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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 24, 1920)
12 THE OMAHA. THURSDAY. JUNE 24. 1920. Classified Advertising Rites: 15c per line (count 6 word to line) 1 day 1 Jc per line. . .per day, S consecutive d'ya 1 Jr per line. . .per dty, 7 eor.aecutlT days 1 le prr lint. . .prr day, SO consecutive din No ada taken tor Ins than a total of JOe These rates apply either to the Daily r Sifriday Ree. All advertisements ap pear in botrsfoiorningv and evening daily papers for thj'one charge. CONTRACT RATES ON APPLICATION Want ada accepted at the following o( f ieea : MAIN OFFICE 17th and Karnam Sts. South Side 2318 N St. Council Bluffs 15 Scott St. WANT ADS RECEIVED BY PHONE AT TYLER 100 THE BEE will not be responsible for more thun one incorrect insertion of an advertisement ordered for more than one time. CLOSING HOURS FOR WANT ADS F.venlnf Edition 12:00 M. Morning Edition 9:00 P. M. Sunday Edition 9:00 P. M. Saturday. DEATH & FUNERAL NOTICES. WILL Elizabeth, age 76 years, 7 months, 4 28 days, June 22, 1920. Funeral Thursday afternoon at 1:50 from tlie residence of her daughter. Mrs. TV. A. Bradford, 3SJ5 franklin mct, to Gospel hall. 45th and Hamil ton street, at a o'clock. Interment. Forest I. awn cemetery. friends are welcome. CARD OF THANKS. We wish to thank Mr. W. v. McDonald. Mrs. May Stick and many friends for the beautiful flower offerings during the Ill ness aRd death of our mother, FRANK cmfwyp ;hrd FRANK IIAJTKHA, EDWARD RA.ITEKA AND WIFE, r FJt A N K PINTNER. FUNERALDIRECTORS. stack & falconer; "INDEPENDENT UNDERTAKERS" PI ERCE-ARROW AM HULA NCR SERVICE. TMrty-thlrd and Fariiam. Harney 64. TAGGART & SON. UNDERTAKERS AND KM BALMERR. Telephone Douglas 714. 2218 Cuming St. "HE A FEY & HEAFEY, Undertakers and Kmbalmers. Phone H. 2i;i. Office 2011 Farnam. "HULSE & RIEPEN, IMnriffr Funeral Directors. 701 Smith 1iJ Hrugla 1066. Duffy & Johnston; tNI'KHTAKKRS. 717 S. 16th. Tyler 1676. FLORISTS. LEE'L. LARMON Fontenelle Florists. ISI4 Douglas SI. Douglas 8244. I.. Henderson. lalO Farnam. Douglas 1248. Sol IN HATH, 1Mb and Farnam. D. 3000. MO NUM ENTS & CEMETERIES. 'VIIK largest display of monuments In the I lilted States. FRANK SVOBODA, 1215 H. 1,1th. Phone Douglaa 1872-5216. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. F.irtlis John and Rhea. Linn. 4454 Bed ford aenue, boy; Henry and Gertrude j llan-ls, hospital, if; H. ,T. and Antonla ! Unudson, I ant; North Forty-fifth street, boy; JuNeniaria, and Consepsion Alvarez. 2i0i Cl .street, boy: R. y. and Mary Burns. 1K1S tblo Htreet,, boy; KdWard and Hazel Lucas, bo.idtal, girl; Benjamin and Ruth Koopman, hosi'ltal, girl; Robert and Hlnncho Lee. 2037 Patrick avenue, bov; John and Lena Kasada. 3402 T street, boy; Joe and Sarah Brown, 120 North Twent -eislith :.lreet, boy; Thomas and Ellen Arundel, hospital, boy; William and Cracd Poland, 6332 South Thirly-secora street, boy. Deaths Oeorge. Smeltacr, 3S years, Nor folk, Neb.; Lena Mary Hlodgetts. Infant, 4Sii South Twenty-fourth street; Anna Vacovsky, Infant, 1408 South Thirteenth titreel; Catharine Kotnwen, l year, nos pital; Anna M. Tester. C7 years. Calhoun. N'ch.: Fred Wohler, 79 years, 3130 South Sixtieth atrect; John D. Weaver, 68 years, Hi South Thirty-third street; Marl.i 1. Blasl, 31 years, 1034 South Twentieth street; Solomon Rubin Greenberg, 69 years, 2418 Seward street. MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following couples have been issued lict uses to wed; Tony W. Bouska. 80. N'arka, Kan., and Kliie E. Imbert, 21, Omaha. John J. Durkarf. 02, Omaha, and Louise I'iuney, 24. Omaha. Arthur E. Carlson.- 16. Omaha, and Geneva Savlrky. 20, Omaha, Timothy T. Hrosnlhan. 55, Omaha, and Florence Siegele, 19, Omaha. Michael J. McNulty, 23.' Omaha, am' Gertrude Stratnian, 23, Omaha. Ceorge j. Stephens, over St, Omaha, find Anthonctte Kovar. over 18, Schuyler, Ne v Edward Schroeder. 25, Omaha, and Emma Hornlg, 20, Omaha. Clsrencs Deaaon, 24. Syracuse, Neb, and lUlua llopp, 26, Syracuse, Neb , Itarry Jordan, 21, Omaha, and Etla ' Johnson, SO, Omaha Nicholas Janevlck. 29. Omaha, and Jladcllne- Fovondra. 21, Omaha otto M. Boettger, 29. Florence, Neb., and Irene E. Grau, 20, Hennington, Neb. LOST, FOJJNDAJJD REWARDS. lost black leather pocket book containing 130: also valuable papkrs. finder will i1eoeivb liberal reward by i:eturning to fred storbeck. hamilton st. phone wal- .UT988; STRAYED from 6013 Davenport, white Angora, limpa with left foot, family pet of 10 years. Phone Walnut 470 lnfor mntion concerning hi -whereabouts. Llberalreward; SoA ARTICLES LOST on street cars tele phone Tyler 800. We ara anxloua to re store lost articles to rightful owner. OMAHA V COUNCIL BLUFFS ST. RY. CO. , STRAYED From 6013 Davenport, white Angora, llmp with left foot, family pet u." 10 years. Phone Walnut 470 infor mation concerning his whereabouts. Ltb ernl reward. LOST Diamond locket, valued as kep aake. Monogram A. H. on back. Lib eral reward. Return to 828 South 22nd. Tyler 749. OST Lavallere, diamond!, and opal, set in platinum, between Lafte street and South Omaha. Liberal reward. Web ter26S LOST By teacher, between Baneoft and S. 11th, lady's otter fur neckpiece; lib eral reward. Phone Harney 3264. SPECIAL NOTICES. 'MV office has been moved from 634 Urandeia Bldg. to SOS Karbach Blk. Dr. L. B. Lai. TVAMTED Concessions for July S, 1920. Notify L. O. Stoker, Rising City, Neb. PERSONAL. 