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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 17, 1920)
THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY. JULY 17, 1920. Two Home Runs In One Inning Defeat Rourkes atDes Moines II DENWALD PUTS OVER ANOTHER SHUTOUT, 2 TO 0 jhn and Banner Each Hit Circuit Drives in Seventh Inning Boosters Break Even With Omaha. BASE BALL DIRECTORY Standing of the Teams. Western league. Tulsa Wichita St. Jos Joplln Brooklyn )es Moines. Ia.. July 16. Home lis by Banner and Hahn in the sev- rh inning gave Drs Moines a 2 to victory and an even break in the br-game series with Omaha, Fri- Odenwald completed in in- gs of shutout ball against Oma- OMAHA. neon, 2b . . . lead, s . Ie, rf 3h . . . . Ivrlt. lb ... He. ir ion, rf . . . . Iwn, e inard, p . . . btals AH. H. H. P6. A. E. W. I,. Pet W. T,. ft 61 31 .622 Omaha 40 41 .49 SO S4 .66Okla. City 40 46 .41". 41 37 ,lt . P.i Mol's ill S3 .31 44 31 .637 Sloux City 33 68 .333 National League. W. L. Pr I W. L. Pet 60 33 .0:Oh.lcego 41 43 . Cincinnati 44 33 .571 Boston 32 It .431 PHtshuh 3 37 ,51i:New Tork 32 41 .484 St Touls 41 41 .tOMPhlladel'a .".1 48 .39; American League. w. l. pet ! w. l. pr! Cleveland 54 27 .e(!7 St Louis 40 41 .4t New York 54 .i? f-CLBoston 37 40 .41 Chicago 60 ;.i .e'V Detroit 33 6: Washln'n 38 31 Phlladel'a II 2 .262 Yesterday's Results. IS O 4 14 11 PES MOINES. tn. rf ay, 2b Permott, so hnnor. rr . . lerson, rf . . brook, lb hen, ss .... , e .... nwald, p . . AB. H. H. PO..A. E. ttala 28 2 7 27 10 S ha O00OOOOO 00 Moines 00000010 g 1 pme runat Banner, Hahn. Three-base French. .Sacrifice hits: , Weidell. Inard, Hashronk. .Stolen basea: Lell- C'offey, tfasbrook, Banner. Left on Omaha, 6: Den .Molnea, 0. Struck By Odrnwald, 5; by Rralnard, 4. on ball: Off Odenwald. 1; off ard, A. Hit by pitcher: By Bralnord, rraon. Earned runs: Pea Moines. 2. He play: Coffey to French. Odenwald McPermort. I mplres: Buckley and Time: 1 :2. lux City Makes it Three Out of Four . Joseph, Mo., July 16 Sioux made it three out of four from Joseph by taking today's game, J. r oor ticldtncr in then eighth fig, donated three runs to the lors. IIPUX CITY. I ST. JOSEPH. AB.H. O.A.I AB.H.O.A. fh. If 4 2 2 MILmerleh, If 5 1 0 t I 3b 4 0 5 niMcD'Id. rf 3 I 1 le. ss 4 1 1 lb ' Kelleher, ss 0 I 5 4 5 1 1 3 S 2 3 Z 3 0 10 4 nan.e 3 12 olRono'tx. cf 4 0 3 0 5 1 14 O.Conn'y. cf S 1 0 'i'Sheetak. e rt, rf 5 1 1 0:Conroy, lb 0 2 0 2 2 : 1 0 0 Western League, Pea Molnea, 2: Omaha, 0. Sioux City. S: 8t. Joaeph, 8. National League. New Tork, 7: Plttaburgh. 0. Boston. 3; Chicago, 2. Brooklyn. 6; Cincinnati, 4. St. Louis. 11: Phlladalphla. 2. American League. Chicago, 4: Washington. 1 (flrat gams.) Chicago, 8; Washington, & (second game.) Detroit, 6; Boston, 5. St. Louis, 5; New York, 2. Philadelphia, 5; Cleveland, 4. GIANTS TRIM PIRATES, 7-0, IN 17FRAMES Hamilton Blows Up in Seven teenth Inning Benton In vincible Throughout the Game. Games Today. Western League. Oklahoma City at Omaha. .Toplln at Pes Molnea. Tulsa at St Joseph. Wichita at Sioux City. National League. Philadelphia at St. Louts. New York at Pittsburgh. Brooklyn at Cincinnati. Boston at Chicago. American League. St. Louis at Philadelphia. D&trolt at Washington. Cleveland at Boston. Chicago at New York. ROURKES MAKE TRONO BID FOR ESTERN FLAG It, 3b 3 2 1 4'Allen. 