Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 10, 1920, Page 18, Image 18

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j.'BllllilllljllllliMWf , , IJMilL HIIIIIIIIIIMI'llllMlimLMIU-a
Arthur Blancett, Murderer of
Clyde D. Armour, Pays
Penalty for Crime on
The Scaffold.
Santa Fe, N. M July 9. Albert
V. Blancett, convicted of the mur
der of Clyde D. Armour, was liangcd
in the jail yard here at 5:22 o'clock
this morning:. The crime was com
mitted October 23, 1916. The case
has been in all state courts and a
plea for executive clemency was re
fused the man's mother.
The crime for which Albert W,
Blancett was convicted was the mur
der of Clyde D. Armour, near
Glorieta, N. if., about 20 miles east
of here, October 23, 1916.
Armour Sioux City Man.
Armour, who lived at Sioux City,
la., where he was employed as chief
clerk in the passenger office of the
Northwestern Railroad company,
left his home September 29, 1916, ac
companied by his mother and sis
ter, en route to California in a new
eight cylinder automobile. On ar
riving at Clarks, Neb., the sister was
taken ill and when recovered suf
ficiently to travel she and her
mother proceeded to their destina
tion, Fresno, Cal., by train. Clyde
Armour continued the trip by ante.
He arrived in Denver, October 19.
He asked the Y. M. C. A. at Den
ver to find a companion who desired
to travel by auto to the coast. Tho
"Y" being unable to find such a man,
Armour inserted a want ad in ov.i
of the Denver papers, which wa.i
answered by Blancett, an agreement
was reached ajid they started west
ward. Never Reached Santa Fe.
Armour never reached Santa Fe,
but a man representing himself to 1)2
Armour arrived here October 23,
registering a a local hotel. When
lie did so he committed the first in
riiscretion 'which led to his arrest
later on, as, when he started t
write "C. D. Armour" the first let
ter he made was "F.." This he
changed, making a "C" over the let
ter "E" which he had first written.
He remained here until October 27,
going then to Albuquerque, where
he sold the automobile for $500. The
right of October 30 he boarded a
train at Albuquerque and evidently
went straight through to California.
By November 13 Mrs. Armour
who, with her daughter, had reached
Fresno, became so alarmed over the
tailure of her son to arrive that she
began investigation. Her son-in-law,
Myron T. Sawyer, went to
Needles, Cal., from which point
Mrs. Armour had received a mes
sage, purporting to be from her son,
tc the effect that he had sold tht
tar and would continue his trip to
Fresno by train. Inspecting the
origins! of this telegram, Mr. Saw
yer at once decided that it was a
torgery. Sawyer went to San Diego
and Los Angeles and finally came
on to Alubquerque and Santa Fe.
Much Sleuthing Done.
About this time Armour's two
brothers arrived liere from Sioux
City to take charge of the search
They learned. .that the man who
posed as Armour, during some of
his conversations had' said that he
once lived near Aztec, San Juan
county, and mentioned the name of
his mother, Who had remarried fol
lowing the death of her first hus
band, Blancett's father. This is be
lieved to have furnished the officers
with the clew which led to his ar
rest at the home of his mother at
Friday Harbor, Wash., December
31, 1916, the family having moved
there from New Mexico.
After Blancett was arrested he re
quested permission to step into a
cook shack to "say good-by" to
somebody. A moment later there
was a report of a gunshot from the
interior of the shack. Investigation
- showed that Blancett has almost
ended his life by firing a charge of
shot into his neck. When asked why
he replied: "I couldn't tell mother."
Found Armour's Body.
.Although a diligent search was
made in the mountains east of here.
