THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, JULY 16. 1920. The Omaha Bee DAILY (MORNING) EVENING SUNDAY THE BEE PUBLISHING COMPANY. NELSON B. UPDIKE, Publisher. MEMBERS OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Th. AitccUttd Ptot. of whlfth The Rm 1i s maabor. la x eluairaly nutld to U.. um tar rubllcmtloa of lU un llap4teh.s rradtud to tl ft nH oUwwim er1tt4 in thli prr, ud tlm tn lxl nm tiubUthad btrrln. SU rlftiu of publicauoa of our statist dlfPtttohM sr. ntao rewrvML BEE TELEPHONES PrlMU Brsncli Kirhn. Ak for tb Xw1a 1 iWrt WUnnt or Prm Wuitnl. 1 jricr WU For Nifht Call After 10 P. M.i MltnrUl Dnrtmit ........... Trltr IMMIt rin-uuu.m Dirutnnl TtIot 10O8L idwttainx Di4rtoicn( Trior 10OSL Council Bluff yrm York Cblc.go OFFICES OF THE BEE Mtln Orrtrt: 17th anil Ftrn.m 11 Sf.xt ft. I South Sida 1311 H Bt Out-of-Town Officast JS Fifth Ata. I WMhlniton 1S11 Q W. Starrer BMi. I Pana franca IM Rut St. flonora jTAe toe's Platform 1. New Union Passenger Station. 2. Continued improTement of the Ne braska Highway, including the pave ment of Main Thoroughfare leading into Omaha with a Brick Surface. 3. A short, low-rate Waterway from the Corn Belt to the Atlantic Ocean. i. Home Rule Charter for Omaha, with City Manager form of Government. REPUBLICAN PARTY AND WOMEN. The indignation expressed by Senator Hard ing at the indecent attempts of the democrats to make political capital out of the thirty-sixth endorsement of the equal suffrage amendment is thoroughly justified. No more brazen attempt at stealing undue credit ever was noted. Repub licans have not undertaken to obtain political advantage through the suffrage movement. Every appeal the party has made to the women has been on the broad grounds of its patriotic service to the country and the world. This record is worthy of scrutiny, and will bear the test of microscopic examination. If the issue were to turn on suffrage alone, the vote by which the amendment passed the senate shows more clearly than any other record the attitude of the two parties. The final vote, taken in the senate on June 4, 1919, was 56 for to 25 against. Of those voting in the affirmative 36 were republicans and 20 were democrats; those in the negative were 8 republicans and 17 democrats. Analysis of the pairs, and those ab sent and not voting shows the senate line-up on the issue was 40 republicans and 26 democrats for and 9 republicans and 21 democrats against. Thus, if the matter had depended on the demo crats, the amendment would not have been submitted. Every republican from Nebraska in house and senate voted for the amendment, and the one lone democrat from this state, a sena tor, voted against it. Thirty-five states have ratified the amend ment. Of these 29 are republican and 6 demo cratic. That is the record on suffrage. But the women are interested in other things than voting, and it may be well to recall a few accomplished by the republicans. It was a republican congress that put a quietus on polygamy among the Mormons. Enforcement of the Edmunds act contains the principle on which rests finally the validity of the prohibition amendment. Do not forget that. Forty-five states have adopted laws fixing" minimum standards of child labor. Of these 27 nre republican, and 18 democratic. It has been in a democratic state that the federal laws to regulate child labor have been nullified. Twenty-four republican and six democratic states have forbidden night work by women. In nine republican and six democratic states minimum wage laws have been passed. Twenty-two republican states pay mother's pensions and only six democratic. In twenty-six republican states compulsory education laws are enforced, and only in six democratic states does this prevail. In repub lican California the average wages of teachers is $998 a year, and in democratic Missouri the average is $228. In everything for which the women have aspired, from suffrage to pure food laws, the republican party has taken the lead. This is not guesswork, but established by the indisput able records of the two parties. And that is why Senator Harding and everybody else familiar with the facts marvels at the impudence of the democratic claims. Parcels Post and Domestic Delivery. Motorization of the mail service of the Omaha postofnee, about to be accomplished, promises another big advance in usefulness of the parcels post. Packages from the down town stores will be delivered at homes of pur chasers through the postofnee, if the present outlined plan matures. No good reason exists why this service should not be established. If the postal service can carry a package to Coun cil Bluffs, or to London, England, it ought to deliver the same package to a home in Omaha, just as it does a "drop letter." And the business should be profitable to Uncle Sam. He has figured his cost of carriage on a basis of definite experience, and knows exactly what the expense Is. Prior to the war careful surveys were made of the cost of delivery by various stores, and it was found that it cost an average of 10 cents fper parcel. The motor truck would have les sened this, as it was based on horse-drawn vehicles, but other things have intervened. Wages have increased, expense of operation has advanced, and it may be accepted that the aver age cost of delivering