Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 24, 1920, Image 6

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    T. v
Defeated Candidate Will
"Brand Scoundrels Who
Broke Forth at Chicago,"
He Writes Harrison.
Hiram Johnson nuintr.ins his
imtnimy-like silence on his defeat
in Chicago as the wheels rlick un
!fr him on tlic Overland Limited
which is carrying him to his home
in California.
That is, he maintains a public
But within his lireast burns the
fire of hate and in his brain little
demons are at work planning re
venue and death, political!-,- speak
ing, to those he considers responsi
ble for his defcrtt.
Frank A. Harrison of Lincoln,
manager of Johnson's campaign in
Nebraska, spilled the beans yester
day when he made public a letter he
received from the Cahfornian as he
sped across Xebraska on his wav
home from the Chicago battlefield.
Here's the Letter.
"I was hoping to see you this
morning at Omaha for two rea
sons." wrote Hiram, as he sat in the
Overland Limited last Monday.
"First. I wanted to thank you
personally fur your unwavering
kindness to me.
"Secondly, I wanted your advice
as to the best method of procedure
with those who broke" faith at Chi
cago. "I wish to explain to vour people
jut what they did. and t. bold them
up to deserved public obloquy and
"I am going to do this in every
state where flic like crime was com
mitted, so that people may be pro
tected in the future when they ex
press their choice for president.
"Saw Nebraska Slipping."
'To be frank with you, after the
first information which came to me,
I never doubted what the Nebraska
delegation would do. but I knew vou
were exerting yourself to the utmost
to prevent the betrayal, and I did
not wish, therefore, to disturb you
"Let's make it imnossible, by
branding these scoundrels, to have
a recurrence of such treachery.
"Please write me and tell me how
best I can aid. At any rate, send
me such detailed information as vou
ti ink I may need, so I can write
for eneral publication a letter
brandm;;- the traitors.
Omaha Interurban Company
Sseks Higher Express Rates
Lincoln, June 21 (Special.)
The Omaha and Lincoln Railway
and Light company, which operates
the interurban railroad between
Omaha and Ralston and Papilion.
has filed with the State Railway
commission an application for au
thority to raise its express rates,
whjch it claims, are now inadequate
to meet the expenses.
It makes a showing that for the
period since 1916 the receipts of the
company have fallen short over $14.
000. In 1918 the receipts from all
sources amounted to 539,010.22,
while expenses were $38,135.63 In
1919 the receipts were $48,740.58 and
the expenses $46,791.3$,
Armenians Need Clothes;
Collections Planned Here
The Nebraska branch of the Near
East relief, in co-operation with all
other Near East organizations in
the country, has set aside the
months of June and Tuly to gather
used clothing for the people of
Two carloads of used clothing are
asked from Douglas county. Pas
tors throughout the city will preach
Sunday on Armenia's needs. All
who have old clothing may send
them to their respective churches or
to any fire barn, according to Harry
Zinwian. city commissioner.
Iowa Made Gavel Will Open
Democratic Convention
Davenport, la., June 23. National
Chairman Homer S. Cummings will
use a gavel made by a Davenport
high school student in opening the
democratic convention in San Fran
cisco next week. The holder of this
honor 1S Russell Calvin Sterisdorff.
His father, George J. Stcrnsdorff, is
a delegate from Iowa to the conven
tion. Beatrice School Budget
Of $150,000 Is Approved
' Beatrice. Neb., June 23. (Spe
cial.) At the regular monthly meet
ing of the board of education the
annual budget was adopted, the
amount being placed at $150,000.
This is an increase of 25 per cent
over last year, owing to the increase
m salaries of the teachers. Provi
sion was made for the erection of
four small frame structures on the
south and east school grounds for
the reason that the third floor of
Central school building has been
Thieves Visit Blue Hill.
Beatrice, Neb., June 23. (Spe
cial.) Seven business houses at
Blue Hill, Neb., were entered by
thieves some time Sunday night.
The total amount of money secured
by the thieves was only $82. Blood
hounds from this city were taken to
that place and put on the trail of the
robbers, but no arrests have been
Sell Land at Auction.
