Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 23, 1920)
I 1 THINK BURLESON EXPRESSED VIEW OF PRESIDENT Demand for Repeal of "Dra$: 1 tic" Provisions of Volstead Act Regarded Intimation Of Administration's Stand. ' San Francisco, June 22. Post master General Burleson's state ment today at San Antonio regard ing democratic platform issues drew particular attention among party leaders here for the national con vention next week because of its frank declaration for modification of the Volstead prohibition enforce ment act. - -- Mr. Burleson's demand for repeal of "drastic" provisions of. the act expressed in more direct fashion", views which some of the' party lead ers, now here, previously had yoiceu privately. Comiiis: from a member of President Wilson's cabinet, the statement was regarded as a possi ble intimation of the administration's attitude on the prohibition issue be fore the convention. Senator Glass of Virginia, who is due here tomorrow, is understood to have been entrusted with a for mal expression of President Wil son's views as to the platform. On ether occasions, however, the post master general had been the direct spokesman of the president on im portant issues and democrats here were inclined to take his expression as to the prohibition plank as more than a statement of his own views Unanimity of Opinion. The preliminary convention dis cussion in progress here, while wholly informal in character, has shown a striking unanimity of onin ion on two points thus far. The first of these is that the platform struggle will be the real fipht of the convention ; the second that the1' pro hibition plank will be fhe chief issue in that fight, outrivaling the league ,of nations declaration in interest among delegates. On the league issue W. J. Bryan already is standing directly opposed to President Wilson's views as to the party attitude. That dates back to the. Jackson day dinner, when .Mr. Wilson urged that the demo crats enter the campaign on the is sue of the ratification of the league covenant without material reserva tion. The former secretary of state stood just as strongly for acceptance of the republican senate reservations ADVERTISEMENT EVER-SOOTHING POSLAM HEALS BROKEN-OUT SKIN Let Poslam act tjr you : as a sooth , int. concentrated, healing-, balm., to cover right over that itching skin trouble and subdue it, taking out the fire and sore ness, and then, as applications are repeat ed, causing the disorder to grow less and less each day. Poslam cannot harm. There is n risk in trying it to see if it really will eradicate your eciema. pimples. 01 ether surface disorder. And the burden of proof is on ' Poslam, for you will watch for visible; results. Sold everywhere For free sample write to Emergency Laboratories, 243 West 47th St. New York City. Urge your skin to become " fresher, brighter, better by the daily use of Pos lam Soap, medicated with Poslam. r Crown and Bridges, Cfi! Ias Jbw as, per tooth, " J IMa.' J luuarameea nates, Vlil ?oa lfvur 00 aatVt w""l I Teeth Extracted , . . i - 50c ior .......... Silver Fillings $1! for i . . . ... Harney Dentists; 201 NeMlle Block J 6th and Harney Sts. Phone Doug. 7460 Open Sundays, 10 to 12 Charles Sundblad & Co. Fire, Ante, Burglary and Casualty INSURANCE Fidelity and Surety Bonds KeeUne Building Doug. 320 ADVEBTISlEttEXT This Leaves the Skin Free from Hairy Growth (. : (Toilet Talks) . ? A simple method for completely removing every trace of hair or fuzz is here given. This is painless and usually a single treatment will ban ish even stubborn growths. To're: move hairs.'make a thick paste with some powdered delatone and water, spread on hairy surface and after about 2 minutes rub off, wash the skin and the hairs are gone. This. method will not mar the skin, but to avoid disappointment be certain you get delatone. Cuticura Soap IS IDEAL- For the Hands S.CeajaeM.TalweriiaiylM iMimr. Qma Liimll'itt'l'n.lliii New President of Mexico Installed . Into Office Recently 11 Nil II I II C. 