4'HE SALVATION Army Industrial home solicits your old clothing, furniture, ' magazines. We collect. Wa distribute. Phont. Doug. 4135 and our vagon will call Call and Inspect our new borne, 1 1 10-1112-1114 Dodge atrcet. . SYSTEM of Swedish massage. facial massage jndjeambaths.Douglas 9549. jTassaGE and electric treatments. 318 Neville HIK. Kl ECTRIC bath and massage. Webster 21-11. ANNOUNCEMENTS. AccordeOn Pleating. ACCOr.DION. side, kulfe, sunburst boi pleating, covered buttons, all sizes and atylea; hemstitching, plcot, edging, eve let cut work, button holes, pennante. Ideal Button and Pleating Co.. 308 - Brown Blk. Douglaa 1936. Io- Notch 8hop Hemstitching, braiding. ' . beading, all kinds pleating. Doug. 6011. Room 83. Douglaa Blk.. 16th and Dodge. Chiropdists. , fiarrls J. Burford. 620Paxton Bid. P. 1208. - v Contractors. CARPENTERING,' repairing, remodeling V done. L, J. Eriakson. CalMValnut 1637. RJ. RUBEES. carpenter: aH'tinda'cf now and repair work. Webster 3238. Dancing Academies. SUMMER DANCING RATES. WX PT"M"r? School for Dancing. , A. Cj LftT I nzi Farnam. D. 7860 Class at I; dancing at p. m. Monday, Thur.. Bat: private lessons any time. Ylfffifriete T. Bradbury. No pain. 921 W. O. W. Bid. Dress Suits. FULL dress suites and tuxedo for rent 109 N. 16th Bt John Feldmsn. P. 3128. PrintinST. WEDDING announcements and printing. ' Douglas Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 844. Mattresses Repaired. , CITY MATTRESS CO.. mattresses made I over; box springs repaired. 2S ' Cum v, log. liarnty Ui2, tfi - - . . - 1 1 - " BRINGING UP J-yjLd li VHILEMrC4!EI1OOT J if I NOW TO CNJOY THE. ) (j CREW HEAVENS-THE ) ) ' flTlOlCJI Brar fcHOPPtN'MM ONNr MOftNiN' PSPGR VHILE OOOJ? SLAMMEO SHUT $ S eirScs. ? vjS COOK MtItEtF tsOME. HE FOOD COOKttH' i NOW-VflWtU I OO! I . UX1 t 0. Nli CORNED &EEF AN" C-7 fM ) , , 1 , . I A)' M CSU " SJX J, 3yjiiw ! 11,, Hf r iii T-H lao ar iwtl atuaa 8J.iv.ea. Inc. -2, if "v litl51!!!; ANNOUNtEMENTS. Detectives. PIPKINS NATIONAL DETECTIVE AGENCY. Incorporated. Douglas 1107. Arlington Blk., Omaha, Neb, JAMES AI.I.AN7 J12 Neville Hll.. Evl dence a cured In all cases. Tyler 1136. RELIABLE Detective Bureau. Railway Ex. Illdg. Pongloa ;056; Night. Col. 465. Electrical Utilities. VACUUM CLEANERS delivered, called for, 60c day. Webster 1657, 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. HOOVER and oPher sweepers for rent; delivered .Webster 4 i 8 .1. ELECTRIO vacuum cleanera for rent. Douglas 6718. Gas Stoves Connected. STOVES connected, house piping. Walnut iooq, Connections. 3. House piping. II. 1618 ev. Hats Blocked. HATS cleaned and blocked while you wait, at Paxton Hat Works, l07i Farnam St.: work guaranteed. D. 039. HATS cleaned, reblocked. ladles' straw hata specialty. Mastoa Bros., Io20 Har'y. Jewelry. DIAMONDS price with privilege to buv back at small profit. 4iROSS .JEWELRY Co.. 402 K 16th St. Doug. 6049. Kodak Developing and Finishing. ENLARGING, copying and coloring. Amateur finishing. Write for prices. Omaha Photo Shop, CM Barker BI1. FILMS developed; printing and enlarging. Write for prlcca. The Ensign Co., 1607 Howard St. Phonographs. QUALITY PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS. LOWEST PRICES. CASH OR TERMS. THE MUSIC SHOP, INC. 16 IS Harney St. Douglaa 6881. Sewing Machines. SEWING MACHINES We rent, repair, aell needles and parU. MICKEL'S lith and Harney. Douglaall7J. Tailors. M. KE1SER 306 South 18th. Doug. 1187. Painting and Paper Hanging TAINTING, paperhanglng and decorating at reasonable prices. Frank Kulisek, Walnut 1427. LET me figure your paperhanging and ii'tcrlor decorating. Otto Larsen, Web ster 4574. FIRST-CLASS paper hanging, Douglas 1909. painting. PAINTING. paperhanging, Walnut 4567. plastering. PAINTING, paperhanting, cleaning. Doug las 6322. T PAPERHANGING; prices right Walnut 4998. PAPERHANGING. painting. Tyler 2765. Razor Blades Sharpened. SAFETY razor bladea aharpened. new ra zore. razor bladea sold. Omaha Raror Sharpening Co., lS!ltt Dodge. 103 N. !(. latent Attorneys. INTERNATIONAL PATENT CO.. Patent attorneys; procure, buy and sell pat ents. 1716 Dodffe St. Omaha. T-heatrical. THEATRICAL, historical and masque cos tumes for amateur theatricals snd par tles for rent at T. Llebcn & Son, Omaha. Towel Supplies. Omaha Towel Supply. 207 8. Uth. D. 028. Tree Trimming. TREES trimmed; cavlly work; bracing; treatment of Injury and disease; remov ing; plnnting and transplanting; twelve skilled tree surgeons; over 400 satisfied customers in Omaha and nearbv towns. PAGE TREE SERVICE (INC.) 210 Davldge B tocK. Ty ler 4800. Rug Weaving. DEEN Rug Factorv Extra high" grade ruga made. Douglas 'i892. WEAVING, old ruga remade. Tyler 1437. Safes. S A F "r7.5 BARGAINS. 12th Farnam. J- Derlght Safe Co. 'Welding. OMAHA WELDING CO. "The Careful Welders." lith and Jackson. P. 4391. Miscellaneous. PAXTON-11ITCHELL CO. 27th and Martha Sts., Omaha, Neb. Brass, bronze, aluminum and machine pray iron castings. BELL'S MENTHOL OINTMENT can be rurchased at Rialto Drug Store. 16th and Douglas Sts.. Omaha, Neb. DUMP evshes S. W. corner 33th and Fran cis. Douglas 420. FOR SALE. Furniture and Household Goods. SELECT YOUR SPRING HOUSE FUR NISHINGS FROM THESE BARGAINS Adam period bedroom aults at 3213; an Adam Period dining auite, at 1163; large collection of fine furniture; room slKe rugs at a great reduction; cane mahogany living room aultes, at 3185 each. STATE FURNITURE COMPANY, Corner 14th and Dodge Streets. Opposite U. P. Headquarters. Omaha. Neb. WE sell ftew and near-new furniture, stes and rugs at lowest prices; cash or payments. Amer. Furn. Co.. 605 N. 16. Pjanosjand Musical Instruments. A. HOSPE CO. Pianos for rent. 34.00 per month. DRUMS, traps, marimbas. Instructions, repairing. Phone Harney 2967. Geo. A. Smith. 