Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 24, 1920, Page 8, Image 8

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The Omaha Bee
NELSON B. UPDIKE, Publisher.
Tha Aivx-utnt Prmi, of which Th Km It member. It -einM?ir
entitled to the nit for publication of "ill news rlmpitchee
endued to U or nnt otberwlM credited In thii itper. ud aim the
UwU aewi tmaUshed herein. All tlhu of imUUcatiou of our special
OUpalches r alio reserved.
Prit Brsatk Firhente. Art for the Tmm- 1 1W1
Pepertmem or Perioo Wuilett. IJltt 1UUU
For Nifht Calls Attar 10 P. M.t
MltorUI Department ........... fj ioool
Ulrculatlon Department .......... Tyler 1WP8L
AdnrUstng Department .......... Tyler IOOOL
. Main Office: 17th and Fimsa
nuttl Bluff! IS 8colt Bt. I Bouts Bide 13 U H St.
Out-of-Town Offictst
Jew Tort 1S Fifth An. 1 Waahlnrton JSll O Bt.
Cbieaio Stecer lilda. Farts France 430 But St. Honora
The Bee's Platform
1. New Union Passenger Station.
2. A Pipe Line from the Wyoming; Oil
Field to Omaha.
.3. Continued improvement of the Ne
braska Highway, including the pave
ment of Main Thoroughfares leading
into Omaha with a Brick Surface.
4. A short, low-rate Waterway from the
Corn Belt to the Atlantic Ocean.
5. Home Rule Charter for Omaha, with
City Manager form of Government.
As the times comes for taking the cover off
at San Francisco, it is more and more apparent
that the eggs are delightfully scrambled. Ex
pressions from leaders en route to the Golden
Gate indicate such diversity of opinion and
purpose a will make harmony 'extremely diffi
cult. It it not alone who is to have the doubt
ful honor of leading the forlorn hope through
the coming fight, in which defeat is as cer
tain as anything human can be made in ad
vance, but irreconcilable division as to the prin
ciples to be set forth on which the devoted
candidate! are to make the offer.
, Woodrow Wilson has deliberately injected
his personality into the fight, and demands not
only the adoption of his views as to the peace
treaty and, the league of nations, but unequivo
, cal endorsement of all his actions as president.
Some able members of the party revolt at this.
They have rebelled at times against the auto
cratic attitude of the president, chafing at the
pedagogic tutelage in which he has held his
party and tried to hold the world. They
recognize his blunders, both of omission and
commission, and are not inclined to accord him
the complete and perfect vindication he de
mands. Senator Owen is one of these, and
William Jennings Bryan is another, and they
each have followers who will be heard from.
Just as hopeless, and becoming more rigid
each day, is the split in the party over the
liquor question. Whichever horn of the dilem
ma is seized, disaster awaits, for there can be
no reasonable compromise between the two
democratic elements. Illinois, New Yqrk and
New Jersey delegates have gone through
Umaha, raising the shout of personal liberty,
knowing that when they reach their journey's
end they will be confronted by a phalanx, for
midable and determined, whose purpose is to
establish the donkey on the water wagon for all
time. Between these are those who make up the
group whose members accept prohibition as set
tled and who seek to omit both wet and dry
planks from the platform. Other issues have
dwindled before the light of these paramounts,
the one of Mr. Wilson and the other of Mr.
Bryan, the unquestioned heads of embattled
As to the candidates, the choice may well be
left with the democrats. Just as Wilson or his
opponents prevail in the convention, so will the
selection be made. Former supporters of the
president, such as William F. McCoombs, who
piloted him to victory in 1912, are now arrayed
against him. "Jimmy" Gerard, his ambassador
to Germany, is not even a lukewarm follower
f'Wilson, and other leaders of the party are
faking positions against its head. This will force'
the candidate, whoever he may be, into the un
pleasant predicament of being a factional rep
resentative, regardless oi his personal views.
': This is one time when the old Wattersonian
aphorism,-"the more fights the more demo
crats," is likely to fail.
" John D. Weaver, Optimist.