3b p 4 3 0 5 McLan. p Walker lals. . .37 12 : 17 Totals. . . 16 9 27 13 ktted for McDonals In the ninth. City 0 0 0 0 1 1 3 05 oaeph 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 03 hi: Crouch. Robinson. Scellman. Al- Itt (2). McDonald. Connolly, Bono. Errors: Mnrr (!), Shestak. Con Kelleher. Hits and runs: Off Mc- filln. 11 and 2. Earned runa: Sioux 1 2: St. Joseph. 3. Bases on halls: i McLaughlin, 4. off Lyons, 4. Struck By elcLaughlln. 2; .by Lyons. 1. rn basea: Sioux City, 10; St. Joseph, wo-naes nits: (..onno ly. A termatt. Ih. Spellman. Lyons, Robinson, Mo- nun. Three-base hit: Kelleher. plays: Connolly to Kelleher to ly; Marr to Altermatt. Hit by pltch- su: .noLaugniin. by Lyona; AAlter- oy ttcuauirn In. Umnlrea: Fit a. Ik, Daly, Backer and Lauzon. Time: Grace H. Magney Granted Divorce And Adopted Child ce H. Magney was granted a ce from Llyod A. Magney in ct court yesterday by Judge on grounds of cruelty. gney is a young attorney, son prge A. Magney, former county ley. itody of the adooted child. I, 3 years old, was given to Mrs. ley with permission to Mr. iey to visit the child whenever ishes. A property settlement or of Mrs. Magney was made f court. y were married June 29, 1914. her Attorney Claims Suit Only for Advertising lliara Ritchie, jr., attorney for kinner racking Co., in a state issued yesterday declared the Imittee of Nine," appointed at ss meeting of Skinner stock- rs in the Auditorium May 25. is g improper use of the courts h apparent attempt to secure advertising which, if persisted In only result in wrecking the hg plant." . statement was issued after lin district court yesterday of a y Walter A. smith, lorn Mor William Bennett, T. N. Shoup Lndrew Coulthard, members of smmittee, in which they ask lurts to order the books of the fer Packing Co. turned over to las stockholders for examina- an Sues Dime Store for 00 for Fall at Doorway V. Cherek sutd the F. V. fMh 'company for $20,000 in court yesterday, alleging le was badly injured March 4, when she slipped at the en- of the 5 and 10-cent store of fendant company at Sixteenth arnam streets. Platte, Neb.. July 16 (Special.) Platte base ball team played tw and two games with Sidney. Platte, defeated Sldrey on their unds. Score 2 to l in one or the noes ever played on the Sidney I. t-lea: North Platte: , Tottenhof and Sidney: Closeon and Him Hits: latte, 7; Sidney 4. Errors: Sidney, Platte, 1. Omaha Club Holding Its Own Despite Hard Luck Should Forge Ahead in Long Home Stay. The Rourkes are making a strong bid for the Western league pennant. Two months ago they led the league. Injuries to Weidell, Maul lin, Platte and other members of the team occurring in the course of a long trip around the circuit, sent the team tumbling down into sec ond division. The jumping of Hale and Donica came when things were at their worst. The addition of Haney and the return of Weidell and Platte to the game and the acquisition of Bernard to the pitching staff gave the team a new start. In eight games on the road since