Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 22, 1920, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
VOL. 50 NO. 29.
Twenty-Six Senators Who Are
Opposed to Wilson's Stand
On League of Nations Turn
Against Attitude of Cox.
Candidates for Congress in
Number of States to Run on
Platform Directly Opposite
To Presidential Nominee.
t'hlmiro TrllHinr-Oniulia lire Lfanrd tVIr.
Washington, July 21. The coun
try is beginning to hear from some
of the 26 out of 47 democratic sena
'ors who repudiated the uncom
promising attitude of President Wil
son on the peace treaty and whom
Governor Cox, the democratic nom
inee for president, now brands as
guilty of promoting "bad' faith to
the world in the name of Ameri
ca." What the 2ft democratic insur
gents are thinking and some are
saying of this charge made by their
new party leader after embracing
the president's stand on the cove
nant at (he White House , confer
ence last Sunday foreshadows dif
ficulties for the democratic nomi
nee in promoting party harmony
on the league issue in a large num
ber of important states.
26 Bolt Leadership.
There were 21 democrats who
stood with the president and 26 who
bolted his leadership in the last vote
on 1 the treaty on March 19. The
following 23 democratic senators
voted for the covenant with the
Lodge reservations:
Ashurst of Arizona; "Beckham of.
Kentucky; Chamberlain of Oregon;
I' letcher of Florida; Gerry of Rhode
Island; Gore of Oklahoma; Hen
derson of Nevada; Jones of New
Mexico; . Kendrick- of Wyoming;
King of Utah; Myers of Montana:
Nugent of Idaho; Phelan of Cali
fornia Pittman of Nevada; Pome
rene of Ohio; Smith of Georgia:
Smith of Maryland; Trammell of
Florida; Wolcott of Delaware;
Owen 'of Oklahoma; Ransdcll of
Louisiana; Walsh of Massachu
setts; Walsh of. Montana.
In addition, Reed of Missouri,
Shields -of Tennessee and Thomas
of Colorado voted against trie treaty
either with or without the Lodge
Candidates for Re-election.
Of these 26 democratic senators
who refused to follow the leader
ship of the president on the league
question, 10 are completing their
present term of office and nearly
all of them are candidates for re
election. They are Beckham of
Kentucky, Chamberlain of Oregon;
Fletcher of Florida; Gore of Okla
homa; Henderson of Nevada; Nu
gent of Idaho; Phelan of California;
Smith 6f Georgia; Smith of Mary
land; Thomas of Colorado.
It thus is apparent that in a num
ber of states there will be a specta
cle of the democratic nominee: for
president appealing for support for
the covenant without the, Lodge
reservations and a democratic sena
tor seeking re-election on his rec
ord of voting for the covenant with
the Lodge reservations, now char
acterized by Governor Cox as rep
resenting a projected act of "bad
faith to the world in the name of
America." i
Some of the' insurgents al
ready have been vindicated at the
hands of their party, none more,
strikingly than Senator Chamber
lain of Oregon, who won renomi
nation in the face of the president's
telegram to the Oregon democracy
urging repudiation of any advocate
of the Lodge reservations.
Outspoken Against Cox.
Senators Ashurst of Arizona,
Walsh bf Massachusetts, "Chamber
lain of Oregon, Reed of Missouri
and Shields of Tennessee have been
most outspoken in resenting Gov
ernor Cox's imputation of promoting
"bad faith to the world."
They do not believe that any ques
tion of good or bad faith is involved.
Senator Owen contends that Gov
ernor Cox has not .surrendered to
the president and that he is as much
committed to reservations as ever.
He takes issue with the president's
assertion that the republican reser
vation on article 10 "cut the heart
out of the covenant."
