Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 06, 1920, Page 7, Image 7

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The marriage of Miss Catherine
M. Stickney, daughter of Mr.
Charles E. Stickney, and Peter A.
jGasser took place Wednesday at the
r'jtome of the bride, Rev. Charles W.
Savidge officiating.
Fort Omaha Notes.
Many affairs have been given for
Col. and Mrs. Jacob Wuest, who
leave Sunday for an eastern motor
trip, before going to Fort Leaven
worth, Kan., where Col. Wuest has
been transferred.
The officers and ladies of the post
pave a dinner ' in their honor
Thursday evening at the Prettiest
Mile club.
Mrs. George Lundberg enter
tained informally at tea' Tuesday
afternoon in honor of Mrs. Wuest
and Mrs. H. C. White gave a tea
for her on Wednesday afternoon.
Assisting Mrs. White were: Mrs.
R. E. Thompson, who presided at
the tea table; Miss Ferris McKinlcy
and Miss Mary Anstead. Gladiolas
were used throughout the rooms.
Miss Anstead, who attends
school in Erie, Pa., is spending the
summer with her mother, Mrs. H.
C. White.
Mrs. Marie White is spending a
few days with Miss May Mahoney.
Mrs. Fix Honored.
Mrs. W. V. Bennett and her
daughter, Mrs. E. C. Twamley, en
tertained at a pink and white lunch
eon Tuesday at the home of the
former, in honor of Mr. Bennett's
sister. Mrs. Lewis Fix of Philadel
phia. The occasion was the birth
day of Mrs. Fix." Covers were
placed for IS.
" i
Aid Society Luncheon.
The junior division of the Ladies'
Aid society of Lowe Avenue Pres
byterian church will give a picnic
luncheon for the women of the
church in Elmwood park, Friday at
1 o'clock.
Prettiest Mile Picnic.
The Prettiest Mile Ladies' Golf
club will hold its annual picnic, at
N Miner parte saturaay at iu ociock.
Mr T r T.llriL- at Pnlfair ?7fV?
is receiving reservations.
A basket
luncheon will be served.
D. 0. S. Club.
Mrs. J. W. Kennebec entertained
the members of the D. O. S. club
Wednesday afternoon at her home.
Special guests of the club were Mrs.
Marie Kane, Miss Rose Rohner,
C;rrol!, Ia., and Mrs. J. Russell of
San Mateo, Cal.
f Lakoma Club
Entertaining at dinner at Lakoma
club Wednesday were Tames Allen
with four guests, and H. R. Bowen
M'S.,E. H. Dalbey was hostess at
luncheon Thursday in honor of her
guest, Mrs. George Mankle, of Chi
'R70. Covers were bid for 14.
Mrs. Dalbey will entertain 10 guests
at luncheon Friday in honor of her
guest. On Saturday evening at the
club dinner-dance Mrs. Dalbey will
entertain 20 guests, when Mr. and
Mrs. Mankle will be guests of honor.
Mrs. M. L. King entertained at
luncheon Thursday in honor of Mrs.
William Burns of New York. Cov
ers were placed for 20.
Mrs. R. L. Reynolds will entertain
24 uests at the Saturday night dinner-dance.
Miss Jennie Bryden Jeft Thurs
day for the state farm at Lincoln.
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Edmiston re-
turned Wednesday from a motor trip
to Peoria, 111. , y
Carter Lake
One hundred andK fifty attended
the sunset dinner at Carter Lake
club Wednesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Mason enter-
tained at dinner at the club Wednes
day evening, followed by cards, at
their cottage, in honor of Mrs. W.
fR. Bowes of Park Ridge, 111., who is
visiting relatives in the city.
f Twenty-six school teachers were
the guests of Miss Mary Bourke at
he sunset dinner Wednesday even
ing. Happy Hollow
The Elks' lodge of Omaha enter
tained at dinner Thursday evening
at the Happy Hollow club. Three
hundred reservations were made for
the event.
Mrs. John Dale had 10 guests at
luncheon Thursday; Mrs. E. P.
Heyden, 11, and Mrs. C. F. Weller,
seven. Mrs. P. F. Peterson will
give a luncheon of 12 covers Fri
day at the Happy Hollow club.
