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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 23, 1920)
f THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 23, 1920. mi -j T v i 1v 1W FARM LANDS. WyominLandi HOMf.siKAU rllnnilshnint. fl ptr mr, mi i-npr, wyomtnr REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS WALSH-ELMER CO., Realtor!. Ral, Invwtmcnli. Inurmc. R. i.Tylr 1538. 333 Sr.-urltlr Bldg ;RESSEI brli-k duplex flat. 7 ronm on .a': oak finish; l'ark Av. ; Incoma ."0. Snap at 113.500. Ug. 1734. FINANCIAL. Real Estate Loans. CITT AND FARM LOANS. PER CENT. UUMUNT CO., 411-411 Knrllna HI dr. OMAHA HOMES EAST. NEB. FARmT O'KEEFhJ REAL ESTATE CO.. Jtl Om. N tL Hk Bldg. Dona. J 7 1 5. DIAMOND! AND JEWKLKl" LOANS. Lfweat ratsa. Prlvata loan bnotha. Harry waiainocn. n undue, u. 6819. E. 1814 PRIVATE MONET. 1100 tu 110.000 made DromDtly. F. D. WE AD, Wemd BIuk.. 310 S. lain it. PRIVATE MONEY. 9HOPEN ft COMPANY. Dour 4!2S. FROMPT aervlce, reaaonable ratea. prlvata tnnney, Garvin Bnn, 346 Omaha Nat. D K BUCK. Loans. 4 41 Omaha Nat. Oil Leases. SOUTH TEXAS LEASES. Invtit now fnr rut A aniall tnveatment In well located oil s. Uln le" today, may mean 11.000.000 fnr you lntnnrrn Twelve shallow filda already pro. duclnit and over (00 other wella drill. Ing .how what f.ologlata and othera ininx ma tuiura poaalbtlltlea of thla icri i lory. w . . . o uwn i-iisti in every part nt thla territory, which are located close to drilling trata and which represent the best oil Investment. Let ui explain th valua of our holdings to you, either aa n investor or a oroker. HITCHCOCK, COOPER & FELTNER, . ' Main Office: Suit 231 Mooia Hldf.. San Antonio, Tex. Branch Offices: in Ft Worth. Tex., and I.oa Angelea, Cal. -?MIIATEWANTEr3 Jo buy or' aeil Omaha Real Estate eee FOWLER & M'DONALD, ll 80 City Nafl Bank Bid r. Doug. 1 4 2 . KBAL ESTATT5 AND INSURANCE, JUHN YV. SIMPSON H Patterson Blk. Doug. S!5. E.G.SOLOMON SrSft ill Karnarh Blk. Doug. 62(13. WE HAVE cash huye.-s for cottages and bungalows nicely located. Shrlver, 1047-9 Omaha Nat. Bank Hldg. D. M3. TOU WANT TO SELL THAT HOUSE T Want quick action T Juat try us. Call Tyler 496. OSBORNE REALTY CO.. 430 Bee Bldg. WANT TO BUY Five or alx-room house from owner. J500 down. Address Box X 100. Omaha Bee. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. LOV wanted, In Dundee or Hanacom park. Have new t-room, strictly modern, Juat completed to exchange or good second mortgage on llanacom park property. 1-hone Harney 927 or HarneylHfi. WM. N. HILL. Exchangee of all kinds. Groo. and Gen. Mdse. Stocks wanted. Doug, 4113. S10 World Herald Btug. BEAUTIFUL large hill tract lot! In beat part of Council Bluffe. What have you to' trade. Carl Changstrom, 2020 Far nam street. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Dundee. DUNDEE HOME PRICED RIGHT Large living room, dining room and kitchen first floor; four bed- rooms and bath second floor; oak i9oors throughout; hot air heat. Full south front lot; garage .for two cars. For further informa tion and inspection call GLOVER & SPAIN S REALTORS. ' Doug: 2850. 918-20 City National. 1 DUNDEE $7,500 Price cut from SI, 000 for Immediate , aale. Big living room with fireplace and bookoasea, dining room and kitchen first floor; threo bedrooms and bath above. Oak and white enamel finish, south front lot, 5iXxl27. Double garage. Close to car line and school. WALSHVELMER CO. REALTORS. Tyler 1536. V 333 Securities Bldg. TVT T X T TS T71 TT ATTT1T r DUNDEE DOUBLE FRONTAGE j A fine six-room ttyo-story home, beautifully situated fa a sightly part of Dundee. Has two fine lots with shrubbery, flowers and fruit trees. A real bargain for some one desiring a little extra . ground. Price is $7,750. Call us today fcr terms, etc. Schroeder Investment Co. 533 Ry. ExchangeBldg D. 3261. A BEAUTIFUL HOME Well Worth the Money Large J-story, 7-room, Kcllastone resi dence; double garage; on paved street,. block to car line; south front; large living room with fireplace, dining room and aunroom finished in oak; kitchen white enameled; 3 bedrooms, bath and closed in sleeping porch on second floor. Price (17,000. Call Walnut, 2S12 for details. Florence, NETHAWAr, Suburban prop ty. Col 1409. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. West. Price Only $7,800. Owner Leaving City. Practically new six-room home, long living room across front, beamed ceilings, dining room with the bullt-ln cabinets, pleasant kitchen, three larre bedrooms and bath clothes chute, etc.. oak fin ish, oak and maple floors throughout, Exceptlonjnly fine basement. Choice south wnd east front corner lot. Call OSBORNE REALTY CO. 430 Bee BUI g. Ty 1 erJS. J. B. HOBINSON, Real Estate and invest ments. 442 Bee Bldg., Douglas 807. REAL ESTATK IMPROVED. West. AN IDEAL HOME WEST LEAVENWORTH Five rooms and heated sleeping porch, only 4 years old; best of construction. Strictly modern, with clothes chute. Ice box room, full basement; all oak floors and oak finish downstairs and oak floors and white enamel finish upstairs. Dandy garage for 3 cars and cement driveway. . Very convenient to carllne. This home. Just listed, could not be duplicated at the price offered, and, in this location, is a nap tor $6,800. A pleasure to show you, but be quick. BROWN REALTY CO. Douglas 1505. 513 Keeling Bldg. WEST OF ' HANSCOM PARK . $500 DOWN AND $2S A MONTH. Four-room, strictly modern cottage all on one floor; full cement base ment. Hot water heat; extra large lot with nice garage, all fenced. Price 33.000. -AYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, OMAHA NATIONAL BIT Bl.TMl V DOUGLAS 17S Ask for Mr THE GUMPS- WHAT VNOOU Yao tx NOK yn ' ' ' J ENT ALL THRQUCfV YOUR ( ftmKTT NAME A ( OCKS AROUNO I VxU- ''O PUT LITLC Wlrt- TO LOOK APTtR, ' vjim: UN KlOf y MEN CLtANED VOUri fift AIL J I AFFORD I REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. West. Clairmont Bargain A Real Bungalow Only $8,000. Large living room across entire front of house, witli fireplace, builtin bookcases and large dining room; all finished in oak; kitchen white enameled; 2 large bedrooms on second floor, 2 closets to each bedroom. Batli white enameled, linen closets, etc., bedrooms finished in white enam el with mahogany doors. Plastered basement; one block to car. Foi further particulars call Walnut 2812. If You Want an 8-Room Home Here'e your chance. Two blocks from Farnam car, in the Investment class. Five rooms downstairs with reception hall, three and bath upstairs. Full base ment. House la completery modern. Not a new house but a mighty fine home. 11,000 down will buy this. Trice 4,500. SHOPEN & CO., REALTORS. D 4"-l Keellne Bldg. SEE THIS BARGAIN IN CLAIRMONT S-room frame bungalow, east front, only 1 block to car on paved street. Oak finish in living room and dining room; kitchen and 2 bedrooms fin ished natural. Bftliroom. white or.ameled. Price onlv $ti,750. This is a bartraln. Walnut 2S12. 31.000 CASH. 350 PER MONTH. HANSCOM PARK BUNGALOW. 5 rooms and garage. East frontage on paved street. Close to car and school. E. K. BILON. Tyler 51T1. Tyler 5171. Oniaka Real Estate and Investments. JOHN T. BOHAN 621 Paxton Blk. Phone Tyler 4SS0. 