Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 07, 1920, Page 10, Image 10

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AUGUST 7, 1920, -
Bey fix?
or ine uiy
can be your. Its
wonderfully pure,
toft, pearly white ap
pearance, tree from all
blemishes, will be com
narabte to the perfect
beauty of your skin and j
complexion if you will u:
Bee Want Ads Will Boost Your
Business. Uss Them. '
40e Castoria .27
60e Lavoris . ...46J
50c Benzoin and Almond Lo
tion 39
60c Coconut Oil Emulsion
( Shampoo -...39t'
60c Beaton's Brilliantine, 39
50c Kodol Dyspepsia Tablets,
at 39l,
80c Pompeian Cream, 59
25c'Lysol . ...19?
50c Orazin Tooth Paste,
at 34
25c Bandoline, light or dark,
at 19--
25c, M lb. Peroxide Hydrogen, '
at.. -.10
Leonard's Ear Oil . .'. .$1.00
60c Danderine ....... 4?
30c Mentholatum . ....17L
$3.75 , Horlick's Malted M1lk,
at 82 98
$1.25 Pyros Antiseptic, 98'
70c Sal Hepatica.) 53
50c Eatonic ........... .34
35c Frsezone ...'.....27
25c Phenalax Wafers, 19
35c Sloan's Liniment. . . .21
Fairy Foot Bunion Plasters,!
at SI -OO '
25c DeMar's Cascara Pills.
at .17 ,
35c Mosquito Talcum.... 23
60c Canthrox ,..45
$1.10 S. S. S. .... 83
20c Venida Cap Hair Nets,
2 for 1 -.25
15c Irish Linen Writing:
Tablets ...10
50c Rubber Bath . Sponges,
at 38
Quality the highest priced
lowest by comparison.
Mail Orders
TheTest of the TwoMolins
V. ,
Violins differ subtly in. tone! Test the
, New "Edison' Realism hj that fact. .
We have aa "Ave Maria' Re-Creation
played by Albert Spalding with his
Guarnerius. This famous violin has a
brilliant, singing tone. . Wephave a
second "Ave Maria" fcxCEA.tl0N
played, by Carl Flesch with his genuine
Albert Spalding himself recently
took part in a test of the New Edi
son's Realism, at New York City. Ho
played in direct comparison with the
Ri-Cieatio ef his performance by
the New Edison. Mb Henry Hadley.
one of the jury of the three distm
gaisfced mosiciaos wio listened from
Starting, Bulbs
Did you ever try starting summer
bulbs m moss? Such bulb as tu
berous begonias and gloxinia bulbs
may be started in moss. Boreholes
iu a small box, and half fill it with
moss; put the bulbs in and cover
them with more moss; then give the
km arm crtaVSnor and keen it in a
KUA . n W v --..- " . .
warm spot where thetemperature is
from 70 to" 80 flegres. The moss
must be kept damp oy spraying, uuv
at this stage light is not essential.
In two weeks sprotits wilj begin to
.... .. i . .i i.
grow, wnen mey snow (muugu
the moss place tke box iu a lighter
place, but not iri the sunshine.
Pot the bu'bs when the first leaves
develop. ; For this" purpose clean
four-inch pots are best. First put in
two inches of broken material fofsj
' Graham
Beauty Secret
Lifts out lines
Draws out blackheads
Reduces'enlarged pores
Bleaches the skin
Corrects sallow skin
60c Walniitta : . . .49
$1.25 Manicure Scissors, 89
35c Nichols' Bed Bug Powder,,
at ..... ."...25
$1.25 Lyko . . . . : . 81.15
20c Pear's ' Urjscented ... 12
30c Shah of Persia Soap, 21
25c Palmer's Lotion Soap, lfi
15c Velvetojie Soap 10i
15c Palm Olive Soap... ..8
15c Lux -12
Virginia Dare
'' : ' Dcalcoholiied
A d r in 'kv of
quality for all
hospitable oc
casions. It's a
real wine. 1
Quart bottles. . .$1.00
and Farnam Streets
Receive Our Most Careful
uou can make this surprising
experiment in
Stradivarius. This violin has a rich,
mellow tone. :
' Come in and compare these two Re-Crka-
tions tone for tone. If the New Edison
makes clear the distinction between the
singing Guarnerius and the mellow
: Stradivarius,' you know it has perfect
wiemw EDISON
- . v "Th fkuHgfyk with a Sid" ;.
behind 'screea, mi&f "The Rr
Cieatiov matched Mr. Spalding's
performance tone lor tooe,"
The New Edison is the only phono
green which has gtvea this con
diAre proof of Its perfect realism.