Armour's body was not found until
January 14. when a dog belonging
to Antonio Sandoval y Griego walked
into the house carrying a part of a
human leg bone, on which a shoe
still remained. Antonio followed the
dog on the back trail and found the
bones that remained of ; Armour's
body in an arroyo 300 yards from
the main road. About 20 feet away
from the skeleton lay a shotgun and
some clothing. Marks on the cloth
ing and papers in the pockets served
to indicate that the clothes were Ar
mour's. At an autopsy held later on
six shots were taken from the base
of the skull, indicating that the fatal
shot was fired from behind, severing
arteries and inflicting a wound from
which the victim quickly bled to
Blancett was placed on trial in the
Santa Fe county district court April
13, 1917. The jury returned a verdict
of guilty of murder in the first de
gree April 24. Blancett, when placed
on the witness stand, admitted shoot
ing Armour but said it was an acci
dent. He said he got out of the car
to hunt and that while he was walk
ing behind Armour he stumbled and
in trying to save himself from fall
ing the gun he was carrying was dis
charged Five Generals Have
Revolted Against New
Mexican Government
Mexico City, July 9. Five gen
erals have taken up arms against
the new Mexican government, Pro
visional President De la Huerta told
foreign correspondents last night,
but he declared they did not consti
tute a miliary menace, since they
had but very few followers. Ho
estimated that not more than 500
men had been involved in recer.c
He asserted the army had been
reorganized, that unstable forces
could not shake the administration.
"The Carranza government," said
De la Huerta, laughing, "stood for
more than four years against over
25,000 rebels, and there is no reason
why the present government cannot
contend with less than 504,"
Store Open
Saturday Till 6 P. M.
Store Open
Saturday Till 6 P. M.
July Clearance Sales in
.53.50 Dress Shirts
at $2.45
About 1,500 shirts includ
ed in this lot, in madras,
woven and printed, and
good quality percale,
Saturday $2.45
Men's Athletic Nainsook and Madras Union
Suits, former price $1.50 and $1.75, hundreds of
suits in all sizes, Saturday at 98c
Clearance sale of Men's Silk Shirts, all shirts
selling up to $18, Saturday $11.00
All Silk Shirts selling up to $12.50,
Saturday at . .$7.50
Toilet Goods, Drugs
75c Djer-Klss Face Powder, our special cash
price, at 59
$1.00 Mavis Talcum, our cash price 79
50c Pompeian Bloom Rouge, cash price. 39
35c Woodbury Cold Cream, cash price.. 21
35c Odorono, our special cash price.. . .272
35c Sal Hepatlca, our cash price 27
25c Aspirin Tablets, cash price, dozen.. 15
15c Epson Salts, 1-pound package, our cash
price ..8- 2 for 152
15c Jap Rose Soap, cash price, 3 cakes. 25
10c Magic Dye Flakes, our cash price.... 5
$3.00 Chamois Skins, (extra quality large oil
tanned skins) very rpeclal, cash price... $2
$1.50 Bath Brushes, special cash price. 86
White Mountain Refrigerator, Sid Icr,
capacity 12S pounds for $40.00
Oak Ice Cheat, Ice capacity 160 lbs.... 924.00
Moulded Garden Hose, 7-ply, H-ineh, 60-foot
lengths and couplings for $7.00
Moulded Garden Hsse, 7-ply, H-lnch, 60-foot
lengths and couplings for $8.00
8-Cup size Aluminum Percolator ,at. ...$2.00
6- quart Heavy Aluminum Preserving Ket
tle for $1.89
Aluminum Double Boiler, 2-quart size. $1.98
3-quart Heavy Aluminum Sauce Pan, with
wooden handle, at, $1.00
Round Aluminum Angel Food Cake Pan, with
removable bottom, at $1.25
Oval Shape Aluminum Roaster for $3.50
Aluminum Muffin Pans for 854
S-quart Aluminum Sauce Pans, with cover,
cash price for $1.59
7- quart Aluminum Tea Kettle for. $3.75
Clothing Values
in Our July Clearance
Men's, Young Men's
- and Boys' Spring
and Summer Suits
Hart Schaffner & Marx
Made most of them for us, and
most of them are priced now for
quick clearance at less than man-'
ufacturers' cost, and for less than the
same merchandise could be replaced to
day. Pick out some classy suit for your
self or the boy Saturday. Every garment
fully guaranteed.
July Clearance
Groyer Oxfords in black and brown
vlci kid, with genuine hand turned
and Goodyear welt soles, $15.00 val
ues. Clearance price $10.00
Crossett Oxfords for men in dark
brown vici kid and dark brown calf
skin, nothing better made for wear
and appearance, sold all season for
$16.00. CUarance price.. .$12.00
Men's Brown and Black Calf Skin
Shoes, Goodyear welt soles and
Union Made. "Hayden's Special,"
$8.50 values. Clearance price, per
pair $6.50
Women's BlBck and Tan 'lci Rid
Oxfords, with leather French heels,
$7.50 values. Clearance price, per
pair, at $5.00
Women's Black and Brown Tlci Md
Stripped Pumps, with leather
French heels. $5.50 and $7.50 values.
