Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 17, 1920, Page 3, Image 3

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He Was Host of Many Night
PartiesGold Rim Tum
blers Broken at One
Russian Empress and
Children Burned to
Death, Says Courier
Paris, July 1 (S. The Russian em
press and her children were burned
alive after the execution of Em
peror Nicholas at Ekaterinburg, it
is alleged in statements attributed
tc Alexis Dolrovitz, formerly
courier to the empress, published
here today. Dolrovitz said he made
vain attempts to save his mistress
and her children.
The empress and the children,
Dolrovitz declared, were taken to a
wood near Ekaterinburg. Brush
wood was gathered and a huge fire
made, into which the royal victims
were forced. Every time they
sought to get out of the flames, Dol
rovitz said, they were driven back
at the point of the bayonet.
Tatiana, the empress' second
daughter, fled from the pyre three
times and eventually fell pierced
through by a bayonet. The empress
and Alexis, heir to the throne,
clasped in close embrace, walked
almost automatically into the
flames and disappeared in a whirl
of smoke, according to Dolrovitz.
Jewels Valued at
$16,000 Stolen From
Woman at Country Club
noon while Mrs. Shove was attend
ing a party given in her honor at
the cluh house oj the Denver Coun
try club.
Mrs. Shove was wearing the miss
ing jewelry at the time she entered
the club house and did not notice
that they were missing until she was
preparing to leave. House detec
tives made a search for the missing
jewelry, but being unable to locate
it, appealed to the police to help find
the thief.
the communist labor party urged
"organization of the working class
to captive the state's power and to
establish a dictatorship of the pro
letariat," according to a call for one
of their meetings, read to the jury
this morning in the trial of William
Bross Lloyd and 19 associates
charged with conspiracy to over
throw the government by force.
H. J. Wilson, former secretary of
the soldiers', sailors' and workmen's
soviet council of Seattle, was the
principal witness at the afternoon
session. He told how the Seattle
strike was planned by the soviet
E. M. Allen, a court reporter,
testified tint Niels Kjar of Chicago
distributed circulars advertising a
meeting called to celebrate the sec
ond anniversary of the bolshevik
Mayor of York, Neb., Leader
Of Another Party Movement
'Chicago, July 16. Another polit
ical movement, the liberal party,
was launched today by former mem
hers of the committee of 48, who
bolted from that organization. Judge
Arthur G, Wray, mayor of York,
Neb., and Allen McCurdy, keynote
speaker at the 48 convention, head
ihe new party.
It is probable no presidential
ticket will be named, it was stated.
The convention was confined to
those persons, some 50 to 60 in num
ber, who signed its call, and all
other 4S'rs were excluded from the
Governor Cox Promises Aid
In Suffrage Ratification
Columbus, 0 July 16. Governor
James M. Cox today promised a
delegation of the national woman's
party that he will give all his pos
sible time, influence and strength to
ward procuring ratification of the
suffrage amendment by Tennessee.
He also advised' them to appoint a
committee to confer with him on a
plan of action.
Denver, Colo., July 16. The po
lice today are busily engaged in at
tempting to secure soiue clue that
will assist them in securing the ar
rest of the thief or thieves responsi
ble for the thett of diamonds valued
at $16,000 from Mrs. Eugene 1
Miove. wealthy Colorado Springs
society woman.
The theft of the diamonds oc
curred some time Thursday after
State Scores Again in
Trial of Alleged Reds
Chicago, July 16. Members of
Newry, County Down, Ireland,
Julv lo. "There were no servants
in felwell's home at night time," said
Mrs. Annie Kane, former house
keeper of Joseph B. Elwell, the
murdered turfman and whist au
thority of New York, in an interview
here today.
"One night I forgot the keys to
my own home. I returned to the
Elwell house and let myself in,
slipped into the kitchen and found
Elwell with my cap and apron on.
frying bacon and eggs for himself
and four lady friends and two
gentlemen who had returned with
him from the theater. It was about
11 o'clock.
"Elwell was all excitement when
he saw me. He tried to slip off the
apron and cap and asked me what
I wanted. I said I wanted the keys
and told him where they were and
he got them for me."
