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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 6, 1920)
THE BEE: OMAHA, FKIDAY, AUGUST 6, LEGION . NAMES DELEGATES TO HASTINGS MEET Douglas Post tp Be Repre sented by 5 8. Members Bonus and Boxing Bills Slated for Discussion. Morton Hiller and Tohn Weed. members of the Douglas county post of the American Legion, who enrolled the most new members in the local post during the recent membership drive, will attend the state convention to be held at Hast ings, August 26, 27, and 28, together ' with 56 other delegates, pvho were elected Wednesday night at the reg ular meeting of the post. Hiller and Weed will attend the convention as guests. Besides electing delegates, the post instructed the. representatives to revive the fight for the bonus. The post also voted that the dele gates take up the matter of non members of the American Legion wearing the Legion emblem, and to do all in jts power to stop this practice. To Present Boxing Bill. j The recent bill drawn by the local post legalizing boxing in this state . will be presented before the con vention for further adjustment.. The Douglas County post expects more than 10,000 former soldiers, t sailors and marines to attend the first annual reunion of former serv ice men to be held at Krug park September" 1, 2, and 3, under the di rection of the American Legion. It is the plan of the reunion com mittee to stage a sham battle at the park. Fireworks and. a barbecue will be the other features of the hree-day meeting of soldiers, "gobs" and "leathernecks." Expenses vBig Problem. With the state convention but a fnw weeks off and 56 delegates go ing from this post, officials of the local branch-are wondering how the post will pay, the expenses of the men. There is not enough money in the treasury to send the delegates, so each representative will pay his rauroaa tare and lyrtei; and lodging expenses. n The post expects to stage an athletic entertainment next month and from this show it is hoped to make enough money to return to each delegate the amount spent at tending the convention. The Delegates. The 56 delegates elected Wednes day . night are: Walter Byrne, Harry, Byrne. Leo Bozell, Jack Baldwin, Clint Brome, Don Burke, wuiiam r. Bruett, Joseph V. Byerly, . tinier ampoen, jonn Lutnght, Charley Cholcher, Leo Crosby. Fred Dahmke, Claudio Delitala, J. Noble DeFrance, Frank Dineen, Harry Easton, Arthur Frederick, A. A. Gustafson; W. B. Greenlum, Dr. E. C. Henry, Kendall Hammond, . Dr. Lynn Hall, John Hopkins. Rev. Lloyd B. Holsapple, Dr. L. E. Hanisch, Fred Heyn, Frank Hemtze J. L. Ibson, Jake Isaacson, William Kavan, Earl , Kiplinger, John Kilmartin, Hans Larson, Charles Lehmer. Al May. Harry Montgomery, William McHugh, - Ray Madden, Ted Metcalfe, H. E. McChntock, Charles McLaughlin, Eue McKnifflit T T Mr.,,;,. t ' ry JUygaard. Earl Porter, Anana j "--s...uu, "sn nuuciisou, aam Reynolds. William Ritchie, E. E. Roach, E. E. Sterriker, Dr. Charles b..0K Ross Shotwelf, Hird Strker. A Tukey F. L. Wilbur, Lyman Wheeler, Fred Wallace and Morley . j oung. Omaha Doctor Is Puzzled -By Cablegram From Wife . Dr. C. A. Hull, Omaha surgeon, is seeking all sorts of codes in an ef fort to decipher a one word code message received from his wife in France pursuing the study of French. "-"ji iiun ana nis wue agreed upon her departure to communicate by American Express code to expe ' dite mesages. The first coded cablegram was a success. But the second Doctor Hull can't find it in the book, and he has re sorted to a message of several words at $10 per to solve the mystery. W. B. McKinney, Pioneer Resident of Omaha, Dies W. B. McKinney, 60 years old, a resident of Omaha for the past 38 years, died at his home, 3456 South Fifteenth street, yesterday after noon after a six-months' illness. He nad Deen an employe of the Amer- ican Express company for manI jtais. ourviving relatives are two brothers, Frank McKinney of Om aha; J. A. McKinney of Davenport? Ii.,iand a sister, Mrs. Catherine ' Kelly of Omaha. Burial will be at Davenport on Saturday. Dublin Inn Is Big Worry To Officers, Sheriff Asserts Sheriff Mike Clark is sort of peeved about Dublin inn, Sixty-fifth j, and Center streets. A Tall was re t ceived Wednesday night thai a riot was on at the inn, but after three deputy sheriffs hurried there thj rioters were gone. The sheriff is getting real angry. Yesterday the sheriff, Deputy Sheriff . Foster and County Attorney Shotwell met to find out if there is some way to regulate the inn, which is just out of the city limits. - t Contracts for Additions To State Home Are Awarded Beatrice, Neb.. Aug. 5. (Special.) . Meeting here Wednesday afternoon. the State -Board of Control awarded contracts for the erection of a big "dininjr hall and hospital addition at the institution for feeble-minded youth. Estimates and specifications were submitted by R. W. Grant, Beatrice architect. The buildings will cost approximately $100,000. x Health Head Better 5 Health Commissioner Edwards , has been confined in bed with ill f U - A J XT. ..... " reported improved yesterday. f . Foreign Exchange, American State Bank, ' - 18th and Farnam Sts. Adv. Prices Lower In England, Omaha Boy Scout Writes "You can get lots mere for your money m England than you can in the United States, "writes Jean Cald well, Omaha representative at the big international Boy Scott jamboree in London, in his first letter i since sailing July 5. The letter was sent to Scout Com missioner G. M. Hoyt and scout headquarters. Jean writes short snappy sentences about his trip and tells of visiting famous spots in London. He is enjoying the jamboree. 100 Citizens Join in Chase To Capture Alleged Thief A man who gave his name as Juan Segura, a Mexican from El Paso, Tex., charged with, having stolen shirts from the Guarantee clothing store, was chased by 100 persons and a policeman before he finally was captured by Traffic Officer Emmelt Ford and Herb ArnsteiA, owner of the store, yesterday morning. Underneath his coat were found five shirts. The shirt he wore was identified by Arnstein as one that Seguro had stolen. Car Repairers Going to Poland to Claim Estate Stanislaw Pankowski, Union Paci fic car repairer, 3327 South Twenty eighth street, contemplates returning to Poland to regain an estate of 500 acres of cultivated land and countless acres of forest in Posen, Prussian Poland, abandoned by his grand father in the uprising of the serfs in 1846. Two or three villages are in cluded in the estate. Pankowski came to America in 1891 because his wife's parents re fused to grant a suitable dowry. Government to Pay Damages On Home Wrecke'd by Plane Claims for damages to the home of Charles Jensen, south of Ak-Sar- Beu field, caused by the all-metal plane which crashed while hopping off the field Tuesday, were requested in an urgent telegram from army headquarters in Washington received yesterday by Manager Votaw of the flying field. The plane was an army ship pilot ed by an army captain. Claim for $2,500 damages already is en route to Washington.' Brief City News Hold Party for Officer. Lt. Col. and Mrs. Jacob S. Wuest, former commandant of Fort Omaha, were guests of honor at a farewell dinner at the Prettiest Mile club last night. , More than 300 Were present. All appointments for the dinntr were aerial in character, a captive balloon floating over the table and place cards being small sacks of sug ar to represent sandbags. Following dinner, the guests danced. Wanto to Be a Cop Frank Soli- cup, for nine years with the lire de partment, has asked tobe trans ferred to the police department. Two Cops Am Sued Sam Given ter sued Policemen Felix Dolan.and Peter Hagerman for 12,000 damages for alleged false arrest on May 19, In district court Thursday. Honeymoon Flyers Leaver Earl Ellliter and his bride of three weeks have auletly left Omaha in their 'Honeymoon Air Express." Mr. Blillter is In Rochester selling; Cur tlss airplanes. Airplane ' Boose Specials Prohi bition Enforcement Officer