r ) THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, .JULY 9, 1920, 13 ) it, f r i I 9 MOVING AND STORAGE. FIDELIfYCOT STORAGE. MOVING. PACKING HOUSEHOL DGOODS AND PIANOS. REASONABLE) RATES. FREE RENTAL 8ERV1CE. COMPLETE LIST OF HOUSES AND APARTMENTS. 18th and Jrknn 8t. Douclw 111. MOVING. PACKING. STORAGE. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separata locked rooma (or houathold irooda and piano, mo v lot, fgjilnt and hipping. , OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO.. South ISth. Vouk. 4 HI. METROPOLITAN VAN ana STORAGE CO. wned by Hv R. bowcp Co. Tyler 1400. GLOBE VA&. TRANSFER AND r BTORAGB CO. For real aervtco In hauling or Hot age, call Tyler 230 or Cougiaa 4111. Auto or wagon aervlce. FARM LANDS. Canadian Lands Alberta. GOOD aectlon of land In Kask., Canada. 4no acrea In crop: will Bell all equipped with atm-k and machinery, or land only. W. Reynolds, Wlaeton, Sak Bug 41. Canada. Colorado Lands. KOR SALE ISO acres of fine level wheat Ixnd at Flagler, Colo., SO acrea of fine growing fall wheat, ISO acres of new breaking. ISO acres old ground, all disced, ready to summer fallow; located In fine community, & mile from new 10-grad school, mile from bl church; good well and windmill, 8 ft. steel tank; other Improvements light; 10-aO Titan engine with plows and 8 tt. tandem disc, all new this spring, will go with land at 140 per acre. Must leave on account of ill health in fam ily. Write Fred Reetz. Flagler, Colo., or better atlll. come and Investigate. Iowa Land s. DAIRY AND STOCK FARM. CENTRAL IOWA - 240 acres, $25,000 worth im provements. In first-class condi tion, and fenced hog tight; 50 acres small grain, 70 corn, 30 clover, 15 acres large timber, red and white oak, the rest hay and pasture land. Running water. Horse and hay barn. Ba-'emcnt 40x50. Dairy barn 32x40 Cement floors in barn. New silo 16x30, hog feed floor 20x30, hog house 20x70, cement feed hut, garage and granary, 16x50; double corn crib, 32x28; chicken nouse, cement floor, rat tight. Reservoir and milk house. Water works in good order. Hydrants in all baps. Hay room for 100 tons or more. Can house 75 to 100 young cattle and 200 hogs in winter. Ten--room house, large cistern, nice lawn, small orchard. 1 First-class farm home, four miles' from coun- ty seat Town df over 5.00C. Rea son for selling, owned by two men who cannot agree. Price reason able. Easy terms. Write M. A. TROW, M. P., Kamrar. Ia. HAVE two well-Improved farms, first class soil, that would trade for a good substantial merchandise business. Write Nels Quevll, Orleans, Iowa. Kansas Lands, WRITE us (or price and terms on lands In Thomas county. Kansas. Felton A West. fOT Crounse Block. Nebraska Lands. CORN AND ALFALFA FARMS, IMPROVED. IN CENTRAL NEBRASKA, it the right price. Write for list. LARSON & CARRAHER, Central City. Neoraska. 4,000 ACRES Box Butte county farm land; 125 to 136 an acre in half aectlon lota, a & AND R. E. MONTGOMERY. 813 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. FARMS and stock ranches for sale. Write for Information. I have some bargains. I. I.. Acheson, Room 1, Norton Block, Alliance, Neb. FOR SALE In Antelope country, grain and stock ranches. E. P. Van-Kirk, Brunswick, Neb. For Neb. Farms and Kanchee tee Graham-Peters Realty Co., fdt omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg.. Omaha. k. A'PATZMAN. Far-is. S01 Karbach Blk. FINANCIAL. Real Estate Loans. CITY AND FARM LOANS. DUMONT & CO., 4U-418 Keellne Bldr OMAHA HOMES EAST. NEB. FARMS, O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 11)16 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 2716. DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY LOANS. Liwest rates. Private loan booths. Harry Malashock. 