THE BEE: OMAHA. iueouAY, JULY 13. 1920. THE GUMPS- YOU NEVER KNOW WHEN THE WIND'S GOING TO CHANGE. Drawn for The Bee by Sidney Smith tu view of the unsettled weather condi tions reported In Sao l'aulo, and after cpcnlng at a decline at ;r to 53 point. A tlve months here sold at a decline of i to 79 points. This carried S.-ptemb, -.-off to 11.88,1 and December to 11.99c and the close whs at thw lowest prices of the day, showing a net decline of 75 to 80 points. July. 12,83c: Septem ber, 11.79c; October. 11.83c; Duceiikber, 11.89c; January, 11.90c; March, 11. 94c; May, 12.02c. Syot coffee was reported dull ami nomi nal on the basis of 13A,c fur lilo 7s and 194c to 214c for Santos 4s. 49 00: No. 2 Northern, $47.00ff 48.00; No. 2 Southern, $(3 00144 00. Tin Steady; spot, July and August, $51.00. . Antimony 7.76c. Lead Firm; spot and July, offersd, Sfllr, ,; NOW EVRYYNIKr Zinc Steady; spot, 7.6J40 bid, aaKed. At London Spot; Copper. 91. 7 electrolytic, tint: tin, 264. 15s, C34. 10s; nine. f43, 15s. t 00c s. 6,1; - liMd, II I i TOLD Htfc 1 I MOTTO HANtr Minneapolis 4irnln. Minneapolis, July 12. Flour . In loud lots, family patents. quoted njujpiv to car at. RAIN $14 20 a barrel In 98-pound cotton sacks. Hi an $49.00. Wheat Cash: No. 1 Northern. $2 9J if 3 th. Corn $l.64itf 1.56. Oats $1 oiti I o.. Itarley $t Oi.'ii 1.26. live No. 2. $2 .30 4 2 314, . Fiax No. I. $.1.70(11 3.76. Omaha Hay Market. Hay No.' 1 upland prairie, $17.00 to $18.00; No. 2 upland prairie. $12.00 to $16.00; No. 3 upland jvralrle. . $7.00 to $10.00; No. 1 midland prairie, $16.00 to $17.00; No. 2 midland prairie, $13.00 to $15.00; No. 1 lowland prairie, $10.00 to $12.00; No. 3 lowland prairie, $8.00 to $9.00; No. 3 lowland prairie, $6.00 to $7.0". Alfalfa Choice, $28.00; No. 1, $24.00 to $26.00; standard, $18.00 to $23.00; No. 2, $14.00 to $16.00; No. 3. $10 00 to $12.00. Straw Oat, $10.00 to $13.00; wheat, $9.60 to $11.60. New York Metals. New York. July 12. Copper Steady; .'lpctrolytle, spot and third quarter. 19c lroiiT-Steady; No. vl Northern, $48.00tf rail x ijiijSi!i-3rr REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. North. MUST BE SOLD 2432 TEMPLETON Thii ti a good fcix-room modern rot tat; niwly painted. An at tract! vb hom. loratM; largo shudf trops. V avert atrer-t and handy to rar line; hna hot witr ht-at; owner leaving: rlty; ran Ktv Immediate possession. You will atre the price ta right at IVtOn, GLOVER & SPAIN, REALTORS. M.;n city National. I'oiii'Ih.i ?sro. 7-R00M HOUSE University of Omalia. hardwood fin ish throughout ; aleepinK porch ; cement Raragf; shrr., trees; convenient to car line, schools w;id churches, A bargain. D. V. SHOLES CO., REALTORS. ill 5-1 T rUy Nan "miK Blrtg. Pnuglaa 16. $i;000 CASK- BAL MO. My kellastone bungalow is for sale; 5 rooms, oak and ivory fin ish, terraced lot, overlooking Mil ler park, 2 blocks to the car. Cali Mr. Mead, Tyler 4246 or Douglas 7412 days. i FOUR rooms, newly docoratod. near 24th and Sprague gts.. water, gas, electric lights. toilet, telephone, immediate possession. Trie J2.50I); $S0O down and J2S per month. Inquire of owner, i 17 Nnr(" S'th- St. 6 ROOMS, beautifully arranged, built four yfars. Heautiful 66xlto lot. garag. ahrtihs, trees, etc. Sacrifice for $4, too, worth $6,500 or more. Box M-35, Omaha Hoe. A FEW homes and lots for sale In Park wood addition; a safe place for lnvest ment. Norrls & N'orrls. Douglas 4278. NEW, oak finish home, 7-r. : sun room, tile bath, double garage, fireplace, etc.; 13,600. Terms. Pg. 1734 days. 4-hoOM HOUSE, NEWLY PECOBXtED"; A BARGAIN'. Colfax 4102. MINNE LTJSA homes and lots offer the best opportunity to Invest your money, fhone Tyler 187; CUMIXa. near 29tH St., 44 feet, must bo sold to close estate. C. A. GRIMMEL. 849 Nafl Bank Bldg. BIRKETT & CO..! "tti and Insures. ISO Bee Bldg. Douglas MI. Miscellaneous. NEW 5-R00M HOUSE 1 BLOCK TO CAR LINE LIVING and DINING ROOM FINISHED IN OAK, BUILT IN BUFFET AND BOOK CASES, MIRROR DOOR IN COAT ROOM; BUILT-IN CUPBOARD IN KITCHEN, TWO LARGE BEDROOMS AND BATH ON 2D FLOOR, OAK FLOORS. FULL CE MENT BASEMENT, STREET PAVED. TERMS. C. G. CARLBERG, Realtor 312 BRANDEIS THE A. BLDG. P HONE D. 585. $500 CASH EAST FRONT. STRICTLY MODERN. AVill sell this attractive 5-rooni bungalow on very easy terms. Beautifully decorated. Many pleasing features. The rooms are not large but are comfortably so and conveniently arranged. Paved street. Will show this Sunday if necessary. Phone Harney 3556 evenings. MR. RENTER! Get out of the apartent house and high rent. I have a few choice new homes in Dundee with every convenience; tile bath and kitchen, ill built-in features, well built and up to date. Call Wal. 127. RE A1, BARGAIN. Five-room, part modern, paved street, easy walking distance, Jl.iOO; very reasonable tirms. M. DEUEL A CO.. :40S Ames Ave. Colfax 26. FOR SALE Strictly modern 8-room house: 2 big lots; 1 block to Catholic i hurch and school. Priced low. Call Wa lnut SP83. HOME and an acre. $1,500. terms. Amos Grant Co., Realtors. Douglas 83S0. 