Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 31, 1920, Page 11, Image 11

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    THE UtLXZ OMAHA. feAl'LKUAX. JLL.I 31, lyZU.
A Wrappy Coat of
Blue Duvetyn
Grape ud Pin tipple Punch.
ma ta yreptj. It Bntn; BBabtr
. 1.
r p. fsfc.
tLph. -ai.f, rrtwrut Isict
1 caa pir ploeTi.
ta. MfX.
- p. utmr(
4 rpr.jrt annt.
Method Mix" juices wiia sugar
acd seasonings. Four over the
crashed ice, arranged in g lasses.
Loganberry Psncr.
a.rta kntwrrr Jolc.
Harm W.IMT.
rt -w,waja.
part Jtbo,
w rf ilr jt-rrma r iuna, XI firairea).
u(ar ta tutc
Method The irepcrtant point in
making triis loganberry punch it to
maun, the avor ot the logicr-erry
Veranca Fancn.,,
Tim ta rr:r. 11 mnimi BunlMr
imt 1.
I eopfal fcft tra Infnawm.
JBIIV tj arjnona ana 2 erisffei.
1 rit c-hara vatar. .
1 rmrral
euplul f aufax avrvB
Method Mix frait juit and
sugar syrup acd add to tea while
Jiot. Cool and when ready to terre
add a pint f gingerale and cue of
charged water. Selected blackber
ries make a novel garniih for thia
drink, in addition to the nsoal slices
i and lemon.
Iced Chocolate,
la preparing cold chocolate, a
chocolate tyrup it recommended.
To make the tyrup, rsux a scant
half-copinl of powdered cocoa with
two . copiah of sugar; then add
gradually ore etipfel of boiling wa
ter arid cock in the tipper part of
ihe double beu'ler for eight minutes.
Store in a small glass jar and keep
in -a cold place.
To reake iced chocolate, a
'shaker" will be required. It is sot
expensire, and can be used for mix
ing bereragta.
Pkce one-quarter of a cupful of
cracked ice in a high flats, add two
table-spoonful cf the chocolate
-rup, half a cupicl of chilled milk,
one tablepotiful cf cream and
one-quarter of a cupful of Apol
linaris water. Place the shaker over
Se top of the glass and shake
pidly sntil thoroughly .mixed.
berve as rt eflervescet.
Iced Coffee,
11 preparing icej! coffee, do not
mite the mistake Vot pouring cold
en the grounds that have al
ready bees used, anjj after boiling
the thick concoetioa- for an in
definite length of time use this for
cold coffee.
Iced coffee, like tea, should be
made at carefully as though it were
to be partaken of immediately.
tant rt u ready, cool and place in
rre fill tfl tXrn&t s-latara thTt-r-
. t . l . i rr . . asm
quancra inn wnn ine conee, aaa
two tablespoonfult of cracked ice.
each of milk and cream, stir weH
and tap each portion with two
tablespoocfuls of whipped cream.
Strange Name for Y. W, C A, .
Ia China, where She Y. W. C A.
lias been established: for 15 years,
it is called in pkturesqoe language.
"The Female Green Years Society."
"The familiar insignia, the blue tri
angle, is used with the Chinese sym
bols suggesting the above appella-
4 tion. Fofry-ionr American secre
taries are carrying on the Y. W. C
A. work in the largest cities of
-China. Chines women :n hr United
States are in tarn starting associa
tions here, v
' v. Balanced Menu.
Meats combine well with crisp
salad materials and when serred
supply the tseed cf both salad and
protein. Ham, chicken, sweetbreads
and cold ox tongue, combined with
cr"sp celery, green peppers and let
tuce leaves, are among the favorite
tammer salads.
When Sealing Jars. '
Melt paraffin in anold coffee pot
a.nd pour contents of the pot into
if Hr places rtr 1hv r.av Hu
and ready to be sealed. No
s -mill bt spiiiea on taoie or
Asbestos Mat.
fail an asbestos mat or strip f
-ttr tiwVi irrmjn "KnarH T V-
ie aiwajs ax nana wnen
Do YouKnow-VHI
1. Whether the apple is a native fruit in our country?
2. The best way" to shell a hard-boiled egg?
3. An easy way to mend a bole in a muslin certain?
(These questions will be answered Sunday by the Housekeeper.)