Ithu triumphed in .taOsejchcom
. PnsoaIteits, '
1916 Farnam Douglas 7782 -r
drainage, i then a mixture of leaf
mold and sand. Set the bulbs in
very loosely, and be particularly
cartful not to bruise the leaves. Give
them" a little water at first and set
them in a shaded spot. '
When the plants begin to grow,
generous watering will be neces-"
sary; also occasional sprinkling of
Iaiux cvfiitv dearrees . 'ill
now' suit them best. The moist at
mosphere which they require may
te provided by filling large pots with
moss, which is kept wet; st the pot
ted bulbs in it. '
In the niiiteen years she had been
secretary of the National League of
Women Workers, Miss Jean Hamil
ton has seen the organization grow
from a membership of 4,000 to 25,
nnn - - , 1 r ' i
60c Beaton's Freckle Cream,'
at 50
$1.75 Bath Spray..... 81.35
1-quart Thermopak. . . .81.50
15c Wash Cloths.... 9-
Metal Traveling Mirrors, 50
60c Nadine Face Powder, 39
$1.60 Goutorbe Face Towder,
at 98tf
DeMar's Talcum Powder, 20
DeMar's Talcum Powder, 1 lb.,
at 50
Beaton's Cold Cream for tan
and sunburn ......25
Walker . Foot Powder for
tired and aching feet,
at , 50
at .
White Shoe
$1.00 Traveling Toilet
- Cases, at...". 79
$1.76 Traveling Toilet
Cases, at.. 81.39
$2.25 TrSveling -Toilet
Cases, "at 81.79
$4.00 Ideal, ounce . . . -82.48
75c Locust Blossom, per oz.,
at ....49
75c White Rose, per oz., 38
J. H. S. Panatella, 3 for 20
Box of 50.i. .83,00
8c Autocrat, each 6
San Torin v. ........... -5
Ladina, can of 25....$1.75
New .Bachelor 7
Film Developed Free When
Print Are Ordered.
We do our own develop
ing. Give us a trial and you
will be convinced of the su
periority of our work.
Let us make you, an en
largement from your favor
ite negative.
From actual photograph taken in th Ed'aon
Shop, Fifth Avnu, JV'w York City
our store -
Since 1M4, the total price
incrcaae In tlx New Rdiwa
baa been tea than . IS . Mr.
Kdtem hu, Beraaoallr. ab
orbed Bore than oca half
He mar not be
able to de tha
i Bucn i
Bar Bw if ea want to-
dar' pricca. Oar Budnt
Plan will help o. Itdia-
tnbntM the parment
tUcmeoUu tocooM.
; ' Evans-Reeder. x
A wedding of interest in Univer
sity of Nebraska circles which has
just been announced is that of Miss
Marian Reeder of Columbus, daugh
ter of Judge and Mrs. ' James G.
Reeder, and Leland H. Evans of
Lincoln, which took place. July 3,
Miss Reader is a member of Phi
Beta Kappa honorary fraternity, Sil
ver Serpent, honorary junior girls'
society, Black Masque, honorary
girls' senior -society, and Delta
Delta Delta. Mr. Evans attended
Northwestern university ' until the
Lspring of 1917. when he enlisted in
the army and served with tne evacua
tion hospital No. 1 in the X-ray de
partment. He will complete his den
tal course this winter at Northwest
ern, where he is a member of Sigma
Alpha Epsilon and Delta Sigma
'. " Rick-Peterson.
Mr. "and Mrs. Louis Peterson an
nounce the wedding of their daugh
ter, EJjzabeth Wilhelminna, to Mr.
Charles F. Rick, which took place
Thursday afternoon at the Kountze
Memorial church. Rev. O. D. Baltzly
officiating. Following a western
Hand-picked Cooking
Apples, mkt. bkt.97d
Lemons, doz 22
Large Early Ohio Pota
" toes, peck . .62
Sweet Corn, doz..22Vi
Post Toasties, 2 pkgk
- for 25d
Walter Baker's Choco-
I late, lb .57
3 pkgs. Lux for 35d
Meadow Gold oryWedg
v wood Butter, lb. 59
Lipton Tea, 1-lb. can
. for 89
King Oscar Norway
Sardines, 3 cans.95d
Swedish Wafers, 3 cans
for 85
son BROS.