Names Another Woman.
Mrs. Kane told of other incidents
observed by her in her long serv
ice with Elwell. She mentioned the
name of another woman friend of
the murdered ' man a girl from
Brooklyn to whom he gave money.
The former housekeeper smiled
broadly at the reported assertion of
a young woman that she was merely
a casual acquaintance" of Elwell.
Mrs. Kane went on:
"The way Elwell treated his wife
was pitiful.
"While he squandered money on
other women, he turned down his
wife when she told him how difficult
it was to make both ends meet. She
asked his assistance and some
money to enable her to open up a
business for herself, but Elwell just
glanced over the letter and threw
it into a drawer. The way he treat
ed his wife got the servants more
o rless against him. Many times
we were inclined to ring up Mrs.
Elwell and tell her to come over and
take charge of the home.
Disdained Own Folks.
"Mr. Elwell never wanted his own
people near him. I remember hew
his father use! to write him, appeal
ing to him to send funds to his wife,
and saying the ollowance was long
overdue and she was in bad straits.
"Elwell used to forget his wife,
but all the time would pay out lav
ishly to other women. He nevir
wanted any member of his family
near him. After making certain in
vestments for his family he sad to
"'That finishes them.'
"As a matter of fact, I believe El
well was ashamed of the life he was
leading and didn't want his relatives
to know."
5 Mrs. Kane when told that one of
the women she mentioned had e
nied the statements concerning her
friendship with Elwell made by Mrs.
K?ne in her now famous affidavit to
the denial thus:
"This young woman came with her
older .sister to Mr. Ehvell's Palm
Beach home and was entertained
there as other society people were."
Concerning the visit of the woman
to the Elwell house, Mrs. Kane said
that Elwell came to .her one day
and said:
" 'Annie, haven't you got a place
to go to today?'
"I was surprised at this and said,
'no.' It was Sunday morning.
" 'Well,' he said, 'I've got some
friends upstairfs. 1 don't want them
to be disturbed before 6 tr 7 o'clock
this evening.' I took some hours otT
and returned before 4 o'clock, be
lieving Mr. Ehvell's friends were
still there. " But they had gojie.
Saw Society Woman.
"One morning I came in eartv
and saw woman down stairs. I
tlipped into a room and saw her fix
her hat in front of a mirror. I sav
she was a society woman. There
was no mistake about that
"Thank God there was no Irish
woman among Ehvell's lot. They
were mostly Germans or had Ger
man sounding 'names.
"Especially, there was , of Brook
lyn. She used to get a check tor
$50 at a time from him.
"Elwell employed the Burns De
tective agency to Watch his wife.
The Burns men trailed her for a
long time, but she is a good woman
and they couldn't get anything on
"Mr. Elwell was dissatisfied at this,
and when the Burns people sent
him the bill he entered into a long
controversy with them and refused
to pay it, saying the men hadn't
earned the money. He kept dupli
cates of the letters he sent them and
later destroyed some of them, but
eventually I believe, the Burns peo
ple filed suit against him and he
settled, as far as I know.
"Elwell used to give parties at his
lionie at night when the servants
were gone. One morning I came in
early and found Elwell descending
the stairs. He went into the roon.
where a party had been held the
night before. I came in after him
and found all the gold rimmed
tumblers broken, as if they had been
thrown against the wall during the
night. When he saw me he said:
"There's an awful smash here.
Annie. I'm trying to clear things
Cows Eat Mash From Still
And Get'Beatly" Drunk
Durham, N. C. July 16. John
King, a farmer living near this city,
last night fourjd two of his cows in
a stupor in their pasture, apparently
suffering from some strange mal
ady. A veterinarian was called and
after lengthy examination pro
nounced both animals as merely
"beastly" drunk. A search for the
cause led to the discovery of a big
"moonshine" still in a secluded cor
ner of the pasture. The cows had
eaten a quantity of the mash used
by the illicit whisky manufacturers.