'ndlolfo de la. Kuerbav s (.. Auoito tie i.a liuerta, who was sworn in recently as provisional president ot Mexico. Ihirtv thou sand Mexican troops paraded I 'hrough Mexico City in honor of the inauguration. President de La Hu cria was governor of Sonora, the first Mexican, state to rebel against the Carranza regime, ranza regime. as a basis' for ratification and in order to keep the league covenant out of the campaign. If Mr. Burleson's statement is to be accepted as representing the pres ident's views on prohibition, dele gates said, it now was evident that Bryan and the administration forces were to clash also over that plank in the party platform. Mr. Bryan's views have been known to be rigidly against any weakening of the pfo hibtion laws. - Third Point of Issue. There is also, it was said, a third point on which the president and his former secretary of state might lock horns at the convention. It was re called that when the president asked congress for authority to accept a mandate over Armenia under the league of nations, Mr. Bryan prompt ly issued a statement in flat opposi tion to such a program. It has bn regarded as possible that the .presi dent might seek to have 'the .-convention endorse .his course as to Armenia and if so, it was said, the Nebraska leader could be expected to exert his influence against such action. v Pending arrival of Senator Glass, Mr. Burleson and Mr. Bryan, all of whom will reach the convention city during the week, the few party lead ers and delegates already on the groud have been exchanging orily gossipy comment and expressions of personal opinion on issues to come' up. There have been no con. fcrences as yet and there is still little activity among workers for va rious, candidates for the presidential nomination to distract attention from the platform outlook. 1 Greeters' Association to Spend Day in Omaha Park Omaha hotel men . will be hosts today to visiting members of the GreeteTs' association, wliio are re turning to the hftmes frpm'trieir na tional . convention; ".Hotel' ' clerks from -.other qities who wjll stop off in Omaha' will be entertained dur ing the afternoon at Krug park. In the evening at the park the several hundred employes of Thompson-Belden & Co., will be found enjoying themselves. -Leav ing the store at the close of the day's business, chartered cars will carry them to the park,- where they partake of a lunchepn-din.ner in the grove, after which they will be supplied with tickets by the store management lor the many rides found on the grounds, .as well as for dancing privileges later in the evening. Omaha Pastor Identifies Bluffs Mystery Prisoner Rev. Charles' Savidee. 'identified the mystery prisoner held bv Sheriff Groneweg, Qt ouncil Bluffs as V. H. Anderson,, painter; .who was working on the People's church, An dersori frequently suffered "lapses of mentality. Rev. Mr. 'Savidee de clared. Anderson was arrested after he had stopped an am jm stile near Crescent, hj.y-and - sat - beside the cinver without uttering--a -.word, all the way to Council Bluffs, PARKER'S 1 HAIR BALSAM BemoTrlandm(r Stops IlirKalllnir Keitorea Color and Beamty to Gray and Faded Hair mic. una at arucuisis. Hlacox Oe m. Wfcs. rntPho-cinv y. Y.' For Rent Typewriters and Adding Machines of All Makes Central Typewriter iVV Exchange Doug. 4120 1912 Farnam St. nun i s saivt laus la the. ainuwuKH. Tii rut erl ether ttehhia afctadlieaiea. To" en earn bete air run. t. -i Shermaa McCeanetj Druf Ce '9 ... Senator Owens . Sends Forth First Volley Presidential Candidate Is Senator' .Harding, "Wets, Suprerhe. Court, Re publican Platform and Then Some. By WILLIAM PHILLIP SIMMS. International Kewa 8rvlce staff Corre spondent. San Francisco,'June 22. Senator Robert L. Oweti of i 'Oklahoma, first of the democratic candidates iorV the nomination for the presidency to ar rive nere, ronayv urea nis openjng broadside. Amohg the victims of his shrapnel, direct or by ricochet, were: President Wilson. " ' ' I Kepublican Nominee Warren G. I Harding. The "wets" and the "drys." The supreme court. t The republican platform makers. Dealers in the necessities. And then some., .. "I am opposed, ' he said, his dark eyes snapping, "to the league of na tions or liquor