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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 24, 1920)
J THE BEE: OMAHA. THURSDAY, JUNE 24. 1920. I I '& 1 .V 5 J 1 I if ft I 31 A&I Reliable Information All American women know of the great success ot Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound in restor ing to health women who suffered from ailments,pe ( culiar to their sex, yet thereare some who are skeptical and do not realize that all that is claimed for it is absolutely true if they did, our laboratory would not be half large enough to supply the demand, though today it is the largest in the country used for the manufacture of one particular medicine. The Facts contained In the following two letters should prove ox bcneiit to many women : Buffalo, N. T. " I suffered with organ to inflammation and displace ment. Wheii lifting I had men pala and bearing down that I was not able to stand up, and it hart me to walk or go up or down stairs. I was going to a doctor without asr re sults and he aaid the safest thing would be to have an operation. I met a lady who told me the had three operations and waa not well until she took Lyilia E. l'inJtUam'8 Vegetable Compound. I felt relief aftor taking two bottles ot Vegetable Compound and I kept on with it until I was cured. I al- 1 wars use Lydia B. PinkhaA's Liver e. OT the Liver Fills relieved that." Mrs. Fills and tuey are tine. Everything used to turn sour on my atomactrand 893 Fargo Avenue. Buffalo, X. X. Sacramento. Caiif. "I had or ganic trouble and had such terrible pain and swelling in the lower part of my side that I could not stand on my feet or even let the bed clothes touch my side. I gave up my work thinking I would not be able to go back for months. My mother ad vised me to take Lydia E. Finkham 's Vegetable Compound as it had saved her life at one time, and it put mo in a wonderful condition in a couple of weeks, so I can keep on working. 1 work in a department store and have to stand on my feet all day and I do not have any more pains. I surely recommend your Vegetable Compound to all my friends and you may use these facte as a testimon ial.'1' Bsbtha J. Pabjub, 3320 H St.. Sacrament, Calif. r HALF MILLION IS LEFT CORNELL IN HECKSCJIER WILL Income From Endowment Will Be Used to Maintain Pro fessorships of Research at School. The fact is, the Best Medicine for Women is If" lYOIA, C. PINWHAM MEDICINE CO- t-VMN. MASS. Ithaca, . Y.. June 2.'. A jdtt of C-.'OO.OOO by August Heckscher of New York City for the endowment of research in Cornell university was announced by President Jacob Gould Schurman at the university's .''fty-second commencement today. The! income of the ,fnnd will be used to maintain professorships of re search. Such professors wi!I be re lieved of routine teaching and details jf administration. They wi!! be free o devote the best of their energies to scientific investigation and inci dentally to the training of future in vestigators. The aim of the founda tion, President Schurman said, would be to discover men of great promise in science and learning and to give them an opportunity to en gage in research. At this commencement the univer sity conferred 685 first degrees and 65 advanced degrees. The certificate of war alumnus was today granted to 39 men whose serv ices in the world war prevented their earning a regular degree. v. The university alsov inscribed on its rolls as war alumni the names of 110 men who enlisted as undergrad uates and who lost their lives in the service. President Schurman todav ended his administration of more than 28 years. His resignation, which was r.cctpted by the trustees February 28, took effect today. Yale Confers Honors On Pershing at Its 219th Commencement New Haven, Conn., June 23. Yale mni verity at its 219th com mencement exercises iu Woolsey hall today conferred the following lionorary degrees of doctors of laws: John Joseph Pershing, who com manded the American expeditionary forces; Thomas Dewitt Cuyler, rail road aVmfnistrator and wartime chairman of-the Association of Rail road Executives; The Right Hon. Sir Auckland Campbell Geddes, British ambassador to the United States, and Jean Adrien Antoine Jules Jusserand, French ambassador to the United