14,760 will buy a 10-room, all modern nouse at 260ii Davenport street, in cluding furniture, rooms all full, brln ln good lncome.Tel.Harney 2970. BENSON A MEYERS CO., 424 6m. NafK North. OVERLOOKING MILLER PARK We Just listed a 6-room, up-to-the-minute residence, consisting of a largo living room across the front of the house with built-in fireplace and beam ceilings in living room, dining room with bullt-ln buffet, plate rail and panel walls, kitchen with bullt-ln fea tures on the first floor, finished In oak; 3 nice bedrooms and tile bath on the second floor, one bedroom be ing combination bedroom and sleeping I porcn. Bona pressed brick founda tion and all laundry conveniences; lot 44 feet by 165 feet deep, Ion paved street, paving paid. Priced at $7,300 for quick sale. .Show us anything that will compare with this for anywhere nejir the money and we will advise you to buy it at once. This house was built for a home by thelowner and It Is built from the ground un. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, ; Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Douglas 1781. Ask for Mr. Gibson. Sundaycall Colfax 3227. MR. HOME-BUYER Neat flveroom cottasre. strictly modern. with floored attic, east front, paved street, living room, dining room and re ception room finished In oak; 2 nice bed rooms and bath with maple floors, birch doors, good basement, guaranteed fur nace, floor drain, eleg-ant neighborhood near Windsor school. Price, 15,000. CALIFORNIA STREET HOME Six rooms, with living room running across entire front of house. Dining room has paneled walls with beamed celling and French doors; bullt-ln buffet be tween living room and dining room. Kitchen with maple floors, with pantry, refrigerator room, 2 bedrooms, with screened-ln sleeping porch, clothes chute. All modern conveniences. Lot 40x160. Downstairs finished in oak. Price. $8,000. GRAHAM-PETERS REALTY CO. Sunday Harnoy 3835 or Walnut 1103. MILLER PARK DISTRICT, $2,400 DOWN, BALANCE MONTHLY 6-room, strictly modern, up-to-the minute, practically new bungalow, all on one floor; larpe Itvinpr room, dining room and kitchen; 2 extra large bed rooms, bath and dandy sunroom; full basement, furnace heat; nice floored at tic; extra lnrfte lot, on paved street; all speciRl taxes paid in full. Owner compelled to leave the city at once for daughter's health, has offered to sell this bungalow at cost on very reasonable terms. Will y;ive nnssssinn nt once. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Omaha Nat. Hank Bldg. Doug. 1781. Alitfor -,lr- Uibson. FINE BUNGALOW ON CREIGHTON BLVD. NEAR EVANS This bungalow has 3utt been listed by non-resident owner, who is anxious to sell immediately. Priced accordingly. Has 5 fine, large rooms. Is modern in every respect and will make ideal home. Priced at $3,250 for quick sale. Submit your terms. HASTINGS & HEYDEN 1614 Harney St. Phone Tyler 60. IN EVANSTOX. Attractive 8-room, S-story stucco, quarter sawed oale and white enamel finish, oak floors throughout, steam heat, beam ceiling, built-in bookcases, buffet, fireplace, French doors, etc., brick foundation, ateel beams and girders In basement, fireproof roof, gar age; largo corner lot. S2xl35 ft. on paved street. Price. $15,500. One of the best values we have to offer In this vicinity. FOWLER & M'DONALD REALTORS. 1120 City Nafl Bank. Phone Doug. 14:6. My Bungalow for Sale Dandy 6-room modern Miller Park home. Large south front lot, with shade, fruit, etc., H block to car and park; very attractive terms. Located on Crown Point Ave. Can sell for $5,000. Might consider a gool building lot as first pay ment. Call she evenings at Colfax 641 or during day Colfax 175. MINNE LUSA LOT- Finest building lot In Addn. South front on Miller Park, just west of 24th street. Paving all paid, for the low price of $l,:n. V. 1636. W. G. Shrive REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. North. KOUNTZE PLACE HOMES. 