2761 Davenport St. SAXOPHONE, melody C, fine condition, silver finish, almost new, very reason able. Webster 6276. .. SAXOPHONE HOSPITAL, repairing, re- pnddlns. John Taff. 1S2 Webster. Ty ler4 8 5 7. PIANO Ebersole; guaranteed fine con- dltbon; reasonable. 1419I)odge St. KRANICH & BACH PIANO, A-FSHAPE. BARGAIN. DOUGLAS 4703. BARGAIN in Steger & Sons pianos, first classcondltion. Doug 4703. WALNUT GRAPHONOLA, ALMOSTN E VV. $66. HARNEY 6475. Machinery. FR SALE One Little Giant Trip-Hammer, one Monarch Disc Sharpener, one emery wheel stand. Star Koller l;s-3 sharpener, 20 ft. of line shafting one inch by one-half; one Never-Sllp tap machine, one big wasoa jack. Fred Petersen. Fremont, Neb. Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS ADDINGAMACHINES ALL MAKES, bought, sold, rented and repaired. Sole agents fur the CORONA. Get our prices before you buy. Every machine guaranteed. Central Typewriter-Exc. Doug. 4120. 1912 Farnam. WE buy, sell and exchange all makes of typewritera. Write for list Midland Office Supply Co.. 1404 Dodge. CHECKWRITERS, Todds, Peerless, F & E, -all makes; bargaina; some new; save half. THE SAFEGUARD DIAGONAL, 320 Neville Bldg. Doug. 7130, ALL MAKES Typewriter Co.. "all makeo." 205 9. 18th St. Tyler 2414. Miscellaneous. WARDROBE TRUNK WANTED. GEORGE DICKSON, DOUGLAS 8771. CORN cobs at Havens Coal Cm WaL ail. FATHER- FOR SALE. Miscellaneous. FOR SALE Glass, 8x10, bxS, 6x7, splen did for hot houses, etc. See or call llr. H.idley, Bee Engineering Dept., Omaha Bee. OFFICE partition, oak: 56 feet aud door; almost new; 7 feet litgli; excellent run. ilitlon. Call Foster-Marker Co. loug lns 13J0. OMAHA PILLOW" CO. Feather mattresses made from your own feathers, summer and winter ablea. 1907 Cuming. D. 2467. HOOVER Sweeper and 190 6 Electric Washer. Bargains. Call Joe ilyers, Ty, 1011. lalAL5.' lender, Deerlng, fine condition. Louis Jessen, 40th and Valley. Harney 4401. i.UaU'TlFUL show case for sale. 206 Laird Blilg., Tyler 5S17. DnT'ri VCat "Nathan" Rtelnb'vrit's. - 1013 IIarney ""t. D. 5166. Bl'RNITtSRE find rugs of 10-room home, fore sale. 3!2j Cuming; no dealers. ANYONE wishing to fill in lots can get dlrt at2420 Bancroft St. REFRIGERATOR, new Bohn Syphon. Dg. KIN DLIN'G & LUMBER. W. 459. SULKY grey reed, new. Douglas 7290. BABY carriage, twin reed. South 1522. REED ,hnby buggy for sale. Dg. 6071. WANTED TO BUY. WE BUY baled waste paper, old maga zines and newspaper. State quantity you have on hand. Write or phone for prices. Omaha Paper Stock Co., 15th and Marcy. Douglas 159. ' ' DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks; used desks bought, sold and traded. J. C. Reed. 1207 Farnam. D. 8146. 'LIBERTY BONDS BOUGHT" MACKS BOND HOUSE. 1 1 2 1JFirstJS" at'l. Bank Bldg. Tyl er 36 4 4 . WILL buy second-hand clothing, shoes and furniture. Ty. 2398. A Zavett, 70S N 18. WANTED TO BORROW. WANTED Loan on South Dakota land; will pay good Interest Walnut 1082. 21)12 North 61th St. SITUATIONS WANTED. Male. INCOME tax specialist desires connec tion with large corporation In mid west. For personal interview write M 73, Ojnaha Bee. EVENING work by young man of four years' experience. Box M-73. Omaha Bee. HOUSECLEANING. all kinds, by experi enced colored man. Webster 6bo4. MAN and wife want work in private home. Web. 6182. Female. y HOUSEKEEPERS" TLA UNDRESSES. Watch the Domestlo column of The Bee. Lots of good places ar always advertised. Don't mlea them. WORK for private family by the week. Webster6216. PASTRY llke"jnother makes. Web. 3948; PPRACTiCAL NURSING TYLER3649' Laundry and Day Work. LAUNDRY, cleaning, experience, colored woman. References. Mrs. Davis, Trier .H79 EXPERIENCED colored laundress. Ob tains and bundle washings. Webster 197. DAYWORK. chamber maid. Reliable. Colored. Web. 614. J J WOMAN wants day work. Call after E o'clock. Webster 4963. BUNDLE WASHING, sweeping, ironing. Webster 1727. FIRST-CLASS laundress wants day work. Webster 1409. CLEANING, day work; experienced. Web- ster 3264. LAUNDRY for Mon.j i'ues., Wed, Web. S0Sb ; BUNDLE washing, soft water. Webster 6949. DAY WORK, housecleaning. Web. 19351 LA"UNDRY,daywork,'243chr.Col.J511. DAYWORK, col. jaundress, exp. WebSOSl. LAUNlJRY'calied for" delivered." Web. 35L SMALL bundle washing. Webster 48"7"7. DAY WORK, by tho hour. Web. 6028. LAUNDRY, day work. Webster 4224. WORK by day or hour. Wbater 6602. D"WORK,Jaundry.W"ebster6034: BUNDLE WASH1 NG Webster 1 379. W A NTE D Da y J ork. Webster 14 30. DAY WORK wanted. Webster 1308. , DAY work by hour. Webster 6028. DAYWORK wanted, Doug. 6037. DAYworkwanted. WebsterE8l. WASHING, ironing. Webster 4521. PAY work wanted. Webster 6450. HELP WANTED MALE. Stores and Omces. BOOKKEEPER and office mgr.. Council Bluffs, $175-3200; bookkeeper, $110-3125; office clerks, $108-3110.8115; experienced lumber accountant and bookkeeper. New Orleans, $176-$200; salesmen, stationery, $250-300. THE MARTI COMPANY, 1126 W. O. W. Bldg. TRAVELING salesmen. Neb,, staple com modity, $140; accountant, lumber firm, New Orleans, $200: bookkeeper, auto firm, $135; cashier. $110; bill cleric, long hand, $100; receiving teller, bank, $100; assistant shipping clerk, $100. WESTERN REFERENCE & BON DASS'N ' 736 First National Bank Bldg, PIERRE, S. D seeks the services of a capable man, under 40 years of age, for the position of Commercial Club Secre tary under the budxet system. Olve ex perience and references in writing, :ileo stale salary expected. Address Pione Commercial Club. Pierre, S. D. Experienced accountant" for r. rT, $150; traveling salesman, salary, ro: xtenos., $125-$135; exp. bank clerk, $110; Jr. positions, $8 3-$10O. . COMMERCIAL REFERENCE CO., 1616 City National Bank. OFFICE CLERK, small amount of steno, work. Rood future. $100. WATTS REFERENCE CO.. 11SS First National Bank Bldg. BOOKKEEPER, stenographer. So" Side. RIGHT HKFEKNCE COMPANY, u'M First National Blilg. Professions and Trades. 