7 THE BEE: OMAILV FRIDAY. JUNE 25. 1920. , AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. THE GUMPS. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. THIS CAR FOR THE BASEMENT Drawn for The Bee by Sidney Smith s CADILLAC CADILLAC 57 phaeton, run but a very small mileage; car in per fect condition; good iires and paint. NASH sedan, car looks like new; fine tires; good paint; uphol stering in fine condition. STUTZ roadster; car has just been completely overhauled, and re painted; good tires. OLDSMOBfLE touring; looks and runs like new; good tires, wire wheels and newpaint. - HUDSON super six roadster; good paint and tires. HUDSON super six, 19i8 model touring car; in perfect condi tion; good tires, new paint; , this car has a winter and sum mer top. ' HAYJJES touring car; car perfect in every.way; good tiros and paint; a very late model; if in terested in'a medium priced car don't fail to see this car. WILLYS-KNIGHT 1918 touring; good tires; fair paint; car in good condition. I VELIE touring; car in fine, condi tion; good paint and condition. HUDSON supef six, touring1 car, in good condition; would make ex cellent taxi. A Safe Place to Buy, ' J. H. HANSEN CADILLAC CO., tfarhey 710. Farnam at 26th St. USED CAR ' BARGAINS 1919 Oakland Sedan S new cord tires guaranteed good as new, $1,350. 1920 Essex Touring new tires driven 3,000 miles, $1,250. 1918 Oakland six roadster-pre-finished like new tires nearly new, $700. 1920 Elgin six demonstrator a bargain. WESTERN ELGIN MOTOR CO., 2415 Farnam St. ' Tel. Doug. 713. STOP! LOOK LISTEN! THE LARGEST STOCK WE EVER HAD., THE BEST CARS WE EVER HAD. AT THE LOWKST PRICES WE HAVEJ EVER HAD. INCLUDED IN THESE ARE NEW HTUDEBAKER "4." 20 ESSEX, NEW CHEVROLET, 20 MAXWELU 19 CHEVROLET. 19 GRANT SIX, J9 OVERLAND "90." 18 FAIGH SIX, 18 BUICK SIX. 18 MIT CHELL SIX, HUDSON flTPER SEDAN. 17 BUICK SIX ROADSTER, 17 BUICK BIX TOURING, 17 CHALMERS SIX TOURING, 17 OVERLAND ROADSTER. 17 OAKLAND SIX, 17 HATNES SIX, 1 OVERLAND ROADSTER AND FORD8 OF ALL MODELS. TRAWVER AUTO CO Buy a Guy L. Smith Used Car A SAFE INVESTMENT. We always have a few first-class t:scd cars whjch are real bargains. Each 'are guaranteed and with a .real service behind it. Call Doug las 1970 any time for description of cars and prices. "FORDS, BUlCKS, DODGES NEW AND USED.. Cash or time. Drlvs them and pay by the month. All cars In good mechanical ehane. Fords, bodies, cab, truck bodies. Bend for catalogue. OOLDSTROM AUTO SALES CO., 1S18 Harney St. Tyler 714. CENTRATj GARAGE. Open day and night. WILL TAKE LOW PRICED CITY LOTS OR CHEAP PROPERTY IN TRADE FOR USED CARS. STANDARD MOTOR CAR CO.. 2029 FARNAM STREET. DO YOU' WANT a gnod automobile at bargain iirire? ' A.1I makes and sizes. Terms or cash. Call Douglas 6188. Mr. Jones, v 60 ME bargains In used Ford cars. Mo Caff y Motor Co. Tha Handy Ford Servt e Station, 15th and Jackson. Doug- las 3b 10. BARGAIN in Mllhurn Electric, fins condi tion, ne batteries. See car at 8115 military . re,, or call Walnut 4309. WE HAVE 60 good' used car to select . from. All prices. ' MEEKS AUTO CO.. S02S Farnam. THE DIXIE FLYER. W. H. NICHOLS MOTOR COMPANY, 2680 Farntm St. AUTO CLEARING HOUSE, ' 20S3 FARNAM. EXCEPTIONAL USED CARS. FOR TERMS ON USED CARS VAN BRUNTS. Look for the red seal on windshield. OAKLAND Sensible Six. MARSH OAKLAND CO., 23"9 Farnam 8t. .EW STANDARD TOURING OAfT'AT SACRIFICE FOR IMMEDIATE SALE. C ALLH A RXEY 7 2 ? 3E VKNINOS. DODGE truck "for sale, will take Ford or small car ai part payment. Call Douglas 1003. FORD Sedan, 1919, almost new; starter; new tires; other extras. poug. 8989. ms DODGE, overhauled, bargain. Sea at Morton's Oarage. Harney 6760; I'ORD touring car for sale, bargain. .3320 X Kortn 24th St. Webster 2210. Repairing and Painting. RADIATOR CORES INSTALLED, iMflfufactured In Omaha, 24-h'our serr l tr auto, truck and tractor. Expert radlsrtor and fender repairing; body dents (removed; new fenders made. OMAHA AUTO RADIATOR MFG. CO., 1819 cuming et. Tvier si7. fores and Supplies, , USED TIRES. " SOxS, 15.00; 30x3V,. s.00. All slje In proportion. Look ovsr our rebuilt Open Sundays. Tyler 1984. SAVIGB TIRES, S0 N. 16th St. KeysDne Tire Shop. NEW REPUBLIC TIRES, CHEAP. 