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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 17, 1920)
6 THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, JULY 17, 1920. PRICE OF FRUITS TAKES SLUMP IN OMAHA MARKETS Better Grades Being Offered Potatoes Take a Slump and Meat Quotations Continue High.- Picnic srason is on and shelves and counters of Omaha markets are fairly sagging tinder the things that go tr make one successful. Fruit of all kinds, vegetables, spring chicken and even cold meats. Fruit is getting cheaper every day, and also better. Fine big plums arc now on sale everywhere at about $1 for the large baskets. A medium , sized basket of peaches costs 50 cents, and ttie peaches are larger and better than they have been. Apricots are selling at about the same prices as plums. Lemons still retail at about 30 cents a dozen, with some stores cutting this price somewhat. Melons are better than they have been during the earlier part of the season and are cheaper. Water melons are no longer a gamble, and are selling for a variety of prices, all low. Cantaloupes cost up to fl cents apiece, depending on siz and We Have It! Victor Record 35696 $135 "Old Fashioned Garden" Medley by Palace Trio and "Oh! By, Jingo" by All-star Trio' MICKEL'S 15th and Harney quality. Honeydew melons cost about 60 cents apiece. Casaba mel ons are also to be had now, at about the same price. Cherries are still on the market at varying prices. Raspberries, black and red, are plentiful and good. The former costs around 30 cents for a box, and the latter about S cents more. Blackberries are excellent and cost ,50 cents a box. Cooking apples are on the market again at about 20 cents for a small basket. Potatoes have taken a drop, as the new crop reaches the market. The best grades are now quoted around 8 cents a pound, which is less than a third of their price a month ago. Other vegetables, all home grown, are offered profusely at prices each merchant finds he can make. Tomo toes, at 25 cents a pound, are better than thev have been so far. Cab bage, lettuce, 'radishes, onions, cu cumbers, asparagus, peas, beans, beets and carrots are to be had at low prices. Meats Still High. Butter is not particularly low but at 59 cents a pound is cheaper than it has been in a long time. Eggs hold steady at about 43 cents a dozen. Spring chicken is rapidly ripening at poultry farms supplying Omaha's markets, and the price is slightly lower than it has been. It is still in the millionaire and labor er class, lfowever. All meats con tinue to be high, but no abrupt ad vances over last week's prices are noticeable today.- As compared to last year's prices at this time, meat is away up. A number of markets are offering customers cold cooked meats, to relieve them of home cook ing during the hot days. Hearing Started On Plan to Widen Twenty-Fourth Street A board of appraisers in connec tion with the proposed widening of Twenty-fourth street from Pacific to Cuming streets, lias started a series of hearings in the city council chamber. It is proposed to widen this thor oughfare to 100 feet, and it is esti mated that the project will cost $1,500,000. Approximately 45 feet will be taken from the east side of Twenty fuurth street from Pacific street and St. Marys avenue, and-various strips between the avenue and Cuming Street. Remodel Beddeo Store Remodeling of the Beddeo Credit Clothiers store at 1417 Douglas street, which is to begin at once, will include the installation of a 25-foot arcade window and a complete new arrangement of the main floor. MEN ARE FOUND WHO MAY KNOW "MYSTERY GIRL" Grace Ballard Believes Pair In Michigan Penitentiary Can Identify Slain Woman Will Question Them. County Attorney Grace Ballard of Washington county announced yes terday that she was convinced the "mystery girl" found murdered on November 19 was killed several days before in a braw! in "Fatty's roadhouse and taken by four men to the deserted ravine where her body was found. She plans to make a trip to an eastern