28th and Farnam Sts.
Harney 188
"Cherry Nut"
Mixed into the cream
' are Maraschino Cherries
and Chopped Pecans.
Your Dealer Can Supply. You
The Fairmont Creamery Co.
N Phono
Home Grown Potatoes, per
peck 65
English .Walnuts lb., 32
Yellow Cream Cheese, per
lb. v...v.-. 29
Ripe Olives, qt. cans, 38$
Red Alaska Salmon, Huco
brand, per can .... . 39tf
Ankola Coffee, lb. 55
3940 y Fr;yw-i''
Just Inside
the Door
Refined Smoking Tobacco, 24 pkgs. for.
Large jar Tuxedo
tuxedo and Prince Albert, full lb. for.
Tuxedo, 3 packers for
Whale Smoking Tobacco, full lb
Little Valentine, 54; -50 for
Little La Truda, 54; 50 for
Pinto, 8c values, 54; BO for..
Dunoro Junior, 8c value, 4,50 for
Camel and Spur Cigarets, cartons. .
Alfred Jones'
N Salads
trip Mr. Rick and bride will be at
home after September 1 at JWi aner
man avenue.
" Attwood-Tacobsen?
fr anH f r Fritz Tacobsen an
nounce the marriage of their daugh
ter, May, to Dr. Norman H. Att
uihirh will faWr nlace in Oma
ha Saturdays Following the cere
mony a . wedding dinner win pe
served at the home of the bride s
brother, Carl C. Jacobsen. ;
' 1 A t.I,. h.ida ..rill
Ur. niiWOOU anu ma uimt yyi.
leave' Saturday evening for an east
.... r; nirl will tip at home in
Omaha arS27. c?uth Twenty:sixth
avenue, after August 10.
' For Visitors.
tr Mnrinn F.nffelman enter-
tained seven tables of bridge Friday
afternoon at her home in honor of
Mrs. William Burns of New York
City and Mrs. Edwin Ihompson oi
u:..i WkIU Tx. Old-fashioned
jUlllbl.l -
garden flowers were used through
out the rooms.
Mrs. Burns was honoree at a
bridge luncheon Thursday at the
Lakoma- Country ciud, given uy
Mrs. M. L. King. The guests m-
AfncrUmoc Riirns. T. W.
Woodrough. W. C. Edmiston, C. T.
Creviston, J. M. McL-artny, j. ri.
Parratt, C. I. Voiimer, k. a. i-cu-
P. T Pevnolds. T. W. Ko'ltS-
ky, C. T. Brydon and E. B. Smith.
. Miss Johnsen Honored.
Mice MiWIreH Tnhnsen of Dan-
ii ij j
ville, 111., was an honor guest at a
dinner given last night at the home
of Mr. and Mrs, E. E. Gilmore.
Mis Johnsen is .a guest of Mrs.
George Gilmore and will be enter
tained .at a party Saturday at the
home of Miss Gertrude Mattson. .
Bridge Luncheon.
Ur. n-iri Stewart of Council
THuAFc nf ort-inprl niti friends at a
hrirlfra lnnrlipnn Thursdav at her
i..-.m0 C,ripn flnwprs formed the
attractive decorations for the rooms
and tables. I
Dinner Hosts.
fr anH frs. L. L. Kinsev were
riinnpr Iirtsts to -the office staff of
Rnrotpss-Kash comnanv Thursday
evening at their cottage at Carter
Lake club. I he guests were od m
number. Bathing and dancing were
the entertainment. ,
rnuntrv Club Dinner.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. C. Johnson
will be host and hostess to a lew
friends at the Country club Saturday
An Extra Skirt
Tf vnn hiiv' readv-made suits.
match the color and material and
make or have made another skirt.
Sometimes it is impossible to match
material; then match color with an
invisible stripe or plaid, which will
rrivo vnn anntlipr suit with verv lit
tle extra expense. If when caught
in a storm the other sKirt is nan g
inr in nnp's rlospt. nressed. it will
effect a saving cf time and worry to
the busy woman
5-lb. boxes Chippewa Salt,
at 15
Del Monte Baked Beans,
per can' 16
3 cais for -46
Skinner's Macaroni, 3 pkgs.
for 254
i-lb. can Salmon V7t
3 cans for 50
. . .914
. . .454
v 81.75
We Carry
A. full line of KELLOGG'S
Gluten Flour and Health
x m w ' a v m m m Ar m mm mbvhbhhwj
Problems That Perplex
) v Answered by
Problems, v
Tioor TUa ITalrfnT. Omaha Bee:
TV' era turn irlrla 13 nnil 14 VPSrS
of age, and we would like to know
how long t. wear our aresses.