the team's rejuvenation, the Rourkes have won six. They took four out of five from Sioux City in Packtown and after losing the first one to the Boosters, trounced Jack Coffey's crew twice. Today they open a 17-game stay at home. Of the 17 games they should win at least ten. Then they are off for a seven-game trip and back home for 22 games in a row with but one brief interruption. It is hoped that Billy, Lee, Pa's stellar left fielder, and the leading base stealer of the league, will be back in the game today. Then bar ring accidents, the club should have ahead rapidly. In spite of the fact that they are still in second division, the Rourkes arc regarded around the loop as one of the most dangerous contenders for the Western league flag. American State Bank. Sues American Bank Building Co. Through George S. Wright, attor ney, the American State bank in Omaha Thursday filed two suits against the American Bank Building Co. of Omaha to collect promissory notes totaling $25,500. Marion S. Shafer and Ward E. Shafer, pro moters of the building firm, were named defendants. An undetermined amount of stock held by the First National bank of Council Bluffs, placed there by the Shafers as collateral, was attached. Pittsburgh, Julv 16. New York ceteated Pittsburgh, 7 to 0, in 17 in nings. Hamilton weakened in the 17th, when the visitors scored all their runs. Cooper relieved Hamil ton with one out and retired the side. Benton was invincible throughout. especially when the bases were oc cupier. NEW YORK. ' PITTSBURGH. AB.HO.A..1 AB.H.O.A. Burns, If 3 2 6 ilirtigbee, If 6 3 8 I 3 JllU'arcy. cf 7 13 0 0 0 .1 South'h. rf 7 0 5 0 0 0 I), Whit d, 3b 6 3 i 1 I OiCutaw, lb 5 1 0 C Banc't, sa 7 Young, rf 2 McCarty 0 ?pencer, rf 4 Frlsch, lb 7 Kelly, lb King, cf Poyle, 2b Snyder, c Benton, p xLefevre Smith, e 2 3 J Hrlmm. lb 0 10 1 2 23 1 caton. as fi 0 1 k 2 4 ll.vhmldt. e 6 2 4 i 1 0 IHamirn. p 5 0 0 i 3 4 3: Cooper, p 0 0 0 0 1 1 SirNlcholson 10 0 0 o o o 0 1 01 Totals. . .54 9 51 2C Evans and Wolff to Meet This Afternon For Western Title Memphis, July 16. Charles "Chick" Evans of Chicago, and Clarence Wolff of St. Louis will meet Saturday in the finals for the amateur championship of the West ern Golf association. In the semifinals Friday Evans defeated "Bobby" Jones, Atlanta youth and holder of the southern title, one up, while Wolff won his way into the match for the title by defeating Henry Wenzler of Mem phis, 2 up and 1 to play. Lord Astor's Horse Buchan Wins Eclipse Race Stakes Sandown Park, England, July lo. Lord Astor's Buchan won the Eclipse stakes, a classic one and one-fourth mile race, for 5,000 sovereigns, against a field of seven horses here todav. Sir Edward Hulton's Silvern was second and W. Raphael's Allenby third. American Association At Milwaukee K. H. E. Toledo 2 7 3 Milwaukee 1 23 0 Batteries: Duhuc, Nelson and Murphy; R. Reinhart and Gaston. At Minneapolis R. H E. Louisville 2 1 Minneapolis 1 7 0 Batteries: Wright and Kocher; Robert son and Mayer. At Kansas City R. H. E. Columbus Bll 3 Kansas City t 14 1 Batteries: Mulrennan, McQuillan and Hartl"y; Bolden, Ames, Letter, Horstman and 8weeney. At St. Paul R. H. E. Indianapolis 8 H 1 