"Governor Cox explained himself
in Ohio and he has not recanted,
need not recant, and will not recant,"
said Senator Owen. "He is for the
league without impairing its essen
tial integrity and with such reserva
tions as will prevent its misinterpre
tation by foreign nations. In this
particular he agrees with 90 per
cent of the people of the United
States and probably 60 per cent of
the republican citizens who have not
as yet been misled by the 'battalion
of death' to believe the league will
establish an overlordship by a for
eign council over the people of the
United States an absurd theory
born of political delusions and per
haps of political expediency."
Attempt to Break Record
In Launching Ships Fails
New York, July 21. An effort to
establish a world's record by launch
ing seven shins in 50 minutes at
the Hog Island shipyard, was spoil
ed v-hen the lirst vessel the Vaba,
stuck on the ways. When mvery
eflotl to release the shio failed the
launching crews moved to the secv
ond vessel whicb easily slipped into
, the Delaware. '
Iiittrt SmsM-CUm Matttr
Onakt . 0. Umr(Act of
Wilson 'May Save Jobs of
Pensioned Postal Clerks
Eight Employes of. Omaha Post Office, bue for Re
tirement Under Burleson Interpretation, Ask to
, Stay in Service President to Decide Case.
With Wednesday as the "dead
iiye" fori government employes enti
tled to pension to certify their re
tention in the service, '36 railway
mail clerks and eght postal em
ployes yesterday made application
to remain in . the service.
President -Wilson yesterday an
nounced in dispatches from Wash
ington that he was personally taking
a hand in the controversy which had
arisen over the interpretation of the
pension law. A decision, he said,
would be given in a day or ftvo.
These Would Stay on Job.
Local postal employes who desire
retention and their years in service
are': Dan Tillotson, 2201 Fowler
aenue, 32 years; George Anderson,
3J26 Spraguc street, 3l years; An
drew Bennett, 3809 North Nineteenth
street, 32 years; John A. McKenzie,
802 South Twenty-first sfreet. 32
years; Thomas C. Parkins, 1117 Park
avenue, 38 years; J. M. Stafford, 1316
North Forty-second Street, 36 years;
Andrew Petersen, 3318 Sprague
street, 43 years, and C. C. Rose, 2429
Pinkney street. 33 years.
Postmaster Daniel; said that their
applications would be sent to Wash
Plans Virtually Adopted
vide for Closed Sessions
Upon Request.
Tlie Hague, July 21. Secrecy may
enevlope the proceedings of the high
court of nations in certain cases un
less the league of nations' council
changes the plans which already have
been virtually approved by the jurists
commission in drafting the plan for
the tribunal. In the main the sub
commission of the jurists has decided
to follow the five power plan sub
mitted by the five neutral nations for
the proceedings of the high court,
but has inserted 'a clause providing
that, while generally the arguments
before the court shall be public, one
of the parties may demand that these
be held in secret and that the court
shall have discretion in certajn cases
involving some other interests.
All decisions, however, are to be
read at public sessions. In the event
a charge is brought by one party be
fore the court, the other interested
party and all the members of the
league of nations are to be informed
of .it. While some of the jurists
Kaf mihliritv 1114
evitably(will follow, there is no of
ficial, provision to give the press or
the'public access to briefs or com
plaints. ' . '
The proceedure of the .court rn
other respects is to follow generally
the model of the supreme court ot
the United States, with a special pro
vision for the expression of minority
opinions. .
Poles Are Accused of
Pogroms in Retreat
Before Bolsheviki
London, July 21. (Jewish Tele
graphic Agency) Charges 'thatMhe
Poles, retreating before the bolshe-
yiki, carried out numerous pogroms
and-perpetrated atrocities of the
gravest nature upon members of the
Jewish population, are contained in
an official bolshevik wireless, mes
sage received here today. The mes
sage declares ttiat most ot me
.mIIqctpc in thp Kiev district were
completely burned and that in many
instances jewisn iarmers were ariven
intn th flames. In Potowisze. the
report states, the Polish forces
killed 26 Jews.
