Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 17, 1920, Image 8

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t . - 11
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiw in i . 55
Saturday Till 6 p. m.
ktipM VaMes Offered Saturday Dun Omit My Sal
Saturday Till 6 p.m.
I Buy Your Furnishings Goods Now! j
1 S These Specials On Sale Saturday j
Special Clearance Sale in Men's Furnishings
100 dozen Men's Bathing Suits, latest colors, one-piece style;
some part wool suits in this lot. All sizes. Former ' (Ji QT
price $3.50, Saturday 4)J.70
Men's $3.00 Shirts I
Saturday, $1.95
Materials of woven and printed Madras j
and fast color Percales. Dozens of pat- ti
,terns to choose from, All sizes, 14 to 20 jj
neck. , , I
1 Specials in Toilet Goods
fi DOc Armond's Faco Towdcr, our cash price, 30d S
g 50e Neet (hair remover), our cash price, 39S
9 25c Moon Kisa or Masaatta Talcum, our cash r
I price 19 g
S 35c Jergen's Lotion (for sunburn), our cash e
M price 25 ,
9 30c Cutlcura Soap, our cash price 25J
S . 15c Juvenile Soap, our cash price 106
g 10c Williams' Shaving Soap, our cash price,
J only 7Vxt
S 12c Peroxide Soap, our cash price 9t
$1.25 Mujol at 00il 65c size at 49
j $1.25 Pyro's at our cash price ..90C
J 33c Wright's Silver Cream, at.; 21
3 30c Listcrine (3 oz. bottle), at 21
g 50c Oem Blades, our price 39
fI is
E y
1 a
A cleaii-iip sale of Men's Silk
Collars in white cord and as
sorted colors; plenty of neat
stripes; sizes 12' to IS nock;
former price 35c, Saturdav 21c,
A large assortment of Men's
Athletic Union Suits, in knit,
madras or nainsook ; out of our
regular $1.50 and $1.75
st ock ; Saturday OC
Values in Home Furnishings
White Mountain Refrigerators, side Icing,
capacity 125 lbs., for 843. SO
Whito Mountain Refrigerators, side icing, ca
pacity 90 lbs., for S40.00
The Wizard Universal Steam Boiler, small size,
for S1.25
The Wizard Universal Steam Boiler, large size,
for SI. 50
Cold Pack Canning Outfit, raclc and boiler
combined, for 84. SO
Universal Oil Mop, with a large bottle of oil,
complete 81.25
Any 25c bottle of Oil or Polish. Saturday, 19
Any 50c bottle of Oil or Polish, Saturday, 39
Klectric Iron, complete with 6-ft. cord and
stand, for 84. 50
Family Scales, with Bcoop, for 82.60
Kitchen Set, consists of egg beater, potato
masher, cake turner, 1 large fork, 2 mixing
spoons and rack to hang on, for 81.25
A genuine! reduction is now in
force on all men's and young
men's Spring and Summer j
Suits in our entire stock. f
Hart Schaffner & Marx Suits
are included in this reduction j
sale supply your future
needs Saturday at a big saving. 1
Mm' I'liriilxtiiiws Mnln I loor.
Saturday will be our clean up day in Men's Straws,
Panama, Leghorns, Javas. Instead of having that
old one cleane ! (which would cost you $1.25 to
f 1.75) come in and get a new one for $2.C0. Every
straw hat in this department will go Saturday at
Just ',2 Trice.
22 dozen Men's Straw Hats, Saturday 45c
Genuine Mexican Ganden Hats j Price
Silk Top Rollers, Saturday :...$1.00
150 Full Leather Traveling Bags, 17-inch and 18
inch, steel frame, sewed corners, slide and slot
catch, good lock, Saturday $7.50
NOTE Hayden's reductions v e
genuine be not misled by "mark
up and mark-down" sales.
