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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 6, 1920)
If THE BEE: OMAHA. FRIDAY, AUGUST 6, 1920. Classified' Advertising Rates llo per line (count ( words to UnO 1 day l(o per lino per day, I consecutive day 15o per lino par day, T consecutive daya 14o per lino per day, 10 consecutive daya No ada taken for less than a total of lie. Then rate apply either to the Dally r Sunday Be. All advertisement ap pear In both morning and evening dally papara for the on charge. CONTRACT BATES ON APPLICATION Want ada accepted at the following of fice: MAIN OFFICE. ...17th and Farram St. South Bid 2319 N St. Council Bluff IS Scott St. WANT ACS RECEIVED BT PHON AT TYLER 1000 THE BEE will not ba responsible for mora than one Incorrect Insertion of aa advertisement ordered tor mora than on CLOSING HOURS FOR WANT ADS Evening Edition -12:00 M. Morning Edition 00 P. M. Sunday Edition :00 P. M. Saturday. DEATH & FUNERAL NOTICES. FOLEY Mra. Elisabeth, aged years, widow of Timothy J. Foley, resi dent of Omaha 45 years; born in County Cork. Ireland. Survived by four sons. Timothy 'J.. Daniel. Michael and Thomas, and two daughters, Mrs. Mar garet Hyland and Mrs. Bonnie Kan. Funeral Saturday, 8:30 a. m., from family residence, 2515 South 11th St., to St. Patrick church 9 a. m. Interment Holy SejpjiljKcmeJtery; ROBERTS Mrs. John, Sjed 24 years. Ir-cal hospital August 4. 1920. Remains st Heafey A Heafey chapel awaiting ar ajval of huaband from Saronville, Neb. FtjNERAL DIRECTORS HULSE& RIEPEN, PIONEER FUNERAL DIRECTORS 701 South 16th St.;; Douglas 1221. STACK & FALCONER, ' "INDEPENDENT UNDERTAKERS" P1ERCE-ARROVV . AMBULANCE SERVICE. . Thlrtythlrd and Farnam. Harney 64. TTAGGART & SON, UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS. Telephone Douglas714. 2216 Cumlng Jt. HEAFEY & HEAFEY, Undertatiera and Embalmers. Phone H. 265. Office 2611 Farnam. FLORISTS. LEE L. LARMON . ... . - ton ' 114 Douglas St. JOHN BATH. 18th and Farnam. D3000. BIRTHS AND DEATHS ""Births Fran and Vera Dearth, 2219 Leavenworth Vt. girli Julius and StepfRnle Vonh jenacker, 607 -Dorcas street, girl; Charles and Bessie Stratton, 2608 Reee street, g'rl: Joseph and Lucille Meyer. El Beudor apartments, boy: Jake and Lena Kaplan. ti North Twenty-second l'et, girl; Frahk and Jennie Nolen, III North Twenty-thrul street, girl: Seth rnd Bessie Elam, 2311 North Twentieth street, girl; James and Annie Vodehnal, S206 Sotttlr Twenty-first street, girl; Thomas and Bessie Reed. 6405 Q street, boy; Leland and Hope Wasters, hospital, boy;, Joe and Ines ullman, hospital, twins, boys. Deaths P. A. Boe. years, hospital: AUIs B. Rodgers, 60 years, 2702 Lake street; Mrs. Julia Morrlst n, 23 years, hos pltsl; Mr. Mary F. Yore. 43 years, hos pital. MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following couples have been Issued licenses to wed: Clarence M. Vetter, 24. Atlantic, la., and rarl Landrum, 20. Atlantic, la. .. Rollle J. : AVIlson. 3S, Wlnterset, la., and Lillian H. Petzoldt, 25, Twin Falls. Idaho. John ' Bukosky, 21, Omuha, and Maud Green, TO, Omaha. John C. Cranrtall, 21. Mllltown, Ind and Marie Docekal, 19, Omaha. Earl H. Smith. 21, Omaha, and Alloe Oliver, 17, Omaha. i Tony Evans. 46, Omaha, and Sarah Dolan, 47, Omaha. Louis L. Laufman, -23, Omaha, and Margaret Fitzgerald, 22, Omaha. Joseph F. Foreman, over 21, Omaha, and Grace Corey, over 18, Omaha. Alfonso Maaehletto, 37, Omaha, and Maria Larese, 28, Omaha. Albert Walkup, 22, Omaha, and Mar garet Irene Baker, 21. Omaha. William L. Tuite, 27, Omaha, and Mag gie Rice, 19, Omaha. Clarence A. Wakefield, 23, Omaha, knd Rachel Hlghsmlth, IT, Omaha. . Launey Slitman, 28, Omftha, and Gladys V'asmer, 18. Omaha. LOST, FOUND AND REWARDS. 136 REWARD. Lost strayed or stolen, dark yellow dog, size of Fox terrier, answers to name Buddy. White stripe between eyes, white chest and feet, tag No. 7fiJ. 3901 Dewey Ave. Harney 321 5. FOR, ARTICLES LOST on street car tele pfrane Tyler 800. We are anxloua to re store lost articles to rightful owners. OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS ST. RJT. CO. LOST Sum money last Thursday between West Side Pharmacy 48th Leavenworth, and Pharmacy 35th Leavenworth. Notify Omaha Steel Work;, 48th Leavenworth. LOST Boston bull terrier, female, dark brlndle, white forehead, screw tall, col lar marked H. D. 3433 So. 16th. Re ward. Douglas 6902. LOST New pair of trousers, between Grain Exchange bldg. and Nebraska Clothing Co. Notify Coyle, care of orchard-wiineim. LOST--Half steel sprocket, between Rlve--vlew park and 20th and Hickory St . Return 4o Pari: Dept., 403 City Hall; reward. K- LOST Amethyst pin. Reward. Wal. 1796. PERSONAL. THE SALVATION Army Industrial horn solicits your old clothing, furniture, magazine. We collect. We distribute. Phon Doug. 4136 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new tome, lllO-im-1114 Dodge St. HAVING adjusted the differences between my wife and myself, I hereby retract the statement that I will no longer be responsible for her debts. George A. Mulflnger. I WISH to know the present address of Mr. W. Wells Abbott. I hold money due htm, which I wish to pay. Mr. J. A. Cheney, Shenandoah, a. REAL Swedish massage; baths by skilled operators, at sanitarium .or your home; also room with n nursing care for patients by week. Douglas 6877. v M'RSE take patients, priv. homes. Wal. 6574. ELECTRIC baths. Swedish or elec. mas sage. In home, or wl 1 1 go out. Web. 5 911. Massage, electric treatment. 