States. Bootlegger Returned to Tulsa on Murder Charge Winnipeg, Man., June 23. George Killinger, wanted at Tulsa, Okla., for murder, passed through the hands of the city police here en route to answer the charge. Killinger, who was sentenced by a Port Arthur magistrate to three years in prison for" bootlegging, was recognized by a guard through a circular sent out by the Oklahoma police. The circular declared that Killinger was a partner of Bdb Crawford, who held up and mur dered a man named Dawson. Craw ford implicated Killinger in a death confession. Injunction Denied In Cases Broughfln N. Y. Under Lever Act Washington, June 23. Applica tion for a temporary injunction and stay in the proceedings instituted by the government under the Lever act against C. A. Weed, and the Sultz bach Clothing - company, both of New York, has been denied by As sociate Justice Day of the United States supreme court, the Depart ment of Justice was advised today. Officials of the justice department declared today that vigorous prose cution of violations of the Lever act would continue as, a resi'lt of Justice Day's decision. Mexican Government Has Denied Reports of Revolt Mexico City, June 23. Reports of, revolts in various parts of the coun tryVere officially denied in a state ment issued at the foreign office in formation bureau today, which said that, with the exception of the Villa movement in Chihuahua, the coun try was peaceful. s "Present military movements," the statement continues, "are fol lowing preconceived plans of the War department regarding garrisons." Sure Relief 6 Bell-ans Hot water Sure Relief RE LL-ANS faFOR INDIGESTION Bee Want Boosters. Ads are Business Kansas City Lumber Men Announce Price Reduction Kansas City, Mo., June 23. A general reduction of about 10 per cent in lumber prices today was made effective in all retail lumber yards in Kansas City. The reduc tion ranges from $5 to $15 a thou sand. Southern pine was quoted at $55 a thousand, a reduction of $5; shinglesof the grade most commonly used are" priced at $7 a thousand, ag gregating a total drop of about 30 per cent in the last moth. Pine lathing has declined from s21 a thou sand to $10 a thousand in .hat time. Isfl Hard woods generally are alsd selling at reduced prices, the only exception to the general reduction in lumber being cypress lumber. A typewriter that produces ordi nary manuscript and that written in Braille embossed characters at the same time has been invented by a Frenchman who was blind for a time. ... w y I Gaby Deslys' Jewels Placed on Exhibition Paris, June 23. The jewels of the late Gaby Deslys, the famous French dancer and actress, who died February 11, last, were placed on exhibition here .today, preliminary to their sale on June 28 for the benefit of the poor of the city cf Marseilles as provided in Mademoiselle Deslys' will. According to connoiseurs, the col lection comprises the finest assort ment of pearls ever seen in Paris. Diamonds, rubies, sapphires, emer alds and other precious stones are also represented., v , One necklace contains 57 pearls valued at several million francs, and there are two pendant pearls, weigh ing 109 grammes each, being abso lutely the same in size and weight. A black pearj weighs 140 grammes. Two California bakers have pat ented a self-oiling machine that clips the tops of loaves of bread before they are baked, producing an ornamental and much better browned crust. , 111 - J I uri a pnjiiatn in i I flnrfCf BKr Haultal Mid a r 1 Mtdieal EnmlMT. HELPS MAKE STRONG, STURDYMEN ami HEALTHY BEAUTIFUL WOMEN "Iron Is red blood food and In 'jay experience I have found no oeiter rosins ot miuauif up tne rea oiooa corpuscMa and helping to give in- creasea powtr to us blood than organic Iron- lute Muxated Iron. Vt. n. p. van, rorrntnr EMtum IN THB"interests of Better Business,, above-board, clean, honest business, we believe that the public should know just what goes into every mattress they are invited to buy. The drawing, shows an Or-Wi-Co taKen from our stock and cut in half under a prink er's guillotine. "Note the layers of felt and how they expand when released from the buttening. , "The Or-Wi-Co Mattress" r Thousands of people want 'a mattress just like the Or-Wi-Co, be cause it is made