Remarkable Savings in Women's and Misses' Suits, Coats, Dresses, Skirts and Blouses Are
Offered in Our Great July Clearance Sales
The Children's Department
Offers These Values
Saturday in Children's Section
Clearing Sale of Girls' Dresses
Girls' Colored and White Lawn and Voile Dresses,
all sizes, worth $4.00, $5.00, Saturday, at.... $2.98
Girls' Fine Gingham Dresses, all sizes, worth to
$5.00, $6.00. $7.00, Saturday $3.98
Girls' Middy Blouses and Middy Skirts, slightly soiled
from handling, special, Saturday .1.98
Girls' Api-onsH sizes, special, Saturday. .690
Rabies' Bunny Brand , Babies' Wash Bonnets
Diapers and Panties,
worth 75c and $1.00,
special, Saturday, 590
elegant values, worth
$1.50, $2.00, Saturday,
at $1.00
July Clearance Sale of , Women's and Misses'
Coats and Dresses Saturday
3 Special Lots
Coats and Dresses sold up to $19.50, at $9.90
Coats and Dresses sold up to $29.50, at $14.90
Coats and Dresses sold up to $45.00, at $19.90
$9.90 Lot The Dresses
ire made up of White Georgette Crepes,
Crepe de Chines, Cotton, Colored Voiles
and Wool Jersey Dresses, suitable for
women and misses, sold up to $19.50;
Clearing Sale Price, (TQ rr
Saturday J7.7U
The Coats
Are made up in Jersey Sport Coats, long
linen sealean and basket cloth coats, suit
able for auto or touring, sold (TQ QA
at $12.50 to $19.50, Saturday. . . 7.7J
$14.90 Lot Dresses
Made up in White Georgette Crepes, Col
ored Lawn Taffeta Dresses, Colored and
Voile Dresses, made up in the season's
many styles, sold at $19.50 fl-f A ff
to $29.50, Saturday pLt7J
Made up of Velours, Serges and Polos,
short, sport and -length ' sizes and
styles, ladies' and misses, a ((
Saturday $14.71)
$19.90 Lot Dresses .
Made up in fine Colored Voiles, Lawns
and White Georgettes, many beaded
models, and sold up to
$45.00, Saturday
Coats made up in Polo Cloth, Silvertones,
Velours and Serges; lengths short, me
dium and long; sizes and styles for
misses', ladies' and stouts,
Saturday, special
A Sale Extraordinary of
Wash Blouses
Sold Up to $6.50
Saturday, your choice of dainty Wash Blouses,
'made up in White Voiles, Lingerie, Dimities,
Colored Organdies; made up in the season s
(smartest styles; all sizes, Saturday
Special $3.95
July Clearance
Shoe Sale
Grove r Oxfords in black and
brown vicl kid, with genuine hand
turned and Goodyear welt sole,
J15 values. Clearance price. $10.00
' Crossett Oxfords for mtn in dark
brown vici kid and dark brown
calf skin, nothing bei-ic? made for
wear and appearance. Sold all
season for $16.00. Clearance
price $12.00
Men's Brown and Black Calf Skin
Shoes, Goodyear welt soles and
Union Made. "Hayden's Special,"
$8.50 values. Clearance price, per
pair $fi.50
Women's Black and Tan Vici Kid
Oxfords, with leather French
heels, $7.50 values. Clearance
price, per pair, at $5.00
"Women's Black and Brown Vici
Kid Stripped Pumps, with leather""
French heels, $5.50 and $7.50 val
ues. Clearance price $4.00
Women's White Mary Jane and 2
Strap Canvas Pumps. Clearance
price ..$2.00
Misses' and Child's Barefoot San
dals and Skuffers. Clearance
price, at $1.00
Men's Dark Brown Skuffers, with
heavy stitch down soles and ana
tomic heels, $3.00 values. Clear
ance price $2.00
Big Saturday
in the
Lace Section
Eton Vests of colored organdie, S
trimmed with Val lace and pleat- S
ings, very pretty with the new suit; g
regular value $2.75; Saturday's
special, at $2.25 f
In the Popular Price Section a
Sale of Summer Hats
Models the Equal of $7.50 to $12.50
Values Elsewhere
Imported Organdie Collar and Cuffs
lace trimmed, in white and all the
new desirable shades; regular val
ue $1.50 to $2.00; Saturday's
Special $1.39
A beautiful new line of Tuxedo and
fitted effects, for the new dress 01
suit; regular value 1.75 to $2.00.