318 Neville Bk. MASSAGE. 210 North 17th St. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Attractions! CLARK'S colored juzx orchestra. 2338. Wal. V Patent Attorneys. INTERNATIONAL PATENT CO., patent attorneys; procure, buy and sell pat ents. 1716 Podge St.. Omaha, Carpet Weaving, Rugs. WEAVING, old rugs remadeTTyler 1433. Chiropodists. Carrie J. Burford, 620 Paxton Eld. D. 1201. Contractors and Carpenters. CARPENTERING, repairing, remodeling none. Xj. J. KricKsnn. can walnut 1637, EXPERIENCED carpenter wants work. Pg. 6606. ; Dressmaking. DRESSMAKING, shirt making. Harney 4 6 77. : !dRESSMAKING, all kinds. Web 5622. Dress Suits. FULL dress suits and tuxedos for rent. " 10 N. 16th St John Feldman. D. 1121. w..y SUMMER DANCING RATES. T"T "DTXTT? School for Dancing, JVXilj-A liNXTi 2424 Farnam. D-7850. flas at I; dsncing at 1 p. in. Monday. Thur. Sat Pjlvate lessons any time. -Detectives.; TlPKIN'8 NATIONAL DETECTIVE AGENCY, Incorporated. Dougla 1107. Arlington Bfk. Omaha. Neb. James allan. hi Nevin Bik. jew. dene secured In all cases. Tyler 1131. RELIABLE Detectlv Bureau. Railway Ex. Bldg. Doug. 1061. Night, CoL 466. Dentists-, 5r7Bradbnry. No pain, in W. O. W. Bid. Electrical Utilities. llENT Hooe sweeper- Tel. Wbtr 4283, RENT electric vacuum cleaner. I. 1711. v Gas Stoves Connected. CONNECTIONS. 12 howjdptog.H' j Hats Blocked. Til?. HATS cleaned and blocked while you wait, at Paxton Hat Works, 1607H Farnam U Ttjork guaranteed. D. 18 I BRINGING UP ' HAWEN'T MOO ANY - M1 HB COME THE DOCTOR - S fl w ' TvW"'2 TRirE tS U-JU I I JUbT10T TH6U4Hi UtssiM . BRA1NVOOYOOWANT- T.OT THE v.iNOOW'CLOtEO' THATViNOOW SHOULD r-J SSxT iflf TELLING HIM THAT- flfl ""u'' " "l ANNOUNCEMENTS. Hemstitching and Pleating- ACC6RDION, ' ida,'"knif, sunburat 'box pleating, covered buttons, all sizes and style; homestltchlng, plcot, edging, eye let cut work, buttonholes, pennant. Ideal Button and Pleating Co- 101 Brown Blk. Dougla iltll. Top Notch Stop Hemstitching, braiding, beading, all kind pleating. Doug. 6011. Room 33. Douglaa Blk.. 16th and Dodge. Insurance. WE WRITE fire, tornado, automobile, In demnity, burglary and all other forms of Insurance. Edward F. Williams Co., 803-804 Omaha Nat. Bank. Doug. 420. Hauling. WANT ateady job hauling with team of horses. Phone Tyler 163 Kodak Developing and Finishing. FILMS developed; printing and enlarging. Writ for' prices. Th Ensign Co.. 1607 Howard St. - Painting and Papcrhanging. PAINTING, paperbanglng. Walnut 4567. plastering. FOR painting and paperhanging at rea sonable prices call Walnut 3873. PAINTING, papering; lowest prions. Douglas 6322. PAINTING' andpaperhanglng. Wal. 6461. Jewelry. DIAMONDS pT'c. L to buy back at small profit. GROS8 JEWELRY CO.. 403 N. 16th St. Doug las 6049. ' Prin;ing. - WEDDING a renouncements and printing. Douglas Printing Co. Tel. Douglaa 644. Razor Blades Sharpened. SAFETY razor blades sharpened, new ra zors, razor blades sold. Omaha Razor Sharpening Co.. 1622 Dodge. 103 N. 16. Safes. Q A ITTTQ BARGAINS. 12th & Farnam. Orir XJO j. j. Derlght Safe Co. Sewing Machines. SEWING MACHINES" W rent, repair, sell needle and parta, VMICKEL'S 15th and Harney. Dougla lta. Towel Supplies. Omaha Towel Supply. 207 8. lltlt. D. 628. Welding. OMAHA WELDING CO. "Th Careful Welder." 16th and JacKeon. l. ai. Miscellaneous. PAXTON-MITCHELL Co. 27th and Martha Sts., Omaha, Neb. Brass, bronze, aluminum and machine vr&T Iron caattnga. ' BELL'S 'MENTHOL OINTMENT can be purcnasea ai maiio urui omr, wu and Douglaa Sts., Omaha. Neb. PARTIES Interested In collection of stamp aaarea box i-ku, umana juee. TAINTING. paperhahcjlng, plastering. Walnut 4567. FOR SALE. Furniture and Household Goods. AUCTION ! AUCTION ! Big sale of extra good furniture and furnishings In my auction houae, south east rcirner 18th and Webster. SATURDAY. AUG. 7. . STARTS AT 1 P. M. This la a btg sale, consisting or. seven complete home. JAMES L. DO WD CO.. Auctioneers, If you have anything to aell call Douglaa 3286 or Tyler 966. DAVENPORT, piano, mahogany, llbraSy table, electric appacanccs, etc. weaving city. Wal. 1742 COMPLETE living -irooms . and " dining room sdites, practically new. Tyler 5203. SINGER sewing machine and bookcase for sale. Tyler 18L'fl. -1950 South 10th St. FURNITURE for sale at 2213 Farnam St. MAHOGANY bedroom set. Harney 7114. Pianos and Musical Instruments. A ITiaDir PA Everything in r. IIVUI J vw, art and musio Piano for rent, 14.00 per month. DRUMS, traps. - marimbas. Instructions, repairing, jnone tiarney jia ueo. a. Smith. 2761 Davenport St, PIANOS for sale; bargain. Doug. 9227. Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS AND ' ADDING MACHINES ALL JdAKES, bought, sold, rented and repaired. Sole agents -for the CORONA. Get our price before you buy. - Every machine guaranteed. i Central Typewriter Exc. Dougla 4120. 1912 ' Farnam. WE buy, aell and exchange aril makes of typewriter. . write xor nsi. iaianti Office Supply Co,. 1404 Dodge. ALL MAKES Typewriter Co., "all jnakes." suo a. join at. xjficr ROYAL typewriter, all models, for rent. Royal Typewriter Co.. 318 S. 19th St. F. & E. checkwrlters, bargains. 