330-3-4-6-8 Brandeis Theater. Real Estate Transfers Goodrich Drug Co. to H. A. Wolf Co.. s. w. cor. loth and Jones sta., 66x132 Omaha loan Bid. Assn to Fil I'.uro Pattavlns. et al, 15th st , ill- ft. n. of Hickory St., w. a. SrtxlM 1',0 Alexander W. Thompson and w!f t" Harry P. Cone, rt al. n. w. 3Hh and .tackson. 35x50... "00 Eli-, abeth S. Lew-is to Edward W. Aycrlag, Newport st., 200 ft. c. of 49th St.. s. s. 50x135 12, 160 Joseph W. Fleming and wife to Charles K. Orcutt. 6th st., 250 ft. s. of Miami, e. s. 50x1 :s 5,000 W. Fleming and wife to Charles E. Orcutt, 65th st., 100 ft. s. of Lake, w. s. 50M2S J.M0 Mary W. Cox to George P. Pearson, n St.. 45 ft. e. of 27th St.. n. s. 35x120 3.000 ArU:na Edwina Ward, et al. to Alfred U Cass, et al. Douglas st.. 2M ft. e. of 44th St.. s. a. 50x128. & .;50 Gust4e Eddy and husband to Mary C. Huffaker, et al, Wirt St.. M ft. w. of 22d St.. n. . 50x124 5,250 Jacob Siosburg. ,ir. and wife to Nathan Somberg. n. e. cor. Mili tary ave. and Decatur. 50xl"0 5,000 Jacob Slosburg. 1r. and wtfa to Nathan Somberg, Military ave., 100 ft. n. of Decatur st.. e. s. 50x100 .0OO H. A. Wolf Co., to Goodrich Prug Co., Harnev st , 66 ft. w. of 13th st., n. s. 33x132 :.0 Anno C. Buseh and husband to Ed gnr A. Hlgglns. Douglas st. 110 -ft w. of 11th St.. n. . 22x132... 16,000 Allle Pfrtmmer McLaughlin. t al, to Frank San Flltppo, Cuming at., 117 ft. e. of 36th at., a. I. 75x160 4.80i Frank H. Foster and wife to Mar Jorle B. Schartow. Florence blyd., 90 ft. n. of Sprague. . a. 40x1 2.. 3.90J George H. Carlson and wif to Haael M Melltnger, n. w. cor. 36th and Cas St.. 50x6 7,090 William S. Bredln and wife to Utorge W. Green, at al, Burdetta ai.. 40 ft. e. of 47th at., n. a. 4xm $00 Frances 8. Nleman and husband to Anna C. 8acha, Webster at., 148.6 ft. e. of 52d St.. n. s. 50x135 12.500 Afhla E. R. Wagner and wtfa to en H. Fink. s. , cor. lth C;.tellr, J140 lit Market, Financial Live Stock Omaha. July 12. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Monday estimate.... 6.000 9,iou 15.0U0 t-ama day last week (Holldav) Shdih day 2 wks. ago 4,839 9,510 16,261 amo day 3 wks. ago 7.373 10,525 6,665 anie day yr. ago 8,650 12,967 Jh690 Receipts and disposition of live stock at the Union Stock yards, Omaha, Neb., for 24 hours ending at 3 o'clock p. m., July RECEIPTS- CAR LOTS. Cattle Hogs. Sheep. .. M. A St. Paul . AVa bash . ........ I n inn Pacific . ... r. N. W., east .. t & N. W., west . '., St. P., M. & O. C, P.. & CJ.. east . I'.. P. & Q., west . '.. R. I. & P.. east Illinois Central . . 8 6 2 56 17 60 3 1 66 62 4 12 19 10 1 40 18 4 7 4 7 S 1 I 212 137 69 Chicago tJt. Western 1 DISPOSITION HEAP. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. .Morria Co 540 1.256 747 Swift & Co 612 1.739 784 Cudnhv Pack. Co H75 2,237 1,124 Armour & Co 695 2,117 1.862 Srhwarl! Co 232 .... .1. W. Murphy 1.329 .... S. Omaha Pack. Co. . . s Tliarsina Pack. Co 31 John Roth & Sons 37 Mayerowk'h & Vail ... 5 Ulanberg 1 .... .... P. O Dea. 17 Wilson & Co 33 Kenton Van Sant . . 4 W. W. Hill & Co 74 ..... .... V. P. Lewis 45 .... J. B. Root & Co 44 J. H. Bulla 3 Rosnstock Rros 147 Werthelmer & Degen .. 267 Kills Co 17 Sullivan Bros 16 .... A. Rothschild 244 B. O. Christie 25 John Harvey 570 Donnls Francis 8 Omaha Pack. Co 22 C. M. Flndley 6 79 .... Wolf S6 Linlnger 541 .... Swift, from K. C 256 Otherbuyers 933 6.088 Total 5,624 9.616 10,605 Cattle Some 6.000 cattle were received tortav but the bulk of the run was only of common to fair quality stuff. Packera hail small orders to fill and most of the offering was cleaned up considerably be fore noon st about steady prices, although some of the better grades of corn feda looked strong to 1015o higher. There was little sctivity noticed in me. cow mi k"t and prices held generally steady, most of the receipts being of very plain kinds. Stockers and feeders showed an advance of Around a nuarter on a light supply. Quotations on Cattlee liooa to cnoice beeves, $15.50(16.25; fair to good beeves. $14.75R'15.60; common to iair nesve, $ 1.00 14 75; good to choice yearlings. $15 i S (& 16.25; fair to good yearlings, $13.00 4r 15.25; common to lair yea rungs, i"-oy Jill" 00; choice to prime heifers. $11.60q : 75- rinii In choice heifers. 1 1 0. 50 & 11.60 ; common to fair heifers, $8.50(810.50; choice to prime cows. $ll.oofljiz.6o; good io choice cows, $9.604611.00; fair to good cow. $6.609.50; common to fair cows. $4.001.50; good to choice feeders, ill 00; medium to good feeders, $8.60! in on- common to fair feeders. $7.608.50; good to choice stockers. $9.0010.00; fair to good stockers.'irs.uu; common -.u lair stockers, $6.507.50: stock, heifers. $5. 