'Beatrice. Neb., June 23. (Spe
cial.) Eight hundred acres of land
belonging to John Harold, located
in Pawnee and Gage counties, was
gold yesterday at public auction.
The land brought all the way from
$64 to $96 per acre, which is much
below 'the average for land in this
lection of the state.
Beatrice Man Hit by Car.
. Beatrice, Neb., June 23. (Spe
cial.) G. H. Johnson, pioneer busi
ness man of this city, was struck
a car driven by'Vi'illiam Kennedy
at Fifth and F.lla streets last night
...-.I K-,'1'-- Vi'trt I-Ia citctninnd thrpp
b ' -ibs and s:vere bruises about j
the body. ' i
George Keyser, Graduate of
Creighton, Named U. S.
George A. Keyser, son oflr. and
Mrs. John Keyer, 4425 '; Parker
street, has been appointed United
States attorney to the Virgin
Islands. He will leave Omaha about
August 1 for St. Croix.
Mr. Keyser was born and edu
cated in Omaha. He is a graduate
of the Creighton law school and
also received an A. B. degree at that
school. He served with the First
division, 18th infantry, during the
war and received a Croix De Guerre
and several citations for valor.
The Virgin Islands were pur
chased by the United States from
"The nearest large island to St.
Croix is Porto Rico, and 1 expect to
make occasional trips there," ex
plained Mr. Keyser. "Cuba is also
reasonably close, and if what I've
heard about the delights of tropical
climates is true 1 think I'll enjoy
the change."
"Nebraska Sunflower"
Is Awarded Divorce1
From Ohio Attorney
Cincinnati, (!)., June 23. (Special
Telegram.) Mrs. Margery Foster,
formerly of Lincoln, Neb., who, in
her testimony in divorce, said she
was known as the "Sunflower
beauty of the state of Nebraska"
was awarded a divorce here from
Attorney Amos Foster, wealthy
realty magnate, and given $75 a
month alimony.
She charged that her husband
made $15,000 a year and bought
four automobiles annually, but
held her charge account at the
stores to $5 a month and kept her
"in absolute want." She testified
she met her husband while he was
coach of the Nebraska foot ball
team. She testified her father was
a postmaster at Lincoln and friend
of W. J .Bryan.
Governor McKelvie to Speak
At Wymore Celebration
Beatrice, Neb., June 23. (Spe
cial.) The Community club of Wy
more has arranged a sacred pro
gram to be held at Wymore on the
afternoon of July 4. Governor Mc
Kelvie will give the principal ad
diess. The Wymore band and a
chorus of 50 voices will furnish the
music for the afternoon.
PierclHiusiness Men Picnic.
Pierce, Neb., June 23 (Special.)
The first of a series of summer
picnics was held at the Robert
Fisher farm Tuesday night when
members of the Pierce Commercial
club drove out in a body and en
joyed their picnic suppers in the
shade of the trees, after concluding
the evening with a bamfloor dance.
President Drebert and Secretary
TJiebler of the Commercial club
have arranged for several of these
picnics for the summer months.
New Law Firm in Ord.
Ord, Neb., June 23. (Special.)
George A. Munn, University of Ne
braska, '13 and '15, and Ralph W.
Norman, Creighton, '19, have
formed a partnership for the prac
tice of law, under the firm name of
Munn & Norman.
Mr. Munn formerly was county
attorney, resigning to enter the sec
ond officers' training camp at Fort
Beatrice Hogs Top Market.
Beatrice, Neb., June 23. Spe
cial.) Ismay Palmer of this city
topped the St. Joseph market Mon
day with a "bunch of hogs, receiving
$15.25 per hundred. The porkers
were finished with a ration of corn,
buttermilk and germ meal.
Notbinf Likt Plain Bitro-Phophat t
Put on Firm, Healthy Fieth and
to Increast Strength, Vigor
and Nerv Force.