Prnm VVjrnw the correspondent
of the agency announced that repre
sentatives ot jewisn organizations
there have organized a Jewish de
fense council for the purpose of aid
ing and co-operating with the Polish
military authorities.
Ex-Cashier Is Held
For Embezzlement
Of $29,500 of Funds
Lansas City, July . 21. D. W.
Stallard, former cashier of a na
tional bank at Ness City, Kan., was
arrested here today on a federal
warrant charging embezzlement.
According to the authorities, the
arrest ends a search that has ex
tended over a period of six months.
Stallard is charged in the warrant
with having misappropriated $29,
500 of the, bank's funds and used
the money to speculate in cattle.
Prominent Chicago Lawyer
Is Victim of Appendicitis
New York, July 21. Arthur Je
rome caay, prominent lawyer oi ni
cago, died' here following an opera
tion of acute appendicitis.
Mr. Eddy, who was 61 years old.
Lwas ' organizer oj the American
Meel foundry corporation, .National
Turbine Co., American Linseed Oil
Co., and numerous other large cor
porations, and was a member of the
Chicago law firm of Wetten, Hat
thews and Pegler. H el was counsel
for many corporations, author of
"Eddy On Trusts and Combina
tions." a Harvard law school grad
uate -and member of numerous met-
ropojitan, Chicago and California
clubs. "''('
Advance Lead Prices.
New York, July 21. The Ameri
can Smelting and, Refining company
advanced the price of lead from
?8.qo to $
Mt ZS. IMS. it
Marek S. 1879.
ington yesterday to be acted upon.
The men claim they are still efficient
to continue in the service. They
were recommended by heads of de
partments for retention. '
Some Plan for Rail Clerks.
J. H. Musgrave, superintendent of
the railway mail clerks, said he had
no orders from Washington that
would give his 36 employes who de
sire to remain a chance ito make ap
plication for retention.
"My orders are ndf changed,"
said-Mr. Musgrave. "The 36 men
in my employ must m automatically
pensioned and retirt unless Presi
dent Wilsqn interverfes." .
Mr. Musgrave said that Ire had
100 substitutes to take the places
of the men who leave the service.
Both Postmaster General Burle
son and Pension Examiner Saltzga
ber stated Saturday that "superan
nuated" employes must be automatic
ally pensioned August 15. The final
word is up to the president.
Men reaching the age of 70 yjars
must be automatically pensioned
despite their efficiency,--according to
Burleson interpretation of the pen
sion law.
Movie Actress Placed in Meat
Cage of Central Market to
Escape Crowd.
L ,
New York Tlmes-f hiraftn Tribune Cable,
Copyright. 1020.
Paris. Tulv 21. Paris got its meat
late today because Mary Pickford
and her husband, Douglas Fair
banks, wcit to take a look at the
Central market and thereby started
a mild but antp'e riot. Mary was
rescued by three hefty biifctiers who
shoved her into,' r. me?.t cage and
locked t!e door to keep the crowd
Mary and Doug wishing, as they
said, to spend a few quiet days in
Paris, had let it be well known that
they would visit the "stomach of
Paris" this morning. Publicity given
their trip was doubtless for the pur-4
pose ot having all the movie tans
spend the hour from 9 to 10 o'clock
in some other part of the city. Sur
prising to note, they did nothing of
the sort, and an hour before 9
o'clock the streets were blocked
with people who wished to see the
two stars., Trucks, coming to fetdj
meat, vegetables arid other edibles,
and, trucks loaded with them could
not move. The automobile bearing
Mary and Doug hit the crowd. The
car stopped and the crowd surged
about it. Buf Mary wanted to see
the Central market and she toldthe
chauffeur, to go ahead. It took a
half hour to move 50 yards to the
Thousands of arms stretched out
to them and thousands of voices
shrieked. Descending from their
automobile they tried to go down
one of the aisles. They were liter
ally swept off their fectiby crowds,
surging and pushing, asjbnly a Paris
crowd can. It was at this stage that
three butchers lifted Mary on their
shoulders and placed ihcr where she
could be exhibited M'ith'less danger
ot uoaiiy harm. A fat woman
dressed in green silk, stumbled and
fell into a crate of eggsJ Her dress
became a streaming yellow, but her
enthusiasm changed not. 1
Finally Miss Pickford got out of
the meat cage and walked along"
atop of tables among mutton chops
and veal cutlets, and achieved her
automobile and her husband and
went away.
