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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 6, 1920)
The Omaha Bee DAILY (MORNIKG) KVENING 8UNDAY TBI BEX PUBLISHING COMPANY, HEUOM UPOIKt, fublUhtr. MEMHM Or THE AMOCIATEO MI3 tlM tmmf Tnm, m mUtk to tm M , I ttanttto muiM to Un t vibHttUtm ill mm 4Upt M m MNfiM4 kmta. All hfku nKmHh tr tpvlU BEE TELEPHONES t8SUttFfi Tylor 1000 . Par Nlffct Call After IS P. M.i fliyfliilwi tautMM fri iml MwtlM wwwwi .......... . Him OPPICU OP THE BEE IS Bertt IN. I tout Bid. till M St Oat-af-Taw OfficMi & Tort SM Pint In. I Whiitn 1111 0 M Hs , Sttftt BI4. I Ptrli PruMt M Bu St. non The Bef$ Platform 1. Nw Union f ttagar Station. S. Continue improvement f tka Ne braska Highways, including tba Kant ! Main Tkaraughfaraa laading lata Omaha with a Brick Surfaca. I. A skort, low-rata Waterway from the Cora Ball, to tka Atlantis Ocaan. 4. Homo Rule Chartar for Omaha, with City Managar form of Goraramant. POISON OF JUDICIAL DELAYS. There are judges "who turn judgment to wormdod;" to which scriptural quotation Lord Bacon adds: "And surely there be also that turn it into vinegar; for injustice maketh it bitter, and delays make it sour. We hear much of "the law' Gelays," which in many instance are the delays of judges who ahould expedite and not retard justice. Those who "wait with anxious fear" tha drriainn f ,.uviBi. vi.i win i" criminal cases in which their property or their liberty is involved, suffer grievously from postponements and con tinuances and the technicalities which make the path of justice crooked and thorny. . Courts which tolerate avoidable delays, which yield to the convenience of attorneys first on one side and then on another having always precedents and rulings in view rather than the interests of the litigants or of the accused, and who look with patience on the unnecessary costs added to suits brought before them, "maka judgment sour" when it should be sweet and wholesome. To what extent courts are i responsible for delays in judgments it would, perhaps, be pre sumptuous for a layman to say, but there cannot be a doubt that every court has the power to put an immediate end to many vexatious and costly delays in trials and decision. In a num ber ef states criticism has been outspoken and Utter, and in one, at least, there has been a cleaning up of neglected dockets in the lower and intermediate courts ai well as in the su preme court, to the relief of the entire state body politic. It is a homely and somewhat inelegant comparison to make, but the prompt adminis tration of justice is to a state what normal and healthful bowel action Is to an individual. People go to the courts to escape wrong and injustice, which are poisonoun to good govern ment, just as lack of proper peristaltic action in tha bowels results In the accumulation of de cayed matter in the intestines that poisons and Ickens the individual. When the poison of wrong and injustice is permitted, by delays and continuances in the courts, to exist for months nd years because of the neglect of lawyers and judges, certain sickness, friends through the state, and the people lose faith in their laws and courts, and slum thorn. AH over the country a laxness in court ad ministration has been observed and tolerated by the people largely because of their reverence for judicial authority and procedure. With dockets erowdeJ by untried cases the vacations of su preme, intermediate and lower courts have be come longer and longer, with "truth forever on the scaC'old. rong forever' on (he. throne," during their play times. Fifty year's ago com mon--pleas courts held sessions in midsummer when there was business to be done. Now in most states all court calendars are arranged for summer vacations some of them extending from May to October, with another in midwin ter regardless pf the expense to litigants or outrage to justice which may be caused by the 'delay. In one state th rule wat that the higher the salaries of the judges, the longer the periods In which they deserted their duties. Unquestionably the judicial reform now most needed the country over, is the elimination of delays, the . cessation of "wormwood judg ments." If long vacations are responsible, shorten them. Business principles of industry may well be applied to professional duties in the courts. Lawyers, as well as judges, are sworn to promote justice, which is retarded by delays. Business men, facing extra tasks, work over time. Why not judges and lawyers? Can a Ve!l organized business be imagined planning a three or four months' shat-down with im , portant and pressing work "to be done? - These remarks apply,, of course, only to courts which "carry over" cases