75(8.00; stock cows, $5.00;7.50; stock calves, $5.508.00; veal calves, $7.50(5) 12.00- bulls, stags, etc., $6.00rJ0.E0; good to choice grass beeves, $11.75ig'12.60; fair to good grass beeves,; cum- moi- to fair grass beeves, I9.iawu.vv. BEEF STEERS. No. Av. Pr. 47 11S7 $14 00 No. Av. Tr. 30 1123 $14 00 1088 14 75 43 1113 14 25 42...1.. 45 1078 15 00 15 65 15 85 16 25 31.... .1196 16 60 15 75 16 00 22 1128 20 1353 20 1340 18 1269 .1684 TEARLINGS 11 25 16.. 13 60 32.. S23 959 11 50 14 00 16 35 16 00 8 00 8 75 9 75 S3 720 14 76 9. . 921 15 50 84.. , COWS. . . 986 ..1005 781 943 637 7 50 11.. 8 25 17. . 9 00 16. . HEIFERS. 6 75 10. . BULLS. . 893 . 875 .1130 11. 814 954 11 25 950 9 60 1 CALVES. 3S. . . . .. 473 7 00 1. 205 10 00 S 200 11 50 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 51 483 7 60 22 681 60 Hogs The week opened out with a fair run of hogs, something like 9.000 head showing up. Demand from all quarters was rather backward and a general effort was made to cheapen cost, prices for both pac-k:ng and shipping hogs were mostly 0S2 5c lower with trade very uneven. tome steady business was reported early. Bulk or the recelpta changed hands at J 14. OO H S with best lights making a top of $15.50. HOGS. No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh' Pr. $14 00 38. .331 210 $13 75 70 14 10 190 14 20 70 14 30 40 14 40 150 14 60 40 14 76 140 16 15 120 15 40 62.. 290 56. .271 55. .319 17. .268 37. . 261 0 14 15 62. .291 66. .261 75. .225 35. .188 65. .227 73. .216 61. .244 40 190 150 14 25 14 36 14 45 14 60 15 00 16 20 15 50 78. .183 2. .313 1. .182 1. .343 43. .242 1(1 Sheep and Lambs Arrival' oeep end lambs amounted to 1 i, t." '.I nead, westerns comprising the bulk of receipts. Trade was slow In getting started but packers wanted good fat lambs and values on this class of stock reflected a general advance of shout 25i best lambs here .riling at $15. 75 16.00. No material chance occurred In fat aheep ana fat iambs. Good ewes were In fair request up to $6.606'6.75, with desirable feeding lambs selling readily around $13.00 13.50. Quotations on sheep; Fat range lambs, 14. 2S?r 16.00: feeding lambs. $11.50 11.50; cull lambs. $7.010.00; yearlings. $8.30 010:25; ewes, $6.256.75; ewe culls and manners $2.OO4.00. Chicago Live Stock. Chicago, July 12. Cattle 17,000; handy weight steors firm with some sales beat higher; one lead choice 1.383 pound Au gui, top at $17.15; several pons handy weight beeves and yearllnga, $17.00; best heavy $16.90; bulk all welghta $13.26i 16.6"; grassy steers and bulk she stock and bulls and cannerp strong; calves steady to 25c lower, bulk $13.00j13.50; few choice $; Rood stockers and feeders tttrong; umloiruble klndc quiet. Hi. gs 42.000; better grades steady to 10c lower. Others mostly steady to strong; top early $16.35: bulk light and light butchers $15.85 16.25; bulk 250 pounds and over 113.909 1 5.75; pigs 26c higher; bulk, desirable kind $13.25114.00. Sheep Receipts, 15,000; slow, strong to 25c higher; choice western lambs $16.00; l-ulk- $16.404516.60; top native lambs $16.00; bulk $15.0016.00; fair native yearllnga $11.50; very good native wethera $10.00: choice western ewes, $8.60: bulk ewea $8.00 tf S.60; best feeding lambs $13.60. Kansas City Lire Stock. Kansas City, Mo.. July 12. Cattle 1. 1:00; heavy beef steers, dull; best heavies. $16.50: native grass steers. 15fr2.c lowsr- ether ateera Irregular, but mostly steady: irnne medium. $16.9"; top yearling.!. lti.50: she stock, steaav f weak: bulk 57. ooe ln.oo: ranaers. mostly $4.0004.50; Omaha Grain Omaha. July 12. Receipts of grain over Sunday were light, arrivals for two days to taling 154 cars of which were 75 cars of wheat, 53 cars of com. 26 cars el oat and no rye or barley. Trading in all grains was extremely slow and at $12:45 only a few cars of wheat and corn had been sold. Traders had difficulty in meeting on prices for these grains. There was a good demand for wheat. The market was 23c higher. Corn was in moderate demand only. Prices ranged unchanged to l2c up. White was higher and mixed un changed. No yellow corn had been marketed up to a late hour. Oats were a cent up. Rye advanced several cents and barley was not much changed. etoB WHEAT. No 1 hsrd: 1 car. $2.85. No. 2 hard, 1 car, $2.83 (smutty); 1 car, $2.81 (smutty). No. 4 hard 1 car, $2.78 (yellowl. 1 car, $2.75; 1 car, $2.74; 1 car, $2.72 (8 per cent No. 6 hard: 1 ciir. $2.72. Sample hard: ryu. CORN. No. 2 white: 1 car. $1.67; 1 car. $1.66. No. 6 white: 1 car, $1.68. No. 1 mixed: 1 car. $1.67. No. 2 mixed: 1 car, $1.62 (near white); 1 car, $1.66. No. 3 mixed: 2 cars, $1.63; 2-5 car, $1.62. No. 6 mixed: 4 car, $1.47. Sample mixed: 1 car. $1.46; 1 car, 9 1.49 (heating). OATS. No. 3 white: 6H cars, $1.01. No. 4 white: 1 car, $1.01; 1 car, $1.01 (shippers' weight). No. 2: 1 car, $2.27. BA.RLET. No. 1 feed: l car, $1.20. No. 3: V, car, $1.22. Rejected: 1 car. $1.16. OMAHA RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS. Receipts Today. Tr. ago. Wheat 75 13 Corn 53 30 Oat 26 0 Rye 2 Shipments Wheat 32 1 Corn 54 88 Oats 15 25 Rye 3 Barley 2 CHICAGO CARLOT RECEIPTS. Week Tear Contract Today. Ago. Ago. Grade. Wheat 30 () 91 4 Ctrn 285 () 169 164 Oata 120 () 124 78 KANSAS CITr RECEIPTS. Week Tear Today. Ago. Ago. Wheat 261 () 564 Corn 64 () 3 Oats s () 25 ST. LOUIS RECEIPTS. Week Tear Today. Ago. Ago. Wheat 98 () 206 Corn 115 ( 48 Oats 97 () 87 NORTHWESTERN RECEIPTS, WHEAT. Week Tear Today. Ago. Ago. Minneapolli S5 () 145 Duluth 88 ) 19 Total 123 ... 