Fine Police Chief for
Contempt for Closing
Books to Reporters
Cleveland, O., July 21. Police
Chief F. W. Smith was found guilty
of -contempt of court and fined $100
by Judge Levine in common pleas
court this morning. Judge. Levine
held the chief guilty of, filling to
observe the court's injunction order
ing him to open all police records to
reporters for the Cleveland News.
Enforcement of the fine was with
held until the case is finally disposed
of on its merits.
Chief Smith denied he had issued
orders denying News reporters ac
cess to the records. He said he had
asked subordinates not to give out
interviews to the paper's representa
tives because of alleged distortion
and exaggeration.
Turkey to Sign Pact
Constantinople, July 21. (By The
Associated Press.) Turkey has de
cided to sign the peace treaty, it
was announced officially today.
The Turkish war office was ad
vised today that the vanguard of
the. Greek army had entered
Homesteader of 1908
Sells His Holdings for
Over Half Million
"Venango," Neb., July 21. Spe
ce.) The remarkable advance of
land values in western Nebraska
was made apparent the first of this
week when Jeff J. Newman, who
homesteaded here 12 years ago on
t the virgin prairie, sold his farm
and stock ranch for more than
half million dollars, to Mrs.
,Mary Walker Rea of Kansas City.
The deal involves 4,400 acres of
farm and grazing land, all stock,
improvements, growing crops and
tfi AJV5
1 '
Resolute Wins First Victory
Towards America's Yacht
Cup in Hard-Fought Contest
With British Contender.
Defender,Crosses Line Seven
Minutes Ahead of Her Rival
Must Take Next Two Races
To Win Pewter Trophy.
Clriragro Tribune-Omaha IW Leaned Wire.
New York, July 21. Resolute won
her first leg on the Ariicrica's cup
today. She won it by her allowance
of seven minutes and one second, for
it took both her and the Shamrock
IV the' same amount of time, to a
second, to cover the 30-mile "Wind
ward and leeward course
It was the first time in the his
tory, of America's cup races that two
yachts have taken exactly the same
time to cover the course and it is
the rarest of rare happenings for
any yachts to tie. The score now
stands at two races to the challengei
and one to the defender, which
means that Resolute must win the
next . two to keep the cup in this
country,' while one victory for the
Shamrock is all it needs to lift it for
Sir Thomas Lipton.
Next Race Triangular.
The next race on Friday is to be
a triangular one, with at least one
leg of reaching, at, which Shamrock
has demonstrated ' itself to be su
perior to Resolute. If Mr. Burton
commits no glaring errors and it
the . breeze does not play pranks
which favor the defender, the
chances are that Sir Thomas may at
last accomplish what he has tried
to do for the last 21 years. How
ever, Resolute is far from being de
feated in advance of the fina leg of
the-next race and if she manages to
win it Sir Thomas might as well
give his order to Mr. Nicholson for
another challenger.
One Day of Rest.
At the conclusion of the race to
day. Shamrock flew the code letter
which indicated she did not want to
race tomorrow, so there will be a
day of rest, and overhauling be
tween now and; Friday.
Today's contest was one without
flukes, in a fair breeze which start
ed with a velocity of about six knots,
increased to twice that and dropped
off a 'couple of knots and came
stronger as the yachts crossed the
link close together in one of the
most spectacular and exciting fin
ishes ever seen off Sandy Hook, and
the most unusual.