32j) Neville- Miscellaneous. GLASS FOR SALE SIZES 6X7, ' 6X8, 8X10, BEST GRADE; CAN BE USED FOR HOT HOUSES, WIRELESS, SETS. ETC. CALL 5R. HADLEY, ) TYLER 1000. ENGRAVING DEPT. "OMAHA PILLOW CO. Feather mattress. es made from your own reamers, sum mer and winter sides. Pillow renovat ed and made up In new featherprof ticking. 1907 Cuming. P. 2467. FOR SALE AT BAJtGAIN TWO 16-30 and six 11-20 new Ad-vance-Rumety Oil Pull Tractors. If Interested write or wire box 828, Dan ville, Virginia. WE buy. aell safes, make desks, show cases, etc Omaha Fixture Supply Co., S. W. Cor. 1 1th and Douglas. Dg. 2724. FOR SALE Small bed with fine mat tress; chllds brown reed sulky with top. Walnut 477; : ICEBOX, 300-lb. capacity, suited for small grocery atore; bargain. Dougla 1667. FOR SALE-Good shotgun. No. 12. double- barrel hammerlcsa. Harney 7ZM. KINDLING and lumber. Web. 461. WANTED TO BUY. WE BUY baled waste paper, old maga ztnea and newspapers. State quantity you have onlhand. .Write or phone for prices. Omaha Paper Stock Co.. Ibjn ana Mercy. Douglas is. j DESKS DESKS .DESKS New desks; used desks bought, sold and iraaeq. j. u. need. 1807 trarnam.u. ens. L,IBKKTY BONUS BOUGHT. y mackh nnvn house V 1421 First Nafl Bank BUlg. Tyler 1644. WILL buy aecond-hand clothlng.-shoes and lumnure. ly. zass. A. zavett. 10t . is. SITUATIONS WANTED. Male. REFINED white chauffeur wishes p oil tlon in private family. Best of refer ncea. Address Box X-57. Omaha Bee. F1RMANENT position desired; local con cern; ciiy or irr;iory sales. sox a-ii, OmaBli Jee. vmm'd man. emDloved rturanr rlav . wishes 1 or 4 hourj light work evenings. Box AfH. e. CEMENT finisher. D. 12. 17th. and Webster m. , Female. HOUSEKEEPERS. LAUNDRESSES. Watch the Domestic column of The' Bee. Lot of good place ere always CvwrtUM. Vdi l suu susaa. FATHER- SITUATIONS WANTED Laundry and Day Work. WOMAN wanta day work. Call Afro American Employment Agency. 2622 H " Lake. Web. 5976. . LAUNDRY, day work, cleaning, ex- perlenced. Webster 6862. LAUNDRY, day work, cleaning. xp. Wbter 163. ' LAUNDRY Day work experienced. nebster sz 6. LAUNDRY, Tuesday and Wednesday. Web. 6181. BUNDLE WASHING wanted." Webster 1371. LAUNDRY for Mon., Tue., Wed. Web ster 108, CLEANING, day work, experienced. Web ater 3264. '. , DAY work, laundry, colored laundress. Web. 3002. DAY WORK wanted; experienced. Web ster 3966. WANTED Day work, experienced. Doug laa 8368. BUNDLE washing. 4279. " Colored lady. Web. DAY work, laundry, exp., colored. Web. 3631. , SILK bundle and family washing. Web. 3449. BUNDLE washing; day work. Webster 3948. DAY work wanted; colored lady, Web. 2498. - . BUNDLE washing, experienced. Webster 1608. m DAYWORK, all kinds; references. South 4461. DAYWORK, experlencesd, laundress. Web. 4448. DAY work wanted; experienced. Web. 6460. DAY work; laundry; experienced. Web 4448. - LAUNDRY, day work; references. South 4461. DAY work, cleaning, laundry. Web. 6151. DAY work, colored woman. Web. 6472. DAY work wanted. Webster 6H44 BUNDLE washing. - Webster 1379. DAY work wanted, experienced. Web. 6460. LAUNDRY Day work; exp. Web. 4796. DAY wOrk, exp. Web. 6702. Mrs. Scruggs. BUNDLE WASHING wanted.Web.24lil. LAUNDRY.daywork cleanlnJ"Web.l 324. Dayworkr"laundry, experienced. Tyler 3571. B UttDLE washing. Webster" 3303. DAY work, laundry, colored. Web. 6127. IRONING, cleaning, bjr day. Web. 2221. DAY WORK in private. jhome.Web. 6216. BUNDLE washing wanted. Web. 6808. BUNDLE waahing. reasonable. Web. 2127. LAUNDRY work wanted. Webtr 44181 BUNDLE washing; soft waUr. WebT 694. DAYWORK. housccleanlng. Webter 6211. ROUGHDRY" bundlewaahlng. Web. 6450r BUNDLE washing wanted. Dg. 3199. DAYWORK by the hour. Web. 6021. DAY WORK wanted. Tyler 3571. DAYWORK wanted. Web. 1430. WANT LAUNDRY work. Web. 1266. LAY work wanted. Web. 1220. , DAY WORK, laundry, exp. Web.N3710. BUNDLE washing. Webster 3303. "H " '- HELP WANTED-MALE Stores and Offices. WANTED By . a rubbei plant making heels and all klnda ot momea gooas, m. man who has experience and la able to take complete charge of the production and the business In general. Thia I a wonderful chance for some man to shw his worth and be assured of the future. Give reference and state experience-and salary In your first letter. The Premier Tire and Rubber Co., Kansaa City, Mo. BOOKKEEPER, splendid, future,' 1126- 1150. Bookkeeper and office asst.. 1115-1125. Inside shipping Clerk, im plement, 1150. THE MARTI COMPANY, EMPLOYMENT -SPECIALISTS, 1126 W. O. W. Bldg. GOOD positions for salesmen, city and territorial wonr. we can place a young man who can do some typing In a good clerical nosltion. salary open. OMAHA'S BETTER BUSINESS AGENCY, COMMERCIAL REFERENCE W. i 1616 City Nat'l Bank. WE CAN use a number of first-class, capable people in desirable mgn sal aried positions. Don't fail to see us Monday. RIGHT REFERENCE CO., 536 First National Bank. -' ASSISTANT caskler of southern city bank with practical experience desires offi cial connection with bank In city of not less than 6,000 population. Address Box Y-1214, Bee. LEDGER clerk, knowledge of collection, $160. WATTS REFERENCE COMPANY, 1138 First National Bank Bldg. Professions and Trades. EXPERIENCED SALESMAN . ' WANTED For silks and dress goods depart ments; permanent position with fine op portunity for advancement Apply su perintendent. DAVIDSON BROS. CO., SIOUX CJTY, I A. WANTED MILLWRIGHT FOREMAN By midwest packer, a thoroughly com petent millwright foreman; packing house experience preferred; must be capable and able to take charge of en tire gang; good opportunity for ad vancement and ateady Job for right party. Y-1221, Bee. : WANTED. EXPERIENCED RADIATOR AND FENDER REPAIR MEN. SKILLED MECHANICS ONLY. OMAHA AUTO RADIATOR MANUFACTURING CO., 1814 CUMING. , YOUNG MEN. r- . - I nn.nlnM foP VrtUn v c nw v - - i t.idik... In l J lOQl 11 istcpuuu. - ' . . stallatlon work; liberal starting salary, with opportunity for advancement In aa Intereating Job. Apply Room 111 Tele phoneBldg..9 a.m.and 4 p. m. WANTED AT ONCE Unregitrea drug clerk with some fountain experience. Good position and good salary to right man. box mu YOUNO man.