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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 23, 1920)
THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 23,' 1920. FORMER OMAHA BOY APPOINTED U. S, SOLICITOR . Fred K. Nielson, Product of , Local scnoois and univer sity Athletic Star, Hon- " . ored by Wjlson. Washington, D. C. June 22. (Special Telegram.) Fred K. Niel son of Nebraska, who. was appointed solicitor for the State department by Prtsfdcnt Wilson today, is a former Omaha boy, having lived all his life in Nebraska until he came to Wash ington a number of years ago to take a position in the State department. Nielson is a product of. the schools of Omaha, having attended Mason school and from there gone to the grammar school and the hii?h school. He is a graduate of the University of Nebraska, holding both academic and law degrees from that univer sity. He came to Washington in 1904 and enteied the State department, later resigning and re-entering the department some months ago. He formerly was in charge of the sam; office to which he was appointed to day. Sir. Nielson resigned from . the StMt- department to become niajW and judge advocate in'the army and in this capacity went to Paris in March of 1919 in charge of work of x : At.. 1 1 A ... ; framing me icdi ciiiu ciiniuMiiv Kwvstir.alatipns in the peace treaties. He was i?i mil fai i I'll-' t n uiiiiiiv i, the committee to consider the revi- UI U1C IJClJlulll-llvllflllvl livaiiv.- of 1839, which Germany violated when it invaded Belgium in 1914. The new solicitor for the State , department as also prominent among delegates of the committee which framed the treaty respecting the sovereignty of 4he archipelago cf Spitsbergen and was. the Ameri- : can plenipotentiary to the Spitts ' bergr n conference held in Christiana, Norway. During bis years at the University cf Nebraska Nielson was a famed V foot ball player, later on leading the Corrjhuskers to victory as the uni versity foot ball coach. He was also coach tat Georercton university, this city, for several years. Hebrew Associations Give Program and Dance "Op O' IMe Thumb," a one-act , play and several musical acts were presented ,bythe Y. M. and Y. W. H. A., Tuesday night in the Metro politan hall. Vore than 350 Jew ish people attended the entertain ment. V Those who toolc part inMhe play and singing are: 'Rose Faier, Rose Fine, Libbi MSnkin, Margaret Reikes, Belle Siefeel, Iva Siegel, Rose Kraft, Gertrude Levin, Martha Cohen, Gertrude Gilinsky, Reva Gilinsky and Reuben, Brown. The girls' gym diss under the direction of Miss Roberta Coulter presented Several dances.. ,The fol lowing took "part in the danres: Rac Abrams, Betty Fine, Rose Fine, Anne Greenberg, Sarah Passavoy and .Lucille Stein.- .Dancing fol lowed the program. Nebraska Insurance Men Leave for Minneapolis Meet Nine Nebraskans, representatives of the Northwestetrn National Life Insurance company, who have writ ten more than $100,000 worth of in surance during the past year, left Omaha last night for Minneapolis, to attend a four-day convention. All are connected with the.H. O. Wil helm Co. state agency. Mr. Wil helm, Thomas F. Sturgess and A. A. Gustafson are scheduled for ad dresses before the convention. The others who made the trip were C. H.- Gillespie, R. R. Bfott, Fred S. Young. J. H. Wells, E. E. Carlin and Miss Nelle Ran." MOVIES WEDESDAY A M Moon "The Dream Cheater." Cast of characters: Brandon McShane, . .. J. Warrn , Krrlgan SHamua MrBhane 8am Sothern Annua Burton Wedg.wood Nowell Hhlh Mliah Joseph J. Dowllni Paultn. Mahon Frltzl Brunette Balzac's famous ' story, The Magic Skin," is the basis for the plot of "The Dream Cheater," star ring J. Warren Kerrigan, open ing a three-day ",fv 1 day engagement iL at the M o o n w"t y A theater tomor- l A Vow. Brandon McShane, .young pnuosopher and puci, is on inc verge of suicide when he meets a strange Ori- J. W. Kerrigan, ental who offers him a talisman, a magic skin which, the old man tells him, will give him anything he wants, but which will shrink at each wish. When the skin is all gone, its former posses sor must die. McShane accepts the skin and wishes for riches and for revenge on his enemies, which are granted. Then the right girl comes along and in wishing for her he almost wishes his life away. Unlike the story, however, the film has a happy ending. Kerrigan