Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 14, 1920, Page 9, Image 9

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i I
CAMP BREWSTER is the scene
of just one innovation after an
other. The latest is the Sleep
ing Beauty party which was staged
last week-end. Miss Clara Brew
stem, camp director, left Thursday
and returned Saturday at noon. And,
behold, a hundred years had passed
and the camp looked just the same
as the day she left, eachgirl was
sound asleep in the position she held
at that time. One miss stood asleep
with a broom clasped in her hands.
Another with closed eyes was lit t
ing a spoonful of cold soup to her
lips. And yet a third held a dish
of melted ice cream. All was silent.
Mrs. I' Sullivan, sister of Miss
Brewster, was the sleeping princess.
Hut Miss Brewster remembered
the story of "Sleeping Beauty" and
her kisses quickly aroused the slum
borers. The girls then served a luncheon
in honor of their camp director, and
they also sang a new camp song
which had been written by Clara
Mae Morgan.
Plan Motor Trip.
Mrs. Otis Smith and daughter,
Izctta, left Tuesday for a motor trip
to York, Neb., where they will visit
Mrs. Smith's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
C. D. Clithero. Later in the month
they plan to motor to northern Wis
consin for a visit with Mrs. Smith's
son, Robert, who is spending the
summer at Camp Highland.
For Miss McCracken.
Miss Marjorie Menold entertained
10 guests at the supper-dance at the
roof garden of the Athletic club
Monday evening in honor of Miss
Elizabeth McCracken of Pittsburgh,
who is the guest of Mary Mitchell of
Council Bluffs.
Miss Mitchell will give Sr luncheon
Thursday at the Council Bluffs
Country club and Miss Leta Hunter
will entertain at a dinner at the
Stops Hair Coming Out;
Doubles Its Beauty.
A few cents buys "Danderine."
After an application of "Danderine"
you can not find a fallen hair or any
dandruff, besides every hair shows
new life, vigor, brightness more
color and thickness.
Don't Treat Kidneys
Rough, Warns Dr.
Carey, Specialist
Constant Fluihlnf May Injure the Del
icate Organism end Seldom Re
neve the Poieonoue Deposits.
Now that Dr. Carey, kidney and blad
der specialist, has retired from active
practice, he generously warns people that
even the smallest symptoms of kidney
trouble should have serious attention.
Backache, for instance, puffiness under
or specks floating before the eyes, heavy
feet and dry skin, are also danger signals.
"Thousands die yearly because they neg
lect their kidneys," says Dr. Carey, "and
I feet upon retiring that I should tell all
who even suspect kidney or bladder trou
ble about my prescription, Marshroot, which,
during my active practice, has cured thou
sands of all kinds of kidney ailments."
This prescription has been given to
pharmacists generally throughout America
and is dispensed by them under the name
Dr. Carey's Marshroot, a name that every
sufferer from kidney trouble should re
member. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co.,
ran supply you.
Needed at Dances
and the Seashore
" (Aids to Beauty) i
Here Is a home treatment for re
movins hairs that is quick, painless
and Inexpensive: With some pow
dered delatone and water make
enough paste to thickly cover the
objectionable hairs, apply and after
2 or 3 minutes rub off, wash the
skin and it will be left soft, clear
and hairless. This treatment will
not mar the skin, but to avoid disap
pointment, be careful to get real
delatone. Mix fresh as wanted.
Cuticura Will Help
You Look Your Best
Make the Cuticura Trio your every
day toilet preparations and watch
your skin, hair and hands improve.
The Soap to cleanse and purify, the.
Ointment to soothe and heal, and the
Talcum to powder and perfume.
iU.tMaFrbrlUa Ad(Jr.-"Ow(rUb-rtetM.
Di s, aUlfea 41 atua " SoWmrr
SeaiW. OfotnxBtX aadUe. Talaaaa ate.
aWCuoWara Smb skevaa withaat Ma.
V i
u fall! Jt
club Friday evening in honor of this
Colony of Omahans.
Chisago lake, at Center City,
Minn., is a resort which hat
claimed a number of Omahans.
Among those who are now there are
V. A. Johnson and family, Mr. and
Mrs. W. H. Bingham, Mr. and Mrs.
A. King, Mr. and Mrs. White, Ar
thur L. Jackson, Mrs. Herman T.
Hokinsou with Dean and Helen,
Mrs. Anna Johnson, Misses Ida
Turin, Lillie Linner and Elvira
Lundgren and Mr. and Mrs. Her
bert Johnson.
E. Johnson and family will go
there within a few days.
Children's Code Commission.
Tire Children's Code Commission
will meet at the Commercial club in
Omaha Saturday.
A local conference on child labor
will be held tonight in republican
headquarters. Mrs. Draper Smith,
who called the meeting, is chairman
of a committee for the code com
mission, dealing with the subjects,
education and child labor.
