Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 25, 1920, EDITORIAL, Image 30

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6 D
Boat streak or ruin your material ta
to poor dy. Imist on "Diamond Dye.
ijssT arxecirana in tin;
Lemons Whiten and Double
Beauty of the Skin
v . Squeeze. the juice of two lemons
Into a bottle containing three ounces
of Orchard White which caii be hadN
at any druK store, snake wen ana
you have a quarter pint of harmless
nd delightful lemon bleach for few
Hcents. .
t Massage this sweetly fragrant lo
'tion into the face, neck, arms and
hands each day, then, shortly note
"the beauty of jua skin.
Famous stage beauties use lemon
Ijuice to bleach and bring that soft,
..clear, rosy-white complexion. Lem
ons have always been used as a
'freckle, sunburn and tan remover.
Make this up and try it.
There is no use suffering 'with
sore, sweaty, burning, aching, tired,. 5
tender, swollen feet or offensive ' "
odors. Get a Vi-or. bottle of Dry, ?
.? Foot Antiseptic Lotion of your drug- 5
? (1st, put It in a 4-ounce bottle, fill
" it up with, water and apply this .5
I diluted solution to your feet. It 's
will instantly relieve the feverish
H and tender condition, prevent apd
s destroy odors of perspiration. v '
5 " ?
Removes Wrinkles and
RefreshesJTired Faces
As the skin tends - to expand in warm
weather, causing wrinkles to form, a
good astringent-tonic lotion should-fee used
these days. Dissolve an ounce' of pure
powdered saxolite in a half pint of witch
hate). Bathe the face in this and see
how quickly the wrinkles and furrows will
1 disappear and how much younger- yqu
will look I There's nothing better for sag
ging cheeks or double chin, or for en
larged pores. '
V Use fills simple lotion during the heat
of the day and you will find it wonder
fully refreshing. You will loae thst wilty,
tired look. The ingredients of course are
perfectly harmless. Be faure to ask the
druggist for powdered saxolite. ,
Darkens Beautifully, and Re
stores Its Natural Color
and Lustre at Once.
, "Confrnon garden sage brewed into
a heavy tea, with sulphur and alco
hol added, will turn gray, streaked
and faded hair beautifully dark and
luxuriant.' Mixing the Sage Tea and
JSulphur recipe "at home, though, is
troublesome. An easier way is to
get the ready-to-use preparation im
proved by the addition of other in
gredients in a large" bottle, at little
cost, at drug scores, known . as
"Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Com
pound," thus avoiding a lot of muss.
While gray, faded hair is notsin
ful, we all desire to retain our youth
ful appearance N and attractiveness.
By darkening your hairV with
Wyeth's - Sage and Sulphur ConiL
pound, no one' can tell, because it
does it so naturally, so evenly. You
just dampen a sponge or soft brush
tif li Vl it mA tA fi ar 4 tit e Vi CAH rr ll Irftllf
" , , , J 4 1
hair, taking one small Strand at -
time; oy morning an gray natrs nave
disappeared. After anQther, applica
tion or two yotirdnair becomes beau
tifully dark, gl6ssy, soft and luxuri
ant and you appear years younger.
When you end yoir com with Bluer will be the last corn you let grow
You will know how to stop the pain.
And how to quickly and completely
end all corns."
There are millions who use Blue
jay now, and they never let a corn
' The new-day way
Blue-jay is the new-day way, the
'scientific method.
1 It was perfected in a. laboratory
world-famed for its surgical dressings.
It is supplanting the many treat
ments which are harsh and inefficient.
- It has made paring as ridiculous
as it is unsafe, for paring doesn't
end corns.
Do this tonight:
. Apply to a corn a Blue-jay plaster
or liquid Blue-jay whichever you
preiy. "J..
' Mark how the pain stops. Then
wait a little and the corn will loosen
and come out.
Same Women Who Claim
Credit for Dry Amendment
Organize to Banish the
- 1 Painted Cheeks.
" New York, July- 3. War on
powder and paint has been declared
by the same wome.n who were so
important a factor in effecting the
passage of the prohibition amend
ment. Satisfied with their accom
plishment in that direction, they are
now turning their attention to the
abuse of cosmetics and if their ut
terances and promises on the sub
ject count for anything an anti
cosmetic amendment is to be feared.
