THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, JULY 21, lttao. 13 REAL EST ATE-I M PROVED. "West. NEW STUCCO t BUNGALOW First floor has n rnnm, ltvlnir tonra, dining flnlnVd In otik, kitcnn while crumM; ssrnnd floor has two HU H" l.fili oi niH im.l lint r In whitf cnml. 3 laruo rlnsta arid Unfit rlomt. All mod.fn convtnlrm-rs; pt front Int. pvd street, one blork from rnr: ticnu. turn view. Prirn, Is. 750. terms. Ready to mov In. DUMONT &-C0., tU-m Keellna nidg.Phonn Pouir. 690. FONTENELLE BLVD. S ROOMS. MODERN - 56,850 A dandy now bungalow, ronsltln of t moms nnil !n room, nil nn oti floor, e.ik finish throughout, full r-mMt ln-- mru, thrift lot, ronvpntent M 'nr i;no and many other Attractive feature Sea thin I'forr you tuv. H, W..VOLLAND, ' RvfnlnffB, Pouclaa r Pnug, JHsy f,n Hpi- ttMsj. READY TO MOVE INTO JUST COMPLETED Ffvs ronnis. slpppinir rnnnid on ncmnrt " floor; onk fn. on firt floor, pin nnl whit enamel on sworn, ; up-todnte )'Ui!t-1n fVnurr mod lot, paved streflt: );nre $ 7 . T. 0 0 ; $l,r,00 down, balanre forms to Rt.n.l party. T.orfJvd in a hnmo nwnlny; cnmitiunUy south ejf Hanscom lnC. G. CARLBERG, illi Ilrai.lels Ttir-ater Ulle. NEW BUNGALOW .. $5,5$) A KRAI, HOMK: Five rooms, prrlrMy mndfrn bun un low with 1ml It -In fra tur"s, ben mo1 reilinps, oak finish t hrou hont, full cfmciit bsement, pnr;ur( corner lt, rloff to rnr !ln n ntl many oihr very attr-Mtlve tVatim". $1 .f.00 cadi vtll hnndlp. M;ikfl arrnnpemenis to nor this at on'p. tun . r!vn at -mv time. ti. VV. VUl.LAINLJ, Kvfhinss. Douglas 9fS5. TnuR, ?f'r.. 610 Kee PldR. Omaha lleul E.-.tH.a nnd investments. JOHN T. BOHAN A :il' Phone Tyler 4180. Xl.L iuf. 8 rooms mid plopping; pori-h, hsinlwoort finish- throughout, RaraRe, two hlorlia fiom Cathedral and only six yeajra old. 1. 3511. J. H. KuHISofj, real estate and Invest ment. Ui Hee BldK. DoURlax "097. ItENSON ft JVIETERS CO.ri?4"Om. Nat'L SEVKN-rnom hous on pavement close to car. Terms. Harney 4RS7. BKADTIKI'I, new West Farniri home. 7 rootna. 12l N. 33d. Harney H!8. North. ONLY $500 CASH DOWN. 1. A five-room onk finish modern bunga low. In Florence, near car line, stores, school and park. A real bargain at $1,000. This is the opportunity you i have waited for. a seven-room an monern nomo wun oak floors, ons block to Ames Ave. Trlco cut to $4,000 as owner leaves city In few days. This Is in old-lime figure 3. Six rooms, all modern except heat. Just north of beautiful new Clifton II ill school. Only two blocks to car line. This is not ney but a great big snap for -$2,750. Monthly payments easy. 1. Owner leaves the first for California and orders sale of his five-room all modern cottage on corner lot for $3,500. This jiUee has nn electric lighted ga rage. Two blocks to Ames Ave. car line. Must be seen to be appreciated. cre are four good homes, all for sale, cheap; with cash payment of only $500 down, and easy monthly payments. Thone ua your NAMK and address and n-e will call for you. DON'T DELAY these good homes w'll sell quick. For yur convenience call today or eve Tings: Howard Herron, Colfax C4S. Walter Weeth, Colfax 950. Ralph F. Clary. Colfax 1243. R. F. CLARY CO., NORTH OMAHA REALTORS. 2404 AMES. COLFAX 175. RENTERS ATTENTION! Look at this list of homes for sale on the monthly payment plan and then ask yourself if you can still afford to pay rent. No. 11706 M. 14th St. A very good completely modem nearly new 5-room cottage. Fair sized lot. Good neighborhood. One block to car and school. Faved street. No. 113515 N. 24th St., 7-room modern house on car line that owner has made very easy terms to sell at this time. Immediate possession. No. II! 3309 Decatur. A very good modern 8-room house. Pos session at once. Terms are rea sonable. No. IV 311 N.'33d St., 7-room modern in fine condition. A real buy at price and terms asked. Close to school. Owner will take auto as part of first payment. Ko. V 822 S. 38th Ave. A real cosy 5-room cottage on a dandy lot. Flenty of shrubbery. Close to cnr. CREIGH, SONS & CO., t Douglas 200. 