Judcing from the countless prepara
tions and treatments which are contin
ually being advertised for the purpose
of making thin people fleshy, developing
arms, neck and bust, and replacing ugly
hollows and
angle by the
toft curved
lines of health
and beauty,'
there are evi-,
dently thou-,
sand of men
and women!
who keenly
feel their ex-'
cessive thin-,
Thin nes
and weakness
are often due
o starved'
1 nerve. Our
bodies need;
more pho-,
ii.'l phat than ifi
BK33b. . contained in
GEORGIA HAMILTON. modern foods.'
Physicians claim there is nothing that will j
supply this deficiency so well as the or
rganic phosphate known among druggists j
'as bitro-phosphate, which i inexpensive,
and is sold by Sherman A McConneil and'
most all druggists under a guarantee of
satisfaction or money back. By feeding
the nerve directly and by supplying the
body cells with the necessary phosphoric
food elements, bitro-phosphate should pro
duce a welcome transformation in the ap
pearance; the increase in weight frequently'
being astonishing.
Increase in weight also carries with H
general improvement in the health. Nerv
ousness, sleeplessness and lack of energy,
which nearly always accompany excessive,
thinness, should soon diaappear, dull eye
ought to brighten, and pale cheeks glow:
with the bloom of perfect health. Miss,
Georgia Hamilton, who was one thin and,
frail, reporting her own experience, write
"Bitro-phosphate ha brought about a I
magic transformation with me. I gained
16 pounds and never before felt so well." '
CAUTION . While Bltro-Phophat 1
unsurpassed for the relief of nervousness,
general debility, etc, those taking it who
do not desire to put on flesh Bhould use
extra ear- in avoiding fat-producing foods..
lOrDay Outing Starts at Co
lumbus 110 Lads From
Over State Expected
To Attend.
Fifty-three Omaha bovs went yes
terday to Columbus, Neb. to at
tend the annual state Y. M. C. A.
camp which will continue for 10
days. They were accompanied by
E. E. Micklewright, boys' work sec
retary of the Omaha association. A
special car was provided for the
There will be 110 boys at the
camp from all parts of Nebraska
Another 10-day camp segsion will
be held at the conclusion of the
present one, starting July 5, which
will be attended by another group
of Omaha lads.
A program of activities has been
outlined by the Y. M. C. A. officials
to keep the boys busy from reveille
to taps each day of their stay.
Sports, swimming, base ball, fishing,
field meets, boating and hikes "will
feature the program. An honor
award system will be used and boys
will be given Camp Sheldon lionor
monograms for athletic competition.
The boys will live in cottages at
the camp, even boys and a leader
to each cottage. Bunks and mat
tresses are provided, but they fur
nish their own bedding. Electric
lights, hot and cold showers, sani
tary wash rooms and toilets and
other modern conveniences are
Essex Woman Will Tour
In France and England
Shenadoah, la., June 23. (Spe
cial.) Miss Gertrude Rass of Es
sex has made application through
the county clerk for a passport for
one year to visit in France and Eng
land. She expects to sail from New
York July 17.
Miss Bass made application some
time ago and was told by the White
Star Line that no berths were ob
tainable before September. A can
cellation gave her the chance to go
in July. Miss Bass is going on a
pleeasure trip.
Set Date for Elections.
Mexico City, June 23. A call for
national elections issued by the sec
retary of the interior today fixes the
date for the congressional elections
on Sunday, August 1, while a new
president will be chosen on Sunday,
Omaha Profiting By
High Wage Demands
In Cities Further East
CUuko TrUiune-Omalie, Be Laud Wire.
Chicago, June 23. Because . labor,!
conditions ana wage aemanas in
Chicago are. such as to make the lo;
cation of industries less desirable
here than in other cities, manv.:
manufacturers are refusing to estab-J
lish their plants .here, and are, seek-.
ing sues eisewnere, n Dccamc Known
Moveover large industries arc
leaving Chicago because the com-'
pensation laws, taxes and financial
matters are making an excessive de
mand on them, according to Alder
man Fisher, who today asked the
committee on revenue and compen
sation to investigate the matter.
