THE BEE: OMAHA. THURSDAY, JULY 8, 1920. Society For Helen Pearee. Mrs. Jay D. Foster entertained at a luncheon of 10 covers at the Coun try club, Wednesday in honor oi Miss Helen Pearee, whose marriage to Robert Turner of Council IJlufts ADTF.KTI8EME.NT DEPENDED UPON IT 20 YEARS Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound Hat Been This Woman's Safeguard All That Time. Omaha, Neb.-'-"I have used Lydia . Pinkham's Vegetable Compound for over twenty years for female troubles and it has helped m e very much, I have also used in- Lydia E. P h a m's Sanative Wash with good TesuUs. 1 always have a bottle of Vegetable C 6 m pound inthe house as it is a cood remedy in time of need. You can publish my testimonial as every state ment I have made is perfectly true." Mrs. .?. 0. Klmquist, 2424 S. 20th Street, Omaha, Nebraska. Women who suffer from those dis-t-rssing ills peculiar to their sex sfioiihl bei convinced by the, many frenuine ami truthful testimonials we nre constantly publishing in the news papers cf the ability of Lydia K. l'inkliam's Vegetable Compound to restore their health. To know whether Lydia E. Pink ham's Vcpretnble Compound will help you. trv it ! For ndrieo write to Lydia E. Pinkham Meilieino Co. (confiden tial), Lynn, Masa. Your letter will bo opened.' road and answered by a woman, ar.l held in strict confidence. MM Appear At Your Best Instantly If you receive a sudden oil it or an unexpected In vitation you can feel con fident of slwav appearing at your best. In but a fe-.y momenU it renders to your skin a wonderfully pur;, soft complexion that is beyond comparison. will take place Saturday. Mrs. Mil ton Petersen entertained at bridge Wednesday afternoon for this bride-to-be. Three tables were set for the game. Mr. and Mrs. Henry B. Jennings cf Council Bluffs entertained at dinner at the Council Bluffs Countrv club, Wednesday evening for this couple. Covers were placed for Mrs. Walker Corbin of Worcester. Mass.; Mrs. George Spooiier, Messrs. and Mesdaines Bernard Beno. Glen Wilcox, Eldred Hart and Henry Hart, Miss Marion Turner. Miss Elsie Tinley, Poison Everett and Thomas Beseley. Henry Bohling will act as best man at the Turner-Pearce wedding. The ushers will include Dr. H. H Davis. Loring Elliott, Wallace Shcp ard, Thomas Beseley, Robert Ed wards, Glen Wilcox and Henry Jen nings. The bridal dinner will be given Friday evening at the Country tlub by Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Pearee. Junior Service League. Among those who will take part in the Dance of the Nymphs to be given at Turner park Wednesday evening. July 14, are Marie De Coy, Letoi Mensinger, Florence Capps. Josephine McCoy. Maxone and Faustine Potts, Wannona Smith, Martha Randall, Mendill Brown, Harriette McKenzie, Ethel Mich, Margaret Besen, Mildred Kugel and Marian Lamb. This will be one of the numbers to be staged in the bene fit which is planned by the Junior Service league of Trinity cathedral. Miss Pauline Capps is directing the dance. The proceeds of the affair will support a child in the Indian school at Winnebago for a year. Choral Club. Mr. and Mrs. John1 R. Webster entertained the Choral club of the Webster Bible class at dinner Tues day evening at the Happy Hollow club. The following guests were present: Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Sun derland, Dr. and Mrs. George Max well, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. McL'on nell, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Parsons, Miss Ethel Parsons, Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Andre, Mr. and Mrs. George Hawkins, Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Leech, Mr. r.nd Mrs. George A. Wilcox, Mcsdanies E. L. Xorberg, O. La moreaux, C. F. Lowmaxi, T. B. Xor Tis, M. F. Morrill and Tl. David. ADVERTISEMENT Instantly Beautify Your Complexion Thousands of pirls and women every where proclaim DERW1LLO the greatest beautifier yet disroveirfd. I instantly gives the ekin that rosy white appear ance every normal woman