508 Bee Rldg. Owner Leaving City - lust soil 7 -room, all moilprn, with B rooms nml bath on first floor; 2 larjte rooms on seronl, with onk floors; full cement, basement; 1 block to Ames car line; nar Sfith and Tay lor St. Price 4 100; with t,st of U'tm. Call toilnv. R. F. CLARY CO., COT.FAX 175. NORTH OMAHA REALTORS. w FOR A HOME OR INVESTMENT ONE OR TWO HOUSES N. E. CORNER 28TH AND JACKSON This is one of the best close in bargains we have had for a long time. Look these over today. Two strictly all modern 6-room houses with jo&k finish on first floor, ull concrete basements, good plumbing and furnaces. All in good condition. Situated on a'lot 100 feet frontage on 28th street, with paving all paid, which alone is worth $5,000. The price of the two hofaes and lot is only $11,500, or will sell the corner house for $6,000, or inside house for $5,500. Terms about one fourth cash, and long time on tha balance. See us about this at once, ' Hastings & Heyden 1614 Ham.y St. Pkon TyUr SO. THE GUMPS ( ther.e goes that ( Old big chet f TRIED TO SORROW 10022 FROM HIM THE k ) OTHER. DAY AND HE TURHEDf-' ( ME DOWM TRIED TO M M -rA VFOT 9 KEAL ESTATE IMPROVED. North. 27TH &PINKNEY NKAH KOlNTZK l'ARK. P-pntn full two-story, stridly mod ern hniiMi' ; t lir'-t' il.i nd y rooms on the first floor, with living room neross the fmnt of th house ; din in f? room and kitchen with onk finish: three nice bed rooms end bath on the second floor with a. nke floored nttic; full cement basement ; furnace heat ; nice lot. on pnvrd strot; raving j:ild; garage. Price $ 7.000 ; real value; teima can be ar r.inned. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, 137 Omaha Nut. Hank BldB. Houft. I'll, bumlny rail Colfax .".227. Ask for Mr. Ciihsnn. KOUNTZE PLACE HOME Lncatrd at 1906 Kmmet Street, with reeoption hall, livinj room, dlniiiK :oom and ltltchon on first floor, oak flnW.i; four slPepiiig rooms und bath on st-c-ond floor, s'talrwa to a floored at'.!c, good hnseinent with VfgiMable room and store room; place to do laundry; an extra good furnace. One of thse well built houses oh south front lot, fins 124, with a- double garage. Ownr is leaving thp city. Prb-e $fi,000 cash. W. H. GATES, 647 Om. Natl Rink HI (I. Dousr. 132. CROWN POINT AVE., Vive-room, all modffi bungalow, oak finish, with built-in buffet and boo rases; also a beautiful eunroom, with garnge, cement driveway; very pretty lawn: also wrepned-tn porch. Price $;.L,r'a, with terms. ('nil todav. R. F. CLARY CO., COT.FAX 175. NoTiTIT OMAHA r.EAI.TonS. DANDY BARGAIN 2723 SpauUling St., 6 coonis and bath, strictly modern, fine corner lot, pavlm! all paid, dandy garage. Price, $5,350. Sea us about terms. Don't disturb tha tenant. P. J. TERBENS CO., f.n5 Omnliu Nat. Bk. rhnne P. 2182. FIVK-itiJOM all moilcrn bunKalow With oak ami brick finish; full rcracnt base lni'tit; :i blocliH from Ik-ns-on rar lln1. Price M,L':0, on terms. We can show you thlH houso on npoolntinnt. ... R. r. CLAKY CO., COT.FAX 17S. XOTiTIT OMAHA UKAI.TOKS. FOl'R rooms, newly decorated, r.ear 24th and Sprngue St.. water, gas, electric llKhts. toilet, telephone. Immediate pos session. Price $2,500: $500 down and $25 per month. Inquire of owner, 4017 North 25th St. ' SIX ltOO.MS, all rnortiTn. on pved street, ok finish. hot water heat; 2 blocks from car line; lare garage for 2 cars. 1'ilce $ii,750, on terms. Call for appoint ment1. R. F. CLARY CP., COLFAX 175. NORTH OMAHA ItEAI.TORS. I 7M k n I at a pospkss i on. 2s:3 REWARD -PTRKKT. NHW MOI'KRN BUNGALOW. $750 CASH. BALANCE MONTHLY. CRKII 1Hj5 OS BKK. Doug. 200. 6-ROOM house "with 2 lots, ii?t and Corby fits. $2,500. Some shade and . fruit trees. Must he sold. Liar gain. Chris Boyer, 212 CumlnK Pt. A FEW hemes and lota for ale In Park wood addition; a safe placafor Invest ment. Norris ft Norrls. JDouBas4270. STRICTLY modern seven-room, newly decorated, 2120 North 15th; $2,900. Less for cash; Call Owner, Webster J1486. BARGAIN Four-room house, newly dec orated; water, pas, electric lights, toilet, $2,500; small payment down, bal ance like rent Will consider small trade. Inquire 40lf North 26th St IJ1MKP1ATI3' POSSESSION-: 223 SKWARD STREET SEW .MODERN BITN(3ALOW. f $750 CASH. BALANCE MONTHLY. CR EI G H, B0.S I) KB. DOUG 2 0 0. NORTHWEST corner 20th and Nicholas Sis. Lot 90 feet on Nicholas and 170 on 20th street. Chris Boyer. 