a parcel is not more rather than less than it was six years ago. The postoffice organization will be able to handle, the business at a minimum of expense, though, when the practice is once instituted, the cash and carry problem will be definitely solved, for the purchaser will find the postage needed for delivery immediately added to his bill, whereas the expense of maintaining the service is dis tributed over all the accounts carried by the store. New Note in Prison. The new penitentiary in Illinois is coming in for much consideration just now, because of the ideas it embodies. Its purpose is reformatory, and to this end it has been designed. Planned for security of holding the prisoners it contains, treat attention also has been paid to the item Df their well being, that under proper care and erderly restraint they may be brought to moral is well as physical health. Most attractive of Its features is the lighting arrangement. WThile the architects were at work, they called in to aid them an astronomer, who plotted the sky light curve with such skill that every cell on a clear day receives a flood of sunlight for at least an hour and a half. The electric lighting scheme l itmflarljr devised, to that at night the interior of the prison may be made as light as day. The gloom of the. dungeon is forever ban ished from this penitentiary. Other innova tions have been adopted, all looking to the stimulation of atrophied moral sense, that it may be given normal strength and the offender be restored to society safely fit for freedom. Years will pass before the definite results of the new prison as an agent for reform can be tabulated; in the meantime it is a prison, but it denotes an advance in the attitude of society towards those who have transgressed its laws. Increasing Land Values. The assessment roll for Nebraska, as being made up at Lincoln from returns from the sev eral counties, indicates a considerable increase in land valuations. This is but the expected re flection of the general boost given to values within the last two years. It will have the ef fect of securing to the state a portion of the increment enjoyed by the owners. The situation holds another clement, though, and one that must have careful consideration. Land is properly worth only what it will pro duce. Increased selling price of farm products has naturally added to the earning capacity of the land. A speculative movement last year sent price skyward, and many transfers of farms were made at figures that staggered those who are most familiar with conditions. Nebraska was not hit very hard by this wave of land gambling, but it did suffer some. The average acreage values set by the asses sors, as indicated in the returns given out at Lincoln, do not seem unreasonable. On the 20 per cent basis, Thurston county shows high, with $155 per acre, while Dodge comes next, with $140. Examination of the table shows gen erally that the prices fixed by the assessors are fair. Nebraska land ought to earn on the val uation. It is not alone the factor of productivity that enters into this, but proper weight should be given to other things that determine in the end value. Improved highways will perhaps be found as potent as the increased selling value of the crops. With better roads the farmer can get his produce to market at a lessened cost, and this saving in transportation tends to increase the value of his land, because it improves its service. Other items enter into the calculation, and suggest the reasonableness of the rise in assessment. Varia tions in figures denote only the inequalities natural to the separate divisions of the state on the agricultural map, and are not accidental dif ferences of opinion between assessors. Nebraska is reaching a point of stability as regards the use as well as the value of its farms, a fact that means much for its future prosperity. Justice Moves Against Speeder. An Iowa youth has been held for trial on a charge of assault with intent to commit man slaughter. He drove his automobile recklessly along a public highway at terrific speed, collid ing with another machine, injuring its occupants and damaging both vehicles. He had wagered with another youth as foolish as himself that he could allow him a big handicap and then beat him from one town to another. Nothing was at stake but pride of opinion as to the racing qualities of a rtewly purchased high-power car. Human life was jeopardized and property de stroyed in order that a pair of fools might test a point in dispute. It may be set up that neither intended to kill anybody, but the reckless speeder is always a potential murderer. The law properly deems the direct result of a man's ac tions prima facie evidence of his intention. No presentation of the well worn plea, "I didn't mean to," should be allowed to interpose be tween this culprit and the law. Only when some of the thoughtless speeders have been ade quately punished will the rest desist from their unreasoning habit of using public highways as race courses. Most motorists try, to drive safely and sanely, realizing that only so can they get pleasure out of a ride, but the enjoy ment of the roads around Omaha is greatly marred by the presence of a few who do not care to be either safe or sane. These rash and dangerous persons