Picnic Supper.
Charles Allison entertained at a
picnic supper Monday evening at
the Allison summer home, Rose-
mere lodge, in honor of Norma
Morgan of Buffalo, N. Y., and Cath
erine Dickey of Kansas City, who
have been the guests of Dorothy
Relr. Miss Morgan and Miss
Dickey left Tuesday evening.
Lawn Party.
Jean Keenan and Gertrude Broad
well entertained at a lawn party and
r.icnic supper Monday evening at the
Keenan home.
Celebrates Birthday.
Vivian Wachtlcr, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. J. W. Wachtler, celebrat
ed her eighth birthday at a party
Tuesday afternoon given at her
home. The children present includ
ed Frances, Florence and Esther
Ostegard, Dorothy and Joseph
Wachtler, Genevieve O'Connor,
Marian Tollack, Itras and Bobbie
Vestal, Evelyn Smith and Marian
Col. and Mrs. Jacob Wuest enter
tained 11 guests at supper Sunday
evening at their quarters at Fort
Country Club.
Mrs. Fred Hamilton had six guests
at luncheon at the Country club
Bridge Party.
Mrs. Harry Schifferle entertained
12 guests at a bridge party at her
home Tuesdr.y afternoon in honor of
Mrs. Edwiu T. Thompson, nee Edith
Hamilton of Mineral Wells, Tex.,
who is visiting her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. R. P. Hamilton. Ophelia roses
were used through the rooms.
Omaha W. C. T. U.
Omaha W. C. T. U. will meet
Wednesday afternoon, J2 o'clock, at
the Y. W. C. A, A full attendance is
desired for an important business
meeting. Department superitendents
will make their reports at this time.
George Lindley left Sunday eve
ning for Know, Ind.
Sarah Bernhardt, at the age of
76, has scored a new triumph in
Paris on her return to the stage in
Racine's "Athalie."
Recognized everywhere
for its
J, H.Hansen Cadillac Co.
Omaha Lincoln
For Rent
and Adding
Machines of
All Makes
Central Typewriter
Doug. 4120 1912 Farnam St.
Dandruff Surely
Destroys the Hair
Girls if you want plenty of thick,
beautiful, glossy, silky hair, do by
all means get rid of dandruff, tor it
will starve your hair and ruin it if
you don't.
It doesn't do much good to try to
brush or wash it out. The only sure
way to get rid of dandruff is to dis
solve it, then you destroy it entirely.
To do this, get about four ounces of
ordinary liquid arvon; apply it at
night when retiring; use enough to
moisten the scalp and rub it In
gently with the finger tips.
By morning, most if not all, of
your dandruff will be gone, and three
or four more applications will com
pletely dissolve and entirely destroy
every single sign and trace of it.
You will find, too, that all itching
and digging of the scalp will stop,
and your hair will look and feel a
hundred times better. You can get
liquid arvon at any drug store. It
is inexpensive and four ounces is all
you will need, no matter how much
dandruff you have. This simple
remedy never fails .
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tuttle motor
ed to Sioux City, la., Monday.
Miss Louise Gwin will leave Wed
nesday for a visit in Sioux City, la.
Mrs. Chester Nieman leaves next
week to spend several weeks in
Miss Katherine Newbranch will
return from Nebraska City or.
Mrs. C. B. Liver and daughter,
Miss Florence Liver, have gone
to Estes park.
Frank J. Hughes is seriously ill at
the Swedish Mission hospital, where
he underwent an operation Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Koenig of
Lincoln spent Tuesday in Omaha.
Mr. Koenig is on his way to Ham
burg, Germany.
A daughter was born Monday at
the Stewart hospital to Mr. and Mrs.
John A. Solomon. Mrs. Solomon
was formerly Mathilda Bienstock.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul N. Wiemer
left Saturday for an extended visit
to Glenwood Springs, Yellowstone
National park and other points west.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Cunning
ham announce the birth of a daugh
ter Monday at St. Josephs hospital.
Mrs. Cunningham was formerly
Jdiss Catherine Readon.
A son, who has been named Rich
ard Joseph, was born to Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Forman Sunday at St.
Josephs hospital. Mrs. Forman was
formerly Miss Barbara Fracl.
Mrs. F. B. Johnson left Monday
evening for New York City. She
was accompanied east by Miss
Betty Bowman of Trenton, N. J.,
who has been the guest of Jean
nejtte Johnson.
Mrs. O. H. Menold and daughter,
Miss Marjorie, leave Saturday for
the west. They will visit in Boise,
Idaho, and Portland;- Ore., going
later to points in California, return
ing to Omaha in the fall.