Omaha and Kansas City are said
to be profiting by Chicago's loss. In
the past year 30 firms formerly lo
cated here have left for cities
further west.
South Dakota Man
Killed as Airplane
Crashes to Ground
Volga, S. D., June 23. Martin
Bergh, 24, of Volga, was killed and
Lieut. John Hoag of Minneapolis
was injured late today when a plane
in which they were making an cx
hibtion (light crashed to earth from
a height of 600 feet in a field just
outside this town. Bergh was rushed
to a hospital where he died a few
minutes later. Attending physicians
say Lieutenant Hoag's injuries are
not serious.
The plane went into a nose dive
from which Hoag was unable to
extricate it.
Lieutenant Hoag served three
years in France as a member of the
British royal flying corps. He flew
here yesterday from Minneapolis.
Wray Leads Movement in
Nebraska for Third Party
Lincoln, June 23. (Special.)
Steps toward the formation of a
1hird party were taken Tuesday at a
lveeting in which Arthur G. Wray,
Nonpartisan gubernatorial candi
date for governor, was the moving
spirit at a meeting held at the Grand
hotel, in which about 20 persons at
tended. A. W. Ricker of New York was
present and on his motion a resolu
tion was passed favoring either
Bryan, LaFolIette or Hiram John
son for the third party nomination.
Anybody who wants to go to the
third party convention at Chicago
can act as a delegate, as the conven
tion will be a mass affair in which
all will pKrticipate.
now I s
a policeman life
WERE TIRED that moniltt.
AND THE coffea.
e '
DIDN'T FOOL mo one bit,
BUT WHEN after breakfast,
MY CIGARETTE tasted awful.
IT WA8 too much.
AND A grouch started.
AND WALKING to work.
I SWORE oft smoking.
AND DECIDED to fire.
BUT JU8T before I decided,
TO KILL a policeman.
A MAN passed me.
SMOKING A cigarette.
AND 8AY but the smoke.
DID 8MELL good.
AND I followed him.
INTO A store.
ME THREW down two dimes.
AND 8AID "The same."
AND 80 did I.
wrrivsb BJ I auu A lew lusu
AND I'M going to boost.
THAT MAN I followed.
FOR REALLY those creer?.
$:Yar-0ld Iowa Farmer and
'"Wife, Living Near Council
Bluffs, Die of Injuries ,
In Attack.
Mortally wounded Sunday in a
battle with an enraged cow, Mr. and
Mrs.. Andrew Liddell, both nearly
!'! years old, died Tuesday after
i.cdii, about an hour apart, on their
farm near Treynor, 10 miles north
of Council Bluifs.
While removing a cow and its
calf from their bam to a nearby
pasture, Mr. Liddell was attacked
by the animal without warning. His
wife came to his assistance, and was
also gored and trampled.
Thomas Hector, neighbor, work
ing across the road, rushed to the
assistance of the aged pair, beat off
the cow with a club and carried the
injured man and woman into their
Both lingered in a semi-conscious
condition until yesterday, when Mrs.
Liddell died at 1:30 p. m. and her
husband died an hour later.
The Liddells were pioneers of
western Iowa. They are survived
bv four sons and two daughters:
William, Council Bluffs; Peter. Oak
land; James and Andrew, jr., at
home; Mrs. Gun Talbot, Silver City,
and Mrs. Lally Flood of Carson.
Arrangements for a double funeral
have been made.
Head ol State Suffrage
Association Calls Meeting
Lincoln, June 23. (Special.) A.
J. Weaver, president of the consti
tutional convention, is billed to ad
dress a meeting of women tomor
row to be held at the Temple the
ater, called by Mrs. Deitrick of
suffrage association.
President Weaver has made sev
era 1 speeches at state meetings
where there has been a demand that
the people be given a knowledge
of the work of the constitutional
convention and explanation of 'the
proposed constitution. The ladies
are anxious to get the facts inthe
matter and so Mr. Weaver has been
invited to talk to them.
Challenge to "Pusesyfoot."
