1 THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, JULY 29, . 1920. i 4 - . V MOTHER ON VERGE OF GRAVE OFFERS BABY FOR SALE Little Woman, Stricken With Tuberculosis, Advertises In- fant for $250 to Get Needed Rest. New York. Tulv 28 Rahv Mar. Jcaret McNulty, quoted at $250, re- maitied unsold today, v The , wee, blue-eyed maid, with her san-eolored hair and skin like thin porcelain, who was put on the market yesterday through' a news paper advertisement, piayed about all day serenely unconscious of the fact that a few hours ago she be came a commercial commodity, and a low priceVi commodity as figures on babies go. - . No more than four blocks due west from the third floor back room ot Second avenue where Baby Mc Nulty lives, another baby was ap praised not long ago when his mother swore in court that his care was worth more than $27,000 a year. But that was little John Jacob Astor, and he was not for sale at any price. Another For 11,000. - More recently, only a few months ?go, another mother, widowed and destitute, offered her son to whoever Avould give him affection and a good home for $1,000. But a white faced wisp of a woman, who watched Baby Mar ! garct with hungry eyes, today said ' thiso "Those mothers were naming the value of their babies to themselves. That was, why thev made those ' prices $1,000, and $20,000. , "I ant naming the price of my value her mother's value to my baby. Dollars and cents are only a symbol covering the cost of a fighting chance. That is why the amount is just what it is." It was only after the worry of weeks became desperation that Mrs. Katherine. McNulty finally felt that circumstances had driven her to part with her baby girl. A widow of tree years, she worked beyond her ength to care for the little daugh- and her brother, two years older, year ago she was stricken with in iiuenza. t was afterward that the doctor first mentioned a fighting ' chance, which would cost money for transportation to" the country, milk, eggs and rest. ' Makes Cut Price List. Her mind alwavs brouaht uo against the balance between this and the price list following: Feel of one pair of little, clinging hands, $50. Weight of a tiny body, drowsy in the twilight, $50. Two thousand five hundred and fifty-five "good, night" kisses, dis iributed over next seven years, $50. Sound of a baby voice prattling, "I love you." $50. Thrill of the word "mother," $50. Total, $250. Her story went on; "There wasn't any balance. But as I felt less able to be about I came to see that it wasn't what I wanted, but what is best for her. , Will Appreciate Action '"Some day she will be old enough to understand what-I am doing and whv. I shatl not be with her then. "Either way, whether rlet ber go voluntarily now or not,! should "not he with her. But, looking back through the understanding laj, she will know that I tried m V?) only way open to me. to raise marey to save her mothers life. She will feel that it was for htf that I tried. ' "Every baby has a right to a mother "And if taking money in exchange for my baby is the only way I can save her mother for her, am I not doing what is right? "Some day, if I live through the next few months, I may meet her again as my daughter, if the plan works out. Otherwise the doctor says I ?hall be here only a little while. This way'I can find the right ones to take her; the other way she would be DUtMn an institution. Although she made public her of fer yesterday. Mrs, McNulty has hidden herself away with hit two children, refusing to see any of the dozens who have called for inspec tion. After having brought herself -jto agree to the sale, she declared jp that she was not yet strong enough f-X to take the next step. .?' Her only relatives, also in poor - circumstances, live in Belfast, Ire land. 1 Her Garb Wood Fiber From Head to Tiptoe Miss Helene Peabody of Los An geles returned from Europe recent ly with a serviceable and unique wardrobe. From the top of her head to the toes of her feet she was garbed in clothes made of wood fibre. Here Miss Peabody is shown wearing her novel hat, which was made from the soft flexible bark of a palm tree. The bat is a Chinese motif tur ban trimmed with jade green wood en beads. Miss Peabody says she is determined to cut the high cost cf living. British and Canadian Veterans Go to Mexico To Locate On Lands Calgary, Alta., July 28. General Critchley, well known in Canadian military circles, has recruited and taken into Mexico three battalions of British and Canadian war veter ans to settle them