Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 17, 1920, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
VOL. 60 NO. 25.
Iattn4 a Smh4-CIm Mtttar May I MM. it
Oauaa P. 0. HW Aet el March J. It.
ty Mill (I yr), latldt 4th Inn. Dally and Sunday. 19; Dally Only. S: Sunifajr. 4.
Oydlda 4th Zona (I year). Dally and Sunday. (16; Dally Only. 112: Saaday Only. .
Democratic Nominee Must
Satisfy President Without
" Giving Impression of Taking
Dictation From White House.
Roosevelt Predicts G. 0. P.
Candidate Will Be Forced to
Take Stump in Own Behalf
Parly in the Campaign.
( lilrngo Tribune-Omaha Bee Iad Wire.
Washington, July 16. Tlic dem
ocrats will drive Senator Harding
from Iiis front porch in Marion and
force him to take the stump at an
early (late in the campaign, Frank
lin D. Roosevelt, democratic nom
inee for the vice presidency, predict
ed upon his return to h(s desk in
the N'avy department today.
Mr. Roosevelt will remain in
Washington to participate in the
White House conference Sunday
with President Wilson and Gover
nor Cox and will then go to Day
ton with Mr. Cox to aid in plan
nine the democratic campaign.
The assistant secretary of the
navy was brimful of confidence and
optimism as he was greeted by
hundreds "of officials who have
been his associates, in Washington
for the last seven years.
"Where is some of this two and
)a half to one money that the Hard
' tii? folks "are offering?" he inquir
ed. "I've been looking for it and
1 have not been able to find it."
Predicts Narrow Odds.
Mr. Roosevelt predicted that the
odds, if there were any to be given,
would narrow sharply before elec
tion day. V He declared that the
dcniocraticV-ampaign would be con
duct -d with an aggressiveness that
would soon compel Senator Hard-
n.T to abandon his front porch and
ta"v his fight to the country.
The arrival of Governor Cox to
morrow has been timed to produce
;t hi.? reception and demonstration,
lie will reach Washington at 1 :J0
in the afternoon , just after" the
v!ii:tle blows for tiie govvrnmen
departments' ha'f-holiday. The pros
pects are that a hi$r corwd will
he on hand to greet him.
The governor wiM go at once to
the residence of his old. friend,
Tirfjolhy T. Ansberry, now a prac
ticing attorney in Washington, with
w hom lie served in '.congress. ; He
will be quartered at the Ansberry
residence during his stay in Wash
ington and will hold an almost con
tinuous succession of conferences
with politicians and statesmen until
he departs.
Expects Many Visitors.
The word has gone out that Gov
ernor Cox will be glad to meet all
deserving democrats and it is ex
pected that every democratic poli
tician in the capital will avail him
(Contlnued n Pair Tw, Column Six.)
Omaha Doctor Named
Director of Lions Clubs
At Denver Meeting
Denver, Colo.. Inly 16. (Soecial
Telegram.) Dr. Max Emmert, of
Omaha, wax elected director of the
Jiiicmaiiouai uracr oi uons ciuds in
convention here today. C. C Buch
anan is chairman of the magazine
committee: Harry Watts was named
oi the child welfare committee and
M. C Taylor on the auditing com
mittee. Dr. Charles C. Reid of Denver was
elected president, E. Wr. Cameron of
Minneapolis, was chosen for vice
' resident.
Oakland, Cal., and Minneapolis arc
candidates for the next convention.
Employes On Mexican Road
Strike for 100 Per Cent Raise
Vera Cruz. July 16. A strike was
declared last midnight by all the
personnel on the lines and in the
shops of the Mexican railway,
which runs from Vera Cruz to Mexi
co City. ' The men, are demanding ;i
100 per cent increase in wages and
recognition of their union.
A boycott against the railway has
been decided upon until the demands
of the strikers have been granted.
All the dock workers have also
gone on strike against the terminal
War Department to Abandon
Camps Kearney and Dodge
Washington, July 16. Orders for
the abandonment of Camps Kear
ney, Cal., and Dodge, la., were is
sued at the War department.