St. Paul 4 12 2 Batteries": Cavet. Jones and Henllne; Hall. Browne. Williams and Hargrave. Totnls. . . Kg 1 51 13' Batted for Young In the sixth. xltan for Snydr In the seventeenth. iBatted for Grimm in the seventeenth. New York 000 000 000 000 000 07 7 Pittsburgh 000 000 000 000 000 00 0 Runs: Burns, Bancroft, Spencer, Frlsch, Kelly, Doyle, Lefevre. Errors: Bancroft, Carey, Cutshaw, Caton (3). Two-base hits: Burns. Blgbet. Bancroft. Three-baae hits: Trisch. Kelly. King Stolen basa: Frlsch. Sacrifice hits: Bancroft, Cut shaw 3), Frlach. Double play: Ban croft to Kelly. Left on basea: New York, 13; Pittsburgh. 9. Baaes on balls: Off Benton. 2; off Hamilton, 3. Hits: Off Hamilton, 15 In 16 1-3 innings; off Coop, er. ' 1 In 2-3 Inning. Struck out: By Benton. 4; by Hamilton. 1. Losing pitch er: Hamilton. empires: Moran and Rlgler. Time: 2:64. Boston Bears Chicago. Chicago, July 16. Mann's tripla and Eayres' single In the 11th Inning gave Boston a 3 to 2 victory over CTtlcago. Crulsa hurt his ankle sliding Into the plate. BOSTON. I CHICAOO. Fo'l, cf-rf 5 3 10' AB H O A Pick, 2b 5 2 3 JITwolv, rf 2 o'l'fl Mann. If 6 2 4 'iHerzog, 2b 2 0 2 2 Cruise, rf 4 3 0 i Terry, ss 5 2 4 3 Eayres, cf 1 1 1 OiMerkle, lb 5 I t 2 Sullan, lb 4 0 10 OIRoben. If 6 0 8 0 Boec l, 3b 6 0 1 Paskert. cf 4 1 1 0 Mara'e, ss 3 2 1 MOeal. 3b 5 2 0 1 O'Neill, c 2 0 11 SiFrlb'g. 2b 2 0 2 i Scott, p 4 0 1 0 Flark, rf 10 11 IKllllter, c 3 010 1 Totals. . .38 13 33 17lBarber 110 0 Paly, c 0 9 0 0 Hendrlx, p 4 0 0 6 Totals... 39 7 33 18 Batted for Ktllifer in 10th. Boston 1000100000 1 3 Chicago 0200000000 0 2 Runs: Powell (2). Mann. Robertson. Pga kert. Errors: Scott. Hendrlx. Two-baae hits: Paskert, Merkle. Terry. Three-base hits: Deal, Maranvllle, Powell, Mann. Stolen bases: Powell, Curtis. Sacrifice hits: ONill. Sulllvaji. Double plays: Hendrlx to Terry to Hferkle; Frlberg to Terry, Boeckel to Pick to Sullivan. Peal to Hertog to Merkle. Left on bases: Chi cago, 7; Boston, 6. Bases on balls: Off Scott. 7; off Hendrlx. 2. Hit by pitched ball: By Scott, Flack. Struck out: By Hendrtx. 6; by Scott. 10. Wild pitch: Scott. Umpires: McCormlck and O'Day. Time: 2:38. ST. LOUIS WINS ODD GAME FROM NEW YORK YANKS Bayne Pitches Well for Browns Jacobson Makes Remarkable Catch In Field. Dodgers Trim Champs. Cincinnati, July 18. Brooklyn over came a four-run lead and won the first game of the series with Cincinnati, 6 to 4. Both teams fielded well, but the hitting of Brooklyn was mora opportune. BROOKLYN. CINCINNATI. AB.H.O.A. AB.H.O.A. Olson, ss 6 3 3 2 Rath. 2b 4 3 8 4 .lohn'n, 3b 4 1 0 ?IDaub't. lb 6 Grlff'h, rf 3 2 2 oT.roh. 3b 3 Nets, rf 2 0 1 OlRouah. cf 5 Wheat, If 5 1 2 0' Duncan, If 4 Myers, cf 3 1 1 fl;Kopf, ss 4 Kone'y, lb 4 3 11 UNeale. rf 4 Klld'f. 2b 2 0 8 4!Vingo, c 3 Miller, 0 4 2 4 21 Fisher, p 2 Orlmes, p 4 0 0 URuether, p 2 Totals... 37 13 27 18! Totals.. .36 12 27 14 Brooklyn 0 0 0 0 1 3 0 2 08 Cincinnati . 04000000 04 Runs: Johnston. Griffith, Wheat, Myera (2), Konetchy, Duncan. Neale. Wlngo, Fisher. Errors: Konetchy. Three-baaa hits: Wheat Myers. Stolen bases: Dun can, Neale (2). Sacrifice hits: Rath", My. crs. Klldruff. Double plays: Groh to Rath to Wlngo to Rath. Olson to Konetchy. Left on bases: Brooklyn, 8; Cincinnati, 9. Bases on balls: Off Fisher, 1; Beuther, 1: Orlmes. 