen wanted
to be heard and the board decided to
hear them in alphabetical order.
Styers Says It Completely Re
stored His Health and j6
Has Gained 22 Pounds.
"Yes, sir, I believe as firmly as
I believe anything that Tanlac saved
my life two years ago," was the
statement made a few days ago by
Abraham L. Styers, well-known
brick mason and contractor, living
at 4326 Patrick avenue. Omaha.
"And besides setting me right at
that time Tanlac put me into shape
where I gained 22 pounds in weight
in just a few weeks and I have been
feeling fine from that day to this,
I had been in the worst sort of
health "for five years and was told
I could never get well. I was suf
fering from rheumatism and lum
bago. My back ached continually,
sometimes so bad I could not stand
to bend over at all and my kidneys
bothered me a great deal. Why, a
lot of times when I sat down in a
chair I had to be helped up. I was
badly constipated and suffered a
great deal from biliousness and
dizzy spells. I lost my appetite
and quite often turned awful sick
at my stomach. . 1 couldn't sleep to
do any good and I ate so little that
I went down m weight until 1 was
beginning to think my time was just
about up.
"But a friend of mine out me onto
Tanlac and it was the best thing I
eveKdid when I started, taking it I
had no more than finished my sec
ond bottle before I felr like a dif
ferent man and I kept on taking it
until all my troubles disappeared.
My appetite came back and I was
soon eating like a bear and picking
up in weight and strength right
along. In a short time I gained 22
pounds, as I said, and was feeling
as well as I ever did in my life. I
am 69 years old and I'm in as good
health as any man of my age. Tan
lac was a life-saver to me and I'm
going to keep it in the house as long
as I live."
Tanlac is sold in Omaha at all
Sherman & McConnell Drug Com
pany's stores, Harvard Pharmacy
and West End Pharmacy: vAlso
Forrest and Meany Drug Company
in South Omaha and Benson Pharm
acy, Benson, and the leading drug
gist in each city and town through
out the state of Nebraska,
Prominent Leaders of Party
Confer With Candidate
Preparatory to Announc
ing Campaign Plans
Dayton, O., Aug. 6. Democratic
clans were gathering here today for
their great quadrennial , event, the
presentation tomorrow to the Amer
ican electorate of a presidential nom
inee Governor Cox of Ohio. All
was in readiness for the governor's
formal notification of nomination, by
Senator Robinson of Arkansas, who
presided over the San Francisco
convention, and the candidate's ad
dress' of acceptance declaring the
broad lines of the campaign.
Governor Cox hoped, during the
presence of leaders here for the
notification ceremonies, to settle
campaign organization affairs, dis
pose of state and personal business
and be ready, after his address to
morrow, for unlimited campaigning
until election day.
Leaders Arrive Early.
Among important early arrivals
due were George White, chairman
of the democratic national commit
tee, and Senator Harrison of Mis
sissippi, head of the speakers' bu
reau. They were expected to an
nounce, respectively, the special
campaign committee and the gov
ernor's first speech-making itinerary
after approval by the candidate.
With Governor Cox's acceptance
address in type for tomorrow after
noon's newspapers, speculation in
creased today regarding the brief
but important insert he has an
nounced would be forthcoming to
morrow. The governor continued
to hold it a secret. Speculation on
its message centered principally on
three subjects, a possible challenge
to Senator Harding, his republican
opponent, for joint debate of the
league of nations, a specific state
ment on Article X of the league
covenant, or a definite announce
ment regarding the prohibition issue.
Democratic leaders here seemed
agreed that the league undoubtedly
would be the great campaign battle
ground and awaited with keen inter
est the address of Governor Cox
which, he has announced, will be so
plain that school children may un
derstand. His promises for an ag
gressive and 1 offensive xampaign
carried personally to the people
from coast to coast also apparently
found unanimous favor.
Besides the interests of himself
and Franklin D. Roosevelt, the vice
presidential candidate, Governor
Cox is planning to carry with the
national ticket a democratic congress-.
