Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 16, 1920, Page 8, Image 8
I HE BEE: OMAHA. FRIDAY, JULY 16. 1920, Society Announce Engagement. j Mr. and Mrs. A. Wolowitz an nounce the engagement of their laughter, Rose, to Mr. I. G. Rein 'irhreiber, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben teinschreiber. i Mr. and Mrs. Wolowitz will en ertain Sunday evening in honor of he couple. i No date has been set for the wed- j :'.ing. . I Entertain Miss Estee. Miss Lorraine Estee of Montpclier, i't, who has hern at the I). I . Bradford home, is now the guest of fr. and Mrs. C. II. (."frighton. Mr. i nd Mrs. Barton Millard will en-1 ertain at the Country club in her tonor Saturday evening-. ( For Elizabeth McCracken. i Miss Mary Mitchell entertained at ! luncheon at the Council Bluffs .Country club Thursday in honor of er guest, Miss Elizabeth McCracken f Pittsburgh. Fink roses formed !ie centerpiece. Covers were place;! it the honor guest, the hostess. Irs. Harry Menold, Misses Leta Tunter, Marion Turner, Gretchcn fess, Geraldine Hes, Marjor! (enold, Mary Fulled. Margaret Toung, Almarine Campbell ami 'orothy Kiplinger. For Mrs. Edwards. I Mrs. L. C. Gibson and Mrs. A. H. uller will entertain at a whist lunch on at Happy Hollow club. Friday, honor of Mrs. A. G. Edwards, overs will be placed for Mesdamcs i. Orr, John N. Baldwin, C. K. outant, Z. T. Lindsay. James Chad ick. M. J. Broatch. Henry Vat .'. H. Wilbur, (i. Goodrich. Frank olpetzer, John Morrison, Dan Sar ent and S. Coudrey. Informal Affair. I Mrs. Elizabeth S. Lewis en'.ei- tamed informally at her home, Thursday afternoon, in honor of her daughter, Margaret, whose marriage to Louis B. Casey of Chicago will take place July 24. The guests were active and alumnae members of the Achoth sorority, who are now in the city. Miss Lewis was a member of Achoth when attending the Uni versity of Nebraska. Achoth mem bers now here include Mesdames Paul Rivert, Thomas Zacek-, James Her' and William Randall anri Katherine Reynolds, Mildred Johnson, Helen and Caroline Cain, Krfherine North, Ruth Hutton, Htlcn Fossner, Anna iMiytTrr. Catherine McLean and Miss Opal Nuss of Sutton. . Card Party. The Phyllis club will give a card party Saturday evening, 8:15 o'clock, at St. I'hilip Ncri's school in Florence. Omaha Women Organize Local Chapter of Jewish Council. The Omaha chapter of the Coun cil of Jewish Women was organized Wednesday afternoon at Temple Is rael by Mrs. M. L. Purvin, president of the Chicago chapter. A constitution was adopted and the followiifg officers elected: Mrs. Frederick Colin president: Mrs. Sol S. Degen. vice president; Mrs. David i ttross, recording secretary; Mrs. Simon A. Meyer, corresponding sec retary; Mrs. M. L. Wilson, treas urer; Mrs. Carl Furth and Mrs. M. F. Shafcr, auditing committee. More than 100 joined the organiza tion. Engtand now has eight women managers of theaters. Give Your Motor Truck Driver a Tire He Can Depend On THE man who tells you that motor truck drivers are not interested in the efficient and eco nomical operation of their trucks has never been in a garage when the trucks were com ing in from their day's hauls Tire splitting and base separation are not things that truck drivers thought up to annoy their em ployers. Until the new U. S. Grainkss Rubber Solid Truck Tire was created, no way had ever been found to prevent solid tires from splitting. Nor had anyone ever United States Tim LIONBERGER TIRE & SERVICE CO. 2220 Harney St. Omaha, Neb. Phone Tyler 1373 Bride-to-Be is? 1 C I Manv lovely affairs have been given during the past two weeks for Miss Mae Greene, daughter of Mrs. James M. Greene, whose marriage to Dr. Clement Martin of Lynch. Neb., will take place