The 22d infantry, now at Camp
Kearney, has been ordered to Fort
Douglas, Utah, and upon its de
parture, the camp will be salvaged
and the property turned back to its
The fourth division now at Camp
Dodge was ordered to Camp Lewis,
Third Party Is Scored by
Governor of Arkansas
Ogden, Utah, July 16. Governor
Erough of Arkansas, at ' a dinner
tendered him here tonight by citi
zens, in honor of Jiis being i former
Ogdenite, declared .the new party
was an organization "bordering on
anarchism, Bolshevism and I. VV. W.
and he said that Utah should take
no pride in the fact that a Utah man
was named as the standard, bearer.
Ladies! Woman Life
Guard of 150 Pounds,
Wanted Get in Line
An Omaha, expert swimmer and
ISO pounds avoirdupois, is being
sought by Recreation Director I.
A. Jones for the position of life
guard at Municipal beach, at Car
ter lake, which opens today. '
No woman life guard has yet
been appointed for the beach this
season. All applicants up to the
present time have been too light,
according to Mr. Jones.
Bathers at the beach will be es
pecially warned this year to keep
within the ropes, because of the
unusually high water which comes
up to the porch of the bathhouse.
George Magraul is the only life
guard on duty now. George West
land is is foreman of a staff of nine
persons in charge of the beach.
Could Have Won if He Had
Wanted to, He Tells
Mrs. Fairbank.
Chirnxu Tribune-Omaha Hec Lenaeil Hire.
Chicago, July 16. William G. Mc
' Adoo, whose name was changed to
i McAdieu at the San Francisco cou
i vention, has finally broken his ston
jiy silence. Iij. a letter to Mrs. Kcl
i logg Fairbank., thanking her for her
strenuous efforts in his 'behalf, he
"1 hope that no friend of mine
will think that anyoii2 is to blame
for the result but mvsclf. It vas 1
who put the discouragements in the
way which made it difficult to win
success. If 1 had not felt it was
my, duty to keep out of public life at
this time, we would have had a dif
ferent result.
"I did it conscientously, and from
the highest motives, as 1 conceived
them. Now we must all turn in and
elect the ticket, because the very des
tiny of America and the world is
imperilled by the forces of reaction."
Mr. McAdoo added that ht intends
to support the ticket both by his
own deed and word and he hoped
Mrs. Fairbank would also "fust as
keenly as if I had received the nomi
nation." Mrs. Fairbank expressed her keen
disappointment at the 'failure of h?r
candidate to head ihe ticket, but she
rays she is convinced that Cox will
make an admirable president and w ill
unite all elements in the democratic
"While I have not met Governor
Cox personally, I-know Franklin D.
Roosevelt well and admire him very
much.-. I feel that he is greatly su
rerior, to the average vicc-prcsider-tial
candidate and that the team will
be hard to beat.". -
Attorneys in Lively
Debate Over Testimoay
In Communist Trial
Chicago, July 16. Efforts to in
troduce testimony of Harry J. Wif
son of Seattle, caused a lively de
bate today in the trial of William
Bross Lloyd and 19 other alleged
members of the communist labor
party charged with conspi'acy to
overthrow the United States gov
ernment. Wilson did not testify.
The defense strenuously objected
to his giving "testimony regarding
the Seattle strikes of January and
February, 1916.
Tli urnseriitinn contended that
it was admissible on the .grounW
that the defendants in their litera
ture were said to have referred to
fheSeatfle and, Winnipeg strikes as
examples of what massed action of
the proletariat could accomplish.
Further arguments ond the admissi
bility of Wilson's testimony will be
heard tomorrow.
Body of 'Ex-Empress Taken
From Madrid to England
Madrid. July 16. The body of
former Empress Eugenie of Fraiuc
was removed last evening from the
Liria palace to the railway station,
to be taken to England for burial.
The cortege moved from the palace
at 6 o'clock in the evening in the
presence of representatives of the
king and all the members of the
government. The caket, made of
Spanish mahogany, was placed 'n
the royal hearse, which was drawn
by eight 'horses. The escort was
made up" of members of the royal
King Alfonso was roprcrented jy
Prince Ferdinand. He was at
tended by the dukes of Alba, Fena
randa, Osnna and Count Mora.
The special railway carriage in
which the body rests will be accom
panied to the frontier by the duke
of Alba, the duke of Penaranda and
several of the king's aides.
Judge Will Not Let Girl
Marry Automobile Thief
Atlantic, la.. July 16. (Special.)
