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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 24, 1920)
, V ',1 '1 i 3 1 - nre BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, JUNE 24, 1920. f Acid Stomach due to Indigestion or Dyspep sia is promptly relieved by one or two Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets These tablets are pleasant to the tate, do not discolor the teeth and give to the utomach the alkaline effect so much needed in acid conditions of indigestion. Eat what you like best and have Tip fear of digestive troubles. Sold hyVlruggiiits at 50 cents. MEN AND WOMEN i BANDITS USE GIN BOTTLES IN HOLDUP Roadhouse Proprietor Routs Them With Same Weapons After 12 Cents Is Stolen.. Cuticura Soap Complexions Are Healthy lon.OlBtMnt.Talaim 7tr mnt.. r?C. ddrH: Cattail LtrtrlM.Dt.X. MiUiThlm The Bee's Fund for Free Milk and Ice Two women an J three-men at tempted to hold tip the Louis Scheschy roadhouse, Ijiree and one half miles north of Florence, Tues day night, using bottles .is wea pons. They were put to rout by'tjie proprietor, who used weapons, of the same character. Loot obtained l.y the bandits in the raid totalled 12 cents, taken from a s?irl victim. One of the men walked into the place and pointed a "iiur." at Scheschy, ordering him to throw up his hands. The proprietor seized a ginger ale bottle and threw it at a bandit. Then he pursued him through the door. In front of tlje place two men and two girls were standing with their hands in the air. Two other men were covering them with their trick "revolvers," while the two bandit women were searching the victims. Scheschy observed that the "guns" were merely bottles and bcldly attacked the ganiT. 7 One of the men. struck the pro- ADVERTISEMJENT AnVKftTISFMKNT SEARCH OUT THE 1 GERMS OF RHEUMATISM Find Out What Causes Your Suf fering and Go After It. "What is Rheumatism?" is a question that has not yet been an swered entirely satisfactorily. There tire still different opinions as to its exact cause, but little doubt that its nains are real. The medical profession is practi cally agreed upon one point, how- their colony in the muscles or joints and begin to multiply by the mil lion. You can easily understand, therefore, that the only intelligent method of treating such cases is through the blood. purifier and cleanser that it can be relied upon to search outv all dis ease germs and impurities and elimi nate them from the system, and this ever, and that is that Rheumatism is Ms why it is such an excellent rem- more than a series of local pains, and that the real cause of the dis ease is deep-seated and cannot pos sibly be reached by remedies applied to the surface. Some forms of this disease have been found to come from tiny germs in the blood, which set ujg edy for Rheumatism. Go to your drug store, and get a bottle of S. S. S. today, and if your case needs special attention you can obtain medical advice free by writing fully to Chief Medical Adviser, 602 Swift Laboratory, At lanta, Georgia. ONE SICKLY, SUFFERING BABY plus ONE DOLLAR equals ONE HAPPY. ifEALTHY BABY. That, in many instances, is just as true as that 2 plus 2 equals 4. Scores of babies and young chil dren in Omaha need nothing more in hot weather than plenty of pure milk to make them strong and appy- . . . , , Generous people in Omaha and outside Omaha are supplying the fund. The Bee, through the Visit ing Nurses, is administering the fund without one penny of "over head expense." Send or bring "any amount, from 10 cents to $5, to The Bee office. Some babv is waiting to drink the milk. Previously fu-UnowIeilKC'l Hprthu l.pvy 6 .00 Xlltle Jack" 3.00 Tot! HMO prictor behind the ear with a bottle, knocking him down. Then the par ty jumped into a waiting automobile and drove away. The members of the party held up just outside the door included Antone Hoffman, Hotel Fontenellej Helen Kent. 216 North Twenty-second street; Frank Baldwin, yTwenty-fii'th and Dodge streets, taxicab driver, and another girl whose identity was not dis closed. The 12 cents loot was taken from the Kent girl. c Aged Farmer Who Has Work For Two Men Can't Get Them - . f - C . . J uii account 01 me MiarLiiv ui is. S. S. such a thorough bloodTfarni help John A. Swanson of Saunders county, a visitor at the local stock market Wednesday with a load of hogs, said that despite his 69 years, he was compelled to don working clothes and get out in the fields and hustle behind a plow to get in his spring planting. He said he had enough work on hi farm for two men, but was un able to get them. Lighting Fixtures Burgess-Gran-den Co. Adv. T .it' a w ua mm iwig - i m i if pa. rv m 9 II JS fc LI esk u 1 . If Smacks Wilson Appeals to r Labor Board to Give , Decision This Week Washington, June 23. President Wilson sent a Message today to the railroad labor board at Chicago, urging that it make an immediate award of the wage controversy. The" text of the message was not made public at the White House. Announcement of the president's action was made after W. N. Doak, vice president ,of the trainmen's brotherhood, had called at the White House and conferred with Secretary Tumulty. Mr. Doak declined to discuss his conference with Secretary Tumulty, but