TI11I BEE: OMAHA. FRIDAY. JUNE 25. 1920. 'CON' SUSPECT IS GRABBED BY COPS AS HEjraRKED' Detectives "Listen In" on Conversation in Hotel Lobby, Then Break Up Game. After an exciting chase from the Castle hotel to Sixteenth and Leavenworth streets yesterday, Albert White, allesed confidence man, Hannibal, Mo., was arrested by Detectives Danbaum and I'almtaR. White and a pal, who escaped in the crowd, were in the act of swindling I). A. Kief, 69 years old, O'Neill, Neb., farmer, according to the detectives. White and his pal met Kitf in the lobby of the hotel yesterday and after forming an acquaintance, the trio began to match pennies, accord ing to the detectives. Kief was allowed to win $2 in this way, and then his newly made Ajriends gently opened the argument rilOTOPI.AYS Today Tomorrow REX BEACH'S Story of the North "THE SILVER HORDE" A Sequel to "The Spoiler." Today and Saturcfky JOSEPH DOWLING Star of "The Miracle Man," FRITZI BRUNETTE the beautiful, clever star of many successes, and J. WARREN KERRIGAN all constitute a mighty all-star cast in the screen version of Balzac's famous tale "THE DREAM CHEATER" Then that wonderful echo of South Sea Symphonies KAAIHUE'S HAWAIIANS Presenting "A Night in the Tropics" RAINBOW COMEDY "Three Pairs of Stockings" OMAHA'S PRETTIEST WOMEN Nine on the Moon screen now. Different ones every week. Then the big political event you've been reading about. NATIONAL DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION at San Francisco. First moving pictures of this big event. Moon News Moon Topics WE ALICE in the magnificent special production "DOLLARS AND THE WOMAN" The crucial test of a woman's soul. Today and Saturday x as to whether he could cash a draft for $1,000. Kief wagered at once that he could, (aying that he had such a draft in his pocket. He went to several banks to cash the draft, but was refused because of improper protection. Through a personal friend of Donahue-Randall & Co., South Side commission firm, however, he was able to secure the cash, which he concealeed in his left sock. As Kief returned to the hotel lob by with his money, Detectives Dan baum and I'almtag. who had been observing the transactions during the morning, stepped a little closer to watch the actions of White and his pal. Kiet assured the two men he had the $1,000 and proceeded to place it in an envelope and then in his pock et, where it lay easy prey to the slick fingers of anyone of experience in that line of work. Whereupon the two alleged "con" men started to "frisk" their intended victim, and bolted. Officer Danbaum seized Kief. Officer I'almtag took after White. hite s pal escaped. Rut Palmtap; caught White. Doth Kief and White were taken to Central police station, where the former is being held as witness and the Jatter for investigation. When searched at police head quarters, Kief was found to have $1,080.50 in cash, which the police are now guarding for him. City Loses $25,000 Annually Through Bad Police Bonds Investigation by a committee of the Chamber of Commerce indicates that $25,000 a year at least is lost to the city by reason of forfeited police court bonds which prove worthless. This money would go to the school fund if it were paid. The fault is really in the law, ac cording to W. A. Ellis, assistant commissioner of the Chamber of Commerce, who says an effort will be made to get the next legislature to revise the av. The new law would seek to make each bond for the security of a prisoner a lien on a particular piece of property. PHOTO Pl.AY. NOW PLAYING TKEL CLAYTON "The Ladder of Lies' STARTS SUNDAY AT The SUN Splendid Hazard with Henry B. Waithalf Rosemary Theby Norma Kerry Hardee Kirkland Joe Dowling Ann Forrest Thos. Jefferson 1 11 )W Hi Ml 9; 5f 3& mi I 2 fill COY STENOS ARE OUSTED AT RENT LEAGUE MEETING Two Girl '"Spies" Forced by Drake Court Apartment Dwellers to Surrender Their Note Books. Spies entered into the camp of the Drake court renters' league at their meeting last night. When more than 150 tenants of the apartments gathered on the campus of Drake court to adopt a definite program in their fight to obtain lower rents two pretty girl stenographers were there. They took a verbatim report of the pro ceedings. When asked