on a million-acre estate, according to news reeved here today. These settlers, it was stated, are organized on a thorough military basis, including four fully equipped air squadrons. General Critchley and his brother, Major H. C Critchley, both of Cal gary, are in command of the expedi tion, the expenses of which are being provided for by the British govern ment, with an appropriation of 300,000 sterling. Divorce Court' - Divorce Petition. Luctls Gold aBaJnst Nathsn Go!. -eoa-mipport: Blle Bristol Call against Hstv A. Call, cruelly: Oiro Bunnell against Emma F. Bunnell, eeeertian. . The Bee's Fund for Free Milk and Ice Brief City News Police Learn to Give First Aid Treatmenf Police Surgeon Waters, tinder the direction of Health Commissioner Edwards," has inaugurated instruc tion classes for Omaha police pa trol drivers yifirst aid treatment.. Commissioner Edwards said yes terday these classes would be held twice a .week. Their purpose, he said, is to eliminate, the custom of drivers of police emergencyii cars waiting for a -surgeon at the scene cf an accident. These classes will later be ex tended to include all patrolmen in the police department, he declared. Indiana Lawmaker Guest , t Of Congressman Jfferis Congressman Everett Sanders of Indiana was a guest of Congressman Jetfris Tuesday while enroute to Arlington to deliver a Chautauqua address. Congressman Sanders was first elected in 1916 when he ran against Eugene V. Debs as a socialist candi date, besides the democratic nomi nee. "Debs didn't make a "front celT campaign against me," said Sanders.1 "He went into every corner of the ; district and corralled almost half as many votes as I did." Liberty Bcr.ds Casned American State Bank, 18th and Farnam Sts. Adv. Iowa Couple Wed Miss Voile Doty and Francis Caj-ley, both of LeMars, la., were married by Rev. Charles W. Savidge at his residence Tuesday afternoon. Little Ruth Wants a Home; Ruth is bright, intelligent, healthy little gill, 7 years old, who is now being cared for by the Nebraska Children's Home society, 107 Leflang building. Howell Makes Talk R. B. Howell, manager of the Municipal Gas plant and the Metropolitan Water board, spoke at the regular meeting of the Omaha Rotary club in the Rome ho tel yesterday noon. J. M. Hogan was the chairman of the meeting. "Cupid" Takes Vacation After having been steadily on duty for 12 years, Herbert Stubbendorfr license clerk at the court house, will leave next Tuesday with his wife and daughter for Yellowstone park while they will spend a two-weeks' vacation. Struck By Anlo Struck by an au tomobile driven by James R. Mc Kenna, 6117 South Twenty-third street Tuesday night, Frank Hyra, Forty-seoond and Harrison streets, was injured about the face and body. After being attended by police sur geons he was taken home. Sues For ' $25,000 Alleging that she received serious Injury by being struck by an automobile driven by Dorothy Brown, daughter of the pro prietor of the Brown apartments, Lallie Lerner, by her father, .Samuel Leroer, 2512 Calwell street, filed suit in the district court, asking f J5, B09 damages.-' Excuse Acoepeed Charged with leaving his automobile parked too long at Eighteenth . and Douglas streets, Monday afternoon, H. Brauer, employed by the Ryan Jew elry company, was discharged yes terday In police court. He told the judge he had gone into a barbershop .to get a prewedding shave. . Arrested For Peeping Roy Gil eon, taxi driver, who lives at the Neville hotel, is held by the police, charged with' prowling about Thir tieth and Harney streets early yes terday morning, and to have been peeping in at a window at 8609 Har ney treet- The man told the police, he was sitting on the porch taking a cinder from his shoe. Ivy Water Bia Paid Because of a settlement of the water bill which had been held up. the tenants in the Ivy apartments are rejoicing because they have water again. R. B. Howell, manager of the water board, announced yesterday that a man who failed to give his name, of fered to pay the bill, and said he would get a refund of the money from a man named Howell of Eioux City, la., whom, he said, was the owner of the apartment , . It's hard to realize jlist what the few nickels a day required for milk mean to a very poor family. The mother, her time taken up with a brood of children and without, money, ' frantically seeks work and spends her strength freely for the little ones. Often this brings bad results. The Bee's fund helps such moth ers by providing the milk and ice for the babies and very