2123 Cuin- CUMING, near 29th St.. 44 feet, must b sold to close estate. C. A. GRIMMEL. M9 Nat'l Bank Bldg. NEAV oak finished home. ; 7 r.. sunroom, tile hath, double parage, fireplace, etc. $1.1,800. Terms. Pg. 1734 days. SllNNE IiUSA homes and lots offer tha best opportunity to Invest your money. Phone Tyler 1S7. ' South. - $37750 Five rooms, electric lights, bath, city water and sewer, newly decorated, now vacant so immediate possession can be had. Price only $3,750; $1.50 cash, balance $26 per month., Located 3018 South 30th St.. just a few blocks south of Har.scom. Park. C. G. CARLBERG, 312 Brandels Theater Bldr. PRICE reduced to $7,500, must sell 8-room mod. huuee near Hanscom Park West. Call T. 341. FIVE-ROOM cottage, partly modern, de sirable corner, 2 vacant jots, buy from owner. Box X-18. Omaha Bee. ' Miscellaneous. ' FIELD CLUB FRAME AND STUCCO. Splendidly well built, excellent elBht room, oak finished home, on choice south front lot, beautifully landscaped. Cement doors, etc. Very latest plumb ing, tiled bath, good floored attic, large basement with splendid laundry and toilet, garage. Just one block to the Field club. 2 blocks to new school. Owner leaving city. Shown only by appointment. OSBORNE REALTY CO.' 430 Tetera Trust Bldg. Tyler 498. $500 CASH Five rooms "and bath. Strictly modern. Brand new. Well ar ranged. Oak floors " throughout. Quality plumbing, etc." Lawn seeded. Possession at onee. One of the few good opportunities .for a good new home. - Call Walnut 5373.- BARGAIN 5-room house and a fine tot. 11.730 located one block from the Center StrertTTTe1e Skriver and wife to Oscar R car uno on oom atreet. The place !s cheap at this price, which Includes all the ground, fine garden, outbuildings, etc. $1,000 cash, balance $35 a month. D. V. SHOLES CO., REALTORS. ?15-1T City Kafl Bani. Bid. Doug. 41. IT'S HOT NOW, But hot water heat In the winter Is what makes a hit. You can have It by buy ing the nice, six-room, fully modetn home we have on the PreU'est Mile. Oak and pin finish, screens and storm windows for every window, e"st front i lot. Two large cherry trees; Immediate possession; a real bargain at $6,600; about $1,SOO cash, RASPSHOS. 212 Keellne Bldr. Tyler Til. BlRKEfT & COTiTTi ana Injures. 250 Bee Bldg. Douglas Hi. WHEN HE "THOUGHT I WA.S GONG "TO MAKE CLEAN-UP HE COULDKT E NIC ENOUoH BOY NOWTHKT I LOST OUT SOCIABLE South Side EO RIDGE ROAD Good Roads Enthusiasts of Sarpy County Tell Com missioners Plans for Four-Mile Paving. After four hours' discussion of preliminary plans to pave Kidge road to Fort Crook by the goqd roads enthusiasts in session at Papillion, Sarpy county, Monday afternoon, three appraisers were named to view the property along the road and make a report to the board as to as sessments and recommendations. The appraisers are T. E. Gledhill, Fort Crook; Joseph M. Eldwell, Springfield; William Siekkotter, Gretna. They will be assisted byll. D. Patterson, Papillion, engineer. The meeting was called by the county, commissioners of Sarpy county after they had been presented with a petition signed with 158 names asking concrete paving on four miles of the six-mile road. Although opposers to the project were present, the general sentiment of the crowd which thronged the court room seamed to favor it. E. B. Brown, who said he favors the project, spoke against the meth od of procedure. George F. Wolz, secretary of the State Good Roads association, encouraged the boosters in a lengthy talk. The three appraisers and Engineer Patterson will go ovcr their plans next? Monday at Papillion. Man Shot in Brawl; Affair Kept Sret; Police Refuse Arrest L. A. Gray, proprietor of A soft drink establishment at 4153 Q street, Monday admitted he shot, Oie Mar tinson, 3021 U street, Friday night during a brawl in his place. Martinson lies in St. Joseph hos pital, where a bullet was removed from his thigh Suhday,vaccording to hospital authorities. News of the shooting was kept secret for four days. Gray said he fired in self-defense after Martinson had attacked two women and then began to beat Gray, who has but one leg and whose left hand is crippled. South Side police refused to make an arrest in the case yesterday until formal complaint is filed by Martin- REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. 