Answers to Tuesday's Questioc.
1. The proportion of Trader-Bourislied children is greater in the
country than in the city, according to experts of the United States
Department cf Agriculture, because, though milk is cheaper and
tresher ra the country, city children have more milk in their diet
than do country children.
To make mustard at borne mix two tablespoon! of the mus
tard flour, a half teaspoon of sugar and a pinch of salt add a little
vinegar and enough boiling water to make a thick paste.
A An easy wayjto clean and brighten windows is to dissolve
Iwo or three pieces of rump ttarch in the water with which yon wash
the windows, and when- dry polish with a dry doth.
(Eaek of these household problems hat been worked out by the
.author, who has not only taken a course in scientific housewifery and
dietetics at Columbia university, and written and edited women's
newspaper and magazine features for years, but it a practical house
keeper as well)
Cake Filling
Here is an easily made filling for
cake: Two large teaspoons cocoa,
six large teaspoons sugar, six large
teaspoons floor, cream enough to
make a soft dough. Spread CTer
the cake.
Wrapping Paper
Many honsekeepers have to hunt
each week fora piece of paper of
the right sire to wrap up the articles
for the laundry. Save the paper in
which the laundry is wrapped on its
return. This paper, place-l in the
laundry bag. will save nary steps.
Save Food Clippings .
Such a fund cf -valuable informa
tion and practical helps tor the busy
housewife is constantly appearirg in
the papers and magazines that rt is
an oversight cot to keep the best of
it for ready reference.
The greater part of such published
material has been prepared by men
ted women who are specialists m
the particular lice they write on. It
is therefore authentic and has been
prepared much experience. The
result their research and experi
ments is yours for the takirg. If
yon haven't a definite plan for saT
ir.g your clippings yon mill fin d that
invariably the clipping yon want is
missing. For instance, perhaps yon
read some of the various articles
that have recently appeared . tellmg
of the healthfulness of grape juke,
somewhere else you saw some le
cipes for various delicious grape
iuice des?rrts and beverages. Now
you wish to make one of these new
lessens and haven't the faintest idea
where those recipes are.
Start today ci: menus and var
ious recipes and household sngges
rions that yon w-ill want to refer to.
Either paste them in a blank, book
that may be hung in the kitchen cabi.
ret or slip them into envelopes ar
ranged in alphabetical otder.
UHSia iiMm M-mmj-u I'ui'Ui ui imi-m uu-.mi mm i hi'mm
Harney St.
Coma Oace
And Yn Will
This is an idea! coat to wear
when automobiling or to slip ore1-! ,
the summer frock on a cool snms'i j
evening. It is fashioned from a I
lovely piece of duvetyn in a rich I
dark shade of blue. Down each
fide are set small "loops of plaid j
angora. The collar, which may be
draped high or low, according to tb j
needs of the weare is made of plair j
angora blue and white! There Art i
also pockets in slip-in ' style. ; ?nd j
these are lined with the angora. The j
hat of white hemp is richly em- i
broidered on the tunied-up bricS. I
which is faced with blue tarTeta. j
Milk Says Fresh. ' ,)j
Milk will keep fresh longer in a i j
stone jar that has been chilled than '
it will in a bottle. The jar roust ie i
closed at'the top with a pasteboard j .
tip, w hich fits closely the same as in j '
the bottle. - '
Fancy Fresh Pressed Broilers, per Jb... 53 He
Veranda Menus
CMd Htfd he m
Bwhwry muffin
Hot biwuit with Gutter
Fruit ultA
Kb loaf taa lot colfee
Tuna fits aalaS'
, B-fd aa kBttfT
sihr-j. unnaloei,
Dma cakea
Best Cats Fancy Steer OA
Pot Roast, oer lb wU C
Pig Pork Roast,
per lb
MorrelTs Lean
per lb
Best White Cane Sngar, per
L0 ... .521.50
12-Ib. Sack MarshaJTs QA
bpst riotir J7UC
Shredded Wheat,
per pkg.. . .
