Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 24, 1920, Page 4, Image 4
jx-frr1: v.iVt',-- -: - -5...... ...,.:..;:.. HE BEE: 0MAHJ7 THURSDAY, JUNE 24, 1920. II t s .a ii COLBY DENIES HE'S BEARER OF WILSON ORDERS President Will Not Attempt to Force His Ideas on Con vention, Says Secre tary of State. Chicago, ... June . 23. Eainbridgc Cclby, secretary of state, and dele gate to the democratic national con vention, who stopped off in Chicago ot: his wayjto San Francisco, denied that he was taking any of Presi dent Wilson's dictutns to the con vention. . "President Wilson has tlo much respect for his party to attempt to intrude or force his ideas toon the party in an open convention," Mr. Colby said. "I have had many con ferences with the president, hut we have not discussed a third term for him, nor candidates for the presi dency. "Personally, I believe the conven tion will be singularly free from any attempts from any quarter to influence its deliberations or to give directiou to its action." Mr. Colby said he was sure there would be some allusion made to the Latest Phonograph Invention Draws Big Crowds at the Union Outfitting Co. Pathe Phonograph Labora tories Create a Miracle Phonograph Called "The Actuelle." A Beautiful $125 Pathe Phonograph Given Away FREE Friday Night. treaty of Versailles and the league of nations. "As far as I am con cerned, personally, I believe that the party should go before the peo ple with, a definite stand for the adoption of the. treaty,"- the secre tary said. ' '" ' i "I am for the league of nations without any reservations .because the language of the document is quite clear," ' . Secretary Colbv is' a delegate-at-latge from the District of Colum bia. He emphatically denied that he was taking along a ;;econd-place boom in his own. behalf. "There ' is absolutely nothing , in any talk that I may be a vice presi dential candidate," he declared. Gimbels Are Indicted For Profiteering on 207 Various Counts New York. . June 23. Gimbel Brothers, of New York, operators of a large department store here and controlled by interests which own similar establishments in other cities, today were indicted on 207 counts for profiteering in clothing. Frederick Gimbel, vice president of the corporation, Joseph J. Dow dell, a merchandise manager, and Charles D. Slawter, clothing buyer, were indicted on the same charges. Safe Milk For Infants ftbraEdt A" Nutritious Diet for All Ages Quick Lunch at Home ot Office AtoU Imitations and Safcstitetea S2I ..,j3 iiraiiHinrmi j Use Your Credit j Supply;, all your ap- 1 parel needs at this store jj through our liberal M credit service. 1417 DOUGLAS STREET ensational Thursday Sales rens ire sscs That years of labor - which scientists have devoted to the creation of a "life-like" phono graph that would please the ex acting musical critic has at last borne fruit is shown this week during a Pathe Demonstration at the Union Outfitting Co. This latest invention from the I 1'athe rnonograpn iaDoraxones is called the "Actuelle," so true to the artist is its music. By doing away with the Tone Arm and Tone Chamber which one naturally associates with present day phonographs, the "Actuelle" has overcome the problem of tone re-creation which has puzzled students of acoustics in the past Hourly concerts .will be held every day this week' and visitors to the Phonograph section will be given a useful souvenir FREE. The Union Outfitting Company is known as the ".Home of Home Outfits" because of the special inducements it always makes to young couples, just starting housekeeping. As always, you make your own terms. Worth up to $4 While They Last Thursday Only i 1 I ln IU ml ii m- inn r )i1Mh I II a I I II II S II II . i I LI I . El i EaCT 3B T 55 ESS .. 1 Wh lie i mey Las Enamel Inside and Outside 100 lb. Capacity For those who are in need ofa. large refrigerator, full 100-lb. capacity, we offer this well made mod el. We have just a few left over from last week's sale and we come forth again, while they last you must come early at this ridiculous low price. A FULL WHITE ENAMEL OUTSIDE AS WELL AS INSIDE with the edges heavily nickel-plated. A real ice economizer and absolutely sanitary in every respect last only . . . Remember, tomorrow while they 1 t On Easy Terms One glance at these smart, fresh, new Dresses will convince you that they are by big odds the most extraor dinary values of the season. Sizes 2 to 14. Ginghams Voiles Organdies Linene Batiste Chambrays All Colors Plain and Figured Hosts of Styles 32 Closecui of 25 Dozen Bungalow oft) Values to $3.50 Thursday APRONS This small lot of Bungalow Aprons won't last throughout the opening hours of the sale, so be here early. Ginghams and Percales, light and dark colors. , - ' '.as : al iff ' rss" LL-i-- - 8 Burgess-Hash Cotwrc EVERYBODYS STORE" Sale Starts 9 A. M. Announcing for Thursday An Enormous Sale of Downstairs Store Alum Ware inunn At Prices That Are Greatly Reduced Percolating Coffee Pots, $U9 Made of pure aluminum, seam less, has aluminum d 1 on V a inset Round Covered Roaster, $2.39 Pure aluminum self-basting cover with ventilator, has metal knob, good size, d0 QQ jttjk --S5 Sauce Pans, 85c Wear Ever pure aluminum sauce pans, 2 -quart QCi1 ' size, special OsJl Preserving Kettles, $2.39 "Mirro" pure aluminum lipped preserving kettles, d0 OQ 8-qt. size Convex Kettles, $2.39 O'ilirro" pure aluminum convex kettles with cover, d0 OQ 6-qt. size tyfOV Fry Pan, $1.00 Pure aluminum Lifetime brand, ;t-k;.' $1.00 Rice Boilers, $139 Made of pure alumi- d 1 OQ num. 2-qt. size. . . . P . 