THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, JULY 14, 1920. Boosters Trim Rourkes in First Game of Series, Score 5 foO - it I ROURKES ABLE TO GATHER BUT TRIO jF HITS Kopp , Pounded for Five Doubles and a Single in First Inning Pitches Good Ball Later. Dps Moines, la.. July Moines pounded Kopp doubles and a single in inning for five runs, an first game of the scries 13 Des for five the first won the 5 to 0. Kopp pitched good ball after the first. Odcnwald allowed only three hits and only two men reached sec ond base oil" hiii'. Score: OMAHA. AH. It. IC. TO. A. K. 4 (I 0 1 1 0 4 ( I 1 8 It 4 0,1 0 () 2 0 ' 1 2 0 U 1 (t ( 2 O 0 s 0 o 8 o o .1 l (I 1 1 0 8 0 0-3 O 0 a (i o 8 o o a o o i o 30 0 S 14 7 I) Gislason, 2h. Wetdcll, hs. Pl.itte, rf. . Lee. If. . . I. ingle. If. lclnclt, lt. llnncy. 3h, Mmson, rf. lirmvn, r. Kopp, . DKS MOINKri. Alt. It. ir. im. 1 1 lwver. If Corfev, 21 Mclicrmnlt, 3b. O'Connor, cf . . . . Anderson, rf. , . rlHshrnok, Hi. , French, si Hnnuer, r. . . . . . Odcinvitld, p. . . , .5 :i .4 ".4 Totals 35 5 Vi 7 1) 0 "Kim fur Lee In seventh. Oinitlm II 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I) 1 Moines 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 X 5 Tivo-hiwe hits: , Weldoll, McDerinotr, O'Coimor, Anderson,' French, Banner, Hus brook. (Sacrifice liit: I 'of fey. .Stolen base: French. Left on bases: Omaha, 4; Des Aloine. 8. Strurk out: Odenwnll, 9; Kopp. 8. Base on hulls: Off Oili-nwiild, 1; oft Kopp, 1. Kunicil runs: Dew Moines, 5. Um pire, Jacob. Time, 1:11). Kelleher and Connelly Suspended by Tearney St. Joseph. Mo., July 13. With Manager Kelleher and second base man Connolly out of the game, the Joints went after Rastnussen of Sioux City here and won, 10 to 2. Kelleher and Connolly were suspend ed by President Tierney for their nixi-np with Umpires Lipe and Wil son at Des Moines Sunday. The score: I SIOUX C1TT. I ST. JOSEPH. ' Z Z 0 f 'Jl 'UJ.0J.J AH. H.O.A. I V O H flV l'?rlt'h, If. 5 2 2 0 Varr, 2li. 112 0 ,llen, 21. De.fate, ss. 4 0 3 J ?-jtvror, ss. M.'tz, lb. -1 2 12 v Wuiker, if. Roh'nn, cf. 4 11 O'Shestak, lb. Klf'ert. rf. 3 11 OiBon'ltz, Sb. Spi'U'ali. c. 3 0 3 1 1 Crosby, c. Alter't. Sh. 4 0 1 l'Ste'art, rf. Rasson. p. son tlwil'ma, p. ' ! M'Llin, cf. 14 4 113 4 1 ,0 16 0 2 0 0 3 10 0 3 3 0 2 0 1 0 10 Totnls 33 6 24 111 Totals -39 19 27 8 Sioux Cilv i II II M t H 0 2 St. Joseph 0 1040041 I II) Runs: IWato, Crouch, Kmerloh. Allen, fonsoy. Walker. Shestak. IsonowlU (3), Stewart. Errors- Altermatt (2), Marr, Crourh. .Mi l.ouKlHtn. Shcsiak. Allen (2). Karned runs: Sioux Oitv, 1; St. JOHeph, 6. Bases on balls: off iWlltlams, 3; off Ras rmissen, l. sini'k out: Hy William!!. 9; bv llastnussen. 2. Left on bases: Sioux City. ::; si. Joseph. 10. Two-base hits: Crosby (.', Mom. Throe-base hit: Bono-w-it: Home run: Alien. Double play:: Williams In A 1 1 1'n to Shestak, Onnroy to Alien in Shestak. Saoyifice hlta: Wil liams, Bonowltz. Umpirii.: Daly and Fita Patrick. Time: 1:45. Indians Trounce Joplin In First Game of Series Joplin, Mo., July 13. Consistent ly good pitching by Allen and in different playing by Bogart gave the Indians tuc first game of the series here by a score of 7 to 4. Lamb's home run in the first inning bounced over the left center fjeld fence. OKLA. CITY. I ' JOPLIN'. A B. H.O.A. KrueRer. 