has assembled a notable cast, Fritzie is always charming. Sam Sothern is a brother of E. H. Soth crn. The death of a baby chimpanzee which 'had been used in nearly every scene in the picture caused an entire remake '.of a Christie 1: mil entitled "An Overall comedy Hero." The board of merit of the Mo tion Picture Theatrical Association of the World awarded its first seal of merit for any motion picture yet produced to Mary Pickford for her latest production, "Suds," which will be released soon. Mary Pick ford was wired the news aboard the steamer Lapland, which was then in mid-ocean. In her absence, her mother, Mrs. Charlotte Pickford, will be presented the medal. The presentation was made by Governor Alfred E. Smith of New York. Those who composed the board are: Dr. Frank Crane, Hudson Maxim, Gutzon Borglum, Merton Sturges, Anning S. Prall, Eugene C. Gibney, James M. Bruce, Mrs. F. C. Barlow, Dr. Walter Laidhw. Rev. John Tal bot Smith, Dr. Alexander .Lyons, Col. Edward J. Parker, Rev. Alfred Duane Pell, Howard Chandlef, Christy, Adolph Bolm, Arthur Fol som, Willy Pogany, John Wenger, W. Frank Purdy, Dr. Orison Sweet Marden, Dr. W. John Murray. B. Palmer Lewis, Eugene Del Mar, Campbell McCulloch, Cosmo Hamil ton, Ida M. Trabell, Daniel Froh man, J. Hartley Manners, Lewis K. Anspacher, Arthur Pryor, Caesare Sodero and Mrs. Julia Edwards. Downtown Program. Strand "Treasure Island," with Shirley Mason. ' Sun Rex Beach's "The Silver Horde." Moon Jack Tickford in "The Double Dyed Deceiver." Orpheum Elaine Hammerstein in "The Shadow of Rosalie Byrnes." Empress Gladvs Brockwell in "White Lies." Muse Jack Richardson in "The' Mayor of Filbert." Neighborhood Houses. Grand Bessie Love in "Peggeen," Adventure of Ruth No. 11. Hamilton Constance Talmadge in "A Tempermental Wife." Apollo Svlvia Breamcr in "The Blood Barrier." ' 500 Children Attend City Mission Picnic; Some Mothers Attend Bristling with vim and excitement, fully, 500 children and mothers of the city enjoyed the Omaha City Mission picnic at Lake Manawa yes terday. Hundreds of lunch baskets, donat ed by various churches and business houses of the city, filled nearly a half of the leading car of a string furnished by the traction company. A group of boys guarded SO gallons of ice cream in another car . on the way to the park. , Mrs. F. J. Adams, 3732 Pacific street, and Mrs. Ford Hovey, 310 South Fifty-first avenue, were ac tive in planning: the picnic. Miss I Mary E. Anthony, superintendent of the Cty Mission( was m charge. A "few mothers, past 50 years" of age, attended the picnic. AT THE THEATER'S FIVE (tandard Orpheum rirrult acta make up the bill which Is being pre sented thla week. The, dominant fea ture Is a farce with music, ''Once Upon a Time." Seven people appear in the well chosen cast, which Is headed by Jack 1'rinceton and C. Iceland Marsh. The pro duction carries a handsome drawing room sot. In the amusing act presented by George Austin Moors he tells humorous stories about colored soldiers who were with the American forces overseas. Mr. Moore was liCFrance as an entertainer of our soldiers. He Is one of the most popu lar comedians on the vaudeville stage. Ben Harney, the song composer, singer and eccentric dancer, appears with a colored assistant. This act Is the ap plause hit of the show. Of the thre daily performances the one which starts at 6:40 affords the best chance for excel lent seats. Topping th bill at the Empress for the last times today are two headline features, The first Is George Hlrschorn's Swiss Song Birds, who all have beautiful voices. All these people are residents of Omaha. The second feature .act Is the Vander koors, I burlesque magicians, presenting Felix, tho mlndreadlng duck, a tryly Man Held Alleged to Have Found Money i.ost in Park M. T. Pennington, 1409 Chicago street, was arrested last night and is being held for investigation. He was arrested upon ' complaint of George Lacy, 1110 South Fourteenth street, who told police that he had lost $40 in Jefferson Square. Six teenth and Chicago streets. The money dropped out of his pOcket wnne nc was lying on mc ground talking to three companions, he said. Pennington found the money, he claimed, and refused to returnjfe Iwo bills were tound in ren nington's pocket when he was searched, the ponce say. Omaha Elks Go to Chadron Before State' Convention A delegation of Omaha