; useful and inspiring life was ended when
John D. Weaver passed away. Only those who
came into close and continuously intimate
contact with him are competent to judge of the
service he rendered. One who knew him but
little said the world is better because he had
lived in it. During a third of a century his life
in Omaha was devoted to pushing the town
ahead. His unselfishness was reflected in the
fact that he did not accumulate any great share
of wealth for himself, but many who did may
easily recall some service he rendered them in
their forward march. To Ak-Fn.r-Ben, the great
institution through which Omaha's aspirations
are expressed, he gave his time and effort with
out stint. A member of its "working crew" and
"booster committee" almost frm the very be
ginning, he was especially equipped for the
managerial duties he later assumed as secre
tary, and which he discharged with such re
markable success. No word of tribute can con
vey any adequate notion of his zeal and energy,
his patience, good nature and willingness to
serve Optimistic service was his creed, and
Omaha has lost a gallant, modest servant in
his death.
' A Much Neglected Duty.
" What proportion 'of the free and easy spend
er for the past two years, we wonder, included
in their liberal distribution of big wages a safe
guarding fund for the wives and children they
laye so well? It is a grave duty that every
young man of family faces. He has not only
the present comfort of his wife arid children to
provide for, but their future in case of his death.
Never was there a time when young men
may so easily maintain life insurance. Why do
they not all do it? i. Why do they not hunt for
it.Jnstead of being hunted." Have they ever
waked up In the middle of the night and thought
what would happen to their wives if they should
suddenly "pass on" without providing for them
y, life insurance? They should look about them
nd see the desperate plight of many a bereaved
woman left with no adequate support, perhaps
with a child or two clinging to her skirts. They
Bbpuld get a glimpse of the anguish many a
nMflow has suffered because she had to be
gejarated from her .little ones to earn a scant
living in some distasteful or galling employment
When death comes to young or middle-aged
married men who have not been able to build up
large means, and who have neglected to insure
their lives, with what dreadful regrets must
their dying hours be tortured, as they toss on
their beds, helpless and think of the unhappy
prospects of those they are about to leave be
hind! How can any young husband look his
wife in the eyes with this duty undone?
Burleeon'e Latest "Break."
The remarkable capacity and zeal displayed
by the postmaster general to both rule and ruin
the department over which he has presided for
the last seven years is nowhere more impressive
ly exhibited than in his order concerning retire
ment of old employes. With the postoflice forces
already crippled and below par in efficiency,
Mr. Burleson seeks to emphasize his disapproval
of the civil service retirement act by peremptor
ily dismissing all employes who have attained
retirement age, regardless of whether they are
serviceable or not. That the postoffice needs
eery capable, competent man It can get is ad
mitted by all its officials. Such has been its
straits that the entrance examination long ago
was dispensed with, and men and women have
been taken in without any test of fitness, and
even with this the department is shorthanded
because it can not get the help needed.
In face of this situation the postmaster gen
eral, moved by pique, would still further hamper
the service by dismissing some thousands of ex
perienced and competent postoffice workers
solely because they have reached the retirement
age. If the situation were different, and behind
these older men stood a long line of younger
servants of the government, eager for promo
tion attainable only when their elders stepped
aside, the act of the postmaster general might,
perhaps, find some justification in the situation.
To arbitrarily declare that all who have attained
the years requisite to retirement shall instanter
leave the service, regardless of the effect of such
a move on the handling of the mails, is press
ing the power of an autocrat to the limit.
The step is in keeping with the whole course
of Mr. Burleson, whose management of the
postoffice has been such as has brought chaos
to the most important of all the government
activities. If the failure of the mails, to function
were asqribable to war conditions solely, ex
cuses might be made; but long before the war
came the effect of Burlcsonian methods were
noticed. He found a smooth working organiza
tion, moving along lines established by experi
ence, and immediately set about a series of ex
periments which soon brought confusion where
order had existed, and such exasperating and
vexatious delays in the handling of mails as
aroused indignant protest from the public, which
he has persistently ignored. One innovation
after another has been tried, all given the ap
proval of the department's publicity corps, but
none of them bringing the relief the public needs.
To this record he adds the crowning blunder
of dismissing thousands of competent, capable
and needed workers.
The civil service retirement law is for the
benefit" of disabled and incapacitated men. The
Postoffice department is not a private institu
tion, conducted for gain. Mr. Burleson evidently
takes the reverse view of these fundamentals. He
will have to back track, t'.iough, 09 his present
position, or see the institution of which he is the
head, entirely fail in its work.
Consecrated Lives.