2b. 2 2 1 2 Pitt. rf. 2 10 Ha'ton, ,f 2 0 10 Moellnr. If. Harper, cf. Ltn'ore, 3b. Da'Ker, ss. Qrahani.t b Hug'es. 2b. Oriftith.'c. Allen, p. 1 1,0, Wag'cr, cf. 2 3 0 L'b, rf.lf. t 1 8 Bo't, lf.rf. 1 2 7) Strong, lb. 115 o! Yockcy, ss. 0 3 3 Snyder, c. 0 1 3!Boeh!er, p. 4 0 2 0 4 2 11 4 0 2 0 4 114 0 4 0-13 4 0 5 1 4 10 6 32 6 27 13 0 0 1 Totals Totals 33 11 27 17 Oklahoma City 3 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 7 Joplln 2 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 04 Runs: Pitt 2h Moeller, Harper (2), Llridimore, Darringer. Boehler (2), Lamb, ' Krueger. Vrors: Bogart (2), Strong. Hughes, Moeller. Hit by pitched batl: Krueter. Sacrifice hits: Hamilton, Moel ler, Hughes (2), Dairinper. Graham. Bases on balls: Off Allen, 2: Boehler. 1. Left on bjcs: Joplin, 5; Olklahoma City, 6. Stolon bases: Wagner.' Llndlmore, Mceller. Home run: Lamb. Three-basa hit: Boehler. Two-base hUs:1 Pitt Llndi r.iore. Struck out: By Boehler, 6; by Allen, 1. Double play: Darringer to Gra ham. Warned runs: Joplln. 3; Oklahoma Vity. 2, Time: 1:35. empires: Lipe and Vilson. First Baseman McManus Pitches for Tulsa Crew Wichita, July 13. Wichita won a farcical game from Tulsa. 18 to 7. After Cowan Iwd been driven off the mound in ti.8 fifth, First Base niaji McManus took his place but was wild and inaffectivei Manager Abbott then went in and retired the Witches in the last two innings. TULSA. WICHITA. AB H.O.A.! smith, i f. 4 2 0 Burks, If. 4 Bra'on, 2b. 6 M'M's. Ib.p. 3 Tier" , ss. 4 Cl'land, 3b, 3 Oo'olly, rf. 4 Davis, rf. 4 Query, c. 4 Cowan, p. 2 Mor'ls, lb. 1 Abbott, p. 1 0 0! IVa'b'n. lb.. S 4' Bergpr. ss. S SlYary&n, c. S 41 Beck. rf. 0 2! Butler, 3b. 1 C'Cor.lan, If. 2 0 Clrlffln, !b. 4 114 4 2 S 3 2 4 3 11 2 12 6 2 0 2 12 5 2 0 0 0 1 2 M'sser. p. 0 2.' 3azzola, c. Totals 33 14 27 13 Totals 35 9 24 16 Tulsa 200 1 20 0 0 7 Wichita 0 4 3 3 1 T 0 0 x Is Rnns: Burke 2). Brannon, McManus, Cleveland, Tierney, Connolly, Smith, Wash burn (2), Rergex (3). Yaryan i. Bock (3), Butler (21, Conlan 12). Griffin (2), Mussr. Jurors: Brannon. Berger, Griffin. Hit by Vltched ball: Washburn, Griffin, Yaryan. Base on balls: McManus, 6: Musser, 2; Ctwan, 3. Sacrifice hits: Griffin 2. I'k, Butler. McManus. Left on bases: WIcKlta, : Tulsa. 4. Two-base hits: Berger, Beck, Ccnlan. Smith, Musser, Connolly, McManus. Home run: McManus. Stolen bases: Smith. Yaryan. Hits and runs: 10 and 10 off Cewan in 4 Innings; 3 and I off McManu In 2; none and none off Abbott In I. Double plays: Cowan, Tierney and McManus; Ber ger, Griffin and Washburn. Struck out by Musser. 4; Cowan, 1. Wild pitcli, Musser. L'mpires: Becker and Lauioti. Time, 1:60. 8,000,000 Bottles of Fine Champagne to Be Auctioned Paris, July 13. Eight million bottles of champagne will be among the items on the lists of commodities to be placed on sale July 28, when the sequestered property of Baron Walter de Mumm will be auctioned off at his estate near Rheims. This property was seized in 1915 subse quent to the baron's resumption of German citizenship when the Var raa i BASEBALL DIRECTORY Standing of the Teams. Western J.eaue, W. I Pet. .SO 30 .26OM.HA W.t.Pct. 3H 40 487 1 Tulsa . . Wichita St. .Toe Joplln . II 32 ,610,Okla. City .3S 45 .458 ift 34 .685'Des Mnlnea SI 49 .W 43 37 .63iSloux City .35 56 .309 National League. W.L.-Pot. Brooklyn ..4S SS. Mi Cincinnati 43 31 .681 Chicago ...4139 .613 Pittsburgh 37 If .507 W.I.Pet. Sf. I-outi . .411 40 .600 Boston . . ,.31 37 .458 New York .U 41 .461 Phll'delphla 30 4 .196 Anuwtrun League. W.UPet.l Cleveland . 52 36 .667 Kt. Louts W T. Pet. 3d 40 .4S7 New York .63 2 .654 Boston 35 39.473 Chicago . . .41 29 ,1133 Detroit ...34 60.405 Wash nn .37 36 .507!PhH'delphla 21 60.259 Yesterday's Results. Western League. Des Moines, 6; Omaha, 0. Wichita, 1; Tulsa'. 7. St. Joseph, 10; Sioux City. 2. Oklahoma City, 7: Joplln, 4. National league. Cincinnati. 8; Philadelphia, 2. Pittsburgh. 