Saturday's Special $1.49
Georgette HatsTaffeta Hats Banded
M Hans Leghorns Ribbon Hats
Taffeta and Georgette
Organdie Vesting for suits and
dresses, trimmed with dainty tucks
and lace, in white and colors; reg
ular value, yard, $6.75; Saturday's
Special, yard $6.00
Fine Lawn Handkerchiefs, embroi
dered in corners, in dainty designs,
both in white and colors; regular,
value 25c; Saturday Special, 190
Always foremost in presenting to Omahu
women extraordinary values, we take this
opportunity of presenting for Saturday a col
lection of distinctive Summer Millinery at a
price far below the real value.
The shapes include large drooping brims, tur
bans for the matron, tarns, close-fitting effects,
rolling brims and novelty shapes with trim
ming touches of embroidery, ribbon, flowers,
feathers and ornaments.
These Hats have just arrived from the fash
ion centers of the country and. come in white,
pink, navy, orchid, black and combinations.
Second floor.
Corset Clearance
'Warner's Pink Brocade, graduated front
clasp, unusual values; former price $3.00,
Special, $3.79 '
Sizes 22 to 30 '
Pink Mesh Bandeaux and White Fancy
Brassieres, front and back fastenings
75c Values 59c
Corset Department Second Floor.
Summer Underwear
Greatly Underpriced in the
July Sales v
Batiste, Voftlc and Soft Muslin Night Dresses
and Envelope Chemise, trimmed with touches of
embroidery or lace, regular price $2.50 and
$2.98, on sale ....$1.98
Crepe do Chine Envelope Chemise, daintily
trimmed with fine laces, ribbon shoulder straps
flesh, regular price $5.00 and $5.!)S, on sale
at $3.98
Washable Satin and Crepe dc Chine Camisoles,
trimmed with fine laces or touches of embroid
ery, ribbon and lace shoulder straps, regular
price $2.98 and $2.50, on sale..... $1.98
Women's Lisle Union Suits with beaded tops,
tight kneeor lace bottom, regular price !iRc,
on sale 690
Boys' and Girls' Union Suits, in cotton or nain
sook, tight knee or lace bottom, regular price
85c, on sale at 500
Bathing Suits, cotton, black trimmed with
whije, sizes 38 to 46, regular price ll.OS and
$2.50, special 9SO
Women's and Children's Wool Bathing Suits,
at " $1.98 to $10.00
Hosiery at Big
" Wonderful money-saving val- ?
ucs in our Cut Trice Hosiery Sale J
Saturday. f
Women's Pure Thread Silk Hose, I
in best makes, all first quality, all 1
sizes and colors, regular $3.75
values, Saturday $3.48 f
Women's Thread and Fiber Silk
Hose, also fine Mercerized Lisle 1
Hose, in regular and extra sizes, I
fashioned and seamless values,
sold regularly up. to $2.50 sale '1
Price $1.24 j
Large assortment of Children's I
Half Hose, slightly soiled, 39c ?
quality 15 3
Tt T r. UJ'n and Solve the H. C. L. Problem
DUy IUUr VJfUCCriCS HI liayUCll Read Our Specials for Saturday
Sanitary Market
Best Pure Cane Sugar, lb 23d
4S-lb. sack Diamond H Flour
for $3.50
2t-lb. sack Diamond H Flour
for $1.75
24-lb. sack Rye Flour
Hand Picked Navy Beans, lb.lOtf
Fancy Head Japan Rice, lb...l5?