Field Club
Mrs. R. B. Schuyler entertained
16 guests at luncheon at the Field
club Thursday.
Charles R. Hannan, jr.,' had eight
guests for dinner Thursday evening
at the club.
Country Club
Mr. M. C. Peters entertained at a
business men's luncheon of 11 cov
ers at the Country club Thursday.
Mrs. C. Will Hamilton had a party
of five.
Just Apply This Paste
and the HairsWill Vanish
(Boudoir Secrets.)
The judicious use of a delatone
Piste insures any woman a clear,
hairless skin. To prepare the paste,
mix a little of the powdered dela
tone with some water, then apply to
xht objectionable hairs for two or
three minutes. When the paste is re
moved, and the, skin washed, every
trace of hair will have vanished. No
pain attends the use of the delatone
and it will not mar the mst sensi-
... h
skin, but to insure results, see
you ge real delato- ,
V ''
-vi 'V
Holding a Husband
Adele Garrison's New Phase of
Revelations of a Wife
The Question About Dickey
That Worried Madge.
All the strength left me went into
the rush of thankfulness which swept
over me as I heard Mother Graham's
voice and realized that despite the
angry scene in which we had been
opponents but a few moments before
she had come to take care of me.
My mother-in-law is like some hus
bandsand wives. You can neither
live with her nor without her. This
was distinctly one of the times I felt
that I could not live without her.
She closed the door upon the peo
ple whom she had shooed away from
the door, came over to the berth
i and stood looking down at me. She
had seen me in tw.o or three similar
attacks, knew exactly what I needed
and knew that there was no neces
sity for her to feel my forehead or
pulse, something for which I was
"We'll get one thing over with
first, Margaret," she said in as matter-of-fact
tones as if she had been
proffering me a drink of water. "You
know I didn't mean a word I said
a little while ago," and I know you
aren't angry any jonger. So, that's
over with and I can take care of you.
Now you don't need to speak or
listen again. Just lie perfectly still
and I'll attend to everything."
I felt a lessening of my nervous
tension just at the very timbre of her
voice. Weakly I reflected upon the
anomaly of my mother-in-law being
able to help me best of any one in
this crisis when she so often drives
me almost mad with her exactions.
But help me she did from the first
second of her entrance.
Swept By a Chill.
My father had taken Junior with
him. I had heard the baby's prattle
as he was carried through the door,
so that We were alone in the draw
ing room, another thing which gave
my overstrained nerves relief. I was
fanciful enough to feel oppressed
even by the sound of my little child's
voice, usually the sweetest music in
the world to me.
But my mother-in-law's move
ments were almost soundless. I
knew by a sort of instinct that she
went through my bag with deft fin
gers and took therefrom the loose
gown for which my body, con
strained in a traveling suit, longed
intensely. A moment later I felt
her astonishingly tender fingers re
move my shoes and stockings and
loosen my garments.
"There, now, just turn over this
once," she said softly after a little,
"and you can be, comfortable."
I drew a sigh of relief: as the soft
folds of my loose dressing gown set
tled around me. I stretched luxuri
ously once, then fell to shivering
violently as a sudden chill seized me.
I felt I never would be warm again.
' My mother-in-law wasted no
time in words. She hutidled the
blankets around me, piled my clpak
and her own on top of them, itien
as I still shivered, she opened the
door into the corridor and spoke
"Where is that hot water bag you
spoke of getting filled?"
Little Mrs. Durkee's indignant
voice replied: I
"There's something gone wrong
with the hot water pipes, and the
porter says we can't get a drop un
til the diner comes o,n. But Maj.
Grantland has 'a spirit lamp in his
kit and he is heating some. Here he
comes now." -
"I hope I have not delayed you."
The deep voice of the army officer
sounded clearly in my ears. "Here
is the hot water. Is there anything
else I can do?"
"Fill that bag, Mrs. Durkee," my
mother-inlaw commanded laconical
ly, then she paused for an instant
before answering thf major's query.
"Nothing, unless you an get me
something with some warmth in it
to put around Mrs. Graham," she I
Our Footwear Sale
320 South 16th
Dainty Chinese Dancer
All her life little Miss Dong Fung
Gue had been waited upon. She was
said tartly at last. "She has a severe
chill, and these car blankets are like
so much paper."
