Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 24, 1920, Page 10, Image 10

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For Visitors.
Mis Mildred Rhoades entertained
at a luffcheon of 10 coVers at the
Athletic club, Wednesday, in honcjH
ot the guests of Mildred Weston,
Mho are Harriet Mogg of Indian
apolis, Mary Bruner of Kokomo,
Gladys Thompson of Rockford, and
Frances Emerson of Evanston.
Mjs Caroline Stringer enter
tained at a lineparty at the Strand
in their home, Wednesday after
noon. Miss Weston entertained at din
nerx at the Country club, Wednesday
evening, for her guests. Included
in the party were Messrs. George
Metcelfe, Richard Mallory, Burdctte
Kirkendall, Sidney Cullingham,
George Stocking and Melvin Bekins.
Mrs. Robert McCaguc and Miss
Lucy Hart will entertain at a break
fast Thursday for these visitors.
Bridge Party. .
Mrs. George F. Wickham of
Council Bluffs will entertain at
bridge, Saturday. There will be
seven tables..
Organ Recital.
Ben Stanley announces an -organ
rcital to be given Sunday afternoon
at the Trinity cathedral. Those tak
ing part will be Mr. Hand Reyn
olds and Misses Mildred Sinnett,
Edna Sheets and Florence Ross.
' Informal Luncheon.
Miss Katherine Baxter entertained
informally at a luncheon Tuesday at
the Atnletic club. Lovers were
placed for 16.
Apron Sa.
The ladies auxiliary of Park Vale
cr.titch will hold an : nron and
home bakery sale Thursday after
noon at Kearney drug store, Thirty
second avenue and Arbor street.
Lakoma Club.
Mr. and Mrs., T. J. Donohue en
tertaiifld at dinner at Lakoma club
Monday evening in honor of their
15th wedding anniversary.
Mrs. Julius Steinberg entertained
SO girls from the Swift company
Tuesday at a picnic at the club.
Laurel avenue, Tuesday
June 29, at 8 o'clock.
Maud Garrett, Crystal Pool How
ard and Herbert Way will assist
with numbers.
Aflairs for Miss Estee.
Miss Ellen Creighton will enter
tain at a dinner of 12 covers, Thurs
day evening, iij honor of Miss Lor
raine Estee df Montpelier, Vt., who
is the guest of Mrs. E. A. Creighton.
Mr. and Mrs. Barton Millard will
entertain at dinner in her lionofc,
Friday evening, after which the
guests will attend the dancing party
of Cuthbert PottcV at the Country
Mrs. J. M. Daugherty wifl'be
hostess at a luncheon, Saturday, for
Miss Estee, who leaves Omaha
Dancing Party. '
I The Chi Kang club cf Central
High school entertained at a
dancing party Wednesday evening at
Happy Hollow club. Mr. and Mrs.
E. M. Searle, Mrs. F. T. Walker and
Mrs. Charles Leslie chaperoned
the party. Seventy-five couples
were present. Members of the club
are the Misses Mildred AValker,
Helen Browne, Ruth Chatfield,
Gictta Leslie, Marian Perkins,
I.loise Searle, Frances Swift and
Orpha Travis. '
New President of
Women's Clubs
Happy Hollow Club.
Mrs. T. J. Nolan will entertain 40
guests at the children's 'matinee
dance Thursday in -honor of her
daughters, Janet and Dorothy.
i -
Mrs. J. A. Way will present her
piano pupil. Mildred Bonetta Harris,
11 years old, in her third annual re
cital at ht residence studio, 2450
Country Club
Miss Margaret Baum entertained
at luncheon Wednesday in honor of
Miss Genevieve Brooke of Washg
ton, D. C, who is visiting Mrs. Mil
ton Barlow. Those present were:
Misses Marion Howe, Mary Mors
man and Blanch Deuel.
Miss Louise Clark entertained
p.t dinner Wedensday evening at the
Country club in honor of her guest,
Miss Marie Bloomc, of Washington,
I). C. Those present were Misses
t'laire Daugherty, Dorothy Judson,
Horothy Belt, Marie Neville and
Dorothy Moke of St. Louis, and
Messrs. Douglas Peters, Eugene Ne
ville, Robert Millard, Kenneth Nor
ton, Louis Burgess, Harkness
ivountze and Clarence Ptersv
Mrs.' William Hosford entertained
it luncheon for six girls Wednes
day in honor of Miss Janet Sargent
of Kansas City, who is visiting her
.aunt, Mrs. W. J. Foye.
Milton Barlow entertained 17
quests at dinner Wednesday. Oth
rrs entertaining were: E. A. Hig
jrins, eight guests; L. L. Kountze,
eight. Df. C. A, Roeder entertained
17 gucst$'-at the intermission.
