THE BEE: OMAHA. SATURDAY. JULY 10. 1920. IS Cookery Problems 1- EgK. Sponge cake is perhaps the most popular flour mixture in which eggs are an important element. Only se lected f ggs bhould be used, and a medium oven is necessary for satis factory results. E(?g, cheese and milk are all used in Welsh rarebit, a very popular and hearty protein dish. Doughnuts, cookies, cakes and various pics depend upon eggs tor ji.n-ir greatest perfection, xet tew think of the actual protein food value in these foods. A At water gives the food value of I doughnuts as 2.000 calories per J pound and their protein content f-7 per cent. These figures show t i't we derive considerable tissue- t.m!:;ig material from our flour "t matures containing eggs. V wMn'is of various kinds are a J favorite method of serving eggs, f When properly cooked, they are . 'easily digested, nutritious and may he so varied as to avoid monotony, boft custards derive their cpecific names frem the particular season ing; caramel custard, chocolate cus tard, coconut custard, etc. The firmness of the custard is determined by the proportion of eggs used. Custard pics of various sorts add to the variety of uses for eggs for we should know that chocolate pie, cream pie and the old reliable favorite of all, pumpkin pie, are all custards served in pie form. The fundamental cookery prin ciple is the same in all custards, namely, its principle to follow in cooking eggs in whatever form they are to be served. The quality of materials used af fcU the flavor and texture of the finished product. It is the wise home manager who always buys her food products by brand name. Chicken Consomme. Time to prepare two hours. Number served eight. Cut up a chicken and put to sim mer in hot. water; cook until the meat begins to fall from the bones. Remove the chicken and clarify the broth. The broth is cleared by add ing a slightly beaten egg and the crushed shell and bringing the broth to the boiling point and allowing it to boil about rive minutes, then strain through two thicknesses of cheesecloth. Serve in bouillon cups or soup dishe. The addition of a few pieces of cel ery and other vegetables to the broth while cooking gives a desir able flavor. SATURDAY SPECIALS Wax or Green Beans, per qt 10 New Beets, 3 bunches 10d Apricots, basket 820s Ripe Fresh Tomatoes, per lb 15d Meadow Gold or Wedg wood Butter, lb. . . .62 Jello, 3 pkgs .48 Whole Grain Rice, 3 lbs. for 9LV Swedish Wafers, 3 pkgs. for . . 92' Norway Kippered Herring, 3 cans for 50' Norway Sardines in pure olive oil, 3 cans. . . -62 Lenox Soap, 10 bars. .4$C Lux, 3 pkgs 35c; Ivory Flakes, 3 pkgs. .33c4 son BR 28th and Farnam Sts. Harney 188 "NOUGAT"'s Special 7 r7$ 4 BCB CREAM Your dealer can supply you Fairmont Creamery Co. Before installing a modern heating plant in your home be sure to get the price anil see the VACUUM Ecsi This is the famous and original Patented Pipeless Heating Plant, the heaviest and best built furnace on the market today Saves one-third in fuel built to last a lifetime absolutely guaranteed. WE CAN SAVE YOU FROM $50 to $100 on first cost and give you very liberal terms if you wish. Over 750 installed in Omaha; 25,000 in the Middle West. Full information free if you write, call or phone D. 993. Cum on ft Cclfio Pn 1112 Douglas St. VaUUUifl l UlliGbU CCICOUU. Phone Douglas 993 OMAHA Specials for Saturday Home Dressed Roasting Chick ens, per lb 24e Choice Steer Round Steak, per lb 29J4e Choice Steer Rolled Rib Roast, per lb 30c Choice Steer Beef Roast, per lb 17?2C Choice Steer Boiling Beef, per lb. ' 9c Fancy Veal Roast, per lb.. 20c Fancy Veal Chops, per lb. .25c Fancy Pork Roast, per lb. . 