1 WE ran use several young men for tele 1 phone switchboard installation work. I Liberal starting salary and good oppor-.. , tunity for advancement In an Interest trr job. Apply T. J. Estfibrook. R. 211 New Telephone Bldg.. 19th and Doug last Sts., between 8:30 a. in. and 4:30 p. in. WANTED Sheet metal workers and fur T.ace men. Closed shop, 44-hour week; scale, $l.trO per hour, A good oppor tunity for good workmen. ' Address R. Nnson Friend, secretary . Master Sheet Street. Sioux City, Iowa; "DRAW FOR, MONEY." - Tf you like to draw, a large Chicago art house will ahow you how to earn money In your spare time. State address, telephone, age and where employed Box tj-81. Bee. WANTED Swedish massuese; a good all year opening for the "ajght party. Ad dress Radium Water Bath House, Nowata, OkL i SHOEMAKER Wanted Modern "machin ery: good wages, permanent poailion. ArthurRyan, O'Neill, Neb; MOLER " BARBER COLLEGE. 110 SO. 14TH ST. CATALOGUE FREE. EXPERIENCED skirt makers. Albert j;alin.213b',14th. WAN'rED-raintlrs" at ones. Hr. 8i. See Jiggs and Maggie in Full Page of Color in The Sunday Bee. HELP WANTED MALB Salesmen and Canvassets. SALESMAN WANTKD. We prefer a resldentfof this city, who I. as had actual experience In directing a sales organization selling direct to consumers. Must be a real live sales man with good references. State ago and previous experience. Do not an fiver unless you feel you can measure, up to requirements. If you can wo have a real business fir you In your ' own city. Your ambition, brains and energy are what wo want. If we get 'them we -will help you make mon;:-. New device; cheap; protected; no com petition; exclusive sale in this elt. Write Frederick Subln & Co., Imm 237-S9-41 N. Broad St.J'hiladelphia. Pa. STOCK SALESMAN Experienced stock salesman to aell the Guaranteed Dividend Preferred stock of an old-established Omaha company rated at $600,000. High credit which has Vald regular dividends for ten years. Good leads furnished. Call Room 6, Wpad Bid g. DON'T READ THIS unless you waht to make real money. Am putting two new crews in the field. No limits. Experience unnecessary. Leaving town. Money weekly; expenses advanced. Come early and avoid the rush. Inquire F. S. Martin, Carltor, Hotel, after 9 a. m. Wednesday morning. STOCK SALESMAN Going concern, manufacturing a ne cessity. Have state permit. Party must have clean record and references. Will make special proposition for quick re sults. Write at once to Omaha Bee, Box NoJ291. WANTED High grade, clean-cut sales men for a live, fast-selling proposition. Quick clean-up. Can work anywhere; especially adapted to northern territory for summer work. Mr. Ball, 238 City National Bankbul!dlng. WANTED Two) men, personality, plus education necessary. (Gray hairs an asset.) City work, steady position, ex cellent future. We place you In largest organization In world. In replying give phone number. BoxM-77, Omaha Bee. SOLICITORS WANTED " To sell .photographic coupons from high-class studio; great money-making possibilities for the right person. Ad 1 r es si 6 04 L! 1 1 is Bldg., Kansas City. Mo. WANTED Live salesmen with blood'in their eye, big enough to meet people and put 'er over; chance to make your stake In 10 daya. Address Y-1170, Omaha Bee. SA LESM EN For household specialties"; men with car can make good money. Call and see us and let us explain. C. F. Adams Co.i 623 S. 16th St. SALESMEN wanted at once. City or traveling experience unnecessary. For openings and particulars, write C-50, Omah a Bee. WANTED An experienced piano salea man who can drive Ford car with piano carrier. A. Hospe & Co., Council Bluffs, la. Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED A good steady young man for counter work in a city about 0 miles from Omaha r only a steady man need apply. Phone or write at once. Y-116S, omahaJBee. PANTRY and kitchen help. Blackstons hotel. COOK, Wellington Inn Cafe. 1819 Far", nam. Miscellaneous. WANTED. 40 or 50 laborers. Apply at SELDEX-BRECK COXST. CO. 1 1 tli and Seward Sts. W A N T E D THREE NORTON GRINDER OPERATORS AT ONCE, STEADY WORK AND GOOD PIECE WORK RATES. APPLY MR. HORN, CUSHM AN MOTOR WORKS, LINCOLN, NEB. WANTED- Laborers: apply at Slst and Dewey and 2tn anrl Dewey. i SELDEN-BRECK CONSTRUCTION CO. j MEN WANTED PAVING JOB STEADY "WORK. SIX DOLLARS PER DAY AND QUARTERS. APPLY 692 BRAN DKTS THEATER BLDG. WANTED, WAREHOUSE M EX. STEADY WORK. GOOD PAY. APPLY OMtA H A FLOUR MILLS CO., S9TH AND C. STS. WANTED, MEN AND BOYS FOR FACTORY WORK. GOOD PAY. STEADY WORK. GORDON LAWLFSS CO., . - 8 TH AND DODGE. CABINET MAKERS WANTED. We want six experienced cabinet mak ers for steady work, sumnir and win ter Job. With good pay. Ai.plv at once. OMAHA FIXTURE AND SUPPLY CO.. 11th and Douglus Sts. U.VtTED SALES PRODUCTS COMPANY Want 25 ambitious single young men: no experience necessary: salaries 5140 to $200. Phone, Douglas 035.". ANTED Man to work in drug ore, rd Ave. and Arhor St. All aiiu:ii work. Harney ;7t riELP WANTED MALE. Miscellaenous, WANTED. WAGON HELPERS. i HOURS PER DAY. APPLY AMERICAN RAILWAY EXP. STABLE, 15TH AND DAVENPORT. WANTED. FREIGHT HANDLERS. EIGHT HOURS PER DAY. $100 A MONTH. AMERICAN RAILWAY EXPRESS, UNION STATION. ACTIVE colored man to rack balls; good references. C, C. C. Billiard Parlors, 1311 Howard. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Stores and Offices. STENO, small office, clerical or filing, $110 $110: steno., Iio steno and clerk, heginner, $8o: bookkeeper and steno, $180; blller. some experience, $76; clerk, some typing, $76; Comptometer opr., $80; file clerk, $70. WESTERN REFERENCE & BOND ASS'N 7.i6 First Natl oral Bank Bl d s. STENOGRAPHER" for V, day," 60c an hour; stenographers, $115-$10O-$90; typists, $90; Burroughs opr.. $100; Remington opr., $80; clerical, $85; P. B. X., $75; file clerks. $61. COMMERCIAL REFERENCE CO., 16 16 City Natlona 1 Bank. SEVERAL stenographers' positions at good salaries; several beginning comp tometer operators; good typist and clerk. RIGHT REFERENCE COMPANY, 636FJrst National Bldg. STENOGRAPHERS." $125. $110. $100, $9,1, $85, $75; typist and clerk, $85; stenog rapher and bookkeeper, $100, $110; bookkeeper, $90. WATTS REFERENCE CO., 1138 FIrstNatlonal Bank ,Bldg. STENO.," $100; typist, ' railroad, $90 ; be ginner typist, $75; office clerk, $76; P. B. X. operator and typist, $75 to $83. BUSINESS MEN'S REFERENCE ASS'N, 917-18 VV. O. W. Bldg. STENOGRAPHER $1 25-$100-$90-$80T" be ginner stenos,, $75-$80-$90; typist and clerks. $S0-$83; steno. and bkkpr., $100 $110; btllers, $76-$80; comptometers, $75 $100. THE MARTI CO., 1126 W. O. W. Bldg. WANTED At once, lady bookkeeper ,an-I stenographer. Y-1169, Be Professions and Trades. YOUNG LADIES Do you want a permanent position T No profession today offers batter op portunities for good salaries and steady employment than local or long distance telephone work. , The work la fascinating. pleasant healthful surroundings, annual vaca tions with full pay. Sick and accident benefit without cost to employs. No experience nccesaary. Substantial weekly pay whlie in training. Rapid advancement Parents Invited to Investigate working conditions. Apply to MRS. MORRIS, Employment Secretary, Boom 111, New Telephone Building. -Nineteenth and Douglaa Itreata. EXPERIENCED DRESS FINISHERS IN OUR ALTERATION DEPARTMENT. BEST OF SALARY. .TULIUS ORKIN 1508-1519 DOUGLAS ST. GIRLS WANTED Good wages; Saturday afternoon off. Bluff City Laundry, Council, Bluffs. " Saleswomen andSolicitors. WANTED High'"" grade, clean-cut ""sales"" ladies for a live, fast-selling proposition. Quick clean-up. Can work anywhere: especially adapted to northern territory for summer work. Mr. Ball, 238 City NatIor,al Bankbuilding EXPERIENCED salesladies" in ready-lo-wear dept. Inquire second floor. J. H. Green Co.,l 6th and Howant. LADY canvassers for electrldv Irons and ,VUU VI '.'JUIllUU lM C. AUI1UI yo-28 8. ICth Ht. EXPERIENCED Flilrt makers wanted. Albert Cahn, 213 South 14th St. Douglas 2K50. LADIES to clerk in fruit department. Table Supply Co.. 17th and Douglas. Household and Domestic. WANTED WomiLrt for general house work: no washing; prefer one with daughter over 12 years, who can take - f.?-r-' "LJ "'" children. Call Harney 382. WANTED Competent house girl for gen eral housework. Small family : good wage-. 1U20 South S4th St. Phone Har- ney 4042. WANTED At once, good white girl to assist witii housework, no washing or cooking. Douglas C20S. FOR LAUNDRESSES, " DAY WOMEN, ETC.. LOOK IN THE SITUATION COL U.M N OF JfHK BEE. GIRL for general housework: good wres, no laundry work; references required. - 113 South r.9th Si. WANTEb Experienced second girl. v:i';es SIS. Mrs. M. G. Colpetzer, 402 So. SSth St. Harney 94. WANTED Experienced rook: references required. Apply 202 St. Regis Arts. IIarney3D2. WANTED Competent cook: good wages, small family. Mrs. G. titnm, 370S Far nam. COM PET EN T secoln d maid ; d ow n s ta Irs work only. Mrp. Ward Burgess, 122 N. 22. EXPERIENCED 'woman "for cooklngf small family, no Jaundry. ? S8th. J-I.2660. WANTED Experienced coolt (whltel. Mrs. Barton Millard. 123N. 89th St.Har.47. COMPETENT ' white maid ""for general housework-. 224 Dodge. Hnr. 1 S7i. Hotels and Restaurants. sT'RUBMAIDS wanted. El ""Beudor A pis' hotel. isth and Dodg. WAITRESSES wanted. Calumet Res taurant Miscellaneous. BIO SISTERS ASSOCIATION, for th benefit of business girls. 623 Be Bldg. Dougla SS2. W ANTE D OI rl s-h a ri dy a ro u n d "the bak ery. Furdy Home Bakery, 2414 Orand Ave. ClfOi:6l,ATK dippers wuntid. lingers Confectionery, 24th and Farnam Sts. '.V i NTFD EXPF.RiENCFD KLEVATOR Ol'fc'RATOU, CONANT ilOTtiU HELP WANTED FEMAI E. Miscellaenou--. WANTED. WOMEN AND GIRLS, EXPERIENCE UNNECESSARY, GOOD TAY, STEADY WORK. GORDON LAWLESS CU, 8TH AND DODGE. WANTED COLORED MAfDS. PERMANENT POSITIONS. GOOD SALARY. APPLY SUPERINTENDENT BALCONY, BURGESS-NASH. GIRL wanted to fill and wrap orders. lioourtcn Drug Co.. 1308 Harney. DUST girl. Union Outfl'tTtng Co. HELP WA NTm Male and Female. WANTED Men, ladles and boys to learn barber trade; big demand: wages while learning; atrictly modern. Call or write 140J i Dodge St. Trl-City Barber College. WANTED Married couple for farm work; state wages wanted. Stephen Kalln, Coleridge, Neb. BUSINESS CHANCES. C-FETERIA Good location, owner leav ing city. High class trade. No