City's Oldest Employe
85 Years Old Yesterday
John Mathiesen, dean of city hall
employes, was 85 years old yester
day. He has been in the service of
the city 28. years and has lived in
Omaha 50 years,
WE ARE SUCCEEDING in our determined aim to increase
July Sales to double their volume of 1919. Succeeding
because our 1920 July Clearance Sale prices have been the
talk of Omaha. With seasonable, fresh, new merchandise
marked down to a temptingly low price, our patrons have
responded to the economy call. New merchandise is being
received daily to freshen up our vast stocks.
GMSmfimMMsL Oewe Sank
kirts of Sport Silk
radiate beauty
distinctively chic
Regular 19.00 to 32.50 Values
Your Choice
Beauty of color and fabric
makes it possible for the
Skirts of sports silks to be
exquisitely simple.
Fan-ta-si, Kumsi-Kumsa,
Bargnette Satin, Tricolette
and Crepe de Chine are but a
few waiting to be chosen.
You will not want to limit yourself to one when you see
the variety of plaits and tucks, stitchery and pearl buttons
that distinguish the different models. "With appropriate
blouses and sweaters, these Skirts assure many striking Sum
mer costumes of charm.
f Brandeis Stores Second Floor Center
You will enjoy a vialt
to our Beach Apparel
department as much as
you will your dip in
the water. We have an
unusually fine assort
ment of suits and ac
cessories to show you.
Special Sale
Bathing Suits
a. (Q
At Vl
10.50, 12.50 and $15 Values
A special assortment of one-piece suits in a wide
variety of color combinations.
All wool suits of splendid quality and style. A sell
ing feature in our July Sales and only a limited
quantity, so make selections early.
Brandeis Stores Second Floor West
Tub Frocks
Fresh, New
with just a charming hint
at Persian origination.
For Misses and Small Women
Morning, noon or night, you can never have too many tub" frocks. New
models hare arrived to add new joy to the pleasure of choosing them.
In a suitable fashion, these charm
ing frocks hint at Persian origina
tion with their bouffant billowy
skirts and tight little bodice.
One can imagine nothing more fit
ting than the charms of Organdie,
Dotted Swiss and French Voile at
a garden party or for dancing.
A frock of this sort is indispensable to the Summer wardrobe.
Brandeis Stores Second FloorWest
July Clearance Sale of
Boys' Wash Togs
Reasonably 45 50
Priced, Per Suit 1 to 0
Not only are these wash suits practical and economical be
cause of their tubbing qualities, but they are especially de
sirable because of their coolness in hot weather. We have
a large variety to choose from in several attractive styles.
Boys' Furnishings
If you haven't stocked up on furnish
ings for the boys, here is a chance to
do so at a saving.
Boys' Shirts,
Boys' Blouses,
Boyt.' shirts, boys' blouses, wash
knickers, play suits and bathing suits,
in all sizes.
1.50 to 4.25 Boys' Wash Knickers,
96 to 2.95 Boys' Play Suits,
Boys' Bathing Suits in cotton and wool; different 1 2j a.- J 50
shades and stripes; priced from 1 O U
Brandeis Stores Fourth Floor West
July Clearance Sale of.
For Women and Children
Women's Pure Thread Silk Hose
Regular 3.50 to 4.50 Values
Fancy embroidered clox in white on black, white on navy, black on white SO 9 5
and brown self clocked: also plain silk hosiery, some silk to the top, fM
others with lisle tops and double soles: all well known makes.
Pure Thread Silk and Ingrain Silk Hose
For women; full fashioned, a few semi-fashioned; lisle tops and soles Cft
silk to the knee; colors are black, white and a few shoe shades; irregn- I zL
lars and odd lots of 2.50 and 3.00 values, special at per pair -
Children's Fancy Half Sox Fancy 3-Quarter Sox
Fin-? silk lisle in white
and colors with fancy
striped rolled tops; sizes
5 to 9; special, at, per r
For boys and girls; fine
lisle; black, white and
brown; rolled tops; sizes
6'4 o 94i; priced according rA ,
to size, Di7C 10 ODC
Brandeis Stores Main Floor South
July Clearance Sale of
High Grade
Saturday Specials in 4 Groups
1 Vestees Gillette
Worth 3.98 and 4.50
Some with gulmps, others al
most complete waists; colors
are white, copen, violet, Mais,
rose and flesh; lace trimmed 50
with collars, round and square I
necks; special, for Saturday, at
2 Georgette, Swiss
and Pique Collars
Formerly sold for 50c, 69c and
3 Hand Embroidered
Worth 98c, I.25 and 1.50, also Swiss ana Georgette, an go oaiuraay, each
4 Lace Trimmed
59 c
79c; your unrestricted choice
Saturday, at
Brandeis Stores Main Floor North
Worth 1.69. l.fls nn e.oj; ,..