from term to term on flimsy pretexts, or for the personal -convenience of lawyers and judges, while the parties most concerned continue in "anxious lear for their rights or property. Judges who - do these things are not sacrosanct. Th,ere is a lure cure for their abuse of official privilege and f- vwtiiviiij' v mini iiuiii me ucnen h) make room for judges who will continue court terms until their dockets are clean. New York Buys Radium. ' The state of New York has recently pur chased less than one ounce of radium for which it paid $225,000, This easily puts radium over he top as the costliest of the world's material products. It its powers were not so enormous, did so terribly dangerous whan not screened, we might reasonably expect to see particles of it. in the jewelry of the period. ,v Radium was discovered in 1902 by French scientists and hter several of its extraordinary qualities have been revealed by study and 'ex periment It is found in pitchblende, carnotite and other uranium metals, and in spite of its marvelous energy and activity seems practically everlasting. A any rate hospitals buying sup plies of it never expect to have to' replenish them, '' . .. " i : The surpassing value of radium is the com bined result of its usefulness, durability and scarcity. We have heard it laid that perhaps there is not half a pound of it in the whole earth. But it has been found to be remarkably curative whet) applied to cancerous growths, and " anything' that will check that scourge of hu tyyUty Is heytd any mere money value. It constantly throws off both benign and destruc tive rays, and the medical men have now Jearned so to screen it as to control and direct these rays in the treatment of disease. New York's supply is for the free use of her people. ' Red Menace Becomes Real. Progress of 'the bolshevik army through Poland is now a procession, before which arises a threat of renewed general war. Attempts by the British and French governments to bring the Lenine regime to a parley have so far proved futile. No answer comes from Moscpw, but the red army moves steadily on to engulf Warsaw. Just what precipitated the conflict does not so much matter at the .present as to what is to be done to stay the flow of the Russian wave over Poland, One report has it that two divisions of the British army have been mobilized for im mediate action, and that these with certain units from France will be interposed to check the bol shevik! and to establish something like order. While the United States is fortunately re lieved from active participation in the affair, it has more than a collateral interest. Lloyd George and Millerand demanded that the bol shevik! halt at the boundary set up for Poland by the conference at Paris, in which our presi dent took part. This demand has been ignored, and the reports that the invaders are organizing the regions they have occupied by setting up Soviets to handle the government indicates the intention of the reds to redeem a portion at least of Lenine's promise that he would in time extend his government oyer the world. "This is, speculative, however, and may not be borne out by future developments. " In the meantime, the soviet minister 6ftrade and commerce and the president of the Moscow soviet are at London, on a mission to England with regard to trade. They have wired to Mos cow, asking for an immediate expression of in tention, in response to a simitar query from Lloyd George, from the Lenine government as to its presence in Poland. On the reply to this question will depend if the general war is to be renewed. Whatever the outcome, the recognition of Lenine as a political factor in the affairs of the world is being forced by the issue of events. The recently given permission to trade .with Russia, the shipper taking all risks, did not in volve anything of politics. Making peace or war does. A yeaff ago General Smuts warned the British, and the world, that whatever form of government the Russians set up would have to be recognized. The time seems to be near at hand when this will come to pass. If the people over there are content with Lenine, out siders have the choice of accepting him or hold ing aloof. The alternative is armed intervention. Foland Is threatened with extinction once moac, to, become a soviet attached to the Rus- sian central group. Moral support is tendered her, but it is of no avail as against the motley red army that is relentlessly advancing on the capital. Unless the bolsheviki is forced to retire the subjugation of Poland may be looked upon as a curtain-raiser for the conquest by the reds of the remainder of central Europe. European observers do not overstate the fact when they say the outlook