11- Owing to the Low Prices, We Cannot Guarantee for the Day's Selling at Oblong Covered Roaster, $5:95 Pure aluminum Lifetime brand, has aluminum meat tC QC rack, medium size. . fOtUiJ Soup Strainer, 79c Pure aluminum Lifetime brand, capacity 1 quarts, 7Q with handle, at ... fl Sauce Pans Wood handle sauce pans, pure aluminum, Lifetime brand 2- quart size 89 3- quart size $1.00 4- quart size 81.39 A Windsor Kettle Pure aluminum Lifetime brand, has aluminum cover 3- quart size S1.49 4- quart size .81.89 6-quart size $2.49 Tea Kettles. $2.39 Piirp Aluminum seamless. 6-at. size, has wood dJO OQ handle , tyfO& Colander, $129 Colander, pure aluminum, Lite- time brand, capacity i quarts, 10-m. size. Sink Strainer Pure aluminum sink OQM J7l strainer For Tomorrow Here's an opportunity to se cure your new dining: tablo at a distinct saving:. Compare this price and you will not hesitate in purchasing: tomor- , row. Choice of square or round pedestal In the golden or fumed oalc finish. The large top ex tends to full six feet and is very rig-id. Only 31 50 In Art Cretonne you choose between chair or rocker at this price. It la strongly "built of twisted fibre reed and handsomely finished black. Exceptionally good looking cre tonne upholst- (M ering. You'll w be pleased with this bargain, at. 34 I C2ZZf VoiJ can have dancing parties any- 1 MSI tim0 wnere there's a celebrated I W W W . "Columbia" V A Real Bargain Tomorrow's price will brlns: many a bargain hunter to Hartman's. You seldom hear of a bargain such as this. Ex actly as pictured In the popu- . XOU ioiks wno are in ukkm a. new Dur- fet should see this value on f i our floor, s Only. '422 1 Has 28x42 Inch Top I A Thursday Value Ivory or Enamel Not only do you save tomorrow on baby's new crib but you nre getting a guaranteed "Simmons" product. This crib is of the square wood type wun ilrnn iIiIa Tnil rhnnsfl between Ivory or rich M )CA nhlt. namol finish C"" and the price ha been J. J- reaucea 10 oniy ...... Porcelain Will Not Rust Mid-Week Specials I'd .. : BiiuRugs MM.W A. f . V-T V f f Any Rug on Easy Credit Come tomorrow and take advantage of our I pe cial mid-week markings. Don't hesitate on account of ready cash your credit is Always good at Hart man's. 9x12 Seamless d'CT CA Velvet Rugs t?Of.)U 9x12 Seamless CQ1 7C Brussels Bug's p)lcf D 6x9 Fancy Grass CC 7C Rugs pD I D The real essential In the up-to-date living room js a hand some library table. Here we offer this large size table In the golden oak finish. Note the heavy base with magazine sneir ana wide drawer. Tou will like this model, at only 29 75 m Many Other Values Brown Fibre-Rec 1 m Exactly like the picture with high grade tapestry loose cushion. Ha full spring seat. Just one of the many bargains to De tound In our sunroom dis play on our main floor. A limited number for quick sale, at 162 i The Sanico With 25-Year Guarantee The peer of all ranges or combination ranges. A stove guaranteed to be rustproof. Comes in white or blue porce lain fused on rust resisting Bteel. A range which cleans like a chiila dish. No blacken ing Is necessary. Just wipe with cloth. Sole agents for Omaha. On Easy Terms m Very R r m- t 7 -p pu,;; A Bargain Worth While i; Just the kind of a bedroom suite you have long since wanted, and priced ripht to suit your purse. You do not need cash to avail yourself of this bargain. Open a credit ac ' count without Interest Tomorrow- ve offer ! the three pieces in the Adam period design, just as pictured in the popular golden oak finish, at ; $142 Complete Very Handy For Apartment Use You folks who must be con tent to live in the crowded apartment here we offer a most handy article. Has drop sides and takes up very little room. Tomorrow we offer the table Dietured in fumed fin- tffCf) ish at the SDe- y J J" clal price I i of t..... Cash or Credit 22 1 Inexpensive Rounded Top The price Is misleading. Don't delay in taking ad vantage of tomorrow's sals price. We have but a limited number to offer. x so come early. Ia the ) golden oas iinisn, iikc picture but . with ifTQ1! round top. J Only Just Like Picture In Brown Fibre Another special from our reed and fibre display An all fibre rocker with roll arms and back, in the brown finish for tomor rows aellinr at the A C vertlsed nrlc f I !i' of only 15 Sixteenth Between : Harney and Howard Cash or Credit if You Prefer M '1 ''; . ,