craves. Over five hundred thousand are using it in place of face powder, as it stays on until you wash it off. It vis no lifeline in ap pearance that it is . impossible to tieteet it, and it gives you a youthful skin "every one just loves to touch:" It is especially recommended as a protection to the skin, for Bhiny nose, freckles, tan, blackheads and sallow dark,, rough skin. Try It to-day on your face, neck, hands and arms. Yes, it's absolutely harmless, even on the most delicate skin. At all toilet counters everywhere. VICTIMS RESCUED Kidney, liver, bladder and uric acid troubles are most dangerous be cause ,of , their insidious'.Wtacks-Heed- the first warning they give that they need attention by taking COLD MEDAL Fort Omaha. Mrs. Marie White entertained at a dinner of 12 covers'at the Officers' club at Fort Omaha Tuesday eve ning. Col. and Mrs. Jacob Wucst will leave the latter part of August for Fort Leavenworth, Kan., where they will be stationed. Delta Delta Delta. Delta Delta Delta will meet Sat urday at 10 a. in. with Mrs. Fred Haas, Carter lake. , ADVERTISEMENT Kills Pesky Bed Bugs P. D. Q. Just think, a 3Gc box of P. D. Q. (Pesky Devils Quietus I, makes a quart, enough to kllh a million bedbugs, roaches, fleas or cooties and stops future generations by killing the eggs and does not injure the clothing. Liquid fire to the bedbugs is what P. P. Q. is like, bedbugs stand as good chance as a snowball in a justly famed heat resort. Patent spout free in every package of P. D. Q. to enable you to kill thrn and their egg nests in the cracks. Look for the devil's head on every box then you'll have what Hospitals have found to be the best insecticide known to science. Special Hospital silt $2. BO makes five callons contains 8 spouts either . Ize at your druggist. Sold by Sherman & McConnell Drunt Co., rd all other leading druggist, Omaha Neb. ADVERTISEMENT rha world' standard Temady for thaae aieordara, will oftan ward off that dia atM and strength!) tha body agamst further attacks. Three aiiea, all dnaggbta iMk fat kVa bjb Cold Medal on aran hmu mmi aaoapt no tautatioa A ADVERTISEMENT Fat Folks , Be Slender $100.00 GUARANTEE Jtf oTr-.toat, you will be happy to weight and measurements without starvation diet, tnyrom, or exhausting exercise. These pictures give vou an idea of imorove- k ment in appearance and vnii mavsvnertwnnHr. Jul benefit in personal rrt-rrivnM and win. ning efficiency when you - are slender. . Soprbaa waisht radii c- tiaa reported even after just a tew days' treatment. With proper reductioa the neen Become urn, me win amootnana the general health tm- 1 Cocoanut Oil Fine for Washing Hair f flVT01 , BU fact, work taenii easier and a lighter, mora buoyant feel hm takes posaeasion of the thole being. It la a fine sen sation that of looking and fcefaaTI a if .aappU. Aamf fwl, activclert and magnetic t aT ram was tttan 10 SO panada ssjfely. pleasantly, you should riva Korem system a trial. The Dame Kateaa li pronounced fcorwu. Start on .the road to leaser life and happhjeae today Ottf-fa s h af KaMia under 100 money rcfand fuarantee a aay haaa am aaara. Show your friend this odvartiatssefti. aET eater mi After If you want to keep your hair in good condition, be careful what you wash it with. s Most soaps and prepared sham poos contain too much alkali. This dries the scalp, makes the hair brit tle and is very harmful. Mulsified cocoanut oil shampoo (which is pure and entirely greaseless) is much better than anything else you can use for shampooing, as this can't possibly injure the hair. Simply moisten your hair with water and- rub it in. One or two teaspoonf uls will make an abun dance of rich, creamy lather, and cleanses the hair and scalp thor oughly. The lather rinses out eas ily and removes every particle of dust, dirt, dandruff and excessive oil. The hair dries quickly and evenly and it leaves it fine and silky, bright, fluffy and easy to manage. You can get Mulsified cocoanut oil shampoo at most any drug store. It is very cheap, and a few ounces is enough to last everyone in the family for months. GdQEEKEQ; Thrs wonderful bookwil be sent fivetoany man upoorv- .Flstuh-Pay. When Cured! A guaranty ta ."eae saa. Write for book oY Ree t4 1 nseaaea wiX .mirSl."