On the league issue, close
advisers say he feels that it wili be
settled definitely in the November
balloting for president and sen
ators. '
The governor is scheduled to be
Offers These Specials Saturday
150 Palm Beach and Cool Cloth Suits
$10 and $15
Broken size and style assortment left from an entire season's selling. Well
tailored and styled. Previously priced from $18 to $25. Not all sizes in all
styles, but your size represented in some good style. ,
Pure Dye Silk and Tropical
Worsted Suits
Previously up to $45
Well Tailored
Nicely Finished
Saturday Sale of
Men's Collar-Attached Shirts
at $3.75
Plain white oxford and tan silk finish shirts. Collars attached. The shirt
of the moment at a very special price.
Men's Russian Cord Shirts
(light Weight)
Variety of Solid Colors
at $3.15
' Men's
Silk Hose, previously up to $1.50, at - - - -Union
Suits, previously $2.00, Saturday at - -Silk
Shirts, previously $15, Saturday at - -Pajamas,
previously $5.00 and $6.00, at - - -Fine
Silk Neckwear, previously $2 and $2.50, at
Silk Crepe Handkerchiefs, were $1.00, at - - .
gin tomorrow's address about' 3
p. m., several hours after newspa
per publication of his address in
most localities. The parade of vis
iting delegations, expected to ag
gregate about 15,000, is to start for
the Montgomery county fair grounds
about( 1 o'clock. A review of the
pilgrims by the governor and Mr.
Roosevelt and Senator Robinson's
notification address are to precede
the governor's speech.
Many special trains and automo
bile caravans were scheduled to ar
rive early tomorrow. Uniformed
democratic clubs and bands galore
are promised.
Series of Robberies, WreckjTtnd
Gun Battles Keep Chicago
Officers Busy
Chicago Tribune-Omaha Bee leaned Wire,
Chicago, Aug. 6. This was a field
day for automobile and ordinary
bandits, with fierce battles staged
between them and the police in vari
ous sections of the city. There were
three running gun fight? and four
bandits' were captured, two of them
with serious bullet wounds. Four
others escaped. Of those who got
away, two carried bullets as sou
venirs of the engagement.
Traveling at terrific speed, a
stolen automobile, carrying four ban
dits, roared down Racine avenue and
collided with another machine at
noon, spilling passengers and parts
of the machine all over the street.
Five minutes hter three of the ban
dits had stolen another machine, kid
naped the driver and were speeding
south, leaving two demolished cars,
several injured persons, a gaping
crowd and a wondering police force
in their wake. Evidently the bandits
were escaping from some crime, al
though no reports of it have yet
come in.
The fourth bandit vanished up an
alley, leaving his hat and revolver
in his haste.
Police and a carload of bandits
fought a running battle on South
Side streets, wounding one so badly
he may die, and winging another,
who escaped. A few moments later
the same squad of policemen en
countered three automobile bandits
and captured two of them. The
third, who was wounded, escaped.
In the third battle the officers
wounded one and captured a second
of three burglars whom they sur
prised at work In still another case
the driver of a stolen car loaded
with bandits lost control in his haste
to get away, and the car struck the
curb and smashed its way through
a large window. The bandits leaped
out and escaped by the back door,
shooting .it everybody in sight as
they disappeared in a maze of alley
ways. By an Englishman's invention it
has become possible to make imi
tation real lace up to 100 inches in
width by machinery.
mfy BensorThonvs
Small Factories Hardest Hit
Garages Attract Men From
Other Jobs Work But
Few Days.
Chicago Tribune-Omaha Bee Leased Wire.
Valley City, N. D.. Aug. 6. The
small cities in the granger states are
far harder pinched for skilled and
semiskilled labor than are the farm
ers for field hands and monthly hired
help. Of harvest labor there is a
glut and in South Dakota the farm
er who is starting to cut his wheat
has no trouble' in getting men at 50
cents an hour for 10 hours a day, but
in the cities to pick up a stray artisan
looking for work is like finding a
gold nugget.
The garages are the one exceptional
ihey have plenty ot men. JNumoers
of them, too, get in only two to four
days work a week, but at high wages
they seem to be content. The fas
cination of climbing into overalls
and puttering around the machinery
and then climbing into the old boat
and stepping on it. still holds them.
At almost every garage one sees
them sprawling in chairs waiting
a chance to do $14 worth of damage
to the passing tourist's chariot under
tne guise of repairs.