80x3 V FISK . .$14.95 I 34x4 120.96 S0i3 110.95 83x4 120.96 S6x4 129 95 I 32x4 J19.95 SEE I'S FIRST. IT PAYS. KAIMAN TIRE JOBBERS. 1721 CUMING NEW GUARANTEED TIRES. 80x3 .. 9.75 82x3. .816.90 0x34. .)120 34x4 ..121.76 STANDARD TIRE CO.. 410 N. 16TH ST. AUTO electrical repairs; service station for Raytleld carburetor and Columbia storage batteries. Edwards. 2618 N. 19th. WANT to buy used tires. Doug. 8854. . Motorcycles and Bickcles. . INDIAN motorcycle with side car, 1917 model, fine condition. Bargain. Col-"-f:c 19S1 FARM LANDS. Idaho Land. BIG alfalfa ranch In Snake river valley, Idaho. Fine climate, close to open range, school and town. Two flowing warm wells and river feed grounds. Good build ings and fences. All kinds of fruit and berries. All under Irrigation and plenty of water. Ideal sheep and cattle ranch. Pay 20 per cent to 25 per cent net on price. Owner, 1629 Ada St., Boise, Idaho. Minnesota Lands. MINNESOTA lands. 30 Improve farm offered for sale by owner on long-time. une-mm vaou. uwbvpu in cvvu nivvr valley pro pee. near Argyla, Stephen, Donaldson and Tyler. Minnesota. Writ for descriptive booklet and prle list. M. Laurltaeo. 629 2d Ave.. S. Minneap olis. Minn. FOR SALE Fin, level, unimproved quar ter, close to town. Pennington, county, Minnesota. One-third hay crop Included. A bargain at $S6 acre. Want to sell at once Owner, O. Boyoton, Clarion, la. (aspvSayia has gcn steady But ivfOT 5TTr?0Nr TAKING in CON5lDEf$A-nOM THE CONWTiqN OP Tte wToctr NAi?ir7 ITS NOT pAp - Dur' not good. J ARM LAND Colorado Lands. FOR 8ALE Near Purllngton. Colo., 480 ncres, on hlKhway: 240 in wheat: 1-J de- - ivered to rlevator; 100 acres In barley pofs to purchaser: fenced with three wire fence; at $50 per acre if sold soon. C40 oiTcs. all seeded in wheat this fall; fenced with three-wire; at $66 an acre. W. C. Barnes, 2209 M St., Auburn. Neb. COLORADO. Come to Canon City, Colo.; fin elt mate. Apple orchards. Alfalfa farms. Small fruits; city property; stook ranches. Writ for fine booklet. Haynes Kralty Co. FcTr SALE Good 480-acre V. E. Colo., Prowers county farm; well Improved. Lost my wife; too old to handle. Will sacrifice for (26 per a. A. N. Gibson, Bristol Colo. Kansas Land. ' IF you, are looking for a real land proposi tion, sco our 'low priced, level! wheat fHrms, and shallow water alfalfa farms, In the famous White Woman basin in Scott county, Kansas. The prices are right. LAND MARKET. LAND MARKET. FRANKLIN. NEB. aCOTT CITr. KA3. 160 acres, 2i miles town, Franklin county, Kansas. Smooth, highly im proved. Abundance water. SO alfalfa:. 40 pasture; remainder spring crops. One best farms in Franklin county. Terms. Write for description, price, ajnd list, Martin Strafuss, Ottowa, Kan. 160 acres, 2 miles town, Franklin county, Kansas. Smooth, highly Im proved. Abundance water. SO alfalfa; 40 pasture; remainder spring crops. One best farms In Franklin county. Terms. Write for description, price and list. Martin Strafuss, Ottawa, Kan. WRITK us fbr'prlces and terms, on lands In Thomas county. Kansas.. Fellon ' & West. J07 Crounse Block. Nebraska Lands. $25.00 Below Its Value For a Quick Sale. , 160 acres In the Platte River Valley 5 miles from town, 120 acres under plow, 30 acres pasture with running water, 10 acres fine meadow, land lie level. Good black loam soil. Good 4-room house nearly new. Stable for 6 head of Worses. Granary for 2.000 bushels and other minor improvements. Two