12 THE BEE: OMAHA. FRIDAY. JUNE 25, 1920. rMNSTORIEJ V lucy y x FITCH PERKINS r Japanese Boys Have Lunch After Their Maneuvers. "Now the war is coining! Now the war is coming !" shouted Take. All at once Tiro's soldiers began to run. The other soldiers ran, too. They ran straight toward each other and tried to get each others' flags. Take saw Taro wave his sword. "On, soldiers, on !" he shouted. Then there was a great mix-up of boys and flags. It seenjed like a bundle of waving arms and legs and banners. Every boy was shouting at the top of his voice. , Take climbed right yi top of the gate-post, she was so excited. She 'stood up on it and waved her arms. "Look at that thild!" cried the mother. "She'll fall!" Take was dancing for joy. ( "There they cornel There they come!" she cried. Her -father reached, up and held her still. VBe quiet, grasshopper," he said. Taro and his army were coming , up. the street on the run. Nearly every little .boy had two flags! The other army was running away as fast as it could go.i They had only two banners left "Beat the drum!" shouted Taro. The drummer boy began, "rat-a-tat-ttat," and the whole victorious army .marched down the street and right . into Taro's garden ! : As he passed his father and mother and Grannie and Bot'Chan, Taro saluted. His father saluted Taro, and every one of the family Grannie and all cried "Banzai! Banzai!" That means the same as hurrah lJ Then Take tumbled off the gate post and raced up to the porch after the soldier. At tthe porchy the sol diers broke ranks. . The general's mother ran into the house and brought out sweet rice eakes and sugared beans. She fed ADVERTISEMENT Dandruffy Heads Become Hairless If you .want plenty of thick, beau tiful, glossy, silky hair, do by all means; get rid of dandruff, for it will starve your hair and ruin it if you don't. , It doesn't do much good Jo try to brush or wash it out. The only sure way to get rid of dandruff is to dis solve it, then you destroy it entire ly. To do this, get about four ounces of ordinary liquid arvon; apply it at night when retiring; use enough to moisten the scalp and rub it in gently with the finger tips. By morning most, if not all, of your dandruff will be gone, and three or four more applications will completely dissolve and entirely de stroy every single sign and trace of it. , You will find, tooj ,that all itching and digging of the scalp will stop, and your hair will look and feel a hundred times better. You can get liquid arvon at any drug store. It Is inexpensive and four ounces is all you will need, no matter how much dandruff you have. This simple remedy never fails. Most Unusual Brass Bed V alues i Will be offered by H. R. Bowen Co. ; on Saturday Brass Bed $24.75 ' Like Illustration The Posts are two inches in diameter, the filling rods are substantial and rigid. Two Other Big Value Massive Post Beds at. .$28.75 ; Continuous Post at $34.50;; liAll "Wonderful Values. Beds now on display in our windows. Saturday in our Drapery De partment. ' the entire army. There were six boys in it. "Fighting makes a soldier'very hungry," Taro said. Then his mathcr went into the house and brought out more cakes and more beans. The boys ate them all. The army stayed at Taro's house and played with his soldiers and drilled on his porch lintil lunch-time, when they all went to their own homes. After luncheon, Taro played with his tops. He had two beautiful ones. One was a singing top. He was spinning the singing top when all of a sudden, there was a great noise in the street. He ran to see what was the matter. .There, almost right in front of his own house, was a real show! There was a man and a little boy WHY? Are the Months So Named? (Copyright. 