ia A grave as that of August, 1914. Civilization may survive bol shevism, which in time will cure itself, but pos sibility of the renewal of the terrible process of war is something that must make every thinking person shudder. Intrastate Railroad Rates. Omaha railroad authorities insist that the order of the Interstate Commerce commission granting a raise in rates was issued on the as sumption that it would be concurred in by the various state commissions, and thus, through the action of all, the increase in rtVenue will be made a fact. George W. Tloldrege of the Burlington says that is plainly his understanding of the order, and that if the intrastate rates are not set higher as proposed by the general order, the roads will not get the Increase in revenue sought. This does not detract" from the state ment that the rate-making power should be vested exclusively in a federal body, that all in equalities may be speedily and uniformly ad justed, and the bewildering and complex pro cedure necessitated by the existing system of state control be done away with. The Souls of Dogs. Bishop BuUer of the Church of England, and Theodore Parker, a famous Unitarian, cler gyman, are quoted by the Chicago Journal as believing animals have souls. i Usually that belief is born of love for a lost 1 dog, the one animal whose, devotion to his master is not equalled by any creature on earth. The dog loves there can be no doubt about that and as love is the sheet anchor of the soul, it is easy for a dog-lover to see a soul shining out of the tender eyes of a favorite canine friend and companion. So far as mere human observation goes there can be no question that dogs, take 'em as they come, sre more deserving of souls, and immortal ones at that, than a large portion of the over estimated and intensety egotistic human race. A Drink's the Thing. Pleasing beverages are profitable, even those of a docile character. Nobody knows how many millions are expended annually for soda water, but some of the soft drinks are now in corporated and issue quarterly reports of their earnings for the information of investors who do business through stock exchanges.,- One of them, not extracted from cocoanuts, as its name might suggest, shows net profits of over $3,000,000 during the past six months. The American throat likes to be tickled, and is will ing to pay for it through the stomach and through the pocketbook. If the Russians had showed some of this pertinacity in 1915, the war might nave ended sooner. But Poland is not Prussia. Charley Chaplin's wife says he is stingy. Maybe he just recalls the days when he didn't have a cent. For a man who did not believe in war, Lenine is showing considerable symptoms of being a conqueror. v . No conventions being in search of candidates, Mr. Bryan may now fish undisturbed. Sugar is also declining at San Francisco. In time this will reach Omaha. That diving contest at Carter lake ought to get a full house. . TenncMe en not say they are not coaxing her. THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, AUGUST "6, 1920. A Line 0' Type or Two Mm H Ht Uaa, M tM iulM Ml th IF government were a science, like, biology or geology, if it were pursued by qualified men who increased in efficiency, and if the ejectorate appreciated efficiency and rewarded it there might be reason for retaining a party in power after its time was up. But as things go, an in telligent cititn must either vote against the party in power or retrain from voting at all. He fithrows away his vote" only when he casts it for a continuance of mediocrity or worse. DESPITE the shortage of print paper, the Mew Republic prints a supplement, compiled by Walter Lippmann & Co., to show that the news dispatches from Russia, from 1917 to 1920. did not correspond with the facts. We assumed as much long before 1917, and discontinued reading dispatches from Russia. Mr. Lippmann, young and inexperienced he was 26 at last account has wasted a deal of perhaps invaluable time. SUCCOR is to be extended to the railroads, and mebbe if something were done for the ex press companies they mig'ht be able to transport a package from Chicago to New York in less than four or five days. As for parcel post, pack ages should be marked, "Not to be expected be fore Christmas." i 4 She Is Not Dlntantly Removed. . Blr: A frosh at the University of Minnesota asserts that a lyric Is "a short poem dealing In love, death, or Immorality." But, really, ia she far from wrong T THAfJALL. VILLA'S present enthusiasm is education for his people. And, offhand, we can think of no Mexican better qualified to teach the young idea how to shoot. NATURE'S TOUR DE FORCE. Sir: Glancing over the Book of Impressions