bem;; carried into the campaign as the main points in dispute. The real issue is the high cost of living. Must Make Changes. .. "I favor a plank calling for the ratification of the treaty on terms acceptable to .the majority of the senate. The treaty question must be 'out of the way. "I favor a plank declaring for the strict enforcement of the 18th amendment and if the Volstead act isn't strong enough then - I". favor making it stronger. I think it is suf ficient, however," he added with a smile, "for a butcher's beefsteak con tains more alcoliol than is allowed under its provisions. I favor federal control by license of all concerns distributing ' the necessities of life making it possible for the public to procure what it needs at a fair price. After Supreme Court. "I ooDose a few men. appointed for' life, governing this country. I mean the supreme court and I say it without apologv. It is not the su preme court's fault, however, but the fault of congress and of the people because neither the one nor the other offers any complaint. The constitution does not have to be changed to remedy this. Congress can do it very simply by drawihg' a line beyond which tat supreme. court is not to go. yj. v Senator Owen dicfc'.tiot mention Associated Packing Company Decides to Reorganize Concern . Des Moines Juje 22,-4-The stock holders of the Associated Packing company voted this afternoon to re organize the company on a basisjpf allowing dissatisfied stockholders to withdraw, receiving 65 per cent of the par value of their holdings. Only a few of trie Mailer holders signified" their intention of wjthT. drawing from the company. Sub scribers who paid only 25 per cent of the subscription will withdraw upon payment of 'an additional 10 per cent and receive their canceled notes. A' new board of directors, com posed mostly of prominent farmers or the state, wasamtnonzea 10 carry out the plan for1, the reorganization with the -consent of the court and continue the erection of the plant. The receiver, John- B. Cavanaugh. will be asked to assist in the plans for' the reorganization. Essex Woman Will Tour , In Ffahcer and England Shenandoah. Ia.. JunrJ'-'M. (Spe cial.) Miss Gertrude ' Bass-, of Es sex has made application through the county clerk for a passport for one year to visit in France and Eng land, she expects to sau irom mew York July ,17. . .... Miss Bass' made application some time ago and was told by the White Star Line that no. berths were ob tainable before September. A cancellation-gave her thehance:to go in July. Miss Bass is going on- a pleeasure trip;.; . : f. Iowa Made Gavel Will Open Democratic Conversion Davenport,' la?,' June 22. National Chairman Homer S..Curnmings will use a gavel made by a DavenprM high school student in opening the democratic convention in Sa'n,.F.tan- cisco next week. The holder of this honor is Russell Calvin Mewsdortf, His father. George J. Sfrf nsdorff.-'is a delegate from Iowa to the conven tion. ,.. Kills WomanWounds SecomJ, Then Blows- Out His Brains- Des Moines, la.. June 22. An- srered because Mrs. Gertrude Mor- ean. his landlady, refused to re spond to his advances, Joe Riding early today shot and instantly killed the womin, wounded- another roomer, Miss Bessie Miller, and then blew out his brains. The Miller woman may die. English Pound. Hits New. . High Mark; $4 New York, June 22. The English pound sterling touched $4 in the money market here today, -the highr est quotation for it -since, April 6, when it touched 4.03. On April 5 it .touched $4.07J which -was--the peak of an upward movement from the low of $3.18, February. Deaths and Funerals Mm. Anna M. Textrr. io. , Tears old, pioneer aettler ot Nebraeka, died Sun day at her home lnCJl)oufl. JHer hus band, Charles K. TentHf." nd a idaughter. Mrs. Albert Croft, survive. Funeral er- Ires will b beld 2 4r Jv "Wennesday at Hulse A Rlepen'a ohaDel, .. Sixteenth and Jones streets. Burial 111,, b in Mount Hop cemetery; Funeral services for Mrs. John Selfert, S"33 Larimnre avenue, were held at ye t"rdy at Holy. .Angela church. Twenty-, fiuhth' street!; a.nd. KiwtevavnQ.A Mrsi Selfert died early Paforday "morntng tiot after she hail witnessed the mar riage of her granddaughter. Miss Ange lina Hughes Bnyder, to Vane 8. Wilton, SOU Ae ftYCAUOj t hit bedalda, THE BEE? .OMAHA. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 23 1920. of Shrapne Against: President Wilson Dealers in Necessities and -. . . I President Wilson by name. On the other handhe frankly objected to the platiorm gnren out by the White House as too verbose. in general and too vague, in the specific matter, of the' treaty plink- which favored rati fication withoufsreservations detri 1 rnental .to the dpemuent as a whole i-Wffyj bewator i-odge :, himself would accept that, Senator Owen said. His contention all along has been that'Ws reservations improve the document, rather than injure it. Favors Short Platform. "The democratic platform ought to be short, he went on. "It took nearly 7,000 words for the repub licans to. state their beliefs, bait the -deniocratsVpught to do theirs off one page. I ruths can be set forth in few words. It is only when there's something to hide tqat a lot of words are needed." Senator Owen called Senator Harding "the stand patter of stand natters. . , "Now they are saying he is a pro gressive, the Oklahoman re marked, "because they know only a progressive , can win in this elec tion. The work of the republicans at Chicago was fine for the demo crats. I heir platform and their ticket appreciably add to the chances of the opposition. Will Fight Wilson. Senator Owen intends to no to the mat with opposing factions of his. party.: . This means a tight against the administration forces, under the direct, even if long dis tance, leadership of President Wil son himself, who has repeatedly in sisted upon the treaty and league being made the paramount issue of the campaign. v It means also that the senator from Oklahoma will oppose the at tempt of Governor Edward I. Ed wards of New Jersey to make pro hibition one of the issues. In both these battles' he-will have on his side W. J. Bryan, now on his way here, admittedly bent upon annihi lating the "wets" and blocking, if possible, the Wilsonian plan of mak ing the league the chief issue of this year's presidential .contest. ' So a fight looms in the not distant offing. Nebraska Senator Goes to North Woods for Health Washington, June 22. (Special Telegram.) Senator George W. Norris, accompanied by his wife and'.-' young daughter, left for the north woods under the peremptory orders ot his physician. Senator Norris is worn out. While his gen eral health is goad there are signs suggesting a nervous .breakdown unless the senator abandons all work for an indefinite period and this he has agreed to do. He is go "mg -i'Htry 4he n6rth rwbods -tci'let his nerves recuperate. Senato'r "Norris will not partici pate in the coming presidential campaign, his physician having for bidden any excitement whatsoever, and without any objective he is go ing away from worries and work and his destination ,is only known to hjs family. :" ' Thefts of U. S. Property at' Toledo Traced to Civilians Toledo, June 22. Department: of Justice agents returned today from the Erie Proving grounds at Port Clinton, O., with the report "that they had uncovered systematic thiev ery by civilians ' which, they said, may itotal thousands sof -dollars and may implicate, several Port Clinton residents. They 'declared a number! ot confessions were obtained. Thefts were said to have been dis covered when an off shore wind sent the water but into the lakej reveal ing thousands of dollars worth-of cases. of automatic, pistols rand Val uable ordnance instruments on. the beach. LOTS the Fastest Driver in IT'Slong; atpout the 5000 mile"m&rfc that a tire tells its real name! Would you pay . a little more for a tire that you could speed with -safely during asecond 5000 miles? And, most likely get a third? ILLINOIS CAUGHT BETWEEN M'ADOO AND COX BOOMS Ohio Delegation Meets Sucker State: Train at Colorado Springs Alabama Con tingent Arrives. By E. .O. PHILIIPS. Chicago TrlbuxF-Omuha Bee Leaerd Wire. Pueblo, Colo., June 22. Illinois was caught in a