6; Boston, 2. Chicago. 3; Brooklyn. 2. Now York, 6; HU Louis. 4. Amerlcnn League. New York. 4-7; St. Louis. 6-2. Detroit, 10; lloaton, 4. ChieaKo, 6; Washington. S. Cleveland, 4; Philadelphia. S. Games Today. Western League. Omaha at Des Moines. Oklahoma City at Joplln, Tulsa at Wichita. St. Jos at Stoux City. National Lea sue. New York at St. Louis. Boston at Pittsburgh. Brooklyn at Chicago. Philadelphia at Cincinnati. American League. St. Louis at New York. Cleveland at Philadelphia. Detroit at Boston. Chicago at Washington. Minsk Has Been Captured. By Reds, Official Report Says London, July 13. Minsk has been captured by Russian bolshevik forces, according to an official state ment received here from Moscow, which says the soviet troops oc cunied the town on the morning of July 11. The communique also announces the capture of the town of Svent siany, 95 miles south of Dvinsk and 50 miles northeast of Vilna. The statement continues: "In the direction of Uschitsa we cap tured a section of the railway from Gukhevitch station to Brobrovka station. In the Rovno region our cavalry, pursuing the enemy, occu pied Olyka village. In the direction of Tarnopol we occupied the station of Charay-Ostroff (50 miles east of Tarnopol), capturing an armored train." Tendler Beats Jackson. Philadelphia, July 13. Lew Pcnd ler, of this city, defeated Willie Jackson, of New York, in a fast eight-round bout here tonight. Jack son had the better of the first round and the second and fourth were about even. Tendler took the others by a wide margin. State Base Ball. AVayne, Neb., July 13. To the Sporting Editor, Omaha Bee Dear Sir: Comment ing on your notice In the Monday morn ing paper regarding our game with Her man, will say that If you had a corre spondent on the ground such a notice would not appear. No team, no matter hew good, can win a game from the um pire. The runaway they apeak of was possible only after we laid down our arms. The home runs would only be single, or possibly two base hits, had we gotten a fair deal from the umpire and kept up the fight. I think I am safe in saying that there was not a single time that Hurdle, the pitcher for Herman, had both feet Mi the ruooer. rje made four balks Patching runners between bases. The umpire failed to give us a square deal on them. With a square deal the sixth Inning woum aiso nave peen a snut-out on Her man, nevertheless. Herman has a fast nam ana woum make any visitor put. up a stlft fight. They play good ball. (Signed) V. J. BROWN, Wayne, Neb. Rosalie. Neb., July 13. The Live Stock National bank ball team of Sioux City played the local bovs here fiunrinv ami Rcsalie won the most exciting game of !" aeason; score, t to . Morgan and Morgan, the Rosalie battery, were going well; letting the Sioux City boys down with three hlU and fanning 10 men, while Sciensen, for Sioux City, fanned three and Rosalie secured five hits. Bloomfleld, Neb., July 13. (Special ) Bloomfield defeated Royal here Sunday afternoon, the game being a veritable swat-test and the final score 22 to 10. Hershey carried off the batting honors by driving out a single, a three-bagger anil a home run the first on the local grounds this season. Batteries: Royal. Stenberg, Reefe and Fersberg; RloomtielU. Heires and Booth. Hloomfield, Neb., July 13. (Special.) ... milieu a no-nit game at Newcastle Sunday. He pitched tor Ran dolph against Newcastle and struck out 17 men. Randolph won by a score of 14 to 3. Lebdell pitched for Newcastle and was hit freely. Shenandoah, la., July 13. Seeing seven runs in the seventh inning, the Red Sox defeated