J. F. Hanlev still insists , that there are some grounds for the reports that flying bootleggers are bringing quan tities of liquor into NeDrasKa. Buys Warehouse Property The Orchard & Wilhelm Furniture com pany has purchased the property at Eighth and Capitol avenue for use as a warehouse from the Interna- . -wr . m m r tionai Harvester company lur ?ia, 000. Picnic for Bankers Bankers Re serve company officers entertained the members of the home office Wednesday night with a picnic din ner at Lakeview park. Athletics and dancing furnished the entertain ment. Speeder Draws - 80 Days - On charges of reckless driving, George W. Lee alias Bill Bradshaw, was sentenced to 30 days In Jail by Po- l lice Judge Foster Thursday. He was charged with speeding and crashing into a Skinner power wagon. Wrecked Plane Shinned The JL6 ' all metal Larsen plane, which was wreked in a poor hopoff at the Ak-Kar-Ben field Tuesday morning, was shipped to the army supply office, Mitchell, Li. I., and will be repaired for use in transcontinental air mail service. Stole Alcohol, Charge Charged with the alleged theft of a barrel of alcohol from the Northwestern rail road freight house on May 6, Jesse v.can 2 fi 30 Patrick avenue, and C. S. Williams, 3019 Hamilton street.l both colored, were arrested this morning. Man Can't Go Home William Stripe, a jprinter, has been restrained by an order of the court from going to the heme of his wife, 2921 Doug la i street, during the pendency 'of her divorce suit. The order was sipned by District Judge Wakeley, Thursday morning. ( Kept Expenses Down Only- 4 per cent of the $113,000,000 centenary fund was spent in raising the fund, according to Bishop "Horner Stuntz. Usually the cost of expense is from 15 to 20 per cent. The money has been divided for many good and worthy causes. Holdups Gct"$l'2.85 Three negro holdup men got rhe better of Sam Totrick of Columbia, Mo., who is stopping at the Union hotel, in an encounter Wednesday evening on the Eleventh street viaduct. He was robbed of $12.65 after his assailants pinned his to " the sidewalk and searched his pockets. . IT. S. Worrying Germans The up permost thought in the minds of thfe Germans, according to Dr. Laura Pfieffer. associate professor of his tory in Nebraska university, who has been attending the International Woman Suffrage convention at Ge neva, Switzerland, is "What Does America Think ot Us?" Living con ditions are pitiful there, she says. Mattacks Disagree Maude Mat tocks filed a petition for divorce in district court Thursday from her husband. Jack W. Mattocks. She was decorated with a black eye which she said she received when her husband struck her. The Mat tocks' conduct the cafe in tha Castle hotel. 4 Bilking the Women Arrested by the police Tuesday Johnny Moore was sentenced to 90 days in the county Jail "Thursday morning. Moore had promised 15 women who were arrested in alleged resorts on Chicago street, to give them police protection. The women were sen tenced to 38 (lays. Go to Penitentiary Two A. D. T. employes, Bernard Dolan and Thomas Roble were given sentences of from one to 10 years in the pen- itentiary by District Judge Troup Thursday after pleading guilty to charges of breaking and entering I downtown stores. They were taken ) to the penitentiary yesterday. Asks for Maiden Name Ruth Lu cile Muchow, a stenographer who lives at 3013 Crelghton avenue, ap plied to the district court yesterday to restore her maiden name. She desires the change because her hus band died shortly after their mar riage and her friends all know her by her maiden name, Ruth Gunsaul. Annette Is Coming The swim ming and diving contests in honor of Annette Kellerman at Carter Lake club will be honored by the appearance of Miss Kellerman, ac cording to word received here from her manager, Sol Lessor. She will act as one of the Judges. Many girls and women have entered the, con tests. Another W. O. Henry Book Dr. W. O. Henry, former Omaha physician, recently divorced '. in Los Angeles because of