There was another pause, then
Hugh Grantland's voice sounded
again, this time with a metallic ring
in it.
"Miss Brown, may I trouble you
for that cloak?"
I could visualize the scene as well
as if I were on the other side of the
door could see Rita Brown,
haughty, selfish, inconsiderate, mak
ing no move to relinquish the cloak
which she was wearing because of a
skilfully planned maneuver could
see , also the chagrin) which must
have been hers at Maj. Grantland's
terse command.
Lost in Doubt.
But she was clever enough to
meet the situation to "save her
face," in Chinese parlance.
"Oh, I beg your pardon," she said
sweetly. "I really didn't hear what
you were talking about. This will
be the very thing for Mrs. Graham.
I'll defy any cold to come through
that fur."
"This is something like," my
mother-in-law commented grimly.
"Thank you, Maj. Grantland. Now
I shan't need any of you any longer.
for the home treatment of disease
were wonderfully dependable. True,
they knew nothing of drugs, but
owed their success to the roots,
herbs and barks of the field. It is
interesting to note that Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound,
the most successful remedy for fe
male ills we have, was originally
prepared for home use from one of
these recipes. Its fame has now
spread from shore to shore, and
thousands of American women now
well and strong claim that they owe
their health and happiness to Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable .Compound.
Will Continue
Positive Saving
$2.50 to $3.50
On every pair of Pumps
and Oxfords in the House
This Reduction
in our entire stock of High Grade Pumps
and Oxfordt is due to our over supply.
The late teaion this year has left us in a
terrible predicament, our stock being
bigger now than early in the season. It
should be very easy for you to select a
pair of Oxfords or Pumps with French
or low heels at an absolute saving of
$2.50 to $3.50 on every pair.
Wo have -A Shoe for every foot
A Price for every purse.
White Canvas Pumps
and Oxfords
All go at our Re- . K a gm
for6!1!..6..8.!' $4.95
No Delivery No Refund
Shoe Market
Street Conant Hotel Bldg.
not even allowed to comb her own
hair. "Chinese girls aren't expected
to do anything," she declares. Being
a modern woman of the 20th
century Dong craved self-expression
and independence. The footlights
called. Mother objected in vocifer
ous Chinese. But this shy and very
pretty oriental miss persisted. And
here she is now on the stage, ap
pearing this week at the Orpheum
and delighting her audiences ' with
songs and dances. She is ably sup
ported in her act by H. Gee Haw.
Miss Fung Gue, whose name
means "Flower of Happiness," was
born in Canton, China, but has lived
in America since she was 3 vears
Her father was a well known Chi
nese physician and surgeon of Chi
cago. Dong attended aprivate school in
Chicago and was a 'student at Yassar
for a short time. Seated in her
dressing room Wednesday afternoon
she smiled as she referred to her col
lege days. "I didn't stay in college
'very long," she said. "The call of
the footlights was too strong. My
brother, who is also on the Orpheum
circuit in a Chinese quartet, helped
me. get my start."
She also credits much of her suc
cess to her manager, who arranged
the sketch and taught her the songs
and dances.
The oriental stage setting for the
act is most striking. The gorgeous
costumes worn by Miss Fung Gue
and Mr. Haw were imported from
China and are more than 300 years
old, having belonged at one time to
members of the royal castle in
Miss Fung Gue's ambition is to
become a great actress. She is de
voted to her family and is helping
to educate her younger brothers and
sisters, one of whom graduated with
highest honors from a Chicago high
school in June.
Dong likes her native fashions,
but prefers American garb for street
wear because she feels less con
spicuous. In her neat little tan suit,
made on very tailored lines, tiny tan
walking boots and large white straw
sailor with rolled brim, she is "all
American" in appearance.
Richard, you can stay outside, if I
want anything."
"Very well," Dicky replied do
cilely. Through my inert weakness
flashed an intolerable pain of doubt.
Had my husband accepted that dic
tum either because he did not care
about my illness, or because he was
still angry about the cloak which
Maj. Grantland had brought to pro
tect me during the motor ride from
Marvin to New York?
(Continued Tomorrow.)
Miss Ludivine Carufel has gone
to New York City and Narragansett,
Mass., to remain for several weeks.