Margaret Haines 120 years old,
came here from Omaha to marry
Lester Moore, confessed automobile
thief, but was prevented from so
doing when Judge Rockafellow re
fused .to officiate at the ceremonies.
Moore was caught in Omaha two
weeks ago in an attempt to dispose
of an automobile stolen here Mon
day. He has been sentenced to the
Anamosa reformatory.
Miss Haines told the court she
was a waitress in Omaha and met
Moore there a month ago.
- Schooner in Distress.
Seattle, Wash., July 16. The
fishing schooner Presho of Tacoma
is reported in distress near Car
manah point, on the west coast of
Vancouver island, and the coast
guard cutter Snohomish is speed
ing from Port Angeles. Wash., to
the vessel's assistance. The Presho,
built in 1913, rs of 21 tons burden.
Rumor of "Dope Traffic"
Scandal Confirmed by Dis
trict Chief of Federal Agents
Conducting Probe Here.
Federal Narcotic Agent Also
Is Involved in Omaha Under-
world Chain, Says P. D. Kel
ler, Head of Investigation.
Confirmation of reports that
Omaha police officers are implicated
in a "drug ring" and have been pro
tecting "dope" dispensers was given
out yesterday by Paul D. Keller of
Minneapolis, divisional prohibition
director for five states, which in
cludes Nebraska.
Keller refused to give names of
the officers until definite legal ac
tion" is taken. He stated federal
agents have been collecting evidence
against the officers for several
Keller said he had sent to Wash
ington affidavits and evidence
against six Omaha police officers
and one federal narcotic officer who
formerly made ' his headquarters
here, and said he believed he had
an excellent case against them.
Investigating Tuesday's Shooting.
Joseph Bransky, narcotic agent,
and H. D. Duncan, assistant di
vision supervisor, Vere sent from
Minneapolis to Omaha, Keller said,
to investigate the shooting of
George Rigby last Tuesday morn
ii.g by federal agents and to watch
for new developments in the police
Bransky and Duncan both de
clared yesterday that they were in
vestigating the shooting, bit denied
any knowledge of implication of po
lice officers.
According to Keller, the "drug
ring" was first discovered in
Minneapolis and was traced, he
says, to Omaha, where implication
of the agent and the police were
In addition to Duncan, Bransky
and W. D. Forby, who shot Rigby,
and C. Q. Bradshaw, who have been
here for 60 days, Sumn,cr H. Knox,
prohibition 'agent of Council Bluffs,
has been added to the federal force
in the police investigation.
-Eberstein and Peterson Confer.
Marshal Eberstein, chief of po
lice, and Frank A. Peterson, as
sistant United States district attor
ney, Were closeted in the latter's of
fice yesterday morning. Eberstein
stated that the conference had noth
ing to do wit& any investigation of
the federal agents.
The United States marshal's office
has 15 warrants for alleged dope
trafficers, but has been unable to lo
cate those charged.
Mrs-. George Rigby, wile of the
man who was shot by the federal
agents, demanded yesterday the key
to the house and $900 taken from
the house in the raid be returned to
her. She brought a marriage license
to substantiate her former state
ment that-she was legally married
to Rigby. The officer said they
would return the key and the
Indian Troops Sent
To Replace Former
Carranza Men on Border
Washington, July 16. Yaqui In
dian tropers are being rushed to
the northern border of Mexico near
Picdras Negras on orders from
Mexico City to replace the troops
now stationed there who formerly
were under the Carranza regime,
according to advices received by
the State department.
The garrison at Neuvo Laredo
has been reinforced by the arrival
of ISO men under Col. Bcnavidcs
and the attacking forces has retired,
according to advices there.
A number of former Carranza
soldiers are reported to have been
arrested by the federal authorities
in the neighborhood of Eagle Pass
and Del Rico, on the Mexican side
of the border.
Planes to Leave Erie Today
On Trip to Nome, Alaska
Erie, Pa., July 16th The three
army airplanes which arrived here
last night in their flight from Mine'
ola to Nome. Alaska, will not leave
Erie until tomorrow morning, it was
announced by the flyers here this
Youthful "Houdim'
Escapes Third Time
From Bluffs Police
"I can go any place a cootie can
So Alfred Burt, 16 years old, Ken
sett, la., told Council Bluffs police.