-study law. Eve, downtown sessions. Unlver. of Omaha Law Dept. Thorough coarse; nominal tuition. Sea. 404 Omaha National Bldg.j . A FIRST-CLASS man to manage a re tall Implement atore. Muat be able to spak Bohemian. Box Y-1218. Omaha ". Bee. SEC JICOS PAGE OF HELP WANTED MALE Professions and Trades. WANTED. MACARONI PRESS MEN AND HELPERS. Can us a few mure handy men. Also boys over 16 years; stesdy work and no ahut downa. Apply Monday a. m., west side entrance, ready for work. See su perintendent. SKINNER MFG. CO. 14th and Jackson Sts. WANTED On good machinist and on good automobile repair man. scotta- bluff-Overland Co., Scottsbluff, Neb. WANTED Good Job printer; permanent situation. Monarch Printing Co., Coun cil Rlifff. Tn t MOLDERS Bech and floor men, ateady work, nerry Foundry, St. Joseph, Mo. GRANITE lettcrer wanted at once. Th Cherokee Monument Co., Cherokee, la. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE. 110 SO. 14TH ST. CATALOGUE FRES. Salesmen and Solicitors. SALESMEN ' WANTED Men and women every where, city and sountry, experience unnecessary, to sell nil leas;; in the great High Island Dis trict Gulf Coast Oi! Fields of Texas. You can make $500.00 per week selling for our company. Big commis sion. Everybody buys. Our company is a fine, producing, money mak- ing company. We have just struck oil on our 10,000-acre lease in Wyoming. We will bring in a big well on our 88 acre lease. Burkburnett, Texas, very soon, now drilling. We own 7 fine producing wells and drilling more at Humble Gusher Field, Texas. We own all our own drilling rigs and equip ment. We start drilling at High Island as quick as our men can rig up and spud in. These v leases most valuable on , the market. . Govern ment reports describe High Island with won- ' derful possibilities. Sale just started. Over 30 per cent of entire tract sold . before big advertising campaign is com menced. Act on that impulse. Get in quick. Conje to office if possi ble. Talk it over. Write " or wire for your exclu sive territory. Get our bulletin hot off the press ' with map and pictures ' . ' 'of great gushers of Gulf Coast Fields. Most wonderful Gusher. District in America, These leases going into big money, and chance for every lease owner to clean up $50,000.09 on , small investment. Looks . like a sure shot. Men backing this company "old-time operators." This company has made good every promise. Every N prediction has come ' true, This company has never drilled a dry hole. This is Nebraska's very -own oil company. Fully 98 per cent of our inves tors are citizens of Ne braska. Every citizen a prospect; every citizen our friend and booster. This means immediate big business for every salesman who uses his red-blooded brain power. Get in quick. Work and we work with you. , This proposition - going over the top into big money. OFFICERS IN CHARGE. H. R ELLW00D, President. OIL OPERATOR OF OMAHA. NE, - WILLIS E. REEp, First Vice President. FORMERLY ATIORNEY GEN ERAL FOR NEBRASKA, MADISON, NEB. W. J. GASKILL, Second Vice President. LIVE WIRE BUSINESS MAN OF OMAHA. NEB. y ' These men do big things, play the winners. We refer you to any ' body in Nebraska. Call, write, wire or -phone GULF COAST DEVELOPMENT & REFINING CO., i 740 First National Bank Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Long distance phone Tyler 398. STOCK salesmen wnnteY ' Financial in atitutlon now placing Its stock desires a few more men. Good territory open and aome leads for good men. This is a high-class proposition and our salesmen now placing -this' stock are very successful., For further Informa tion apply bos Y-1221 Be. AND MAGGIE IN .fVtL COLORS IN THE SUNDAY BEE HELP WANTED MALE Salesmen and Solicitors. STATE SALES MANAGERS For Nebraska. Kansas and Missouri, to distribute easiest operating and most powerful hand fire pump made. A com- . mission proposition that will Interest hlgh-callber men. Call 9 to 11 or 1 to 1 Friday. Mr. Wlnkenweder, Room 611, Hotel Conant, Omaha. A FEW TOPNOTCH SALESMEN TO SELL HIGH GRADE INVESTMENT YIELDING 8 PER CENT WITH PAR TICIPATING FUTURE, OVER AND ABOVE DIVIDEND REQUIREMENTS; IF YOU ARE. WILLING TO WORK AND' EARNING LESS THAN 1509 PER MONTH THIS PROPOSITION SHOULD APPEAL TO YOU. CALL FOR PER SONAL INTERVIEW. ROOM , WEAD BUILDING. , WANTED--Experlenced piano and" Vlc" trola salesman In the richest agricul tural part of the country, and one of the best home cities In the United States. Good salary, - commission and expenses.' References required. Ross P. Curtice Co., Lincoln. Neb. Established for 40 years. Largest music merchant In the- state. I WANT. man who knows every baker in" Omaha and Council Bluffs. If you can