Small Shops Hit Hardest.
But the little factories and the es
tablishments that require artisans
are short df help. Small foundries
and machine shops are clamoring
for men. Country printing shopa
are short. In many a small com
munity the editor of a country week
ly is sticking his own type and kick
ing the old job press with' his strong
right leg. "I haven't seen an old
fashioned journeyman typeslinger in
a pink moon," lamented an editor at
"Some of our star reporters, col
lege boys, are quitting positions at
$30 and $35 a week to take jobs in
garages'," said the editor of a flour
ishing Sioux Falls daily. The au
tomobile industry sure has thrown
things topsy turvy."
"We've got plenty of laborers and
enough hammer and saw men, but
we can't get enough real skilled car
penters," has been a common report
from building contractors. In Aber
deen this morning a contractor spoke
of a gang he rounded up last week
for a job in Utah. "Forty of them
claimed to be skilled workers and
demanded artisan's wages," he said,
"but of the forty, only two were
actual mechanics. Every wheel bar
row pusher these days claims to be
a skilled worker the barrow is an
Laborers Have Made Little.
Another thing, 'apart from the
"soft snap" workers who labor with
the soda fountains, the smaller cities,
considered as labor plants, appear to
Summer Weight
Wool Suits
Tweeds, Cassimeres, Cheviots
Sizes 33 to 40
Previously up to $35
- 59
be putting far more back into their
work than are the metrdpoitan cen
ters. About 6 a. m. they burst into
activity and 7 o'clock sees them
roaring along with the throttle wide
High wages in the harvets fields
have not meant such a high earning
capacity. In Kansas, hands made a
nice piece of velvet out of the $7 and
$8 day, but where the denands for
workers were less, migratory labor
emerges from the wrong end of the
horn. This morning at 7 o'clock at
least 500 r.icn were on the streets of
Aberdeen, looking for jobs.
One group of twenty was can
vassed. Three' were from Chicago
building trades, four were Illinois
miners, six were scattering, all pro
fessing a smattering of trades, seven
Bowen Values
Again Predominate
This Store Offers for Saturday Remnant Values
That for Quality and Price Will Appeal to
Every One's Buying Judgement.
It will be easy for you to pick out Remnants
at Bowen 's Saturday that will harmonize and fit
in with your other effects and the price will be
such an inducement that you (can ill afford to
miss this wonderfully big sale. i
Remnants ,
UPHOLSTERY GOODS Pieces large enough for chair
seats and cushions of Tapestry, Velours and Damasks at
prices far below today's factory cost.
DRAPERY GOODS Figured sunfast drapery materials,
Madras, Cretonnes and plain fabrics; enough for one or
two pairs of draperies, at less than cost.
CURTAIN GOODS White voiles, scrims and marquisette ;
also all kinds of curtain nets. Enough for sash curtains
and some pieces up to 5 and 6 yards long, from 25c up
to $5.00 for the piece.
79c Cushions 79c
1,000 Cushions suitable for lawn, porch, automobile
and picnic parties. Made of heavy cretonne; cotton filled,
several styles and patterns.
1 Special no PnrU
Values at OC JZUCn
Hit and Miss Sale of Rag Rugs
There are any number of places in every home where a Rag J.
Rug can be used to advantage,
should directly appeal to you.
ones you want. "
Splendid heavy Rag Rugs, hit-and-miss pat)
terns, good colors, splendid values:
Size 36x72 'SpeciaL;Value $2.65
Size 24x48 Special Value $1.95
Size 18x36 Special Value :. .75
I Buy
Those Extra Pillows
At Bowen s
'mwu RtMTWlM (!
were from Detroit, factory worker'
who came out in two flivvers and
were irritated at 33 cent gasoline in
the villages. '
The tourist took down the figures.
Thrf twenty men had been out in the
grain belt on an average of three
weeks each. At six working days a
week this meant an aggregate of 360
Ldays; They had averaged five days
work eacn in this period at o a nay.
Thus their earnings for the 360 days
were $600, or on an average, a trifle1
over $1.6a a day.
Foreign Exchange,.
, American State-Bank,.
18th and Farnam Sts. Adv.