whom they repre sented the stenographers told offi cials of the renters' league that they were newspaper reporters. Further investigation led officials to doubt the story. The stenographers were asked to surrender their note books. After strenuous protests had been summarily overruled the "spy ste nographers" gave up their notes. Tenants who spoke at the meet ing declared in favor of forcing, if possible, the owners of Drake court to put in effect a summer rental rate which they said had been prom ised. A committee was named to confer with the officials of the Drake court company. A motion favoring the circulation of a petition for the purpose of calling a special session of the leg isb.ture to enact legislation prevent ing skyrocketing of rents was car ried. A meeting of all apartment house renters in Omaha will be held in the court house tonight, it was an nounced. Woman Who Sought To Leave Baby With Sister Is Arrested Mrs. Jocph Moylan, 19 years old, 624 South Eighteenth street, who left her 2-months-old baby, Jo seph, ir., with her 16-year-old sis ter, Mrs. Maybelle Lamont, bride of a week, Wednesday, was arrested yesterday in the Plaza hotel by Detectives Haze and English while attempting to communicate with her husband by long distance telephone in Lincoln. When taken to Central police sta tion and questioned concerning the suspected attempt to desert her child, Mrs. Moylan said she had left the baby with a girl friend to care for it. The baby, which was found to be in the care of Mrs. Myrtle Rey nolds, 624 South Twenty-eighth street, was turned over to the Child Saving institute and J. H. Weirich, superintendent of public welfare, will file charges against the mother today. Wilson Won't Dictate to Convention, Colby Asserts The withdrawal of.McAdoo as a candidate for the presidential nomi nation does not signify the desire of Wilson for a third term, according to Bainbridge Colby, secretary of state, who passed through Omaha yester day morning en route to the demo cirtic national convention as a dele gate from the district of Columbia. Neither will Mr. Wilson attempt to dictate to the convention, Cciby said. ADVERTISEMENT El DISTRESS OF ITCHY SKIN Just call on Poslam to bring you the comfort your suffering skin craves. Let it help you to be free from eruptions and all disorders which mark your skin as needing antiseptic, healing treatment. Unless you have actually seen Poslam's toork and know how readily it takes hold, stopping the itching at once, you will hardly believe its effects possible in so short a time. In eczema, Poslam's action appears all the more remarkable when the trouble is persistently stubborn and nothing else seems to bring lasting relief. Poslam is harmless always. Sold everywhere. For free sample write to Emergency Laboratories, 243 West 47th St., New York City. AMtTSEMENT8 Vaudeville at 2:40, 8:40 and 9:00 OHCE UPON A TIME George Austin Moore, The Rosairet, Frank and Ethel Carmen, Ben Harney Kinograms and Topics of the Day Photoplay at 3:55, 5:30, 8:00 and 10:45 ELAINE HAMMERSTEIN in "The Shadow of Rosalie Byrne" TWO SHOWS IN ONE HOLIDAY IN DIXIELAND A Cloudburst of M'rtn and Melody With 11 I eople. MARY HOWARD & CO. "Personality Plus." LAMEY A PEARSON "The Tale of Two Cities." PAUL RONDAS Bits of Versatility. , PHOTOPLAY ATTRACTIONS "Other Men's Shows" CAMERA MEN WILL PICTURE BACKS OF BUSINESS MEN Squad of Movie Operators Arranges Novel Guessing Stunt for Local Theater. They'll be half shot but only by the camera. "They" are prominent men, citizens of Omaha. The camera is a movie one and will be operated by a trio of young photographers abroad on the streets and in office buildings, especially delegated to get pictures of the backs of Oma ha's great leaders for a "Who's Who in Omaha" feature at the Orpheum within a week or two. How many of Omaha's men would you know if yon only saw their backs? Are you an expert on pick ing out folks' cranitims? If you are, you'll be given a chance to win some money. Pictures will be taken this week. As soon as they can be gotten into shape they will be shown on the screen of the Orpheum theater. Billy Byrnes, manager, is backing the project. Seven second will be allowed each "back." Leave your guesses with