said he would have a statement later in the day. Mr. Doak, in a statement issued after he' had conferred with Mr. Tumulty and with Secretary Payne, head of the railroad administration, said the heads of the railroad brotherhoods hoped there would he a settlement of the wage question this week, and that if not, "prob ably the situation will be much worse than at present. Driver of Wrecked Aitfo Released On $300 Bond George Sterling, 1616 Webster street, was released from South Side police station 'yesterday under ?3U0 bond. Sterling 'was held for investiga tion in connection with tha. automo bile accident Monday night in which Mrs. D. Miller, 1821 Daven port street, was injured: Mrs. Miller, who lies at St. Jo seph hospital with a fractured skull and internal injuries, may recover, physicians said late this afternoon. C.ahy Employes Will Picnicvat Krug Park Today Great preparations are being made for the Cudahy & Co. em ployes club picnic whicli is to be ADVERT 1SKMTCS T Dorothy Daiton's Beauty Chat Mis Dorothy Palton, the actress fa mom the world over "for her beautiful complexion, ys: "Any girl or woman can have a beautiful, rosy-white com plexion and smooth unwrinkled skin like mine if they will follow my advice and use Derwillo, a simple toilet preparation. I use it because it imparts inttant beauty, is easy to apply, absolutely harmless and has a marvelous effect upon the skin. One application proves it." Be Hure to read Miss Dallon's interesting story of how to quickly acquire a beautiful complexion, soon to appear in this paper. In the meantime get T)erwilIo at any toilst counter and try it today ; you will be de lightfully surprised. . ! helV at Krug park today. Special cars have been chartered to carry the 1,500 employes from the plant to the park, the cars leaving Tlifrty third and Q streets at 3:30. Upon their arrival at the park games and special stunts will be indulged in until 6:30, when luncheon will be served in the picnic grove. Bee Want Ads Produce Results Phone Douglas 2793. ft L ft mi it y OflVf OMAHA PRINTING , COMPANY UHOT ft ll lift OHMS mmum FARM pgrr 'C Commercial Printers - Lithographers - Steel Die Cmbossehs LOOS C 'LEAF DEVICES - For years you've enjoyed-rhe( fruity taste of full ripe, juicy oranges with your breakfast. n Wouldn't you like a fruit drink with that same refreshing goodness? Then try ORANGE DEE-LIGHT, the delicious beverage with the real .orange flavor. Taste the tang of this healthful, golden drink and you 11 want your family-and guests to enjoy its bubbling goodness too. s Ask your dealer to send a case home. ' Ik mi mm&m mm Bottled and Distributed by 4L H'JfVi f A COCA COLA BOTTLING CO. ' il 1 ' I JOHN A. SWANSON, Pres. WM. L. HOLZMAN, Trcas. SHOP EARLY STORE CLOSES 5 T. M. WE ANNOUNCE, BEGINNING THURSDAY (S1(D)Me QUR MOST WONDERFUL SPECIAL PURCHASE - Celebrated House of Kuppenheimer and feprfg Bna Suits ,1 By Actual Count, 1,904 Highest Grad Suits at Decisive Price Reductions THE tremendous buying. power and prestige of this greater store in the clothing markets of America never before received such a mighty demonstration as it will in this most wonderful purchase rnd sale of House of Kuppenheimer and Society Brand clothes. To get clothes like these in mid-season at such prices less than wholesale-is truly astonishing. Regularly Retailed at $50 and $55, Regularly Retailed at $60, $65 and $70 Regularly Retailed at $75, $80 and $85. Read How the Unexpected Happened The whole system of distribution has been upset by transportation conditions, which af fected the entire nation, and production diffi culties in the woolen mills. Many of the fine woolens bought by the House 6f Kuppenheimer and Society Brand were delayed beyond possi bility of seasonable manufacture. The Nebraska Clothing Company, being one of the largest' distributors of "these famous clothes in America, we seized the opportunity to make a special purchase at sensational price concessions, knowing that quality clothes like tnese at sale prices in mid-season would quickly win public approval. Besides we have added several hundred Kuppenheimer and Society Brand Suits from regular stock. All Fabrics rAll Patterns All Colors Al Styles in all popular models for Men and Young Men. v Worsteds Serges Cheviots Flannels Unfinished IV or sleds Young Mens Models Conservative Models Double Breasted Single Breasted Sizes for Every Man and Young Man Broivns Greens Blues Smart Greys Fancy Mixtures Stripes It's a two-fold opportunity save on present needs and buy for the future, because this sale does not indicate lower costs of production, but a series of unfortunate events for manufac turers that force a radical reduction. Thanks to this store, we were equipped to handle this huge proposition and save our customers thousands a dollars. Come early and be offered the advantages of first choice. , SALE BEGINS THURSDAY MORNING All suits' in this sale assembled in the Main Clothing Salesroom West Section, Second Floor. No ApproyaU No C. O. D.' No Refund A small charge for alteration? SEE OR WONDERFUL WIJIDOW DISPLAYS OF THESE GREAT VALUES JOHN A SWANSON.prcs. WM I HOIZMAN.TMU DON'T MISS EARLY INSPECTION OF OUR FARNAM ST. v WINDOW DISPLAY CORRECT APPAREL FOR MEN AND WOMEN.