Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 14, 1920, Page 3, Image 3

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Three or More Have Had
Candidates in Field Nearly
Every Campaign in
by fc. C. SNYDER.
M'aahlncton Correapandaat, Omaha B.
Washington, D. G, July 13.
(Special Telegram.) Correspond
ents "covering" the convention of
48erj and other radical groups now
trying to get together in the forma
tion of a third party at Chicago
are sending to their eastern news
papers reports of what the new
party is going to do to the repub
lican party in the west if like har
mony prevails, as the result of their
deliberations. And yet these same
correspondents are forgetful of the
history of political parties in the
United States, for there has hardly
been a presidential candidate since
the foundation of the government
where three or more parties have
not had candidates for president
ond vice-president, and for repre
sentatives in congress.
There were six political parties
with six prcsidemial candidates in
the field in 1916, republican, demo
cratic, progressive, prohibition. o
cialist and social labor, but the con
test was between the republicans
and democrats. That was not an
unusual campaign. In the 40s there
were anti-Masonic and anti-Catholic
parties, in 1856 the American party
was in the field to weaken the re
publican ticket, and that party
elected 25 representatives to the
house, giving it the balance of
power and producing the longest
contest over the election of speaker
we ever had. The contest contin
ued for two mcuiths, delaying the
organization of the house, and final
ly resulted in electing Nathaniel P.
Banks speaker by a plurality vote
the only time that the speaker was
not elected by a majority of all the
members of the house.
Union Party in 1860.
In 1860 the union party elected
28 representatives, but with the
war coming on they combined with
the republicans and in 1864 the re
publicans took the name of union,
representing the sentiment in favor
of the union as against the rebel
lion. In 1872 and 1874 the greenbackers
elected fourteen representatives; in
1892 the populists had eight repre
sentatives and in 1896 the silver
party elected both senators and rep
resentatives and continued to nave
party representation in both houses
of congress until 1902. The social
ists, the labor party, and the pro
hibition party have had one, two or
three representatives in recent years,
and the prohibitionists have one
nominal representative in the pres
ent house, but he acts with the demo
crats and only uses the name prohi
bition to designate his party affilia
tions outside of congress.
But while there have been few
representatives and senators in re
cent years who were elected as other
than republican and democrat, there
have been a good many men in con
gress who have been as independent
as. any of the officially designated
independents of other days. In 61s
there were twenty-one republicans
who refused to be bound by the cau
cus in the .organization of the
house, and voted for other candi
dates for speaker, and voted with the
democrats on the adoption of rules
and on the tariff, financial and other
party questions. They were elected
as republicans but acted with the
democrats more often than with the
republicans. They did just what the
independent party representatives
did in former congresses. They
were an embarassment rather than a
help to the republican party.
TheNonpartisan league has sev
eral representatives and senators
who are designated as republicans,
and it would make no dinerence in
legislation it they were elected as
Nonpartisan leaguers, for they vote
for policies of the league and against
the republicans on most occasions.
Cox and Roosevelt Will
Meet With Wilson Sunday
Washington, July 13. Governor
James M. Cox and Franklin D.
Roosevelt, the democratic candi
dates for president and vice presi
dent, will confer with President
Wilson Sunday at the White House.
Arrangements for the conference
were made over the long distance
telephone today by direction of the
Plans for the campaign are ex
pected to be discussed at the con
ference, which will be the first meet
ing between President Wilson and
Governor Cox since the latter's
nomination by the San Francisco
convention. He would not discuss
what matters he expected to con
sider with the president.
Defrauder Given Permission
To Visit Poland on Business
New York. July 13. Felix ,Gou
led. convicted of defrauding the
United States government through
contracts for army raincoats, will
be permitted to go to Poland in the
interests of his cotton goos busi
ness, through a decision yesterday
by Federal Judge H. B. Howe.
Gouled is at liberty on $25,000 bond
pending decision by the supreme
court as to the legality of a seven
year sentence imposed on him.