1514 Dodge. D. 6619. Es. 18 1 PRIVATE MONEY. 11(10 to $10,000 made promptly. P. D. WE AD, Wead Blag.. 310 8. 18p St. P K BUCK. Loans. 442 Omaha Nat PRIVATE MONEY. SHOPEN A COMPANY. Doug. 4i38. ?ROMPT service, reasonable rates, private money. Garvin Bros., 845 Omaha Nat. Stocks and Bonds. SOUTH TEXAS LEASES. Inveet now for future Independence. A small Investment in well located oil leases fn South Texas today, may mean 11.000,000 for you tomorrow. Twelve (hallow fields already pro ducing and over BOO other wells drill ing show what geologists and others think of the-future possibilities of tbi territory We own leases m every part of this territory, whirl; are located close to drilling tests and which represent the best oil Investment. Let us explain the value of our holdings to you. either as as Investor or a broker. 1 HITCHCOCK. COOPER & FELTNER. Main Office: , Suite 231 Moore Bldg.. San Antonio, Tex. Branch Office: I.os Angeles. Cat FOR SALE 100 shares- of stock in the , Collins Safety Raor Company, at 117.50 per share. If Interested, write full par ticulars by return mail. Frank D. Kriebs, Beresford, 8. D. FOR SALE Oil leases for 1280 acres on Rock Creek Anticline, at reasonable terms. R. Z. McCoy, Civil Engineer. Rock River. Wyo. WILL sell my stock; Omaha Athletic and "nrnr I.axa Clubs. Write Bex M-62, Omaha Bee. REAL ESTATESANTED. REAL"FSTATE AND INSURANCE?" JOHN-W. SIMPSON 34 Patterson Blk. Doug. 3558. TOU WANT TO SELL THAT HOUSE? (Want quick action T Just try us. Call Tyler. 49. OSBORNE REALTY CO. 430 Bee Bldg, To buy or sell Omaha Real Batata see FOWLER & M'DONALD, 1120 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. Doug. 142. W.G. SHRIVER .22 1047-9 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. D. 1638. 2. G. SOLOMON ISLE;;: Karbach Blkj Doug. 83t to CLOSE your estate I will buy your three to five-room home. Quick action and cash offers. .Address X-S6, Bee. REAL ESTATE, UNIMPROVED. Vacant Property. ' TVlVE LOTS. NEAR STATE MEDICAL COLLEGE. MUST BE SOLD. BIO BARGAINS. DOUGLAS 4"i4V. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS. lOU'CAN BUY this store buhding. rent lngvfor 3480 pert year for $.1,000. 5fl0 cash will handle. Alfred Thomas, 604 First Nat'l Bank. j WALSH-ELMER CO.. Realtors. Real Estate, Investment, Insurance, Rent ala. Tyler 15K. 333 Securities Wdg. REAL EST AT t S U t u K ti h H . Council Blu.Ts. SEVEN-ROOM house ( 3844 Ave. A. Council Bluffs: modern and a good buy. Call Webster 1640 after p. m. THE GUMPS you OLP 5TJMGV "PEOTLC 1 EXPECTEP TO SEE THE HOUSE At-t- DOt-ULD UP -YOU HAVEN'T G-OT A NEW THlNG--MfN OOHCr HER OWN WOT5K- l expect e.p to see. hei have A COOPi-t OF MAIPS- YOUJ5E. NOT GOING TO T3E. ONE OP THOSE .STNGY I Rich men.ape.yoo amdv? wii KJ r lu up HtRe to live- x z v"""-" REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. DtinJ ee. AN IDEAL HOME IN DUNDEE Six rooms and bath. Two story, double garage. Full lot, EOxl27. In real first-class condition. Large livinr room with fireplace. Oak floors and finish. Price cut from 38,000 to $7,300 for quirk sale. Can be handled on $2,500 cash. Now vacant, immediate possesion. Allow us to ishow you this one. WALSH-ELMER CO., REALTORS. Tyler 1536. 