Sunday work Address Box X-88 Omnhn Bee. GOOD Omaha restaurant for sale that will stand Investigation. I am re- ttring.Box M74,Omaha Bee. FOR SALE Shoe shop and machinery, 115 So. 14th St. Call Webster 3019 or Doug. 139. TO get In or out of business. See LEWIS ft CO 411 McCsgue Bldg. EDUCATIONAL. DAY SCHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL. BOYLES COLLEGE Complete courses In accountancy, ma chine bookkeeping, comptometery, short hsnd and typewriting, railroad and wiring telegraphy, civil service and all English and commercial branches. Write, call or phone Douglas 1565 for large lllunraied catalogue Address BOYLES COLLEGE, Boyles Building. Omaha, Neb. LEARN tlrs repairing and retreading; also tube repairing and all rubber vul canising IN THE ONLY EXCLUSIVE TIRE REPAIRING SCHOOL IN OMA HA. Three weeks learning. $16. Writ or call NATIONAL TIRE SHOP. 17th and Capitol Ave. Van Sant School of Business, Day and Evening Schools. 320 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas r.8 90 PRIVATE tutoring; grade and high school subjects; experienced teacher; $1 hour. Harney 6880. ; CHAS. L. FISH, piano tuner, violin and piano teacher. Colfax 4907. FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished. PHONE THE WANT AD DEPARTMENT. TYLER 1000, AND ASK ABOUT OUR BIO ROOM LIST PRINTED EVERY WEEK FOR THE BENEFIT OF OUR READERS AND ADVERTISERS. 2 FURNISHED rooms, walking distance; married couple or gentlemen, employed. Board optlonaL Harney 1S21. BLOCK -to car. 6 blocks to 18th. Terms reasonable. 2219 St. Marys Ave. You'll like them when you see them. ONE large front room and kitchenette with runnincr water, furnished for house keeping. 25B0 Douglas St. TWO-ROOM SUITE; private family: West Farnnm car; $40; employed couple pre- ferred. Call Harney C619. 27i'l DAVENPORT Tw:o-room suite; mod ern: electric light and gas range. Har ney 4999. 2 NICE, clean rooms. Iliirrojn Park dis trict, on carline.IIar. 1 3 32.Keasonable. DESIRABLE, cool room; close in; ideal location for traveling man. Doug. 7i;43. ELMS HOTEL, 19th "and Harney. Rooms, $:1.60 per week andup. Doug. 6005. NICELY furnished room between two car Ladie3 prelerred. Webster C451. DESIRABLE rooms. Five minutes walk to postofflce, apply 220'JTNo. SSdjSt. ONE front room, ground floor, suitable for two gentlemen. Tyler 990. BEAUTlFULrTYfurnished "rooms, 610 No. 27thst. Call Tyler JS43. 911 S. 20TH. furnished room.-. Doug. 7C50. FURNISHED room"s.C2G So. 20thA ve. ROOM forJrent420 S. 2Ct1i St. Tyler 4787. FURNISHED roomfor rent. 310 N. Llh limxiSHKI) rowi?, 709 North 3Sd St. TWO lovely rooms. Call Har. 7 440. Housekeeping Rooms. HOUSEKEEPING apartments, two or four lurge, cool rooms, parlor floor, every thing furnished, walking distance, mod ern, shade, very reasonable, 602 S. 28tli St Har.18M6. 2701 DAVENPORT Two-room suite; mod ern, electric light and gas range. Har ney 4189. 2 LIGHT housekeeping rooms, all modern, convenient. 1424 N19tltSt. 2701 Davenport. Two-room suite; mod ern. Har.49S9; ROOM for gentlemen only. Harney 226. LIGHT ""housekeeping. 701 ""s. Kth'st. Board and Room. L-KIELD CLUH DISTRICT Beautifully furnished ram for couple employed, or two young men, excellent board. II, 604. ONE or two elegant rooms, very exclusive. West Farnam. private home: breakfast and evening dinner. Har. L'IPO. Oarage. 818 S. 21?t St., room and board or meals. Just opennd. Drt. 7226. Unfurnished. FINE rooms. :"no N. 18th, adults. RoomsJWanted. WANTED One lar?e loom suitable for IlKht housekeeping. Box V-78, Omaha Fee. FOR RENT HOUSES. Furnished. :I1 SIAPLK St. Kieht-room, modem furnished hoiiie, lease -1 mon!hf. :V,r, per month, fall Web. E903 for appotnt- jilen to see house. 1 WILL rent 5-room bungalow f urnMu S. tnciudinir nice Karilen, until September 1, Immediate posresrdon. C320 N. ftO'h. Walnut 0777. iZOi NO. 20TH Six-room "modem fur. nished home, splendid location, close to car. Owners leaving city. Cull Col. I7&4. Unfurnished. WILL lease from Aug. 1 for 1 year my house of 8 rooms to responsible pe--soiis only. 1".2 No. SJth St. liar. IJhO. Robert Co ell. Miscellaneous. LIST our property for rent or sal with FIRST TRUST COMPANY. Realtor. Tyler Tit. FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS Furnished. FURNISHED apartment, modern, j block! irum cm mi-. it tiuuiiuie rtjii!'. .uuils only. 2214WlrtStJ Webster 394. ATTRACTIVE 3-room apartment to man and wife from July 1 to Sept. 1. I'M Jones St.. Apt. No. 3. Tyler HZX. 514 SOUTH" 25TII, nicely "furnished two room apartment, with pantry, for couple w4r- F Drawn for the Bee by McManus. Copyritht. 19.0 I nl rat ional New rn- FORJRENT APTS. AND FLATS Unfurnished. i'Olt RUNT Tivo roiim apartment in pri vate home at 2420 Wirt St. Call Col fax 3140 for appointment. FLAT FOR RENT 11-room a-Td"but'h',""$25' DU.MONT & CO. 410 Keellne Hlds. Douglas 690. FOR RENT GARAGES. i'RIVATB garage, day or night. 181!) Capitol Ave. MOVING AND STORAGE." FIDELITYltI-COr STORAGE, MOVING. PACKING IIOUSEHOL DOOOPS AND PIANOS. REASONABLE- RATES. FREE RENTAL SERVICE. COMPLETE LIST OF HOUSES AND APARTMENTS. 16th and Jackson Sis. Douglas 288 MOVING. PACKING. STORAGE. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos, moving, packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO.. 806 South 16th. Doug. 41C3. GLOBE VAN. TRANSFER AND STORAGE CO. For real service In hauling or ator age, call Tyler 230 or Douglas 4338. Auto or wagon service. METROPOLITAN VAN and STORAGEXO. Owned by II. R. Bowen Co Tyler 3400. TRY US FIRST. AMERICAN MESSENGER AND EXPRESS. Douglas 5900-D901. Moving, hauling all kinds. Quick service. HORSES ANDVEHICL.ES. FOR SALE 20 head flno farm horse"!, mares, mules; somo mares in foal: all stock guaranteed siAnd: good condition. Apply M. C. Petenl Mill Co.. 29th and It Sts., or after 6 p. m. phone South 475. ONE 2-year-old pony. Walnut 4134. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. i'O RESALE Thoroughbred Russian" woif hounc Call Harney 7010 aft -t 0 p. m. AUTO MOBILE SFORSALE DRIVE IT YOURSELF COMPANY KENT A NEW FORD DRIVE IT YOURSELF THE MOST ECONOMICAL AUTV MO RILING; CHEAPER THAN OWN ING A CAR. N'EW. Al CONDITION. SELF-STARTERS. OPE?J DAY AND NIGHT THE 365 DAYS. 1 HI 4 HOWARD STR Bi'IT. DOUG. 3022. FORDS, "BUICKS, DODGES NEW AND USED Cash of time. Drive them and pay by the moMth. All cars in ootl mechanical shane. Fords, bodies, cabs, truck bodies. Send for catalogue. GOLDSTROM AUTO SALES CO.. Uli Harney St. ' Tyler 714 .' CENTRAL OARAGE. Open 'lay and night. Wrt.L TAKE LOW PRICED CITY LOTS or cheap property in trade for used cars. standard motor car co., 2020 farnam street. newh"aranteei tires! 30x3 . .$ i'.7S S'.'xJ'.S . .$18.90 3Xilj. .$12.90 34x4 ..$21.75 STANDARD TlRB CO.. 410N. ItiTH ST. STORAGE batteries, wrlften guarantee, exchange price 3 cell, $15; Dodge and Maxwells. $20. Midland Battery Co., 2615 Leavenworth St. DO YOU want a good automobile at a bargain price? All makes and sizes. Terms or cash. Call Mr. Jones, Doug, DISS. FOR SALE A i"ew" 2 'j ton truck, never been used. $.100 less than present re tail price. Call Dougias 1900. Room COS. liTiFiprsfjiss" 79 Overland roadster, starter, liirhts, refinlshed, goojil tires, good runner; worth $300. 2210 Farnam. SOME bargains in used Ford cars. Mc Caffrey Motor Co. The Handy Ford Service Station, 15th and Jackson. Doug- la35"0. WE HAVE 60 good used cars to select from. All prices. MEEKS AUTO CO.. 2026 Farnam. BARGAIN in Mllburn Electric, fine condi tion, new batteries. See car nt 0115 military Avjv, or call Walnut 4109. THE "DIXIE" FLYER. '" W. R. NICHOLS MOTOR COMPANY. 2."20 Farnam St. AUTO CLIUARINO HOUSE. 2033 FARN'AM. EXCEPTIONAL USilP CARS. WANTED For spot rash, 100 used cars, quick action; 110 delay. Auto Kxchange fo JO09Farnam St. Doug. 6085. FOB TERMS ON "'USED CARS VAN BRUNTS. Look for the red seal on -rindshfeld. OAKLAND Sensible Six. MARSH OAKLAND CO.. 2309 St. DODOF. truck for slle. will take Ford or small car as part payment. Call Douglaa 1003. FORI) Sedan. 1910, almost new; sf.-.rter; new tires; other extras. Doug. 8989. 1918 DODO IS," oveftrauled. bargain. See at Morton's Garage. Harney 5750. Ft'RD touring, 1917 model, flue shape. largain. Harney 2790. Repairing and Paintin g. RADIATOR CORKS lNSTALLUD. Manufactured In Omaha. 24-1. our serv Ice for auto, truck and tractor. Uxpert radiator pnd fender repairing: body dents removed; new fenders made. OM A 71 A A I TO RADIATOR Mi ll. CO.. 1S19 Cuming St. Tvler 917. Tires and Supplies USED TIRES 3"iS, 15.00; SI'xS'j, J6.00. All sises In proportion. Look ovei our rebuiits. Open Snpdav. Tyler !S6 SAWOE TIRES. PCS N ICth 8:. ICcystme Tire Shop "NEW REl'L HVlC TIRES," CHEAP." S0x;;i, FISK ..114.9.1 j 844 120 IIOxH 11". 93' 2:;.T4 $20 96 30x4 129.9.-. I 32x4 $19 Si SEE US FIRST. IT PAYS. K AIM AN TIRE JOBliERS. 1723 CUMINO : AUTO electrical repairs; service stailool for Rayfirld carburetor and I'olumbla ' sturak'e balterb-s. Edwards, 2lilC N. 19Ui. ; FARMLANDS. Canadian Lands. For Sale by Owner "20 acres n best nf .Saskatchewan's wheat bell: new ?2,.',00 house, other bldgs. nnd fences good. Ywn wells of fine water; near goud town and m-1ioI. J'rlce, $11 per acie: will glee bargiiln nf fine growing crop If sold soon. Pho tos on application. Box 1171. Bee. COME to the best part of Canada. Been hero 10 years; crop failure unknowr. Write us for bargains. Alfred Olson .4 J. L. Butler'. J.and Agents, Box 132, Mar field, Susk,, Canada. Colorado Lands. COLORADO Come to Canon City, rolo.: fine cli mate. Apple orchards. Alfalfa fartnv Small fruits; city property; stock ranches. Write for fine booklet. Iluyucs Realty Ity Co. k I KA'lK -C.vod no-acre "x. E. 'folo.. ! FOR S. Prowers county farm; well inipro ed. Lost my wife; too old to llnndle. Will sairlfi -.' for j; per s. A. K. OIIimui. rriaLi4a JU. FARM LANDS. Wanted. FA It Mai WANTK1 Sell your land to an huser. The- best way lu reach them Is through an advertisement in the "Farm Land" columns of th iv f.ivorlto pupers. The Dea Moines Kogtuer anil The Evening Tribune. Tho Frflnk Lund company, Cheyenne, Wyo., !. 'The results Irniii the Den Moines Renir ter ami the F.veplng TrTViuiio are not i..u.ill-d bv any other paper that we Hdvi-iilse in." Tlie Stoutenburg Land company. Hutteifleld, Minn., told. us. We .sold threo farms 1" a single day through a previous advertisement In your papers." You, too, run sell your l.iml bv the same plan. Send us an adver tisement describing your land in deta.l. how munv acre-. Its distance from town iimiI school; what Improvement it hiis, if auv; how mnnv acres are under cul tivation; how much pasture: whether there Is a good water supply In fact. t"ll all the thing about 5 oiirfuriu that vou would waul to know If you were imvlnir it instead of selling it. Then w vlil tell vou. without obligation oil your part, how llttlfl it would cost you K reach th- te Iowa buyers through a gooei convincing advertisement In our "Farm Lund" column. Write today and get In touch with th prospective1 buyers who