fill the bill there la a great future Apply Thursday from 10 to 12 and 1 to 4 p. m Hotel Fontenelle, roorn 340. Experienced. Salesmen To aell high-grade, dividend-paying stock. Extraordinary ' proposition, fast seller, big - commission. Write at once for Interview. Box- Y-1220, Bee. WANTED First-class Stock salesmen wlu can furnish references to sell preferred stock In growing corporation now paying good dividends, participating in all the profits. Inquire 2404-06 Ames Ave., up- stalrs; j TWO middle-aged salesmen who wish to , get off the road or those wishing to Increase their earnings, will find splen did opportunity by calling at. 206 With neil Bldg., 9 a. m. to 12 m., or phone D. 829 for appointment. Stock Salesmen Unusual Issue, big seller, good terri tories, attractive 'commission. Write for lnterylewat once. Box Y-1219, Bee. WANTED Salesmen with established trade In Nebraska, to carry 34 samples men's welt shoes. - Can be carried aa a aide line. E. B. Piokenbrock . & Sons, Dubuque. Ia. ; WANTED Salesmen for country, ' with auto; can make real money, all or part time. Call or write Omaha Vacuette Co..' 307 Finance Bldg., Omaha. Neb. WANTED Salesmen for country, with auio; can maxe rear money an or part time. Call or write Omaha Vacuette Co., 307 Finance Bldg., Omaha, Neb. SPECIALTY salesman on silverware, rues and blankets; can use couple of good men. for out of town work. C F. Adams Co.. 623 S. 16th St. WANTED First class salesman, who I thoroughly familiar with selling lubri cating oil in barrels and carload lot. Call Dougla 1721 for appointment. WANTED Flv single young men for clerical work: aalarie from 1140 to 1200. Phone D. 6665. Boys WANTED. BRIGHT, ENERGETIC OFFICE EOY. PERMANENT POSTION. .APPLY PITTSBURGH PLATE GLASS CO., 11TH AND HOWARD. WANTED 3 husky boy. 16 years and older, for factory work. Apply at 7:3 a. m Bemls Bag Co.. 11th and Jones. Miscellaneous. WANTED, FREIGHT HANDLERS. EIGHT HOURS PER DAY. 1100 A MONTH. AMERICAN RAILWAY EXPRESS, - UNION STATION. MIDDLE-AGED MAN who will appreciate a regular Job; will pay 120 to start and 136 at the end of two week to the right man; reference required. BoxM-7, Omaha Bee. , WANTED. WAGON HELPERS. EI-HT HOURS PER DAY. APPLY AMERICA! RAILWAY BXP. STABLE, 15TH AND DAVENPORT. YOUNO MAN for work around garage, 122.60 to start; thia 1 a chance for a' youth who 'wants to get ahead; refer ences required. Box M-30, Omaba Be. MARRIED man to work on farm. Must be willing to work; nearly all work mo torized. Steady joh all the year. Enon Nelson. Big Sprlngf, Neb. 25 ambitious young men to become 'sales men; 11,600 up; experience unnecessary. For openings and particular writ M-12, Omaha Bee. HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. EXPERIENCED CASHIER j AND WRAPPER WITH REFERENCES. APPLY AT ONCE. - HERZBERG'S. 1617 DOUGLAS ST. WE have stenographic positions for be ginners, also temporary work. We have very high grade positions for expe rienced stenographer; can place a num ber of bookkeepers and young women for general office work. OMAHA'S BETTER BUSINESS AGENCY COMMERCIAL REFERENCE CO. .516 City Nat l Bank. WANTED Young lady with office expe rience; good salary and ateady employ ment. ' ' HARTMAN FURNITURE CO.. 16th and Howard Sts. ' V BOOKKEEPER out of city, splendid firm, good future, 1175. Stenographer, few months experience, 190-195. Compto meter opr., 190-1100. THE MARTI COMPANY, . EMPLOYMENT SPECIALISTS, 1126 W. O. W. Bldg. WE CAN use a number of first-class, capable people tn desirable high sal aried positions. Don't fall to see us Monday. RIGHT REFERENCE CO., p jo f irst .National nanK. BEGINNER ateno, ISO or 185. Beginner typist, 176. Bookkeeper, wholesale, 8125. General office clerk, 180. ' BUSINESS MEN'S REFERENCE ASS'K 917-18 W. O. W. Bldg. WANTED Elliott-Fisher bookkeeper: K must have at least one year's experience ana capaoi ot oaianctng own books; good salary. L, V. Nlchalaa Oil Co., 17th and Howard 8ts. STENOGRAPHER. 1125, 1115, 1109, 190, 186, 175. Bookkeeper and typist, 1100. WATTS REFERENCE COMPANY, ' 1131 First National Bank Bldg. COMPETENT stenographer; experienced; new office; good pay; needed at once. Concrete Engineering Co., 1145 Omaha National Bank bldg. Bee Want 'Ads Will Boost Your Business. Use Them. , , Drawn HELP WANTED FEMALE. Stores and Offices. GIRL for South Omaha branch office: refer one living in South Omaha, 'resher Bros.. 2217 Farnam. EXPERIENCED cashier wsnted. Alex snder Drug Co., 17th and Doug la; OFFICE girl to taka orders. Dreahor Bros.. 1317 Farnam St. Professions and Trades. YOUNG LADIES Do you want a permanent position 7 No profession today offer better op portunities for good salaries and steadr employment than local or long distance telephone work. , The work la fascinating, pleasant, healthful surrounding, annual vaca tion with full pay. Sick and accident benefit without cost to employe. No necessary. Subatantlal weekly pay while In training. Rapid advancement -Parent Invited to Investigate working condition. Apply to ' ' MRS. MORRIS, Employment Secretary, Room 616. New Telephone Building. Nineteenth and Dougla Street. WE HAVE A WONDERFUL POSITION OPEN IN OUR SPOTTING DEPART MENT FOR A FIRST CLASS SPOT TKR. WE ALSO HAVE POSITION OPEN FOR SOMiSONE WHO IS WILL ING TO WORK AND WANTS TO LEARN ONE OF THE BEST TRADES IN THE DYEING AND DRY CLEAN ING BUSINESS; PAYS THE BEST OF WAGES. PREFER SOMEONE WHO HAS HAD SOME LAUNDRY EXPE RIENCE. DRESHER BROS., 1217 FARNAM ST. Household ind Domestic. WANTED September 1, reliable girl for general housework in family of three. No laundry work. Must be good, plain .cook and neat housekeeper. 