! to Mid ti .p,pl. who h.T. brVeInuTred, t"t,moni1' " tk Clubdom Jewish Women o Organize. Jewish women of the city will meet for luncheon at Temple Israel Wednesday noon, July 14. at which time the Omaha chapter of the Council of N Jewish Women will be organized. The work of the coun cil concerns itself with the preserva tion and strengthening of the Jewish spirit, in the home and in public works. Mrs. L. M. Purvin of Chi cago, president of the Chicago cliap tr, will attend the luncheon and as sist in the work of preliminary or ganization. Mrs. Frederick Cohn U chairman of the luncheon commit tee. An invitation is extended to all Jewish women who may be inter ested. Reservations may be made with the secretary of the 'Commit tee, Mrs. Simon Mejer, 3009 Harney street. - Community Service. The K. K K. club wrtl give a larty for all club members at the Girls' Community house Thursday evening. American War Mothers. Omaha chapter, American War Mothers, will meet Thursday, 8 p. m., in Memorial hall, court house. Vesta Chapter Kensington. Vesta chapter, O. E. S., kensing ton club will meet in Hanscom park Thursday at 2 p. m. i .' A Bride . j 5 Problems That Perplex ' Answered by BEATRICE FAIRFAX ' Lakoma Club Happy Hollow Mrs. Roy Ralph and Mrs. N. H, Tyson entertained 43 guests at luncheon Wednesday at Happy Hol low club in honor of Mrs. Charles Owen Rundall of Evanston, 111. Mrs. W. A.' Wilcox had vthfee guests at the luncheon Wednesday. J. H. Beaton entertained a party of 16 at dinner Wednesday evening. Miss Katherine Denny will enter tain at luncheon Thursday at Happy Hollow club, when covers will be placed for the Misses Winifred Smith, Esther Smith, Mary Mors nian, Virginia Pixley, Elizabeth Bar ker, Ruth McCoy, Dorothy Judson, Gertrude Koenig, Lydia Burnett, Jo sephine Plat ncr, Peggy Reed and De v.'ceuta Conrad. Parties of eight will be given bv Mrs. W. P. Heaney and Mrs. E. W Gunther. Heyn Photo. A bride of last week is Mrs. Ray mond W. Sage, formerly Josephine Harrington, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. L, Harrington. Her mar riage took place Saturday evening. Following a -trip to Minnesota, Mr. and Mrs. Sage will be at home at 2519 South Thirty-third street. Among the out-of-town guests at the wedding were Mrs. G. W. Har rington of Superior, Miss Twila Strobel of Durango. Colo., and Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Harrington and daughter, Willisine, of Sheridan, Wyo. Personal Miss Mary Esther Gibb and her niece, Lois Hahn, have returned from Tulsa, Okl., where ihey spt,nt two weeks. An Indifferent Suitor. Dear Miss Fairfax'. Omaha Bee: I am 20. There is a young nun 1 like very much. He .makes .ngagements anil constantly breaks them, ami never writes an apology. In case I call him up he alway Amis some eNcuse which is quite impossible. When I am with this ydunf, man ho is attentive. When out to an aflair he nearly always is with me in piefercnee to other grtrls. A READER. The younfr .man neems o he in iltlTfront anil lazy. I'm clad ho does not add to his other pleasant meth ods of reciprocating your tffeetions the rudeness of hurting you y aliRht ing you In public. Don't you think it would be wine to dpcide that he Just doesn't count as a factor In your life? A I'lcii for Dignity. Dear" Miss Fairfax, Omaha Bee: I am private secretary in a "arse office. The majority of the people have an idea that 1 am 'nclined to be a bit gay. I do not know why; maybe I am too friendly with the men. a I do not go out much, but my appearance makes jieople think T am just the opposite. I am not consid ered good looking. Do you think if I am a little more Independent the people will have more respect for me? A CONSTANT READER. If you are dignified people will respect you, and if you fail in this, they are