The Or-Wi-Co
Is One of a
Line of Well
Built Mattresses
When Next You Buy a Mattress
You Should Know That
Measures up to the best ideals in mattress-making without
any added cost for things that might be considered
fastidious or unnecessary. It is the kind of
mattress thousands of intelligent
people want. Y'
How it is made
THE cotton is taken from the bale, passed through a power machine
opener and duster, which thrashes out all impurities and loosens
up the fiber. It is thenvplaced in the hopper of a Web Process
Felting Machine where it is taken up by a feed apron into an intricate
system of toothed rollers. The fibers are here combed, crossed and re
crossed and knit into filmy gossamer webs of uniform fineness and x
It takes twenty of these webs, mattress size, to make one pound, ,
. and almost a thousand are used to make an Or-Wi-Co.
Being made throughout by expert workmen, we can guarantee that
it will not matt nor require remaking. Just an occasional sun-bath
will make it last indefinitely.
Ask your dealer Accept
Theosophical Society.
The Omaha lodge of the
Theosophical society will meet Sun
day evening at 8 o'clock, at the new
headquarters, rooms 215-216 Leflang
building, Sixteenth and Capitol ave
nue. A. K. Fotheringham,wi!l speak
on "The Development of Thought
A public study class meets every
Tuesday evening, 7:15 o'clock, at the
society's rooms. Members meet every
Thursday evening at 8 o'clock, and
the reading room is open Wednes
day afternoon, 2-30 to 4:30 o'clock.
Suffrage Committee Meets.
Thursday morning at the women's
republican headquarters the commit
tee on organization for the nonpar
tisan' workers who seek passage of
constitutional amendment No. 18 re
lating to equal suffrage, met in a
spirited session. Sixteen women had
agreed to be present and 26 arrived.
Mrs. L. J. Healey presided in the
absence of Mrs. Frank Carmichael,
committee chairman. It was agreed
there should be a democratic and a
republican chairman in each ward.
It was also decided that there
should be a house to house canvass
of Omaha, the exact method of can
vass to be determined by the pre
cinct chairmen.
Mrs. W. E. Barkley of Lincoln,
who has recently returned from the
International Suffrage Alliance
meeting in Switzerland, arrived in
Omaha Thursday for a brief visit.
Mrs. Charles Assrnann and daugh
ter, Betty Jean, are visiting Mrs.
Assmann's parents in Nebraska City.
Name "Bayer" on Genuine
"Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" is
genuine Aspirin proved safe by mil
lions and prescribed by physicians
for over 20 years. Accept only an
unbroken "Bayer package" which
contains proper directions to relieve
Headache, Toothache, Earache,
Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Colds and
Pain. Handy tin boxes of 12 tab
lets cost few cents. Druggists also
sell larger "Bayer packages." As
pirin is trade mark Bayer Manufac
ture Monoaceticacidester of Salicyl
icacid. .
Every Or-Wi-Co is carefully inspected before shipping,
find it neat and dressy in appearance.
Miss Mary Leslie will leave Sun
day for points in Illinois.
Mrs. Carrie Ada Campbell left
Thursday for Lake Geneva.
A daughter was born to Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph White at "the Swedish
Mission hospital Wednesday.
Miss Elsie Grainger of Lincoln
was a visitor in Omaha Tuesday.
Miss Dorothy English has re
turned from a brief visjt to Lincoln.
Mrs. Minnie Morris has returned
from an extended trip to the Pacific
Mrs. Frank Carmichael has gone
to the Y. W. C. A. conference at
Lake Geneva.
Mr. and Mrs. James Chapman and
daughter, Carey, of Odell, 111., are
visiting Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Ges
man. Charles D. Beaton returned Mon
day from a six-week trip to Hay
wan!, Mo. Mrs. Beaton and chil
dren expect to remain until Septem
ber 1.
Exceptional Values
In Dependable Bed
Linens Saturday at
Union Outfitting Co.
'v -
Buyer for Company Makes Pur
chase of Bed Linens Below
Market Price.
Thrifty Houiewivei Should An
ticipate Their Need for
Months to Come.
Women who take advantage of
the sale of well known brands of
Bed Spreads, Sheets and Pillow
Cases which takes place at the
Union Outfitting Company next
Saturday will be amply repaid,
for it offers opportunities foi
savings that are remarkable.