Q-uart Mason Jars,
per dor.
S Cans TaQ
No. 3 cans Extra Fancy To
matoes, can, 20c; d0 1 C
per -dot.. Vfc.lO
rr. ...$i.oo
Oar 60c grade Central A J?
Coffee, per lb iC
Prime Rolled Rib
Roast, per lb . . . .
Fancy Young Veal
Breast, per lb
Fancy Steer Round Ot,
Steak," per lb OaJC
48-lb. Sack Marshall's Best
ST: ...$3.50
6-lb. Sack Marshall's AQ
Best Flour OC
Large cans Dr. Price's OP
Bakinr Powder faV
Pint Mason Jars,
per dozen
Tall cans in
Milk IvC
Extra Fancy Hart Brand
Sifted Peas, can, d0 Q(
25c; per dozen.. VsiaU
Fancy jt- Jars CC.
Olives UiJC
Ue carry everythirg in pack
age Cookies and Crackers for
the Picnic Basket.
25 c
Fancy Yourg Veal
Roast, per lb, .....
Steer Eeef Boil,
per lb.
Fancy Spring Ducks,
per lb.
24-lb.- Sack Marshall's Eet
Flour, djl 7C
only Vl.iJ
Beat-'Ena-All or Lenox
Soap, 10 bars lOC
No. 2 cans Pork 1 Oi
and Beans 1 & 2 C
Advo Jell, assorted, lOX
per pkg. 162C
Dundee Milk, 1
per can i.42C
22-or. Jar Windmill or
assorted Jams OOC
10-lb. can Karo QCl
Svmn 7V.V
1-lb. package of
Assorted Cookies
Persia has no old maids cr
bachelors, la that country also a
wife is prohibited from walking with
her husband and must at all times
walk behind him if they go out to
gether Pressed cardboard covers to pro
tect the tops of school desks are the
invention of a California janitor.
A Notriaon Diet for A3 Ages
Quick Lcnch at Home or O&cs
Anil ImltatieBS and Smtttitctea
"Orange Pudding"
Delia Cream
with ft Delicious
Or Mice nTor
ftm, si
Ice Cream
Your Dealer Can Supply Yon
Tin Fairmont Creamery Co.
McComb's regular 70c Chocolates, Saturday only, per lb... -59c
Shift's Brookfield Creamery
Package Butter, C7
per lb vlt
Extra Fancy Blue Prunes, per
Basket, SOcj tfJO tft
per crate ....... PhJJ
Strictly Fresh Checked Eggs,
in carton, A.Of
per dozen C
Extra Fancy Apricots, per
basket, 90c;
per crate....
5-Ib. Pails Swift's tf t 70.
Snow Flake Oleo
Fancy Fruits and Vegetable!
of All Kinds.
Save "Sugar Bags.
ey are jnst the thing for the
coltee pot when the old one
5 rpTirant as is' frnrtentlv the
1 Saturday 1
I Specials j
s Pure Case Granulated Sugar,
S 5 lbs. S1.03
Electro Silicon, best powdered E
E- metal polish made, 3 boxes E
for ..-.25t S
S Bectro Silicon Polishing S
E Cream, Vj-lb, glass, 3 jars E
S tor 50C
E Big Four Xapiha Soap, . 19 E
E bars for : S2c S
E Hipp Washing Powder, 3 S
S large pkgs. for 17 C
E Mala Oil, 1 quart can 65c E
E Maiola O0, 1 pint can. -3oC E
S Slender Cucumbers, each 5i
E Selected Table Temavtoes, per E
E small basket 25c E
E Best Solid Cabbage, Ib.24c E
E Fancy Freestone Peaches, 5
E small basket ........ 35? E
E Bartlett Pears, small basket, s
i 50 s
E. Spring Chicken, lb 55 E
S Beef Tenderloin, lb...,. 62 E
I sommer bros. i
2Stk aat Farsaaa St.'