should be suppressed, and the Iowa authorities have taken one proper step in the direction of putting them out of business. Rampant Reds Victorious. As was anticipated, the radicals carried all before them at Chicago. Townleyites, "48ers," single-taxers, the American party and all the other little sideshows were swept away in the tidal wave of radicalism. A platform too ex treme in its' demands for Robert Marion La Follette was adopted with a shout, when Chair man Buck of the committee closed the debate with this profane peroration: This is no time for anything that is a com promise. The minute has struck for a radical party, and a liberal party is not worth a damn. We conceded all and more than we ought to have. When they asked for more we said, "No, by God, we will not give another inch." One of the features of the platform is its denial of equal rights to negroes, in order that "white" votes may be obtained in the south. That the name, "farmer-labor" party, is de ceptive is plain, for no group of any importance in cither class holds the views enunciated at Chicago. It is well, though, that things have come to this pass, for the American people ought to know just how much of froth and how much of solid strength is back of this movement. The "party" will have little determining influence on the result of the election, but it will show up the windbags that have inflated it. Governor Cox has returned to his duties as governor of Ohio, but the memory of his cow pasture lunch will linger on through the campaign. Among other noises of a city now disturb ing the air in Omaha is the bustle of building. Watching Omaha grow keeps the old-timers from feeling dull. If Dempsey could get a match out of Car pentier as easily as Cox did out of Harding, the fight would soon be on. A Boston inventor has produced a non sinkable safe. What most folks need is a bank account that can not be overdrawn. If Palmero could pitch every game, "Pa" Rourke's brow would lose a lot of wrinkles. Mr. Bryan says his heart is in the grave, and Mr. Wilson probably will say "amen." Sandy Hook and Navesink Highlands are back on the map again. .What happned to. tbj 'low pctou! The Democrats and the League From Harvey's Weekly. The chief feature of the league plank in the democratic platform, upon which Governor Cox has been nominated, is its untruthfulness. It bears in every sentence the ear-marks of dicta tion from the White House, and in every im portant part it is instinct with the same insin cerity and disingenuousness that has hitherto characterized the utterances of the president upon the same subject. The first such falsehood is the plump asser tion that it was for the establishment of a League of Nations that America went to war with Germany. Of that the record is ample con tradiction. The act of congress declaring that a state of war had been forced upon us by Ger many made not the remotest reference to any such purpose, and that act is the only authorita tive statement of the reasons for and circum stances of our entry into the war. It does not matter what the president or anybody else said or wrote or thought or dreamed. Mr. Wilson in his exaggerated megalomania may have imagined that his address to congress was the official declaration of war; but it was not. He may imagine now that his speech expressed the purpose of the nation in entering the war; but it did not. A resolution declaring that we were entering the war in order to establish a League of Nations would not have commanded a cor poral's guard of votes in either house, and would have been greeted with universal public execration. Either the act of congress was false, or this platform plank is false. We prefer to believe the act of congress. The plank is grossly false, also, by sugges tion, in its denunciation of "the republican sen ate for its refusal to ratify the treaty." A sense of ordinary decency should have restrained the making of such a statement in a convention which had just excluded from its membership a distinguished democratic senator for the sole reason that he had been a conspicuous and reso lute opponent of such ratification, when it was known that at least half of the democratic sena tors were opposed to ratification without effec tive reservations, and when it was notorious that the failure of ratification was directly and solely due to the personal interposition of the presi dent, who ordered it to be defeated by demo cratic votes rather than have it ratified with reservations which, while quite acceptable to the other signatories, ran counter to his own autocratic will and his own selfish designs. A third and peculiarly offensive falsehood is the implication that the adoption of the Knox resolution was an attempt to commit what Senator Lodge had formerly described as "the blackest crime" of attempting to make a sepa rate peace with Germany. The author of that falsehood knew perfectly well that there was no analogy nor resemblance between the two things. Senator Lodge spoke of the infamy of making a separate peace while our allies were still at war with Germany; or a separate peace while the issues of the war were yet un decided and undetermined. The Knox resolu tion bore not the slightest resemblance to that. It was introduced and passed more than a year after the president