the Oklahoma Indians Sun day, 10 to 1. MeKee for the Shenandoah team struck out IS batsmen. David City. July 1J. David City won lt ninth gamo in ten starts yesterday, beating Morse Bluffs, S to 2. Smith being too strong for the visiting sluggers. David City hopped on Peck for eight runs in the fourth inning. Sutje tripled, doubled and singled in four times up. Stanton, Neb.. July 13. Stanton base ball fans were given the time of their Uvea when Stanton shut out the crack team from Hosklns, 9 to 0. Stanton wan four games straight now, shutting out Norfolk last Sunday, 8 to 0. Roy HoN stein and C. Hoehme both cracked out a three-bagger. Getchel and Carle were Stanton's battery. Getchel struck out U men and allowed but four hits. J. Carle, Stanton manager, made three of Stanton's tilne runs. Hosklns' battary was Rouke and Anderson. Rouke atruck out 10 men, but 12 hlta wero mad off him. A large crowd waaout to see the game. R H E Hosklns 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 6 Stanton 1 0 6 0 1 1 0 0 9 12 1 Silver Creek. Neb.. July IS. silver Creek defeated York here. Sunday In the best game of the season, score 3 to 1. Bat teries: Sliver Creek. Knowles and Douglas: York. Wagner and Richards. Hits: Off Knowles, 3; off Wagner, 7. Strurk out: By Knowles. 10: by Wagner, 7. Errors: York, 4; Silver Creek. 2. Srhuylar, Neb., July 13 The Schuyler Puritans shut out the Morria Packing company nine of Omaha in a fast and classy game here today. Wiglngton and Bures were battery for Schuyler and Ma son and Badura for Omaha. Badura had his hand split open In the first Inning and had to retire to Ihe field and Bans caught the game. Wiglngton struck out 13 to Mason's 6, while thera were six hit) on each aid. Bum and Haney war umpires. Grand Island, Neb., July 13. The Ameri can Legion team shut out before the larg est crowd of the season the Union Paclflo team by a aoor of I to (I. Batteries: Legion. Cochran and Kelso; Union Pacific. Hartmann and Ltndekap, Dorita for Motorists Don't pais any street intersec tion without giving the right of way to the driver on your right You can't collect on your insur ance unless you do. f ELLIOTT'S WILD PEG SAVES DAY FOR ALEXANDER Allows Cubs to Tally Twice In Ninth Inning and Win, 1 3 to 2 Dodgers Had Game Won. Chicago, July 13. Elliott's throw to center field in an attempt to catch Robertson off second base in the ninth, save the locals two runs and enabled them to defeat Brooklyn. BROOKLYN. AH.H.O.A I chicaoo. AH.H.O.A. Olson, ss. 4 1 0 Olfombly, rf. 4 Joh'on. 3b. 4 0 0 OIHollo'er, ss. 4 Orlffith, rf.4 1 0 OiTerry. 2b. 3 Wheat, If. 3 16 OlMerkle, lb. 4 Myers, rf. S 2 3 OlRo'tson, If. 4 Kon'ehy,lb,3 1 1 Pns'ert. cf 3 Kllduff, 2b. 4 0 4 2 Deal. 3b. 3 Klliott, c. 3 0 2 HKtllifer, c. 3 2 3 Cadore, p. 3 0 1 2;Al anler, p. 3 Mamaux, p.o 0 0 0 'Flnck xBraber 0 0 0 0 oooo Totals 31 6 25 12j Totals 31 8 27 11 tBttted for Taskert In ninth. x B.atted for Paskert In ninth. Brooklyn 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 12 Chicago 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 23 Rons: Brooklyn, Wheat. Myers; Chicago, Twomblv, Robertson, Flack. terrors: Brooklyn, Kllduff. Elliott; Chicago. Pas kert. Two-base hits: Hollocher, Robertson. Three-base hits: Twombly, OIhou. Wheat, Myers. Sacrifice hits: Terry, Myers. Left on bases: Brooklyn, 6; Chicago 4. Bases on balls: Off Alexander, 2. Hits: Off Cadore, 1 in eight and one. third innings: off Mamaux. none In no InnlnK. Struck out: Bv Cadore, 3: by Alexander, . Wild Pitch: Alexander. Losing pitcher: Cadore. Umpires; Klem and Kmslte. Time of game: 1:48. Reds Wallop Phils. Cincinnati, July 13. Cincinnati bunched h'ti off Meadows in two innings and won fiom Philadelphia, 8 to 2. Wingo's hard hitting was a feature. PHILADELPHIA. I CINCINNATI. AB.H.O.A. AB.H.O.A. Pu'ette. 1b. 1 11 llRath. 