arn In the. market now. Tbi Des Mn.11. s Register and Evening Trlhuiu, Dipt. S4. Des Molner, Iowa. Idaho Land. lilG alf.ilf.i ranch in Snake river valle., Idaho. Fine c limate, close to open range, school and town. Two flowing warm wells and river feed grounils. Good build ings and femes. All kinds of fruit and Peril' s All under Irrigation and .plenty of water. Ideal shVep and rattlo ranch. I'nv 20 per cent to 25 per rent net on price. owner, 1H20 Ada St., HoIre, Iowa Lands. ONE OF IOWA'S BIGGEST AND BEST STOCK AND GRAIN FARMS TO RE SOLD AT AUCTION AT 1:.0 1 M. JULY 1, 1920. We will sell at TiiMic Auctior a farm of 640 acres, known as tlif Jiilliker Simpson farm; it is lo cated in Pottawattamie county, 3! miles from Council Bluff?, on the r.ew White Pole road. 13 milrr east of Oakland; 9 miles :iorth o: driswold, and five miles s.-.uth anc eight miles west of Atlantic. There arc 440 acres in both on which is located all of the ini rirovcments; 200 acres in one bodv across the .section line to the north. These two tracts will be solo separately; iiien the eniirc 64C acres will be sold in one bodv and whichever brings the mos money it will be sold. The improvements brive al 1-een built within the last two oi three years and consist of tbc fol lowing: Five-room, house with full basement; large bam: corr crip; granary; chicken house; larce baru: corn crib; canary; f chicken house; machine shed: stock corrals; scales; thitegooc wells and tlie land is all fence hog-tight in several tliffereu' fields. The land is slightly roll ing; 27 acres is in timber pasture 80 acres in corn and the balanct is seeded iswn to timothy anc clov?:. This farm is one of the l est im proved, best located stock anc grain farms within the boundariei of the state of Iowa. Terms of sale will be aanouncec by the auctioneer before the sale starts: the terms will be very rea sonable and liberal to rsoonsibU parties, so do not stay avvav thinV ing you cannot buy this farm, a the terms will be made so that any responsible party can bur. Sale will start at 1:30 p. m Free lunch at noon. For further information call on or write HILLIKER SIMPSON, Room 3. Horse and Mule Barn South Side Stock Yards, or S. S. & R. E. Montgomery, 213 City National Bank Building, Omaha. Kansas Lands. ' IF you are looking for a real land proposi tion, sie our low priced, level wneat firms. and shallow-ater alfalfa farms, in tba famous Wblte Woman basin in Scott county, Kansas. The prices aro rit'lit. LAND MARKET. LAND MARKET. FRANKLIN. NEB. SCOTT CITY. KAS. ICO acres, IV2 miles town, Franklin county, Kansas. Smooth, highly im proved. Abundance water. 30 alfatfa; An pasture: remainder apring crops. One best farms In Franklin count.. Terms. Write for description, price, and li?t, Martin Strafups, Ottowa, Kan. WRIT)-; us for prices and terms on 4ands in Thomas county. Kansas. Fellon & West. POT rourseBloclt! Minnesota Lands. MINNESOTA lands. 30 Improved farms offered for sale by owner on long-time. One-fifth cash. Located In Red River valley proper, near Argyle, SteDhen, Donaldson arid Tyler, Minnesota. Wri'e for descriptive book-let ftjid price list. M. Laurltsen, C20 zd Ave., S. Minneap iills, Minn . Nebraska Lands. $25.00 Below Its Value For a Quick Sale. 100 acres In the Platte River Vallev 2 miles from town. 120 acres under plow. 30 acres pasture with runninir water, ' 10 acres fine meadow, land lies level, flood black loam soil. Good 4 -room house nearly new. Stable fir tl head of horses. Granary for 2,0"O bushels and other minor improvements. Two wells with the best of water at a depth of 20 feet. Buildings well sheltered by large grove. Only S'l rods from school. Price $140 per acre. $ r. . 0 0 0 rarh. $j,O0O December 1. Balance tfood terms. Buy 11 farm Hint never frills to produce a crop. Ad dress M. A. Larson, Owner, Central City, Neb. Cl)l:N AND ALFALFA FARMS. IMPR'VKl. IN CENTRAL NEBRASKA, a the right price. Write for list. LARSON & CARHAHER. Central City. Neprsska. ifl-i'-ACUE farm In Klmbalk Neb., dis trict. About 30o acres under cultivation. Practically all tillable. Flno wheat land. !iod concrete barn, well, fences, smalt house. Offered by owners. Ray C. Hall. l."niiOACiES Box Butte county farm land; $2i to J-Tf' :ur acrj in hulf section lots. S. S. AMI R. K. MONTGOMERY. S13fity N.ifljtiuik Bldg. HAY $2 to $l"o"last winter." For KIU luirn Valley iiay land write Fra-ili Sch, rrii'?rhorn. 3.UfiMnle Ave. Omshu. For Neb. Farms and Kanche ae Orsbam-Petcra Realty Co., ': "miiha Nsfl Bk. Bldg.. Omaha- A. A. PATMAN. 1- aris.joi Karbach Blk. Wyoming.' Lands. iToMESTEAD rclinnillslmients. $1 pet acre. Box 490. Casper, Wyoming. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS WALSIi-ELMER CO., Realtors, Real Estate Investments, Insurance, xRen- talr. .Tyler. 1536; 33SPwurttlnBldr. PRESSED brb k iluplex flat, 7 rooms on a oak finish ; Park Ave.; Income $1,500. Snap at $13,600. Dg. 1734. FINANCIAL. Real Estate Loans. CITY AND FARM LOANS. 6 PER CENT. DU.MONT & CO., 41-4HKeeltneHldg. OMAHA HOMES EAST. NU R. FARMS, O'KEl.'Fl; REAL ESTATE CO. 1010 nm, Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 2715. IHA'mONDS AND JEWELRY LOANS. Lf west rates. Private loan, bootha. Harry .Mala'hoek. 1014 Dodge n CS19. Es. 1894 PRIVATE IVONET. $Iiio To tio.fifio made promptly, ir D. WEAI'. Wead Bio.;., 310 S, 18tn St. PKiVAf K MONEY. SIIOPEN& COMPANY. Doug. 4221. PROMPT s"ivi.e. reasonable rates, privjiii money. Cmrvin Bros., 340 Omaha Nt, D, E. RUCK. Loaus. iti OmaSi h-"