Wednesday morning at 9 o'clock at St. Johns church. Miss Greene will be honor guest at a luncheon Friday at the home of Miss Winifred Traynor. Mrs. Thomas Murphy will give a tea Friday afternoon for this popular bride to be and for Mrs. Frank Murphy, formerly of Dawson. Neb. been able to prevent base sep aration. As representatives of the old est and largest rubber company in the world it is our privilege to introduce this new tire to the owners and drivers of this city. The first solid truck tire ever made that will neither split nor separate from its base. Give your driver a tire that he can depend on that he doesn't have to nurse and be thinking of all the time and watch how much more effici' ently your trucks operate And how your tire costs go down. In purchasing a new truck consult us about the type of tires to specify. Cluga Club Girls Give Carnival Dance More than 200 attended the Car nival dance given by the Cluga club Wednesday evening at the Girls' Community house. The house and ! grounds were attractively decorated with Japanese lanterns. The proceeds, which amounted to $88, will be added to the Community Service funds. The Community Service girls are anxious to continue their work dur ing the coming season and are de vising ways and means for raising funds. Officers of the Cluga club are as follows: Miss Margaret Nelson, advisor; Miss Augusta Nelson, presi dent; Miss Vera English, secretary, and Miss Frances Tholki, treasurer. Clubdom Omaha Truth Center. Omaha Truth Center will meet Friday, 8 p. m., in room 302 Patter son block, Seventeenth and Farnam streets. Francis J. Gable of Lincoln, leader. H. E. L. P. Club. The H. E. L. P. club will meet Friday evening at 7:30 o'clock at the Social Settlement house. Maple Leaf Chapter. Maple Leaf chapter, O. E. S., will hold a picnic in Elmwood park Sat urday afternoon from 4 to 6:30 o'clock. In Rhode Island the Providence League of Women Voters has start ed an all-sectarian movement to es tablish citizenship courses in the churches. Personal Dr. A. E. Bennett leaves Monday for Hot Springs, S. D. Mildred Weston returned Thurs day from Lake Geneva, Wis. Dr. W. L. Sucha and Dr. Newell Jones spent Thursday in Fremont. Mary Angela Fox is visiting friends in Chicago and Milwaukc:. E. E. Bruce and daughter, Eliza beth, have gone to New Hampshire to spend the summer. Donald Fox left Monday to spend three weeks at Lake Minnetonka and Pryor Lake, Minnesota. Robert P. Kimball leaves Friday to spend two weeks at Nisswa, Minn., with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur P. Kimball. Miss Agnes Tierney of O'Neill, Neb., who has been visiting her sis ter, Mrs. Edward Johnson, returned home Thursday. Miss Gertrude A. Smith, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Smith, is spending the summer in New York where she is attending Columbia University. Miss Marion Coad is the guest of her grandmother, Mrs. J. F. Coad, at Fryor Lake, Minn., for a month. Miss Pauline Coad will join them in a week. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Reynolds are moving from their home in Field club district to their new home on Happy Hollow boulevard, just north of Dodge street. Misses Orilea and Gladys rrene Castle of Lincoln, who have been visiting, Mrs. Anna Vincent, Hazel Harper and Winifred Baker, left Thursday for Burlington, la. Mr. and Mrs. Charles McLaughlin have returned from their honeymoon trip and are at home at the E. E. Bruce residence. Mrs. McLaughlin was formerly Margaret Bruce. Mrs. Mary L. Creigh is summer ing at Wequetonsing, Mich. Mrs. Creigh, who was ill before her de parture, is much improved. She plans to remain at Wequetonsing until late in the fall. Mrs. Robert Marinet is visiting Mrs. R. E. Dockery at Lewistown, Mont. Mrs. Dockery was formerly Belinda Porter Akins of this city. They plan to visit Yellowstone, Gla cier and Estes parks. Omahans stopping at the Hotel McAlpin during the past week have been: Elizabeth Adams, Helga Peterson, Mary Sturgeon. Miss J. Law. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Organ, W. T. Graham, A. K. Header and W. C. Brorson. Carter Lake Club Mrs. C. G. Jaycox entertained the members of the Cedar Rapids club at a porch party Tuesday afternoon at her cottage. There were 18 guests present. Miss Terra Tierney entertained 12 guests at a bridge luncheon Thurs day at the Tierney cottage. The prize winners at the Carter Lake Kensington club party Wed nesday afternoon were: Mesdames C. O. Campbell, Joseph Rohacek, N. H. T. Jury, J. M. Lowe, Dan Moore, W. J. Shoup and George C. Clarke. Mrs. Robert Campbell and son, Billy, of Sterling, Colo., 'are visiting at the Charles Campbell cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Moore and daughter, Irene, left Wednesday for a motor trip to Eexcelsior Springs. Institutes for the Women of England The recent exhibition of the Fed eration of Women's Institutes at the Royal Horticultural hall intro duced to Londoners an evidence of social activity in rural districts which is said to have surprised many of those who think that the English countryside can still be characterized by the well-worn ad- jjective "sleepy." Moit wide-awake seemed these country women, who were presiding over their stalls of country produce, the reports say, and though some had never been to London before, none of them was aught abashed by the novel experience. The Women's Institute is a new phase of English life that has come into being since the war. Initiated by Lady Den man, with some government sup port, there are now considerably iover 1,000 of these organizations scattered through the length and breadth of the country. Fresh vil lages are joining almost every day, and in the southern counties it is already almost the exception to find a village without its institute. The root idea of the Women s In stitute is that it should provide a center for all kinds of useful and amusing work of a social or educa tional nature. The club must be managed by the women themselves, and almost any kind of activity is encouraged in connection with it. The institute offers, in fact, an uninue onnortunitv for the exerrU of the "community spirit." And so, ! besides instruction in the more practical phases of country life, such as bee-keeping, sewing, cooking, a place is also found for the more cultural side of things. Immigrant Literature. In co-operation with the American Library association's campaign, the Immigrant Publication Society. Inc., of New York, of which John Foster Carr is director, is working for a $60,000 fund to enable it to continue its work of circulating guidebooks, library helps and many types of pe riodicals of value to foreigners. That Mr. Carr's work has been filling a long-felt gap between Americans and the immigrant who needs authorita tive directions on arrival in the Unit ed States has been vouched for by many prominent educators of all ra-tiortltie. Country Club V. R. McKecn had six guests at dinner at the Country club Tlui.s day evening, W. B. Millard lud four guests. Foursomes were entertained at luncheon Thursday by A. L. Reed and L. L. Kountze. Lakoma Club Entertaining at dinner Wednes day evening at Lakoma club were H. R. Bowen, George H. Brewer, Vacation Dresses JTuriu'reds icatured at Just Half Price 29.75 Dotted Swiss Dresses, 14.88 Also 35.00, 39.75, 45.00 and 49.50 values at Half, 7.50 Flowered Voile Dresses at 3.75 Also 10.00, 12.50, 15.00 and 19.75 values