jam this morning at Colorado Springs between the Cox and McAdoo booms. Sharp. sure and swift i diplomacy on the part of George E. Brennan and other Illinois leaders prevented a Collision. When the Brennan special with the Illinois delegation on board pulled into Colorado Springs at 7:30 this morning, five minutes ahead of scheduled time. 400 Ohio -democrats were ou the station plat form, whooping it up for Governor Cox. They had a red-coated band and there were big doings. Sena tor Pomerene was the chief of the Ohioans. He rushed to the car where ' the Illinois -leaders have their headquarters, "You are with us? Senator Pomerene said. "Aren't you?' ' We may have a candidate of our owrii'.' George Brennan answered. 'At. the. moment the Alabama spe cial train pulled in with 200 demo crats on board, all' decorated with McAdoo badges and banners. Gov ernor Kilby of Alabama and -Na tional Committeeman W. T. San ders at once sought the Illinois cars. For McAdoo to End. "We don't believe that McAdoo has quit," was their suezestion. We are for him to a finish. ..No man is big enough to take himself out of the presidential contest. Alabama will place him in nomina tion when the roll call of the states starts." , All of this was interesting enough to the Illinois democrats whose irst choice, it is now agreed, will e Attorney Oeneral Palmer, but it was not convincing, so that noth ing happened" except some judicious packing and filling bv Brennan. Dennis, Eagan, Congressman Rainey, "Bob" Sweitzer and others vof -the Illinois delegation ihe.lammany contingent had de parted from" the Springs 'a few mo ments' -preceding the arrival of Illi nois, Ohio and Alabama. The New Yorkers left the word behind for direct communication to Illinois that they are clad that McAdoo has quit that he quit in time to save' himself the trouble and that the convention may now proceed to nominate a candidate without hav ing to take ..orders from anybody. Want to-operation. This message, somewhat confi-' Mother's Buend EjqjecWntMotheis . Softens the Kfusclea M ll Onttlft , ( SpaU Mil Uhlliik.uJ h IOr. Fw MtAOHEU) RECULATOH CO. Dtrr 8 0, Aiuntai x - Vacation time Sc bur Camp Bed. Cunn Stovca Ckmp Furniture, Outing Clothes. come in and ak for a Vacation Manual FREE. The Townsend Gun Go. IBM. Farnam St.1 Dougla S70 Town? 1 '""''mKmsnrBmmmmmmmm T?res & Tubes Lininger Implement Company Automotive Deoartment 6th and" Pacific" Street. dential in its details, was indicative to the, lllmoisans who analyzed it that the New York delegation is pre pared to combat at every;,urn anv attempt to nominate the president and wants definite assurance of Illi nois' co-operation in sich an under taking. Such a promise, expressed or im plied, has not been given by respon sible Illinois leadership and a set of circumstances may arise, so the big fellows say, whereby Illinois would resume the state's responsibility of 1912 at Baltimore and put through the president for another term. The Illinois spokesmen feel, as they express it, that with their 58 unpledged votes and their position in the roll call, the state s delegation will hold the most strategic point on the line at Frisco and they will play the game on that basis of assump tion. That Illinois will be courted by every presidential possibility is fully evidenced by the morning's proceedings at Colorado Springs. Aside fm Illinois, Ohio and Ala bama, parties of delegates from more than 20 states were swarming through the Garden of the Gods and up Pike's Peak. Mayor Thomas of the Springs, who was at the head of a large reception committee at the trains, estimated that more than an actual quorum of the Frisco dele gates were in Colorado Springs be tween yesterday morning and today noon, when the coast-bound trains departed over the Denver & Rio Grande in six sections. Police Led Merry Chase in Attempt to Arrest Woman Following an exciting chase which led from one window to another, ' Mrs. Maggie Gallip, 2215 Lathrop street, was arrested by Po lice Officer M. L. Jensen last night. Jensen went to the Mrs. Gallio's home with a warrant for her arrest, obtained by Camilla