Two Omaha women have just been placed
on the retired list by the Board of Education,
one after 40 and the other of 35 years of service.
So simple a statement imparts but little of the
work of these women. They gave themselves
completely to the republic, with a consecration
as fine as that of the soldier who loses his life
for his country. The American public school is
called our one great original gift to democracy;
to be truly free the citizenship must be trained,
and the foundation of this training is laid in the
elementary schools of the land. . The school
teacher is above all other public servants in the
importance of her work, for as she is faithful
and effectual, so is the sum of intelligence pre
served and liberty made safe. Jennie Redfield
and Effie Reed missed much that other women
know. The joys and cares of home life and
family responsibility were not theirs, but they
had a part in the development of the manhood
and womanhood of the city that is not to be
measured by the light of a single home, for it
is spread through thousands. Into their retire
ment they will be followed by the kindly
thoughts and good wishes of a host of boys and
girls, grown up or growing, who owe to the de
votion of these women more than they can
calculate. "It is sweet and proper to die for
one's country," but it is also magnificent to live
for it.
The Victory Medal.
From the War department comes the an
nouncement that the Victory medal is now
ready for distribution to the men who made up
the great army. Each soldier who wore the uni
form is entitled to one of these badges of utmost
distinction. It will denote participation in the
mightiest enterprise on which the Americans
ever set out, although one to which our nation
is dedicated, the preservation of that liberty on
which American institutions rest. The propriety
of providing such a badge for the soldiers- has
never been questioned. All could not share alike
in the honors of war, for the opportunity was
not equally presented, but all did partake of the
glory bf defending our country and its flag, and
all they mean to humanity, and each contributed
something to the gloyous victory that resulted.
So therefore it is fitting that each soldier be
given this decoration from his country. Those
who will have the added distinction of the
"battle clasp" may be proud, for that mark desig
nates the wearer as one who went through the
hell of a modern battle. The Victory medal
should lire cherished as a priceless possession.
An important jury is about to assemble at
Lincoln, charged with the selection of plans for
the new state house. We suggest that what
ever it does, it provide a secluded place into
which statesmen can retire while changing their
Wedding guests arriving by airplane indi
cates the progress of the race. This is a won
derful age.
German dyes are again to be admitted to
America, if you doubt whether the war is over.
Mr. Wilson's chance to "knock Mr. Bryan
into a cocked hat" is at hand.
Our democratic, friends seemvflustered
A Line 0' Type or Two
Haw to the Line, lat the aulas fall when they aiay.
They say there's a pot of shining pold
At the end of the rainbow's arch,
And there's ease at the inn when the night falls
At the end of a weary march;
That lovers who toil to the Journey's end
Find each the beloved's face,
But the goal for you and me, dear friend,
la the end of a wild goose chase.
We have traveled far over field and fen
With our eyes turned up to the height;
Our feet have stumbled now and again,
As we followed the bird in its flifrht;
We have passed by river and market town,
We have waded through ford and race,
Tow'rd the magic boundaries over the down,
At the end of a wild goose chase.
Oh. the loiterer lingers for wayside flowers,
And the beggar stops and begs,
And the huckster barters for hours arid hours
For the goose that lays golden eggs;
But fools such as you and I will still
Toil on to this one lone place,
Where a blue flower grows at the foot of a hill,
At the end of a Wild Ooose Chase.
RUMORS that Mr. Wilson intends a third
term persist, in spite of his specific declaration
"I do not believe they will permit themselves
to be led astray in order to gratify the vanity
or promote the uncharitable or selfish impulses
of any individual."
(From the Knoxville Journal and Tribune.)
Pierced by three bullets from a revolver
and disturbed by the reports of the shots,
Mrs. Rosa M. Doyle was aroused from sleep
at 2 o'clock Sunday morning and found her
husband standing over her with a pistol in
his hands.
THE mere f '.ct that Sig Kami, floor man
ager for Gov. Edwards, has been identified with
the brewing interests leads ClifTritz to headline,
"Edwards Rushes Kann to Convention."
What's tho Matter? What's the Matter?
Wliat's the Matter!
(From the Sat. Eve. Post.)
"What is it? What is it?" cried Mr. Tayne.
"What is it? What is it?" reiterated Mr.
"What what is It?" cried Mr. Tayne, com
ing closer. "What is it?" he exclaimed.