Fourteen hundred women, consti
tuting the membership of' the Kings
County Women's Christian Temper
ance Union, will,form' the nucleate
of the organization to start the on
slaught on the paint and powder
Excess. ,
'At the last meeting of the season
of the Frances Willard union of-the
W. C T. U., of New York, Mrs.
George F. Pashley, state superin
tendent, announced the new platform
of the organization and was hailed
with loud applause.
Mrs. Fashlev said she thought
lUhings had grown much worse-since
the war. mis sne auriDuteu to mc
fascination of men in uniform for
young girls. '
Take Tablets without Fear if
For Headache
Pain, Colds
Lumbago .
'Bayer" introduced Aspirin to physicians 20 years ago.
Bandy tin boxes of 12 tablets, eost but a few cents Larger packages.
Aspirin la the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoactteanleter pf Sallcyllcacld
Doctor Tells How to Strengthen
Eyesight 50 Per Cent in One
Week's Time in Many Instance
A free Prescription You Can1 Have-Filled
and Use at Home
Philadelphia. Pa. Do you wear glasses T
Are you a victim of eye strain or other
eye weaknesses? If so, you will be glad
to know that according to Dr. Lewis there
is real hope for you. Many whose eyes
were failing say they have had their eyes
restored through the principle of this
wonderful free prescription.' One man
-says, after trying it: "I was almost blind;
could not see to read at all. Now I 'can
read everything without any glasses and
my eyes do not water any more. At night
they would pain dreadfully; now they
feel fine all the time. " It was like a
miracle to me." A. lady who used it says :
"The alknosphere seemed hazy with or
without glasses, but alter using' this pre
scription for fifteen, days everything seems
clear. I can even read fine print without
glasses. It is believed that thousands
who wear glasses can now discard them
in a reasonable time and multitudes more
III L 1 . . .1 .
b able to strengthen their eyes so as
to be spared the trouble and expense of
ever getting glasses. . Eye troubles of
many descriptions may - be wondexfully
benefited by following the simple rules.
Here is the prescription : . Go to any active
drug store and get a bottle of Bon-Opto
tablets. Drop one Bon-Opto tablet in a
The Last Corn
What that corn does all corns will
do.' Some 20 million corns a year
are ended in this way.
Don't suffer corns. Don't have
your, feet disfigured.' .They can be
ended almost lis easily as a dirt-spot
on your face. 'They are just as inex
cusable. Don't forget this. It means (oo
much to you.
Ask your druggist for Blue-jay.
MFTM Ml '1
Pln.l. '
, suoiCr or. L1QU1Q
The Scientific Corri Eqder
BAUER A BLACK CbitatoNwYork Torooto
Makes of Sterile Surgical Dmeuw asd iUKed tVoVt
Finder Prints
Use , Not
Photograph of Thumb Tip
Will Never Change
- While Features
May. , ' '
Ntw York, July 24. In Norris-
town, Pa., the brave mother of baby
Blakely Couglin, recently kid-naped,-is
keeping up her. spirits and
saying shei believes her child will
eventually be found.
But meanwhile, a clue is
discovered, whenever a baby whose
description tallies with that of her
lost - son is found, Mrs. Coughlin
must take a trip to some distant
place, expensive arid disappointing
at its 'end. " , s '
'Each day that passes is changing
Blakeley's little features. In a few
years if he were to be found it is
doubttul it his own motner ouia
recognize him.
There is only one means of iden
tification that time doesn't change
the finger print.
v Solved Many Murders.
The finger print has soiyed many v
crimes, traced many murderers.
Some interested investigators of,
the Elwell mystery claim that if th&
retina of Elwell's eves had been
photographed, a picture of the mur-
Amr micrkm have, heen found there.'
This theory was part of a, statement
with intent to prove Paris more ex-
you see the "Bayer Cross"
Insist upon a
Bayer package,'
which contains ,
safe, proper
directions.' '
Proved safe by
fourth of a glass of water and allow to
dissolve. With this liquid bathe the eyes
two to four times daily. You should
notice your eves clear UP perceptibly right
1 from the
start and
t i o n will
if your
eyes are
b otbering
you, even
a little,
take steps
to a a v e
them now
before i t
is too late.