164 Winnipeg 102 ) 191 Holiday. quarantine cattle receipts, 38 cars; steady to 15 cents lower; sales, $7.7512.25; bulk, $10.2511.85; quarantine calves, $10.6011.50; other classes generally Meady: bulk, good and choice vealers, $11.60lg)12.60. Hogs 6,600; steady: top, $16 00; bulk, heavy and medium, $15.70915.90; bulk, light. $16.25iR16.75. Sheep 6,000; uneven; native ewes, mostly 26427Sc higher; bulk, $7. 008. Oil; lambs, 26tJ50c higher; top natives, $16.50. Sioux City Live stock. Sioux City. la., July 12. Cattle Re ceipts, 3,000 head; market 25c lower. Beef steers, choice fed, $13.76 (3)16.00; short fed. $12.0013.75; fed yearlings, $12.00016.00; grass steers, J9.0012.00; grass cows, $6.60 (SMi.OO: fat cows and heifers, $9.0012.50; canners. $3.fOHS6.60: vealers, $6.00tf 11.60: common calves, $5.O09.O0; feeders, $7.50 W10.25; Blockers, $6.009.00: feeding coWS, $5.0095.75; stock heifers, $5.00,6.25. Hogs Receipts, 8.000 head; market 25c lowsr. Light, I15.00)16.40: mixed, $13.50 15.00; rougn. $12.75013.50; bulk. $13.00 it 15.CC. Sheep Receipts, 600 head. Market strung. St. Joseph Lira Stock. St. Joseph Mo.. July 12. Cattle Re ceipts, 2,800 head; market for steers, 20 25c lower: steers, $9.5016.50: cows and heifers, 1 $3.76(0116.25; calves. $6.0012.76. Hogs Receipts, 5.500 head; market opened steady; top, $16.00; bulk, $15.00 16.00. Sheep Receipts. 2.600; market for lambs, 2050c higher; sheep, steady; ewes, $; lambs. $14.76 16.00. St. Louis Live Stock. East St. Louis, III., July 12. Cattle Receipts. 5.000 head; native steers, steady to 25c lower; Texaa and Oklahoma steers, steady; top steers. $16.25: bulk. $11.0" 14.50; yearlings, steera and heifers, 25c higher; canner cows, strong at $3.754.50; bulls, steady: calves, 25c higher; heavy and choice vealers, $12.60-313.50. HogF Receipts, 8.900 head: firm to a shade higher: top, 116.55; bulk, light and medium, $16.2518.60; bulk, heavy, $15.75 ?16.25. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 4.000 head; lambs strong to 10c higher; top lambs. $16.60; hulk. $14.50fri5.60: top ewes, $6.00; bulk, $5.5066.00. Kansas City IJve Stock. Kansas City, Mo., July 12. Cattle Re. eeipts, 16.000 head; heavy beef steers: dull: best heavies. $16.60; other steers Irregular, but mostly steady: prime me dium weights. $16.90; top yearlings $16.50: she stock, steady to weak: bulk. $7.50010.00; canners, mostly $4. 00 4.50; other classes generally steady: bulk iroort and choice vealers. $11.5012.60. Hogs Receipts, 6,500 head; market steady: top, $16.00; bulk heavy ana me dium. $15.70015.90; bulk light. $15.25 15.75. Sheep and Lambs Recelpta, 5.000 head vneven; native ewes, mostly 25c to 75c higher: bulk. $7.008.00; lambs, 25c to 50c higher; top, natives. $15.60. Evaporated Apples and Dried Trulls. New Tork. July 12. Evaporated Apples Quiet; Callfornlas. 11 15c; state, 13 184c 1 Prunes Eav; California, Sfi29c: Ore gon. 11 4 20c. Apricots Firm: choice, :6j27c: extra choice. 29c; fancy, 33c. Peaches Quiet; standard. 174'6'l9c; choice, 18((r20 4c; fancy, l21c-. Raisins Firm; loose muscatels, 24 (S) 74c; choice to fancy seeded, 2343'25c; seedless, 23427c. New Tork Sugar. New Tork, July 12 Sugsr Raw. firm; centrifugal, 11.56c. Refined, steady; fine granulated. 22.eOtf24.OOc. The market for sugar, futures was quiet early and. aside from September, which was unrhanged. prices were lower under scattered liquidation, showing declines of 5 to 20 points for active deliveries. Unseed Oil. .- Duluth. Minn.. Julv 12. Llnteed. $.",.72 C177; arrive. $' fl and Industrial News of Chicago Grain By CHARLES D. MICHAELS. Chicago Trlbune-Onmlia Bee Leased Wire. Chicago, July 12. Black rust re ports are increasing in numbers and in seriousness from the spring wheat territory. This led to short covering and also considerable buying of corn and oats by the local element. Above $1.62 for September corn, stop loss orders were uncovered and for a time it looked as though prices were to work much higher as there was little pressure on the market. The bulge, however, brought out heavy profit-taking by some of the buyers on last week's decline, and later when the visible supply was posted showing an increase of 1,195, 000 bushels in corn and 200,000 bush els cash grain was sold to go to Store at $t.62-3j, the early buyers started to sell out. This disclosed an over bought condition in the pit and a sharp break followed, the close be ing l;-jjl3-4C lower with