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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 23, 1920)
THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 23, 1920. .Si 3l NAPING Father ' Awarded' Son in Divorce" Proceedings, But 'Loses in Raid at Night.' I,,, I, Norfolk, Neb., Jane 22. (Special Telegram.) Mrs. Elora Sovereign and liss Bernice Howard of Pierce werf arrested here on a charge of kidnaping Mrs, Sovereign's 4-year- . old $of, Lloyd, from his father's home ' at Neligh. Mr. and Mrs. Sovereign were divorced a week ago and the custody of the two children were given to the father. Mrs. Sovereign says by previous agreement she did not make appear ance and had been promised the , custody of the 4-year-old son,. After the decree was granted the father and - a deputy sheriff went to the Pierce home and took the boy, who was 'with his mother. The mother i retaliated Monday night by driving a car to Neligh and taking the boy. The mother i and Miss Howard were taken to 'Neligh !for prelimi nary hearing Tuesday. Mrs. Sovere ign says she has been tricked fd will reopen the case. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Will Free man of Plainview. Safety is the aim of new gt hose connections which are screw ed into wall sockets, the operation of turning them turning on the gas, while removing them stops the flow. Candidates and' Locusts: , BY "BUGS" BAER. Copyright by I'nlverml Srrrlce. . San Francisco, June 22. The -tax soused year of 1920 will clatter down in history as the period of the seventeen-year locusts and the four-year White House candidates. There is a spirit of brotherhood between the locust and the candi date. Both are bugs. They have a working agreement by which the candidate works the metropolitan sections and leaves the suburbs to the locusts. v Which authenticates the Darwin ian theory that there is co-operation and , a crude species of language among the lower life on this man's planet. After chewinc Chicaco loose from its municipal charter, the political locusts are eating their way to San Francisco, rattling into town- under cover of the 'early morning fogs. They will, nest in- the auditorium where the hungriest will start snap ping at the democratic nomination and wind up by eating the fafl crop of third class postmasterships. There s an air of sincerity and honesty around this convention which was lacking in Chicago. Probably due to the fact that the big democrats haven't arrived yet. The demoticket is still open.' Pal mer, Cox, Owen, Edwards and Champ Clark all have a chance to gtab the biscuit. Back in Chicago the big political masquerade was in before it started. - The Old Guard is like a guy who waits until the rescue is made and then runs up and grabs the Carnegie medal. Rumors are flying around thicker than whiskers on the House of David base ball team, but news is TX TT NATIONAL BISCUIT; COMPANY tl LORNA DOONE Biscuit are perfec tion in delicious ready-to-serve shortbread that is mealy, crumbly and with just the right richness to make it unusually palatable and wholesome. The name LORNA DOONE is ion every biscuit. " 1 Sold by the pound and in the famous , . In-er-aeal Trade Mark Package.' NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY I 5g?0nMtoBliCult ' ; T scarcer than navigation on the Great Salt lake. The demobosses were strong for Palmer until a story started about him smearing syrup on both sides of his buckwheat cakes, which places him irrevocably among the radicals. ' . This convention is scared sour that a progressive will horn in and rattle off with the cakes. If you want to ruin a guy just buzz around! that he was piped wearing pearl gray spats with a tuxedo and the bosses i discard him like deuces on the draw. Ratker than stake a radical to the nomination, the bosses will put up a. candidate who cuts his own 4 hair and who runs into the house every time a Ford backfires. They want a good old party locust who will stick with the main herd and who isn't liable to go outsidfc the lot for his meals. Showing that a democratic con vention doesn't differ much from a republican rodeo. Whatever his politics happens to be at the present census, a boss is always a boss. No ventriloquist would be a success if his red-headed mannikin developed a voice of his own. , There will be lots, of fun at this convention. It will be on the up and up. There won't be any sealed orders to be opened on the day out like at Chicago. A plcbescite of the defeated inhabitants will indicate that the best man didn't win, but the trimmed locusts will have the advantage of their 17-year relatives They can come back in four years 'for another meal. ' Jury of Architects Soon to Start Work On Plans of Capitol Lincoln, June 22. (Special.) William Polk of San Francisco has been