115.00 a week. References required. Address Mrs. W. F. Megeath, 1143 South 32d ' Ave. WANTED A competent second maid, with references. Har. 206. WANTED White girl for general house work. Call Harney 1342. WANTED A competent cook with ref erences. Harney 206. Hotels and Restaurants. EXPERIENCED second cook, reference. Flatlron Cafe. 1720 St. Mary Ave. WAITRESS wanled. Wellington Cafe. rnone Tyler tozz. Miscellaneous. BIG SISTERS ASSOCIATION, for the benefit of business girls. 623 Bee Bldg. DOuglas -6592. HELP WANTEfr. Male and Female. WANTED Men, ladlea and boya to learn barber trade: big demand: wages while learning; strictly modern. Cell or write I4us uoage est. Tri-city Berber college, I EDUCATIONAL DAY SCHOOL. " NIGHT SCHOOL. - BOYLE3 COLLEGE. Complete courses In accountancy, ma chine bookkeeping, comptometery, short hand and typewriting, railroad and wiring telegraphy, civil service and all English and commercial branches. Write, call or phone Douglas 1565 for large illustrated catalogue. Address j BOYLES COLLEGE. Boyles Building, Omaha. Neb. Van Sant School of Business. ' Day and Evening Schools. 220 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglaa 6890. BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR sale Electric shop in a good town. Office on main street. I will sell my complete electric stock and business. Can get right man agencyfor farm lighting plant. Have two 'months work on hand. Price $950.00. If interested write or see Leo M.cGrath, Chappell, Neb. BIG MONEY 150 to 1100 Invested as ground floor members on our double object plan gives opportunity to make 1500 to 11.000 In 60 to 90 days. Act quick. Shauble, 250 Dwlght bldg., Kan sas City. Mo. FOR SALE Stock of Implements In a first class town, good location and good business. Box Y-1217. Bee. Tu get tn or out of business. See LEWIS CO 411 McCsgue Bldg. FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. PHONE THE WANT AD DEPARTMENT, TYLER 1000, AND ASK ABOUT OUR BIG ROOM LIST PRINTED EVERY WEEK FOR THE BENEFIT OF OUR READERS AND ADVERTISERS. ONE large front loom, south exposure, with sleeping porch, f also 3 other large rooms, all on bathroom ' floor, private residence. Plenty of shade trees, gentlemen preferred. Tyler 2237, 2616 Poppelton avenue. A NICE COOL, COMFORTABLE ROOM, SUITABLE FOR 2; PRIVATE FAMILY. ' LOCATION VERY GOOD. PHONE WEBSTER 6526. SINGLE rooms for men only, running hot -and cold water; walking distance. Brown Aps., 608 N. 21st. 'Doug. 664 4. LARGE cool room, mahogany suite, for gentlemen; attractive surroundings. 43rd and Howard. TylerV3977. LARGE, cool room, bathroom floor; mod ern, private home; gentlemen pre ferred. Walnut 3679. LARGE, cool room; bathroom floor; mod ern, private home; gentlemen preferred. Walnut 3679. BEMIS PARK Cool, attractive room with bath, gentlemen preferred; breakfast. Harney 4060. LARGE front room, breakfast, can have garage. Uanacnm Park District. Har. 1044. LINCOLN Apartmenta, 2102 Chicago: fur nlahed housekeeping and sleeping rooms. Tyler 2607. 20U5 ST. MARYS AVE. Cool, attractive parlor room; board optional. Tyler 209 4. 2514 JONES Very desirable room: strictly modern home; reasonable. Douglas 4124. NEATLY furnished room, suitable for 1 people. 1041 South 29tfe St. Har.. 7366. MODERN room, with bath; gentlemen preferred. 3025 Nicholns. Harney 4060. NIC-Tfurnlshed modern room for house keeping, walking distance. Dg. 6349. i NICE, large front room, suitable for 2. 601 North 18th St. Douglaa 8875. ATTRACTIVE room, private family. Web. 6815. LARGE, coat south room. Douglaa 6277. ROOMS for rent. 62ft South 26th Ave. Board and Rooms. 668 SO. 26TH AVE. Room and good board to collegeboys. Harney 2129; COOL, pleasant rooms, modern; board op tlonal. 711 N. 33d St. Harney 7475. . Unfurnished Rooms. 1 UNFURNISHED room at 1310 South 30th Ave. Vpr. 1711. for The Bee by McManus. Copvriiiht 1(120 International New Servtc FOR RENT ROOMS. Housekeeping Rooms. VERY nicely furnished two-room suite for light housekeeping, walking distance. 2414Cass. 3 HOUSEKr.EPINGrooms, 2 blk'sT to csr line; no raise In rent, 125 per inn. 2030 Spring St. SUITE of room for housekeeping, with bath, laundry privileges. Harney 8737. 2024 CALIFORNIA 2 iarge housekeeping rooms, modern. 2628 CAPITOL, cool, light housekeeping rooms. 1616 DECATUR Housekeeping rooms for rent. : MODERN housekeeping rooms: also large, cool sleeping room. 1914 Chlcsgo S t. NICE, cool, light housekeeping room, laundry privileges. Webster 802, TWO furnished housekeeping rooms. Dougla s 678 7 Miscellaneous. LIST your property for rent or sal with FIRST TRUST COMPANY. Realtors. . Tyler 721. FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS Furnished. HOME WITH CONVENIENCE OF HOTEL. Suite of 1 and three rooms in beau tifully appointed building. Linen, bed ding, xhlna, cooking utenails, heat, gas, light, water, phon and other necessi ties furnished. We assume your servant problem. Every courtesy extended In showing apartments. EL-BEUD R APARTMENTS. Dodge at 18th Tyler 4200 VERY desirable apartmen in Dundee; rent !7tf"! leasee must purchase furni ture. Victor Rons, Harney 2406. 