penitentiary, where she be lieves two of the men are now im prisoned, and hopes to solve the mystery by questioning them, she said. Has "Authentic Information." "I have authentic information that four men and a girl went to the roadhouse near the Locust street viaduct several nights before the girlis body was found," said Miss Ballard. "The five became somewhat in toxicated and one of the men slapped the girl on the cheek. The girl, angry, threatened to expose the men, and was shot. "I believe at the time the men had planned a series of robberies in Omaha and it was this the girl threatened t expose. Names "Soldier" Murphy. 'VTwo of the men who were in the roadhouse are now confined in th Michigan penitentiary. One of them is known as "Soldier" Murphy, atu, was placed there for shooting with intent to kill in connection with a Toledo jail delivery on last Christ mas. "I am going to Michigan and talk to these men if I have to pay my own expenses. I am almost posi tive the girl was from Toledo and I believe her identity can be solved by these men. "I am glad to give Omaha police any information I have, however." Lighting Fixtures Burgess Gran den Co. Adv. B Our Big Reduction Sale Now in Full Swing Tomorrow we continue the most popular Shoe Sale we have ever put on. Not only have the values been greatest, but the crowds have been most appreciative. Many a buyer who has come in here for a pair has gone home with several. These surprisingly low prices on such high-grade footwear as Laird & Schober, Wright & Peters, Ziegler Bros. , and others. FOR WOMEN Our $12.00 Hand-turned and welt Kid, Russia Calf and White Nile Oxfords, Pumps and One Eyelet Ties NOW $8.45 Our $15.00 Bench-made, Brown Kid, Patent, Gray Buck and Black Kid, Astor Ties, Colonials and Oxfords NOW $9.45 Our $10.00 Oxfords, Pumps, Colonials, One and Two-Eyelet Ties," Calf, Kid and Patent NOW $7.45 Our $15.00 . Bench-made, Black Kid, Suede and Brown Kid, Theo Ties, Astor Ties and Oxford Ties NOW $10.45 MEN'S OXFORDS $3.00 OFF Every pair of Leather Oxfords in our entire stock. Consid ering quality, service and style, we are certain that no better Shoe values exist. 16th and Douglas Sts. in UN LJ ) Wf I 'I.I 1 M 40 For the Summer Traveler SALE of LUGGAGE At Very Special Prices Saturday Are you taking your vacation now? If you are, these specials in the luggage line will interest you. Suit Cases, $3.95 Matting suit cases, 16 and IS inches, of finely woven grass matting, tastefully lined with cretonne. A wonderful value at $3.95. Bass wood Trunks, $11.95 x Large 34, 36, 38-inch basswood trunks; heavily reinforced, covered hat box in tray; brass locks and catches $11.95. Suit Cases, $10.00 A genuine PITH CANE suit case, very light and really a beautiful piece of luggage for the summer traveler. Leather straps and corners, tastefully lined with cretonne. Specially priced at $10.00. Fiber Suit Cases, $1.95 Fiber suit cases, steel corners, good heavy handles; just the thing for camping trips or the automobile $1.95. , Wardrobe Trunks $37.50, $42.50, $50.00 A large assortment of wardrobe trunks specially priced. These trunks will take your garments and bring them back in perfect order. Steamer, three-quarter and full sizes. All standard makes; built of three-ply basswood, covered with vul canized fiber. , Lujgare Section Fourth Floor Burgess-Nash .Gjnmny 1 . r j4 THE STORE QT I Good Merchandise J&7 sTi - " jL Storc Hours: x and the SAbtrrriSZ 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. Truth About It 'CCnrLZ&r C"-W Saturday, 6 P.M. I ESTABLISHED IN 1870 lcT Clearing Sale Features e Cinderella Shoe Sale Meaning a cleanup of the accumu lation of broken assortments from our entire stock in small sizes. The woman who wears a size" 5 or smaller can get a bargain Saturday. The variety is as ex tensive as shoe models are shown. There are Party Slippers, Sport Shoes, Oxfords, French Heel Slip pers and Shoes, Walking Shoes. The Quality is all you would ex pect it to be in this store. Goods are from our regular stock. Black, white and colors. Prices have heen up to $12 and even $15. The Once-a-Season Cinderella Sale Saturday the eason tj ,e'. $ pair t 5 On the Square Saturday Laces and Nets at $1.00 a yard Black Silk Laces, 12 to 27 inches wide. Allovers and Medal lions. 