1 Miscellaneous. FIVE-ROOM strictly modern:, tiew bungalow, in a good location, n easy terms. Oak floors, oak fin ish. Would consider good second mortgage or contract as first pay ment. Harney 3556, evenings. CHOICE CORNER fioxitt. Almost new five-room bungalow, mostly oak finish, modern In etrgry way; hand somely decorated; everything Just like new and ready to move right In; south front lot on paved street, near car, school and church. Price only $5,500; terms arranged. RASP BROS., 212 Keellne Bldg. Ty. 721. WANT A HOME? Possibly vre have U for you. It costs nothing to phone Douglas 1345 or come to 1606 Dodge St. Real Estate Transfers Btmii Carlberg Co. to C. Oeerge Carlberg, Pratt St.', lld.75 ft. e of 44th st.. n. side, -40x104 $ S00 Michael J Naylon and wf. to Joseph Murphy. 14th ave., 434 ft. n of Locust St., e. side. 40x30.. . . 5,700 Earker Co. to Robert C. Vauehn, ne cor. 45th and Pacific sts.. 44.5x108 550 Fred H. McVicker and wf. to J hn H. Siert. 60th ave., 200 ft. r of Grant st., w side, 60x128 850 W. R. Sallender to George Gregory, se. cor. 2?th and Mormon sts., 132 lormou sts., 16& id wf. to Lewis St.. 74 ft. n of xl32 500 C. George Carlter and J. Sutherland. 30th Frederick St., w side, 63.1x74 4,000 Thomas A. Tracy and wf. to H. A. Wolf Co., !6th St.. 3S ft. n of Franklin St., w side. Irregular ,500 Nathan Somberg and wf. to Frank J. Boland et al , 4"th ave . 352 t. n (of Ames ave.. w side, E"x!27 3,500 Vav Ida Moore to Frank pewey. 42d st 1".7S ft. s of Boyd et w side, 40x130 J00 James E. Bednar and wf. to Henry R. Koll anil wf., lth st., 193 ft. s. of I St., e side, 30x130 2.203 Temple MrFaydon to Lester D. Klein. 41st ave., 6P Vfe ft. n. of Burt St., E. Side, 61.50x6914 7,000 Mary A. Byrd and husband to Her bert S. Morres and wife, Florence hlvd.. 160 ft. s. of Ida st.. W. Side. 40x150 7,500 Hauptman, con 34th -;nd Lincoln ave.. 90x47 V4-- 3,600 L. L. E. Stewart to Gertrude A. Eck, 28th ave., 95 ft. s. of Spauld Ing St., E. Side, 32x50 Charlotte M. Cook to Hugh E. N'ew brough. Parker St.. 60 ft. e. of 48th at., 8. Side, 50x150 United Inv. Co.. to W. H. Spann, Hickory St., 250 ft e. of 60th St., N. Side, 60x112 Alhln Glase and wife to Richard Yager, et al, 6th St., 46 ft. I. of T St., E. -Side, 18x130 .. Frank Tredy, et al, to Frank Zeckowskl and wife, T St., 330 ft. e. of 36th St., N. Side. 146x200. Lea fie C. Rogers to Frank E. Goodell, 41st St., 160 ft. s. of Pratt St., B. Side, 40x134........ C. J. Cassidy ard ivife to Nathan Perelmanw. T st., K,p ft. w. of list St.. S. Side, e0xl30 600 ' 700 225 7.000 1,200 2,b00 APPRAISER TO ONE OF THOSE BIG LITTLE GUYS H - S ABOUT AS AS ft COUPLE OF MILE POSTS AND sen, who, they said, got what he de served if Gray's story is true. Makes Fines Bigger in War Against Traffic Violators Jraffic Officer Lawrence Nissen of the South Side police force is waging a. telling war on traffic vio lators. . . About a dozen violators of various traffic ordinances were fined' $1 to $10 in South Side police court yes terday. Thomas Boras, taxicab driver for the Brown Cab company, 2820 F street, arrested by Officer Nissen for speeding, was fined $10. Gus Kiltf. 5014 South Twentieth street, was assessed a similar amount. Workmen Escape Injuries When Old Wall Caves In Workmen employed in tearing down McCrann hall, Twenty-fourth and O streets, which was partially ; consumed by fire two weeks ago, nr.rrowly escaped injury yesterday when the south wall of the old struc ture caved in, destroying a billboard near by and causing about, $50 dam ?e. No one was hurt. McCrann hall, which has been a landmark on the South Side for many years, will probably be re placed by a modern edifice, its own ers declare. South Side Brevities Fermentation in a tv.o-quart bottle of "evidence" on the desk of the Judge in South iSiile police court yesterday ont tho cork auainst the celling and tho spray over the judge. He sentenced Mary 1'ntsolo.wsky, 5409 South Thirty-third street, to jaU for 30 days. EVERYBODY WATCH for our big dish sale to start Saturday, July 24. See Friday's papers for prices. W1IG BROTHERS. Twenty-fourth and N. Adv. Tbe As-Kficifitnd Charities Is trvine tu