Field Club
P. G. Cunningham entertained
12 guests at dinner Wednesday. Oth
ers who entertained were George
Amos, who had 12 guests; Hen
ry C. Moeller, 6; T. W. Napier, 6,
and Miss Winifred Brandt, 4.
Miss Emmie Allan will entertain
12 guests at luncheon Thursday. Dr.
F. W. Heagey will entertain a four
Black-Draught Highly Recom
mended by Illinois Man for
Liver and Stomach Dis
ordersUsed It Fif
teen Years.
Singerton, III. "For fifteen years
we have used The,dford's Black
Draught, and have not as yet found
Anything that could take its place,"
writes Mr. W. F. Rister, of this
town, "I have used it for indiges
tion a number of times, and it gives
rrliff." continues Mr. Rister.
"For sour stomachy a heavy, bloat
ed feeling, it is splendid. And when
the liver gets torpid, so that when
yon. stoop and raise up suddenly you
dizzy, a'few doses will set you
"We keep it' and use for constipa
tion and the above troubles, and find
it most satisfactory. I can recom
mend it to others and' gladly dcPso.
For the number years I have used
Black-Draught now, I ' ought to
In its 70 years of usefulness. Thed
ford's Black-Draught has- relieved
thousands and thousands of persons
suffering from the results of a dis
ordered liver. And. like Mr. Rister,
many people feel that, after using
Black-Draught nothing can take its
, If you haven't tried Black-Draught
gt a package today.
Nearly every druggi .keeps it
' L.
H. E. L. P. Club.
H. E. L. P. club will meet at the
Social Settlement house Thursday
evening at 7:30 o'clock, for a busi
ness meeting and election of officers.
- r . -V
Hi 7MT T1 rMT. I II
Community Service.
K. K. K. club will meet Thursday
evening at the Community House.
Mrs. Noel Wallace, chaperon.
P. E. O. Chapter.
Chapter E of the P. E. O. Sister
hood will meet for 1 o'clock lunch
eon Thursday at the Prettiest Mile
club. A business meeting will be
held preceding the luncheon at 10
a. m. Officers for the ensuing year
will be elected and delegates will re
port on the 31st annual state con
vention, which met in Fairmont,
Neb., June 15-17.
Birthday Luncheon.
Omaha Woman's lub of the
railway mail service will celebrate
it? 20tfi anniversary with a luncheon
Thursday, 1 o'clock, at the Black
stone hotel. Mrs. F. H. Cole, first
president of the club, will be honor
guest. Covers will be placed for 24.
American War Mothers.
Omaha chapter,, American War
Mothers, will meet Thursday eve
ning, 8 o'clock, in Memorial hall,
court house.
Minne Lusa Society.
Minne Lusa Women's "society will
meet for 1 o'clock luncheon Thurs
day with Mrs. Alfred Lindcll, 3059
Curtis avenue.
Vesta Chapter.
Vesta chapter No. 6, O. E. S., will
have an outing in Elmwood park
Thursday afternoon and evening.
Train School Mothers' Club.
Mrs. R. A. Anderson will enter
tain the members of-the iram
School Mothers' club at her home,
1106 South Twenty-ninth street. Fri
day afternoon. Mrs. Edward Vobo-
nl will asstst the hostess.
French Club.
Members of the French club will
meet Thursday at the C. G. Jaycox
c.'tage, Carter lake, to sew for their
r tench war orphan. A complete
winter outfit will be sent to the little
French girl July 1. The club will
meet for luncheon once a month
during the summer and will take up
ts work of sewing tor local chan
ties next fall.
Members of the club are as fol
lows: Mesdames Ed Boyce, C. Cat-
lin, A. D. Chapman, W. S. Flint, A.
Airs. Thomas. G.
r.eapolis, Minn., was
Winter ot Min-
elected presi
dent of the General Federation ot
Women's clubs at the biennial con
vention of the federation Tuesday
inDes Moines. Ia. Mrs. W. S. Jen
nings of Florida was chosen first
vice president; Mrs. J. R. Schermer
horn, New Jersey, second vice presi
dent; Mrs. H. A. Guild, Arizona,
auditor; Mrs. Adam Weiss, Colo
rado, recording secretary, and Mrs.
B. B. Clark of Red Oak, la., treas
Gibson, R. O. Grayson, L. P.
Heeney, Carl Herrimr, C. G. Jaycox,
Floyd Keller, H. Munson, R. Pe
ters, Tj Glen Pcttegrcw. J. Rohacek,
A. Schwarick, J. Snyder, H. B.
Wunrath, A. Zimmat, Raleigh Hy
att, R. White, H. , Wilmot and
Misses Terra Tierney'and M. Mulli
gan. Mrs. H. Valentine and daugh
ter, Miss S. Valentine, of Dunkirk,
N. Y., and Mrs. Harry Lucena of
Syracuse, N. Y., formerly of Oma
ha, are honorary members.