himself had officially pro' claimed the end of the war, and nearly a year after the formal treaty of peace had been made, signed, ratified and gone into effect The at tempt to cast upon it and upon those who voted for it the obloquy which would have properly fallen upon us if we had deserted our allies in the midst of the war, is one of the most con temptibly dishonest tricks that have befouled recent political controversy. Following these things, comes an appropriate epilogue: We do not oppose the acceptance of any reservations making clearer or more specific the obligations of the United States to the league associates. Wonderful, indeed! We shall now hear the changes rung upon the expressed willingness of the president to accept such reasonable reserva tions. But mark that they are to be such alone as make more specific and more clear our obliga tions. There is not a word about making more clear and more specific our reserved rights. No, nothing but our obligations. Anything which will strengthen our fetters, anything which will emphasize more strongly our subservience to an alien council, anything which will make more obvious our loss of nationality and independence and our servility as the common bailiff of the world that will not be opposed by the president or his obedient proxies. We said that the chief feature of the plank was its untruthfulness. In its closing sentence it is altogether truthful. But it is a question in which respect it is the more offensive to every loyal American mind: in its gratuitous disin genuousness and falsehoods, or in the damning truth which at the end it unwittingly blurts forth. How to Keep Well By Dr. W. A. EVANS Quentluns ronrornln bjrglrna. sani tation and prevention of din, aub mlttfil ( lr, Kvana by radn of The Hrr, will be answered lmonally. sub ject to proper limitation, where Htaniprd. nddreftiieti envelope la en (iotuMl. !r. Evan will not mnke diagnosis or prtnrrib for Individual dtitranra. Address letters In care of The l)e. Copyright, 1920, by Dr. W. A. Evan. pressure and pulse are watched and shock Is not allowed to go too far. It is Dr. Bishop's opinion that none of the advertised cures Is In any sense a specific or in any proper .sense a cure. The hyoselne, atro pine preparations are helpful in re lieving symptoms, but they are not siKclrtc. As soon as the acute stage i of drug hunger Is passed the plan for building up the system Is begun. TREATING OPIUM ADDICTS. Dr. K. S. Bishop holds that the opium addict Is in no proper sense a degenerate. Nor is he fundamen tally more weak willed than his fel low ninn. Of course, there are degenerates ! among tho opium addicts, Just as there are In any other large group of nun. Naturally the group of ad diets includes some thieves, liars, pickpocket and murderers. What group of several hundred thousand does not? How many nor mal, average persona could stand the pains an opium addict surfers without calling for help? If they I are to be called weak willed, then the opium addicts can bo so desig nated, but on this standard how few people are strong willed? lie brings forward the testimony of a great many opium addicts that the pleasurable emotions, erotic dreams and beautiful fancies which several literary charaoers have writ ten about and which most people think responsible for drug addiction, are pure fabrications and have no basis in experience. Most people who become drug ad dicts acquire he habit innocently and unconsciously. Before they got the habit they were just ordinary, every day people. A few days or a few weeks of some painful disorder, for which medicine was taken, and be fore knowing it they were in the grip of habit. In the group of addicts are many persons who take enough drug to keep themselves in drug balance, who do not increase their dose, and who go on discharging the duties of life satisfactorily to themselves and everybody else and are never sus pected of being drug users. The addict can be cured of his habit without great difficulty, pro vided his physician knows his busi ness and goes at the euro rightly, l'reliminary to the treatment the subject must be put in proper physi cal, mental and spiritual state. Whatever physical condition he ha:; needing remedying must be rem edied. His organs of elimination mrst be in good working order. Dr. Bishop does not believe in violent purgation. Tho intense calomel pur gation given in so many of the ad vertised cures for the habit, he thinks, does more harm than good. He does not believe in the gradual reduction method. He thinks it does not work even in institutions and cannot work where the subjects are free to come and go. The subject being In good physical, mental and spiritual condition, he quickly with draws the drug completely. During the period of withdrawal the blood Condition Hard to Determine. I Worried father and mother write: j "Is there any chance for a boy of I 9i years to recover fully from the uiiei is oi Keariei lever ; wrr iwo months ago our boy got red rash over his body. A doctor said the boy would be all right in about four days. After being home four days the boy ; went back to school for two days, and then got so sick we had to call another doctor, who, after examina tion, said the boy had scarlet fever and his kidneys were badly affected. Now his