2b. 4 1 2 Aa'Ings,2b. Willi's, cf. Stengel, rf. SOS 4 618 4 12 OlRoush, cf. 3 0 1 0 4 11 0 Duncan, If. 3 1 2 0 4 2 3 0Neale, rf. 3 2 9 1 4, 1 2 3('rane, 3b. 4 12 3 3 10 41 sicking, ss. 3 10 2 3 1 2 ol Wlngo, c. 4 2 2 0' 3 11 2iRing, p. 4 1,12 1 0 0 01 : ' Totals 33 11 27 10 Meusel, If. Flet'er, ss. Miller. 3b. Tra'ser, c. Me'ows, p. Le'veau, Totals 31 9 24 14 Batted for Meadows in ninth. Philadelphia 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1-2 Cincinnati 00400040 x s Runs: Philadelphia, Paulette, Stengel; Cincinnati Rath, Daubert (2). Roush, Duncan Neale. Sickling Wingo. Errors: Cincinnati, Meusel, Tragresser (2), Meadows. Two-base bits: Wtngo, Will iams, Meadows. Stolen bases: Neale, Meusel. Sacrifice hits: Rath, Bawllnga (2), Tragresser. Double plays: Neale to Crane; Sicking to Rath to Daubert; Fletcher to Pa,ulette. Left on bases: Philadelphia, 7; Cincinnati. 6. Bases on balls: O f Ring, 2; off Meadows, 4. Struck ".I ." uT. oi ,, hv Meadows. 2. Passed hail', Tragresser. Umpires: McCormlck and Harrison. Time: 1:48. Pirates T:ike Second Game. Pittsburgh, July 1 3. Pittsburgh made It t, uir,.ii-ht from Boston hv. winning Tues- dnv 5 to 2. Carlson kept the visitors' hits scattered while the homi team bunched hits with Boston s mispiays. BOSTON. I PITTSBURGH. I AB.H.O.A. I AB.H.O.A Howell, Cf. 5 1 2 llBlgbee.lf. 4 i i 0 Pick, 2b. 4 13 3 Carey, cf. if i i 5 n Sout h, rf. 1 l 1 o Cruise, rf. 4 1 4 Ol Whltted, 3b 4 1 1 t lh i K 0 nutshaw. 2b.4 2 11 Boeokel,3b. 4 13 3 Grimm, lb.3 S Ma'llle. ss. 4 2 S 2 Caten, ss. 1 J 2 . i,. i ll I III Haeffner. c. 4 1 3 Chr'burg 1 0 0 0 Carlson, p 4 0 2 1 vRnvres 1 0 0 01 Totals 34 11 27 12 Total 15 9 24 11! - 'Batted for Oowdy In ninth. vHntteil for Scott In ninth. n.ton 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 02 Pittsburgh 1 2 0 1 1 0 0 0 x-t Runs: Boston, Pick, Mann, Pittsburgh, ....! t w t ririmin Pnt.nn. Haeffner Krro : Boston, Flck7 Boecke. , Gowdy (S); Pittsburgh, Carey. Carlson. Two-base hit: Boeckel. Three-base hit: Whltted. Stolen bases: Mann. Holke, Maranvlllo, Carey, Southworth, Blgbee. Sacrifice hit: V. . fl. niv- Whltied and Grimm: Boecked to Holke; Boeckol, Pick ... un, r off on hases: Boston. 8; Pitts- h.,..h o' Bases on balls: Oft Scott, 3; off Carlson, 2. Struck out: B Scott. 2; hv Carlson. 3. Umpires: Riglcr and Moran, Time: 1:40. Giants Beat Cardinals. t a.ii. lniv is New York and St. T.ouis engaged In another extra-lnnlng ;.a ik. visitors winnlmr In the 12tn. 6 to 4, when, with two out, Spenceer beat out an Infield nit mat nrove m runs. After St. Louis tied the scare in the eighth, Barnes tightened up, allowing but one hit the rest oi me way. vrw vntiK. I "ST. LOUIS. AB.H.O.A.I.S'lth.jr. ' Hums If. 4 0 3 Ol Fo'rnier. lb. 6 0 HI 0 Ban'oft, ss. 6 11 7l Stock, lb. 1 Young, rf. 3 0 2 01 llor'by, 2b. 5 1 ES'tth, c. 0 0 1 OILavan, ss. 6 2 Frlsch, 3b. 6 3 3 4l Cle'ons, c,. 