Don't think we are flirts, because
we are not, although we are consld-
rnnr lnnlrinir and manv b0V8
have asked us to go out with them
and we have rerusea.
Ta it rieht for us to wear our
hair up in vacation time?
I am in the eighth grade ana my
chum is 13 and in the seventh grade.
Are we in the proper grades or
should we be in higher grades?
p, S. Please answer in the paper.
Wear your dresses 10 inches from
the floor.
You will be grown up ladies a
long time why not wear your hair
regular school girl long
as you can.
You are in the ngnt graaes.
Good Sense.
I read your helpful" thoughts In
The" Omaha Bee almost every day
and I think you make some mighty
good answers.
I am in love with a girl the same
ace as myself. 18.
We were planning on getting mar
ried this summer, but ner parents
wanted her to go away to school
foe a couple of years.
Tfe are entraeed and I would like
to know your opinion as to wfffether
this is too young to fie engagwmna
whether the boy and girl who are
engaged should have dates with
Adele Garrison's
What Madge Wildly Longed for and
Her Sorrow Brought to Her.
My doubt about Dicky resolved
itself into a gnawing little pain as
the minutes sped by and he made no
effort to come into the drawing
room. Was he angry or indifferent?
The question racked me as much as
anything could in my condition of
nervous exhaustion, and made less
potent for healing the efforts which
my mother-in-law put forth in my
behalf. '
When she returned with the hot
water bottle and the cloak I think
there must have been something-telltale,
in my face which startled her,
for she called sharply to me as she
bent over me :
"Margaret! Margaret!"
I opened my eyes and looked at
her wearily. I felt as though she
were a half-mile or so away from
"What is it?" I asked faintly.
"Nothing much," she said reliev
edly. I just wanted to make sure
you were awake before I disturbed
you with this." ,
' . Madge Shrinks Back
She held out the heavy fur-lined
cloak which had been the subject of
so much contention. 1 snranic Dacs
shivering from the chill which still
possessed me, longing physically for
its warmth, but mentally repelled by
the thought of it touching me.
"I don't want it," I faltered.
"Oh, yes youdol" she retorted in
exorably. "Here."
She took away the, blankets cov
ering me as she spoke, and with
quick, deft movements tucked the
wonderful garment around me with
the fur side next me. Then she put
the hot water bag to my feet, cov
ered me again with the blankets
and adjusted my pillows to a more
comfortable angle. Then she lay
down upon the couch opposite and
pulled a coverlet over her.
"Now go to sleep," she com
manded nonchalantly. "I'm going
to, and there won't be a sottnd or
anvthing else disturb you.
Before the doubt of Dicky had
come this would have been exactly
the treatment most calculated to
help me. I closed my eyes
obediently, but though the warmth
and comfort soon stopped my shntr
ering and deadly faintness yet the
thought of my husband shut away
from me no more by the closed door
of the drawing room tnanoyinemis-
3 lbs. Prunes for 57 j
Rolled Rib Roast, lb., 25
Pot Roast, per lb., 15
to 17
Round Steak, per lb., 30d
Sirloin Steak, per lb., 35tf
Boiling Beef, per lb., 8
Spare Ribs, per lb ... . 15
Lamb Chops, per lb-, 25tf
Lamb Stew, per lb 5
Imported Manila Cigar
Entonia, 10c value, 64; 50 for 83.00
Mi Consuelo, 8c value, 54; 60 for -82.25
La Flor De Intal, 54; 50 or -82.25
Luzonicas, 10c value, 64; 50 for. 82.75
Edelaida, 7c value, 44; 100 for ..83.85
El Tora Brevas, 76i 50 for 83.00
Kopper Kettle Klub, 12c value, 25 for. .82.25
Garcia Diplomates, 12c value, 25 for.. 82.25
Mail Orders
Given Our Prompt
Try Us-
other boys and girls. She is going
sway to a girls' school and she
thought that it would be all right
lor me to take girls out to the dif
ferent things here at home, but I
do not think that would be proper,
and I also wouldn't want to. She
says she wouldn't want me to go
but, but she doesn't think it is fair
to me to expect me not to.