"Why do you say that?"
"Oh, no, don't say that. Don't say that."
"Don't say that. Don't say that. That isn't
so. That isn't so. That isn't so."
A BASKETFUL of attempts to finish Stone
Phiz's limerick has been received. One of them
has a chance for the prize:
"A ghost once appeared in a crowd
Without the least shed of a shroud,
A thing that is mostly
Considered unghostly."
Should the spirit of mortal be proud?
E. B. R.
THE ne plus ultra of sociability is to be
found in Denver, where a real estate agent of
fers a house with "three spacious bed chambers
and large bath room with two bathtubs."
Sir: May I not ask if the finding of the pink
silk garment with the initials of the owner out
away is not a bit of 'press-agenting' of the early
production of that screaming farce, "Up in El
well's Room?" MIKE.
"IT is said that many storekeepers are not
relying on the freight service to transport goods
from wholesalers and robbers." South Bend
And the proof-room chorused, "Stet!"
You say you wonder how I make the Line,
Your own poor luck, you rue it.
For glory only once was yours. In fine,
You wonder how I do it.
Press back the sob that quivers on your lip
Smile through your tear-dimmed optics. ;
Take, if you will, my confidential tip
Can classic stuff. Play "Chopsticks."
Fling gobs of ink at foibles of the day,
Pan public folk bombastic,
Turn serious stuff to words of humor gay
By comment writ sarcastic.
You've often looked upon the Boul Mich girls
Who wear the lacy stocking.
You'll surely make the Line by taking whirls
At them with comment shocking.
My rules are awf'ly simple, but they're right,
This is no idle soothsay.
I'm writing my advice on Sunday night,
To make the Line by Tuesday. W. S.
How to Keep Well
By Dr. W. A. EVANS
OtifKtlnna conrerning; hvuirne. eanl
tntlon Htid prevention of diiwa. ub
mitteil to Dr. Kviins hy render of The
llee, will be annwereil x'rioiiully , sub
ject to proper limitntiun, where; a
stamped, addressed envelope la en
cloaed. Dr. Kvmn will not make
dtasnnsia or prescribe for individual
diseases. Address let! era in ceure of
The llee.
Copyright, 1920, by Dr. W. A. Evans.
"BEGINNING Saturday, we have arranged
to serve a short dinner at $1.50 per plate, in ad
dition to the regular table d'hote dinner at
$2.50." Olympia Fields Country Club.
Portions are so small these days!
(From the Highland Park Press.)
Mr. and Mrs. George D. Stagg, of San
Bernardino, Cal., are the proud parents of
a baby boy. Mr. Stagg is still in the mili
tary hospital.
THE Retail Lumberman has a yarn entitled
"A Tale of Two Cities," which begins, "No,
there isn't anything Shakespearean about this
story. We merely 'mooched' one of his titles."
Air de M. Du Mollet.
Bon voyage,
Monsieur Hirate,
A San Fiasco retournez sans suffrage.
Bon voyage,
Monsieur Hirate,
Et souriez at the frowning of Fate. II. D.
THE height of recommendation is achieved
by a Warsaw merchant, vho writes: "Being in
possession of your address, I have the honour
of recommending me to you as an agent."
(From the Madison Capital Times.)
Wanted to buy one 16-inch osculating
fan. Commercial National Bank.
Sir: I offer one-quarter bottle of Creme de
Menthe (domestic) for an authentic instance of
a child having been born with a silver spoon in
its mouth. C. S.
Sir: Three cakes of yeast for an authentic
instance of a wife hitting her husband on the
bean with a rolling pin.
(Friend Al Is willing to turn over his pre
scription for a pint to anyone producing proof
of a person's eyes popping out.)
IT is wondered by S. R. P. why Boni &
Liveright did not publich Vance Thompson's
"Eat and Grow Thin."
(From the Crown Toint Register.)
Harry B. Nicholson and Irvin Linton
have made arrangements to drive into Chi
cago tomorrow.
AT a local wedding, the proceedings were
opened with the solo, "Sing, Smile, and Slum
(From the Kankakee Republican.) n
Lost Baby Bunting in Aroma park, near
Cole's store. Reward.