Clearance price $4.00
Women's White Mary Jane and 2
Strap Camas romps. Clearance
price $2.00
Misses' and Child's Barefoot San
dah and Skuffers. Clearance price,
at 81.00
Men's Dark Brown Skuffers. with
heavy stitch down soles and ana
tomic heels, $3.00 values. Clearance
price $2.00
Remarkable Apparel Values in Great July Clearance Sales
Women's and Misses' Suits, Coats, Dresses, Skirts Blouses
A Clean-Sweep Sale of All Spring and Summer Stocks A Wonderful Saving Opportunity.
Women's and Misses' Coats,
Wraps rid Dresses that sold
from $33 to $69, Saturday ,
at $25
Lot of Women's and Misses'
Spring and Summer Suits, Coats
and Dresses, sold up to $25, Sat
urday . .$10
Lot of Women's and Misses'
Spring and Summer Suits, Coats
and Dresses, that sold up to
$29.50, Saturday at $15
Tourists' Coats
Lot of Long Linene Sicilians,
Auto or Tourist Coats, sold up to
$8.95, Saturday $5
Lot of Women's Silk Skirts, in pop
lins, failles, baronett satins and nov
elty silks, light and dark shades, sold
$12.50 to $20, Saturday $10.00
Tourists' Coats
Another lot of Linene Auto or
Tourist Coats, sold up to $6.50,
Saturday on sale at $2.95
A Half
Sale of
Another of Our Famous Half Priee
Hosiery Sales 'Will Be ft
Featnre Saturday,
Over 6,000 Pain of Women'! OoN
ored Summer Silk Hosier in reg
ular and extra sizes, all best makes,
all first quality good, clean mer
chandise never sold for less than
$2.50. some up to $3.25. All go for
our low cash price Saturday, per
pair, at 81.24
Women's Fine Mercerised lisle
Colored Hose, in all sizes, fashioned
and seamless, regular 89c and
$1.00 quality. Clean-up price Sat
urday, per pair ....484
Lot of fine
Crepe Blouses, that sold
$12.50 to $20, Saturday
at........... $10
Saturday in Children's Section
Girls Dresses, colors and white, including Susie Smart style dresses,
worth $5.00, Saturday, at $2.98
Girls White Dresses at Eednced
Prices Saturday.
$7.50 White Dresses, at. $5.00
$10.00 White Dresses, at $7.50
Sale of Baby Bonnets
Special lot of $1.50 and $1.08
Baby Bonnets. Saturday, $1.00
Special lot of $2.50 and $2.98
Baby Bonnets, Saturday, $1.95
$12.50 and $15.00 White Dresses.Saturday, at $10.00
Ten dozen Women's and
Misses' Middies, elegant
values, Saturday
at $2.50
Omaha's Popular
Sanitary Market
isr l7i2c
Roast, lb. AJ
Sugar '
Cured AC
Bacon, lb. ... Vv'
Lamb Legs, lb.... 25c
Veal Breast, lb.... 15c
All kinds of choice
fresh and smoked meats
at - the . lowest cash
W TJrgt the Housewife to Bay
. At Hayden's
Ami Redars the H. C. 1- Read
Oar Grocery Special for Sataurday.
Gallon Cans of Pumpkin...... 504
Gallon Cans of Tomatoes. ... .4304
Gallon Cana of Prunes.... 4)1.20
Gallon Cans of Apples 504
Your choice of odds and ends
of Corsets, pink batiste, sum
mer nets, white coutila and
fancy figures, range of sizes,
19 to 36. Regular price $3.00.
special, at $1.98
Brassieres and Bandeau,
front and back' fastenings,
lace and embroidery trim
med, special, at. 68f)
u .r
Corset Deptr-Second Floor.
Gallon Cans of Peaches 81.20
Gallon Cans of Apricots. .. .1.20
Gallon Cans of Pineapple UUC
Gallon Cans Tomato Catsup....!