Little exception could be taken
to the sailing of either yacht. Even
the most critical, observers admitted
that such minor errors as were made
did not seriously affect the chances
of either to any great extent,' as
things turned out, though Sham
rock might have isaved quite a little
time had she omitted some of the
numerous tacks she made down off
the New Jersey coast, all of which
cost her seconds and in an Ameri
can cup race seconds count.
"Also, at the start, Mr. Burton
killed Shamrock's way as she hit
the line and this cost some more
seconds, but all these losses taken
together would not have given her
the iracc by a largin margin.
Good Breeze at Start.
The breeze at the start was from
south by west, which took them to
a point off shore from Ocean Grove.i
and in this la-mile leg ow wind
ward work Resolute's actual time
consumed was 1 minute and 28 sec
onds less than that consumed by
he challenger. On the run .home
before the wind the challenger, as
a result of her greater spread of
canvas, not only overhauled the
white Bristol sloop but finished 19
seconds in the lead, having gained
1 minute and 47 seconds on the 15
mile run. which, conditions consid
ered, was a very good showing.
The two racing craft were out at
the lightship, Relief, whichyis sub
stituting for the old Ambrose light
ship, bright and early, having made
out under their own sails, and were
sailing around close to the line
when the advance guard of the ex
cursion fleet arrived.
Hang Murderer 65Jears
Old in Mississippi
Pittsboro. Miss., July 21.-Iis
death sentence once commuted to
life imprisonment by an acting gov
ernor only to have the governor re
turn, issue a statement that the rec
ords of his office did not show a
commutation and order him from the
state farm back to the death cell,
Charles H. Ivy, 65. years old, today
was hung in the litfle brick jail here
for. the murder of Love Bagwell in
In the hope that Governor Russell
would grant eleventh hour executive
clemency for which the sheriff of
this county and two members of the
pardons board hod interceded ,the
hanging was postponed until today.
Lloyd George Considers
Answer of Reds Not Rain
London. July 21. Premier Llovd
George, addressing the House of
Commons today, said the soviet
answer to the allies regarding peace
with Poland was incoherent, am
biguous and propaganda largely in
tended for home consumption. 'So
tar as he could understand, however,
the soviet indicated its willingness
to negotiate direct with Poland.
JULY 22, 1920.
Difference Between F.
Th Daniels adminiitration of the navy was good enough tor
but if Theodore had
Chieftains Confer in Columbus
Prior to Pilgrimage to
Notification Ceremony
at Marion. ,
Columbus, O., July 21. Members
of the executive committee of . the
republican national committee ar
rived here today for a meeting to
discuss campaign plans before going
to Marion tomorrow for-the cere
monies at which Senator Warren G.
Harding will be notified of his nom
ination for the presidency.
Among the first to arrive were
Will H. Hays, national chairman,
vand Senator Lodge of Massachu
setts. v "
The notification arrangement
committee, headed by T. Coleman
DuPont of Deleware, planned to
meet following the session of the
executive committee.
Among those expected at' the
meeting of the executive committee
meeting were Fred Upham of Illi
nois, Clarence R. Miller of Minne
sota. John T.. Adams of Iowa, Ralph
E. Williams of Oregon, Miss Chris-
'tine Bradley South of Kentucky,
Mrs. Lorrine Roosevelt Kobinson
of New York, Mrs. Jeannette Hyde
of Utah, R. B. Howell of Nebraska,
A. T. Hert of Kentucky, J.ihn W.
Hart of Idaho, J. L. Hamon of
Oklahoma, Mrs. Manley L. Fossen
of Minnesota, Mrs. Catherine Phil
lips Edson of California.
Many republicans from all parts
of the United States were arriving
here today, ready to make fhe.pil
grimage to the notification cere
monies at Marion tomorrow Spe
cial trains and traction cars will be
run to Senator Harding's home
town and hundreds will go by auto
mobile, x
In advance of the meeting of the
executive committee, Chairman Hays
said only general campaign plans
would be considered and that noth
ing of particular interest was ex
pected to arise. He declined Jo
comment on Governor Cox's demand
yesterday in his speech before the
democratic committee that weekly
statements be issued during the
campaign of all contributions and
expenditures. He said be may have
something to say in reply later.