at Chateau Lake Louise I find these entries: "Earth hath not anythfng to show more fair." -Two Ladies from Vancouver. "Oh, you ladies from Vancouver, you never saw ina or you would not say this." Betty, the Blonde. .. ' H. R, : ARCHBISHOP MANIX appears to be as fond of Lloyd George as was Harry Fumiss, whose three pet wishes were: (1) To be ship wrecked. (2) to find himself with Llovd George on a raft, and (3) not to, be ostracized for being a cannibal. SONG. As rivers to the sullen sea, , White sails to waters blue, Tha finite to infinity. The nesting swallow to the tree So turn my thoughts to you. As empty branches to a sky Whose peacefulneas endures When all dead leaves are blown awry, As dull lakes to tha stars on high My arms stretch out to yours. , Aloof, Indifferent, as the blua Ilea to the sail, or sky to tree, You watch my mad words drift to you. ' 1 And though my prayers repeat, renew,, lou never answer m. DOROTHY. IF we Jcnew that flinty -hearted He, we should send htm a marked copy.. How he can resist Dot passes our finite comprehension. ..HOW TO PETECT THE COLLEGE SPIRIT. (From the Buahnell Record.) j The college spirit was noticeable In some sections of the party by the spontaneous outbursts of aristocratic foolery. TO some of us Mr. Harding's porchologues seem a bit formal. May we not hope for a few Arm ChairChats? ' ' Tlie Teaching or Poetry. (From the London Nation.) The headmaster made the boys spell "daffo dil," asked the number of Its petals, and said: "Now, Brlggs, why did ths daffs flutter and dance?" '"Cos they were so 'appy, sir.". "Don't be silly! You don't think. Now, can a flower be happy?" "No, air." replied Briggs, taking his cue aright. "Well, why did you say they could?" "'Cos I didn't flnk, sir." "Well, then, what was It that fceally made the daffodils flutter?" "The breese. sir. . . . The daffodils fluttered abart 'cos of the breeze what was a'blowlng 'em." "That's the kind of answer I Ilka," said the headmaster approvingly. "Now you're talking common sense. But I'd have given a still higher mark If you had changed the word "breese" for a different word." .. "I could 'ave said 'wihd,' sir." "Of course. Always, try and use a different word from tha poet's. The Inspectors like us to encourage originality In the children." DURING a' golt match at Greenwich this week an approach by Vardon was so strong that the ball passed the green and hit a lady on the bounce, recoiling to the flag. "Some back spin I" cried another spectator. - AGAIN, IN ILLINOIS (From the Saunemln Headlight.) V John Maguire wae driving his roadster toward home when he saw directly m front of him a red calf. He was too close to tha animal to stop, and he tried to dodge It, but had poor' luck and struck the animal be tween the bumpor and the radiator. . A TEALOUS woman in New Haven poured carbolic acid over hersleeping husband in the hope of disfiguring him, but succeeded merely in killing him. Painting the lily usually spoils the lily. Try the Clrculution Department. Sir: 1 Speeding through scenic Massachusetts, I lamped tha sign of tha Hotel Agaway. Not a very hospitable sounding name for a hostelry, one would think. James F. Oyster of Washington, D. C. possibly a. relative of the Frederlcktown bivalve, sails butter, eggs, and cheese. About to board a Philadelphia street car. I was con fronted by the notice, ''Enter by Both Doors." What should I have done? After a long search In Quakertown I captured two copies of the Trlb, 5 cents each. Opened them in feverish haste. No Line. Please remit 10 cents. , CALCITROSUS. THE porch party that innumerable cits prefer is to sit on a ball-park porch and watch Mr, Ruth polc'em over the c. f. barricade. THE DELIRIOUS DRESSMAKER. (A Boul Mich blurb.) Oh. so happily surprised will Madame be with the low, past-season prices on the darling sum mer.tima creations only day before yesterday ar rived by express from New York's leadlntr atellem. Two and one-half times the variety I have ever before shown, Milady Fashionable, and all of them Just the daintiest, prettiest things! Madame will please count it a wonder, ful opportunity lost if she neglects to avail her self of this. I shall await her coming with eager ness. For I can already hear her ecstasies upon viewing the displays exqfulslte. Mercl. "CLEBURNE Man Pats Mule on the Flank; Pants Kicked Off." Texas headline. In the matter of freak performances a mule resembles lightning, and is almost as quick. THE OBSERVANT, TOURIST. Sir: Touring New Yolk state, I found that tha deceased of Wapplnger's Falls are well cared for by T. J. Cashln, Funwal Director. From tha appearance of the place T. J. has done a thriving business. J. J. P. COX. we read, will wage a "merciless cam paign. Superfluous, very, information.