Find Right Arm of Man Who
Went Over Niagara Falls
Niagara Falls. N. Y., July 13. The
right arm of a man was taken from
the Niagara river near the Canadian
Maid of the Mist landing today. It
is believed to be a part of the body
of George C Stephens of Bristol,
England, killed yesterday in an :t
tempt to go over the Horse Shoe
falls in a barrel.
Catts Refuses to Convene
Special Session, Suffs Say
Pensacola, Fla., July 13. Gover
nor Catts has refused to call a spe
:ial session of the Florida legislature
o act on woman suffrage, local suf
frage leaders announced today.
They said the governor contended
tuch action would be useles- j
Wife Will Forgive
Husband In Tragic
N. Y. Love Triangle
1 Slr1r$KATE;j
E.)iT" iiiiiiwn' Jit , ,,
Preferring to die together than
lie their lives apart, Mrs. Alma
Lotus, 18 years old, and Frank
Granetelli, father of three children,
were found unconscious in a New
York hotel room after drinking
Notes left by them said their love
was hopeless and asked that they be
buried in the same grave. Mrs.
Lotus is reported to be out of dan
ger, but Granetelli is said to be in a
serious condition.
Mrs. Granetelli, shown in the upper
picture, is grief-stricken over the
near tragedy, but for the sake of her
children will forgive her husband
should he get well and want to re
turn to her.
Hold Lexington Meeting
To Boost Platte Project
Lexington, Neb., July 13. (Spe
cial Telegram. Several hundred en
thusiastic boosters from North
Platte. Gothenburg, Cozad, Overton,
Elm Creek, Eddyville and Kearney
held a rousing meeting with tlje Lex
ington Chamber of Commerce to-
dav to further the irrigation project
for the Platte valley.
Congressman Kinkaid, Senator
Hoagland and many others spoke.
Plans were made for the immediate
raising of $30,000 to forward to the
government at Washington that they
might start the survey at once.
Mr. Kinkaid stated that the govern
ment had a $3,000,000,000 de
ficit and had no funds for this pur
pose. He also promised that Lex
ington was next in oraer ior a gov
ernment building in his district.
Socialists Seeking Pardon
For Debs Will See Wilson
Detroit, Mich., July 13. A dele
gation of socialists will call soon
upon President Wilson and demand
that he pardon Eugene V. Debs,
socialist presidential nominee now
serving a term in federal prison at
Atlanta on a charge of violating the
espionage law, it was decided today
at a meeting of the socialist na
tional committee. It is planned that
20C men and women socialists and
trade unionists go to Washington.
England and Japan Renew
Treaty Alliance for One Year
London, July 13. Great Eritain
and Japan have notified the league
of nations that they have prolonged
their treaty alliance for a year, ac
cording to the Daily Mail, at the
same time pointing out that the
treaty terms are in accord with the
principles of the league.
6 Be limns
Hot water
Sure Relief
Doctors Recommend
Bon-Opto for the Eyes
Physicians and eye specialists pre
scribe Bon-Opto as a safe home
remedy in the treatment of eye
troubles and to strengthen eyesight.
Sold under money refund guaran
tee by all druggists.
West Recognizes Governor
Cox as Wet, Which Will
Aid Harding in Race,
Kenyon Declares.
Chiracs Tribune-Omaha Ba Lowed Wire.
Washington, July 13. A straight
out wet and dry issue between Sena
tor Harding and Governor Cox was
forecast today by Senator Kenyon of
Iowa, republican, who has returned
to Washington, following the hear
ings held by the campaign expendi
ture committee, of which he is chair
man, at Chicago and St. Louis.
"I think Harding will grow
stronger and Cox will grow weaker
as the campaign progresses," said
Senator Kenyon. "It will be impos
sible for Governor Cox to trim
through the campaign on the wet is
sue. He is a wet candidate, and
every one knows it. The country
is dry, and instead of being afraid
of the issue, the republicans should
meet it.
"Coming as I have from the west,
I know that the people out there
recognize Governor Cox as a wet
candidate trying to slide through the
campaign without making his posi
tion clear, and they will not stand for
Senator Kenyon called at the of
fices of the Interstate Commerce
commission during the day to dis
cuss the car shortage situation.