wells with the best of water at a depth of 20 feet. Buildings well sheltered by large grove. Only 80 rods from school. Price 1140 per acre, 15,000 cash, ,15,000 December 1. Balance good terms.. Buy a farm that never falls to produce a crop. Ad dress M. A. Larson, Owner, CentAl CUy, Neb. FOR SALE 640 aires Blaine county, Ne braska, fenced. Partly rough, all heavily grassed. Pric 120. Wduld tonsider good car, town property or smaller traot land. L. O. Garrison. Belgrade, Neb. CORN AND ALFALFA FARMS, IMPROVED, IN CENTRAL NEBRASKA, at the right price. Write for list. LARSON A CARRAIIERiy f-'enIt?i City. Nepraska. - 4,00 ACRES Box Butte county farm land; 125 to S3o an acre. in half section lota, a 8. AND R. E. MONTGOMERY. m City Na t'l Bank Bldg. HAT 120 te-J40 last winter. For Elk. i horn Valley hay land writ Frank Schermerhorn, 3315 Myrtle Aj'e. , Omaha. v For Neb. Farms and Ranches ae Graham-Peters Realty Co.. 129 Omaha Nat' I Bk. Bldg.. Omaha. A. A- PATZMAN. Far-1. 301 Karbach Blk. Wyoming Lands. SO ACRES, borders nice lake: 2 miles sta tion; new cottage; $1,400; S200 cash. Get list. Tom O. Mason, Cumberland. Wis. HOMESTEAD relinquishments. per acre. Box 488. Casper, Wyoming. Miscellaenous an Acre Gets Big Rich Midwest Farm You can make a fortune here: 6S0 acres chocolate and black loam tillage, spring watered pasture and wood; ap ples, pears, . plums, cherries, - peaches, grapes: last year's wheat tVsted Kz pounds and quick buyer gets one-half present crop; perfectly adapted wheat, corn, other grains; will carry big herd; wood and timber worth several thousand dol lars; S-room bungalow, drilled W ll. big barn, new granary, X poultry houses, owner cannot occupy; only $22 an acre, part cash. . Details pagr 89 Strom's Big Illustrated catalog, farm bargains 33 states. Copy free. Strout Farm Agency. 831 B. F.. Now York Life Bldg., Kansas City. Mo. . REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS. WALSH-ELMER CO., "Realtors." Real Estate, Investments, Insurance. Hen tala. Tyler 1536. 333 Securities Bldg. PRESSED brick duplex flat, 7 rooms on a side; oak finish: Park Ave.; Income $1.600. Snap at $13,50". Dg. 1734. KEALJSSTAf EJWANTED. FOR 0,'Hck and satisfactory 'results In selling Omaha real estate see Schroeder Investment Co. 638 Ry. Ex. Bldg. Phone Doug. 3261. W. G. SHRIVE R has cash buyer for cottage and bunga lows nicely located. 1047-9 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg Douglas 16. To buy or sell Omaha Real Estate ee F0WLER:& M'DONALD, 1120 City Nafl Bank Bide. Doug. 1428. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE, JOHN W. SIMPSON 4 Patterson Blk. Dong. 16S8. E. G. SOLOMON tJS22l til Karbach Blk. Doug. 6262. YOU WANT TO SELL THAT HOUSE 7 Want quick action T Just try us. Call Tyler 4. OSBORNE REALTY CO.. 430 Be Bldf. REAL ESTATE TP EXCHANGE. LOT wanted, In Dundee or Hanscora park. ; Hav new S-room. trlctly modern. Just completed to eachang or good second mortgage on Banscom park property. Phone Harney :7 or Harney2196. TWO QUARTERS "of land In central South Dakota; 160 close to Omaha and 200 acres in Burt county; will sell for cash , or accept part In good stock of mer Chandlse. Box 206. Oakland. Neb. Wit. 1: HILL. -Exchange of all kinds. Groc. and Gen. Mds. Stocks wanted. Doug. 4413. 10 World Herald Bldg, BEAUTIFUL large hill tract lot In bt part of Council Bluff. What hv1 yon to trade. Carl Cnangstrom, 2020 Far nam street. . - CHASE county land to trad for aerag, or will rent an acreage near Omaha. Address S. McKelvie, Fairfield, Neb. CLEAR 160 acres, Colorado, $4,000.00 aaa balance cash -for good going grocery tore. Box M-70, Omaha Be. FINANCIAL. Real Estate Loins. CITY AND FARM LOANS. PER CENT. DVMONT A CO.. 416-418 Keeline Bldg. OMAHA HOMES EAST. NEB. FARMS. O'KEEFB REAL ESTATE CO.. 1016 Om. Nat Bk. Bldg. Doug. $711. DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY LOANS. Lcwest rates. Prlvat loan booths. Harry Malashock. 