- B. L. T. ; Korean Women Are Nameless. The Korean woman has not even a name. In childhood she receives a nickname, by which she is known in the family and by her friends, but, when she arrives at maturity, it is employed only by her parents. To all others she is the sister of" or ''the daughter of" such a person. Aftes -kr. marriage her name is buried; she is absolutely nameless. If it happens that a woman has to appear in a law court the judge ? ;ives her a special name for uses while the case asts, in 'order to save time and to simplify matters. Marion Star. To See What's Inside, i. In giving little Willie a present you can' greatly facilitate matters by also presenting him with hammer with which to ;r"k it. Philadel phia Public Ledge How to Keep Well By OR. W. A. EVANS Quaitloas cancarninf h)rflen, aanlta tion and prvntion of diaaaaa, aub ' Bittad ta Dr. Evas by rsadcra af Tba Bca, will ha antwarad paraonally, aub jacl ta prapar limitation, whara a tampad. addrataad anvalopa ia an closed. Dr. Evan will nat male dlatnaala or prcrib for individual diaaa. Addrasa lattar In cara ef Tha Baa. Copyright, 1920, by Dr. W. A. Evan. DIETING FOR BRIGHT'S DIS EASE. . The ordinary chronic Bright'a disease without dropsy, with only a mcderate amount of albumin and casts, with no great Increases in blood pressure and no tendency to affect the sight, is a very nvild dis ease with only a slight tendency to destroy life. A careful person can live with the disease for many years. Osier once wrote an essay on the advantage -of having a moderate amount of Brlght's disease and in this essay he told of several men who have lived out their natural ex pectancy in' spite of Brlght's. His argument was that If a moderate de cree of Brlght's disease would make a man who had been driving him self too hard slow down and get within his speed it would prolong his life. An able Frenchman says that in dieting people with this form of Pright's disease, milk is of no use. Ho gives little or none. He allows them to eat a moderate allowance of fish, white and red meat, and epgs, but he insists that all meat should be freshly killed and well cooked. When meat Is allowed to aye it develops poisons which are hard on the kidneys. He permits the use of all kinds of fresh vegetables and fruits, ex cept the our kinds. He tries es pecially avoid the vegetables rich lit oxolates. The worst of these are pieplant and cranberries. The main requisites are to eat In fireat moderation, to eat sparingly of meat and meat products, to main tain proper bowel habits, to avoid exposure to cold and damp, and never to overwork. There Is a form of Bright's dls- ease tn which a tendency toward un conscious spells, coma and even con vulsions and seeming paralysis Is present. The dieting of these cases is difficult. They cannot eat any must, potted meats or other meat products, egga of any kind or dried vegetables! The allowance of milk should be limited to the amount required for cooking. They should live on rice, potatoes, tapioca, sago, arrowroot, fats, plenty of sugar, all kinds of green vegetables, carrots, parsnips, and all kinds of fruits. Seven ounces of bread a day is allowed. If the person Is in very bad shape h should limit himself to six or eifcht pounds of grapes a day and eat no other food. In most cases it Is proper to give plnnty. of drinking water. If, how ever, there Is dropsy, the day's al lowance of water should be reduced to one quart and the diet should be . Typewriters Can Makt Immtdlatt Oalivary en Underwoods, Remingtons, Royals, L. C. Srniths, Olivera and Coronas Buy Now and Sava Meaty. Central Typeyriter Exchange Doug. 4120 1912 Farnam St. f A Soap Sale of such magnitude that every one taking advantage of it can keep their linens and clothing clean with little effort and practically no cost. It's not all Soaps that are good for Laundry Purposes, as every housewife knows, but Electric Spark Soap r is and thousands are using it, not alone for laundry pur poses, but for all uses where Soap is required: ' We have purchased and will place on sale Friday, One Carload Elec tric Spark Soap at the ridiculously lowrice of 6 bars for 25c Customers limited to 12 bars. A Special Sale of Elec tric Washing Machinea That Will Help to Elimi nate Work from Waah Day. To' introduce the Clean Well, Dolly Type, Electric , Washer, with Guaranteed Motor and Bicycle Wringer, we shall offer this wonderful Electric Household servant on. Friday for only , $82.50 T Take advantage of these X two wonderful offerings; both X frugal buyers. it i Ml 4. salt free or low in salt. As he gets better he can eat cereals rather freely and gradually