I provide living quarters for Mrs. Mary Jlrodorick, a widow, and her four children, recently ejected from 270s O street be cause she was four months In arrears with her rent, Mrs. (1. W. JJoane, superintend ent, said yesterday. We wish to thank our many friends and neighbors for their kindness and sym I athy during tho illness and death of our t'doved mother, and also for the beautiful floral offerings. (Signed) Children of Mrs. Amanda Galosche. Adv. One of the big events In South Side church circles will be the big picnic to be given Friday afternoon by members of the Crare Methodist church Sunday school class at Elmwood park. - An elaborate program has been planned. t Herman Tombrlnek, 3920 South Twenty fourth street, returned Monday from a trip to Henrietta. Tex., where he went to in spect some oil lands. Mrs. James Wyness of Oklahoma City, a former resident of South Omaha, Is vlslt Ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rapp, 3til2 South Twenty-fifth street. Father Judge Leaves for Europe to Fight Attack of-Hay Fever 1 Rev. P. J. Judge. pAstor of Sacred Heart church, Twenty-second and Biiiney streets, left Omaha last night 'for a two months' tour of Ireland, France and Italy, to re cuperate from attacks of hay fever. Father Judge will go directly to the sl.rine of St. Anne Beau Pre, near Quebec, Canada, to be present at the solemn novena ceremonies there on July 26. He will sail from New York on the S. S. Baltic on July 31. His itinerary overseas will take him to his boyhood home in Ireland, through England, thence to visit Lourdes in France and final ly to be received in audience by Pope Benedict XIV. Father Judge's visit to Rome will be the first since his ordination there in 1892. He will Omaha in Oc tober. Naval Lieutenant Sent to Prison for Duping of Girl New York, July 20. John F. Mc Nulty of Baltimore, a captain in the merchant marine and during the war a senior lieutenant in the' navy was sentenced to serve a maximum of five years in Sing Sing today after being charged by Frank I. Finkler with not only duping his daughter into a bigamous marriage, but also with trying to poison the girl's family and to burn their home when accused of being a bigamist. Mc Nulty pl,eaded guilty, admitting he had married two others while his, first wife was living. Meredith Says Democrats Pleased With Nomination Des. Moines. Ia., July 20. (Spe cial Telegram.) Secretary of Agri culture", E. T. Meredith, accompa nied by Clyde Herring, democratic candidate for governor, returned to day from the Pacific coast. Secfe tary Meredith declared that the nom ination of Cox by the democratic party is pleasing to democracy as a whole. "We are well pleased with the nomination," he said. Police Drag Lake, But Fail To Find Body of. Woman New York, July 20. After drag ging the Central park lake today, police were unable to find any-trace cf te body of Miss Ukionda of Washington, who disappeared from her suite at the Hotel Pennsylvania. A pocketbobk, woman's hat and a card bearing her name were found cn the pathway near the boathouse. SHe complained of being ill, and left the hotel jlat night, the police say, ONE. OF THOSH 5l)VS. WAV OP IN THE CLOUDS HE'S GOT DOLLAR. MARKS IN HIS SPECTACLES AND CANT SEE ANY. BODY OH WELL, HE HAY HAVE A FALL. SOME TIME Ht'D BETTER. LET OOT fV LITTLE GAS COME E MARRIAGE S ANNULLED ON HUSBAND S PLEA Bride of Two Months Wed Be fore Time Limit on Re cent Divorce Had Expired. The marriage of Edwp.rd G. Kline and Ciaramond M. Kline in Chi cago May 17, 1920, was annulled yes terday by District Judge Sears on petition of Mr. Kline. Mrs. Kline, who was the happy, blushing bride of two months ago, did not appear in court to corite.t the decree of annulment. She has gone to Fort Dodge, Ia. ' Frank Yates, attorney foi Mr. Kline, presenteda copy of the de cree by which Mrs. Kline was di vorced from Harry Hummell, book keeper in an Omaha' wholesale house. She married Hummell De cember 1. 