Would you kindly tell me what
an engagement involves besides an
agreement to be married?
I notice in many of your letters
that you tell many of the- readers
that they are not in love because of
the sound of their letter, I hope you
will not Judge this as such, although
I lealize that this letter Is not as
well written as it might be. I am
not in the habit of writing these
kind of letters and so the arrange
ment. Hoping to see my letter in print,
I am, yours truly,
Your girl friend ahowa refreshing
good sense. By all means allow her
to go to school, and don't deprive
her of the best part of school life
that is companionship of the other
boys and girls.
Her absence will give you a splen
did opportunity to And out whether
or not he is the only girl in me
world for you.
"Lady" writes and requests ad
dress of pleating company. We can
not print addresses in this column,
If said person wants them, will she
please send stamped envelope and we
wllf gladly mail same.
New Phase of
of a )Wife
understanding that had come be
tween us, racked me witn a pain al
most physical.
Why Madge Laughed.
For the nhvsical illness, the dead
ly weakness which had come over
me. had forcibly taught me anew
he lesson I had learned long be
fore, but which I am afraid I had
been in danger ot torgetrmg, in?
lesson everv wife with a husband at
all possible knows full well that
when danger or illness comes there
ic hut one nlrce for husband and
wife, and hat is shoulder to shoul
der with the world shut out.
I found, alnost to my own sur
prise, that I longed for the mere
sight of Dicky's face, the sound of
his voice, t telt that 1 could even
bear his anger if only I could have
him near me.
With mv face turned toward the
door which shut him awav from me
-I lay tensely expectant, wondering
whether he would continue to obey
his mother's injunction to remain
within call outside, or whether he
might not suddenly open the door
and come to me.- -: - '
But the seconds stretched into
minutes, each seeming an eternity to
me. as I counted them off upon my
wrist watch, which my mother-in-law
had not' removed, and which I
found it taxed my strength to lift to
a posi:on where I could see it.
When five minutes had gone by I
let my arm drop to my side in utter
exhaustion while the tears of weak
ness began to creep from my eyes.
That my mother-in-law had not
been asleep, but nad been furtively
watching me. 1 realized at her ab
rupt rising frym the couch and
bending oven me.
"What is ft child?" she asked
tenderly. "Are you in pain?"
I shook my head weakly, while
the tears flowed faster.
"Then you must stop this at
once." she said sternly. "If you do
not I shall have to have you taken
off the train at the next station and
sent to a rfospital."
I knew that she was simply using
he threat as a means of diverting
my attention, i.nd - the knowledge
struck me suddenly as most amus
ng. I began -to laurh at first
quietly, then more loudly, while mv
mother-in-law's face began to dance
qucrly hefore my eyes.
It vanished altogether after a lit
tle, and he next I knew there was
an asritated rushing movement at
the side othe berth, and I felt my
self gathered up in my husband's
strong arms.
"Stop it. sweetheart,", he com
manded incisively, yet with a cares
sing cadence in his voice that reach
ed the far off nook to which my
spirit had withdrawn itself. Then
he spoke wrathfully across my
shoulder: '
"Why the devil didn't you let me
in here before? I might have known
he needed me. See, she's quieting
down already! There, there sweet
heart." his voice had the intonation
with which he soothes Junior to
sleep. ' "I'm ri?ht here, and I'm go
ing to stay here. Nothing can hurt
you. So go t: sleep."
And with ny husband's arms
around me I drifted off into blesse.1,
'healing slumber. -.
(Continued Monday.)
Men conductors and motormen on
the street cars in Tokio, Japan, have
become so independent that the com
pany is now entertaining a plan to
replace them with women. The
Tokio Street Motor Car company
has employed women conductors on
its buses for some time with econ
omy and increased efficiency.
Do You Know XI
1. Where the peach had its origin?
2. The "dangerous" way of making potato salad? ,
3. How to clean pots and pans in which food has dried?
(These questions will be answered in , this section by the
1. The tomato is a native of South America, has been culti
vated in Europe for about 400 years, but has been commonly used
here for less than a century.
2. When you put salt fish in colff water to freshen be sure
and have, the skin side up so that the salt will drop to the bottom of
the dish and not soak into the fish again. 1
3. If the onions are peeled under water they do not affect
the eyes. Some housewives use a pair of automobile goggles to
good effect. '.