selected as the third architect to compose the "jury" which will, in . conjunction with the capitol building commission, select the plans for the new- building. The plans, 10 in number, have been re ceived, but according to Governor McKeivie, chairman of the commis sion will be gone into very thor oughly, it being provable that it will take at least a week to make the selection. It is understood that Mr. Polk will reach Lincoln Friday morning and the other two architect's on Wednesday. It is expected that work will begin immediately, al though W. H. Thompson, a mem ber of the commission, is a delegate to $he San Francisco democratic, national convention and may not be able to meet with the commis sion unless he foregoes the pleas ure of attending the convention. California Man Probing Nebraska Code System Lincoln, Neb., June 22. (Special.) Will H. Fischer, director of the taxpayers association of California, is here this week spending a few dalj in looking up the business form of government under the workings of the administrative code bill. He has visited other states which have something of the same kind. m Sold All Over US. A Gqod Old Blatz. The Beverage of Quality. Leads Them AIL JIUL V : K-1CS:c" X A S : : ' .., Made by BLATZ- Milwaukee Order a Case for Your Home. Today For Sale Wherever Are. Sold SWARTZ-STANER COMMISSION CO. 501 South llth'St. Omaha, Neb. SECOND MYSTERY MURDER. BAFFLES NEW YORK POLICE Wealthy Restaurant Proprie tor, Found Deacf in Bed Large Amount of Cash And Jewels Missing. 'New York, June 22. With the El well case still unsolved, another murder mystery the killing of Manuel ' Gabin, a wealthy restau rant proprietor, was added to the crime annals of the police depart ment today. When Gabin's body was found, shot through the heart, in a bedj n: a richly furnished apartment at Washington and West Twelfth streets, $25,000 in cash and jewelry were missing. Gabin was well known' in the Spanish colony and was sometimes called '"The King of the Spaniards." Until two years ago he was an impersonator in vau deville. Thei police said they expected to arrest a young American friend of Gabin's known as "Handsome Charlie." , The spotlight in the Elwell in vestigation was turned again today upon "Miss Wilson," the mysteri ous and handsome young woman who was said to have frequently spent the nighto at Elwe'.l's home at 244 West Seventieth street A bundle of letters and photo graphs was seized in the apartment of Miss Hope Anderson, daughter of a wealthy Minneapolis, Minn., manufacturer and scrutinized by members of the district attorney's staff in the hope of shedding light on the Elwell mystery. Miss An derson is a music student and is said to be a friend of Victqjr von Schlegell, oneof the last persons to see Elwell alive on the morning of June 11. The house in which Miss Ander son lives is almost directly in thi rear cf the Knickerbocker chambers where' Von Schlegell makes his home. It was explained that the only clue, the authorities hoped to gain from' the' correspondence was some possible statement that would throw light upa Elwell's relations with Von Schlegell and Von Schle gel's divorced wife, Viola Kraus. Alleged Nebraska Burglars Are Arrested in St. Joseph Beatrice, Neb., June 22. (Spe cial.) Two young men, alleged to be part of the gang which robbed the F. E. Rice store at Blue Springs Saturday night of $2,000 worth of silk goods were arrested in St. Jo seph, Mo., and Sheriff Schiek has gone there to bring them back. According to the officer the men were arrested for not having a license number on their car and a search by police resulted in the find ing of silk goods which bore the trade marks of those stolen from the Rice store. Pullman Company Opposed To Surcharge on Passengers Washington, June 22. Opposition to a surcharge on the railway tickets of Pullman car passengers was ex pressed today by the Pullman com pany in a petition filed with the In terstate Conynerce commission. Application of such a surcharge would increase Pullman rates 120 per cent over those in effect previous to May 1, 1920, the Pullman com pany held, as the surcharge would be added to the increase of 20 per cent granted by the commission to the company at that time. Additional Convicts Are ' Sent to State Road Camps Lincoln, Neb.; June 22. (Special.) Six additional negroes from the state penitentiary today were taken to the road camp at Table Rock. There are' now about 60 men from the institution working in the three camps at Table Rock, Seward and Tecumseh and with the exception of the two who escaped from the Tecumseh. camp, are making good and doing the state good service, according to Secretary Antles of the department of public welfare. . ' 1 Two Prisoner's Escape From Gage County, Jail Beatrice, Neb., June 22.