small children. ICot a cent spent an "overhead ex penses." Every cent goes to the little ones. Send or bring what you can to The Bee office for this very worthy cause. Previously reported SIT1.7S Mra C. C. C, Schuyler. Neb S.eO T. D. B., Cedar Rapids, Neb &.G0 Total fMl.Ts ADVERTISEMENT , MOTHER! "California Syrup'of Figs" '" Child's Best Laxative Accept "California" Syrup of Figs only look for the name California cn the package, then you are sure your child is having the best and most harmless physic for the little stomach, liyer and bowels. Chil dren love its fruity taste. Full di rections on' each bottle. You must say "California." Fry's Big Reduction Sale , STILL CONTINUES Tomorrow we continue the most popular Shoe Sale we have ever put on. Not only have the values been greatest, but the crowds have been most appreciative. Many a buyer who has come in here for a pair has gone home with several. These surprisingly low prices on such high-grade footwear as "Laird & Schober, Wright & Peters, Ziegler Bros, and others. FOR WOMEN Our $12.00 Hand-turned and welt Kid, Russia Calf and White Nile Oxfords, Pumps and One Eyelet Ties NOW $8.45 Our $15.00 --Bench-made, Brown Kid, Patent, Gray Buck and Black Ed, Astor Ties, Colonials and Oxfords N Our $10.00 Oxfords, Pumps, Colonials, One, ard Two-Eyelet Ties, Calf, Kid and Patent x NOW $7.45 Our $15.00 Bench-made, Black Kid, Suede and Brown Kid, Theo Ties, Astor Ties and Oxford Ties NOW $9.45 1 NOW $10.45 MEN'S OXFORDS ' $3.00 OFF Every pair of Leather Oxfords in our entire stock. Consid ering quality, service and style, we are certain that no bet ter Shoe values exist. , 16th and Douglas Sts. We Take Pleasure in Announcing That Our Sixth Annual August Sale of T&Hs m?lh t-Jpr'Ji Cuticura Soap Complexions' Are Healthy - mm. a -GREATEST MATTRESS SALE OF THE YEAR NEXT SATURDAY AT UNION OUTFITTING CO, A . Special Parch Makes It Possible to Sell Them at Marked Redaction. Every Mattress is Well Made and There is Almost Every Wanted Style. In view of the present price ef cotton and cotton materials, the Special Purchase Sale, which takes place at the Union Outfit ting Company next Saturday is of more than ordinary interest. The sale prices will be the talk of Omaha, for they are many Dollars below the 'prices such high grade mattresses ( would regularly sell for. Every mattress is filled with selected materials, built, in a last ing and sanitary manner by a maker who insists that all of his mattresses be just so. There is every kind, from the plain felt top to all felt mattress with roll edge. The sale again brings convinc ing evidence of the ever increas ing Buying Power of the Union Outfitting Company and its abil ity to lower prices, because of its economic methods of operation and location out of the High Rent District. f As always, you make your own terms. GO L VI II 9 back mte . Man bad irnxri 5eM rrTCH. icxuu, Sherman & McConnell Drag Co. ADTEBTISEMkxT Absolutely New Method For Superfluous Hair. (Sore War ta Reraeve Root n4 All) Goodbye to depilatories, the electric needle. -and the ruorl Here at last u a method that remove superfluous hair completely, raets and all easily, harra lexly, quickly Nothing like it ever heard of before. If you'd like to try this wonderful proc ess, just ret a tiek of phelactixw froea your dmRarist, follow the simple instruc tion and with year own eye aee the hair root cone at! See how perfectly smooth and hair-free your akin will be. Phelaetine is noB-irritating, odorless, and o harmless you could eat it I AOTEETOSEMEVr O 0 0 o o Girls! Dslifhtful Hew Vanishing Creio Containing True Buttermilk; Mast Make You Look Young er or Money Back. Tour complexion from the use "of this old-fashioned beauty recipe brought up to date, must quickly show a decided improvement or your dealer is authorized to return your money. Be sure yon get Howard's Buttermilk Cream Sherman 4 McConnell Drag Co. rv this norxferftfl book wis be sent freetoarnj man upon re quest ...... Too Fat? De sot try to become slen der by drastic doses of thyroid or salts. Reduce weight and waistiiaa; also ips.eiwstilecam.etc.by the safe, reliable Korein system. The shadow on this picture gives yocan idea how shelooked and felt. Bv takmr Earwn and following easy directions of KoTemsystem (he raeacad from clumsy features to graceful proportions. Now she is agile, cnraokWa, men tally alert and in txtter health. Why not ym? Reliable ann-fat self-treatment. ' Become Slender and Stay So Many, both sexes, report they iiave tadecej 10 to SO ponds. No