Mr. Havs issued this statement:
"Republicans everywhere are 'rar
in' to go. This unprecedented re
publican confidence simply reflects
the conviction among the people
everywhere that republican success
is the most essential clement in
national welfare."
Cox to Make Western
Tour During September
Columbus, O., July 21. The cen
tral and eastern states will comprise
the initial speaking forum of Gov
ernor Cox, democratic standard
bearer, according to tentative plans
announced today Almost imme
diately after his notification, now set
for August 7, the governor plans to
spend the three last weeks in
August in these states and then start
a western tour early in September.
It also was announced that the
vice presidential r.ominee, Franklin
D. Roosevelt, probably would tour
:he west, including the Pacific coast
states, while Governor Cox is in the
east. Mr. Roosevelt then will trans
fer his activities to the east while
his chief is west.
The candidates', itineraries were
gone over hurriedly today by
George White, former Ohio con
gressman, chosen yesterday as
chairman of the democratic national
By Mall (I r). iMldt th In: Oall ind Sunlit. M: 0ll Only. Wr 8d. H
OuUldt 4th Zont (I vur) Dally and Sunday. 116: Dally Oalv. 112: Sunday Only. U
(Copyright, 1920. by th Chlcto Tribune.)
i - i
been tueittant lecretary he would never have Hood for it.
Prison Sentence of
James Larkin Causes
Big Strike in Dublin
Dublin, July 21. A general
strike was called in Dublin today
in pursuance of the movement to
secure the release of James Larkin,
head of the Transport Workers'
union, who is serving a sentence in
New York on conviction of crim
inal anarchy.
Labor here is divided in the
strike question, even the Liberty
hall chiefs regarding as futile, it
is said, such a method of applying
pressure to the American govern
ment. The oVdcr to lay down tools
was not generally obeyed, ' but the
extreme wing of the labor men-were
reported this morning to be forcing
the withdrawal of laborers from
buildings on O'Connell street.
At the city market armed men
caused the workers to cease their
tasks, while vehicles were stopped
and attacked r in the streets. A
procession was planned for this
afternoon to demonstrate in force
outside the American consulate. '
Floyd Mason, 10, Dies
Of Heart Trouble While
Bathing in Spring Lake
Floyd Mason, 10-year-old son of
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Mason,
4017 South Twenty-ninth street,
died in the Spring lake public
swimming pool yesterday after
noon. His body was taken out of eight
feet of .water by John Fuller, life
guard, who had been told by a boy
that there was some'hing on the
bottom of the pool. Mr". Fuller im-
mediately dived and brodght up ihe
body. He applied a pulmot'er" and
summoned Dr. R. E. Schindel. The
boy was rushed, to St. Joseph's hos
pital, but efforts at resuscitation
failed. . , v
Mr. Fuller stated1 that he was un
able to bring any water from the'
boy's lungs, and it was believed that
heart failure caused death.
This was the first death at the
public swimming pools this season.
The boy's father is . a carpenter.
Two sisters are telephone opera
tors. ' . j,
Greeks and Turls Clash
in Vicinity of Adrianople
Constantinople, July 21. (By The
Associated Press.) It was learned
today through French sources here
that scattered firing in Adrianople,
where the Greeks and Turks have
clashed, actually began July 19, Ar
tillery and machine guns commenc
ing the attack in which infantry
later participated. The civil popula
tion, according to the Turkish war
office, has been evacuated from
Adrianople. The fighting is con
tinuing, according to the Greek
A Bulgarian airplane was shot
down Sunday near Adrianople and
the pilot admitted he was flying to
the aid of. Col. Eafar Tayar, the
Turkish commandant at Adrianople.