the manager or at the box office. He guesses most "backs correct ly will be given a cash prize. Mr. Byrnes hasn't announced the amount yet The following week, the pictures will be shown from the "front." The camera men are F. G. Gul lette, J. E. Campbell and G. S. Gul lette. Mr. Campbell was a photo grapher for President Wison in Paris. Georgette Waists Are All Right, Say Omaha Ministers Georgette waists are perfectly all right as a covering and adornment of the fair sex, according to Omaha ministers, Mrs. C. W. Hays of the Nebraska Women's Christian Tem perance union to the contrary not withstanding. "I haven't seen anything immod est about georgette waists," declared Rev. E. H. Jenks, pastor of the First Presbyterian church. "I think the women wear them because they are cool. I can see no other mo tive." Rev. Paul Calhoun, pastor of the Central United Presbyterian church, however, declared that the trans parent waists should be "worn properly if worn at all." Rev. Thomas Casady of All Saints Episcopal church declared he had set the hours of service earlier so that the congregation would be cool and that unduly thin garments would not be necessary for com fort. Temple Israel Brotherhood Picnic to Be Next Sunday Races, field games, contests and children's games will all have their places at the Brotherhood of Tem ple Israel picnic at Fontenelle park on Sunday afternoon. The picnic was originally sched uled for last Sunday, but was post poned cn account of the weather. If the warm weather continues a large attendance is expected bv the committee in charge. Prizes will be avvaroed winners in all of the con tests. Basket lunches will provide the "eats" of the day, which will be augmented by free ice cream for all attending. $25,000 Damage Suit Filed Against County Commissioner William D. Ensor, husband of Mrs. Inez Ensor, killed when the car in which she was riding collided with the car driven by A. D. Compton, county commissioner, filed suit for $25,00 damages against Mr. Comp ton and Douglas county in district court yesterday. He alleges the ma chine driven by Compton was owned by Douglas county, and was used by Compton to drive to his farm at night and return in the morning. Commander-in-Chief Coming. William Jones of New York City, commander-in-chief of the United Spanish War Veterans, will be in Omaha on July 1 and will deliver an address in the city council chamber in the evening. 1 In the Divorce Courts Divorce Petition. Ruth Thlele against Fred Thtele, non support. Anna Pallne against Albert Pallne, cruelty. Rosamond Linvtlle against Taylor Lin vllle, cruelty. Aneta Carter against James H. Carter. cruelty. Divorce Decree. Mary Foley from Remmy Foley, deser tion. Johanna PlanU from Marlon Planti, nonsupport Burt Pickerel from Cassl Pickerel, cri'eity. Fern Williams from Vernon Williams, cruelty. Josie Teller from Peter Teller, cruelty. Ada Spooner from Charles Spooner, cruelty. Klmer Kreps frflrn Verne Rreps, de sertion. Ruth E. Jacobsen from Axel Jacobsen, cruelty. Bertha Morrow from Fred Morrow, non support. Ellen Coffman from Henry Coffman, nonsupport. The Bee's Fund for Free Milk and Ice "He who helpeth the poor, helps three Himself, the suffering ones and me." There's a great satisfaction in con tributing to a fund like this one. The possibilities of good your money may do are limitless. It may save a life that hangs by a thread through the hot days. And that life, in the next three-score years, raajf do an immense amount of good. No other public agency provides funds for supplying the needed pure milk and cooling ice to helpless small children and babes of very poor though deserving families. If you send a contribution, ad dress it simply "Milk and Ice Fund, Care of The Bee." Or you can bring it to The Bee office. Previously acknowledged I4S.00 Jessie Mlllard.. 6.00 A Reader , 6.00 t8. 00 What Do You Know? (Here's a chance to make your wits worth money. Each day The H" will Imhllsh a Merle of queNtlons. prepnreil y Superintendent J. H. Ilfvrrlclso of the liuhlio srhiMlH. Tliey roer tliinit which jmi nhould know. The first romplete list of correct answer received will be reward ed by $1. The answers and the name of the winner will be published on the day Indi cated below, lie sure t five your view nd ild dress in full. Address "(Juration Iditor." Oniah Ilee.) By J. H. BEVEKIDGE. 