1919. This decree was g.iven February 27, 1920, and signed bjr Judge Wake ley. Divorce decrees do not ';e tome operative until six mont! after they are signed. So Ciara mond was still the legal wife of Mr. Hummell when she married Mr. Kline. She had been divorced from another- nlan before she marriei Hummell. Is there any possibility of your r-marrying your first witer Mr, Kline was asked. "Not the slightest in the world," he exclaimed. "You can make -hat as strong as you like." Mr. Kline's first wife, Mrs. Minnie Kline, lives at 410 North Sixteenth street with their two boys, one of whom is an invalid. Soon after Mr. Kline's second marriage, his first wife sued him in district court here for $20,000, alleg ing that he had received a bequest frotrua deceased relative, of $40,000. Mr. Kline said yesterday that he has settled this claim with his first wife by paying her $4,500. Leflang Demands Wife t ctr. Jt iMame utfter woman Told of in Her Suit ' 'Arthur C. Leflang, Omaha capi talist who sued his wife, Caroline, for divorce two months ago, yester day filed a motion in district court demanding that his wife name the "other woman" whom she alleged in her answer to the divorce peti tion he had tolJ her he wanted to marry after he had secured ax di vorce. He also asked to hare stricken from her answer the allegation that he told her it was no use for her to fight the divorce suit, that he was determined to have it and that, un less she consented to take $50,000, he would put his property beyond her reach and she would get nothing- Mrs. Leflang alleged in her an swer that her husband told her he was "worth" $400,000. Secretary to Rex Beach Sent To Pen for Check Forgeries New York, July 20. Paul Dalr, former secretary to Rex Beach, the novelist, was sentenced to serve a maximum of three years in the pen itentiary today after being convict ed of forgery in connection with checks entrusted to him by Mr. Beach. j Instead of using the checks to pay current household expenses during his absence in Mexico last spring, Mr. Beach declared Dair filled out the checks with fictitious names and cashed some $8,000 worth. Mr. Beach recommended clemency. A letter from Dair's wife was read, stating that Dair had com mitted the forgeries through his desire to provide for his family. Movie Mad Mother Leaves , Husband' and Babies Again Mrs. Charles Miller, 2817 Parker street, has deserted her husband and three children again, according to T. H. VVerrich, superintendent of the Board of Public Welfare. r t t r t s ivir. weiricn said tne woman is. fond of the movies and cherishes an ambition to become a movie queen. Mrs. Miller weighs 200 pounds and is 35 years old. When Mr Miller returned to his home Monday evening he found his two small children endeavoring to care for his 9-months-old infant. Wife Files Petition for Probate of Weaver Estate Petition for probate of the estate of the late John D. Weaver was filed yesterday in county court with application of. Mrs. Weaver to be ap pointed administra'trix. Mr. Weaver left no will. The property is esti mated to be worth $6,00(1 The legal heirs are Mrs. Weaver and her daughters, Mrs. Cora Louise Hay- ward and Mrs. May Smith. CLOSED TO EARTH J I'm Drawn for HH-'S TOO FAR UP- LOST ALU , . PERSPECTIVE JUST LIKE A GOY IN A. . BALLOOH HE.S SO FA15. ABOVEv EVERYBODY THAT THEY ALL LOOK SMALL TD HIM WELL-PON'T YOO FO6ET IT OLD KID -WHEN YOU'RE UP SO HIGH YOO LOOK SMALL TO EVERYBODY ELSS A ONE KILLED WHEN TROOPS FIRE INTO .MOB OF CITIZENS More Troops Hufried to North Carolina When Second Out break Occurs. Greensboro, N. C, "July 20. Jim Ray was killed and Willis Phillipps and Nug Brad'shaw slightly wounded early last night at the jail in Gra ham, Almanio county, when machine gunners of a national guard com pany from Durham opened fire on a crowd in the darkness, believing an attempt was being made to Storm the jail where three negroes are held pending identification as the assail ant of a white woman near Graham' Saturday night. Reports from Graham stated no body seemed to know just why the gunners opened fife, and denial was made that there was any concerted attempt to storm the jail. Citizens during Sunday persuaded the crowds not to attack the jail. In the mean time a machine gun company arrived from Durham on orders of Governor Bickett, who instructed them "to shoot anel shoot straight." Crowds stayed around the jail until nearly daylight Monday morn ing but then dispersed. The day passed quietly and the officials ex pected no further trouble. Last night, with the street lights out, a crowd gathered near the jail and fire was opened by the machine gun ners. After this, all the soldiers were withdrawn from outside the build ing and put on guard within the prison. Woolen Workers Go Hungry r While Mills At Lawrence Are Idle Lawrence, Mass., July 20.