40-in. Black Silk Net. Colored Silk Nets. Colored All-Overs. 27 to 45-in. St. Gall Flouncings. Gold and Silver Laces. Venice All-Overs. 18 - inch All-Overs, cream and white. 3S-!neh Shadow Laees. Values up to $5.00 a yard, in one lotr One Dollar Floor Below SUITING AND SKIRTING In plain col ors. Beach Cloth, Poplin, Linene. Sell ing at One Dollar, Saturday 59c yard Women's Hosiery Two Specials Saturday LISLE STOCKINGS in black, white and t colors, fashioned and semi-fashioned. The kinds selling at one dollar, 79 c pair SILK STOCKINGS in full 'fashioned, pure silk fabrics, mercerized top and sole, plain and embroidered blacks and colors; the $3.50 qualities, $2.45 pair. A Carnival of CHILDREN'S SOCKS Saturday. Myriads of them sold at 39c and 50c- 25c pair ft Knit Underwear CHILDREN'S AND BOYS' UNION SUITS -Various shapes which have sold at $1.00 and $1.25, grouped in one lot for Saturday selling, 69c each Stretton and Richilieu makes Highest type of construction, accurately shaped and fitted, including out sizes. $2.50 numbers, $1.79 each Women's Neckwear A group of frilly and fashionable Fichus, etc., at One-fourth Off. $1.00 Collars for , 68e $4.25 5c lie 20c 29c Bargains in Beautifiers $5.00 Star Vibrators, Holman Toilet Soap, per cake, 25c Palmolive Cream, 60c Chlorax Tooth Paste, 50c Madeline Face Powder, 50c jar Palmolive Vanishing Cream, 32c Quarter Tooth Brushes 8YgQ each 3 to a. Customer Hair Brushes, 69c In Candies We Tempt the Taste in All Temperatures BLACK WALNUT OPERA CREAM Here's another "sweet" that will make you wish you had more when the first box is gone. Richest cream with pure vanilla flavor and over all big luscious black walnut meats. Sold every day in our store at $1.00 a lb. Special for Saturday. gQc a BITTER SWEETS Unusual centers of mellow cream delightfully flavored and then dipped in bitter sweet coating of richest chocolate. Special, QQq q Sweet Reminders Oregon Cherries dipped In cream. . Pineapple Cream Dates. Brazil Nuts in Cream. Genuine Apple Jelly Wafers and Rings. Marshmallows in cream to harmonize with flowers. Jumbo Salted Pecans and Valencia Almonds. develop as the season advances. More merchandise is daily drawn into the current of price cutting. Tricolette Dresses and Suits A most fortunate purchase of superb style and quality tricolette garments just unpacked and never before shown by us, go on sale Saturday morning these added to those from our regular stock and greatly reduced, makes possible a dress or suit of this ultra-fashionable material at an extraordinary saving. Graceful long linessome with short and three-quarter sleeves tastefully embroidered with silk, wool and braid Tricolette needs no introduction to those who have used it, their appre- (ft ciation may be summed up in the words of one of our patrons who said: S ii I TrirlnnK-f nrHyr ia nirtc-f co ieifMTT m o f afi ol T Iiotto array ncnrl " TMia ' ' colors are navy, black, white, copen, gold, brown, green, flesh, taupe, etc. All at the one special price values to $87.50, IQ50 July Clearance of Dresses GREATLY REDUCED 1 Lot Figured Voile aud Organdie Dresses, $12.95, $16.95, $24.75 1 Lot Sport Dresses (also georgette dresses) $24.75 1 Lot Taffeta, Georgette and Foulard Dresses values to $79.50 clearance prices, $24.75 to $39.75 Suits and Coats 1 Lot Suits values to $89.50 sale prices, $29.50, $45.00 1 Lot Coats values to $57.50 sale prices, $24.75, $29.75 July Clearance of Blouses 1 Lot Lingerie, Pongee and Georgette Blouses values to $14.75 sale prices, $5.95 1 Lot Striped and Plain Crepe de Chine and Tri colette values to $19.75 sale prices, $5.95, $9.75 1 Lot Extra7 Large Blouses, sizes to 52, Beaded Georgette, Pussy Willow and Crepe de Chine values to $18.50 sale price, $11.75 Kimonos Of figured Silk and Cotton Crepe extra