The reductions would be un
usual, even under ordinary con
ditions, and they are all the more
exceptional in view of recent ad
vances in wholesale prices.
Housewives will find tempting
arrays of rare values in Bed
Spreads, Sheets and Pillow
Cases, embracing a wide range
of desirable qualities that will
give long and satisfactory serv
ice. The sale is additional evidence
of the ever-increasing Buying
Power of the Union Outfitting
Co., located just outside of the
High Rent District,, where, as
always, you make your - own
Thousands of
People Want
a Mattress
Just Like the
a i
s t
You will
no substitute
h 1
Do You Know X
1. What common vegetable was first grown in South America,
but was not used in North America for many years after it had
been cultivated in Europe?
2. The best way to freshen sal fish?
8. A good way to peel onions without shedding tears?
(These questions will be answered in this section by the
1. Spinach was first cultivated and eaten in Asia and was
brought to Europe by the Arabs by way of Spain.
. 2. If you want to have corn on the cob tender never salt
the water in which It is cooked. The water should be actively
boiling and the corn should not be cooked more than 20 minutes.
8. To make china dishes and earthenware so that they will
withstand hot liquids without cracking, place in a pan of cold
water and fill with cold water. Bring gradually to the boil. Cool
r gradually.
(Each of these household problems has been worked out by
the author, who has not only taken a course in scientific house
wifery and dietetics at Columbia university and written and edited
'women's newspaper and magazine features for years, but is
t practical housekeeper as well.)
LVKOlSMldln-eriglMi each.
esse only, like piotura Do
Refuse all substitutes.
Sizzling days arid swelt
ering nights wear down
the reserve ,force and
leave the mind and body
impoverished. Rebuild
your energy and restore
your ambition with
The Great General Tonic
Sold By All Rttiablm Dragtuti
Sole Manufacturers:
New York Kansas City, Mo.
For sale by Beaton 'Drug Company, ISth
and Farnam Sts and all retail druggists.
The scientific blendincr of
of benefit to persons who suffer from
Nervousness Sleeplessness
Depression Loss of Appetite
Brain Fan Digestive Troubles
Slow Recovery from Inflaenza and Kindred Ailments
Are you run down? Are you irritable? Are you overworked? Then
try this approved remedy and satisfy yourself of its beneficial
JBriaeea is sold in original
ie-oz. bottles only. Jiefuse
au tubstitutes.
Shave With
Cuticura Soap
The New Way
Without Mutj
Detroit '
installed Without
Cutting the Walls
and installed much quicker than
any other kind of a furnace. Heats
every room in your home with equal
Cheaper to install and better to
heat. Come in and let me demon
strate the advantage the Jewel
Pipeless Furnace has over other
styles of furnaces.
312 South 18th Street
Phone Tyler 1011
"A Salesman Will Call"
A Simple Way To
Remove Dandruff
There is one sure way that has
never failed to remove dandruff at
once, and that is to dissolve it, then
you destroy it entirely. To do this,
just get about four ounces of plain,
common liquid arvon from any drug
store (this is all you will need), ap
ply it at night when retiring, use
enough to m,oisten the scalp and
rub it in gently with the finger tips.
By morning, most if not all, of
your dandruff will be gone, and
tnree or four applications will com
pletely dissolve and entirely destroy
every single sign and trace of it, no
matter how much dandruff you may
You will find all itching and dig
ging of the scalp will stop instantly,
and your hair will be fluffy, lustrous.
Klossy, silky and soft, and look and
feel1 a hundred times better.
i .There i no use suffering with
s sore, sweaty, burning, aching, tired, ;
I tender, swollen feet or offensive
s odors. Get a Va-oi. bottle of Dry I
: Foot Antiseptic Lotion of your drug- "
; gist, put it in a 4-ounce bottle, fill "
it up with water and apply this
diluted solution to your feat. It
will instantly relieve the feverish
and tender condition, prevent and s
destroy odors of perspiration. i
5 5
reliable vegetable remedies
Solm Manvfaofufers
City, Mo.
Money back without questioa
if HUNT'S Sslve fells ia the
treetment of ITCH, EC4KMA,
otserttchlna skmdiseaeee. Try
IS cam bos at our risk,
Sherman A McConnell Drug Co.
n vv
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