Elliot, a neigh bor, who charged that Mrs. Gallip's chickens were annoying her. Mrs. Gallip refused to go to th6 station, according to the police. She re moved some of her clothes, declar ing that the police could not take her away in that condition, they say, and also tried to escape out of the win dows of the house. She was charged with resisting an officer and per mitting chickens to run at large. ' Havo Root Press. AdVi Print It Beacon r1"""" i i i T '-i r,r-r-Ttn--ntiJimJi?iWni.iNii.iiijni ji . i i u i i ,T,, v v DUILT by stilled,-well-paid, progressive workers . With the most modern equip ment and time- and labor saving appliances In what is conceded to be one of the most up-to-date rub ber plants in the industry. Marketed under a zone selling system which efficiently dis ! Adjustment basis per' warranty tag attached to aach casing: Vacuum Cup Fabric Tires, 6,000 Milei Vacuum Cup Cord Tires, 9,000 Milei Channel Tread Cord Tires, 9,000 Milei PENNSYLVANIA RUBBER COMPANY, Jeannctte, Pa. (npw them Store Cloes at 6 P. M. Tel. D. 1796 1608-10 Harney St. Nine Specials for Wednesday AH- Priced Way Under the Market Fancy Steer Shoulder Steak, lb 25c Dundee or Elkhorn Milk, tall :ans (milk is 1 Ol lighw) la&2fC 3ulk Creamery Butter, per lb. . . . . . t TrJC Mail orders filled promptly. '-"est and best astortment in the BLUFFS YOUTH IS TREATED FOR HYDROPHOBIA Examination Indicates That Dog Was Mad When It Attacked Boy, Say Health Authorities. The dog which attacked Leroy Hartman, 6 years old. during the hot weather about ten days . go, was suffering from hydrophobia, ac cording to a report from the Iowa state university laboratory, where the head of the animal was sent for examination. Leroy is the son of Mrs. Lydia Hartman, 1239 East Broadway, Council Rluffs. The animal which bit him was a sh;ay dog, appar ently, since police could not locate any person to claim ownership. The lad was placed under a physician's care at once and Dr. G. G" Miller, assistant state veternarian, sent the dog's head to Iowa City. Dr. A. P. Hanchett is now treat ing Leroy twice a day with serum injections to prevent the develop ment of the disease in the boy's body. The preventative serum is I furnished by the state university nt t . . ... . I ine uoy was seriously ill tor sev eral days after being bitten, but he recovered and his present condition is encouraging. Moose Lodge to Establish Big Endowment Fund Aurora, III., June 22. James J. Davis of Pittsburgh, director general, of the Loyal Order of Moose, an nounced at the convention of the so ciety which is being held at Moose heart, 111., that a $10,000,000 endow ment fund was to be sought for the Mooseheart vocational school and farm for dependent children of de ceased Moose. He s-'id he was eo- ing to ask $5 each of .100,000 Moose to staft the erreat fund. Upward ot $3,000,000 has already been given by Moose to establish the institution. I OORB TIRES tributes an ever-growing volume with true merchan dising economy. Tire buyers are therefore privi ledged to buy ! Vacuum Cup Cord and Fabric Tires and "Ton Tested" Tubes at the price of ordinary makes. See your local Pennsylvania dealer and be convinced fry the Jet Black TVead f ? Saturday NighU at 7 P. M. During Hot Weather COME ONCE AND YOU WILL COME ALWAYS Morrill's Extra Fancy Peacock 42ic Ncbe or Carolene, while 11 stock lasts, taH cans; . C Tall cans Extra Good Salmoiv can,25c 3 fot.i V per Write for prices on case goods. Our country. Place your orders where ADVERTI8E.MKNT "DANDERINE" Stops. Hair. Coming Out:" Doubles Its Seauty. A few cents buys "Danderine." After an application ot "Danderine" you can not find a fallen hair or any aandruff, besides every hair shows new life, vigor, brightness, more color and thickness. CADILLAC Recognized everywhere for its PERMANENCY of VALUE J. H. Hansen Cid iliac Co. ' Omaha Lincoln' (.! We deliver $E orders to all p a r t s of the city. IK 'Kv.v .V:1.V-' : . Dandy Ripe Watermelons guaranteed, 5c lb Snider's or Heinz Pork OP. and Beans. 2 for a&OC Pillsbury's Brand Pan jcake Flour 15c stocks are complete the they receive prompt attention