--The T.awrpncfc citv council voted Mon day to wait upon President William M. Wood of the American Woolen company to ask him the reason for the shutdown of the mills of the company here, and also when they will be reopened.. The mills have been closed one wek, throwing 13,- 000 worker out of work. Mayor W. P. White, in a state ment said:' . "If Mr. Wood had intelligent ad visers, he would not give a 15 per cent wage advance to his workers and then in a few weeks throw them out of work; nor would he be giv ing them pink teas with peanuts and cheese one week and put them out of work the net. "Mr. Wood has entertained many thousand at his estate in the last few weeks, now some are starving. I will suDDort the resident of the American Woolen company when hl is rieht. but 1 no not want to open soup kitchens in thtscity." ' Says Demand Is Slack. "Rnstnti. Tulv 20. William M. Wood of the American Wdolenxom- rany, in a letter to Mayor W. r. White of Lawrence, which Mr. Wood made public today, said that the company s mills wouia De re opened "as soon as a demand ap pears for next season's goods." "When this will come," he added, "no one can State positively. Astralians Denounce Archbishop Mannix Speech Sydney, Australia, July 20. -Decision to form a "king and empire alliance," to counteract what were termed disloyal doctrines, was taken at a big mass meeting here today. Sneakers denounced the utterances of Archbishop Mannix of Australia. American Consul Nofton, who ad dressed the meeting, said movements such as the one being inaugurated by the gathering were needed "to counteract the influences aiming at destruction of the mutual confidences existing between the British empire and the United States." $24,422,264 Claim Filed With Rail Administration Chicago Thlbune-Omaha Itee Leased Wire. Washington. Tulv 20. Claims to talling $24,422,264 have been filed by the Pullman company with the Rail ioad administration Of this amount, $12,000,000 is for compensation for the cental of its preciation of equipment and for sup- cral control, and the balance for de preciation of equinmept and for sup plies and cash taken over by- the government. Iwenty railroad companies also have filed claims, most of them for nnr1pr-main4prta!ir nf 4neir nroncr. . ' - f'"!'4' ty during the war. Wife and Spouse Argue; Police Squelch Husband Accused by police of refusing to allow his wife to optn their dance hall in the Lyric building, Nineteenth and Farnam streets, Monday, ' and using a revolver to strengthen his argument, John Hunter lyas arrested for carrying concealed weapons and disturbing the peace. Police say Hunter and his wife, had a 'dis pute over division of receipts. Pat rons waiting outside the dance hall were allowed to ?nter after Hunter's aricst. The Bee by Sidney Smith. s. JLJUIJI-V. I PICKPOCKETS ON STREET CAR GET $140 OFF THREE Sneak Thieves and Burglars Active Holdup Man Takes $15 From Victim Sa maritans Robbed. Fickpockets were fthe most active of Omaha's thieves Monday night, corraling $140 from three victims. Petty burglaries and sneak thefts Were also reported to police. James- C. Lindsay, Bouquet hotel, told police two men, one of them a cripple, jostled him while board, ing a Lake Manawa car, and he later missed a purse containing $15 in cash. Two checks payable to himself and $100 in- cash was stolen from Jake Friedman, 2j42 Burt street, while ,on a West Leavenworth car, John Theisen, 2890 Maple street, lost $25 while riding on a Dodge street car. Sneak thieves got a pair of shoes out of. the room of Lewis Koney, Farjiam hotel. Clothing valued at $18 was stolen from the room of Douglas Gotschall and William Clouser in the NeW State hotel. Telephone receivers and mouth pieces, valued at $20, were stolen from the offices of the Drake Realty Construction company, Fourth and Pierce streets. V. H. Crowell." 