Oshkosh. Wis., June 23. Mayor
A. C. McIIenry of Oshkosh issued
a challenge to William E. (Pussy
foot) Johnson, noted foe of liquor,
to meet him in debate on the sub
ject of temperance.
With Acknowledgment to K. C. B,
"Iw . vw
still' smoking.
keep that.
Sheep Market Slumps
As Demand for Wool
And Pelts Is Small
No demand for wool and the
clothing trade dull with money
scarce is the reason given by sev
eral live stock commission men at
the Omaha stock yards for the
slump in the sheep market the past
few days.
"The recent decline in sheep and
lambs may be attributed to the very
sluggish demand for pelts at lower
prices and the fact that live mutton
had become so high that its meat
product was selling out of line with
beef and pork," Oakley C. Willis,
general manager of the local Ar
mour plant, said Wednesday.
Continuing, Mr. Willis said the
trade was due for a downward re
vision of values and that he doubted
that the importation of mutton from
New Zealand was responsible for
the drop in prices.
'"Sheep pelts are not wanted at
this time and as much of our reve
nue on sheep comes from the wool
pulleries it is no more than natural
that sheep and lamb prices should
fall. About a month ago the local
plant of Armour & Co. sold over
15,000 wooled pelts at $4.25 and
$4.35 and these same pelts today are
hard to move at $3 and less.
"Recently we billed a fw pelts to
our own woolery at City'
and they were credited to us at $3,
but this figure must be considered
an extreme outside price orf the
open market. Sheared pelts taken (
from shorn lambs are worth only
$1 cachr
$3,000,000 Mortgage j
On Woolworth Building
In Order to Pay Taxes
New York, June 23. For the
first time since its erection a decade
ago, the Woolworth building tall
est office structure in the world is
to be encumbered by a mortgage.
It was announced today that
heirs of the late F. W. Woolworth,
founder of a chain of 5 and 10-cent
stores, had arranged to borrow
$3,000,000 on the structure to pro
vide ready funds to meet state and
federal inheritance taxes, which to
tal $8,000,000.
The Woolworth building, 729 feet
high and covering nearly an acre of
land in Lower Broadway, returns an
annual income of $1,550,000 and is
valued by federal experts at $10,
000,000. Have Root
Press. Adv.
Print It Beaeon
I UST a whiff of that spicy aroma of
fine Turkish and Domestic tobaccos
will make you hungry for this ' satis
fy" smoke. There are blends and
blends, but none like this one. Chester
field's blend is a secret and it cannot
be copied.
: Kin:
Very Smart Indeed Are the I
New Summer Styles in
It's really a very pleasant surprise
that such pretty frocks can now be
bought at such exceedingly moder
ate prices.
There are youthful styles,
well made of Georgette, Voile,
Gingham, Crepe de Chine, Or
gandies, etc, bewitchingly
trimmed, at
Lovely Sport
Among summer clothes
nothing has a more definite
place than a separate skirt.
Those of Dra Polo, Raynette,
Baronet Satin, etc., are vety
good looking.
$095 $
822 io
All Summer Millinery,
All Suits and Coats,
Silk or Wool Dresses
Business women and those
planning vacation wardrobes
will find the savings worth
Cool, Becoming Smocks
I i 1 aV a. I VI 7 11
Thursday, $18.50 Boys'
Spring Suits, $13.95
The dollars saved in this special sale will buy him
a pair of shoes for summer days and the suit he gets is
a "Strongbilt" or "Right Posture" make, tailored from
durable fabrics that will stand the hard knocks of rough
and tumble plays.
Men's SuitS Headquarters
Vou can be the judo as to VALUE,
but it is here in well-tailored suit for
summer, made possible by our location,
"Out of the High Rent District." MoJYls
for men :ind yountf m?n rl
In Many
So trim, so neat and
I i carefully fashioned: cf
?ay hues or dainty tints t
in styles to suit all nref- J
erences, with bright bits 1
oi irimmmg.
I up
for Boys'
Tha id?a! garment
for vacation days, as it
stands the stri'.in of
' rov.'i rrd t"ivhl' p ' V
if "nif -i iii iiii-mriirUir H
a m