1614 Dodge. P. 661$. Es. 184 "FrIVATB MONEY. $100 to $10,000 mad promptly. P. D. WEAD. Wead Blug.. $10 8. 18th St. PRIVATE MONEY. SHOPEN 4 COMPANY. Doug. 4118. PROMPT rvle. reaconabl rate, prlvat money. Oarytn Bros., 841 Omaha Wat. D, . BUCK. Loans. 44$ Omaha Nat wen. Ml GUMP- " i tslu you what i'll DO. Af(D?EW - I'LL lay t YOU AN CVEN. BET k CARP CAVIAR HA5 3 CrONE UP AT LEAST" A f I HALF A POINT- WHOEVEl? WNS WILLP" ") SPEND IT POfc f(V-DNNER TODAY REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. THIS ATTRACTIVE" BUNGALOW, $3,800: Owner Going to Coast. We have been ordered to sell this attractive six-room bungalow. Owner sacrificing profits for quick sale. The living room is across north front, has fireplace and built-in bookcases. Dining room has built-in window seat and buffet. Kitchen, white enamel and built-in cupboards. Two south bedrooms in white enamel. Bath large, light and air. Floors throughout are white oak. The second floor has one big room fin ished. There is ample closet and storage rooms. Cement basement. Laundry facilities. Torid Zone furnace. BeautifOl decorations throughout. Expensive light fix tures. Corner lot, beautiful lawn and a wonderfully hardy garden. This is an unusually attractive home. Near school and car line. Call us today for details and ap ppointment to look it over. J. L. HIATT CO., 900 FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. PHONE TVLE'l 63 Clairmont Bargain A Real Bungalow Only $8,000. Large living room across entire front of house, with fireplace, builtin bookcases and large dining reom; all finished in oak; kitchen white 'enameled; 2 large bedrooms on second floor, 2 closets to each bedroom. Bath white enameled, linen closets, etc., bedrooms finished in white euam- el with mahogany doors. Plastered basement; one block to car. , Foi further particulars call Walnut oui Dandy 6-R Strictly Mod. $3,000 DOWN, PR. $7,650. j Choicest location, east front, strirlly modern, practically new, hardwood 1 floors and finish. Just has to be sppn to be appreciated. Let us show you. j Csll Tyler 49s. OSBORNE R. CO., 430 Bee Bldg. i Dundee. DUNDEE 5116 California "Street It would take too much space to mention all the attractive features . of this house. Large living room, beautiful floors and woodwork, heated sleeping porch, hot water hoat, double heated garage. Thesf are only a few of Its many yood points. Let us'show you through and you'll agree that it's about ns near perfect as a house can be. A BEAUTIFUL HOME Well Worth the Money Large J-story, 7-room, Kellaitone resi dence; double garage; on paved street, block to car line; south fronfTJarge living room with fireplace, dining room and sunroom finished tn oak: Kitchen white enameled: 3 bedrooms, bath and closed In sleeping porch on second floor, u Price $17,000. Call -Walnut, 2812 for utimtiB. DUNDEE' Ajdandy new 5-rooni, all mod em, home for $750 doVn, bal ance monthly. Call Mr. Cole at Douglas 7412 days. Florence. NETHAWAY, Suburban prop ty. Col. 1409. REAL ESTATE, OTHER CITIES FOR SALE 'OR TRADE Good concrete Income block In suburbs of Lincoln, encumbrance $5,800, Income about $200 per month and carsble of $3no by personal attention of owner. Value $20,000. .Will trade equity for Kinkald homestead with good improve ments, hay and farm land. Would take in stock and equipments to make deal. No rnmmtsMon .lNijed or pat'.l. Uox Ei j , College View, Neb. Creigh, Sons & Company Douglas 100. 