3. Hits: Off Fisher, 10 In 6 1-8 Innings; Reuther 3 in 2 2-3 Innings. Struck out: By Fisher, 8; Grimes, 4, Losing pitcher: Reuther. Umpires: Harri son and Hart. Time: 2:03. Cards Beat Phils, 11 to t. St. Louis. July 16. St. Louis hit Causey freely and defeated Philadelphia, 11 to 2. In the opening game of the series. St. Louis ran up 15 hits, while Doak kept the visitors eight hits well scattered. PHILADET.PHIA. I ST. LOUIS. AB.H.O.A.' AB.H.O.A Paul'e. lb 5 2 10 jl Smith, If 5 3 2 0 .7. Mr, 2b 4 1 2 4'Four'er, lb 4 3 14 1 Willi's, cf 8 1 2 flstoek. 8b 4 3 0 2 Lingle, rf 8 1 0 ol Hornsby. 2b 4 3 2 4 Lebo'u. rf 1 0 3 oILavan, ss 3 111 Meusel, If 4 0 Oldemons. C3120 Fletc'h, ss 4 0 1 3 Heath'e, rf 5 0 0 0 Wrlg'a. 3b 8 1 0 I' 4 14 0 Wheat, c 4 10 ilDoak, p 2 0 12 Causey, p 3 1 0 0l Totals . .34 18 27 18 Totals. . .34 8 24 15i Philadelphia 10100000 02 ft. Louis 20100224 x 11 Runs: Paulette, J. Miller, Smith (2), Fournier (3). Stock (3), Hornsby (2), MeHenry. Errors: Meusel, Vheat, dem ons. Two-base hits: Fournier (2). Horns by. Smith. Three-base hits: Stock, Clem ens. Stolen bases: Fournier (2), Smith. Sacrifice hits: Williams, Lavan (2), Stock, Doak, Clemons. Double playa: Lavan to Fournier, Left on baaes: Phil adelphia. ; St, Louis, 8, Baaes on balls: Off Causey. 4; Doak, 3. Struck out: By Doak, 1, Umpires: Klem and Emslie. Time: 1:46. , Shamrock IV Suffered an Accident, Too, it Is Learned Sandy Hook, N. J., July 16. Shamrock IV sustained an accident to her bowsprit shortly before the finish of the first America's cup race yesterday, which, had it occurred earlier in the contest with Resolute, would have left the challenger in as helpless condition as the American defender, which had to withdraw be cause of broken halyards which al lowed her mainsail to sag. ADVERTISEMENT ADVERTISEMENT burg. Neb.. July 18. (Special Tele--Petersbura- won a hot game from hursday. 4 to 3. Bstterles: Peters- nowies ana Douglas: tigin. uacy bertaon. Petersburg played all hme players while Elgin had all lut two. Elgin rooters aroppea o Petersburg rooters. Strong Car- mrny i t I'etersourg ail mis Petersburg won all aames slaved Ills week, beating Loretto, Stedwaid a. With The Fogs. Jlllv 1 a Trta a.1,.,1 champion of England defeated Burns, the French-Csnadlan pugll :h seventh round of a 20-round Albert hall here tonight. bur flm Spragac Cord Tires nr exceeaea tneir mileage ex- on, aon t tninK ttiem an ex- i. ina same correct, careful anshit) and the same high mtterials go into every qtrd.. Adv. JCeep Your Blood Pure If You Expect Good Health Rich, Red Blood la Essential Your Wall-Being., to You cannot overestimate the im portance of keeping the blood free of impurities. When you realize that the heart is constantly pump ing this vital fluid to all parts of the l?ody, you can readily see that any impurity in the blood will cause serious complications. Any slight disorder or impurities is a. source of danger, as every vital organ of the body depends upon the blood supply to properly per form its functions. Many painfrl nd r1?n'c;erous dis eases are th.dir""t