1920, by th Whelf Syndicate, Inc.) The names of all our months, as we know them today, date back to the days of the Caesars, and several of them show the in fluence of the belief in the pagan deities who were supposed to pre side over the destinies of time and space. January is named for Janus, the two-faced god, in order to signify the idea that this month looked forward to the new year ' well as back upon the old. February takes its name from the Latin februare, to purify, be cause 5n that month ceremonies of funeral purification were held in 'Rome. March was called aft er Mars, the god of war pre sumably on account of its harsh, blustery weather while April was derived from the Latin aper ire, to open, this being the period of theyear when the earth opens its bounty to the world and trees 'commence to bud. Mav was named for Maia, the goddess of growth, and the three follow ing months June, July and Au gustperpetuate the names of three of Rome's famous men Junius, Julius Caesar and Augus- J ta Laesar. As the Roman calendar orig inally began with March, the month which we know as Sep tember was the seventh, and owes its name to this fact as do Oc tober. November and December, which were to be the earlier Ro-' mans thejeighth, ninth and tenth months. Tomorrow Why Do Hailstorms Occur? Holding a Husband Adele Garrison's New Phase of Revelatiom of a Wife How Dicky Was Oddly Put "In a Fix." I wonder if every woman longs as I sometimes do to be able just for 24 hours to consider no one's feel ings but her own, to act upon the first impulse which seizes her, re gardless of the consequences. I sin cerely hope this is true, for I should hate to feel that the emotion I felt upon hearing little Mrs. Durkce's exclamation had no counterpart in the experiences of other women. For I had an almost irresistible impulse to take my little neighbor by the shoulders, shake her thor oughly, turn her out of the room and a monkey! The monkey and the little boy did tricks together. Then the man and the boy did tricks. (Right reserved by Houghton Mifflin Co.) Tomorrow Japanese Twins see boy and monkey perform. Ilavo Root Print Beacon Press. Adv. ; Enormous Purchase Of Aluminum Ware On Sale Saturday Every Piece Is of the High est Quality and Will Last You for Many Years. ' Sale Prices Are Just About What You Would Pay for Ordinary Granite Ware. ' Substantial savings over regu lar prices mark the Special Pur chase Sale of High-Grade Alumi num Ware which the Union Out fitting Company places on sale next Saturday. It is a sale that will enable every particular housewife to re place her Granite Ware that is always chipping with fine Alumi num pieces that will not rust or corrode crack or scale that i; not affected by acids and is eas ily cleaned. t The purchase included Sauce pans, Preserving Kettles, Tea Kettles, Rice .Boilers, Aluminum Sets and other desirable pieces. The savings are additional evi dence of the ever-increasing Buy ing Power of the Union Outfit ting Company, located just out of the High Rent District. As al ways, you make your own terms. You'll get just about twice the wear out of your suit if you have an Extra Pair of Trousers. Satisfactory Tailoring MADE to ORDER THAT means: Comfortable Garments correctly de signed and tailored at mod erate prices. Nicoll's isn't the ordinary sort of tailoring nor conducted under ordinary ideas of making to order. We're large buyers of woolens taking cases, often, where others buy yards. That's a saving in the first cost. A well-drilled organization of competent cutters and skilled tailors to look after the de tails of your order. That assures tailoring satisfaction. OF SPECIAL INTEREST RIGHT NOW Full Suit and an Extra Pair of Trousers $55, $60, $65 and Upwards THERE'S A WORLD OF COMFORT IN CLOTHES THAT REALLY FIT YOU NICOUL Hie Tkilor W2 Jen-ems' Sons 209-1 1 South 15th Street Karbach Block and lock the door after her. I had been harassed for days with tlie numberless wishes and queries of all the members of my family concern ing our projected trip. To have little Mrs. Durkee's woes, real of im aginary, added to the ones 1 already had, seemed the traditional straw too much. But, fortunately for he amenities of civilization, women generally are gifted with the ability to be social hypocrites, and I do not think I am on exception to the general rule. Therefore I hospitably drew two chairs forward, motioned my mother-in-law to one, and going up to my litle neighbor put my arm around her shoulder and took down the handkerchief from her eyes with a firm hand. In thus ministering to her I found my irritation fast vanishing. I am genuinely fond of "Iter Fluffiness," and long ago learned the lesson which all her family and friends know that it is impossible to re main angry or even Irritated a her for over a minute or two of time. "Look here!" I said didactically, "crying isn't going to help what ever is the matter. So suppose you sit down here and tell me all about Rita Brown." ' "Her Fluffiness" sank