December leading. Oats followed corn and lost f:j(SRC, while rye was 'AQ'Zc higher and barley LJ4C lower. sy4ing, taoientapintaoin nu 1111 nu Corn Is Stronger. With the corn market deriving consid erable strength from the prospective dam age to spring wheat from black rust rapid fluctuations are not surprising to the. trade. There was little In the news on corn that attracted much attention early, as weather and crop reports were favoi able. Cash corn prices were 23o higher, etrly, but the finish was weak and l'iOlc lower than Saturday's finish. No. 2 mixed brought 2c over July. The latter was sold early by a leading cash house, but it bought more than it sold on the early break. July oats continue to show congestion and closed at 1714c over September against 17 fie at the finish Saturday. Shorts covered freely early on the strength in corn and in the sample market here iiricea were 1iS'2c higher. Premiums were ll12e over July for No. 2 white during th early trading, but they were offered at 10c without buyers at the last. Barley Is Unchanged. Prop and weather reports were favor able. Receipts, 95 cars. Country more dis posed to sell to arrive as interior eleva tors have shipped the greater par', of their corn. Houses with seaboard connections were free buyers of September rye and that delivery with the July advanced to a new high on the crop. Profit-taking and the weakness In corn caused a reaction from the top. Small sales were made to the seaboard at 19c over July, track New York, for September shipment. No, 2 on track brought 2c over July, with salcg at $3.352.35i. Receipts, 10 cars. Barley prices wore unchanged with feed dealers the best buyers. Shipping demand poor, a small cargo being offered at ,$1.33 c. i. t. Buffalo, without takers. Spot sales were at $1.181.34. Receipts, 20 -cars. Seaboard bids, c. i. f. Georgian bay and track New Tork, advanced 6(g7c as compared with Saturday and at the gulf were up 34c. A large short inter est for July and August shipment is said to exist at the gulf and bids of $2.80 at loading stations were made for No. 1 hard or red winter at some Illinois points during the day, July shipment to New Orleans. Spot Wheat in Demand. Bids to arrive, track Chicago for No. a red or hard winter were 4c higher with July $5.79; first half August $2.77 and all August, $2.73. Spot wheat was 1n good demand and l2c higher at Chicago, with No. 1 yellow hard sold at $2.90; No. 3 hard at $3.84 and No. 4 hard at $2.80. Receipts, 20 cars; Minneapolis,! 5 1&1 1 0c higher and Kansas City unchanged to 4c higher. Pit Notes. Grain Inspected today: Wheat, 18 cars corn, 231 cars; oats, 95 cars; rye, 11 cars bariey, 20 cars. Le Counts wires from New riin, Minn : All wheat fields damaged In this lo cality, infected with black rust; some fields badly irfected. Early fields In the dough and damage In these fields will be slight, hut I think late wheat will be badly damaged. Reports of rust are coming from a very wide area, and I expect a very serious condition to develop farther north, where crops are later, during the next two weeks. Weather falriv f vers hie fn. wheat .though a little too hot." Mayfleld i Co. have the following from the northwest: "They don't realize yet the seriousness of this black rust. It Is In north end of North Dakota and west of Missouri river." ( Logan & Bryan's St. Louis office wires: Missouri state report makes wheat crop 2,000,000 bushels more than last month. Corn crop promises a good yield and prob ably the largest on record. Average 16 per cent larger than last year." Broomhall cables reports firmer market for corn In tho United Kingdom and the Argentine and attibutes strength to bet ter bids from continental merchants. Local house reports a small cargo of No. 3 barley offered the cast at $1.32 c. 1. f. Buffalo and finding no takers. Overnight shipping sales wero 4.000 bush els corn and 8,000 hushels oats, Sale reported of 200,000 bushels torn to go to store at $1.62 . Clement, Cutris & Co. have following from C. E. Lew-is of Minneapolis: "This rust promises to become a very big factor In the grain markets before the end of the week. Rains up this way will make It worse." Western hog receipts today wero 106,450 head, against holiday last week, and 132, 867 head last year; two years ago, 109,491 head. Pontlac, Til., writes aBrtlftt, Frazler Co., as follows: "Large percentage of oat crop is lust as good as made in this ter ritory and looks now like a safe 50 bushels 1 per acre crop on fields where harvesting 1 has commenced." Illinois t.entral crop report says acre age of corn slightly Increased: condition 4 in Illinois and I11O In Iowa. Wheat and oats are doing very well. CHICAGO CLOSING PRICES. By fpdike Grain Co, Pone "6"7 lulv 1- I'Oiik. -1-1. ,'Ui.v 1.. I Art'-a ! Open. High Low. i Close I hat dy Corn July Sept. Dec. Rye July Sept. Oats .'ulv Sept. Dec. I 1.62 1.60 n 1.464 1.634 1.5941 1.5941 1.61 4 1.624J 1.584 1.59 1.4741 1.424 1.434' 1.444 2.334, 2.37 2.33 2.33 J 2.31 4 $.0241 2.01 I 1.994 2.00 2.00 .47',. .SO ,974 .80 I 77 .97 .81 .78 .8241 .794 .824 .80', Pork I July tot. Lard Julv Sept. Riba July Sen. 28.30 30.50 .8.50 30.80 !2.3U 130.27 28.50 30.27 128.30 30.21, I I'.'