There is no verification of rumors
that the Bulgars are attacking the
, t
Geneva Man Dies.
Geneva, Neb., July 21. (Special.)
Lou Hardwicke,,44 years old, died
at his home in Geneva, Tuesday,
after a year's illness. He is sur
vived by his wife, Mrs. Clara Jayne
The Weather
Fair and warm Friday.
Hourly Tmprturm.
r n.
6 a.
7 a.
H a.
.17 I
. . .11
. , OS
. . .s
, ..M
m.. . .
m.. . .
m.. . .
m.. . .
a. m. .
1(1 a. m..
It a. m,.
13 soon .
R. and T. R.
Franklin Roosevelt
Third Party Standard Bearer
'-Calls on Harding and Cox
to Ask for Pardon
for Socialist.
Denver, July 21. Parley P. Chris
tensen, farmer-labj- (arty candidate
for president, today telegraphed to
Senator Harding, republican- nomi
nee, and Governor Cox, democratic
candidate, suggesting that all join in
a demand upon President Wilson to
immediately release Eugene V. Debs
from prison.
The text of the message follows
"I have been selected by the farmer-labor
party as its candidate for
president of the United 'States. It
is my intention to inaugurate as
quickly as possible a nationwide
campaign in behalf of the ideals of
political and industrial democracy
embraced in the platform of that
party. But I dislike utterly to start
on such a campaign while one of my
opponents- is in prison, and especial-
iy wnne ne is in prison tor no crime
other than an honest public ex
pression of his political views. I
refer to Eugene V. Debs, nominee of
the socialist party.
"The war has been over for near
ly two years,' and whatever justifi
cation there might have been on. the
part of the government for denying
Debs his freedom during the war,
has now beeiu dissipated by 20
months of peace. Mr. Debs may be
utterly wrong in his ideas' of how
best to conduct the affairs of society,
and so may I be and so may you,
but my conception of liberty includes
the right to think wrong. I say to
Mr. Debs and to others with whom
I disagree, including the candidates
of the republican and democratic
parties, 'I loathe your ideas like
death, but I will defend with my life
your right to express them.
"Does it not appeal to you as a
matter of simple justice that the
presidential candidates of the demo
cratic, republican and farmer-lafior
parties should join in a demand upon
the president of the United States to
immediately, release the socialist
candidate the Atlanta prison?
As for me it shall not be said I have
been a party to the persecution of
any man for the opinions he holds,
and I should so regard myself it I
failed to publicly announce my con
demnation of- the imprisonment of
Debs, since I have entered a race in
which he is a competitor. Your
sense of sportsmanship must have
led you, since your nomination, to
consider the position of Debs.
beseach an answer from you to-this
881 Bodies of Soldiers
From France Arrive
New York, July 21. Bodies of
881 American soldiers who died
overseas arrived here today on the
steamship Princess Matoika from
Danzig and Antwerp. Twenty-five
"war brides" of French and Gcrtmn
nativity were among the first cabin
passengers and Polish repatriated
troops composed the majority of the
t ir i . T-f
steerage passengers.
U. S. to Sell Canned
Meats to Reduce H. C. L.
Washington, July 21. In an ef
fort to combat the high cost of liv
ing the War department soon is to
place millions of dollars worth of
canned meats dn the market at
prices betow even pre-war quota
tions, said an announcement today
from the orhce of the division ot
OrTtlllif OMAHA and own
Prohibitionists Name Com
moner by Acclamation;
Friends Say He Will Not Con-
- sent to Head Ticket.
Miss Marie C. Brehm, Long
Beach, Colo.,, Is Chosen as
Permanent Chairman of Con
vention in Session at Lincoln.
Lincoln, Neb., July 21. William
J. Bryan was nominated by acclama
tion as the prohibition party's presi
dential nominee at the national con
vention here today. The nomination
came after a resolution "tendering"
him the position of standard-bearer
bad brought out the fact in debate
that he had telegraphed friends here
that he "could not accept."