Many hopelessly blind might have . been
saved if they had cared for their eyes in
time. i
NOTK: Another prominent ph?,lclaa to whom the
tbove article was submitted, id: "Bon Opto u
ierj remarkable remedy. Its constituent Ingre
dients are well known to eminent eye specialists
snd widely prescribed to them. The manufactur
ers suarantee it to strengthen eyesight 60 per cent
In one week's time in many Instances or refund
tlie money. It can be obtained from any good
druggist and la one of the very few preparations
I feel should he kept on hand for regular use to
almost every family." It Is sold In this city by sll
good druggists. Including The Sherman A McCoo
nell and the Melcher Stores.
i 11 In)
Only' Sure Identification; , ,
Confined to Criminal Classes
' li.T
pert in detecting crime than New
York. - x : "
"The idea of taking pictures of
dead men's eyes is ,an ingenious
theme of detective stories," said
Frederick Kuhrte for many years at
tached to the bureau of criminal
identification of the police depart
ment in his 'city, who is a finger
print expert. '
"But5 the finger print is the most
positive means X identifying any
"Think of the endless, trips and
trouble in store for Mrs. Coughlin,
whose little 'son has been stolen. No
mother could hear of any x:lue with
out looking it up. And each trip that
is fruitless means sickening disap
pointment for her. '
Finger Prints End Worry.
"If mothers had children finger
printed how much trouble could be
I tnoueht of a maeazin storv
written a few years ago by a clever
young woman in which she lold of
babie carelessly lost and mislaid in
hospitals. Lurious as it seems, brand
iew m.ites of humanity with trie
same ccnojing of hair and eyes could
be very tasily mixed' up. This
writer recommended at-that time, I
recall, tnei nnger-pnnting oi babies
immediately after birth to avoid
heart-breaking mistakes. Imagine
the mental turmoil of ayoung moth
er watching a child grow up, never
knowing if the little one 'she shel
tered were really her own.
Children change rapidly when
growing from babyhood. Features
and characteristics ' become more
definite. But the tips of the fingers
never change Except to'grow- larger,
but; m expanding, the design of the
lines remain unalterable. f "
x'TheHde'a of taking printsof fin
gers is associated in mosr minds
with crime," continued Mr. Kuhne.
"Bit it should not be thought of in
that respect, in view of the help it
can render to many other exigencies
of life. . , . -
Nof in Crime Alone. ) -,
"For instance, take the case of -a
man making a will, ie may name
a relative for a beneficiary. But
there may be two menof the same
name in the family. .After the sign
er of the will is dead, who can say
to which relative he intended to
will his fortune? A finger print, of
the object of his benovolence would
simplify proceedings greatly.
"Often, in accidents, people are so
helplessly injured thattheir bodies
cannot be claimed by relatives. In
fires and other disasters if we had
finger prints of victims many a
person would not go to an unknown
"In the theft ot the famous paint
ills' of Mona Lisa from the Louvre,
a finger print led to the discovery of
the thief.
"Before that time the French' did
.-......J........J ...... -v- iv-iwii4
Do Yon Digest What Yon Eat?
Nqt what you eat, but what you digest
'will benefit your system. v
Good, healthy appetite and proper functions of
Price t
4 ease naranUsd ia every ease accepted for treatment, and no money is to be naid vatS
eavaa. Write for book oa Rectal Diseases, wita name and testimonials of awn tana
1,SM nremlnent people who Bare been permanently cured.
DR. K. K. TARRY UmUjrif Ik r-TT. Trust BUar. (Ben sMsto.) Osnafca. Wefc.
Ifnot want to use finger' prints. That
would mean the throwing out of the
BertHlqn system.- The French arc a
very- conservative people in such
cases. ...
"Yet for a long time prints had
been made secretly vof thefihgers
of criminals, and were kept in the
archives of the Paris police.
v . Stole as Patriot.
"Vincenzo Pernugio, while lie wals
working; in the Louvre, stole the
picture because, according to his
own statement, he wantecj his own
country, Italy, to have possession
of the great work of her son, Leon
ardo da Virfci.
"But he left 'finger prints on the'
glass and frame that had enclosed
Moha Lisa's famous smile. Later it
was found those marks were identi
cal with . the prints of Pernugio's
digits taken on a previous occasion,
when he had been convicted of car-
rjing firearms without a permit.
"In the Caruso gem robbery the
strong box that contained the jew
els should not have' been touched
after the loss was discovered. But
everyone about handled it and the
traces of fingers must' have been ob
literated." 1
A new compound, practically an
oxy-chloride of lime, decreases the
time required for hardening cement
and improves its quality. 1 -
TaceITstocking A
Lacee like a legging.
An mm each, two at re-
b..75 duced te- Cal1
T or send for mea
surement Blank No.i 35.