Mrs. John A. Dempster plans to
leave about August 1 for a visit with
telatives in New York, later going
to Indianapolis, Ind., where she will
attend the national encampment of
the G. A. R. and W. R. C. conven
tion. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Smith, Mr. and
Mrs. P. W. Micksell and Mrs.
Charles Trimble have returned from
Kearney, Nb., where they visited
Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Gould. Mrs.
Gould, who returned to Omaha with
the party, was the week-end guest
of Mr. and Mrs. Smith.
Dr. and Mrs. E. N. Robertson and
sons, Norris and Robert, of Con
cordia, Kan., who spent the last
week in Omaha as the guests of Dr.
Robertson's mother, Mrs. John A.
Dempster, and his sister, Mrs. H. C.
Meyers, left Tuesday for Manitou,
Colo., where they will spend the
summer. Dr. Robertson and his
family are making the trip by motor.
Dalicataty toft and rafintd
I the complexion aided by
Nadine Face Powder
Thlt exquisite beautiSer Im
part! an indefinable charm
charm and loveHneas
which endure throughout
the day and linger In the
Iti coolneM la rofroehlnc,
and It cannot harm the ten
dceet akin.
Sold in Ite green box at
leading toilet countere or by
mall SOe.
U.S. A.
Sold by Sherman A McConnell Drug Storea
an utner louet leuntera.
If UTLte.
Going Away?.
League of Women Voters.
Mrs. Cooper King of Wichita.
Kan., will arrive in Hastings Wed
nesday to consult with Mrs. Charles
Dietrich, president of the Nebraska
League of Women Voters. Mrs.
King has been executive secretary
of the Kansas League of Women
Voters and director of the citizen
ship schools there. Child welfare
is a subject in which she has long
been interested.
An organization meeting of the
Nebraska League of Women Voters
will be held in Hastings Thursday,
in Kenesaw Friday and Red Cloud
Saturday. Mrs. King will spend
Sunday in Hastings, going to Hall
county Monday, where she will take
up the opening of a citizenship
school In Grand Island.
George Crook W. R. C.
Mr. C. A. Barras and Mrs. Sarah
Loc! !;art will entertain the mem
bers of George Crook Women's Re
lief corps at a kensington Thursday
afternoon, 2:30 o'clock, at the home
of Mrs. Barras, 2217 Fowler avenue.
Do You
1. What vegetable is known to
have been under cultivation in
the greatest number of countries
from the most remote time?
2. The best way to cook an
egg for invalids or children?
3. What to do to keep your
hands from staining black when
you peej potatoes?
(These questions will be an
swered Friday by the House
keeper.) Answers to Sunday Questions.
1. We should be especially
careful to keep flies out of our
homes this year because typhus
is raging in parts of Europe and
may appear here. The fly spreads
typhus, as well as all sorts of in
testinal disorders, and therefore
should be swatted with unusual
Good Judgment
leads thousands of
housewives to serve
in place of foods that require
hours of drudgery in a not
kitchen. Wee& No Sugar
Comes ready to eat from the
'There's a Reason" for GrapeNuts
THE only thing that entitles a sewing machine to
consideration is just what you can depend upon
getting if you buy one of the world famous White
Rotary Shuttle Machines. ' ,
Over 3,000,000 in use
For a few dollars you may become one of its many
happy users.
("The House
I of Pleasant
Let the Omaha Printing
Company supply your lug
gage needs. Our bags and
suitcases are the most com
fortable, yet they possess
all the qualities of dura
bility, roominess and style.
Omaha Printing"
To Attend Convention.
Miss Ethel Sachra, president of
the Big Sisters association, and Miss
Louise Gwin of the Omaha Business
Woman's club plan to attend the na
tional convention of Business and
Professional Women's clubs to be
held in St. Paul, Minn., July 27-30.
Miss Sachra and Miss Gwin will at
tend as visitors. The Big Sisters,
not being affiliated with the Feder
ation of Business and Professional
Women's clubs are not entitled to
send delegates.
At the next meeting of the Big
Sisters association Miss Sachra win
appoint a court visiting committee
to care for girls who need the pro
tection of the Big Sisters.
Political News.
Mrs. Draper Smith siys that the
republican headquarters are taking
a rest but will soon be back of the
constitutional amendment No. 18,
having to do with woman suffrage,
Know II
2. The safe way to keep veg
etables green while cooking is to
add a little baking soda to the
water in which they are boiled.
However, in this country the
connossieur prefers fresh green
vegetables cooked rapidly in
clear water, slightly salted, al
though they lose much of their
greenness by this method.
3. An old broom can be fresh
ened by dipping the bristles in a
pail of very hot soapsuds. Then
stand it on end on the hsndle,
and let it dry.