broaden the limits of his dietary along the lines laid down above. Trouble With Tonsils. E. J. writes: "Small cheese-like subfttances form and adhere to my tonsils and are expelled by coughing or sneezing. What causes them and what do they indicate?" REPLY. ' Small, cheesy, foul smelling masses are not Infrequently found In the crypts of the tonslli They are composed of bacteria, food debris, epithelial cells and pus cells, and are molded to form by the crypts of the tonsils Just as black heads are composed of dried grease molded by t,he grease glands of the skin. These concretions cause bad breath in certain cases. They har bor dtphfhiria bacilli and other In fecting organisms at times. In many cases they can be emptied from the tonsil crypt by massage done with the edge of a spoon handle or by suction done with a small throat suction pump. Irish Against this Omaha. August 3. To the Editor of The Bee: The article in today's iosue citing Congressman William H. Mason of Illinois saying that the 'Irlfch will vote for Harding" is worthy of consideration because there is not a man in America who knows any more about the senti ments and aspirations of the Irish than Congressman Mason, notwith standing that there is not a drop of Irish blood in his veins. I have an idea that when the. Irish men and women go to the polls they will vote as Americans. However, I am frank to admit, in my humble opinion, that the intelligent und patriotic element or the Irish nice are op posed to the league of nations simi lar to other citizens. The Irish have done much on the battlefield and elsewhere from the period of the Printers Are Artists YOUR printer is an artist. An artistic letter head may be his subject. He will strive to express in it the personality of the one whose signature it will bear. His materials are fonts of type, ink. paper and GOOD ENGRAVINGS. The latter, he knows, are absolutely essential in turning out a good, clean job of printing. We are well acquainted with the needs of your printer when engravings are needed. Our En graving Plant is equipped so that we can meet the demand of the printer on any kind of work which will lead to a finished product that you will be more than pleased with. Why not call us on your next Engraving order? "It's a Pleasure to Serve You" BEE ENGfMVmG CO, Tyler 1000 103 Bee Bldg. i i "San .mr i Everything in it is Good for You: L There isn't a thing in Gund's Peerless Brew that Isnt ' good for you. That's rhyme, but it is also a fact And it is ' ( one good reason why you should adopt Gund's Brew as your drink. Gund's Peerless Brew is a pure health food. No drinfc in existence fits in better with the pure food laws, unless it is milk. It is made of good rich barley, grown in the heart of the world's best barley district, and barley is a blood, flesh and bone builder. J -lead of the artificial drinks so common these days, you have in Gund's Peerless Brew a pure, wholesome drink, brewed from Nature's choicest materials and thor oughly fermented and aged. Pour Gund's Brew into a glass and watch the thick, creamy foam. That foam is a sign of rich barley, proper brewing and sufficient ageing. You can drink Gund's Brew and know you are drinking health. And you can give it to the children and know it is good for them. But the real reason why you should drink it is because it's dollars to doughnuts you'll like it. It isn't a substitute. It's a real Brew, with a taste all its own, and it will quench your thirst pleasantly. And all the time you are getting the taste, just remember you are taking health into your system. Light or dark in bottles or by the glass. In eases for home use, from your grocer, delicatessen store or dizlribuloh MADE AND BOTTLED BY THE GUND COLYIPAMT LA CROSSE. WIS. MAX OLSEN & CO. DISTRIBUTORS 619 So. Main St., Co. Bluffs, Iowa. Phon. 1420 uniiHH)Hn revolution to tha world war to make this glorious republic of oure what it is. Therofore, they are vitally in terested In electing men to office thoroughly competent to guard avralnst the Intrigues and schemes of European powers, especially the pro British propaganda that is so rampant and visible In our midst. JERRY HOWARD. League. Looks That Way. The terrible scarcity of white paper U simply forcing all the newspaper men to run for the presidency. Boston Globe. Both Agree. Bryan and Hiram Johnson are agreed that It is a cold and heart less world, Springfield Republican. ny master oF fha I violin, will ap preciate the imporf" ance of the statement that the matchless beauty- oFtone ofth? pianoAty reason ofthe exclusive "fensinn res onator" is as perma nent in its quality as that of a fine violin Cfm oAer uano- ) The Art and Music Store - 1513 Douglas Street