Room 323, Longacre Blejs-,
Broadway and 42d St.,
New York City.
for Rehi;
and Adding
Machines of
All Makes
Central Typewriter
Doug-. 4120 1912 Farnam St.
the digestive apparatus will be
the results after taking t
Valuable for the convalescent High
v ly recommended to weak and deli
, catejpersons. The proper tonic for
people of advanced years.
73c and 3c Tax, r $1.50
' and 6c Tax
druggists or write tor
Scvcra Co. "K
CEiti euros. ,
.When Curedl
A mild system of treatment that cures Piles, Flstnla mat
Rectal Disoases ia a abort lime, without a seera sarcical e
ik Ma riiiAnfna Rtkir nther ateneral aaesthetle vised
IWhisky Hath'Cha rms
.To Tame the Savage x
Try This Out at Home
Alexandria, Va., July 24. If a
burglar comes to rob you, offer
him whisky and you are saved.
This isV the advice oi James M.
Tneakle, of this city. He tried it
and found it worked.
While alone in his store two ne
groes entered and demanded his
money, ojip of them threatening him
with a pistol. , . ,
Treakle-had a good-sized roll in
Ills pocket and money, in the till,
but he didn't have a weapon. ,
He reached under the counter and
drew out a pint of liquor. 1 v
"This is pretty good stuff; it's ,
better .than money," said TreakU,
holding out the bottle. ,
While they' were drinking. , the
storekeeper, looked out 'of the win
dow and shouted: "Here comes the
The negroes fled . through the
hack door and scaled a fence and
disappeared. ' .
Approximately 75 per cent of the
silk mills in Paterson, N. J., are
shut down. The fewvtfiat have re
sumed operations" in the last ew
weeks have dorTe so with a I6'i-er
wage scale of employees.
Of English invention are sia
chines for making briquets from the
borings of brass or' cast iron at a
speed of four tons an hour. "
One Form
- of Pain
that no one should neglect
is itching, bleeding or pro
truding piles or hemorrhoids.
" Pyramid
Pile Treatment
should give relief "no matter
how badly you surfer.
Ask any drusrsist any
where in the U. S. -or
Canada 'for a 60 cent box
of Pyramid Pile Treatment
and don't accept a substi-
"Tiz" for sore, tired, puffed
up, aching, calloused
. feet or corns.
You can be happy-footed in a mo
ment. Use "Tiz" and never suffer
with tender, raw, burning, blistered,
swollen, tired, smelly feet. "Tiz"
and only "Tiz" takes the pain and
soreness out of corns, callouses and
bunions. ,
As soon as you put your feet in a
"Tiz" bath you just feel theihappi
ness soaking in. How good your
poor, old feet feel. They want to
dance for joy. "Tiz" is grand. "Tiz"
instantly draws out all the poison
ous exudations which puff up your
feet and eatise sore, inflamedach
ing, sweaty, smelly feet;
Get a bqjc of "Tiz" at any drug
store or department store. Get in
stant foot relief. Laugh at foot suf
ferers who complain. Because your
feet are never, never going to bother
or make you limp any more.
Promotes Beauty
Of Skin and Hair
Cuticura Soap when used
far every-day toilet pur
poses not only cleanses,
purifies and beautifies but
it prevents many little
skin 'troubles if assisted
by occasional use of Cuti
cura Ointment to , soothe
and heal Cuticura Tal
cum imparts a delicate
lasting fragrance leaving
the skin sweet and-whole-some.
Soa 28c Ointaaent 28 and SOe.Talctnn
2b. Sold thronshoat the wnrVI. For
ample each free address: 'Tsancaara Laa
'ey bactt witnout qiiestioa
UNT'S Salve failsT
ant of ITCH , KCZKatA,
WORaf, Tkf TER
ttArog sHn rliisuaes. Try
Shsrmaa f, McCfUfll Pru lCa,r
Physiciajn Explains VJhy JdT
, Prescribes Quxatod Iron for V
tMM InAtataa n m a-a ism Sana' ELWa--.iA V
Say It Quickly Increases
of Men and Brings
of Nervous, Run-down Women " i
Aak the vt
atretic, healer
w pesfbs yon
what ttey owe
atreaath and
ana tea- how many
.reply "Nuiatad Iron."