relations with a nuree, has written another book, this time explaining the recent earthquakes. Much biblical prophecy of quakes Is explained by Dr. Henry. The came of the pamphlet is entltlfd. "On Which Side Are You?" , War on Employment Agencies Chief Deputy County Attorney Cof fey declared war""" on employment agencies yesterday. Five owners of agencies were arrested and charged with operating agencies without a licensA By a recent ruling of Dis trict Jadge Troup, the law requir ing employment agencies to pay an nual licenses of $50 was held constitutional. Jerry Howard Tells Big Crowd All About Politics .Jerry Howard addressed a crowd of. .1,800 employes of downtown stores and various, other persons at an open air meeting at Sixteenth and Douglas streets at noon Thurs day, his subject being "Who's Who in Politics." In discussing theiew constitution, Howard said he stood for a mini mum wage for all workers, a tax exemption of $200 for every family, cleaner government and better working conditions. "Every woman who fails to regis ter is a slacker," said the speaker. He urged women to go to the polls and do their duty in demanding cleaner politics, both local and state", i 1 - Venn Mutual Agent Takes New Partner Charles Z. Gould, who for many years has been general agent for The Penn Mutual Life Insurance com pany has associated Paul J. Sturges with himself in partnership. The new firm will be known as Gould and Sturges and will retain their present offices in the Peters Trust Build ing. Adv. Into Secret Service' fnrrrA sni! until rrtMltlf ntl vati stcnograpler for Chief of.Fjjy nee Aiarsnai r.Dersiein, nas Dis appointed assistant operative in th United States secret service here.' Free Street Directory Cards. J: Cut me out and mail mo tol Carey Cleaning Co., 2401 N. 24thi' St., Dept. B, with your name and; address, and I will bring yoii free a street directory card ofj; Greater Omaha. Adv ADVERTISEMENT FRECKLES Now Is the Time to Get Rid of These Ugly Spots. " There's no longer the slightest need of feeling ashamed of your freckles, as Othine double strength is .guaranteed to remove these homely spots. Simply get an ounce of Othine double strength from any druggist and apply a little of it night and morning and you should soon see that even the worst freckles have begun to disappear, while the light er ones have vanished entirely. It is seldom that more than an ounce is needed to comoletelv clear the skin arid gain a beautiful clear complexion. Be sure to ask for the double" strength Othine, as this is sold un der guarantee of money back if it fails to remove freckles. C Lighting Fixtures Burgesi-Cran-' den Co. Ady . - , I IL. J H T - H l M I li ill PIANOS and PLAYERS AT A GREAT SAVING Thii, -our Second Great Annual Mid-Summer Sale of beautiful, new, used, shopworn and 'returned from rent instruments will instantly .appeal to the thrifty buyers, no matter where they live. It is the policy of the Oakford Music Co. to take August, the dullest month . in the year, and make of it one of the best. Nothing will do this but , HIGHEST QUALITY AND LOWEST PRICES Just cast your eye over the following' and see if you don't agree that we have both. If you have a shadow of doubt, come in. Examine, test and compare our pianos with instruments offered elsewhere. Yes, Six Eee, the real genuine oargam, win De iouna ai iou.jrarnam si., near tne Wellington Inn. (1.925 Used ' Steinway' Small Parlor Grand, known at tha famous style A. Richest San, Domintro mahogany case. Perfect action, beautiful tone. We make no apologies for this piano except the varnish la slightly 'grazed. Any fine musician ' will appreciate this piano. Going at $1200 tsso Umd Story & Clark Upright Grand. Full size. In golden; oak case of late deaign. This piano, of course, has the overstrung baas. Double repeating action, ivory keys, splendid tone and la unusual at our low price.... $289 a. Player Piano Gulbransen make In plain golden oak case. very peat vt condition, in xaci could scarcely be told from