from materials and built in such a way as to give maximum mattress service, and this accomplished without includ ing anything of a fastidious nature that would add to the eost 50 lbs. of good grade clean felted cotton. -r-Enclosed in a stout tick. ' . Supported on the sides by four rows of stitc1! , Thoroughly well built throughout. Finished with a roll edge and handles. i Price 432.50. Ask VW Dealer Orchard & Jilhelm Mattress Co. T I Extract Teeth Without Pain Hi Moreover I use only the BEST of material, for all bridge and plate work and all work leaving this office is ready for inspec tion by any state's, dental board. DR. IV. F. CROOK 206 NEVILLE .BLOCK, OMAHA Entrance on 16th St., at Harney -1Ier St 17 Hours: 8:30 to 6 Most Unusual Brass Bed Values Will be offered by - H. R. Bowen Co. N on Saturday Fistula-Pay When Cured A mild .TjtMO of treatment that cure. PUei, Fiitnla ana etbei Rectal Disease! in a ahort time. , without a severe sarsicai op- . - v.. ci i , v,k wtVw frnrml anestbetie ntea. A cure eusranteed m every case accepted for treatment, and no money is to be pWd until XwriU IVr book on 'lUetet with name, and testimonial, of more than l.OSS premiR.Kt people who have beea permanently cured. DR. E. R. TARRY Saaateriun. Pt Tra.1 Bidf. (Bee Bldf.) Omaha. Neh. Dr. R. 5. JofcmtM , Medical Director l mn to. PIANOS J. TCTID A!0 MPAIRET IN Work GiTsjttr 4 , m Brass Bed $24.75 ' Lic Illustration The Post are two inches in diameter, the filling rods are substantial and rigid. Two Other Big Values Massive Post Beds at. . $28.75 Continuous Post at. A. $34.50 ' All Wonderful Values. Beds now on display in our windows. ' J Many added features for Saturday in our Drapery De partment, . Store T) JSK J Stl e.nn '"CTmIbv TSSST t unlit ZOZO 1 ACTS THB PACD POUCROWIMC OMMU "Shop in the Cool of the Morning It's Pleasanter" x Snowy White and Unusual Chic Originations in Fresh, New Tub Skirts In a Big Sale Thursday! Actual Values from 6. 98. to 10.00 9 v i A sale to be greeted with the greatest interest, coming' at the start of the season when such', garments are most needed. Twill Gabardine Surf Satin Beautiful models developed in embroidered, borders, hem stitched fancy ornamental pockets, pearl buttons, novel belts and attractive tailored finish. ' This sale includes "Shrink Nomo Skirls," extra sizes, and samples of splendid values. Skirts regularly sold Cl 7C from 6.98 to 10.00, Thursday at D 4 O Wonderful Values for Thursday! Brandeis Stores Second Floor West Vacation Time -Fine!" 'But How About Your Traveling Bags A Timely Sale Thursday 495 7.50 to 8.50 Values 200 In Lot In Brown and BlacM 16 and 18 Inch-Sizes THIS is a special purchase of a manufacturer's floor stock, and the sale comes at a time when hundreds of Omaha people are planning trips to the mountains, lakes or seashore. , You will enjoy your trip more if your luggage is strong, safe and "toppy" looking. This is at tractive luggage and good merchandise yi ah TsiJ all in one lot for Thursday at Brandeis Stores Main Floor Mens Store Hair Goods Hair Switch First quality hair; three separate stems; 24 inches long. Worth 15.00, very special, for Friday at , 12.75 Transformations ' The best quality, 18.00 values, special, at 12.00 Women's Wigs Artistic little. wigs, made-to-order, for women who have lost their hair. They are very light, weigh ing less than an ounce. Regular 100.00 values, reduced for Friday to 75.00 , Small Switches Of soft, wavy hair, from 5.00 to 10.00 Full Switches Very pretty, of fine, wavy hair, from $15 to $35 Extra Long Switches The very best quality, special $50 to $100 Brandeis Stores Second Floor East Just Arrived! New Fall Package Goods Royal Society Embroidery Pieces More beautiful than ever are the dresses and four piece sets for infants and children. There are romp- ers of clover bleach, women's undergarments, scarfs, center piec es, pi Hows, tie racks, laundry bags and aprons. The flosses for embroid ery are enclosed in each package. You are cordially invit ed to inspect these artistic and useful articles. Brandeis Stores Third Floor West Drop Everything and Attend Our Great 3-Day Basement Sale Thursday, Tremendous Price Reductions! The Biggest Money-Saving Opportunity You've Had for Months! Friday, Saturday!