Miss Eulalia Ryan of Columbus,
Net., is the guest of the Misses Mar
guerite and Mildred Walker.
Miss Florence Russell Feturned
Tuesday from an eastern trip, ac
companied by Miss Ruth McCabc
of Salamaca, N. Y.
I summer month at Gilmore Lake,
!Wis. They will stop one week at
Lake Okoboji and make a short
stay at Fairmont, Minn., also Lake
Minnetonka, Minneapolis.
Mrs. C. E. Hall, who returned
Saturday from a visit in Des Moines
and Davenport, Li., will leave the
first of next week to spend the sum
mer at Lake Minnetonka, Minn.
Carol Christie of Minneapolis will
arrive Thursday for a visit with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Christie.
Mrs. II. C. Read and daughters,
the Misses Lydja and Emma Julia,
are visiting in the east.
F. C. Tym, who has been seriously
ill, is recovering.
Mrs. E. Herpolsheimer and son,
Henry, of Lincoln, are visiting Mrs.
Herpolsheimer's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. H. M. True.
Miss Margaret Wolff, who has
been visiting herl sister, Mrs. George
F. Wicham- of Council Bluffs, will
return to her home at Riverside,
Cal., early in July.
v. '
Miss Mae Mahoney is spending
the week at the Council Bluffs Coun
try club.
Miss Mildred Hansen, daughter
of Mrs. A. S. Hansen, left Tuesday
for New York. On her way Miss
Hansen will stop at Chicago. De
troit, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Toron-
to, Canada and Albany. Miss Han
sen attended the Civersity of Ne
braska during the past year.
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Cope, jr., re
turned Monday from Chicago where
they spent a "week.
Miss Dorothy Moke of St. Louis
is the guest of Miss Daphne Peters.
. Miss Lillian Fitch of Chicago is
at the Fontenelle, and will be in
Omaha for the next six weeks in
charge of the dramatic classes N at
Creighton university. J
Miss Winifred Fairfield, who is
visiting Margaret Eastman, will re
main here until June 30, when she
leaves to spend the summer at a va
cation camp in Wisconsin.
Mrs'. John G. Kuhn left Tuesday
for Ely, New, where she will vjsit
her sister, Mrs. P. J. Goumond.
Cecil Mullen will
for Los Angeles.
leave Saturday
Carter Lake
for the
reservations were made
cottagers' dinner at Carter
Lake club Wednesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Larkin were
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. George
G. Pray at the cottagers' dinner
Wednesday evening.
Mrs. William Humper entertained
20 guests at a swimming party, fol
lowed by a picnic luncheon, at her
cottage Wednesday.
,Mrs. W. C. Marsh entertained 10
guests at dinner at her cottage
Tuesday evening in honor of her
daughter, Miss Geneva Marsh, who
recently returned from France, and
for Dr. Charles Kidson of San Fran
cisco, who is a guest at the Marsh
Mrs. G. G. Jaycox will entertain
the French club t her cottage
dtie of the most valued assets of the House of Henricl(Son
is its reputation for reliability;. Reliable methods, reliable
merchandise, reliable information and suggestions char
acterize the Hemickson way of doing business.
Before you purchase anything in jewelry,' diamonds,
watches or silverware, 'consider the reliability of Omaha's
first jewelry house. Here since 1 882.
John Henrickson Jeweler
Sixteenth at Capitol
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Smith have
returned from their wedding trip
and are at home at 5105 Cuming
Reed Zimmerman has returned
from the University of Chicago.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Cross an
nounce the birth ot a son, at at.
Catherines hospital, Monday. v
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Eiberger
of Denver. Colo., are the guests of
Mr. and Mrs. J.- H. Ellsberry. Mrs.
Eiberger was formerly Miss Louise
Schaefer of Ofhaha.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Hildreth of
Omaha left Saturday to spend the
Lift Off Corns!
Doesn't hurt I Lift touchy corns and
calluses right off with fingers
Apply a few drops of "Freezone" upon that old
bothersome corn. Instantly that corn stops
hurting. Then shortly you lift it right off,
root and all, without" pain or soreness.
Hard corns, soft corns, corns
between the toes, and the
hard skin calluses on
bottom of feet lift
right off no
humbug I
'J :-V
Tiny bo tiles if' 'Freezene" cosS
but a few cents at drug stares
Only Rival.
tsira" Stores
Thursday we will endeavor to continue to sup
ply our regular' patrons with Standard Cane
Sugar for canning in lots of 10 pounds.
Batko Cut Green
Beans, per
New York State Pack
Tomato Soup,
Snider'f, tall OJ
can, 2 for. . y C
You Know It' Fine
Fairco Shortening,
Pail i DDC
Fairbanks Quality Product
Cudahy' White Borax
Naphtha Soap, 6 Bar.