244 c Sugar Cured Picnic Hams, per lb 25c Sugar Cured Breakfast bacon, per lb 3ZHc All Brands Creamery Butter, per lb 59c, Hebe, 4 small cans for 25c' Tall Cans Carolene, each... 11c 1 quart Welch's Grape Juice and 2 cans King Ko Raisins, spe cial .....$1.17 Mazola, per pint 37c Assorted Pickles and Chow-Chow, reg. 20c size, 2 for 25c Peaches, Plums and Apricots, per basket 30c Large Baskets Tomatoes, ea. 65c Extra Large Cantaloupe, 2 for . ....... 25c Reg. 15c pkg. Rolled Oats for 10c Toilet Paper, 4 10c rolls for 25c 4-Tie Brooms, each 54c 1-lb. cans of Fresh Roasted Coffee, per lb ... . 50c 8 uJ) J ILsH 1 v& oflvuy. 4 Market Early Extra Clerks No Waiting Market Specials on Quality Meats and Provisions 212 North 16th 2408 Cuming 4903 South 24th Choicest Choice Choice Choice Choice Cul5 , Veal Veal Veal Ug Veal Loin Veal for roasting Kidney or Roast SteW ' ChP Vz or whole for roasting 18c 14V2C 22c 22c 22c I , , I 25c Pure Lard, per lb 25c Peerless Washing Tablets, washes clothes without rubbing; 16 tablets to the box, per box A full line of Fruits and Vegetables at the lowest prices. WASHINGTON MARKET 1407 DOUGLAS STREET 2EEE Specials for Saturday Morning From 8 O'clock to 12 O'clock, Noon Choicest cut Chuck Roast 15c Choicest cut Round and Sirloin Steak 25c Pure Lard, special at 2 lbs. for .' . . 45c Sugar Cured Picnic Hams 22 Vz Sugar Cured Breakfast Bacon, Vz or whole sides 32c Evaporated Milk, tall cans, limit one to a customer, 3 for 35c Fels White Laundry Soap, limit one to a customer, 10 bars 58c PORK CUTS Choice Pork Loin Roast 26c Choice Boston Butts 25c Fresh Spareribs lSVc Choice Leaf Lard 21c Fresh Neck Rib, 5 lbs 25c Pig Hearts, 3 lbs. 25c CHEESE Fancy Brick (full cream) 32c Fancy American (full cream) . . .32c LUNCHEON MEATS Choice Weiners 20c Choice Frankfurters 20c Fresh Bologna 18c Fresh Liver Sausage .18c Choice Gerka Sausage 20c Choice Polish Sausage 20c Minced or Pressed Ham (sliced) 25c Choice Lunch Loaf .'. . . .25c Fancy Summer Sausage 25c Fresh Breakfast Sausage 20c SMOKED MEATS Sugar Cured Regular Ham. . .3612c Sugar Cured Skinned Ham . . . 36V20 Sugar Cured Picnic Hams 25c Sugar Cured Strip Bacon 28c LAMB Genuine. Spring Lamb Hind Quarters 24c Spring Lamb Fore Quarters 16c Spring Lamb Chops 25c Picked Pig's Feet, 3 lbs 25c Choice Corned Befef... 17c Choice Salt Pork 25c Pure Lard, per lb 24c CHICKENS Fancy Roasting, per lb 24c Fancy Hens (nice size) 34c Creamery Butter, Meadow Grove 59c Creamery Butter, Brookf ield . . . 59c Special prices on all Butterine. Courtney Bldg. 1 m Douglas 3940 SEVENTEENTH ATVX'DOUOLAS STREET WE DELIVER $5 ORDERS TO ANY PART OP THE CITY Santos Coffee, per lb ..36c Advo Jell, 2 pkgs. for 25c Prunes, 5 lbs. for 97c Red Alaska Salmon, per can 39c Per dozen $4.50 Table Salt, 5 lb. boxes, 2 for. . . .25c Snider 's Tomato Soup, 2 cans for.25c Giant Brand Baked Beans, in Tomato Sauce, per can 14c Per dozen $1.50 Giant Queen Olives, 12-oz. Jars. .37c Rolled Rib Roast, per lb 32y2c Pot Roast, per lb 17c to 22y2c Rib Boiling Beef, per lb 10c Spare Ribs, per lb 15c Hind Quarter Jjamb, per lb 30c Forequarter Lamb, per lb 15c Lamb Stew, per lb. 10c Veal Stew, per lb ....10c Mutton Chops, per lb .20c Mutton Shoulders, per lb. 15c 9 New Potatoes, peck.. $1.25 Wax and Green Beans, 2 lbs. for 25c Lemons, per doz 29c White Onions, per lb..7c Graham Crackers, large cans, 12 lbs., per lb. .23c Alfred Jones Famous Salads JUST INSIDE THE DOOR (CIGAR DEPARTMENT) Little La Tinda, 8c value, box of 50. . . .