60S Bee Bldg. Lack of Home Ownership is, the Cause OMAHA REAL ESTATE BOARD I JUST &OT A HUNCH THAT I MADE ENOUGH TODAY TO TAkfe A VACATION IP IT eoeS UP A POINT I'M GOING DOWN ANP 6T that 4000 euars NUN AND LITTLE CMESTCR POR ONE CrfcAND AND CLOIlOUS VACATION -ILL LET THeSTOCK ,06 TIL GET REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. r- West. BOULEVARD CORNER HOME NEAR MERCER PARK AND CATHED RAL DISTRICT Consisting of large living room with fireplace, dining room, large aun room and kitchen on the first floor, finished In white enamel with oak floors. Four bedrooms, large sleeping porch and tile bath second floor. Larga light base nicnt, furnace heat. Oarage for two cars. Orounds are exceptionally large, being approximately 200 feet fronting on the boulevards by 143, plus parking, in depth. This Is one of the real "homey" homes. Drive out and look over the outside the northwest corner of 36th and Lincoln boulevard. If you like It, arrange with us for inspection. -Must be sold and the price Is right. GLOVER & SPAIN REALTORS, Douglas 2850. 018-20 City National. r CATHEDRAL . DISTRICT 6 ROOMS, NEW. $1,000 cash, balance $70 per month; li block to car, close to Saunders school. House has large living room across front, large dining room and kitchen down stairs, three bedrooms and bath tipl six big closets. A dandv home for you. Call Mr. Bilbv, II. 2283 or D.2428 days SEE THIS BARGAIN . IN CLAIRMONT 5-ronm frame bungalow, east front, only 1 Mock to car on paved street. Oak finish in living room and dinlns room: kitchen and 2 bedrooms fin ished natural. Bethroom. white cr.ameled. Price only $6,750. This is a bargain. Walnut 2812. CLAIRMONT A lovely five-room home with a sun room, colonnade openings, beamed ceil ings, built-in bookcases and seat, gas heater. Rig living room, oak panelled. Only $ 1,500 rash, balance monthly. EvcnlTurs Harney 4!9fi. comGerciai, INVESTMENT CO.. 1516 CltyNationaJ. Douglas 393S. 5-ROOM, all modern house on one floor: close to car line; price, $4750. Very reasonable terms. E.E.AUSTIN Tvler 785. 1305 First Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Omaha R'al Estate snrt Investments. JOHN T. BOHAN 6:i Paxton Blk Phone Tyler 4880. J-BrSorilXPON, Heal Estate and Invest ments, 442 Bee Bldg., DougKs 8097. BENSON & MEYERS CO.. 424 Om. Nat'L North. Near 28jih' Avenua and Cuming,- $750 Down Balance $25 a Month Five-room, strictly modern except heat cottage, all on one floor; nice lot on paved street, paving paid. Price, PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY D. ITS, 537 Omaha Nat'l. Bank Ask for Mr. GlbsAn. Bldg. PRETTIEST MILE HOME. 1 11 M EDI ATE POSSESSION. A well-built, well-arranged 6-roum home; hot waler heat; at the present price of coal It moans a big saving on one's coal bill: just painted on outside; wood work refinished; house in best of reiBlr: looks like new; east front lot; ciose to car and school. Trice, $6,600; $1,500 cash. , RASP BROS., ;12 Keeline Bldg. Ty. 721. NEAR "MILLER PARK" S-room stucco, fireplace, sunroom, laundry room; everything convenient: all oak fl"ors and finish: key at office. R. F. CLARY CO., 2404-06 Ames Ave. Colfax175. 5YK00 BUYS mv new. strictly modern. 5 large-room bungalow; built-in feature, oak floors and- finish, full cemented basement, large garage, corner lot, street raved and paid for: $l.oon will handle this: reasonable "month!' payments. Owner. 4201 Ergklno St. Walnut3835. iOnb ''-''. home. mod. ex. hfnt; screened poreh. double garage, paving paid. Im mediate possession. Price only $3,500; about $750 cash. RASP BROS., 213 Keellns Bldg. Ty. 721. "Do you know that in the United States, of every 100 people that die, 66 leave no estate whatever, 25 leave estates, valued at a little less than $1,300, and only 9 leave estates valued at $5,000 or more? S. W. STRAUS, Pres. Amer. Thrift Society. and take REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. North. Classy Semi Bungalow Stucco construction. Nearly new. Five dandy rooms and fine ly finished in oak and enamei. First floor is large living room