at Half. 29.75 Dotted Organdie Dresses, 14.88 Also 35.00, 39.75 and 45.00 values at Half. 12.50 Anderson Ginghams, 6.25 Also 15.00, 19.75 and 24.75 values at Half. 10.00 Striped Crepe Dresses, 5.00 Also 15.00 and 24.75 values at Half. 19.75 Linene Sport Dresses, 9.88 And 22.50" and 24.75 values at Half. 24.75 Navy Organdie Dresses, 12.38 And 35.00 and .45.00 values at Half. 45.00 Paradise Crepe Dresses, 22.50 39.75 Ribbon Voile Dresses, 19.88 45.00 Navy, Black and Brown Taffetas, .' Also 49.50, 55.00 and 59.00 values at Half. 22.50 ' 1812 FARNAM 1812 " IIHIIIIIIKI Where the New Styles y "Si r i " Any time of day, when your children have a longing for something "tasty", a dish of JERSEY Corn Flakes and berries or other fruit will satisfy the desire, and yet not overload. At your grocer's The Jersey Cereal Food Co. Cereal, Penna. Also makers of Jersey Wholt-Wheot Pancake Flour Corn Makes Tie Original Thick Coir Flaket 2001-B ADVERTISEMENT FRECKLES Now It the Time to Get Rid of These Ugly Spots. There's no longer the slightest need of feeling ashamed of your freckles, as O t h i n e d o u b 1 e strength is guaranteed to remove these homely spots. Simply get an ounce of Othine double strength from any drug gist and apply a little of it night and morning and you should soon see that even the worst freckles have begun to disappear, while the lighter ones have vanished entirely. It is seldom that more than an ounce is needed to completely clear the skin and gain a beautiful clear complexion. Be sure to ask for the double strength Othine, as this is sold un der guarantee of money back if it fails to remove freckles. ADVERTISEMENT For New Styles and Pretty Arms (Beauty Notes) Women are fast learning the value of the use of delatone for re moving hair or fuzz, from face, neck or arms. A paste is made with i some powdered delatone and water and spread on the hairy surface. In 2 or 3 minutes it is rubbed off, the skin washed and every bit of hair : has disappeared. No failure will re sult if you are careful to buy genu ine delatone and mix fresh as wanted. Nothing Succeeds Like Success and Bee Want Ads. Get Yours Started Today. Guv Cramer. V. G. Matthson, C. T. Volltner and C. 1". Gruenig. H. G. Wimlheiui will have 16 guests at dinner at the club Satur day evening. C. F. Ilazeltine will have 15 guests and J. W. Skog lund 14. Making Over. If you have a taffeta dress of any color from last year's wardrobe, don't discard it, even if it is partially worn out. Get about two yards of ecru-colorcd organdie and some deep lace, and make a tunic of it with a double fold of the organdie at the bottom. If the taffeta skirt is worn at the hem it is easy to let it down under the tunic, adding a House and hundreds of charming now drosses, special cash purch Georgette Organdie Dresses, Georgette all at just one-half. PREMIUM SODA CRACKERS are crisp and flaky, with a salty tang. Fine with milk, cheese, peanut butter or jam. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY Li Dfvtori declare that bedbuza and ether ffrnnn art tlia mopt. to be (eared means of ai'rejding aurh diseases aa tonaunii'tifn. ai'inal meniugitia and other tntVtleua trfu Nes. There is uo dir-srare in citing bed hurj in vour home, because that can't be avoided, but it is a diasrave to permit theru to rmain and thrne when it Is en esy to gt rid ct them with the new rhemieal corn round. V. T. tj . which actually puts an end to these peky detila. MILLION BEDBUGS A S 5 -rent riu-kage of tb't cMden chemical will rnsVe a quart of mumis that Is fo dpaiilv to bfd'uRs tint U wnu'd ki'J a m'l Ipn rr them if mi could kH that many to aftrifr. If they were as tvj an your hand U would Rwat them imt is well. And not only the