Dr. James Francis Solfi
ean, fermerly Physician of
SeUeeae Hospital (Otrt
door tXrot.), of Ntrsr York
and the Westchester
County Hospital says:
"Thousands oi nerrons,
tun-down, anaemic people
infer from iron deficiency
but do not know what
to take. There ia noth
ing like organic iron
Nuxated Iron to quickly enrich the Hood,
ana mereoy P roses u too coeese m
women and fire men increased strength
iiii .V i j i WlJ
Unlike the elder forms of iron. Nttxated
Iron dpea not Jnjnre the teeth nor upset
tne stomacn. Dut readily assimilated
inn toii can murlrlv mviffniM am ftrfinn
7 - I t V.t.
byy reneweq ieehne; of buoyant health,
iia maiicr wnai omer iron remedies
you hare used without success if you
are not stronr or well yon owe it to
yourself to make the following test:
hee how long you can work or how far
yoth can -walk without becoming tired;
next take two Bre-irrain tablets of Nux-
ated Iron three times per day after meals
for two weeks. Then test your strength
againanrrsee how much you h.Te gained.
To be afcsolutelv SUe of gcttisg real
organic iron and not some form of
the metallic variety alwaya uk lor
This wonderful book will be
sent free toanu man upon re
quest . -.
n iMRJDt linn n MirAj m
Ti 9wmnmrnW Vin-t llrTJs Wi;l
Can Make Immediate Delivery on
1 Underwoods,
Remingtons, Royals,
L. C. Smiths, - Olivers
. and Coronas
Buy Now and Save Money.
Centra Typewriter
Qotiff. 4120 1912 Farnam St.
Phone Douglas 2793
Tt'il PmiNiTING-fif?Tgr V
3QJ. UbUHW mim FARNAH ILaa j hjnP-
uoose leap
Bedbugs lay an average of seven eggs
per day. Under favorable conditions
they hatch in five daya of which two
thirds are females. They mature to adult
size and are capable of laying in four
weeks. How many bedbugs would you.
have in a year if you left one female or
egg unmolested for one year? To rid
the pesky bedbug, you can readily see
how necessary it is to use a preparation
that will kill the eggs as well as the live
ones. P. D. Q. has been demonstrated by
the leading Hospitals, Hotels and Railroad
Companies that the safest and moat eco
nomical way to stop future generations
of bedbugs, roaches, fleas and ants is to
Hot Summer Sun Trying
On the Complexion
How to Protect Your Skin and Bring
Roses to Your Cheeks
A Free Oatmeal Prescription Does Its
' Work Overnight. - You v Can Pre
pare It at Home.
New York Exposure to sun, dust and
wind has a very bad effect upon the skin
and complexion. There is a wayto over
come this. "It is my own discovery and
takes just one night to get such mar
velous results," says Mae Edna Wilder
when her friends ask her about her won
derful complexion arfd the improved ap
pearance of her handstand arms. ,"You
can do the same thing if j(OU follow my
advice," she says. "I feel it my duty to
tell ' every girl and woman what thia
wonderful prescription did for me. Just
think of it. All this change in a single
night. I never tire of telling others just
what brought about auch remarkable' re
sults. Here is the identical formula that
removed every defect from my face, neck,
hands and arms. Until you try it you
form no idea of the marvelous change it
will make in just one application. The
prescription, which you can prepare at
your own home, is as folows:
"Go to any grocery store and get ten
eents' "worth : of ordinary oatmeal, and
from any department or drug store a
bottle of Derwillo. Prepare the oatmeeal
as directed in every package of Derwillo.
Before applying Derwillo cleanse the
akin thoroughly with a good cleansing
eream. (Liska cold cream I have found to
be the best). Tbe first application will
astenish you. It makes the skin 'appear
transparent, smooth and velvety. I es
pecially recommend this method for dark,
sallow skin, shiny nose, freckles, tan,
sun spots, coarse pores, rough skin, rud
diness, wrinkTes, and, in fact, every
blemish the face, hands and arms are
heir to. If your neck or chest is discol
ored from expoeurey-'apply this combi
nation there apd the objectionable defect
wilt disappear as if by magic. It is ab
solutely harmless and will not produce
or stimulate a growth of hair. Slnee
abort sleeves axe in vogue it is necessary
tbe Strength and Energy
Roses to the Cheeks v
Over Fottf.:i.
Million PopU
. Annualh
Are Taking
Nuxated Iron ,
ffiiMted Iran In
it OTigiotl ptck.
Nuxated Iron
ul increase the
... i. . ..j
endurance of delicate, ner-
yon,, run.d0wn people, in
a i -
,wo weeaj xune in many
u .w.-.j v. - ..