Elks left Monday for Chadron, Neb., to es tablish a new Elk's lodge in that city. Following initiation at Chad ron. the delegation went to Alliance to attend the state convention of B. P. O. E. The Omalia delegation will return Friday. In the party are: T. B. Dysert. Moses P. O'Brien, John A. McCreary, I. W. Miner, J. P. Fallon, I. F. Brailey and C a. Marshall. humorous act, sure to prove a hit. Miss Estelle Despon. dramatic soprano, has i very pleasing voice and winning personal Ity and sings Annie Laurie . in a man ner which gains the applause of the au dience. The Rials, -a good-looking young chap and a charming miss, present an aerial acrobatic act entitled "An Aerial Ring Flirtation," different than the usual aerial ring acts., Announcement Is made of the engage ment for one performance only tonight (Wednesday. June 23, at- the Brandeis theater of the noted artist-player. Maurice Schwartz, --assisted by the entire Irving place theater cast of New York, In Scholom Alelohem's great literary play, T.evle, the Farmer." a throe-act drama of Jewish Life In Russia. Mr. Schwartu Is an enponent of the higher art for the liddlsn stage.- The story la exceedingly dramatic ana a special Invitation Is ex tended to those who are not In the habit of attending the Yiddish theater Just to see the high development that has been reached in this production. READ WEDNESDAY NIGHT'S AND THURSDAY MORNING'S PAPERS ABOUT eMMng Sal OUR MOST WQNDERFTJL PURCHASES OF CELEBRATED House of Kuppenheimer AND Fuil particulars Will W ATrU Be Published Later " AlW THE OPPORTUNITY SUPREMlE TO BUT AMERICA'S BEST. CLOTHES SEE OUR WINDOWS TODAY. sCORKECT APPAREL FOR B4EN AND WOMEN COMPARE OUR VALUER ALWAYS. Ice Pick Wins Battle. But x v Lands Negro Couple in Jail Fists are poor weapons of defense when the enemy is armed with an ice pick, according to Roily Hughes, negro, 2610 Franklin street, who was arrested by the police last night charged with disturbing the peace. His wife, Elizabeth, was arrested on a similar charge. ' Hughes was angry when he re turned home and found his supper unprepared, according to the police. When he -struck his wife in the face she grabbed' an ice pick and turfed the defensive into an offensive, they say. The neighbors became atarnicu and called the police. Hughes and his wife bond. were released under $100 Oppose Cash Bonus. Tampaf Fla., June 2?. A resolu tion opposing cash bonus legislation in any form was adopted today by the Florida department of the Amer ican Legion by a vote of 84 to 39. ESTABLISHED IN 1870 Believing the time propitious to secure from manufactur ers dresses at alow price, we sent our buyer to the mar ket , i She has returned with an amazingly beautiful collection of ultra fashionable ' Summer Dresses The materials are various. They are in plain shades and wonderful printings. They are designed for. all occasions from the simple cotton dress fer home or street wear to the resplendent evening or dinner gown. AFTERNOON, CLUB, DINNER AND DANCE FROCKS And especially Sport Dresses in the glorious shimmery silks that are so novel, so popular and so beautiful. n Wednesday the entire collection will be placed on sale at Big ; Price .-Reductions. ) We hope to have help enough Wednesday to give you service, but please come in the morning. ' Wednesday the Entire Collection Will Be Placed on Sale at Big Frice Reductions Lot No. 1 Figured Voile Dresses A limited quantity of good style figured voile dresses, pretty color combinations, with collars of net. Values to $14.75. Sale Price .... Lot No. 2 - Voiles and Ginghams Lovely color combinations in figured voile dresses, with bodices net lined ; many with organdie collars and cuffs. Also iresh and attractive ginghams in red and white and blue and white, checks. . Values to $19.75. Sale Price $7 $12 Lot No. 3 Organdie, Voile arid Gingham - Dresses Charming modes in figured French voiles and organdie. combina tions, figured and dotted voiles, ginghams and white Georgettes. Values to $22.50. Sale Price $162 Lot No. 4 French and Figured Voile Dresses $245 In "high" shades, nile, orchid, blue, grey, etc., with organdie v collars and embellished withHouches of embroidery. Also figured " voile "dresses attractively trimmed with ruffles of taffeta. , Values to $35.00. Sale Price ' v Lot No. 5 Sport Dresses ' It would be difficult for us to say too many good things about tlwse beautiful dresses. The fact is that they were purchased at a great price concession, and as usual we give our patrons the advantage of such bargain purchases. There are crepe tie chine dresses with accordeon plaited skirts; dresses of Fan-ta-si and of tricolette combinations some with silk and wool "embroidery trimming. , - There are no end of color combinations from which to choose; flesh, orchid, turquoise, maise, all white with just a touch of color; V n11 vnoo frnld an! rren orrPMi anrl white, flesh ann white, eft. Wfc, ..