obediently into the chair I indicated, lifted her still lovely child-like ,eyes to mine. "You are always such a comfort, Madge," she sighed."But even you can't help me out this time. Leila's as stubborn as a mule, and Alfred just stands right there like an ap pointed idiot and oacKs up every word she says. I can't imagine what the girl can be thinking of. I should think she'd remember how taken Alfred was at the one time with that tha oh. I can't find words strong enough to call her. I'd be ar rested if I said them out loud. Well, there's one thing certain, if anybody thinks I'm going to travel south in the same drawing room with her they've just got two more thinks coming, that's all." "Margaret," my mother-in-law interrupted,, with her eyes still full of suspicion. "Flease close that win dow. It is exceedingly chilly in here. I am surprised that you have it open. I just closed the one in the, bath room. It was chilling the whole house, and here this one is wider open still. I was panic-stricken at her words, for Dicky in his dash out of ihe room to avoid meeting her had counted, as I well knew, upon the open bathroom window as a means of getting into the house again from the veranda roof. If it had been shut before he reached it he must still be literally "cooling his heels" upon the veranda roof. I knew that he was rather sketchily attired in negligee shirt, trousers and slip pers, nnd knew also that he was warm from dashing to and fro in the ridiculously futile movements which he in common with most other men call "packing." The danger of his becoming thoroughly chilled was very real. There was but one thing to do, however. I must get my visitors out of the room as soon as I could. "Suppose you come into my room instead," I suggested hospitably, rising as 1 spoke. "The odor of moth balls was so strong in here that I simply had to open the wiir dow." "Margaret! Have you taken leave of your senses?" demanded my mother-in-law. "Richard never uses moth balls and you know it. I agree with you that we ought to go to a warmer room, but if you are unwilling to heed my suggestion I shall certainly close this window be fore I leave. The room will be so chillv that he will take his death of cold." She was between the window and me, and it was impossible for nie to forestall her purpose. Despite my very real anxiety I could not help seeing the grim humor of her ac tion. She was making impossible the only .chance her son bad to keep from "taking his death of cold." ' She walked to the window, and, Uf my consternation, jmt her head out of it. I watched her, fascinated, wondering what she would do who,-,, she saw, as she must, her son stand ing outside. I heard a little choking gasp of astonishment, which (lie next in stant changed into a very creditable imitation of a cough. Then my mother-in-law drew her head in at the window and said with astonish ing calmness: "I don't know but you are right, Margaret. This room does smell abominably of moth balls. When you' bring your head in from the fresh air you notice it. You'd bet ter leave the window open, and we'll go down to my room. "And you really ought to make Richard do something about Mrs. Durkee's reservations." (Continued Tomorrow.) ClearaiceCompelling Suit Values 11 jr THE CASH STORE Beginning Friday, June 25th Continuing TilLEvery Suit is Sold Our Entire Stock Mart Schaffner & Marx MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S All Wool Spring and Summer Suits Plain Blues and Blacks Excepted ALL THIS SEASON'S MERCHANDISE Regular $65, $70, $75 and $80 Values For Choice of the Entire Stock $1150 Just our way of completely and quickly clearing out stocks at the end of each season, except that this time we are giving oijr customers this great opportunity June 25th instead of July 15th to 25th.- A wonderfully broad assortment of the spring and summer sea son 1920 best styles and patterns in guaranteed all wool ma terials. Every garment fully guaranteed the same as if sold at the regular retail price. Lots of snappy new single and double-breasted models for the young fellows and plenty of the more conservative styles for oiaer men. MAKE SELECTIONS EARLY WHILE ASSORTMENTS ARE MOST COMPLETE We Will Not Make Alterations at This Price Pay, Try HAYDEN'S First h,, w v If M 11 ' MWt J &if II iff s s srrtw.:iBi; - - yss&-&te in IPHis $& rllr tM II