Alfred was pinched yesterday for
speeding in a car alleged to have
been stolen.
He escaped by leaping from the
speeding car a moment later.
He was caught again and placed
in jail. A few minutes later he was
missing from his cell, but was lo
cated, after a search, hiding in a
locker in the basement of the jail.
But yesterday he was again
missing.- And now the Bluffs offi
cers don't know where he is or how
he escaped. He escaped from a
steel cell this time.
"Cootie is right," say the weary
Population of Bluffs
36,162, an Increase
Of 6J870 in Decade
Council Bluffs has a population of
36,162, according to the figures of
the census bureau in Washington re
leased yesterday.
This shows an increase of 6,870, or
23.5 per cent, since the 1910 census.
The population in 1910 was given aa
Inhabitants of Council Bluffs were
first counted in 1860, the figures
Rv 187IVV
By 18.
ulation had been
, while in 1880 it
V - VV
S i890 showed 21,474. and
- ,vt'1 tne "ext 10 years was
ioV"" ast tne census of 1900 giv-
' ..iff th nnnnlatinn 11 ??flfl
..ig the population as 25.80,
The first census for the state of
Iowa was taken in 1833, giving the
state a population of 22,859. This
figure passed the million mark in
1869. The Iowa census in 1915
showed 2,358,066.
Communique Says Enemy Was
Defeated South of Vilna
With Huge Loss.
London, July 16. Continued suc
cess by the bolsheviki along the
northern sector of the Polish front
is announced in Thursday's official
statement from Moscow, received by
wireless today. It says:
"South of- the river Vilia (in the
Vilna region), we defeated the re
sisting enemy along the entire front.
Our advance is continuing energeti
cally. (A special dispatch from Kovno,
received in Loudon Thursday night,
teported occupation of Vilna by the
bolsheviki. This has not been offi
cially confirmed, but Warsaw ad
vices today say the Poles have
agreed with the Lithuanians for oc
cupation of Vilna by Lithuanian
troops. The signing of a peace
treaty (between Lithuania and soviet
Russia was reported July 15.)
"West of Molodechno (on the
railway line between Minsk and
Vilna) we are successfully con
tinuing our advance and driving
back the enemv."
Democratic Nominee
Meets Committee of
National Woman's Party
Columbus, O., July 16. Governor
Cox, democratic. presidential nomi
nee, today met a delegation from
the national woman's party, headed
by Miss Alice Paul, who urged him
!o use his influence to have Ten
nessee ratify the federal suffrage
amendment in time to permit women
to vote at the November election.
Governor Cox will arrive in
Washington Saturday afternoon for
his conference Sunday with Presi
dent Wilson.
Plans were being developed today
by the Columbus chamber of com
merce to entertain members of the
democratic national committee who
will tnet here next Tuesday. Mrs;
Cok expects to entertain the com
mittecrrnln and their families at th;
governor's mansion either Monday
or Tuesday evening.
Among messages received today
were two from E. H. Moore, the
governor's pre-couvention mana
ger, and Wilbur Marsh, Iowa,
treisarer of the national committee,
commending the governor's de
cision not to reply to Senator Hard
ing's statements.
Bolsheviki Are Hindering
Work In Mexican Oil Fields
Mexico City, July 16. Managers,
of petroleum companies at Tampico
have appealed to General Manuel
Pclacz, military governor of the
state of Tamaulipas, to prevent al
leged bolsheviki from forcibly hin
dering laborers from working. Gen
eral Pelaez has placed the streets
of Tampico under military control,
according to the Excelsior. The
bolsheviki, it is said, are beirg
watched by government agents.
A train of petroleum tank cars
has been blown up, presumably by
icbels commanded by Gen. Mar.uel
C. Larraga, between Ebano and
Chijol, in the state of Vera Cruz.
Exchange Ratification of
Austrian Pact at Paris
Paris, July 16. The exchange of
ratifications of the treaty of St
Germain, which established peace be
tween the allies and Austria, took
place this morning in the clock
room at the foreign office. Jules
Cambon XX presided over ;hc cere
mony. Afterward M. Ilcrtsch. represent
ing Czccho-Slovakia, signed the
agreements for the protection of
minorities within the former terri
tory of the Austro-Hungarian em
pire. Former 84th Brigade Head
Comes to Fort Des Moines
De Moines. la., July 16. (Spe
cial Telegram.) Col. Robert A.