new. Her is a snap $450 11,160 . Shopworn Kurtzmann Baby Grand This is a little gem and the slight varnish checks are- hardly noticeable, but we must make room for three more car loads now on the way. It yon ever expect to own- a fine" Grand "grab" this one or somebody else ' will ; . . , -" U.KO New $895 -1 Cable Grand Remember, this laiiot a Hobart M or Cable. Nelson, but a genuine Cable manufactured by the original Cable Co. Many dealer aak $1,1 it tor Grand planoa not so good aa ' ffnnr this. Our price on this brand JDIJ new genuine Cable ......... ...... Juat aa well let loose of some of that leave it Then Used 11,450 Weber Baby Grand Perfect in every'way even If it was used lest than a dozen times by professional musi cians at recitals. This is the very newest de aign Weber small grand In brown mahogany base. Satin finish. Buy this one and make a ciear caan saving or 1200. We will place it in your living room for . $1250 IN Kiinball .$130 Player Piano 1375 Used Upright, small size In ebony case. Very goooT' tone ana action- especially for the low price Or ....y (1.000 .Used This is one of the well known Haddorff Player Pianos. An extra, fine figured mahog any case, extraordinary ton! quality and finest AmpBon Player action. This is the greatest player bargain we have ever offered. Who ever gets this instrument will thank us many times in tne years to come. Only one of these on sale "... $045 47 Used Waldorf Upright Grand. Full size, American walnut case. This piano came out of the home of a good muatcian who turned it in to us on of e of our Stock Duo-Art Pianos. Tou are sure the low price 13(0 Used Upright, in a very pretty walnut case. Good tone, responsive . action. A anap .' k Duo-Art Pianos. Tou jn fP IEE1 pScr....:......: $245 II Arion $178 Bishop . S500 Used Only rented a short time. Very handsome mahogany case. Full metal plate. Ivory keys. Could hardly be told from new, A dandy mo 01 una m boX puadt vuop noX ii -Xau omebody tlc will. $350 One "Price. No Commissions. (OAKFORD 1807 JFarnam, Omaha, Neb. Buy. Brandeis Bargain And You'll Always Save . w. .rr y. hi r . Save By Buying Brandeis Bargain!. Priced for Thrift , Two Real Skirt Bargains for Friday Fancy and Tub Skirts in 300 Fancy Skirts Of Silk, Satin and , Novelty Sports Silks ' at m Regular $6 to $12 Valuez For women and misses; of silk, satin and novelty sport silks; just the right kind of skirts for immediate wear. Beautiful little models in silk faille, fancy pleated foulards, fine black taffetas, crepe de chines, novelty sport silks and satins in white and colors. All v in one big group for Friday, at 4.99 Cotton Tub Skirts For Women and Misses In White and Colors at 88 Regular 1.50 to $3 Values Excellent values and splen did for outing wear, or to wear with middies. All are of good styles and of good materials, such as linon, repp, pique and crash, and are just the thing to finish up the summer with. We have grouped hundreds of them into one big lot, for this sale, each, ggc Brandeis Stores Basement Arcade Corsets an d Sanitary Aprons Corsets ,163 Friday at X A model suitable for the average" type of figure and very desirable for morning wear during the hot. days. Made of strong white coutil, with low bust and long hips; two pairs of garters at tached; sizes 19 to 30. Sanitary Aprons Special OCC Friday at LJ A necessity during the summer months; made of fifst class rubber, in the me dium size; an exceptional Friday bargain, and the eco nomical woman will buy her needs; regular 50c value. Brandeis Stores Basement Arcade Friday--Low Priced Bargains in Men's Furnishings Men's Hose Specially Priced Friday Wide assortment in black, tan, gray, Palm . Beach and white ; double heels and toes; sizes 9 to Hi2; 35c values; ,10 special, per pair, lOl Overalls Jackets Specially Priced Friday Of extra good quality blue denim 'and steifel stripe ; cut ( full and roomy; sizes' 32k to 42 O CA waist; each priced at L0j Leather Belts Specially Priced Friday In one big lot for men and boys; colors are