The text of the resolution follows:
"Be it Resolved, By the prohibition
national convention assembled in
Lincoln, Neb., this 21st day of July,
1920, confronted by the cowardice
of both old parties as shown by the
silence of their platforms on the
ereat issue of the centurv and in re
sponse to a flood of requests 'from
men and women of all parties, that
we herrhv tpnder our nomination for
president of the United States to
that peerless moral and political
leader, William Jennings Bryan.
Disregard Telegram.
' "And be it further Resolved, That
we hereby instruct the proper of
ficers of this convention immediately
to communicate with Mr. Bryan and
report his reply to this convention.
An attempt to table the Calder-
wood motion tendering W. J. Bryan
the nomination was made after the
reading of the Bryan telegram by
Howard. Ihe motion to table was
overwhelmingly defeated. '
Miss Marie Brehm then relin-
guished ,the chair and placed in ac
tual nomination W.'J. Bryan, de
claring he must not be merely
tendered the nomination but actual
ly given it."
A parade led by the Missouri del
egation was started immediately.
South Dakota joined and then all
thp delegations fell in line. Some
one started playing the Star
Spangled Banner on an old piano
and the delegates whooped and
yelled at the top of their voices. The
piano continued with "My Country
'Tis of Thee" and then swung into
"A Hot Time in the Old Town to
night." Someone grabbed Howard
and forced him into the parade.
Howard is Critised.
A le'tter from Charles W. Bryan,
brother of W. J. Bryan, was read to
the convention juking that his name
be not mentioned in connection
with the nomination and that the
Calderwood resolution should ho-t
be passed.
C. W. Bryan in' his letter said:
"Kindly request the members of
the convention to omit Mr. Bryan's
name from consideration in connec
tion with the nomination or in the
adoption of such a resolution.
"Friends of Mr. Bryan and in. the
cause" of prohibition will discSurage
such action." The letter was ad
dressed to C. N. Howard, a New
York delegate. Howard-fead it to
the convention,
H. P. Faris of Missouri declared
that Mr. Howard "had come here
purposely to prevent a nomination
(Continued on Pace Two. Column Two.)"
Woman Pours Oil on
Clothes, 'Ignites ,It
and Burns to Death
Alliance, Neb., July 21 (Special.')
Mrs. William Sherlock, 55 years
old, living on a farm eight miles
west of here, committed suicide
Tuesday by pouring oil on her
clothing and igniting it.
Her daughter had gone to the po
tato cellar, leaving her mother alone
:n the house. The mother, with her
clothing in flames, ran screaming
into the yard.
Bv the time she reached her
moflier, the clothing had been com
pletely burned from her bobdy. The
woman died three hours later.
Mrs. Sherlock was'v known to
have been worrying ahjlhit her two
sons, Jack, and WilliaVn jr., who
served overseas in the war. one of
them having been wounded. B(Mi
sons are now at home.
Mrs. Sherlock is survived by ho.
husband, five sons, and two daugh
ters. Funeral services were held to
day. William Sherlock is a pioneer
farmer in this vicinity.
42 Barrels of Whisky
Are Reported Stolen
St. Louis, July 21. Theft of 42
barrels of whisky valued at aboout
$50,000 from the government bond
ed warehouse at Hallcy Park. Mo.,
'8 miles west of here, was discov
ered today, according to the report
made tonight by Collector of In
ternal Revenue Moore. Circum
stances surrounding the theft ar
not known. ,
Duluth Street Railway Men
Strike for Wage Increase
Di'luth, Minn.. July 21. Citizens
without automobiles or other con
veyances walked to work when a
strike of carmen employed by the
Duluth Street R ill way Co., halted
troi'cy traffic. The men demand a
20 per cent incrusc In wages, which
the company d.'c'arts it is unable
to pay under prevailing S-ceut fare.