likely to judge you accord ing to your own conduct and the things it suggests. PerhapE you dress too conspicuously. i'erhaps your manner Is an invitation ai.d a challenge. Try to find tit where you are at fault and try to alter your conduct accordingly. Disparity in Ages. ' Dear Miss Fairfax, Omaha Bee: John. 2". looks rather yov.nger than hl: age. Foreigner of ood Euro pean education. Intelligent, rood ol server; a little "blase" and dots not consider very seriously the worries or lire. Mary, eight years oUer than the boy, difference visible to nuked eye. Nol beautiful, but very distinguished looking. Good breeding, keen senso ot humor, a bright mind and deep artistic feelings make ner awfully atractive. Mary' and John havoseen each other almost every evtnine for a 11 Vl f 1 il I'ntts. 1-11 , ' (1 1", J , a.unV. ' other and seeing that Miey ara very convenial are planning to marry Both are of good family, hut n n ar ringe would mean a cipture with the lelativea, at least for a while However, each one has sufficient moRns to keep money worries away What would you adv:e? Do vou believe the difference of nges should lie considered enough tc prevent the union of two broad-minded people who care very much for each other? J. M Marriages based on congeniality and mutual respect, wi:n the spark or real feeling to kindle them, are the ideal unions. Mary and John need not fear the calendar since they have so much to compensate for it. Marriages with an even rreater dis parity of ages than this one have worked out beautifully, because the two people concerned vere "really mated. A great many of is cling to the notion that the man should, bo the senior and perhaps this is tho ideal condition but In Isolated cases, cases such as this, age doesn't matter. Mrs. F. J. Stimson, wife of the American ambassador to Argentine, is honorary president of the Pa triotic Society of Americau Women of Buenos . Aires. The society, which was formed when the United States entered the world war, ha a membership of more than 300, Country Club Ware Hall will entertain six guests at the dinner-dance Wednesday eve ning at the Country club in honor of Miss Mavis Benedict of Orange, N. J., who is visiting Miss Josephine Congdon. Mrs. H. H. Baldrige had four guests for luncheon Wednesday at the club and Q. T. Eastnran enter tained a party of four. Field Club Mrs. Lee B.'Van Camp entertained at a luncheon of 12 covrs at the Field club Wednesday in honor of Miss Ruth MacDonald, who is home from New York for the summer. E. P. Wood had eight guests at dinner Wednesday evening; M. J. Kloke. 8, and F. Cj Best, 6. , Mrs. Alice StockJalc, who has been spending the past few months at Dorchester, Neb., spent Wednss day in Omaha. Mrs. Ella B. Maher has returned from Hollywood, Cal.', where she spent the winter, and is now stop ping at the Colonial, i Miss Ruth McCabe of Salamanca, N. V., who has been visiting Miss I Flnrpnrp Russell rptnrnpH hrtrrfi ' Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. McDonald, ac companied by their daughter. Miss Josephine, and son, Getto, and D. Kelly of Wichita. Kan., who are motoring to the Atlantic coast, spent several days in Omaha at the P. F. Zimmcr home. Lift Off Corns! Doesn't hurt! Lift touchy corns an calluses right off with fingers Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sclhy and Jo seph Norris returned Tuesday eve ning from a motor trip to Kearney, Neb., where they visited Mrs. Sel by's sister, Mrs. William Schopp. Mrs. Schopp and daughter, Miss Rosemary, returned with them, and are with Mrs. Schopp's parents, Mr. i and Mrs. t. V . .orris, ot Benson For Miss Allen. I Miss Hazel Cott was hostess at i dinner at her home Monday ' in 1 honor of Miss Maurine Allen Sioux City. of Y t "V Apply a few drops of ' ' Freezone' ' upon that old, bothersome corn. Instantly that corn stops hurting. Then shortly you lift it right off, i 'it i X root ana an, wunoui pain or soreness. Hard corns, soft corns, corns between the toes, and the hard skin calluses on