3 0 Kelly, 1b. 5 2 15 2T)U'fer, c 3 0 King, cf. 4 2 3 Ol fHey, cf 4 2 Doyle, 2b. 6 0 3 6l H'thc'te, rf. 5 1 Snyder, c. 4 2 1 llSeh'p.p. ; 1 0 Spa'rer, rf. 1 I 0 ONorth. p. 0 0 Barnes, p. 5 1 2 3l Sher'rl. p. 2 1 xMcCarty 10 0 Ol'Knnde 1 ' IxSehult 1 0 TaidI. ll 12 3R 23lz.Tan'rln 0 0 2 1 5 4 2 7 6 0 .0 0 3 0 2 2 0 2 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 Totals 43 11 36 19 Batted for Fchupp In slxtb. xBatted for North In seventh. nBatted for demons In ninth. xRnn for Hnvder In eleventh, xxBatted for Young in eleventh. " Now York 001 3 0000000 2 (I St. Louis 00000112-000 04 New York: Runs. Fronch, Kelly (21, King (2). Snyder; errors, Young. King. St. Louis: Runs. J. Smith (2). Stock, Mc Henrv: errors, Lnvan. Clomons (2L Two base hits. Snyder, Kelly. J. Smith. Mc Henry. Three-bsse hit: Hornsby. Stolen bases' Kins', Frlsch, Burns, Spencer. Sacri fice hits: Young. Barnes, McHenry. Double plays: Kelly Bancroft and Kelly; Barnes end Frlsch; Barnes Bancroft and Frlsch. Lavan and Fnurnier: Schupp. Hornsby and l'ournler. Left cm bases. New York, 12; St. Louis. 5. Bases on balls: Off Barnes, 1; off Schunp. 5; off North, 2: off Sherdel, 2. Tits: Off Schunp,' E in S Innings; off N'crth, 1 In 1 Inning: off Sherdel, 6 'n fi In nings. Hit bv pitched ball. By Sherdel, Kelly. Struck out: By Barnes, 1; hy frohupp, 2; by Pherdell. 1. Passed hall: Clemens. Losing pitcher: Sherdel. Um pires; O'Dav and Qulgley. Time of game. 2:2S. Sprague cord tiren cost no more than so-called 'standard make of rord tire, yet they're better made from better materials. Twenty thou sand miles is nohlng unusual for a Pnrnicue. Adv. 100 Men in the HANSEN-CADILLAC SERVICE DEPT. are recognized and re warded by Honor and Cash' Bonus System. . . Have your Cadillac at tended by efficient Cadil lac men trained to .ren der the best service. We do it right. J. N. Hansen Cadillac Co. Service Dept. Guy- A.. Wheaton Harry Reld S. J. llm.4.r RUTH FANS FIVE TIMES IN EIGHT TRIPS JO PLATE Browns' Hurlers Get Bam bino's Number Batterin' Babe Gets One Single And Is Walked Twice. New York, July 13. New York and St. Louis divided a double header, the visitors winning the first game, 6 to 4 and the Yankees the second, 7 to 2.. Shocker struck out 14 Yankee batters in the first g;:me. Babe Ruth struck out five times out of eight trips to the plate, lie got a single and was passed twice. First gome: ST. LOIT1S. NEW YORK. AB.H.O.A. AB.H.O.A. Tobin, rf. Gedeon, 2b. Sister, lb. t'obson, cf. Wlllla's. If. Smith, 3b. rterber, ss. Sev'reid, c. Shocker, n 5 2 1 O.IVard, ss. 4 14 2 3 1 0 ;l!i'U k, rf, 6 0 6 0'Pipp. IK 4 2 2 flllluth, If ; o 2 0!'O'ei, 31). 4 10 o'Hodie, cf. 4 r 1 ofPratt, 2b. 3 115 olifannah, v. 4 110 4 112 0 '4120 4 10 1 4 12 1 4 2 4 5 3 0 J 1 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 3 1 0 i Collins, p. i nor len. p. Totals 33 9 27 4 Peck'gh hore, p. jcl.ewis il-'ewster "Gleich Totals 36 8 27 11 Hatted for Thnriuahlcn In oltrlitn. Hatted for Hannah in ninth. : Finn for Lewis in ninth. Batted for Shore In ninth. St. Louis 0 0 0 2 2 1 1 0 06 New York 00000022 0 4 Runs: St. Louis, Tobin, Gedeon, .laenbson. MB 0 Oerber, Sevcreid, Shocker; New York, Ward. Vlck, Meusel, llodie. Errors: Hi. Louis, (Icrber; New York. Ward. Two biiic hits: Pratt, 'J'oblu, Ward, Vlck. Horn rups: tlerber, Sevcreid. Sacrifice hits: Shocker, Willi;ms, Gedeon. Double plays: lioitio to Pratt. Loft on bases: Si. Louis, 7: .New York, S. Buses on bulls: Off Collins, 1; off Thnrmahlen. 1. Hits: Off Collins, h In 6 innings; ol'f Thormahlen, I In 2: Shore none in 1. Hit by pitched ball; 1:- t'oliins, Uedeon. Shocker. Struck out: By Collins, 2; by Shocker. 14. Wild pitch: Collins. Losing pittlher: Collins. I'mplres: ljildebrand and iiivans. Time, 3 :'. j frucflml game: ST. LOUIS. I NEW YORK. AH.H.O.A I AB.H.O.A. Tobin, rf. 5 15 OivVard, ss. tledeon, 2b. 4 2 1 llvtck, rf. Sisier. lb. 4 16 liPipp, lb. Ja son, cf. 2 1 1 0 Kuth, If. Wlllla's, If. 4 2 0 OlMcusel. SI). 0 4 2 0 2 0 1 12 1 0 2 0 3 0 1 110 1 3 S 13 1 0 0 5 , Smith, 3b . 