333 Securities Bid.?. DUNDEE HOME A REAL BARGAIN Located near Dundee School; consist ing of 8 rooms; finished in oak and whit enamel; oak floors throughout; bath tiled; extra lavatory and toilet and shower bath; furnace heat; double garage; all paving taxes paid. Here is a well constructed home that can be bought at the rijfht price. GEORGE & QO., REALTORS. Tyler 3024. toi City Nat'l Bank Bldg. DUNDEE Fine new 7-room home; sun room dewn; 3 bed rooms and tiled bath up: full basement; stairs to attic; all mod ern; fine location. I have several In Dundee, of 6, 6 and 8 rooms. Call for appointment to see one or mora of them. R. L. STAPLE, 1202 W. O. "W. Bldg. P. 8301. H. 4825. , Florence. A BEAUTIFUL HOME. 7-room, all modern, with 3 large" lots, 60x132 ft. each; 15 cherry trees, 10 ap ple, 3 peach, 6 plum; grapes, strawber ries, red raspberries, gooseberries, cur rants, asparagus; beautiful shrubbery; Ideal location; pretty view overlooking river In both directions. Easy terms. Don't delay. L. NETHAWAY, Sole Agent, Florence Station, Omaha, Neb. NETHAWAY. Suburban prop ty. Col. 1409. South Side. TWO jUseom houses and one 4-room house for sale cheap. Tel. South 329C. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. $6,750 Montclair Semi-Bungalow Brand new, frame construction, five dandy roms. Oak and enamel finish. Tastily decorated and complete in every detail. Fine lo cation on paved street close to car. For appointment, call Wal nut 1580 evenings. Classy Dijndee Home $13,500 Stucco construction, brand new. Six elegant rooms, sun room and enclosed sleeping porch; Beautifully finished in oak, enaprel and birch mahogany. Double garage. Fine location. The best buy in Dundee. Benson, & Carmichael, 642 Paxton Block. Tyler 3540. FOR SALE BY OWNER CLAIRMONT BARGAIN Owner leaving town and will sacri fice f-room house, strictly modern: oak lnish; large lot; shrubbery; shade and fruit trees; one-half block from 45th' car line. 3 blocks from Benson car line; paved streets; can give immediate possession. PRICE, $4,500. Terms Call Walnut 171. , home of your own, and stop the donation. w ' . . " , Suy something that won't vanish at t'l-i end of each month. f Yon folks that dig tip $50 to $90 a month fqr rent it zpon't take long to buy a home at that rate.'' OMAHA REAL ESTATE BOARD REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. West. CATHEDRAL DISTRICT STUCCO HOME. Here is an unusually well built and at tractive home, stucco over brick. Large livlnp room, fine fireplace, casement windows, French doors to sun room, dining room, butler's pantry and kitchen. Oak floors and finish. Three fine bed rooms, maid's room and enclosed sleep ing porch. Beautiful birch finish and oak floors.' An abundance of closets, clothes chute; In fact every convenience that you would put in a home If build ing. The price is absolutely right and we can arrange terms. ALFRED THOMAS. Realtor, 604 First National Bank. SEVEN rooms. Lafayette Ave.; four rooms downstairs with one bedroom; three bedrooms upstairs, good lot, paved street; price, 37,000; location ideal; Im mediate possession. Graham-Peters Realty Co. Phones, office, Douglas 653. Evenings Walnut 4103. EIGHT-ROOM house two bloiks west of Hanscom park, east front, corner lot. Trice reduced to 13,500. Only ?40 cash required. D. 3841. EIGHT-ROOM modern house, choice lo cation; oak finish; four bedrooms; near ly new. Priced right and good terms to responsible party. D. 3841. Omaha Resl Estate and Investments. , JOHN T. BOHAN 51 Paxton Blk. Phone Tyler 4880. J. B. ROBISON, real estate and invest ment. 442BeeBldgL Douglas 8097. BENSON A MEYERS CO.. 424 6m. Natl North. 24TH and FOWLER fi-room, full 2-story strictly modern, up-to-the-minute residence; dandy large reception hall, living room, dining room and kitchen on the first floor: 3 nice sunny bedrooms and bath on the second floor; full "cement basement, furnace heat; dandy large lot; south front on paved street, paving paid; garage. This la one of the prettiest streets in the north end of city. A bargain figure of $5,650; terms arranged. Payne Investment C, Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 1781. Ask for Mf. Gibson. Sunday calls Colfax 3227. 