r-v't of a bad condition of the blood. Among the most serious are Rheumatism, with its torturing pain; Eczema, Tetter, Erysipelas and other disfiguring" skin diseases; general debility, which makes the strongest men helpless, and many other diseases are the direct result of impure blood. You can in a large measure avoid liability to disease, by the use of S. S. S., the wonderful blood remedy that has been in constant use for more than fifty years. S. S. S. cleanses the blood thorough ly. It is sold by druggists every where. For valuable literature and med ;b1 advtca ahsnltitplv free, write today to Chief Medics! Adviser, 607 Swift Laboratory, Atlanta, ua. ohnston Wins First Match For Davis Tennis Trophy Wimbleton, England, July 16. (By The Associated Press.) Wil liam M. Johnston of California won the first match for the America.! Davis cup team today in its contest with the British team for the right to challenge Australasia for the trophy. He defeated J. C. Parke n five sets, 6-4, 6-4, 2-6, 3-6, 6-2. New York, July 16. St. Louis won the odd game of the series with the New York Yankees, 5 to 2. Bayne pitched line ball for the Browns, holding the Yankees hitless for the first six innings. Jacobson made a remarkable running one-hand catch of Bodie's drive in the fourth. ST. LOI7IS. NEW YORK. AB. If o. .A i AB.H O.A. Tobln. rf i 3 1 OlPeckl'h. ss 4 1 1 J Ofdoon, 2b 5 2 3 6, Ward, 3b Slsler, lb 4 3 10 il'lpp. lb Jiic-nn, cf 4 1 5 OlRiith. rf Willi's, If 2 0 1 0 Lewis, If Smith. 3b 6 1 0 llUodle, cf Oerber, ss 5 n 1 J Pratt, 2b Severeid. c 4 2 8 llRuel, c Eayne, p 4 2 0 liMogrl'e. p 'Meusel Totals. . .38 13 27 HlMcGraw. p 0 0 0 McOraw, 3 In 2. Hit by pitched ball, by Bavne, (Ruth). Struck out: By Morldge. 3; McCraw, 1; Bawie, b. Wild pitch' Mogrldge. Losing pitcher: Morldge. I'm pirts: Hlldobrand and Evans. Time. l.ii. Yearn Breaks l'p Oania. Boston. Julv 16. Veach's doubla scored Cobb from first baas and gave Detroit a 6 to 5 victory over Boston In the 10th Inning. Hoyt returned to the box for the first time in 11 weeks and pitched well, being taken out for a pinch hitter In the ninth. BOSTON. 2! AB.H.O.A DETROIT. Young. 2b 5 0 Hush, ss Cobb, rf Veach. If Hell'n. lb 2 4 5! Hooper, rf 3 1 L.MoNy, 2b 2 1 0i"E!bel 1 :S Flag'd, rf 5 3 0 l!Menoaky, If K. J s. 3b 3 1 4 4 Schang. e Stanage. o 4 0 4 ll.Urln'a, lb 4 10 5Fostsr, 3b Scott, ss 33 12 30 2i'iBallay. cf xKarr, p Dauss, p Totals. 0 0 2 0 2 3 4 1 14 A S. Jo's, p 0 0 3 1 4 0 7 0 2 13" 3 0 3 0 4 111' 4 13 1 3 17 0 2 0 0 10 0 xVlck 10 0 0 Totals. . S3 6 27 7 Batted for Morldge in seventh. xBattcd for McGniw in ninth. St. Louis 2 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 06 New York 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 02 Runa: Tobln, Gedeon, Slsler j; Svereld, Pratt, Ruel. Errors: Smith, C.crber, Ruth. Two-base hits: Ruel, Muesel, Bodle. Hom" run: Slsler. Stolen bases: Slsler (2). Sacri fice hits: Williams (2). Double playa. Gerber to Gedeon to Sisler (2). Lett .,n bases: St. Louis, lr New York, 9. Bases on balls: Off Maridge. 3: McUrav. 