. 10 1 19. S5 1 1 6.8.-, 1I1. 77 119.17 II 0 19.2" 20.00 .18.95 19.70 18.93 19.70 16.77 17.85 116.77 117.90 -16.77 !17.65 116.77 117.67 Visible Grain Supply. New Tork, July 12. The visible supply of American and bonded grain shows the 'onowing cnanges: Wheat, decrease Corn Increase . . 'tats, decresse . Rye decreased . . Barley Increase . .$1,417,000 . . .1,195,000 . . . .4 42.000 ;:-, 51, "00 St. I.nui (.rtiln. SI l.euls. .Inly I 2 Oh n J-ll . $163; Sudeiuher. $I.U'.. Uj I (i J 11 l.v , 9:tr. S. ntemlier. 52 Uc Financial Chicago Trlhune-Oriinlia lice Leased IV ire. New York, July 12. Slocks re ceded today in a fashion which dis closed an underlying nervousness in to convert paper profits into cash without taking undue risk. An 8 per cent call loan rate, which pre vailed for all loans and renewals, was hardly high enaugh to be called onerous, in contrast with going quo tations or other forms of accom modations but it seemed as though nnny market followers were disap pointed. Then, in the afternoon Wall street comment stressed the reports coming from various parts of the country 011 coal shortages and inadequate railroad transporta tion with especial attention to a pos sible slackening of industry. For a time in the forepart of the session, a strong tone among partic ular railroad shares helped to check realizing sales of the industrials, but liter they all moved off together. Net declines of 1 to more than 3 points were quite widely distributed among steel, petroleum, automobile .nnd allied issues and miscelaneous manufacturing shares at the end of the day. The rails were irregular. Interest Kates Drop. While the situation of money and credit la a prime influenco behind stock market operations, end promises so to be for a long time to come, it appeared donbtful whether consideration of these factors was of much immediate force today. Tho day's call loan rate certainly was not out of lino with the late rise of the quotation to 10 per cent last Friday, and time money rates were quotahly easier. Some four or six months, funds were In tho market at 74 per cent, which was a full 1 per cent lower , than at tho end of last week and shorter maturities were a. shade lower than on Friday. There evidently was not an appreciably increased supply of offerings at the changed levels, and the market as a whole was inactive. The rates mentioned were for loans secured by mixed railroad and industrial col lateral, while .all industrial loans remained firm at the previous figures. What dis turbed speculators more than the cost of borrowed funds was the continued talk of idle steel mills and of closed factories in other lines in case the distribution of fuel were not speeded up In the neat fu ture. To Study Transportation. However, as last week's advance had been based on sensational causes rather than new and concrete events of economic importance, the situation In part could fairly be ascribed to a cooling of rosy thoughts of a continued rise of prices dur ing July and August. On Wednesday rail road executives ore to survey at a meet ing here the result of a broad study of the transportation field nnd from It may came figures tending to stabilize the con fusing reports coming from many manu facturing centers. The conservative mar ket following Is deviating attention to actual events having application to quota tions, and among them there Is slight In clination to be moved by a single day's trend of the highly speculative stocks. It was noticeable today that some of the issues which aro known in lodom of the street as "personally conducted" were the most vulnerable to selllnfg. Gold Still Coming. America continues to draw gold from Europe. $3,150,000 more of the metal be ing received -on Sunday and mora than $1,000,000 ctfrnlng on an early steamer. These weekly acquisitions, If the move ment should persist, and the exchanges at present fall to show why It should not, will amount to a sizeable amount before long and are not to be overlooked In considering our gold reserves. Sterling exchanges patsed today in the gradual ad vance record almost dally last week, re cedln a full cent to $3.93 Vi for checks The continental exchange were slightly unsteady. - The price of silver In the open market rose of a cent per ounce to 92 c. Bonds and notes furnished by refers Trust Co. daily quotation sheet. Bid Asked. American Tel. ft Tel. 6s, 1924 .924 J 3 American Tel. & Tel. 6s. 1925 .93 Do 4 American Tobacco, 7s. 1921 American Tobacco, 7s, 1922. A American Tobacco, 7s, 1923, ..394 IOOI Anaconda Copper. 