(Each of theae houaehold problems
haa been worked out by the author,
who haa Hot only taken a court In
scientific housewifery and dietetic at
Columbia university, and written and
edited women'e nowepaper and maga
zine features (or years, but Is a prac.
tlcal housekeeper aa well.)
and Harney
at Farnam
to be voted on September 21. Wo
men arc urged to register before
September 10 in order to do the
remarkable thing of voting on their
own enfranchisement.
H. E. L. P. Club.
The H. E. L. P. club of the Social
Settlement will have a swimming
party at Krug park Wednesday eve
ning. Domestic Education.
The domestic education section of
the A. C. A. will meet Wednesday
at 2 p. in. with Mrs. William Bur
ton at 3115 Davenport street.
Henry Lawton Auxiliary.
Henry VV. Lawton auxiliary of
Spanish American War Veterans
will meet Wednesday, 8 p. m in
Memorial hall, court hquse.
Community Service.
The Cluga club will give a car
nival dance at the Git Is' Community
house Wednesday evening. Mrs.
Noel Wallace will chaperon the
Happy Hollow
Parties of six guests were en
tertained at dinner at the Happy
Hollow club Tuesday evening by E.
W. Gunther, Philip Downs and H.
M. Hundley. Mrs. Edward Hayden
212 N. 16th St
id-Week Specials on Quality Meats at Lowest Prices
Pot Roast
Choice Rib Boiling Beef 10c
Choice Beef Pot Roast 15c
Prime Rib Roast 22c
Choice Sirloin Steak 28c
Fresh Cut Hamburger 18c
Choice Wienies and Frankfurts. .20c
Choice Garlic and Polish . .20c
Choice Minced Ham 23c
Choice Pressed Ham 23c
Fancy Cream Cheese 32c
Fancy Brick Cheese. 30c
Special on Canned Goods at 2408
Cuming St and 4903 S. 24th St.:
Fancy Sweet Corn, 3 for 40c
Fancy Early June Peas, 3 for 40c
Fancy Cut Beans, 3 for 40c
Libby and Dundee (tall), 3 for. .40c
Libby and Dundee (small), 6 for 40c
Best Creamery
, Especially the Housewifes
You are cordially invited to be present at
the opening of our new wholesale market and
distributing plant for Morris Supreme Foods,
located at 1309-11 Leavenworth Street, today.
SUPREME is our product; SUPREME is our
, service and the fact that "the quality goes in before the
product goes out" insures that your satisfaction will be
Every lady should see our wonderful display of
Morris Supreme Foods
Everybody Welcome
had seven guests and Mrs. W.
L. Wilson entertained a foursome.
Mrs. W. R. Watson will entertain
five guests at luncheon Thursday,
and foursomes will be given by Mrs.
John T. Buchanan and Mr. L. T.
Campbell. A Dutch treat party will
include Mesdames E. W. Exley, Ben
Baker, C. B. Moshier and Oscar
Mrs. L. C. Gibson will entertain
16 guests at luncheon Friday.
Carter Lake Club
Mrs. J. E. Hughes gave a lunch
eon Tuesday at her cottage for Mrs.
H. A. Shute and Mrs. Doane Kel
ler. Covers were placed for 10.
Mrs. F. A. Haas entertained six
guests at luncheon Tuesday in honor
of her sister, Mrs. C. A. Gordon of
Houston, Tex.
The Carter Lake Kensington club
will entertain at a luncheon and
card partv at the club house Wed
nesday. Reservations must be made
by 10 a. m. Wednesday.
The children's matinee dance will
be held Wednesday afternoon at
2:30 o'clock, at Carter Lake club.
Miss Isabella Eddy of Indian
apolis, Ind., is visiting her sister
Mrs. Glen Smith.
F. L. Haas left the first of tlv
week for New York, where he will
remain for three weeks.
4903 S. 24th St.
Sugar Cured
Breakfast Bacon
(Yt or whole)
Veal Steak
Veal Chops
To the
Refreshments 9
Morris & Company
The last word in
shortbread LORN A
DOONE Biscuit, so
tender, delicate, mealy,
crumbly. Try a pound
2408 Cuming St.
Chuck Steak
Choice Pork Loin Roast 27c
Choice Boston Butts 26c
Fresh Spare Ribs 16c
Fresh Leaf Lard 21c
Fresh Neck Ribs, 5 lbs 25c
Fresh Pig Liver ' 5c
Pure Lard, per lb 24c
Choice Salt Pork 25c
Choice Veal Stew ....15c
Choice Veal Roast .18c
Choice Veal Legs (Yz or whole) . .22c
Sugar Cured Picnic Hams 24c
Sugar Cured Bacon Strips 30c
Sugar Cured Bacon Briskets 32c
Sugar Cured Regular Hams. . .36V2C
Cudahy's Puritan Bacon (Y2 0T
whole) , 51c
Fresh Sausage 18c
Pure Lard,
5 lbs. for
A. M. to 5 P. M.