Brown will come to Vrt Des
Moines as commander of the 14th
calvary when the troops come liefc.
Brown was commander of the 84th
brigade, in which the 168th Iowa
and 167 Alabama infantry served,
and is therefore well known to, Iowa
soldiers who were in the 168th regi
ment. Julia Stimson Appointed
Chief of Army Nurse Corps
Washington, July 16. Miss Ju'ia
M. Stimson of New York was ap
pointed today by Secretary Baker
as superintendent of the army nurse
corps, with the relative rank of
major. She received the D. S. M.
fend the British R. B. C. for services
in the nurse corps during the war.
, A
Address of Acceptance Prac
tically Completed Cancels
Engagement With Ameri
can Legion at St. Louis.
'Marion, O.. July 16. Another full
work day beginning at 8 o'clock and
stretching into the evening, was
given by Settator Harding today
to his speech of acceptance of the
republican nomination for presi
dent. .Tonight only the final touches
remained to be added before the
manuscript could be given to the
The candidate put in one of the
most arduous, days in the two weeks
since he returned to Marion, which
itself has been the busiest period he
has had in years. He turned aside
from the speech only once or twice
to dispose of urgent correspondence
and ke abbreviated his lunch period
and hurried through the brief daily
conference with his local managers.
One thing for which he paused
was to send a message to the mem
orial committee of the American
Legion relative to cancellation of
a tentative speaking engagement at
the dedication of Memorial park in
St. Louis on July 26. -
The tentative engagement was
canceled, the senator explained, be
cause the date came before his for
mal notification and that of the vice
presidential candidate, Governor
Coolidgc. He said the proprieties re
quired that he make no public ad
dresses during that period. The tele
gram he sent to the comnvttec today
was as follows:
"I am genuinely pleased that no
disappointment attending my neces
sary course will in any way alter or
hinder your plans. I am not only
genuinely sorry that I cannot have
the great satisfaction of joining in
your tribute, but I wish you a suc
cessful program which will meet the
highest aspirations of all the Ameri
ca!'. Legion and give full expression
to St. Louis affection and regard for
America's defenders."
The acceptance speech is expected
to be shorter than most addresses of
that character, occupying less than
four printed columns. The senator
hopes to have it ready by tomorrow
night for distribution in confidence
to the newspapers and then after a
Sunday's rest he will turn his atten
tirn to other features of the cani
paicn. Since lie came here from Wash
ington Senator Harding has been
almost continuously at work, omit
ting walks and golf. He has ap
plied himself with particular dilli
gence to the speech of acceptance
because he wants it to be a real
and comprehensive keynote deliv
erance and yet to be concise and
brief enough for the average voter.
Marion began to dress up today
for the notification. Foundations
were laid for a long court of honor
made of decorated wooden pillars
and arches to stretch along Mount
Vernon avenue, on which the Hard
ings live.
Bribery Charges Against
Police Judge Dismissed
San Francisco, July 16. A bribery
indictment against Police Judge J.
J. Sullivan was dismissed in the
superior court here upon motion of
Attorney General Webb, who told
the court that there was not suf
ficient corroborative evidence to
vict him '
The Boomerang
City National Bank
Takes Over Big Trust
Company in Lincoln
Lincoln, Neb., July 16. (Special
Telegram.) One of the biggest fi
nancial deals in the history of Lin
coln was closed today when the City
National bank took over the Lin
coln Trust company, with all its af
filiated organizations except the Lin
coln Joint Stock bank. The incor
poration of the City Trust company
is a part of the deal, with a paid
up capital of half a million dollars.
The incorporation of the new or
ganization will bring to Lincoln two
well known bankers, S. C. Carlson
of Loup City and Stanley Mally of
Cedar Rapids. The capi'tal of the
consolidated institutions will be
something over tw6 millions of dol
lars. W. E. Barkley, who established the
trust company and has been its
president for more than 25 years,
will retain interest in the City Trust
company and expects ultimately to
give up his activities with the insti
tution. Three Suspects Held
As Robbers Who Got
$10,000 From Cashier
Kansas City, Mo., July 16. Three
men were under arrest today in con
nection with robbery of FYank Vas
sar, a messenger for an Armourdale,
Kan., bank, who was held up yester
day by motor car bandits, as he was
entering the bank with ' a satchel
containing $10,000 in cash.