(Each of these household problems has been worked out by
the author, who has not only taken a course in scientific house
wifery and dietetics at Columbia university and written and edited
women's newspaper and magazine futures for years, but is a prac
tical housekeeper as well.) , I V
hi:.. Ann HnwlAnd lihs returned
from a visit at Balsam Lake, Wis.
M , I
to Mr. and Mrs. Burr Latta on Au-
gust 4.
ur- frc fisrar T.idsfer jn-i, .
nounce the .birth of a son on Au- 1
gust 6.
Mrs. Harrv Jordan is occupying
the Norris Brown apartment at the
A ftatio-hffr. Lizzabelle. was born
to Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Wallace
August 5.
IVLl&a 4 j 1 1 1 1 1 1 a a..,. , ... - --
fWaan Srntember 1 to take .UP
work in the Art Institute. 4
frc limrs Atwtll is the STUest of
1 Tl A .....11 MM1 Mrif. f(
ner son, iuy siwcu,
Nebraska City this week.
T P Rfdmnnrf was called to New
York last Wight on account of the
serious illness ot his motner.
Xfics T.vtitia Sn!r'of Columbus
is the guest of her school friend,
Miss Alice Huntington, tnis weeic ,
Mrs. John W. Welch and daugh
ter, Gertrude Irene, returned Tues
day from an extended eastern visit
Mrs. Jacob Wuest will entertain
at her home Saturday complimentary
to Mrs. Beaumont Buck of Fort
fr T. H Wirth left Friday for,
Denver and Colorado Springs, where
they will spend the remainder 01 in
Miss Ruth McCullough of Albany,
N. Y., was a visitor in Omaha Thurs
day with her aunt, Mrs. W. E. Bark
ley of Lincoln.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Drexel and
Miss Lucy Hart left Friday for
Brandon, Canada, where they will
visit Edwin C. Hart.
Mr. and Mrs. Anson H. Bigelow
plan to leave about the middle ot
August for a trip through Yellow
stone National park.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cullen have
as their guest Mrs. Edward O. Wild
of New Orleans. Mrs. Wild is a
sister of Mrs. Cullen. '
Mrs. Bruce C. Beaver and daugW
ter, Grace, left Thursday for a
three weeks' trip to Miami, Fla., and
other southern points.
Mrs. S. Cook left Thursday eve
ning for Shoreham, Minn., where
sh will visit with relatives until
September. ,
Miss Ruth Wilson, who has been
the. guest of Miss Margaret Howes
for this week, returned to her home
in Nebraska City this morning.
Mr and Mrs. Anan Raymond
leTt Friday for a trip to Denver, Col
orado Springs and other western
cities. They will bt gone a month.
' Miss Alice Lindsay of Lincoln if'
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. B.j
Coon at the Mitchell apartments.
Miss Lindsay is a sister of Mrs.
Coon. '
Mrs. Charles B. Walker, daugh
ter of C. F. Wtller, has returned
from Colorado and is visiting her
sister, Mrs. J. W. Fisher. She and
her daughter, Betty, will leave for
their home in Syracuse, N. Y., next
Miss Margaret Jean Butter, who
returned in the winter from over
seas service in the interest of near
east relief, is spending the month of
August with her parents in Alex
andria, Neb.
Miss Margaret Howes left Friday
morning for Hastings, where she will v
serve as one of the attendants or j
Miss Katherine Kohl, who is to be f
married August 11 to Channing Col
lins of Lincoln. Miss Kohl was an
instructor in the physical education
department of the University of Ne
braska last year. She is the daughter
ot jur. and Mrs. inaries j.ohi ui
T(ie Harvest Is at Hand
Behold, the harvest is at hand;
And thick on the encircling hills
The sheaves like an encampment
Making a martial fairy-land
That half the landscape fills. I
The plains in colors brightly blent
Are burnished by the standing
That runs across a continent.
In sheets of gold or silver stain
Or red' as copper from the mine,
The oatf , the barley, and the buck
wheat shine.
Autumn has pitched his royal tent,
And set his banner in the field;
Where blazes every ornament
That beamed in an heraldic shield.
He spreads his carpets from the
Of stuffs the richest burghers wore,
When velvet-robed, and studded o'er
With gems, they faced their Em
peror. A wind is in the laughing grain
That bends to dodge his rough
Knowing hte rogue will come again
To frolic with its loveliness.
And in the highways drifts a stream
Of carts, of cattle, and of men; '
While scythes in ever meadow
gleam. ...
-John Jay Chapman.
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