1: Bayne, 4. Hits: Off Morldge, 11 In T; Fortune, p Hoyt, p Vitt, 2b 2 0 0 0 0 3 0 1 0 0 1 0 Totals. . .41 13 v'O 15 Battel for Bailey In ninth. xRan for Karr In ninth. zfiatted for Hoyt In ninth. Batted for McNally in ninth. Detroit 300000110 16 Boston 1 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 1 06 Runs: Bush (2). Cobb (2), Veach, Flag stead, Mer.osky (2). Schang (2), 8. Jones. Errors: Bush, R. Jnni's. Two-baae hits: Cobb. Veach, Menosky, Srhang. Three-base htl: Dauss. Sacrifices: R. Jones, Hellman and Hoyt. Double plays: Scott to McNal ly to Mclnnls. Left on basea: Detroit, 6; Boston, 10. Bases on balls: Off Dauss. 2; off S. Jonps. 1. Hits: Off Fortune. 4 in one-third Inning; off Hoyt, 6 In eight and two-thirds innings; off S. Jones, 2 In one Inning. Hit by pitched ball: By Dauss, S. Jones Struck out: bv Dauss. 8; by Hoyt, 4 Winning Pitcher: Dauaa; losing pitcher. S. Jones. I mpirea: Dlneen and Friel. Time:: 1.56. Unite tax Mln Twice. Washington. July 18. Chloaao won both gumes of a double-Iu-ader with Washing ton today. 4 to 1, and 8 to 6. In the flrat gams, a pltchara' contest belween Faber ana jonnston. nice or the Washington team failed to get a hit after having mi snreiy in is conaecuuve gamea. CHICAGO. WASHINGTON. AHH.O.Al AR.H.OJ, Llebold, rf 6 2 3 v'Judge, lb 4 8 11 1 4 i Milan, it b 3 llltbe, cf 6 3 0 Hoth. rf 4 0 Harris, 8b 6 o Shanks. 3b 6 f Shannon, as 4 0 Gharrlty, o 8 fl'Courtney, p 3 OIKrlckson, p 1 ll Totals. . .39 13 27 ) III 01 E. Ce. 2b 3 Weaver, 3b 6 Jackaon, It 4 Kelsch, cf 6 J. Ca. lb 3 Risberg, ss 4 Lynn, o 2 schaik, o Kerr, p Wllkl'n, p Murphy xJourdan Cicotte, p 3 1 3 0 2 0 4 2 1 4 1 4 2 0 0 1 0 1 State Base Ball Humphrey. Neb.. July 16. Humphrey dpfeated Howells at Howells Wednesday 20 to 3. Wagner, Humphrey hurler. pitched great ball, allowing but one hit up till the ninth Inning and but thre hits in the entire game. More than 2 ' 0 1,'jmprey rooters accompanied their team l,i Howells and saw the Kame. Batteries: Humphrey. Wagner and I Baumgart; Howells, Zavadll, Hook anil Suchan, Schwanskl. I Totals. . .37 12 17 :'l Hatted (or Lynn In sixth. xBatttfd for Wilkinson in ninth Chicago o 0 0 0 0 3 0 1 48 Washington 11201000 0 6 Runs: Llebold. E. Collins (2), Weaver (2), Jackson (3), Milan, Harris. Shannon (2). Gharrlty. Error: Erlckson. Two base hits: Judge, Felsch, Three-baae hlta: Milan. Home run: Jackson. Stolen basea: Rice (2), Harris, Felsch, J. Collins. Sacri fice hits: K. Collins, J. Collins. Double plays: Shank to Harris to Judge. Risberg to E. Collins to J Collins. Left on hasca: Chicago, 7; Warhlngton, 11. Base on balls: tirr Kerr. 3; off Courtney, 3; Wilkinson, 1; Erlckson, 1. Hits: Off Kerr. 7 In 2 2-3: Courtnev, In 5 1-3; Wilkinson, 5 In 6 1-3; Erlckson. 6 in 3 2-3; Cicotte, 1 In 1 Hit by pitched ball; By Courtney, (Jackson ) struck out: By rourtney, 1; Erlckaon 2; Winning pitcher: Wilkinson Losing pitch er Erlckson. Umpires: Moriartty and Chill. Tims. 2 hours. CHICAGO. I WASHINGTON. AB.H.O.A' AB.H.O.A Llebold. rf 4 2 3 OlJudge, lb 4 110 0 E. C's, 2b 8 0 3 1 'Milan, If 4 12 0 Weaver. 3b 4 1 0 4:nice, cf 2 0 2 0 Jackson. If 4 0 2 I'iRoth. rf 4 0 2 tl Felsch, cf 3 1 3 OIHarrls. 2b 4 1 3 3 J C's, lb 4 3 10 4iShank. 3b 4 1 0 Risberg. ss 4 2 1 1 Shannon. s 8 0 2 0 Pchalk. c 2 1 4 liriclnlch. c 3 0 7 1 Faber, p 4 0 1 J Johnson, p 2 1 0 4 Totals... 