live ones, hut the future feneration as well, because once it hits the ega they are gone. CUT THIS OUT Tfur druszlst has P. P. Q FV Pe'Je Qu:etuu and will he Klad to furnish It fr ? cents. One 35 -rent rarkape n'Sl-ea quirt of (he miiture and la equal to a birrel rf old faehioned hug-Killer. Some dniM.5t tray irv ti sll "u xoniethitic flu h'i.'t i-cent a euh-itttutfc If your drutrcint hasn't P. 11 Q . Mnd us our name and rent and we will Mnd rmi a rat kB postage prera Id to 5 our a ddrcss. WILL NOT DAMAGE GOODS V P. Q will not inture dHI-'a'e fabric, r lMhmg. carnet. furniture, hoddmg. wall rarer or or,dorV. In fact, (t ta often tued aa a and dialnfactant. SI tSSuriDaCHE. HEURAL61A, INFLUENZA AND ALL PAUL Comfort Your Skin With Cuticura Soap and Fragrant Talcum Soap, Ointment, Talrain. Kc iiwy wfciera. SawpUa hm t Catteua UeMratariaa, Sept X, MaUat, Im piece of silk to make the required length. A tuhif, or one rf the new "apron," may cover most of the waist, and t! e sleeves Viay he cut otf above the elbow with a finish of s. small organdie cuff. Flta Kreisler, sister of Frit! Kreisler, th famous violinist, has been working in Vienna with the Herbert Hoover representatives in beh;:lf of the children of the famine ridden Austrian republic. She is also working with a number of scai:tily-clad and ragged children. The democratic city executive committee of Atlanta has decided to permit women to vote in the coming city primaries. Voiles. Mr. Arthur Sharp Tells How Cuticura Healed Pimples " My trouble began with sort of n Itching and burning sensation which '"A pies began coming out on my face. Soon my face was amass of itching. burning pimples, which disfigured me greatly, and the dis comfort was terrible. I scratched the oimoles end irritated them more, and some nights I lost much sleep. " I sentfora free sample of the Cuti cura Preparations and was pleased with the result. I bought more, and after using one cake of Soap and less than a box of Ointment I was healed." (Signed) Arthur Sharp, Box 394, Salineville, Ohio. Once clear, keep your skin dear by using Cuticura Soap and Oint ment for every-day toilet purpose and Cuticura Talcum to powder and penume. notning oeucr. "arnpl. lata rra by Mall Addrma:"Oatlewlk eTarla.DeDl.B,Mall.B4S, Mmi" Solrlev.rr- i Cuticura soap with wimom KILLS FLEAS ON DOGS If vou hare a pet d"g who is lnfed with fleas take a little P. ri. 0 rnmure in vour hand and rub it Inin the f'L- Then watch the fleas loop the loor. Thef will he deader than King Solomon before they hit the floor. CHICKEN LICE DESTROYER Have our chl 'kena got lire? lo't tit tate. Get a 35-cent paikase of I'. D. . make a gallon of iTe-dfMrmer from It aa ilrected and tlwn get busy In the hehou. It's so easv vMi'll Uuh and so will the hirketn Bv'tl-.e war. did rhicken laugh? Try this and wat.-a em. FOR ANTS AND COCKROACHES I The an's and c-vkrosi'hes at and :at aa ! ?od & chance rf surviving a treatment of j p, p. Q. as a MTiwhall m a y?iv famed i first Ksnrt It swats th'm and their eeira with a wall'1? inn ruib ineir wnn.e gener-a-in out of huiprss Tse It on fura In storage to kill and kep out mothi. A BED BUG SPOUT E'.ery pakase rf P. P. O f "nU'n a patent epoui tiiat fits anv ordinirf hMf. It will enable you to rearh the hsrd to-set-at rlas and twite lots of juice. When buying lonk fnr ih Peril Hc"t on ever? packaire of p. D Q , tlien j-u U be sure lo ft the genuine. OWL CHEMICAL COJ1PANT Terre Haute, Indiana fold h Sherman A MrConnell Prug Co , Ind U other leading druggists. Omaha. b- Money back without aucataaD If HUNT'S Salve fail In tha treatment of ITCH, ECZKMA. RINGWORM. TETTER or ether itching akin diaeaaea. Try a 7S cent box at our nak Sherman V McConnell DruaT C