10-ROOM flat for rent to party who buys 7 rooms of furniture. 309 No. 25th St. CLOSE IN, 1 and 6-room apartments or rent. 234 Keellne. Doug. 4228. Unfurnished. EIGHT-ROOM, all modern, $85. Inquire 659 S. 26th St. LET us rent your house, or flat. Benjamin & Franlcenberg. 624 Bee Bldg FOR RENT Business Property. OFFICE SPACE Two outside rooms in Bra rid el Bldg. About 450 uq. ft. llo or- space. F. D. WEAD, 310 S. 18th. Tyler 151. FOR RENT Entire second floor,' 22x132 ft., at 1111 Farnam St., suitable for of fice or small factory. Key on first floor. Telephone Douglas 4199. WELL located store room, suitable for offices; reasonable rent; now vacant. Phone Douglas 6832. MOVING AND STORAGE. WE assemble and forward carloads nf both household goods and automobiles. Watch thia column, as It will keep you Informed where we are making carload shipments to. It you are shipping to any of the cities represented or to towns adjacent to our shipping points, see us about our rates, as It Is likely that our through rate is less than the regular local rate and you have the advantage of carload service. Today we are accepting shipments for the following cities: Portland, Ore. , Los Angeles, CaJ. Seattle, Wash. Chicago, 111. i San Francisco, Cal. Oakland, Cal. Kansas City, Mo GORDON FIREPROOF WARE HOUSE & VAN CO. 219 N. 11th St. Phone Douglas 394. Omaha, Neb. FIDELITY andean CO. STORAGE, MOVING. PACKING HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND PIANOS. REASONABLE RATES. FREE RENTAL SERVICE. COMPLETE LIST OF HOUSES AND APARTMENTS. 16th and Jackson Sts. Douglas 288. MOVING. PACKING, STORAGE. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos, moving, packing and hipping. 1 OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO.. 806 South 16th. Doug. 4161. METROPOLITAN VAN and STORAGE CO. Owned by H. R. Bowen Co. Tyler 1400. GLOBE VAN, TRANSFER AND STORAGE CO. For real service In hauling or ator age, call Tyler 230 or Douglaa 4338. Auto or wagon service. UNION TRANSFEi CO. Let us estimate your moving, packing and storage. 1905 Davenport. Doug. 2908. AUTOMOBILES FOR LALE. Buy a Guy L. Smith Used Car A SAFE INVESTMENT. We always have a few first-class used cars which are real bargains. Each is guaranteed and with a real service behind it. Call Doug las 1970 any time for description of cars and prices. PEERLESS "8" Touring ca7"m best of mechanical condition; new tires, paint like new, top very good; terms to responsible party. Will take light car in trade. PACKARD OMAHA CO., 3016 Harney Street Tel. Harney 10. OAKLAND light six, in excellent condition throughout; $250.00 cash, balance monthly payments. Will consider Ford car in trade. 3016 Harney St, Tel. HarneyJO. RENEWED PACKARD. 3-35 Tourirg car; guaranteed same as new; will consider light car in trade; terms to responsible parties. PACKARD OMAHA CO., 3016 Harney St Tel. Harney 10. DRIVE IT YOURSELF . COMPANY RENT A NEW FORD DRIVE IT YOURSELF THE MOST ECONOMICAL AUTO MOBILING; CHEAPER THAN OWN ING A CAR. NEW. Al CONDITION. PELF-STARTERS. OPEN DAT AND NIGHT THE 166 DATS. 1S14 HOWARD STREET. DOUG. 1811. REAIj BARGAIN National 7-passengcr, In excellent con ditlon; only been driven 1,600 miles; look and run Ilk .new; dandy car for a large family; wll sell at real sacrifice,; very liberal term if desired. MORSE-STUTZ MOTOR CAR CO.. 2427 Farnam St. Dougla 1311. WE have 60 good used car to select from. All prices. , MEEKS AUTO CO.. 1021 farnam. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. NEW FORD 1920 COUPE 4 - is9A Ford Coune n no yuum-. ..... - - with the following extraa: Haaler. Speedometer. Starter. Dash Lamp, axis Braces. Bosch Magneto. Cutout. Do-., mountable Rims and extra tire and rlm. Special earburetor.' antl-rattler all overj Overslse steering -wheel. Many otnep . i.. .i 1 1 fall lniir Us 1970 for Information. UuaranUed in every way. .,-. 1 GUY L. SMITH, J!Gthand KarnsmSts; WE have been forced to tak a I-ton truck to satisfy an Indebtean ana will sell for th balance du us. Liberal terma to responsible party. Harney OVERLAND. 6-passenscr. first clas ahape; good tires; will sacrlflc lor sus. tan be seen at crclgnton uarage, li and Davenport St.. atter 6 o'clock; DO YOU want a good automobile at bargain price? All makes and aixea. Terms or cash. Call Mn Jones, Doug las 6188. SOME bargaina In used Ford care. Mc Caffrey Motor to. The nanny - oru Service Station. 16th and Jackson Doug laa 3600. I FORD truck. 1918. panel body. Thia la a dandy, for only ' can be seen at Leavenworth Helghta Garage. Walnut 4743. WANTED For spot caah. 100 usd cars, quick action: no delay. Auto Exchange Co., 2059 Farnam St. pougla 6035. 150 CASH and 120 pSr month for 10 months boys a 1918 Ford 4-tnn truck complete. Webster 3D66 after 6. MUST sell at once, my 1911 Auburn tour ing. Looks good and Is mechanically prfect. Call Webster 6130. HIGH' CJRADEVSElf CA Rs'FOR SALE. TRADE OR TERMS. TRAWVER AUTOv CO.. 2210 FARNAM. ' 1450 CASH and amall monthly payment buys a dandy 1917 Apperaon touring.' Call Webster 3606. 1918 MITCHELL 6. I overhsuled, fine shape, good tires, must b sold i aenc. Harney 6760. STUTZ speedster: specially built for track; 1395. Call H. 2029 between f and 8 p. m. NEW and used cars, also Ford bodies st Goidstrum Auto Sales, 1318 Harney St, Tyler 714. THE DIXIE FLYER. W. R. NICHOLS MOTOR COMPANY. i'fiSO Farnam St OAKLAND Sensible Six. MARSH OAKLAND CO .309 Farnam fit. MAXWELL touring. 