6s. 1929 8,4 884 Anglb-French Ext., 5s, 192". ..994 994 Armour ft Co., eon d.. 6s. 20-24,944 J' . llethlehem Steel Co., 7s. 1922. .. Helh'lehem Steel Co., 7s, 1923, 9t4 97 Hritish, 54s. 1921 C. B. ft Q 4, 1921 93. 03-4 Cudahy Pack. Co., 7s, 1923. ..9,4 JJ'-'i Liggett ft Mvers. 6s. 1921. ..!6k 964 Procter & Gamble, 7s, 1922 ..994 , Procter, ft Gamble. 7s. 1923, ..994 ti ITnion Pacific Co. 6s. 1928, ...954 Wilson Conv. 6s. 192, ...... .84 4 5 New York Money. Nfw Tork. July 12. Mercantile Paper 7- ((ii8 per cent. Exchange Easy. Sterling Demand, $3,94 4: cable, $3 94 Francs Demand, 8.38c; cables, 8.40c Belgian Francs Demand, 8.93c; cabl.s, 9.01c. Guilders Demand. 35.25c: cables. 35.27c. Lire Demand. 6.00c; cables, 6.02c. Marks Demand, 2.61r; cables. 2.62c. New York Exchange on Montreal 12 Time Loans Strong: 60 das. 90 days and six months. 84 per cent. Call Money Steady: high, a per cent; low, 8 per cent: ruling rate. 8 per cent; closing bid, 7 per cent: offered at 8 per cent; last loan. 8 per rent. Chicago Stocks. The following quotations are fiirulsdi'd I by Logan ft Bryan, members of all prin- ! : ... ,-. , n,.m . 'ai.r. Tnut ,-...11,1,..,. (formerly Hee Building). 17th and Farnsm streets, Omaha, Nebraska: tvmmonweaHh Edlsnn Co.... Ubhy, McNeil ft Lihhy Mr-ntgomery Ward Co National Leather Ri Motor Car Co Swift ft Co Swift International L'nion Carbide ft CarboiCt'o.. .10.' . 124 . 34 . 114 . 22 .108 4 . 36 4 . 67 Liberty Bond Trices. New York. July 12. l.ihertv Bonds Prices at l.oon today were. 34s, 91.10: first Is. 86.30; second Is, 85.64; first 4 Us 86.30; second 4Us. 83.86; third 44s, 83 60; fourth 4 Us, 85.96; Victory 34s. 95.38: Victory 4B. 95.98. Liberty bonds final prices today: 34s, 90.92; first 4s, 86.10; second 4s. I s.i.6"; first 4 US. 86.42: seoona 4,4s,; loiru t -4 3, a.-.!); lourill -4", "t,-, iv- tory 3;s, 95.98; Victory 4is, 06 96. Bar Silver. New York, July 12. Bar mestlc, 994'': forolgn, 92c Mexican Dollars 70'4c. Silver Do New York Curb Storks. Ctsderi Oil 7 4 'a Klk llasln s m SU I 24 I Bonds and Notes ', Cloiirnclt Oil ; 4 7 ' Suplllps I Ml 5 4 fa I r S. Steamship C ''i i u hltv ull 13 4 'a the Day New York Quotations Range of prices of the leading stocks furnished by Logan & Bryan, Peters Trust lulldliig. Saturday RAILS. High. Low. Close. Close. A . T. S. !' e 1 8O7 8,17i 811! lialtimnrc Ohio 33-1, 32 Vi 32t Canadian Pacific. . 1 26 t 123' 12314 122', N. V. & jr. R 707 ;o 70 13 Erie It R 13 a, Ot. Northern, pfd. 72'h Chi. it. Western.. 8 ' Illinois Central 82 Mo., Kan. K- Tex. . 7 ii Kan. city Southern 18"ij .Missouri Pacific... 26 N. V.. N. 11. A- Jl . . 32 Northern Pac. Ity 7 Sty I'tll. Xr N. W 71 JVinisylvanla Ry. .. 40 Ueiidlng Co 92 C, R. .1. R P. ... 38' Southern Pacific. 95S, Southern Railway.. 30', 12 70 S's 81 18 26 30H 72V "0 39 ' 901 37H 94i IS '4 72 S2ij 7 18', 26 30", 72Vi 70 19 901 S71 94i 29g 7 18 26 1 73 7014 40 9IU 38 95 29H 1 2li, 84 Chi., Mil. A- St. P.. 36 ii 35 Union Pacific 116' 116', 1161 116 Wabash 9 8!t 8' 8 STEELS. Am. Car Fdry. ..1391i 13714 137 '4 140t Allis-Chalmers JMfg :i8 37 37 38 14 An-. Loco. Co 10214 100 inn 1113 Haldwln Loco Wks.123'4 119'-i 119; 23"4 Beth Steel Corp... 91 '4 89t R9i 91 Crucible Steel Co.156'4 151 4 52 Vu 157 Anicr. St I Found.. 38 4 385 38' 39 Lackaw. S. Co.... 77 75 7c 77 Midvale S. Ord. 42'4 42 42'i 42', Press. Steel C. ('..10014 I1104 loot Jul' Rrp. Iron & S. C. 964 93 94 964 Pallwav Steel S.. 99 ;is 98 '19 Shss-Shf. S. & r. . 7414 73 73 7i United Stales Stl. 91 924 924 94'i COPPERS. Anaconda Cop M. 66 5634 6IVa Am. smlt. & K. c. ti;i4 Putto S. M. Co Chile Copper Co.. 154 15, limo copper Co.. 31 31 31 Il.sp. Cons. Cop 52 51 51 51i Konmcott Copper.. 26 ll J6 26 25'' Miami Copper Co.. 214 214 314 Nev. Cons. Cop. Co. 13 13 13 .... I!ay Cops. Cop. Co. 16i 16J 16; 16 Si Utah Coppe:- Co... . 684 684 6S4 684 INDUSTRIALS. Am. Beet. Sugar Co 944 933. 94'i 91 A., G. W. 1. K. S.. 164 4 168 158 164 Am. Internal. Corp 884 864 864 884 Am. Sum. 'fob. Co 934 91 4 914 934 Am Tel. & Tel... 934 93 93 934 Am. Zinc. Id. Smlt. 144 144 14'4 Jlrook'n Rap Trans. 11 4 114 114 114 Bethlehem Motors. 23 22 22 23'8 American Can Co. .43 41 41 42:!ji Chandler Mtr. Car.1024 101 101 1024 Central LthrCo. ... 64 64 64 67'i Cuba Cane bur. Co. 53U 514 SI 4 Cal. Pack. Corp 714 Cal. J'etro'm Corp. 32 314 31 4 33 Corn Prod. Rf. Co. 964 934 94 961 Nat. Enam & Stmp. 70 70 70 ..... Flsl: Rubber Co.... 34 32; 334 34 C.en'al Kloctrle Co.142'4 142 1424 114 Gaston Wms. ft W. VI 124 12. 13 Oen. Motors Co 26 4 264 264 27 Goodrich Co 63 62 62 644 Am. Hide & Lthr ni Haskell (k Brkr.Car 764 73 74 75 U.S. Ind. Al.-o. Co. 914 914 914 914 Internat. Nickel... IS 4 17?t 1" 18 Jnternat Paper Co. 874 844 S44 864 AJax Rubber Co... 644 63 63 624 Kelly-Sp'gfld. Tire. 112, 109 1094 112 Keystone Tir. 4V R . 