Breakfast Oatmeal, lb 7l
4 cans OH Sardines 25c
Booth's Sardines in Tomato Sauce,
per can " 25?
Large bottle Sweet Pickles. . .35
Urge Mixed Pickles ZoC
No. 1 cans Peaches or Apricots in
heavy syrup, can.. 20tf
18-oz. jar Assorted Preserves. 35
Gallon Pumpkin, each.. 50
Gallon cans Chili Con Carne...$l
Gallon cans Pineapple 90
No. 3 cans Tomatoes, solid packed,
for 17 !
16-oz. cans Carnation, Pet or Wil
son Milk 15
Large bottles Pure Cider Vinegar
or Tomato Catsup 10
No. 2 cans Peas, Corn or Hand
Packed Tomatoes, can 12V4d
16-oz. cans Pink Salmon 25
No. 3 cans Peaches or Apricots
for 30
Spaghetti, Macaroni or Noodles, per
pkg 7e
Assorted Kamo Soups, each..lOJ
10 bars Diamond C Soap 56
3 cans Old Dutch Cleaner .. . .25
10 bars White Borax Soap...58
3 pkgs. Lux 36
Golden Rod Washing Powder, per
pkg. , 23
Sunbright Cleanser, each. 5
HajdnrS Veffctalile and I'resli
Fruit Market
New Homegrown Potatoes, per
lb Slid
Fresh Wax or Green Beans, pet
lb 10?
Fancy Sweet Corn1, doz 50
Urge bunches Green Onions. 20
Large bunches Beets 15
Large bunches Carrots 30
Large Cucumbers, each 15
Green Apples, for pies, lb 10
New Cabbage, lb 5
Head Lettuce, each 10
Dry Red Onions, lb 5
Lemons, per dozen 20
Dried Fruit Department
Fancy California Prunes, lb,.15
Choice Cooking Figs, lb 20
Fancy New York Apples, lb..30
Mince Meat, pkg 12Vi
Choice Muir Peaches, lb 25
Fancy Seedless Raisins, lb. . .25
Fresh Roasted Peanuts, lb..l7l2
Fancy Pop Corn, lb 7Va
t'nndy Specials
Fresh Salted Peanuts, lb 3,"
Chocolate Creams, lb 50d
Fancy Mixed Candy, lb 35
Tea ami Coffee Market of
Golden Santos Coffee, lb. .
Fancy Pan Fired Tea, lb. .
English Breakfast Tea, lb
Our Famous Ice Tea, lb. .
Mocha and Java Coffee, lb
Courtney's Ankola Coffee, lb 50
Tea Sittings. Ib ...18
Fancy Breakfast Cocoa, lb 25?
. 50
Saturday Specials in Our Sanitary Market
Steer Tot Roast, lb 200
Fancy Veal Breasts, lb 150
Sugar Cured Bacon, Ib 320
Army Bacon, 12-lb. tins. .. .$3.00
Urge variety of Summer Sausage,
Cooked and Luncheon Meat in Deli
catessen ' Dept. at Lowest Cash
Omaha's Creates! Market for Ewrs
Cheese, Butter and Hulk Pickles
Cheese bought by the ton and
sold by the pound.
Fancy Full Cream New York Cheese
at, per lb 400
Fancy Full Cream Young America
or Long Horn Cheese, lb.. 350
Fancy Full Cream Wisconsin
Cheese, per lb 300
The best No. 1 Fresh Eggs, per
doz 100
Fancy largo Dill Pickles, doz.250
Fancy Chow Chow Pickles, qt 300
The best Creamery Butter, lb. 610
The best Country Creamery Butter,
Per lb 500
All the wA brands Nut Butter, per
ii' 330
3 J
Eg .1
! i a
1 u r
n .