1918 model, first class shape, brand new tires, 1266 If taken at once. Call Walnut 4373. 1918 DODGE TOURING, 1800 buya it. Webster 35C5 attrr 6. t ' NEW and used cars; also Ford bodieu, at tioldstrum Auto Sales Co.. 1318 Harney Jit. Tyler 714. . FORD runabout. 1918. fli shape. Call jiwner Harney 2790, after 6 p m. 1920 FORD J RUNABOUT or truck: good good 4 LI ( condition; for sale, walnut 5649. 1919 STUD1.BAKER SEDAN, llgh overhauled, pained. Harney 6750 OA RAGE, 10x16 feet, comolete. Dickson & wman. So. 2794 or So. 1761 Repairftig andJPahiting. "radiator" cores installed. Manufactured In Omaha. 24-hour serv ice for aulo, truck and tractdr. Expert radiator and fender repairing: body dents removed; new fenders made. OMAHA AUTO RADIATOR MFG. CO., 1819 Cuming St. Tyler 117. Tires and Supplies. USED TIRES. 30x3. 15.00: 30x3 H, 16.00. " All size In' proportion. Took ever our rebuilt. Open Sundays. Tyler Hit. 8AVIGE TIRES. 908 N. 16th St. Keystone Tire Shop. NEW TIRES FIRST-CLASS. Mxl! 110.95 I 39x4 110.96 aiixlHi 13.95 33x4 20.96- 36x4 29.95 ! 34x4 10.96 GOODRICH FORD TUBES, 12.60. KAIMAN TIRE JOBBERS, 1722 CUMING. NEW GUARANTEED TIRES. 30x3 1 9.75 I .13x4 121.66 30x3.. 12.60 I 34x4 11.75 STANDARD TIRE CO.. 410 No. 16th. Motorcycles and Bicycles. ONE motorcycle with side car attached; motorcycle 1919 model and side car; 1920 H.-D. car In good share; right price. N. Oenchoff, 2904 R, St.. South Side. Omaha, Neb. INDIAN motorcycle, almost new, will sac rifice for quick sale. Tyler 627, Mr. Chrlsty. INDIAN MOTORCYCLE for sale. Pur chased July 1. Bargain. Call Christy, Ty 'er 627. FARM LANDS. North Dakota Lands. FOR SALE BT OWNER One of th finest and best agricultural sections in locality; ZVt mile from city of New England. Hettinger county. North Da kota. Well Improved, all under culti vation. Power plow proposition from one end to other. Now growing a 150 per acre crop. Fine market for very thing; church-iii, modern school, high school, graded roads, telephone. Just the thing for man with growing family. Why rent when a few years rent will buy your own farm. Pric 175 per acre. One-third to one-half caah. bal ance on time. Write me for furthsr Information. J. J. Murphy. New Eng land, N. D. South Dakota Lands. Virginia Lands. FOR SALE Overlooking Washington, D. C, fino building lots, 3 miles from White house, on highlands of Virginia, at Lyon. Park, Arlington county; 20 minutes from' heart' of city over good roads or by ex cellent electric car service: all conven iences. Including cement sidewalks, sew ers, gas and electricity. 80-foot lots for 115 cash' and 116 per month; reference,. Citizens National bask of Alexandria. Virginia, Apply for further Information 1 lo Lyon A Fitch.' owners. Clarendon, Vl Nebraska Lands. KIMBALL COUNT! WHeTt" Yicldlng from 25 to 60 bushels to the acre. Farmers paying for their . land with one year's crop. 320 acres. Imprcved farm. 150 acres summer-fallowed snd ready to seed to fall wheat. Price, 150.00 per acre. 480 acres. Improved farm. 310 asres In wheat. This wheat Is now being headed and stacked, one-third goes to purchaser delivered at elevator. Trice 165.00 per acre. I have several bargains In 160. 12(l' and 640 acre Improved and unlmnroved f drms. FRANK A. SMITH,.' Kimball. Nebraska. A REAL FARM ifOME 1-2 Mile From Central City. 125 acres highly improved, one half mile from paved street of ih. best little town in . the state. If interested at all waste a stamp and write for full description. M. A. LARSON, Central City, Neb. TOUR FARM OR RANCH. Turned quickly Into cash by our 4 unique meinoa. write tor nooaiet. Ne braska Realty Auction Co., Cfsitral City. Neb. 4.000 ACRES Box Butt county farm lands 125 to 136 an acre In half section lo'.a. S. S. AND R. E. MONTGOMERY. Hi Miy Nat l Bank Bldg. For Neb. Farms and Ranches e Graham-Peters Realty Co., 1 129 Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg., Omaha. GOOD hay ranches for sale: will con sider some trade. T. L. Lomas. BurwelL Neb A. A. PATZMAN7 "rsrrn. ll" Karbech BlkC REAL ESTATE WANTED. fOU WANT TO SELL THAT HOUSE! Want quick action? Just try aa. Call Tyler 496. OSBORNE REALTT CO.. 410 BeBldf. e; g. solomon jsisas 212 Karbach Blk. , Doug. 62(1. To buy or aell Omaha Real Estate see FOWLER & M'DONALD, II 10 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. Doug. 1411. w: . G. SHRIVER nc,'- 1047-1 Omaba Nat Bank Bldg. D. 1611. : HAVE Inquiries for homes; do you want to sell your prt.perty? List It with C. A. Orlmmel. Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. WANTED Flvs to 6-room house from owner; 1500 down. Address Box X-100, Omaha Bee. FINANCIAL. Real Estate Loans. a t i t ll VO TUk f .. I -. rAIVJl A. - O L ll-i V.WHII. si .. 4MI V IKS. Co. m still mak. tiff farm loams through us Tirai a geni, raui reirrson. sbi tsraa dels Theater Bid., Omaha, Neb. Low a.I n aa Ksat tttma CITT AND FARM LOANS. . , DUMONT CO.. . ' ' 416-411 Keelln Bldg. OMAHA HOMES EA8T. NEB. FARML i O KEEFB REAL E8TATE CO.. 1016 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 1711. DIAMONDS AND jretl BT T rvA vri" Lowest rate. Private Ivan booth. Harr Malashock. 1614 Dodg. D. 66 1. Ea. 169L PRIVATE MONET f. D. WBD. Wa Bid U Mtfc K. jf if I. i V i i .... 1 '." MSMW?ssuiTatMMWSwi '." lff&i W1