One of the men, according to po
lice, is owner of the mtor car in
which the robbers escaped. The
prisoner declares the car was stolen
from him earlier in the day.
Oklahoma Woman to Tour
Europe for Women's Club
Enid, Okl., July 16. Miss Eliza
beth Boyle, prominent club yvor':er
and general secretary of the Ok'a
homa State Federation of Woman's
Clubs, will represent Oklahoma as
one of the 30 women of the United
States to tour western Europe ard
attend the quintcnnial cenven'ior of
women in Christiana, Norway, Sep
tember 6. The party is composed
of delegates from the National
Council of Women, chosen to re. -resent
various sections of the coun
try or some women's club. Tiie
party will sail from New York the
last of August.
Aged Convict Pardoned
As Birthday Present
Austin. Tex., July 16. After hav
ing refused t accept executive
clemency from former Governors
Colquitt and Ferguson, "Uncle"
Bill Edwards, acccntric Texas con
vict, aged 70, "Wrote the governor for
a pardon as a birthday present on
July 19, 1920. It immediately was
G. 0. P. Labor Chairman to
Open Headquarters In N. Y.
New York, July 16.-H. L. Fidler,
special representative of the repub
lican national committee on labor
attairs, arrived here today from Chi
cago to open a New York office of
the party's labor bureau.
The Weather
Partly cloudy and unsettled Sat
urday. Hourly Trmprratumi.
S . m 'in I 1 p. m 5
a. in ai 12 p. in S7
7 a. m 71 3 p. m K7
a. m 72 I 4 p. m 87
9 a. m 76 6 pj. in xr,
1i a. M 7 I 6 p. m M
11 a. ni .SI 7 D. m S2
tit noon S3 I p. in 79
Roof Blown JDff House, Trees
Uprooted and Crops Ruined
By Wind and Hail
Ncligh, Neb., July 16. (Special
Telegram.) Storm of almost tor
nado ' proportions struck here this
afternoon accompanied by a down
pour of rain and much haiJ. It caught
a large crowd at the park where
a race meet was in progress. Large
trees in the park were blown down
and several women fainted. Only
the cool work of many of the men
prevented a serious panic.
The tents, fern's wheel and other
attractions of the Walter Savidge
Carnival Co., were damaged to the
extent of from $8,000 to $1Q,000.
Everybody was drenched.
Trees all over the city and sur
rounding country were blown down,
and the residence of W. L. McCal
lister was unroofed. Great dam
age was done to crops by the hail
and outbuildings were wrecked by
the wind. So far as is known no
lives were lost or anyone seriously
injured, but telephone lines arc
down and bridges out, so that news
from the country is meager. Every
window on the north side of the
westbound passenger train due here
at 3:05 was broken.
Buildings Wrecked In Norfolk.
Lincoln, Neb., July 16. (Special
Telegram.) A storm of cyclonic
proportions did heavy damage at
Norfolk and vicinity, according to
reports brought to Lincoln early
tonight by traveling salesmen. The
salesmen said that reports at Fre
mont indicated that a number of
buildings had been wrecked. Tel
ephone service to Norfolk was crip
pled, telephone company officials
Asks Palmer to Investigate
Alleged Frauds Against U. S.
New York, July 16. Henry
Woodhousc, one of the governors
of the Aero club of America, an
nounced that he had askcl Attor
ney General Palmer to begin a
federal grand jury investigation of
charges against individuals, who, he
alleged, obtained millions of dol
lars of government funds under
misrepresentation and conspiracy."
"Theses persons," Mr. Woodhousc
declared, "tried to use officials of
the Aero club of America as a shield
for a conspiracy to have govern
ment airplanes that cost over $100.
000,000 destroyed, so as to benefit
'certain manufacturers.' "
Girl Killed in Attempt to
Save Life of Baby Sister
Middlcsboro. Kv., July 16. Run
ning down an incline track in an'at
tempt to save her 3-year-old baby
sister who was sitting in the middle
of the rails. Bertha Lynch, aged
16, was overtaken and killed at
Mingo mines, six miles from here,
by a coal car driven by her father,
Mose Lynch. The baby w-as not
injured. Miss Lynch's body was cut
in two.