8 0 0 3 Docile, cf. i ilerher. ss. 4 11 O'ratt, 2b, : Sa'reid. c. 3 0 10 3'Ruol. c. Weil'nn, p. 3 1 1 OlMogrldge, p. 2 'Billings 1 1 0 (; Totals 27 7 27 15 Totals 33 10 24 7 Hatted lor Wellmun in nlni. St Louis 1 0 1 0 o o o 03 New York 0 n l 0 0 0 2 4 x 7 Runs: St. Louis. Gedeon. Williams; New York, Ward, Ruth (2), Meusel (2), Boilio, l'.jil. Errors: SI. Louis. Tobin, Gerb-!r. Two-base hits: Meusel (3); Ruel, Gedeon, Pratt. Three-base hit: Bodie. Stolen lase: Ward. Sacrifice- hits: MogridBC. Ward, Smilh, Gedeon. Pratt. Double plays; Severetd to tlerber; Pratt to Ward to Plpp. Left on bases: St. Louis. 9: New York, 4, Bases on balls: off Mogrldge, 3; off Weil n.ati. 6. Struck out: By Wei'.man, 7. Urn i;ies: Evans and llildchranil. Time, l:iU. Tigers Trim Red hex. Boston, July 13. Detroit hit Pennoek bard in iho first inning, forcing his retire American Association At Kansas City R. H. E. Louisville 4 11 1 Kansas City 1 8 1 Batteries: Long and Kocher; Letter and Sweeney. At Mllwaukeo R. H. E. Indianapolis 3 8 2 Milwaukee 8 7 S Batteries: Jones and Henline; Gearin and Gaston. At St. Taut Columbus-St. Paul game postponed; rain. At Minneapolis Toledo - Minneapolis game postponed: wet grounds. .0 il ism . You can't duck hese Camel facts YOU never smoked a cigarette .that approaches Camels in tobacco qual ity or in superb mellow mildness! Camels keenly refreshing flavor will not tire your taste, no matter how liber- i i ally you smoke! And, you can bet a house and lot that Camels never will leave any cigaretty af tertaste or unpleasant ciga retty odor! ment, and Fortune also was pounded saving the visitors a 10 to 4 victory over Bostn in the opening game of the series, Piagstead mado three doubles and a sin gle. , DETROIT. BOSTON'. AR.H.O.A. AB.H.O.A. Young, 2b. 6 1 6 31 Bailey, rf. 4 14 1 O.Bush, ss. Cobb. cf. Veach, If. Fl'gs'd. rf. Ellis'n, lb. Pl elli, 3b. Woo'all, c. Le'ard. p. Totals I 2 S'M'Nally, 2b 1 1 OjMen'aky, If. , o'Sohang, cf. 0 1 4 0 3 0 13 1 1110 1 t 3 1 1 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 OIM'In'Is. lb. T 0 S 0 i 1 J Foster, 3b. Scott, ss. Walters, e. Vltt Pn'ock, p. For'ne, p. xJ.Bush 39 13 27 I Totals It J 27 14 Batted for Walters In ninth. xBatted for Fortune in ninth. Detroit 3 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 610 Boston 2 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 4 Detroit: runs, Young. O. Bush, Cobb, Veach. (2), Flagstead (), Ellison, Leonard; errors, 0. Boston: runs, Men orky, Scharg, Mclnnis, Scott; errors, Mc Nally, Menosky. Two-base hits: Flag, siead (3), Veach, Leonard, Cobb, He Ir.nis, Scott. Three-base hit: Veach. Stolen buses: O. Bush. Menosky. Sacrifice hts: Plnelll, O. Bush. Left on bases: Detroit, 6; Boston, S. Bases on halls; Off Leonard. 2; otf Fortune, It. Hits: Off Pennnrk, 4 In one inning; off Fortune, 9 in eight tnntngs. Struck out: By Leonard, 4; hy Fortune, 2. Wild pitch: Leonard. Losing pitcher: Pennoek. Umpires: Friel arid Dlneen. Time: 1:55. White Sox Heat Senators. Washington, July 13 Chicago -took the s,me from Washington 6 to 3, Both I' and Zachary were hit often, the visitors winning by bunching their uafeiies to better advantage. CHICAGO. WASHINGTON. voi oia, ir. 6 l o 0 Judge, lb. 4 2 6 AB.H.O.A: Milan. If. 2 1 a p.'.cot s. 2b. 4 1 2 4R!ce, cf. 4 2 3 vea er. 3n. a u l 5Roth, rf. 4 J'kson, rf. 4 3 0 Harris. 