537 Is the Roof Over "Your" Head "Your Own?" -3H L Ilv 00 D WILL SOME ONE BREAK THE NEWS TO'IOTHER? THIS WOR,p ONCE - AND WTUFP M. frf&W TO Te AMUSEMENTS AND COMFORT WAS NOT MY COP Ol" I You money wll boy- YoucrrZ L I IT WITK YOU - AND v QOT THE J V . , .t V I CeAXEST 501$P1(SE IN 5T0f5E. FOP 1 ID ' TFAW-1 frr &V tPUL. cook:. shE wants y iAMCi-5 DAO -J SEAL ESTATE IMPROVED. North. BIGGEST BARGAIN IN BEMIS PARK We have just listed an 8-room, all modem home; full two-story; with oak finish; hot water heat; newly painted. Dandy east front lot on paved street, handy to car line at low price of $6,500. This is a real bargain and wilt not last. Owner leaving city and requires half cash. GLOVER & SPAIN, REALTORS. Doug. 2850. ' 918-20 City Nat'l Best Bungalow Bargain In Omaha Five-room, oak finish, fine shade, corner lot, one block to car and park, near school and church. Screened-in porch, full cemented basement. Shown by appointment only. Thia is best of fer for $4,000, with only $750 cash. R. F. CLARY CO., 2404-06 Ames Ave. Colfax 175. WILL ACCEPT LIBERTY BONDS We have several good acre age properties on which we will accept Liberty Bonds. These acre tracts are all well located and are in tracts from one to fifteen acres. , Balance can be paid in small monthly payments. HASTINGS & HEYDEN 16 14' Harney St. Tyler 50. The Home Beautiful Hundreds of Oniahans inter ested in beautiful homes have visited the completely furnished "Model Home" at 310 South 50th street in Dundee and we want your name in our Guest Book. For further details or informa tion regarding any of the new homes on 50th avenue and 50th street from Farnam south call r-7 ' REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS 509 KEELINE BLDG. Phone Douglas 8102. onating ? Yes, if you pay rent At the end of each month, all the money -yon pay for the privilege of living: some where, is gone. So is the privilege. Start paying that big rent money on a ; v 1 YOU KNOW Wfc UNLY WJ I HkroUftrf N. I S . . . ...- 1 1 REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. North. Beautiful Bungalow Homes Wonderful 6-rftom bungalow with large floored attic, subdivided Into ad ditional room, located prettiest section of Laurelon addition, on Crown Velnt Ave. Brand new 6-room semi-bungalow. Bookcases, buffet, lounging seat, cab inets, breakfast room, finished In oak, constructed by experienced cabinet maker. One of the finest locations on Fontenelle Blvd., near Grand Ave. See this today. 4818 Fontenelle Blvd. Key next door north. R. F. CLARY CO., 2404-00 Ames Ave. Colfax 175. 6-ROOM BUNGALOW One block from Kountze park, 6 blocks from school, close to several churches. 3 blocks from car line, very attractive; hardwood finish; garage; $0,000. -D. V. SHOLES CO., ; REALTORS, SI 5-17. City Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Doug. 46. NEW STUCCO HOME Just one left on Fontenelle Blvd. East front, large lot. House has built-in bookcases, kitchen cabi net, etc., oak finish, oak floors throughout. Two white enamel bedrooms. Can be bought for old price. Call Harney 2283. TEMPLE McFAYDEN, Doug. 2428. 1505 Farnam St. 6-ROOM HOUSE $2,500 Has three rooms on first floor, oalc finish in living room, and three rooms on second floor. Has city water, gas -and electric lights. Ixt 40x128, east front; $500 cash and $25 a month will handle this. This Is a bargain. Lo cated at 4962 North 35th. Don't bother the tenants. Evening phono Walnut 41S7 or Walnut 4828. W. Farnam Smith & Co., Douglas 54. t 1320 Farnam St. BELVEDERE HEIGHTS Just overlooking Miller Park we have a six-room bungalow, rough brick fireplace, oak and gumwood finish; corner lot, pine and maple trees; parking outside of sidewalk. Call Mr. Mead, Ty. ler 4246 or Doug. 7412. PRETTIEST MILE HOME. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. A fine well-built 6-r. home, hot water heat; just painted outside; Inside refin tshed, Just as good as nevt; built for a home; east front lot; no paving to pay; one-half block to car; close to school and stores. A real home at a bargain price $8,000; about $1,300 cash. RASP BROS.. REALTORS, 210-12-14 Keeline Bldg. Tyler 721. $ii00 CASH, $30 MONTHLY will buy a five-room house, modern ex cept furnace: rooms all on one floor: srJendld finish; decorated throughout; good cemented batement; brick founda tion; lot 50x130; good barn: fruit trees and shrubbery. Price only $3.1f0. West frontage, located near 21st andoSpalding. Phone Bllon, Tyler 5171. . GREAT BARGAIN 6-room house, oak finish, newly paint ed and papered: In fine repair. We offer this for $5,000 this week only. Call owner at Harney 1673 evenings, or Douglas L'808 days. 639 Grain Exchange Bldg. For Sale by Owner IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. -2519 Bristol St., 5 rooms, all modern, newly painted inslfle and out; 28 ft. lot; shade trees. - Call evenings and Sunday tiarney it3; gays, Douglas Z808 FOUR rooms, newly decorated, near 24th and Sprague Sts., water, gas, electric lights, toilet, telephone, immediate possession. Pries $2,500; $500 down and $25 per month. Inquire of owner, 4017 North 25th St. 6-ROOM house modern except fur- nice. 2532 Patrick Ave.; $400 cash; price, $2,950. E. E. AUSTIN, 1305 First Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Ty. 785. MODERN 6-room house at 33d and Charles Sts., on terms. Also wttfl sell furniture on installments. Call Mr. Browne, Tyler 43J6. ' COLORE!? You make a mlstaae in not buying for a home the new house at 2823 Seward St. Strictly modern and up to date. $500.00 cash, balance monthly. See It today. Crelgh, 608 Bee. Doug. 200. COLORED folks, why buy an old house when you can buy a brand new one at 2823 Seward for $500 . cash, balance monthly. Ready to occupy. See today. Creigh. B08Bee. Douglas200. FIVE-ROOM modern house with 2 bed rooms and bath upstairs; near 28th and Hartman Ave. Price $H.$00; terms, $S00 cash and $23 per mnfith. F. D. Wead,3108.18th St. Tyler 151. A FEW homes and lota for sale In Park wood addition: a safe place for lnvest ment. Norrls & Norrls. Douglas 420. M1NNE I, USA homes and lots offer the best opportunity to invest your money. Phone Tyler 187, CUMINO, near 29th St.. 44 feet, must be sold to close estate. C. A. GRI MMEL. 849 Nafl Bank Bldg. Souih. T WANT A HOME? Possibly wo have It for you. It costs nothing to phone Douglaa 1345 or com to 1506 Dodge St. Miscellaneous. .A NEW HOME ' For only $1,500 down.. Located in good neighborhood, new 5 rocm, all modern bungalow. Get in on one of these homes before they are all gone. Call Walnut 5432 evenings or Douglas 7412 davs. Mjr.jCole. WHY PAY RENT? Buy this strictly modern 5 room home, on paved street, 2 Mocks - from cir line, 4 blocks from sclv. ol. Yf n '.:n make a small down payment and buy bal ance like rent. CALL WALNUT J27. - $750 CASH Paved Street, Dandy Neighborhood. Just completed, a fine new 5 room, strictly modern bungalow, combination frame and stucco, which I will sell on very easy terms. Phone, E. R. Carse at Doug. 7412 days. ' MODERN, up-to-date -rooui hu-se havin,; wins oak finish, two flreplaren, hot water heat, large orner ltt fronting east, with- paving nald, for ?;",.000. - W. H. GATE, i 647 Oiaalia Nat'l Hunk t g.; 1. lit I. Drawn Volunteers Called By Poles to Resist Advance of Soviets Warsaw, July 