3 Cans Pork and Beans... 1BC
t Cana Pumpkin. ...... 13 '44
1 Cans Pumpkin 74
I Cans Lima Beans 154
3 Cans Fancy Corn. Peas or
Tomatoes for 12 "4
No. 3 Cans Kidney Beans 154
No. 3 Cans Sweet Potatoes.... 254
No. 3 Cans Hominy 154
New Millinery Sacrificed
Before Inventory
Our most beautiful
collection of abso
lutely new Millinery
must be closed out
regardless of cost be-
lp fore inventory.
All white, pink, Orchid, navy and black Hats, including many
never shown before this sale.
Four Great Price Groups
Every beautiful Georgette Hat in flesh, white, orchid and navy.
Every Taffeta Hat, many in beautiful white combinations, just
received. Every Ribbon Hat for- street and sports wear.
Every Transparent Hat. Early Fall Hats not included.
No Refunds, No Exchanges Every Sale Must Be Final.
Women's and Children's Sum
mer Underwear
Greatly Underpriced
Women's Cotton I'nion Suits, with lace bottom or tight knee,
also fine lisle vests with hand crochet yokes or bodice tops,
pink or white, regular sizes. Regular price 75c on sale,
Hayden's Cash Price, at 50t
Women's Fine lisle Union Suits, with beaded tops, tight knee
or lace bottom, regular price 98c, on sale, at 69
Boys' and Girls' Cotton or
Athletic Union Suits, with
tight knee or lace bottom,
sizes 2 to 14 years, regular
price 75c and 85c, on sale
at 50
Soft and Muslin and Ba
tiste Mght Dresses, Skirts
and Envelope Chemise, in
flesh or white, trimmed
with embroidery and fine
laces, regular price $2.50
and $2.93, on sale. $1,98
cotton, black trimmed with
white, sizes 38 to 46, reg
ular price $2.50, on sale,
No. 3 CansKraut. . .
Assorted Kamo Soups, each... 104
lli-oa. Can Wilson, Carnation or
Pet 'Milk, can 154
No. 3 Cans Peaches, each..,.. 304
No. 3 Cans Apricots, each..... 304
4 Cana Oil Sardines 254
i Mustard Sardines 154
Large Jars Sweet Pickles 354
Large Jars Sour Mix Pickles. 254
Large Jars Chow Chow Pickles,
for 254
Large Jars Preserves, assorted,
for 334
Whit or Tellow Corn Meal, lb. 54
Bulk Oatmeal, lb 7144
Fancy Head Rice, lb 154
Hand Picked Navy Beans, lb. 104
48-lb. Sack D. H. Flour 83.50
34-lb. Sack Rye Flour $1.40
Fancy Cooking Figs, lb 204
Fancy California Prunes, lb.. 154
Fancy Peeled Peaches, lb.... 304
Fancy Bartlett Pears, lb 404
Choice Table Figs, lb 254
Fancy N. Y. Evaporated Apples.
lb., at 304
Fresh Roasted Peanuts, Ib..l7'i4
Our Famous Ice Tea, lb 404
Golden Santos Coffee, lb 384
Choice Pan-Fired Jap Tea, lb. 404
Fancy English Breakfast Tea.
per pound 604
Fancy Ceylon Tea, lb 604
Fancy Oun Powder Tea, lb... 604
New Potatoes, lb 8H4
I Bunches Fresh Onlo. 54
4 Bunches Leaf Lettuce 54
3 Heads Home Grown Lettuce. .54
New Home Grown Cabbage, per
head, at 54
Fancy Ripe Tomatoes, lb 154
Large Bunches Carrots 154
Large Bunches Turnips....... 104
Large Bunches Beets 154
2 Bunches Radishes ....54
2 Bunches Rubarb ............ R4
Green or Wax Beans, lb 154
Fancy Green Peas, quart. ... .104
All Kinds of Freak Fruit at
Market Price.
Omaha's Greatest Market ter Fresh
Eggs, Butter, Cheese and Pickles.
Best No. 1 Fresh ggs, doi...404
Best Creamery Butter, lb.... 624
The Best Country Creamery
Butter, per pound 504
Best Peanut Butter, per lb.22'44
Fancy Full Cream Y. A. Cheei
per pound 354
Fancy Full Cream New York
Cheese, per pound 404
Fancy Full Cream Wisconsin
Cheese, per pound ....... ..854
Fancy Large Dill Pickles, dos. 254
Small Sweet Pickles, quart. ..754
Ipt Pays TRY HAYDEN'S FIRST It PaytilliM