2b. 3 Felsch. cf. 4 2 2 1; Shanks, 8b. 4 .I.Col's, lb. 1 114 01 Klle'be, ss. 3 Risberg, ss. 4 13 4 Sha'on, ss. 1 Mchalk. c. 4 1 3 2 Char ity, c. 4 Clcotte. p. 4 10 3IZachary, p. 4 1 I 1 1 1 3 2 0 0 1 0 6 0 0 Totala 35 10 27 19 Totals 33 11 27 10 Jlan for Ellerbe in seventh. Chicago 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 16 Washington 00000120 03 Runs: Chicago. Weaver, Jackson, Flesch (2), Clcotte; Washington, Judge (2), Shan non. Errors: Jackson, J. Collins. Two base hits: Lelbold. Jackson (2), P'tesch. Stolen bases: Shanks, Clcotle. Sacrifice (Li Camels are told every wAere in tcitnti Really eeaf packegt of 30 cigaretfas for 30 cent a; or ten packages (300 cigarette,) in a gtassine-paper-covered carton. We strongly recommend this carton for ihe home or office supply or when you travel. R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company Winston-Salem, N. C t hits: Milan (2), AVoaver. Harris, Double plavs: Klsberg to J. Collins, Mchalk to K. Collins, Felsch. H. Collins to Weaver. Left on bases: Chicago, 6; Washington. 6. Bases on balls: Off Zachary, 1. Struck out: Bv Clcotle. S; by iiaehary, 1. Um pires: CahiU and Moriarlty. H'lmo of game; 1:45. Chapman's Homer Wins Game. Philadelphia. July 13. Chapman's home run; th only hit off Rommel In the in-nliil.-.. he pitched, won the opening game of tile series for Cleveland today, 4 to 3. Keefe was batted out of the box with one out In the first and the only man to reach first on Rommel was Ohupinun, who drew a base on balls In addition to ml boinn run. CLEVELAND. I PHILADELPHIA. .Ta'son, If. 4 12 0 AB.H.O.A. Chap'n, ss. 13 3 switt, rf. 4 2 2 0 Spea'er, cf, 3 0 '2 ODykes. 3b. 3 0 2 3 tSmlth, rf. 4 1 0 Walker, If. 4 0 10 4 0 15 4 2 3 1 4 0 17 0 3 2 13 0 0 0 0 3 2 0 2 0 0 0 1 Gar'er, lb. I 1 I 1 W'nss, 2h. 10 11 Dugan, 2b. Welch, cf. Grtf'ln, lb. Perkins, c. Thomas John'n. lb. i 0 10 0 O'Neill, o. 3 0 6 0 Cald'ell, p. J 0 0 4 Gallo'sy, ss. Totals 30 ( 27 1 1 Keefo. p. Rom'el. p. xStrunk 2 10 2 10 0 0 32 9 27 15 Totals Ran for Perkins In ninth. xHatted for Rommel In ninth. Cleveland 3 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 Philadelphia 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 01 Runs: Cleveland, Jamleson, Chapman (2), Smith; Philadelphia, Welch, Perkimi, Galloway. Errors: Cleveland. Caldwell, Three-base hit. Smith. Home runs: Chap man, Welch. Stolon base. Dykes, Sacrifice hits: Speaker, Rommel, Galloway, Dykes. Double plays: Caldwell, Gardner to Chap man; Welch and Griffin. Left on basen Cleveland, 1; Philadelphia. 0. Bases on halls: Off Caldwell, 1; off Rommel, 1. Hits. Off Keefe, 4 In 1-3 Inning; off Rom mel. 1 in 8 2-3 Innings. Struck out: Hy Caldwell. 4. Losing pitcher: Ke'fe. ITni. plres: Connolly and Nallin. Time. 1:37. Hold Joint Picnic The Swift's "Get Together" and "Know-Yon-Better" clubs will hold a joint picnic at Elmwood park Sat urday with the employes of the Iten Biscuit company. The Swift and Iten base ball crews will battle at 4:30. After the game a canvas will be, stretched on the ground and dancers will trip to the strains of Dan Desdune's jazz baud. , TURKISH & Pants Burglars Use Ladder To Rob Sleeper of $106.95 George Koukc, 3355 South Twenty-second street, reported to South Side police Monday that burglars stood a ladder against the side of his home the previous night, climbed through a second story window and looted his trousers pockets of $U)r,95, while he lay sleeping in the same room. In the Huntingdon shops of th Pennsylvania railroad there is a woman machinist whose production iciuals that of the man she succeed ed. In addition to running a gap lathe, she also operates a bolt threader, nut tapper and drill press. nee Want Ads Bring Results. Remember ! We always have com plete stocks of the best equipment for Tennis Rackets, Tennis Balls, Nett, Racket Presses, Racket Covers, Court Marker, etc. Hp THE -v IownsenD GUN CO. 1514 Farnam St. r DOMESTIC D (I 0