-r(Special Telegram.) Clarence Gray, recent ly brought back here from Logan, Wyo., on the charge of forgery and J. E. Wiley, arrested last week at Dallas, Tex., charged with stealing an automobile here last fall, escaped from the county jail here. They used a spoon for a key and Sheriff Schiek believes tli-yhad as sistance after once outside. It is believed they went to Wymore where they boarded an early morning train. Dodge County Democrats Reorganize Committee Fremont, Neb., June 22. (Spe cial.) Dodge county democrats have reorganized their central com mittee for the coming campaign by the election of Dr. J. T. Young, Frc mont physician, chairman; Miss Elizabeth 'Haas, schdol principal, secretary,, and J. F. Rohn, attorney, treasurer. ' The committee has been called to meet after the San Fran cisco convention, when the campaign will be organized. Circulars Call on Workmen To Join in General Strike Washington, June 22. Circulars calling on American workers to re frain from participation in the com ing presidential election and instead join in a general strike, came into the hands of the Department of Justice officials today.: Investigation was ordered to determine the origin of the pamphlets which, were sgried by "the American anarchist feder ated commune Soviets." . Renamed on Normal Board. Lincoln, Neb., June 22. (Special.) H. E. Reische, member ot the state normal board, has been reap pointed by Governor McKelvie to the position for five years. Mr. Reische lives in Chadron and was a member of the legislature of 1915. Gould Divorce Case Up in First Chamber Of Courts of France Paris, June 22. The divorce case of Frank Jay Gould against Edith Kelly Gould came up in the first chamber of the French courts to day. Former Premier Viviana rep resenting Mr. Gould asked for an absolute divorce on various grounds. Attorney Zurfluts. in behalf of Mrs. Gould, argued that the French tribunals were incompetent to try the case yrtich he declared was exclusively the province of -the American courts. Prosecutor of the Republic Wattitine will sum up on June 29. Frank Jay Gould obtained a di vorce from Edith Kelly Gould in Paris in 1919. Mrs. Gould shortly ftrwai-dc inetittitpri nroreedincs to have the decree annulled, claim ing that the French courts had no juridiction because she was a resi dent of the United States. The court overruled Mrs. Gftuld s plea anA cHctiinprt thp rterree granted Mr. Gould. The latter is now at tempting to have the decree' made absolute. Unionist Declares Assassins the Victors In Londonderry Riot London, June 22. Moving the ad journment of the house of commons for the purpose of calling attention to the rioting in Londonderry, Lieut. Col. Wilfred Ashley, unionist, de clared today that victory rested with the assassins and not with the gov ernment, which appeared powerless to maintain the sanctity of life. The chief secretary for Ireland and the viceroy, he said, were pris oners in their own houses, the of ficials of Dublin castle were equally prisoners and obliged to take ex ercise in the castle grounds. The nations of the world were pointing the finger of scorn at England's inability to maintain her authority in Ireland. He demanded martial law and more troops. As possible Sources of fuel a Ger man expert has estimated that coun try to contain 13.000,000,000 tons of shale and 5,000,000,000 cubic meters of peat. Year After Year The same people eat Grape-Nuts and year by year nerw thousands become converted to 'the same good custom. Grape-Nuts is distinctive among prepared cereals, not only in form and flavor, but chiefly because of its surpassing food value. Grape-Nuts builds tissue for body and brain. In this food are preserved, in easily digested form, the concentrated nourish ment of all the best that wheat and malted barley can, provide. Trial shows a way to better health and sturdiness. There is no better breakfast food than Grape-Nuts "There's a Reason ) 9 Made by POSTUM CEREAL COMPANY, Inc., Battle Creek, Mich. r-) 17 5 CIGAROTI IT'S like this. Flavor is the thing that makes your cigarette enjoyable. All right, then: Lucky Strike is the cigarette that 'gives you flavor. Because it's toasted. Toasting! Flavor 1 Think of the appe tizing flavor of a slice of fresh buttered toast. And it's wonderful how toasting im proves Burley tobacco. ' Isn't that all plain common sense? Of course. Get the Lucky Strike cigarette for flavor. It's toasted. ? Are 'you P'P nokr? Then try Lucky Strik pip tobacco. Made from the finest Burley tobacco that money C can buy. The toasting process seals in the Burley flavor and takes out every bit of bite. It's toasted. - A Guaranteed ty. -which means that If you don't like LUCKY STRIKB Gfarcttet you CM gtt your money back iron the dealer. -it ( f I - . -V. . .fv i - m .:. v- - "V