Hamay 18S.
Avoid "Risk
When You Buy
The economy in buying a whole ham is easily
understood when you consider that your
dealer must ask good prices for choice slices
in order to guard against losses on the less
salable portions (the shanks and ends).
But you perhaps nesitate to buy a whole-ham
for fear that you may get one too salty or
otherwise unsatisfactory in taste.
You will avoid all risk if you specify Puritan,
for every Puritan Ham is always mild, tends
and of excellent flaivr,
X torn au scent ,T. W. "(COKBOX. Mr.
r- ,-, 'nii1M . 1U1 Jaawa St.
, FU Oawraaa 1401.
rcriiaa Haraa ana Bacan wrr ntekai daSy ia nr Dana ha PJact,
inssriaa; freta, arihtry awaked neata at aJB timea.
iWaWHHn a m -"
hav-. , -
x 212 N. 16th St 2408 Coming 4903 S. 24th St
For Lowest Prices on Quality
Meats and Provisions
agaBaga1aaaaagaaaaaaamaaaaa.aa1 l'Jti TB m " Wl Tr TUT !ML S"m i II J- ' I a ' igaT-S. r. T 1 -" ' ' 1 r .
- ' f lS ' I
: q IT HAM I - J
S .-r' a mm Jm
i .tmW u m mm- k a a-tt - -
Special Inducements for the Early
Shoppers Saturday Morning
Sugar Cured Breakfast Bacon ( or whole side) . . 32c
Choice Beef Pot Roast ; . 12c
Choice Round Steak 23c
Choice Veal Roast 15c
Evaporated Milk (tall cans) , 6 for . . 75c
P. & G. Naptha or Stor Soap, 10 for 73c
Fancy Fresh Killed Hens 35c- ,
Fancy Fresh Killed Broilers I.... 53c
Choice Rib Boiling Beef 10c
Choice Round Steak 26c
Choice Sirloin Steak 28c
Choice Beef Pot Roast. . . . 14c
Prime Rib Roast 22c
Fresh Cut Hamburger .... 18c
Choice Corned Beef 17c
Choice Beef Chuck Roast. . 17c
Choice Beef Chuck Steak . . 19c
Sugar Cured Picnic Hams . 23c
Sugar Cured Regular Hams 37c
Sugar Cured Strip Bacon .29c
Sugar Cured Bacon Briskets
atl 29c
Sugar Cured Breakfast Bacon
Ah or whole) ... 34c
Morris Supreme Bacon (i or .
whole) at ... 50c
Choice Frankfurts and Wienies
- at ..18c
Choice Polish and Garlic
Sausage . ........ 18c
Choice Minced Ham . 23c
Choice Pressed Ham .... .23c
Choice Veal Loaf ...... .25c
Fancy Summer Sausage . . 25c
' Fresh Liver Sausage ..... 16c
Fresh Bologna Sausage . .. . 16c
Special Prices on --Swift's
Choice Veal Roast .-.17c
Choice Veal Stew 12&
Choice Veal Chops -. . . . . .20c
Choice Veal Steak . . 28c
Choice Veal Legs, (2 or whole)
at.. ..20c
Choice yeal Loins . ....... .20c'
Cudahy's Puritan or Swift's
Premium Lard, 100 pure,
5 lbs. net pail ... $1.25
Fancy Cream Cheese . . . .32c
Fancy Brick Cheese .30c
Specials on Canned Goods
at 4903 So. 24th and 2408
Cuming St:
Fancy Early June Peas, 3
for .40c
Fancy Sweet Corn for. . .40c
Fancy Cut Beans, 3 for . . .40c
Evaporated Milk, talis, 3
for . ... .40c
Evaporated Milk, small, ,
6 for 40c
P. & G. Naptha or Star Soapf
lObars ,76c
Fel White Soap, 10 bars. .70c
Fancy Sardines in Qil, 4 for 25c
Assorted Preserves 35c
Tomato Catsup, 15c each, or
2 for .... ....... 25c
N Assorted Jellies . . . . . . . .-.30c
JVe Fdl Mail Order from
This List