MR. McADOO has a smile as pensive ami
childlike as the Heathen Chinee of Table Moun
tain. And we will wager that he is playing
a similar game. You remember Ah Sin:
"In his sleeves, which were long,
He had twenty-four packs.
Which was coming it strong,
Yet I state but the facts;
And wo found on his nails, which were taper,
What Is frequent in tapers that's wax."
B. L. T.
Huge Coaling Plant in Natal.
A new British coaling plant has recently been
erected at Port Natal. The plant is stated to be
the only one of its kind in South Africa, and it
is claimed that it is one of the largest belt con
veyor installations at present in operation for
coaling vessels,
Yesterday the story related to the
drinking and absorption of alcohol.
This one gives the immediate ef
fects of alcohol as determined by
the medical research committee of
the British natnonal health insur
ance. The eommiteee endeavored to dis
cover the effects of alcohol on ef
ficiency. It worked on just two
questions efficiency of persons
who had taken alcohol and the. food
value of alcohol. Each experiment
lasted five weeks. During the first
week and the fifth the subjects took
no alcohol. In the second week
they took one ounce of pure alcohol,
to which was added one-third of an
ounce of fruit syrup and five ounces
of water. This was taken at dinner.
During the third week the alcohol
was taken on an empty stomach.
During the fourth week the daily
dose of alcohol (with dinner) was
two ounces.
The task was typewriting. Tho
investigators took into account both
speed and tho number of errors.
These experiments were made on
eight men and five women. There
was a moderate slowing up in type
writing. The mi t marked effects,
however, were in errors made.' Er
rors were increased two to four
fold. Alcohol on an empty stomach was
much more harmful. One subject
increased his adding machine mis
takes 74 per cent after taking clar
et on an empty stomach. .
Sherry taken on an tmpty stom
ach increased one woman's mis
takes on a typewriter 156 per cent.
One subject took a glass of port at
dinner without increasing the num
ber of his mistakes.
Alcohol taken in 5 per cent
strength was about three-fourths as
effective in causing mistakes to be
made as when the same dose was
taken as a 20 or a 40 per cent bev
erage. Claret was found to be slightly
more harmful than pure alcohol.
Brandy straight caused more errors
than claret, but diluted brandy
caused fewer.
Tho conclusion was that persons
drinking alcohol and doing office
work did lews work and made more
mistakes than persons who did not
drink. 7
Having determined that alcol.ol Is
a poison, the committee sot. out to
discover whether it is a food. When
alcohol is consumed somewhere be
tween 2 and 10 per cent of it is
thrown off as alcohol by the lungs,
kidneys and in sweat. The balance
is burned in the body. It can sup
ply about 30 to 40 per cent of the
energy of the body, rt cannot re
place protein" in the diet, but it
can in a limited sense replace starch
and fat. If the amount consumed
is small it acts to a considerable de
gree as a low grade food.
If tho amount taken is large the
poison features come into the ascen
dency and it serves only slightly as
a food. It increases the heat pro
duced only slightly, but it inereares
the amount of heat thrown off ccn
siderably. Therefore, a man who
has consumed considerable alcohol
feels hot, but he may have a tem
perature below normal. The gen
eral conclusion is that it cannot be
considered in the same category as
other foodstuffs.
Torpid Liver.
A. D. writes: "I wish you would
give me information in regard to
liver trouble. What kind of focd to
eat, etc., for a torpid liver, what ex
ercise to practice for it, or what
will act on the liver."
Torpid liver is another name for
constipation. Eat bran bread and
bran as a cereal, plenty of vegeta
bles and fruit. Drink water freely
with meals and between. There is
no exercise that is better than work
ing in a garden. Lie on the floor
with your toes under a piece of
heavy furniture. Raise jour body
to the upright position. Repeat
twenty times.
Sleeps Poorly.
J. W. writes: "I am employed
nights at very light work from 7
p. m. to 7 a. m. and have about an
hour or so sleep during the night.
When I reach home I am unable to
sleep during the day only for about
two hours at a time. I drink milk
before going to bed; also have taken
a hot footbath and eaten raw
onions, but do not seem tc be
The revolutionary
device which makes
the sounding-board
of the Mason Sr
Hamlin proof against
deterioration is
called the'Tension
Resonator!' No
other piano has it.
which is why none
is as long-lived as
the Mason tV
Ask us to
ffigtesr Praheti
1513-1515 Douglas St.