294 27; 274 234 Internat. Merc. Mar 32 4 32 32 33 Maxwell Motor Co. 24 24 24 25 Mer. Petroleum ..195 1874 1874 195't Mid. States Oil 224 214 214 31i Pure Oil 424 414 414 424 Willys-Overland Co 194 18, 18 4 19 Pierce Oil Corp... 16 154 154 16 Pan-Am. P. & T. 1064 1024 103; 106 Fierce-Arrow Mot. 544 52 52 544 Royal Dutch Co.. 1144 112 113 113 U. S. Rubber Co... 102 984 984 1014 Am. ST Ktr. Co.. 128 Sinclair Oil ft Rfg. 32 31 4 Strnmberg Cb. Co. 954 864 Htudebaker Corp.. 954 734 Tob. Products Co.. 714 694 Trans-Con. Oil I64 16 Texas Co 47 8; 46 4 V. S. Food P. C. 704 684 P. S. Sm., R. & M. 59 4 59 The White M. C. 62 52 Wilson Co., Inc.. 60 4 59 4 Wesllnghousc A Western, Cnlon... 81 " 81 West. E. ft Mfg.. 494 494 American Wool. C. 904 S6 4 Total sales, 782,500. Money Close. 7 per cent: close, 00. Marks Close. .0263 4 914 4 764 Vi 71 16; 4 47 4 704 Vx 534 '4 60 4 .. 1084 Saturday haturday close, .0265. Sterling Close, 3.91; Satur day close, 3.954. New York Coffee. New Yorjt, July 12. The market for coffee futures lost the greater part of Its lally of late last week during todav's trading with both September and Decem ber contracts again breaking below the 12-cent level. This was due to the re newed weakness of the Santos market, wnten seemed to be the more Imprssive The 6 First Mortgage Bonds Owned and Recommended by Home fiuilderS Bear a rate of intereit which will easily be within the ability of the makers to pay under any conditions which are likely to develop during the life of the bonds. There is nothing spas modic about these bonds. They constitute a safe, conservative investment. For full information, call at our office, write or phone. Ask for bond literature and monthly bond list. For those who do not possess the ready cash for a bond, we have a monthly invest ment plan which is practical and convenient. American Security Company FISCAL AGENTS Dodge, at 18th OMAHA G. A. ROHRBOUGH, Pres. C. C. SHIMER, Sec. is the story of Peter Perkins and how he accumulated $10,000 in. ten years by saving $25 per month. One of our investors wrote that "Getting Ahead" has made him realize that every dol lar he saves he can invest with comparative safety and high yield. Another says it opened up to him the possibility of profitable investment in bonds and stocks. We will gladly send a copy of "Getting Ahead." KRIEBEL & CO. INVESTMENT BANKERS 137 SouthLaSdlleSt.. i CHICAOO A Beginning Monday, July 12 the office of the Omaha Loan and Building Association will be open from 8 A. M. to 4 P. M. Saturdays, 8 A. M. to 1 P. M. Northwest Corner Dodge and 15th Streets eMJJiJlj SeCliritv ReaI Estate is the basis of all material V wealth. No man can offer better se curity than well located business property. The American Bank building site Is located in the heart of Omaha's business activities; therefore the safety of the investment is unsurpassed. Earnincr Pnwr The rental income of the L-ariUIlg T OWer Arnerican Bank Building has been very conservatively estimated as more than three times the dividend requirements. These se curities yield 8 as a minimum and participate in the earnings of the company. Onnnrtlinitv Thlls viewed from every angle, upuuriunuy SAFEXY of prkcipal its earn: ing capacity and certainty of 8 OR BETTER re turns, we feel that no investment offered the gen eral public can compare with these AMERICAN BANK BUILDING securities. Offered in Amounts of $500.00 or More. Terms if Desired. For Full Particulars Address: American Bank Building Co. Room 6, Wead Building. UPDIKE SERVICE We Specialize in the Careful Handling of Orders for Grain and Provisions FOR FUTURE DELIVERY IN AI5 Important Markets WE ARE Cbicago Board of Trad. St. Louis Merchants Enchant Milwaukee Chamber of Commerce Kansas City Board of Trade Minneapolis Chamber of Commerce Sioux City Board of Trade Omaha Grain Exchange WE OPERATE OFFICES "AT ! OMAHA. NEB. CHICAGO, ILL. GENEVA, NEB. LINCOLN, NEB. SIOUX CITY. IA. DES MOINES. IA. HASTINGS. NEB. HOLDREGE. NEB. MILWAUKEE. WIS ATLANTIC, IA. HAMBURG, I A. All of these offices are connected with each other by private wires. We are operating large up-to-date terminal elevators in the Omaha and Milwaukee markets and are in position to handla your shipments in the best possible manner i. e., Cleaning, Transfering, Storing, etc. It will pay you to get in touch with one of our offices when wanting to BUY or SELL any kind of grain. WE SOLICIT VOUR Consignments of All Kinds of Grain to OMAHA, CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE and SIOUX CITY Every Car Receives Careful Personal Attention The Updike Grain Company THE RELIABLE v. The Value of Liberty Bonds is shown in our bow folder describing the original and converted issues of Liberty Bonds and Victory Notes. Copy on request for OB-317 Tlve National Gtjf Company 'Offices In over 50 Cities Omaha First National Bk. Bldg. Telephone Douglas 5316 We Offer $500,000.00 American Bank Building 8 Participating Preferred Stock Tax Free in Nebraska i Exempt From Norma! Income Tax. Non-Assessable. Omaha, Nebraska. MEMBERS OF- CONSIGNMENT HOUSE y 1