r tan, black, and gray; IQ all sizes; priced at 1C Khaki Trousers Specially Priced Friday Over 500 pairs in the lot; neatly made with 'cuff bottoms; sizes 27 to 32 waist; specially O TA priced at Li,u) Brandeis Stores Basement Mens Store per yard, Friday-Special Reductions on Domestics Zephyr Dress Gingham A fine quality in plaids, checks and stripes; 32 inches wide; a very special bar- OQ gain at, per yard, OI7C Mill Remnants Vniv nrint.pH rref-.onnes and comforter coverings; floral designs, in serviceable 00-7 lengths: 36 inches wide: ner vard. OUC Shirting A splendid quality for both men's and boys' shirts; 36 "inches wide, special at, AQ Galatea Suiting Attractive patterns and an ideal fabric or , boys' and girls'-school suits, dresses, chil- AQn dren's rompers; 36 inches wide; per yard, "OC Bookfold Cotton Challie Variety of colors arid attractive floral prints; for kimonos, house dresses and OQ wrappers; 36 inches wide; per yard, Bleached Pillow Tubing A splendid quality for plain or fancy pil- low cases; 36 inches wide; worth 70c per JO per yard; special aj, per yard,. OOC . Linen Finished Suiting . In a splendid assortment of plain shades suitable for early fall wear; 36 inches wide; special at, per yard, OC Foundation Silk In a beautiful soft chiffon finish; a variety of plain colors; very lustrous; 27 inches Cft wide; special, yard, OUC Mercerised Dress Poplin Highly yarn mercerized; a good assortment of plain shades; 36 inches wide; special JQ Friday, at, per yard, De7C j N Muslin Bleached and unble'ached; made of heavy round thread yam; 36 inches wide; extra QQ value, at, per yard, a&C Brandeis Stores Basement North Friday Specials in Housefurnishings Electric Toasters Special jot 4 8 Fully guaranWed; will toast two slices of bread at once; or can be used .as a grill A QO to boil, fry or stew. Aluminum Dippers Special at 39c The large size with long wooden handles; ,. useful at canning time ana a bargain for eco- QQ nomical women. Electric Irons 4J98 Six-pound size with five feet of cord; high ly d o 1 i shed and guranteed for QQ one year. TTaJO Brandeis Stores Basement West Russian Oil Polish Pint, 39c; Quart, 49c Produces a fine luster on floors, furniture and wood work; absolutely greaseless. Pint size, OQ : at . aiwv Quart size, ' at 49c Notions ' You're Apt to Forget Women's, child's garters, pr., 15 J. P. Coats' best thread, sp., 12 Hooks, eyes, dress clasps, safety pins, to close out, at 7, cards for - - 256 Rick rack braid, 12 yards, .. 35 Dtning cotton, 6 balls for 25 Inside skirt belting, yard, 15 Wire hair pin cabinets, each, 15 Shell hair pins, per box. 15i Shoe trees, two pairs, at;"' 25tf Stocking feet, 6 pairs, 25 at ShoV laces, per pair, ; j - - . 3 Machine Oil, per bottle, ; 15 Paper shopping bags, each, 10 Boys', girls' garter waists, 39 Basting thread, 3 large sps., 25 Basement South Curtains, and Drapes Specially Priced for Friday 250 Pairs Fancy Curtains Attractive little colored, curtains with fringe ends; suitable for either windows or doors; 2V4 yards long; worth 3.00 per pair; special, per pair, - Scrim Remnants One full table in plaia' and fancy borders; there are some wonderful bargains here'; worth 25c per yard, special Friday, at, per yard, 600 Cretonne Pillows In size 15x20; covered with attractive cretonne and filled with best quality kapok; worth 98c; specialeach, at' Curtain Drapery Materials C One table full, accumulated during the July S , .sales; it is going to pay well to buy these; ol all at exactly . , afi Price Brandeis Stores Basement South 1.98 15c 59c Drugs Friday Shopping Bargains 50c Pepaodent tooth paste, 37 25c Pond's vanishing cream, 18 50c Java rice powder, 38 25c Mavis talcum powder, 19 15c tooth brushes, 9 Pompeian massage cream, 39 1.00 Lhvorit antiseptic, 79t 30c Energine cleaning fluid, 23d 25c Cuticura soap, 19 50c Cuticura ointment, 39c 50c pint witchhaxel, 29 35c powder puffs, lSd 7c toilet soap, 3H 30c Hinkle pills, 19 Dressing combs, 19 65c hospital cotton, 49 'Bargain Square Basement