3027 Hamilton street, reported the theft of a coat from his automobile standing in front of a downtown theater. Fifty dollars .worth of clothing was stolen from the room of W. Jenkins, 2519 South Twenty-ninth street. J. C. Ready, special officer for the Northwestern railroad, reported trie theft of a box containing 12 pairs of shoes from a freight car at Four teenth and Cuming streets. Charles Rigby and George Burk hart, Fostoria, O., felt sorry for a man who said he was broke and allowed him to share their room in the Howard hotel. The manwas missing in the morning and Rigby missed $40 cash and Burkhart missed $40 worth of clothing. , Elks Receive Check The local lodge of Elks received a check for $500 yesterday from Chi cago, being second prize money awarded to Omaha for its float in the Elks' Americanization parade re cently held in Chicago. Gus Renze, Ak-Sar-Ben artificer, designed the float, which won many expressions of praise.' nn Wilson Nut Margarine 1 -lb Carton 32c Only best batter tastes as good. It's Truly Nourishing and Economical Fresh Halibut tundH?,f:. . . 20c Fresh . Salmon fehrundHa!f: ... ,25c REAL 99.9 tett, the highest test sugar . coming to Nebraska CANE SUGAR Basko Japan Teas are the finest, 7Q 1 pound C Sealed in Package Get the Saving Cash Habit at the Basket Store "There Is One in Ydur Neighborhood" oiini i in mini Wllllll 111 1 llllll CAUSES DEATH OF YOUNG GIRL Succumbs tcT Diphtheria Which Develops Following . Bathing Party at Amuse- ment Park Picnic. " Diphtheria, contracted while bath ing in the pool at a local amusement park, caused the death of Alice Mc Nauny, 11 years old, 1706 North Thirty-sixth street, Monday, ac cording to City Health Conimis sioner Edwards. Dr. Otis Martin, who attended the girl through three weeks' illness, concurred in the health commis sioner's opinion. Alice, who was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank McNauny, be came ill the next day after attend ng a picnic in the park with her; chum, Florence Dougherty, 11 years old, 3522 Decatur street. Taken 111 Next Day. Both girls went bathing in the pool during the picnic and both were taken ill the next day. Alice died Monday. Florence iy near recovery. The Dougherty girl suffered but a slight touch of the diphtheria, which caused the death of . her chum. She has been ill since the picnic, however. ' Contract Germs in Water. Both girls contracted the germ?' while bathing in the pool, according to Dr. Martin and Commissioner Ed- warns. v" Alice was a member of the fourth B class at Franklin school. Private funeral services were held yesterday afternoon from Hoffman's chapel. Burial was in Graceland Park ccrneiery. "f nlnmhus Niaht" at : r rv ri oamson s uen dhrks VV V1511UIS IV Seven hundred citizens of ColuimV bus, -Schuyler, North Bend, Monroe, Platte Center, Humphrey and Dun'-- ..... tv-v carl - 1 ?r l-iirlrrAoT lctU Wld.1 Jug wig itu aniv uau.o . i n rl o.inrt hnrtie invaaea aamson s Lcn iviunuay night for Columbus night at the bifl nK-oar-Dtii snow. TT if t . T. T r.. ! ALL" IJ L. . I' ri. m. iuik, agent iui me uuiirii- in narrv. was nrrnnuceo to ine .. . . . j . .i. angry mob by Charley Black as. "Nebraska's livest live-wire." -Rev. Thomas Richmond, Episco pal rector from Boston, tpoke as did also Harrison Elliot, secre tary of the Columbus Commercial club. La Follette to Give Definite Answer tn I sartors This WeeH Chicago, July 20. Senator Roberl M.T-a Follette will decide this weeli whether he will be a candidate foi the presidency if nominated on th liberal party ticket, leaders an-, nonnced today. It was announced that assurancj of financial support was made to thi senator. . Rail Off icials Not Opposed To Unit Express System Washington, July 20. Railway executives and groups of shipper! indicated before the Interstate Com merce commission that they would not oppose the continuation of thi American- Railway Express com pany in its consolidated form asfi tablished during the period of Ted eral control. 1 3a Basko Creamery Butter 1-pound Carton 61c Omaha's , finest. Fish May be had at any of our stores in 50-Ib. lots Basko Oolong or Cey lon Tea, c a 1 pound .... Sealed in Package s