8. (By the Asso ciated Press). Volunteer for im mediate service against the advanc ing Russian bolshevik forces are called for by the Polish national council of defense in a manifesto just issued. Men unfit for active service are ufged to register in or der to release office men for duty at the front. The document, which bears the signature of President Pilsudski, de clares the struggle is a fight against bolshevism rather than against Rus sia. Another proclamation, addressed REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. Miscellaneous. BEAUTIFUL new, oak finish home, 7 rooms with sunroom, tile bath, double garaga, fireplace, etc., $13,500. Terms. Douglas 1734 days. BIRKETT & CO.'S; rents Real estate. "d ln"r" 250 Bee Bldg. Uouglas 6S3 ABARCKMN Four-room house for sale; to be moved. Harney 5517. y HOUSE TRADE MARK REGISTERED 24th and 0 Jul MS CHARLES E. BLACK KNOWS That Windows Like These Are Attractive fri r Proper Window Ligfeg at Night is Result Producing Reasonable in Cost Effective in Results Cell Our Sales Department for QucUthn on Wiidsw . ' lighting at Your'I'lace NebrasWfS Vtfwzr Co. . ; ?tmm at riftanSh service amxe 2314 m. St So. Stis for The Bee by Sidney Smith to the soldiers, says the decisive moment has arrived. It assures the soldiers that in case they are wound ed their income will be continued by the government, and that provision will be made by the government for the families of those killed in battle. Bee Want Ads Bring Results. T $35 TO $50 AN ACRE FOR GOOD CORN AND ALFALFA LAND If you want to see some of the best level farm land, close to town and railroad, that grows good corn, alfalfa and all othef small grain, you should go up and look over several quarters and half sections we are offering for sale in the central part of South Dakota, near the state capital, east of the Missouri river. Prices are very low from $35 to $50 an acre, on terms of "20, cash, 20 October 1st, 1920; 20 March 1st, 1921, and the balance four years from March 1, 1921, at 6 interest. . This land will surely be worth a great deal more year The best and safest place to buy land right now. Write or call for further particulars, . , HASTINGS 1614 Harney St. Clearance of A TAYLOR DEESSES AND APRONS, AT A DISCOUNT OF 25 This includes every MINA TAYLOR Ladies' and Misses' Dress and Apron in our entire stock with out any reservations. Come early and make your selections while this big reduction is on IP The Fastest Growing Store in Omaha Sts. Watch Us Grow Pioneer Mason of Nebraska Dies at Home of Daughter J. Newton Wise, 84 years old, who came to Nebraska about 60 years ago, died at the home of his daugh ter, Mrs. J. L. Root, 1307 South Thirty-fourth street yesterday. lie was a charter member of ythe second Nebraska Masonic liidgc formed in Omaha about 60 years ago. Mr. Wise was one of Ne braska's most noted Masons. He was the first grand patron of the1 Order of the Eastern Star in Ne braska. JV. Wise founded the First Pres byterian church in Plattsmouth, hav ing moved there about 50 years ago. He held many public offices in Plattsmouth and Cass county, lin was a true pioneer of Cass county and Nebraska. He retired from active life about five years ago, coming here to livs with his daughter. Funeral services will be held nt the residence of Mrs. Root Satur day at 9 a. m. and at the First Presbyterian church at Plattsmouth Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Services will be conducted by Capitol lodge of the Ancient Free and Accepted Masons. He is survived by his daughters, Mrs. Rout, Alioc and Flora; his sons, Flmer, Marvin; and his Wife. next & HEYDEN Phone Tyler 50. FRIDAY v South Side TRADE MARK REGISTERED 1 f