Soap I Expected to Be Higher
to any dollar tea offered,'
Lb. Carton '
Delmonte Peache
Pear or Apricot,
in No. 2
Can O I C
Olivilo Toilet Soap,
Regular 12 c Value
5-Trial Pkg. O C
for i3C
Pint Can, 35c;
Black Shoe Poliih, Peter'
Patte, 3 Large 10.
Can. 1ZC
Piedmont Peanut. Oil,
-Pint OC
Can Packed by packer of
Pompeian Olive Oil
Bear Apple Base,
Strawberry flavor
15-ounce O Q
Jar 4i7C
A Spread lor the Kiddies
Basko Baking Powder,
1 -Pound ni
Can 1 C
None Better Few
Its Equal
Vanilla Extract,
2-Ounce Bottle
Pure Basko. . . . .
Basko Cofee, very
delicious. Pound
Independent 1-Lb.
Can, 52c
Chili Sauce, Snider'
Large Bottle. O C
Our price. . . . OOC
Basko Succotash
Green Lima
Beans, Can.
Carotene, tall cans.
Our 11.
... lie
Just Received
3 Carloads Pure
Omaha's newest market -will give Omaha
women the opportunity of the hour to secure
sugar for the canning season. Three carloads
of the finest pure cane sugar -will be sold at a
price that should delight every housewife.
Come early your opportunity has arrived. ,
FRIDAY, the Sack
No Dealers No Deliveries
J' 100,b- 1
The finest of the season large, do
lictous berips wonderful flavor. Buy them
by the case tomorrow.
Case of 24 boxes, only . . .
5-a -
tmmu nmrnrmttmiiiiiiiiiiniTTnTmunn llllT-rm-r-rl"'.1'1,1,
sealed in JQ
Pkgs., Lb.... DivC
Snider' Process Pork
and Beans,
3 No. 2 Cans
Very Fine for Picnics
Sender's Preserves
will please most
particular,.. Cy4
Jar 04 C
Sardines, 1-b.
Oval Cans.
In Tomato Sauce
Diamond "C"
Laundry Soap ryfr
S Bars OUC
Bluing Cash Habit,
Double Strength Q
Bottle OC
Excel Laundry
Tablets, 1Q
Package ....
Pound. . .
Skrtch Powder for
the Laundry Q A n
3 Pkgs 'tC
Phonograph Supreme
The Schmoller & Mueller
Guaranteed Phonograph
II ivexto&sZ " j
Six Models
Ask Us for
e a r, resonant,
powerful tone. Art
cabinets. The highest
achievement of ex
pert craftsmen, and
the, PRICED less
than any other high
type instrument.
jL down
Delivers- the instru
ment to your home,
together with the rec
ords you select and
Balance m a y be
paid in small weekly
or monthly payments.
If you can not come in, write or phone
us for information.
Schmoller & Mueller
114-16-18 ' r. Phone
South 15th St. 1 UO. Doug. 1623
Clean Clothes
For the Childre
We sometimes wonder where the children
get all the dirt that they bring in on their
clothes there is an unbelievable amount
of it. Yet it is necessary to keep them
clean and a constant change to fresh
clothes results.
The big problem is to get the dirty clothes
clean again. If rubbed on the washboa
they wear out r?ridly, and it is a ba
breaking task to put them through the
1 T T T J i 1 1
enme ana wringer, i et, at present m-ices
it is almost impossible to send them,6ut to
oe wasnea. certainly tnere is
thing to do, and that is to buy an
f -
Apex Electric Washer
"Then it will be no longer necessary to boil or rub the clothes.
The machine and wringer will be driven, by electricity there'
will be nothing which is heavy or difficult left for you to do. The
clothes, too, will wear longer, for there are no moving parts in
side the tub to injure them. The buttons will stay on.
Another surprising feature of the Apex is that it actually de
creases the family budget. The Apex is so perfectly balanced
so free from lost motion and undue friction that only about 2
cents worth of current is used in doing the entire washing. In
fact, it reduces the cost of Washing so materially that it pays for
itself with the saving it effects from use. Our easy payment plan
makes it possible for anyone to afford it. Indeed, no one can
afford to be without it.
Saves Time
The Apex is the original oscillator it
gives double the action on clothes and wa
ter, saving half the time consumed by ordi
nary machines. It is the first machine to
come equipped with an adjustable swing
ing wringer it operates from four posi
tions and at the same time as the machine
when desired, saving time again. It is all
metal no wood to rot and warp built
for life-time service. A permanent invest
ment that pays big yearly dividends.
Ask for a free trial in your home. Com
pare its periormance with others and you
will choose the Apex Electric Washer.