The Art and Music Store
helped. Can you advise me what
to do to Induce sleep?"
Three hours' sleep a day is not
enough. If you cannot get more
than that you had better change
your job. Do not sleep at all at
night. When you return from work
eat your heavy meal and go to bed
shortly thereafter. Sleep in a dark
ened, quiet, well ventilated room.
Do not take any sleeping medicine.
Warts Am Mystery.
H. H. writes: "1. What causes
warts? 2. What is the best and
quickest eyre for them?"
It Is not certain what causes
warts. One theory is that they are
due to something like bacteria. By
taking a wart, grinding it in water,
f.lterlng tlu water through a . orce
lain filter, and injecting it into tho
skin warta have been produced.
This seems to prove that some warts
are caused by a filterable virus.
There seems to be no proof that a
wart on tho skin can seed the near
by skin with warts.
2. There are scores of wart reme
dies. All are good. Many treat
warts by searing them wiih a piece
of hot metal or 'piercing them with
a hot needle. Some paint them
with some salicylic neid corn cure.
In some cities clothing is now
being offered at from 20 to 50 per
cent off. At the bathing beaches it
promises to be 99 per cent off. lial
timoro American.
i nun mi n i i i i i i i
- Beautiful Pianos I
1 for rent :
: Expert Tuning,
; Repairing, ;
; Refinishing -
: and Moving -
2 Phone DougUt 1623 for Z
2 Eitimatei. 1
i SchmoIIer & Mueller ;
114-16-18 South 15th Street. Z
ii i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i ii
Tliere are still some bankers
who are Irying to SERVE
in a way which might have been
good business fifty years or so
ago LUit, knowing men as wo
do, we prefer to meet them in a
"c h e e r f u 1," straightforward
(may we say, good old western)
manner, and to give such SEUY
ICi: as will be both, profitable
and enjoyable to all our cus
tomers. Come in any time (in vour shirt
sleeves, if you please), mullet us ltely
to make yours a 13ETTEH l3lSLNLNb.
Nzrihrnal Bank
The Bank WHh an INTEREST In I0F.
1503 Farnam
State Bank
Capital $200,000.00
18th and Farnam Su.,
Founded on Security
Built for Service
A word about Savings
This department has in
creased $100,000.00 in a short
time. A compound quarter
ly interest added to your ac
count. Deposits made on or before
the 10th day of any month
considered as having been
made on the first day. A
good place to put idle funds
waiting for investment, or
funds accumulating for in
vestment at a higher rate.
Subjec to withdrawal without
Deposits in this bank protected
by thi Depositors' Guaranty Fund
of the State of Nebraska.
D. W. GEISELMAN, President.
D. C. GEISELMAN, Cashier..
H. M. KROGH, Ass't. Cashier.
Most Unusual
Brass Bed V alms
Will be offered by
H. R. Bowen Co.
on Saturday
Brass Bed $24.75
Like Illustration
The Posts are two inelies in
diameter, the filling rods are
? substantial and rigid.
X Two Other Bis Values
i Massive Post Beds at.. $28.75
Continuous Post at $d4.5U
All Wonderful Values.
Beds now on display in our
Many added features for
Saturday in our Drapery Department.
More than 13,000 women and
22,000 men make up the list of
the owners of Swift & Company.
- Every state in the Union is
Of this great enrollment more
than 10,000 are employes of
Swift & Company who own shares
in the business.
An additional 13,000 employes
are buying shares on deferred
These men and women have
confidence in the company's poli
cies, its integrity and purposes.
That is why they invest their
savings in shares.
Swift & Company has been
paying dividends regularly for 34
yeas. The present rate is 8 per cent.
Swift & Company shares are
bought and sold on the Chicago
and Boston stock exchanges.
The company itself has no
shares for sale.
' The shares represent actual,
tangible values. There is no water.
Anybody livestock man,
retailer, or consumer may buy
them and thus become a part owner
of Swift & Company.
No one man, no one family,
owns as much as half of the stock.
This advertisement is for the purpose
of acquainting you with the fact that
Swift & Company is not a "close cor
poration," and that any one may
participate in the profits and share
the risks and responsibilities by
becoming a shareholder.
Swift & Company, U. S. A.
Omaha Local Branch, 13th & Leavenworth Sts
A. W. Gross, Manager