U JljIj! I S' "f"1 (
wa,11 SSJ.
tike ih. older uodic iroTproJocu Tit uea.ll '
anisuUnd asd does not injur, the tMtb, -ae
"J"1 black, nor upset the stomack Each tables
J""" Naaaiad Iron u sumpod kAowi
""VI uaatedJtoa are etamped immTil ,
" 'L' nb M
"'UTL 2
lory r.7s to e.ery purchiT tWrBlS
your money. It h c-ik1 by all rood ox m a
to tahlctJoms-O, 'mma,. .
Fat Folks
Be Slender
$100.00 GUARANTEE -
oTer-atout, you will be happy to
learn how you may easily rea.uca
weight and measurements without ,
starvation diet, thyroid,
or exhausting exercise.
These pictures give
you an idea of improve
ment in appearance and
you may expect wonder
ful benefit in personal
attractiveness and win
ning efficiency when you
are slender. ,
SuaiiaiiMi weight eeowe.
Boa reported even after
just a tew days' treatment.
With proper reduction th
flesh becomes firm, the akin
amootn ana
the general
health im
Droved: in
fact, work seems easier and
a lighter, more buoyant 'feel
ing takes possess ion of the
whole being. It is a fine sen
sationthat of looking and
feeling yosmc. supple, chaeK
f ul,active,alert and magnetic
if yosj want to reduce 10
to 60 pounds satfely
Sleasantly, you should give
orein system a trial. The
name Koraia is pronounced
koreen. Start on the road
to longer life and happiness
today. Obtain a small bos
of IC orein under $100 money-
refund guarantee at any dust
drag store. Show your friend
this advertisement.
Biters tod Artsl
use the new discovery.
Pesky Devil)
Quietus r. D. Q.
A 35a package of P. D. Q.
makes t
quart, enough to kill a .million bedbugs
roacnes, iieas ana cooues ana av -tni
same time destroy their eggs.
Impossible for them to exist when .P.
D. Q. " is propef.y used. Free, patent
apout in every package to get the pesky
devils in the bard-to-get-at-places and
Bave the juice. .... f
Special Hospital and Hotel size $2J0-
makes five gallons of P. D. Q. -youl
drugsrist has it or can get it for you,
Sold by Sherman & McConnell Drug Go.,
and all other, leading druggists, Omaha,
Neb. i
, a. 1 1 S aT.TfWaaJ
nwerwrzii ..Mar -- 1 2aaV "
k Mir
to have beautiful hands and arms .and
no matter how rough and ungainly tha
hands and -arms or what abuses they
have had through hard work and x
poHUre to aun and wind, this combina
tion will work a waonderful transforma
tion. Thousands who are using it report
the same resulta I have had."
Miss O. C. says: "My complexion ' was
poor and my skin rough. My neck, chest,
hands and arms were dark from, expo
sure. The very first application of this
wonderful . Derwillo-oatmeal combination
convinced me that my poor complexion
aiid skin blemishes would . soon . be. a
thing of the past. In a few weeks all v
these unsishtly defects had entirelf ' dis
appeared and I shall always use' it to
keep my complexion afits best all. the
time. I have recommended it to my girl
friends and they are just as enthusiastic
over it as 1 am. We all use it before
going to the theater, dances or partjea
and it's wonderful whst a different it
makes in our appeearance."
Mrs. G. V. Writes: "Oatmeal and Der
wHro have worked miracles wrth my
complexion. I had many despised Crin
kles and a sallow, rough akin. My hands .
anoV arsis were eoyered with freckles. ,
After" eight-- weeks' ' use ot Ma Edna
Wilder's wonderful complexion prescrip
tion these objectionable defects have en
tirely vanished. I look ten years young
er, and advises every girl and woman to
try it and feel confident after ope or, two
applications they will use it continually
and be ust as favorably impressed with '
it as I am. I recommend it to all' offer
friends." - ,.,
NOTE To set the best effect be sure- foUew
tha complete directions contained la erery peek
ass of Uervillo. and It ia so simple that any
one can use it, aod so Inaiprmir that any
rirl or woman oao afford It Department stores
and drufilits tuarantes tkat than, wife - . -
noticeable lmnroremMit' after the first SPDUAa
tlon or they will refund the money. It u 'tl
refund guarantae. Includlor The Shtraaa Sj i
CvoaeU, Xat Bsttoa sud,U MsoU (aras, ,