"If conditions do. not improve
within the next 30 days, it would
seem that we may have to return to
war control of fuel," said Senator
Investigate Murder of
Two Americans in Ukraine
Eiflunlv CaMe to FnlTeraal Serrlce and
Ijondon Dally Expresa.
Warsaw, Poland, July 13. The
Polish authorities are co-operating
with the American legation in in
vestigating the murder on July 8 of
Dr. Israel Friedlander, professor of
history at the Hebrew seminary, and
Dr. Bernard Cantor, a rabbi in the
Free synagogue, both of New York.
Bandits robbed and murdered the
two Americans at Jarmolee, in Uk
raine. A chauffeur who drove the two
Jewish clergymen, told the authori
ties on his return to Lemberg that
their automobile was held up by
three armed and uniformed Russians
who shot Drs. Friedlander and Can
tor as they were trying to escape.
Later the bandits burned the auto
mobile. Jewish residents of Jarmo
lee buried the victims.
Don't streak or ruin your material in a
poor dye. Insist on "Diamond Dyes."
Easy directions in package.
jjft Right Off Without Pain
Doesn't hurt a bit! Drop a little
"Freezone" on an aching corn, in
stantly that corn stops hurting, then
shortly you lift it right off with
fingers. Truly!
Your druggist sells a tiny bottle
of "Freezone" for a few cents, suffi
cient to remove every hard corn, soft
corn, or corn between the toes, and
the calluses, without soreness or
A New Home Method That Anyone
Can Use Without Discomfort
or Lots of Time.
Wa hare a m nuthod that control! Asthma,
and wa want jou to try it at our exvenw. Ko
matter whethar jour caw it of long atandtnt or
recent development, whether it ll present la
Haj Ferar or chronic Asthma, you should lend
for a free trial af our method. No matter In
what climata you lire, no matter what your ace
or occupation. If you ara troubled with asthma,
our method ahould relieve you promptly.
Wa eepeoially want to send it to those appar
ently hopeless esses, where all forms of inhalers,
douches, onlum preparations, fumes, "patent
smokes. etc.. bare failed. Wa want to show
everyone at our expense, that this new method
is destined to end all difficult breathing, all
wheeztnf, and all those terrible paroxysma at
This frea offer la too Important to Deflect a
single day. Write now and twain the method
at once. Send no money. Simply mail coupon
below. Do It Todsy.
Niagara and Hudson Streets. Buffalo. IT. T.
Send free trial of your method to:
I Before installing a modern heating plant in your
noma do suro to get tu price and too the
This is the famous and original Patented Pipeless
Heating Plant, the heaviest and best built furnace
on the market today Saves one-third in fuel built
to last a lifetime-i-absolutely guaranteed. WE CAN
SAVE YOU FROM $50 to $100 on first cost and
give you very liberal terms if you wish. Over 750
installed in Omaha; 25,000 in the Middle West Full
information free if you write, call or phone D. 993.
Vacuum Furnace Sales to.2gsfc&
General Will Throw Support
To Harding if Clean-Cut
Campaign Is Made.
Chicago, July 13. Major General
Wood, in a statement today, de
clared he heartily endorsed the nom
iness of the republican party, "un
derstanding that the progressive ele
ments are to be brought into the
campaign and given full representa
tion and participation."
"The party can win through
united effort and such clear and ex
plicit declaration of program as will
bring the large, independent vote to
its active support," the statement
General Wood, who conferred
with Senator Harding at Marion,
O., last week, defined what he
considered necessary points in a
"progressive policy" and declared
that the party could not win by de
structive criticism.
"The party's policy must be clean
cut, forward looking and construc
tive," he said. "One which, while
recognizing America's responsibil
ities as the leading nation will guar
antee her freedom from foreign con
trol and class domination, one which
will safeguard our traditional pol
icies,, one which will complete en
franchisement of women; which will
stand against all forces and influ
ences tending to break down moral
ity, the physical well being or the
solidarity of our people.
"It must be a policy which will
strive for a speedy return to a peace
nowadays are entering the profes
sions or business world and go to
work day after day in bad health,
afflicted with some female ailment,
dragging one foot wearily after the
other, working with an eye on the
clock, and wishing for cldsing time
to come.