$2.50 Little Valentine, 8c value, box of 50 $2.50 El Toro Brevas, Porto Rican, 8c value, box of 50 ...$3.00 Mi Consuelo, imported, 8c value, box 50. $2.50 Entona, imported, 10c value, box of 50. .$2.75 Garcia Diplomates, 120 value, box 50. .$4.50 Prince Albert, half pound tins. . . 61c Tuxedo, one pound tins .$1.29 Tuxedo, 4 pkgs. for 35c A TRIAL ORDER WILL CONVINCE YOU AS TO OUR PRICE QUALITYSERVICE Tel. D. 1796 r 41 L L ill J-jr UtU 1608-10 Harney St. DO YOUR SHOPPING AT THE STORE THAT HAS EVERYTHING FOR THE TABLE. IBcst cuts Fancy )nl Trime Rolled Rib Fancy Young Veal OC . 1 Steer Pot Roast, lb 2"C Roast, per lb O 2 C Roast, per lb Fancy Fresh DreeseOT FFh" Messed fiO FjJ' re8Sed 384 C Ducks, per lb o6C Broilers, per lb OOC Hens, P" lb I I Fancy Sugar Cured QQ . I Fancy Young Veal 171. Fancy Leg of Young OC. Bacon Backs, per lbOOC Breast, per lb. . . . 1 lC Mutton, per lb JL J Extra fancy 300-size on 10 lbs. Best Cane Sugar- Extra Fancy RiPe Tomatoes, Lemons, per doz. . OUC for djn AO P lb , 17 He; per EQ 10 Bars Eh:ctric eanning 3Z.45 Basket Wl Spark Soap DOC 48 lbs. Sack Best Q EJQ 12gBars White NaPtha jj j 24lb- Sack Rye jj J gQ 241b gack Gold qq Dr Trice's Baking OE- Fillsburys Bran Flour, Tills- MedaI Flour. ... P 1 'O Powder, large can..OC bury s Pancake Hour I C per pkg IOC Shredded Wheat 1 C Quaker Oats, 1 r per nkir XOC per pker 1m2 v Large Cans Elkhorn Milk, per 1 V K y 1 b !L can, 12jjc; per C Qf Hebe or Carolene 11 Gallon Cans fljl f( case PO.IU Milk, per can 11C Peaches dl.UU' 4 Cans Mustard Or Tea Siftings, OCn Our 60c Grade Central yfC, Sardines OC per lb VC Coffee, per lb TrOC No. 3 Cans Del Monte AC No. 1 Cans Del Monte OP- Handy Tins df C Sliced Peaches TfOC Peaches iDC Graham Biscuits. .P 1 DO Buster Brown Cookies, on Ideal Honey Cakes, New Potatoes, per 1 f per lb OUC per lb. s OlC peck. $1.40j per lb.. 1UC McComb'c Home-made Chocolates, reg. 70c quality, Saturday, per lb 59c Fresh Checked Eggs, in Car- Very Finest Quality Creamery Wisconsin Yellow Cream or tons, Package Butter, PQ Brick Cheese, per dozen OC per lb OOC per lb OOC i" m.ifnan rei mam rimran.1 um.nt uum At Lakeview Park Thurs., July 15 As a compliment to our patrons for their splendid support and patronage they have given us, we are now distributing, through our stores, free tickets to the Lakeview grounds and free tickets to the dance pavilion. These tickets may be had for the asking. We urge you to come and bring your entire family and friends and spend the day. We will do everything in our power to en tertain you. There will be races, games and competitive con tests for grownups as well as the children. OUR STORES WILL CLOSE ALL DAY. Our Sales 1 191 9-70 G WITH OMAHA" Stores $175,936.00 Stores $2,432,658.57 In spite of the fact that we have not had our fair share of sugar, our sales have shown an increase of $326,942.72 for the first 5 months of 1920 over first 5 months of 1919, or an increase of over 35. During the year of 1920 we expect to show a million dollar increase. for mm may now be had at any one of our stores in lots of 50 pounds at 25c per pound. We have bought large quantities of sugar and our sugar is now coming in, and have paid as high as 27c per pound, but by averaging the cost of sugar bought months ago at lower prices we are able to give you this low price, and will continue this price until our present purchases are exhausted, We don't know if sugar will be any cheaper or not, but doubt if it will. We urge you to secure your requirements. "Lm Better For ess Shop Early "There Is One in Your Neighborhood" :BEE WANT AD WILL BRING DESIRED RESULTS- J J