bottom of feet lift right off no humbug I Entertaining parlies Monday eve ning at Lakoma club were J. M. McCarthy, Julius Lyon, J. H, Wal king C. Mailing, W. T. Cox, J. H. Adams, J. J. Fitzgerald. John Ue kins, Sam Werthciincr, H. H. Rob erts, Guy Cramer, C, D. Yolliner. E l Dougherty, M. G. Greer, George Brown, A. E-. Swauson, J. Steinberg, A. J. Randall, W. C. Edinistou, George Mac-Donald, Walter Silver and H. A. Hartuett. Among those who entertained at dinner Tuesday evening were Floyd Kunce, James Allen, George, Mac Donald, C. J. Vollincr, Guy Cramer, R. L. Reynolds, James Adams, J. H. Kopietz, H. G. Windheinl. George Waterman entertained at dinner at the club Wednesday evening. 1 Miss Georgia Chad of Los An geles is visiting Mr. and Mrs. John Urion. The records of the steam boilei inspection bureau of the police de partment of New York show that Miss Antoinette Vouasek is the only licensed woman m the state, she having successfully passed a test with a percentage pf 85. AIM KKTIMKMKNT ASPIRIN Name "Bayer" on Genuine "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" is genuine Aspirin proved safe by millions and prescribed by phy sicians for over 20 years. Accept only an unbroken "Bayer package" which contains proper directions to relieve Headache, Toothache, Ear ache, Neuralgia. Rheumatism, Colds uiid Pain. Handy tin boxes of 12 tablets cost few cents. Druggist a'so sell larger "Bayer packages." Aspirin is trade mark Bayer Manu facture Monoaccticacidester of Salicylicacid. The Knabe Ampico Theonly piano- upright or grand, that re produces perfectly the play ing of pianists.. The Knabe Ampico diffeij from the ordinary player piano as a living, breathing man differs from a wax figure or a carved statue. Let us show you the KNABE AMPICO V MICKELS Ttrp bottles if Freatne" cost but a few cents at drug stores Don. Do Yout ( Washlnt The Old Way Dp It Electrics II; t ' nor Bringing the Demonstration to Your Door To better acquaint housewives with the advantages of dp'mg their washing and ironing electrically, we. shall ' give demonstrations on specially equipped trucks of the Thor-; Washer ' Irooeir This work will be done by an experienced demonstra tor, and they will be given' at the following locations and on the following dates at 7:30 p. m. DATES AND LOCATIONS FOR DEMONSTRATIONS 1 Thursday, July 8th 2800 Block North 45th Street. Friday, July 9th 27th and Bauman. ' Monday, July 12th Arbor Street, Between 32nd and. 33rd Streets. Tuesday, July 13th 3600 Block South 23d Street. J: Wednesday, July 14th 40th and Cuming Streets. Thursday, July 15th 20th and Lar!more Streets. Friday, July 16th 30th and Cass Streets. Monday, July 19th West Farnam or Dundee District. (Location to Be Announced Later.) ' - Upon inquiry we learn that many housewives find it next to impossible to at all times come to the electric shop to see a demonstration; therefore . we arc Bringing the Demonstration " to Your Door , Our selling plan makes it eaay for you' to be s the pos sessor vof both the Washer'-' and Ironer. Ask about it it will pay you tp. , , Nebraska Power; Co.-. i Swill k Company's Profit From all Sources 20 year average per dollar of sales 2 1919 profit per lb. of all products Vt 1919 profit on invested capital 1919 profit from average family, buying only Swift products - - $2.02 (e than a nickel a week) THESE figures show the small effect that packers' profits have on either the price paid to the producer or the price paid by the . consumer. The packer is not responsible for high prices. Swift & Company "turned over" its invested capital (capital stock and surplus) about six times in 1919. This fact, coupled with our large volume of business, made it possible to operate on a profit of i cents per dollar of sales. Our books are audited by certi fied public accountants. We want the public to know and to understand our business. ' Swift & Company, U. S. A. T-naha Local Branch, 13th & Leavenworth Sts A. W. Gross, Manager famam at Fifteenth .YOUR ELCCTRIC. 23l4M.StSaSid "