with fireplace and book cases, paneled dining room well ar ranged, white enamel kitchen with one-piece sink and ample built-in features. Second floor has two large bedrooms and bath. Tasti ly decorated throughout and up-to- tfie-niinute in every detail. A real ' snap at the price, $8,000. Shown bv appointment. Benson & Carmichael 642 Paxton Blk. Fvenings Wal. 1580, Tyler 3540. ATTRACTIVE BUNGA LOW BARGAIN SHERMAN AVE. $5,000 The brtt bungalow location on the north side. This is one of the bast bungalows on the market today. Has been newly decorated Inside and out, and has every latest convenience. Best of oak finish, etc. Owner has Just moved Into larger home so that we can give possession immediately. The prfca of $5,000 is less than cost of replacing It today; $t,000 cash to handle. Call Tyler 60 and ask for Mr. Kruger, HASTINGS & HEYDEN H14Harney St. Phone Tyler 50. My Bungalow for Sale Dandy S-room modern Miller Park home. Large south front lot, with shade, fruit, etc., - '4 block to car and parki very attractive terms. Located on Crown Point Ave. Can sell for $5,000. Might consider a good building lot is first pay ment. Call me evenings at Colfax 648 or during day Colfax 175. . 8 -ROOM house at J612 North 19th St., having bath and ges, nice large front porch, east front lot 62 feet, paving paid, price $2,750. House vacant. W. n. Gates, 647 Omaha Natl Bank Bldg. Douglas 129A. COLORED folks, why' buy an old house when you can buy a brand new one at 2823 Seward for $500 cash, balance monthly. Ready to occupy. See today. Creigh. 508 Bee. Douglas 20(V BEMIS PARK. Dandy 7-room house on ear line and paved street. Four dsndy bedrooms upstairs. An ldea-i place for roomers. Hsr. 48:s7. $2,200 bays i lots near 24th and Mary, Minna ' I.usa addition. Must sell it once. Call Tyler 2022. A FEW homes and lots for sale In Park wood addition: a safe place for invest ment. Norrls A Norrls. Douglas 4 27 0. CUMINO near 29th St., 44 feet, ,mustbe aold to close estate. A. ukiai mel, B4H in ail name mag. M1NNE LU8A homes and lots offer the best opportunity to Invest your money. Phone Tyler 187. 5 ROOMS, part modern, $500 cash. Ben jamln & Frankenberg, 624 Bee Bldg. South. HANSCOM PARJC, WEST SIDE. Your money's worth, "THEN SOME." fi-room, all modern home; gamge, chicken house; cherry, apple and plum troes, currants andgrapes: fi BLOCKS FROM CAR AND 3 BLOCKS OFF PAVEMENT; only $4,600. READ AGAIN If Interested, call Harney 1341 or Douglas 1345. Ask for Mr. Brown. N4ar!y new 6-room bungalow on paved street, all special taxes paid, all modern and oak finish. Har. 6563. Miscellaneous. $450 DOWN for a new S-room, all modem, bungalow; situated in a good neighborhood; oak and enamei finish. Mr. Cole. Douglas 7412 davs. WANT A HOME? Possibly wo have it for you. It costs nothing to phone Douglas 1345 or come to 1506 Dodge St. WANT A MODERN- HOME. ' Field club or Hanscom park district. Thone Shrlver. Douglas 1636. - s ( PROPPED 52r' J pomT.v J REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. Miscellaenous. - A GOOD BUY $500 down, balance monthly, for a new 5-rpom, all modern, story house. Large living room; large bedrooms and closets. East front on blvd.; oak finish below; white enarfiel bedroom and bath. Call Wal. 5432 evgs..or D. 7412 Monday. Mr. Cole. 6-ROOM modern home, fruit, garage, two lots, cash or terms. 1718 Ontario St. Csll evenings or Sunday. EIOHT-ROOM strictly modern home." in good location, one block from car. Lot 50x130 with nice shade ' trees. Oarage for two cars. Good value at $4,(00. Easy term. V . CONBOY & GREEN, D. $841. H. 4999. Web 6150. TO BE SOLD AT The Big 640-Acre Hilliker & Simpson STOCK AND GRAIN FARM r . 