special for Saturday, $5.95 KIMONOS of Crepe de Chine and Figured Satin values to $19.95 for Saturday, $10.95 July Clearance of Children's & Juniors' Garments Children's Hats Both Lingerie and Straws values $3.00 to $7.50 sale Price 98c to $3.98 - STRAW HATS Milans and Leghorns, originally $8.50 and more, Now l Price Smocks (Sizes 4 to 20) Pastel and high shades of crepe with yarn and silk embroideries all greatly reduced to $3.95, $5.95 to $9.95 SMOCKS (sizes 16 to 20) One of a kind in im ported crepes and exquisite flower and other de signs, in both silk and yarn all greatly reduced to $16.75 to $19.75 i New Organdie Dresses And a few high grade figured voiles in the lot exquisite color combinations. All at big savings to you, ' $9.50, $12.50, $15.50 White Dresses (Sizes 6 to 16) Of Organdie, Voile and Dotted Swiss, embroidered and lace trimmed. Clearance price, $5.95, $8.95 July Clearance Gingham Dresses (aged 6 to 14), sale prices, $2.49, $3.49 July Clearance Gingham Dresses (aged 10 to 18), sale prices, $6.75 to $12.50 July Clearance Taffeta Dresses, values to $49.50, sale prices, $14.50 to $29.50 July Clearance Wool Plaid Skirts, are now re duced to $10.50 to $19.50 July Clearance Children's Coats (aged 1 to 12 years), sale prices, $10.00, $15.00 July Clearance Junior Coats, values to $49.50, sale prices, $15.00, $25.00 Flowered Voile Dresses House Dress Section While these dainty checks, plaids and flowered voile dresses in lovely color ings will be sold in this section, they belong to a much higher priced one. Sheer white collars and cuffs add a refined effect that is usually confined to dresses three times the price at which they are offered Saturday special, $5,95 July Sale of Silks Two Most Interesting Items for tjie Saturday Shopper: TUSSAH PONGEE-Comes In oy ster white and tan, of excellent weight and most desirable for shirts and summer suits. Regu larly selling at .00 $4.95 the yard A COUNTER of many kinds of silks, taffeta, satin, crepe de chine, pongee,- tub silks, foulards and others. Attractive iu patterns and colors and have been selling to 13.00 per yard $1.69 the yard July Clearance of Lingerie Nightgowns, $1.98 Of high grade Windsor crepe in pink and white, blue bird designs, full length and width. Values to 13.50. Very special Saturday at lJK Brassieres, 49c Bandeaux bust confiners of good quality mesh, well made and perfect fitting. Value 75c. Saturday, 9e. Nightgowns, $1.49 Of soft nainsook, both tailored and trimmed models. Val ue $2.00. Saturday, $1.49 Other Special Values in Silk Envelopes, Petti coats and Corsets as well as Muslin Undergar ments not advertised. Continuing Our Extraordinary Tub Skirt Sale At Tremendous Reductions The splendid response to this sale prompts us to add other skirts of greater value to fill in depleted sizes and to cause the for tunate purchaser to pleasantly remember us during vacation time. This remarkable sale comes just in time to meet vacation needs just when an opportunity for savings is most welcome. All Fre-shrnnk Materials 4aherdlne and gQ Snrf-Satlng Yonthfnl Models. $C(M) A Unusual pocket treatment, noTel belts and tucked Jzzs, effects are special features, double these prices. Values in many eases July Sale of Men's Furnishings Silk Neckwear, odd lots of $1.00 goods, Bats and Four-in-Hands, 60c All-Over Silk and Silk Knit Neck wear; values $1.00 to $5.00, at $3.85, $2.65, $2.15, $1.35 and 9e Silk Plaited and Silk Fibre Socks, plain and fancy colors; $1.00 val ue, at 65e Men's Full Fashioned Silk Socks, black, brown, navy, gray; $1.59 value, at $1.15 Silk Shirts, all our beet goods; val ues to $16.50. at tSM Silk and Silk Fibre, value to $9.00, at $5.95 Fibre and Silk Striped Madras, $6.50 value, at $S5 Fine Madras, $5.00 value, iSSoi $3.50 and $4.00, $3.15 $3.00 Shirts, $2.55 Reduced prices on Night Robes and Pajamas. Men's Knit Union Suits, $1.75 value. at $1.00 Linen Mesh Underwear, H price. Athletic Union Suits, $2.00 value. at $1.M All Leather Hags and Suit Cases, 20 Per Cent Discount. V "tVERYBODYS STORE"