. A cable railway o:i a Spanish
mountain in places has grades of
66 per cent -t' -'fldl
Grass R ugs t
Very heavy Grass Ruks.
plain or figured, beautifttf
patterns and splendid
Size 36x72,
special value..
Size 30x60,
special value.
Size 27x54,
special value.
Special Grass
Rug' Values
Corn colored Grass Rugs,
beautiful stenciled pat
Size 36x72,
special Value
Size 27x54,
special Value
Size 18x36,
special value..
and thia store's offering Saturday T
Come down early and pick out the X'
As extra Pillows are so often
needed in the home, the far-sighted
housekeeper will appreciate this
Pillow Sale, its prices and take ad
vantage of the sale.
Set the clock ahead half an hour
and be at Bowen's early Saturday
and supply your house with the ex
tra Pillows needed.
Six-pound, mixed feather Pillows,
Saturday pi.S
Three-pound, goose feather Pillows,
each, Jo Cft
Saturday s0JJ
otner billows priced, eacn at
$3.50 to $15.00 per pair.
Whatever the needs may be for
the house you will always find it
profitable to buy at Bowen's. oth
ers have acquired the habit, why
Quarter Sawed I
Oak Rockers,
Saddle Seat
These Rockers are worthy
pieces of Furniture for
living room and porch,
and worth much more t
than Bowen's Value Giv-'
ing Price of $7,75.
A poor man
wealthy over night when
gushers are struck.
knew the wonders
great Gulf Coast Oil
and HIGH ISLAND District
of Texas
you would unques
tionably buy your lease from
US today. 1 know more about
the Texas , Oil Fields than I
will ever be able to tell you
through this advertisement. I
know the oil business in a very
thorough way. "Have drfllell
many, many
in some
wonderful fields
T have built
up the Gulf Coast Develop
ment & Refining Company un-
til today it is known as "Ne
braska's very own oil com
paay," but how can I tell you
the whole wonderful story, or
show you the facts unless you
come to our office and meet
us face to face, man to man,
or send for our bulletin hot
off the press, which gives you
the ,facts, demonstrates be
yond a doubt that I am today
offering you the surest shot
big money
in exchange
for a small investment ever
brought to Nebraska.
Send for our bulletin today.
See the great gushers, the
Government Chart, acquaint
yourself with these great ac
tivities and all my company's
holdings, and
our wells,
know that wnen you
with me that you are dealing
with a man who has made
good every promise, whose
every prediction has come
true, that every property
lected by meT has developed -into
There is much in knowing
the business and the man at
the head of the business.
claim to know the oil busi
ness I am an operator, t
have surrounded myself and
company with experts hi
every department. I give you
my word that HIGH ISLANfl
gives to you a chance, "as a
lease holder of ""5 acres, for
$250 to win $50,000.
Now take me at my QriaV
Make me prove this. Either
call at our office or send f of
our bulletin. Convince yo
self of the sincerity of
statements as President
this Company, which has be
come known as "Nebraska's1
Very Own Oil Company."
1 urge upon you to invests
gate immediately. Send fo?
our printed
matter. Don'tf
buy until you
know facts,
which you can learn from us
personally, from our bulletin,
or from our sales representa
tives in the field. When one
of my men call on you see him
with courtesy. Listen to his
proposition. He has a mes-
sage that is for your benefit.
Don't turn a deaf ear to oppor
tunity knocking at your door.
I will personally select
your lease, giving you the
benefit of my judgment based
upon knowledge and experi
ence that has never known a
failure. My Company has
never drilled a dry hole. I
promise that I will at all times
have the personal supervision
of the drilling of our well at
HIGH ISLAND, and to do
everything within my power
to prove up your lease and
make them of great value.
I will make the selection of
the location for the well and
will not trust the supervision
of drilling operations to paid
Come in with me and help
me put this proposition over
the top into big money for the
benefit of many citizens now
buying these leases. Get the
bulletin. Come to the office
if you can.
Invested capital brings
riches. Idle money brings
Respectfully submitted,
. President
740 First Nat. Bank BIdg.
Omaha, Neb.
Long Distance Phone
Tyler 398 f -
O p. m. lOBIUIlUWc ,-. . .