1. Where is the National Educa tion association to be held in July? 2. How many state - normal schools are there in Nebraska? 3. Where is the University of Ne braska located? 4. Who is the author of "Ameri can Commonwealth?" 5. What state introduced the Aus tralian ballot? (Answers Published Tuesday.) TUESDAY'S ANSWERS. 1. What is the ruler of Japan called? The mikado. 2. What is the name f the largest church in the world? St. Peters in Rome. 3. What is the principal port of Canada? Montreal. 4. What is the highest mountain peak in Alaska? Mount McKinley. 5. In what city are made nearly all JOHN A SW ANSON, Pres. Enthusiastic Crowds in Attendance Attend the Supreme Sale Event Friday ALL WANTED WEAVES ARE AVAILABLE I'C APPROVALS. SEE THE SUIT SALE WINDOW TODAY. the collars and cuffs used in our country? Trov, N. Y. Winner: IVarl Kclley, 619 Paxton block, Omaha. I'M THE GUY! I'M THE GUY who tells you YES when he means NO and makes promises he doesn't intend keeping. It's easier to pretend to be agree able thftn it is to be contrary and have to stick to it. If I give in and say "yes" you're satisfied, but if I said "no" you'd only want to argue and life is too short. I can walk away and leave you to discover afterward that It was only finding an easy way out. And it's dead easy to make any kind of a promise. But why should I keep it when it's something I don't want to do? Lots of times I can get favors by promising to re turn them in some way. Hut why should I put myself out to make good when I've already had the benefit of whatever you've done for me? If you're easy enough to fall for my game that's your lookout. But that's no reason why I should be that kind of an easy mark tool (Copyright, 1920 Thompson Feature Service.) ALL WANTED COLORS ARE IN THIS SALE I THE SUITS IN Tins SALE ASSEMBLED FOR EASY CHOOSING ON SECOND FLOOR, MAIN CLOTHING SALESROOM, WEST SIDE SECTION. no c. A SMALL CHARGE JOHN SWANSOW.SW. rCOKItTTT VPrAREL Tree Surgery Students Meet In Round 2 With Professor Charges and countercharges were hur'.fu by C. E. Page, head of the Page School of Tree Surgery, and eight of his former employes yes terday. Page said eight employes, who left his service, were merely labor ers and that they were discharged instead of having resigned. Earl Williams. 1816 Corby, A. V. Gustafson, 2226 Howard streets, W. B. Rutledge. 2241 Howard street, and E. V. Worsham, who admit they are among the eight who re tired, declare they are not labor ers, but "foremen and former stu dents in Page's school." They say Page f ai ted to make good his promises to them, that they were not fired but quit of their own will and that Page didn't keep school agreements to them. Page says that only two were students and they were desultory in their attendance and efforts to learn. Bliman Chants Tonight. Rev. I. Bliman, chanter of one of the synagogues of Toronto, Can ada, will chant at the services to night at B'nai , Israel synagogue, Eighteenth and Chicago streets. He also will chant at the Saturday morning services. VOL U Sal HOUSE OF iroroeifiieiiier AND Never anything like it in years VALUES, VALUES, again the word "VALUES" comes back into its own. Regularly Retailed at $50 and $55 Regularly Retailed at $75, $80, $85 THANKS to Greater Nebraska's buying power and ability to grasp a wonderful opportunity, we bought at a tremendous price concession vast quantities of Kuppenheimer and Society Brand Spring Suits that were delayed in the making by transporta tion and mill conditions. Several hundred of our regular Kuppenheimer and Society Brand Suits are included, making a sale sensation unparalleled. o. d:s FOR ALTERATIONS. NO FOR MFN ANT) WDMKNr Parents Problems V. If ice-skating bad for littlr girls? Ice-skating is excellent exercise as well as sport for girls as well as for boys. Of course, the pond or other place where the skating if done must be safe. toud be surprised if you knew how many people are drinking" Instant Postum instead of coffee Theresa Reason HOLMUH, TM M Regularly Retailed at $60, $65, $70 ALL WANTED STYLES AND SIZES AWAIT YOU REFUNDS. COMPARE SUIT SALE VALUES TODAY.