-, bu . J . " ' ' J - - - Values to $75.00. Sale Price $34& Lot No. 6 Street, Dinner a nd Dance Frocks These are dresses taken mainly from our regular stock, one and ' 75 two of a kind, andffertfd at big reductions for a quick clearance. 1 . Materials are of taffeti, satin, beaded Georgette, foulard, tricolette, ifcL io tricotine, serge, etc. Values to $79.50. Sale Prices .... $44.50 Our Announcement of Sunday Created Quite a Furore in ShoedomThe Sale of Women's Shoes ' ,v Is still on, and the going is good Our, space and help are being taxed to properly serve th& friends who have responded. v THIS - SALE IS UNUSUAL Every pair of shoes we own is being offered without reserve at cut prices. When we say this of such a stock as we have carefully selected , from the most reliable makers in America for the best Mressed and -most particular women anywhere there's nothing more to say. Low Shoes, High Shoes, Oxfords, Pumps, Slippers, Cloth 't Shoes, Kid Shoesr Calf Shoes. Not a style or a size reserved. Assortments are nnv perfect. , . $9.00, $10.00 and $11.00 Shoes. . . $6.00 $12.00 and $3.50 Shoes. ...... ........$8.00 $15.00 and $16.50 Shoes....... .......$10.00 x : $18.00 and $20.00 Shoes ...... . . . . L , $12.00 vat.Kwnw , v l i C4 v w 4 MOWA ttMTWIN BUN Newest Creations in Cretonnes The cretonnes' we have assembled for Wednesday's scllkg are new, beautiful and in first quality. There are bird, floral, foliage, conventional and period de: signs all at Value-Giving Pircs. S l CHOICE BED ROOM PAT TERNS In blue, rose, tan, grey and several other shades, patterns in Itripes and fQ all-over effects, at DsC LIVING ROOM AND DINING ROOM PATTERNS In black background; also excellent pat terns In gray and tan, 36 and 45 inches wide, at, yard $1.45 $1.95 $2.45 t " GOOD QUALITY WASHABLE CRET0NNES 36 Inches wide; new floral designs and stripes at, yard 98c and J 1. 29 FANCY COLONIAL MARQUI SETTES Splendid for summer overdrapes; beautiful designs and colorings 7Q at, yard.,. ( sC Telephone iSe$---Stan,d and Chair complete ma hogany, fumed and golden OC 7 oak for. 00. 3 . TaboilTetteS-.-'Vevy suitable for ferns or plants; fumed oak and well made, r for ODC Fibre Fern Stands 34 inches high, and very suit able for ferns and plants, C O O C at tPJ.OD Lawn Swings for the Kiddies These swings are exceptional ly well made, bolted construc tion and neatly painted. Like the picture, there are two single seats. Buy one while our stocks are complete. Bowen's Value Giving (PO c Trice yJ . D 4 -Passenger ' Lawn Swing Sama construction as the child's size, except that the seats are larger. CT Cf Buy now, at tpO.JU An Unusual Value The Chiffonier illustrated, is of excellent quality, and will harmonize with your other bed-room pieces. 1 Ample drawer space and neatly finished. Choice of ma hogany or walnut $52 II J, i Splendid Dresser In brown mahogany; like the illustration, it is most beauti ful. The graceful Queen Anne design has been carefully ex ecuted; has large mirror of French plate. -"Value-Giving Price $73 A Very Handsome Fibre Settee Worthy of a place in any sun parlor; the back is neatly up holstered, while the removable cushions are luxurious. The cbver ing is of assorted pat terns in fine cretonne,. B o w e n's Value- Giving Price. . $47.50 Before installing a modern heating plant in Home be sure to get the price end tee the your VACUUM PIPELESS FURNACE This is the famous and original Patented Pipeless Heating Plant, the heaviest and best built furnace on the market today Saves one-third in fuel built to last a lifetime absolutely guaranteed. WE CAN SAVE, YOU FROM $50 to $100 on first cost and" give you very liberal terms if you wish. Over 760 installed in Omaha; 25,000 in the Middle West Full information free if you write, call or phone D. 993. Vacuum Furnace Sales lz,?lS::;!:;i v . , . OMAHA