1 11H 'l. D1. n T Dl. ....... tin rnnndr Iaws un me wnne roie ixuau m a uuanouaiHit vuiuhji v m ' 38 This farm contains 640 acres; 440 acres in one body on which the improve ments are located ; 200 acres in one body just across the section line to the north ; the improvements are located in a sightly location and all have good drainage. The improvements have all been built within the last three or-four years, but the most of them were built in 1919. The land lays slightly rolling ; there is no broken or pre cipitous land on the farm; it is all under cultivation with the exception of 27 acres TJhe farm is known as the Hilliker Simpson farm, is located 38 miles from Council Bluffs on the White Pole road, 13 miles east of Oakland, la., which is on the Rock Island road, nine miles north of Crriswold. Ia.. five miles northwest of CROPS 560 acres of this farm is seeded down with timothy and clover, which' has a very good stand and will pro duce a wonderful crop this year. The crther 80 acres is in corn. This farm will be in elegant condition to turn back into corn or small grain in 1921, the ground having been well rested. WATER SUPPLY The farm is wa tered by three wells; the well at the house THE HOUSE Has 5 rooms and sipeping porch; full cement basement, and furnace heat; house about three years old. A bunk house 3uxl8 with locker; with laun dry room in connection; frame construction, built in 1919. Supply tank, capacity of 480 barrels; has an eight-inch round brick wall beneath the tank, in which there is a milk house with cement water troughs to keep milk cool. BARN 48x80, stanchions for ten rows; stalls for 16 head of horses; two granaries bold 60 ' tons of hay with a garage and wagon shed in connection. CHICKEN HOUSE 18x30 of hollow tile and stucco construction; built in two compartments with a poultry yard; built in 1919. MACHINE SHED 18x60, frame construction; has six stalls with roller door in front of each stall; imple ments can be put in and taken directly out of any stall in this shed without trouble. The terms of sale will be announced by the auctioneer before the sale starts. They will be very liberal to responsible parties, so do not remain away from this sale thinking you cannot buy this farm, as terms will be made so that any respon sible party can buy. For full information call on or wrife HILLIKER & SIMPSON Room 3, Horse and Mule Barn, South Omaha Stock Yards CAVIAR. CL.OSE.S AT 59 TODAY- i iT2.ooo.oo IS SUBTRACTED PRON ANDY GUNlT'f IMACrtKAfY, P0t?TUN. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. Miscellaneous. , FIVE-ROOM STRICTLY MODERN RESIDENCE $500 CASH, BALANCE $60 PER MONTH. East front, facing boulvard, 3 blocks of school, carline, grocery stores. Beautifully decorated throughout, buyer has selection of light fixtures. Large living room across front, oak finish, oak stair way to two large bedrooms, fin ished in enamel, oak floors throughoot. FulV cement base ment, furnace, floor drain, etc. Call Tyler 5167 Eve.ror Doug." 2428 Days. Ask for Mr. Spence. AUCTION Miles East of Council Blutta 1:30 P. M. JULY 1 A GENERAL DESCRIPTION WHERE IT IS LOCATED THE CROPS AND THE WATER IMPROVEMENTS ARE A-l CORN CRIB AND GRANARY COMBINED 28x32 with an 18 ft. post, euipped with a John Deere elevator; wagon dump; con crete pit; holds 5,000 bushels of ear corn and 3,600 bushels of small grain; built in 1919. HOG HOUSE 40x100 with a feed room on the hear A 8x20; made of hol low tile and stucco; can far row 76 sows in this hog house; has water and drainage; this is the most complete and up-to-date hog house in the state of Iowa. CORRALS The corrals and yards ad jacent to the outbuildings are 11 new and the very best that could be built; having a 7-foot solid high board fence on the north and west; on the south and east they have a six-foot plank fence. All feed yard fences are 5-inch top, round cedar posts, set 8 feet apart with all corner and gate posts set-in cement. The corrals are