dies and Georzettea in irhi
ana colors; various attrprtiva
shapes and stvles: nil
specially for Saturday, at
July Clearance Sale of
Summer Hats
In Solid White
Does your Summer wardrobe include a
soft white hat for general wear with
dainty wash frocks? If not, be sure to
see these offered Saturday. Don't go
on your vacation without one they are
so light, cool and airy.
Lovely creations in Georgette crepe and
flowers, some being trimmed in soft
fluffy feathers. A limited number of
sport hats are included in the lot in
both light and dark shades.
Brandeis Stores Second Floor East
July Clearance Sale of
Lavoris, small size, worth 25c, at
Listerine, 7 oz. pkg., worth 50c, at
Peroxide, 4 oz. size, worth 20c, at
Mulsified Cocoanut Oil Shampoo,
worth 50c, at
Sal Hepatica, large 1.25 size, at
S. K. & F. Aspirin Tablets, 100 in
bottle, worth 1.00, at
Horlick Malted Milk, worth 1.00, at
Hinkle Pills, worth 30c, special, at
Wanous Shampoo Bags, worth 10c,
Colgates Shaving Soap, worth 10c,
Woodbury's Facial Soap, worth 25c,
Palm Olive Soap, 86 bar, or doz.
Williams' Talcum Powder, worth
18c, special Saturday, at
Squibbs Talcum Powder, worth 25c
"Spiro" Powder for Perspiration,
worth 25c, at
El Rado Hair Remover, worth 54c,
Pebeco Tooth Paste, worth 50c, at
Kolynos Tooth Paste, worth 27c,
Armand's Face Powder, worth 50c,
Aubry Sisters Greaseless Cream,
worth 1.00, at
Norma Talmage Cream, worth 60c,
. special, at
Mavis Face Powder, worth 50c,
special, at
Ingram's Milkweed Cream
regular 50c size,
Saturday special,
Brandeis Stores Main Floor West
Saturday Lunch 50c II
In Our Blue and Green Rooms
Fresh Crab Meat a la Maryland
Sliced Tomatoes Saratoga Chips
Roast Prime Ribs of Beef
Pickled Beets Mashed Potatoes
Breaded Pork Chops
Apple Compote
Cold Slaw Minced Potatbes In Cream
Tea, Coffee or Milk
Lemon Pie
Clearance Sale of Women's
Summer Footwear
A great sale of broken lots of high grade
pumps and oxfords. For quick clearance,
.prices have been slashed. For convenience
we divided them into three lots:
Lot 1
Lot 2
Lot 3
4 g95 g45
Brandeis Stores Main Floor West
Clearance of Women's
Fine Silk Top and
Sample Athletic Suits
Regular 2.50 to $4 Values
All sizes in samples and odd lots of tine mer
cerized materials in flesh and white, either
plain hemstitched or fancy lace trimmed gar
ments; others in knitted lisle, mercerized lisle
and silk tops in flesh and white; bodice top;
stripes or plain tailored baui finished; cool and
comfortable for hot weather.
Summer Suits
$1 to 1.25 Values
Sizes 2 to 12 years In cross barred dimity or
plain knitted gauze lisle. Practical three-piece
garment with taped waist, and taped on buttons
with supporter fastenings.
Brandeis Stores Third Floor East
July Clearance Sale of
Tub Frocks
Worth 2.98 to 3.98
Charming Baby Models in Sizes
2 to 6 years
Fine ginghams in a variety of at
tractive colors light, cool, com
fortable garments for hot weather;
high waist effects and belted mod
els; others are smocked.
Brandeis Stores Third Floor East