British Officials Deny
Reds Agree to Pole Armistice
Spa. Belgium, July 16. British
officials here denied this nicrning
that any reply had been received
from the Russian soviet government
relative to the British proposal for
Ian armistice; between Russia and
Three Distinct Shocks Felt in
California Metropolis Sev
eral Persons Are Injured
By Falling Debris.
Business at Standstill After
Third Temblor Cracks in
Walls of Nurriber of Brick
Buildings Are Reported.
Los Angeles, July 16. Three se
vere earthquake shocks, the first
at 10:10 this morning, the second
and third at 1 :27 and 1 :-"J this aft
ernoon, created excitement through
Los Angeles and its suburbs and
caused damage of a minor nature to
a number of buildings and inflicted
physical injury upon several men,
women and children.
A chimney on a tall building in
the downtown tcction ,jut north of
the entrance lo the Third street
tunnel, fell across Third street to
the south side; part of an embank
ment near the entrance to the Pa
cific electric municipal tunnel in
North Hill street caved in. The
two tunnels are about four blocks
The morning temblor shook mor
tar from brick walls and plaster
from walls and ceilings, sending
four persons to the receiving hos
pital with minor injuries and fright
ened the majority of the population.
The shock at 1:27 was followed so
quickly by the third at 1:29 that it
was difficult to tell just what dam
age could be attributed to either of
those two.
Water Main Broken.
A witcr main was reported broken
in the downtown section and reports
of broken windows in downtown
stores multiplied.
A man was taken to the receiving
hospital with a broken leg. His
injury was said to have been caused
when a brick fell from a building
at First street and Broadway and
knocked him down.
Business in many establishments
came practically to a standstill after
the third shock and 30 minutes later
crowds still were gathered in the
streets, cither fearful of returning
to work or interested in learning
the extent of the damage.
A piece of coping at Market and
Main streets fell and struck a fire
alarm box, turning in an alarm. The
response of the fire department and
rumors flying through the streets
caused som: person to send in a call
for ambulances, which was prompt
ly responded to.
Crowds Hysterical.
Cracks in the fronts and walls of
a few buildings were reported after
the second and third shocks and
hospitals in department stores were
overflowing with fainting and hys
terical women shoppers.
A piece of iron fell from the top of
a building at First and Main streets
and inflicted a severe wound upon
(Continued nn Pair Two, Column Three.)
Railroad Men Will
Get 5 to 1 2 Cents an
Hour Raise Is Report
Chicago, July 16. Wrage increases
which are to be granted by the
United States railway hbor boaro,
now in session here, affecting 1,850,-
000 workers, according to the Chi
cago Herald and Examiner todav,
will range from 5 to 12 cents an
This statement gives the increases'
as follows:
Clerks, 12 cents.
Locomotive engineers, 5 to 10
Engineers and conductors, S
.Trainmen, 5 to 10 cents.
Enginemen, 5 to 10 cents.
Switchmen, 5 to 10 cents.
Railroad signal men, 5 to 10 cents.
Shopmen, 5 to 10 cents.
Maintenance of way and laborers,
5 to 10 cents.
Warn Railroads to Cease
Confiscating Coal of U. S,
Washington, July 16. Railroad!
of the country were warned today
by the interstate commerce commis
sion to refrain from confiscating coal
consigned to government depart
ments and to common carriers and
to other public utilities. No indica
tion of what action would be taken
to put an end to the practice was
given by the commission.
Enlistments in United States
Navy Show Big Increase
Washington, July 16. The tide of
recruiting for the navy has turned,
officials at (he department said to
d..y, an increase of enlistments over
c'ischarges being shown for the first
time since the war. On August 29
the enlistment periods of the last
of the "before the war" tars will ex
pire, but many of these are re-enlisting.
Congressman F. W. Mondell
Files for Renomination
Cheyenne, Wyo., July 16. Frank
W. Mondell, republican floor leader
in the house of representatives, to
day filed papers of renomination as
representative at larije from Wyo
ming. It is expected he will have
no opposition in his own party.
The state primaries will be held
1 August 17