heart beats twice as fast as it should and the doctor cannot give us a definite answer. We are very much worried over it and wish that somebody would give us a little hope that our boy will be all right again. The doctor says his kidneys are al most normal, but his heart is very weak and when he sleeps he breathes very heavily. He haa no appetite and lost about seven or eight pounds during the sickness. He looks very pale and weak. T. T"T X- ' Bright's disease Is a not Infrequent after effect of scarlet fever. If the kidneys are almost normal, the out look in that direction is not very bad. By care he should escape chronic Blight's. If his rapid, irritable pulse is due to weakness and kidney trouble, it should get better. If he has an endocarditis or myocarditis, the outlook is not so good. Any one of these conditions is liable to fol low scarlet fever. Typewriters Can Make Immediate Delivery on Underwoods, Remingtons, Royals, L. C. Smiths, Olivers, and Coronas. Buy Now and Save Money. Central Typewriter Exchange Doug. 4120 1912 Farnam St. It would be merciful to add, if we could, "the rest is silsnce." But it is not all silence; and where silence exists, it is more damningly elo quent than words. The convention had before it the president's impassioned demand that it "will say just what it means on every issue and that it will not resort either to ambiguity or evasion in so doing." Yet on the question of Ireland, over which so tremendous a contro versy had raged, it had nothing more to offer than an unrivalled masterpiece, of "ambiguity and evasion." On one other topic it did indeed speak plainly. That was the campaign of agents provocateurs, lettres de cachet, thievery, for gery, torture and flagrant disregard of the con stitutional bill of rights which has been con ducted by the misnamed Department of Justice. To that infamy, which has been condemned by the federal bench and by representative jur ists as probably no department of the govern ment ever was before, the democratic conven tion gave, from top to bottom, from center to circumference, its heartiest approval. "A platform of peace and progress," says the New York World. It is, indeed the Rake's Progress! M ercy for a Spreader of Disease In these days when the swindling operations of promoters who sell oil wells, copper, gold and silver mines, rubber plantations and "sure things" generally have reached such a maximum that everywhere states are planning "blue-sky" laws to restrict these criminally greedy pro cedures, one does not wonder that Judge Kene saw Mountain Landis waxes indignant over the action of the president in cutting in two the sentence of James Dorsey, a swindling pro moter, from eight years to four. The indigna tion of Judge Landis is based on substantial facts which it would seem can hardly have been brought to the attention of the president, since a more flagrant case of using the United States mails for dishonest purpose has seldom been heard of. What mercy indeed should be shown a man who sold more than 12,000 cattle a year, saying they were healthy cattle of a well known stock, while as a matter of evidence the certificates of freedom from tuberculosis were fraudulent and inferior and diseased cattle were sold all over the country? The country is cheated too easily by those who make Uncle Sam their partners through the illegal use of the mails, and convic tions in most commercial swindles are difficult to obtain. One would think that the disposi tion of the executive arm of the government would be to make an example of the Dor seys not to show them unwarranted considera tion. Philadelphia Public Ledger. Gross Platform Defects. The platforms are silent upon the 40-hour week, short skirts, sugar, bare backs, the way ward spring, the dry decision, the servant girl problem, how to make a war garden when you can't find a home, private stock, home brew, what to do with the kaiser, foreign exchange, sales below cost, the paper scarcity, chilblains, sunstroke and the victrola next door. Shoe anjd 'Leathatv Ronortrr NICKEL PLATE ROAD Summer Tour To Atlantic Coast New England and Canadian Points Eastern Summer Resorts and NIAGARA FALLS Daily to September 30, return ing to October 31, 1920. Stop-overs, Side Trip and Cir cuit Tours Arranged. Leave Chicago Train No. 2 10:35 A. M. Daily Train No. 6 8:35 P. M. Daily Local Cleveland Train No. 4 6:05 A. M. Daily New York Sleeper in Train No. 2. Cleveland and Buffalo Sleep, ert in Train No. 6. For full information call on address J. DEASE, D. T. A., 218 Railway Exchange, Kansas City, Mo. A Special Purchase Sale of Table Linens and Towels Saturday Union Outfitting Co. Opportunities for Economy on Table Linens Were Never More Plentiful. Turkish and Huck Towels as Well as Wash Cloths Are Included. Scores of thrifty home mak ers who keep in touch with mar ket conditions are already evincing considerable interest in the Special Purchase Sale of Table Cloths, Napkins and Tow els at the Union Outfitting Com pany next Saturday. The sale brings values that may not be duplicated in a long, long time. In fact, the sale prices would be impossible if the goods had to be purchased at to day's wholesale prices. Housewives will find it profit able to go through home stocks and replace all linens and towels that are wearing