Women in this condition should
take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound, made from roots and
herbs. It has brought health and
happiness to more women in Amer
ica than any other remedy. Give it
a trial.
basis, to a government under the
constitution; for economy, effi
ciency, revision of war taxation; for
a strong but constructive foreign
policy, a policy which will protect
American lives and rights abroad;
for the building up and protection of
our agriculture and industries; for
industrial justice based upon the
square handling of the issues be
tween labor ana capital, remember
ing labor is neither
a commodity
nor a chattel.
"It must be for the improvement
of public education; for a highly ef
ficient army and navy; for the build
ing up of a merchant marine and a
sound foreign commercial policy;
for the careful supervision of our
immigration, and (he systematic
Americanization of those who are
accepted; for the strengthening of
the sense of citizenship obligation,
and the adherence of those iunda
mcntal principles and policies on
which the stability and permanency
of our government depends."
ii j
saawis bjiv--
Vacation Bags and Suit Cases
Most Reasonably Priced
rmimo, strut.
They are very durable, good looking
and light in weight Luggage you
will be proud to own.
$3.75, $4.00, $4.50, $5.00,
$6.75 and $7.50
You will be agreeably surprised at
the splendid qualities you will find at
these low prices.
1803 Farnam Street
15 Years
in Omaha
July Clearance Sale!
Barber Shop .
Try it One of the
Coolest Spots in Town
Fourth Floor West'
Wednesday's Lunch, 50c
In the Green and Blue Rooms
f Roast Leg of Lamb.Cur
Your rant Jc"y. Carrots and
Peas, New Browned
Choice Ccld Salmon Steak, May
j onnaise. Potato and
Cucumber Salad.
0t I Chicken Pattle a la Kins
I Mexican Salad. Julienne
Coffee, Milk or Tea
Apple and Sago Puddint
Fruit Sauce
Wednesday's Feature A Special Purchase of Beautiful
p Ml tade
A Surprising July Clearance Sale for Just 100 Fortunate Buyers
with Shade
These are all
The Number
of these lamps
is limited
to 100 fortu
nate buyers
The lamps are in a mahogany finish. The shades are of
silk in plain and figured combinations, with silk and
chenille fringe; some are tassel trimmed.
No C. O. D's.No Phone Orders
An Extraordinary Sale Early Attendance Urged
Brandeis Stores Third Floor West
The Shade Colors
Gold Old Rose
Old Blue
Burnt Orange
A Very Extmordinary Purchase of
U. S. Government
Surplus of Soap
In all probability the limited quantity of
tins special purchase will not last throughout
the day. The lot consists of three standard
Ivory FelsNaptha
Proctor & Gamble White Naptha
While the Lot Lasts Wednesday, at
10 Bars for 69c
- No C. O. D.'s, Mail or Telephone Orders
No Deliveries
"' Brandeis Stores Basement West
July Clearance Sale Special in
"Nemo" Corsets
Cool yet they will not sacrifice
the best lines of your figure
Extra Special
Made of pink or white "Usaro" cloth, the fabric
that makes the hot days cool. An ideal corset for
'the slender to average type figure; with the low top
and long skirt; elastic inserts in back; well boned
with good garters attached.
Brandeis Stores Third Floor North
Size Run
20 to 36
July Clearance Sale of
300 Attractive
Bungalow Aprons
Regular -i q
1.69 and Wednesday at I LV
1.98 Values -Li
Is there a woman in the world who can have4oo many
Bungalow Aprons? '
Especially when they are as attractive as these light
and medium colored percales offered for Wednesday.
The lot includes a few ginghams. They are all well
made, cut full and roomy with V and square necks,
wide loose belts and pockets.
Brandeis Stores Third Floor Center
July Clearance Sale Special in
New Tub Blouses
An Extra
Feature, at Each
You will certainly admire these
lovely blouses charming in their
perfect tailoring and effective
trimming. They are of good
quality organdie, with long
sleeves, and come in all the new
and wanted shades.
In all sizes
Brandeis Stores Second Floor South