large, well arranged and have splendid drainage. SCALES There is a set of brand new truck pit scales. THE TERMS AND HOW TO S. S. & R. or 213 City Miscellaneous. " FIVER00M RESIDENCE STRICTLY MODERN $500.00 CASH BALANCE $60.00 ' PER..MONTH. East front, facing Blvd.; 3 block of school, car line, grocery stores, beautifully decorated; buyer has selection of light fixtures! Large living room across front, oak fin ish, larg dining room, oaV finish; oak stairway to 2 large bedrooms,; Iinishl4 in enamel; oak floors throughout; full cemented base ment, furnace, laundry conveni ences, etc. (Ca( Tyler 5J67 evenings; Doug. 28 Bays, Mr. Spence. A &ARE BARGAIN We are offering this unusually woll built aevn-Toom house, having fun length living room, large dining room with B. I. window seat, good alsrd den and kitchen tn first floor, and thre. nice bedrooms and bath on second; quarter-sawed nk floors and finish downstairs and maple floors and birch finish up. With the house go four lots with fruit trees and garden space; well located and, a snap at the price of $7,000. This will morlt your closest In vestigation. D. V. SHOLlfs-CO. REALTORS, ' Doug.4li. 918-17 City N'atl. Bank Bldg."1- BIRKETT & CO.Ci renta ' Real estate. and Insures. ttO Bee Bldg. Douglas (II. "feARBfe ARBERS WANTED Permanent positions, ray with guarantee of $30 to $35. Good men can and do earn 146 per week. Best of worMng conditions. Bail road fare refunded to men who can qualify and remain 80 days. A. R. PARDUN, x . 1507 Farnam St. . in the southeast corner of the farm, which is covered with scattered oak timber and seeded down to blue grass and used for pasture. This farm is absolutely the'best improved, best located stock farm within the boundaries of the state of Iowa and anyone who knows Eastern Pottawattanfie county knows that the soil cannot be beat en anywhere in the United States and that on a ten-year average the farmers raisg more crops in this particular locality than they do anywhere within the state of Iowa. ' Lewis, la., which is on the Rock Island road ; five miles south and eight" miles west of Atlantic, la., which is on the Rock' Island road; ten miles south and a mile and a half east of Walnut, la., on the Rock Island road. SUPPLY is 60 feet deep and furnishes a bountiful supply of nice soft water; the well that furnishes the water for the supply tank is 97 feet deep, has an inexhaustible supply of' water, is equipped with, a gasoline en gine and a pumping house, frame con struction on cement foundation. The well with the windmill Is 31 feet deep," 1 is equipped with a good steel mill and an inexhaustible supply of water. The qual ity of the water is the very best . FENCES This farm is undoubtedly the best fenced farm in the state of Iowa. It is fenced antf cross-fenced into six different fields with the heaviest Amer- ican field fence; all 36 inches high. Practically the entire farm has 5-inch round top1 cedar" posts, set 14 feet apart, with each gate and corner -post set in cement. Two Hereford Bulla will be offered for (ale, described v at follows: Edward Fairfax, No. 571628, calved May 18, 1916; breeder, Albert Hill, Alex andria, S. D.; sired by Alex Fairfax No. 414455, Dam Em erald, No. 301534. This ani mal is a grandson of Fairfax, who sold for $1,000,000. This bull has good weight, color, splendid bone. , Geiftleman. Jim No. 652G61, calved August 10, 1917; breeder, Fred Westgate, Haydraw, S. D.; sired by Dean, No. 424414; Dam Genevieve, No. 400322. This is also a splendid animal, has good bone, well proportioned nd good weight. , BE SOLP I These two tracts will be sold sepa rately, then the entire 640 acres will be sold in one body, and whichever way brings the most money it will be sold. Free Lunch Will Be Served at Noon s E. MONTGOMERY National Bank Bldg., ' Omaha, Nebraska