out. This sale is further evidence of the tremendous Buying Power of the Union Outfitting Company, located just outside of the High Rent District, where, as always, you make your own terms. MA Suspects ColTee Poisoning. II. A. D. writes: "Will you kindly tell me if the following number of cups of coffee (ordinary coffee cups) is injurious to a young woman 23 years of age, weighing 117 pounds and nursing an 8-montn-old baby: "Four cups at 7 to 8 a. m. "Four cups at 6 to 7 p. m. "Two cups before retiring. "And many times during the day another cup or two. Such is the case with my wife, and it seems to keep her from gaining weight. In fact, she seems to bo getting thin ner daily." REPLY. I feel certain that an examination would show her to be suffering from coffee poisoning. Wh tKe ,n ine words oi Harold Dauer: The Mason ?Harnlin Pianos not only repre sent the most perfect example of the piano maker's art, hut fulfill every imaginable re quirement oP both, pianist and audience , They are the most suDerbrv beautiful instruments that I know 115 tO SA0IV you why. HiqhMl prslw 1513-1515 Douglas Street "The Art and Music Store" illllllilllM Pofeiulor of Mr. llrynn. Ktna, Neb., July 9. To the Kditor of The Hee: Permit me to express my opinion concerning an article on the editorial page of the World lier aid for July 7. The article is a ma lignant harangue against the old, venerable Mr. Bryan. It breathes the spirit of a snake. To mo it sounds as though the editor has got ten orders from democratic head quarters to eliminate, get rid of Kryan by means that make a slow death, agonizing and terrible, for lie is more alive than he ever was, and he might be a detriment to the nominated wet candidate. But. I forget that the World lier aid is a paper owned by Mr. Hitch cock, who was but is no more. Also, I recollect that Mr. Bryan beat Hitchcock In the recent elections. Who can forgive such impertinence? The peoplo of Nebraska, foolish as they havo ever been, chose Bryan in place of Hitchcock. Now that samo people are going to get the tri umphant note of cheer from Hitch cook's bottle of "vitriol," to show that they made a mistake, since he was utterly (Mr. Bryan) defeated in San Francisco. It is an honorable man, who can speak thus of a de feated foe? By no means, no! But perhaps Mr. Hitchcock thinks Bryan more alive than ever. There is no particular point in the article, which shows the least rea son; all is pure cussedness, malic iousness. The most poisonous ser pent could not. emit more venom than that article does. There is no show of manliness, no trace of honor; it is only the wild beast's exultant howl when a prey is fallen. And, wonderful indeed, the paper in question is a democratic paper, and Bryan also is a democrat. Why all this stir, then? Rivalry! There is a hidden design to make an end to Mr. Bryan's political career. He is in the way of Hitchcock'. Con sequently we make believe that he is against the whole party. Mr. Bryan is too much of a democrat. That is the only trouble with him. He sees the end of the democratic party, if not forever, at least for a long time. He knows the public pulse, and he speaks with that con viction. Mr. Bryan is the conscience of the democratic party, but if the party lets its conscience go, what can you thPU expect? Something li the same key as the article in th World-Herald. He knew that to de feat the republicans next fall therG are needed great Issues in the plati form (and lo, there are none) and a great candidate, but the denioeraU have neither. What has occupied these "supermen" (as the Herald loves to call it) now to defeat and, eliminate Bryan politically. Tho paper shows thla clearly in the words, "Mr. Bryan . . . was politely given his hat and shown to the door. REV. FRED HALT,, Star Route, Etna, Neb. ADVK.KTIHKMKNT SAY "DIAMOND DYES" Oon't streak or ruin your material in 4 poor dye. Insist on "Diamond Dyes.'' Easy directions in package. "FREEZONE" Lift Off Corns I No Paini Doesn't hurt a bit I Drop a littU "Freezone" on an aching corn, in stantly that corn stops hurting, then shortly you lift it right off with fin gers. Truly! Your druggist sells a tiny bottle of "Freezone" for a few cents, suf ficient to remove every hard corn, soft corn, or corn between the toes, and the calluses, without soreness or irritation. The acme of style combined with a real economy in price features our display of White Footwear All the best styles in the popular lasts and materials are shown here at a decided saving. It will pay you to inspect this splendid assort ment. $4.75 to $9,95 SHOE MARKET No Deliveries 320 So. 16th St. No Charges No Discounts THE BLIZZARD 18 3 8 The blirzard of '88 which began about 4 p. m., January 12th, and grev? in intensity until 10 p. m., holds first place in blizzard rank in Omaha. Miss Minnie Freeman, a school teacher in the village of Mira, Valley County, acquired world-wide fame by her rescue of her pupils, who were fas tened Alpine fashion to a rope and led to safety. The blizzard cost the lives of about a hundred in Nebraska. You are invited to transact your banking business with a bank whose existence in Omaha goes back to 1837 and whose experience has been sea soned by all the community has passed through from that day to this. first National Bank of Omaha iLJL.JM r rvl