32 9 27 15' Totals. .30 5:713 Chicago 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 34 Washington 00100000 01 Runs: Llebold, Felsch, J. Collins, Ris berg. Pielnlch. Errors' Risberg. Twe bass hits: Harris. Risberg. Thrs-bas4 hits: Johnson. Risberg. Sacrifice hits Johnson, E. Collins, Sohalk (J), Rica Left on bases: Chicago. I; Washinton, 7. Basea on balls: Of I rabsr. t; oti Johnson. 1. Struck out: By Johnson. 6 by Faber, I. Wild pitch: Faber. Um. pirea: vnm aoa jsorisrur eimv. Dugsn's Ingle Beats Indiana. Philadelphia. July 18. Dugan's glngH with the baaes filled In the eighth gev Philadelphia the flrat game. I to 4 Ths Athletics, previous te the eevsntl Inning, had a 8 to 1 lead when Naylor with a wild pitch, gave Cleveland tws runs. CLEVELAND. I PHILADELPHIA. AB.H.O.A ' AB.H.O.A Jamta'n. if t 0 2 OlWItt. rf 3 0 1 i Chap an, ea 4 11 3 3b 4 11 Speaker, cf 4 1 1 OlWalkar, If 3 3 1 ' Smith, rf 3 10 OiW.ich. ef 10 3' Oardr. 8b 8 It t 2lPugan. lb 4 1 I Warn s. 2b 4 3 8 4 Perkins, e 4 1 8 I Jnhn'n, lb 4 2 8 llOrlf'n, lb I 111 I CNelll. e 8 1 3 liThomas, 11 M I I'hls, p 12 0 3 Naylor. p 0 I Bagby. p 0 0 0 Ol-Strunk 1 0 "Perry, p 00! Totals. . .36 10 24 161 - Totals... 28 8 27 P Batted for Naylor In seventh Cleveland 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 1 04 Philadelphia 3 0000003 a I Runa: Chapman. Speaker, Wambagsnss Jrhnston. Dykes (1). Walksr (3), Welch Errors: Gardner (8), Johnston, Thomas Two-bsae hlta: O'Neill, Walker. Saerlflci hits: O'Neill. Welch. Double playa Gardner, Wambsganse and Johnston Chapman, Wambeganaa and Johnston Dykes and Griffin. Left on bases: Cleve land. 10; Philadelphia,, 4. Bases on balls' ((f I'hle, J; off Bagby, li off Naylor, 4 Hits: Off Naylor, 9 In seven Innings: of! Perry, 1 in two Innings; off Uhle, I In seven and one-third Innings; off Bagby. 1 In one and two-thlrda Innings Struck out: By L'hls. 8; by Naylor, 3. Wild rltrh: Miylor. Winning pitcher: Perry ,oslng pitcher: Uhle. Umpires: Nallla and Connolly. Time: 1:66, $2,200,000 Daily Bets Smash Racing Records Pan's, July 16. All race betting records were smashed in the last few months' French season, which shows that the average receipt by the pari mutuels on the Paris course amounted to $2,200,000, while the fig ure for the day of the Grand Pri, H W ouble quick! Ml W fM to Camels TURKISH fDOMESTICU BLEND W CIC A R E T T E 8 Jfityi Camels are sold everywhere in scientifically sealed packages of 20 cigarettes for 20 cents; or ten packages (200 cigarettes) in a glassine-paper-covered carton. We strongly recommend this carton for the home or office supply or when you travel. R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co., Winston-Salem, N. C. AaA QpSBSBtsSMHgsHM iUT Camels joyously refresh ing flavor up against your cigarette taste if you want to know how delightful a cigarette can be! Talk about mildness and mel lowness and quality! Never was there a cigarette to be compared with Camels! Camels expert blend of choice Turkish and choice Domestic tobaccos certainly answers any cigarette hankering any man ever generated! You'll call it a wonder in cigarette satisfaction! A r'A f A A u i ft 1