starving; no exhausting exercises. Become exgmntelv Blender and remain- so. Safe, pleasant method, endorsed by physicians. Legions of testimoniala. HOC GUARANTEE or roonry refund. But Ksiri.ii (pronounced fcoreen) at baar Vaaw4' Show fat friends this ADVERTISEMENT TO GET IN OR OUT OF BUSI NESS, TO BUY OR SELL PROP ERTY. USE BEE WANT ADS. ADTKBTMEHKNT ADVEBTISEMEXT PESKY y b u os Bedbugs lay an average of evea eggs ner day. Under favorable condition they katea in five day of ' which two-third are females. They mature to adult sise and are capable of laying in foar meek. How xnany bedbugs would yon have in s year if you left one female or egg vmo tested for one year? . Ta rid the pesky bedbug, you can readily see how neeessary it is to use a preparation that will kill ike eggs a well as the live enes. P. D. Q. has been desenatrated by the leading Hospitals, Hotels aad Bailroad Companies that the safest sad meat economical way to step future generations ef bedbugs. roaches, fleas and aats is to use the new discovery Pesky Devils Quietus "P. D. Q." A tic package of P. D. Q. makes a quart, enough ta kill a million bedbugs, reaches, fleas and cooties and t "at the 'same time destroy their eggs. impossible lor them to exist when P. D. Q. is properly used. . Free, patent spout in every package to get the pesky devils in the hard-to-get-at-nlaee , and save the juice. , Spatial Hospital aad Hotel sis fZ.SS make five gallons of P. D. Q. your drug gist has it or can get it for .yen. Sold by Sherman MeCeaaell Drug Co, aad H ether leading druggists, Omaha. Neb. Fistula-Pay When Cured A mild system ef treatment that cures Piles. Fistula and etan ,VMei hrt with a severe ergical op. A cure jTiamnUed every case aeeweted for treatment, mmd rJI7T. STTSi VZZi ff-Jr tot . Diseasea. with nVnas'aod testimonials of mot than J" FUR Begins Monday, Aug. 2 and we cordially invite you to view our extensive assemblage of beauti ful new furs during the Three Courtesy Days, July 29,30 and 31 and make your advance selection be fore the sale starts. All furs selected during these three days will be held for the customer until the beginning of the sale. Fur Dept. Aecead Fleer SEE WINDOWS AND SUNDAY PAPERS FOR FURTHER PAR TICULARS REGARDING THE GREAT PRICE SAVINGS WHICH WILL BE IN EFFECT DURING AUGUST. everybody store" IH mm mmm. EVERYBODY STORE" Wash Boards 49c Attend the Special Demonstration of the " One Minute Electric Washing Machines Wash Boilers $6,95 Well made, good size rabbing: erriee. Make Your Ironing Easy With a made of copper, has station try wood handles, one piece cover. Num ber nine size. If you are interested in taking the drudgery out of wash day and getting a wash day , servant 11 win pay you 10 see mis dem onstration. . "ONE MINUTE ELECTRIC WASHERS" will save you hours . of hard work. Everything is done mechanically, all you J . w ' - do is get the w ashing ready, turn on the cur rent andhe "ONE" MINUTE ELEC- Glothes Baskets $1.00 Simplex Ironer A labor-saving device which ; has solved the ironing made of elm splint, oval shape, wood bottom. Parjor Brooms $1.19 TRIC WASHER" Will, do the rest. Electric "One Minute" Washers are made in a variety of models for every V X x X X X x x x X i L4O1 sfT mi vince you that it is the modern method of ironing. ,X X X X X X V X X X X X I id 111 JUL ft I X. X X X X X X X Ht -ax r x U& X B I . . . X IMA Wringer V EHr qc X ffesStSSEEl . X. j x An Clothes X vl question tvA.in.A aft Jhere is not the X parior brooms, s iehtest need for X D.est Pty ... A. . j rbxoom corv. you LO BUsUU. iui a half or full day, push ing a heavy iron and tir ing yourself out when you can do the same work much better, with ease, in an hour's time on a home, for' any purse. Single tubs or twin tubs with latest improvements for safe ty, speed and economy. Adjustable dollp reversible swinging wringer instant safety release device on wringer hand folding rack- nothing has been omitted to make the ONE MINUTE ELECTRIC WASHER capable of a lifetime satisfactory ser vice. Wringer $5.95 Wood frame clothes wringer, 12-in. roll ers, warranted for three yeart. Horseshoe Brand. Simplex Ironer A special demonstration THURSDAY will con vince you that it is the modern method of ironing. The SIMPLEX IRONER is motor driven and gas heated and wili.save you hours of work on ironing day Clothes Line 95c 3 ml " h a ad laid water-proof clatBM liaes 5M eat lettrth. ,. Wash Tuhs $1.39 O ma4c ef heavy tel. vaaised iro, first eealitr. Nasaset thres sise. '3 1 i 3 . 5 tt t r "nahi M U j 1 'LI.