17,000 Fine e-room home, large living room, oak finish, finest of repair, ga rage. Possession In 10 days. 3S.750 Nearly new 7-room house, real home. Oak finish, In bt-st of repair, double garage. Ready to move right Into. Real easy terms. 35,500 New croso-roof bungalow with 5 rooms anil bath; oak anil pine finish; south front lot; Immediate possession. About $1,500 cssh. RASP BROS., 213 KeellneBIdg; Ty. 72L $3,500-$i;00d CASH REAL BARGAIN Just Hated This C-room cottage, hear corner Krsklne and 42d. Modern except heat. Has elec. and gas, garage, chicken yard and Harden. A dandy little home and tome buy. See this today. BROWN REALTY CO. Z"KllJ5J5J 513 Keellne Bldg. SIX ROOMS AND A FINE ACReT Fruit, garden, near boulevard and school; a snap for some one wanting good location. A fine piece of ground and pleasant home. Only 34.600; terms. For appointment call R. F. CLARY CO., 1404-08 Ames Ave. Colfax 175. PRETTIEST MILE HOME. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. A well-built, well-arranged 6-room home; hot water heat; at the present price of coal It means a big saving on one's coat bill; just painted on outside; woodwork reflntshed; house In best of repair; looks like new: east front lot: close to car and school. Price 36,600; il.500 cash. RASP BROS., 213 Keellne Bldg.Ty. 72L Kountze Park Bargain NOW VACANT. Six rooms and bath, only 34,500; terms. Seo this today at 3707 N. 17th St. R. F. CLARY CO., 2404-05 Ames Ave. Colfax 175. NEAR MILLER PARK fi-room stucco, fireplace, sunroom, laundry room; everything convenient; all pnk floors tine, ftnlwh: key at office. R. F. CLARY CO., 2404-06 Ames Ave. Colfax 175. TERMS TO SUIT BUYER. All modern; 6 rooms; $4,100; one block to Amea car line; near school; south front; quick possession. Call to day. R. F. CLARY CO., 2404-06 Ames Ave. Col. 175. 8-ROOM house at 2612 North 19th St., having bath and gas, nice large front porch, east front lot 63 feot, paving paid, price $2,750, House vacant. W. t. Oates. ti47 Omaha Natl Bank Bldg. Douglas 1294. COLORED folks, why buy an old house when you can buy a brand nev one at 2.423 Seward for $600 cash, balance monthly. Reedy to occupy. See today. Orelgh, 508 Bee, Douglas 200. $2,200 buys 3 lots near 24th and Mary, Minne Lusa addition. Must sell at once. Call Tyler 2022. COLORED folks, why buy an old house when you. can buy a brand new one at JSI Reward for $500 cash, balance monthly.. Ready to occupy. See today, Orelgh.,- 608 Bee. Douglas 200. REM IS PARK. Dandy 7-room house on car line and paved street. Four dandy bedrooms upstairs. An Ideal place for roomers. Hnr. 4837. ; A FEW homes and lots for sale In Park wood addition; a safe place for Invest ment. Norris & Norris. Douglas 4270. CUMINO, near 29th St., 44 feet, must be sold to close estate. C. .A. OR I MMEL. 849 Nafl Bank Bldg. MINNE LUSA homes and lots offer the best opportunity to invest your money. Phone Tyler 187. 5 ROOMS, part modern, $600 cash. Ben Jamin & Frankenberg, 524 Bee Bldg. South. HANSCOM PARK, WEST SIDE. Tour money's worth, "THEN SOME." 6-room, all modern home; garage, chicken house; cherry, apple and plum trees, currants and grapes: 6 BLOCKS FROM CAR AND 3 BLOCKS OFF PAVEMENT; only $4,500. READ AGAIN It Interested, call Harney 1341 or Douglas 1346. Ask for Mr. Brown. $3,5oo-$i3oFcksH DANDY LITTLE HOME This strictly modern 5-room cottage Is located on South 12th, fine corner lot. Oarage and chicken houses. Convenient to car. Worth $4,000. Better see this today. BROWN REALTY CO., Doug. 1605. 612 Keellne Bldg. HANSCOM PARK. Nearly new 6-room bungalow on paved street, all special taxes paid, all modern a nd oak finish. Har. 6563. 6-ROOM modern home, fruit, garage, two lots, cash or terms. 1718 Ontario St. Call evenings or Sunday; Miscellaenous. " 5-ROOM STRICTLY MODERN STUCCO BUNGALOW $300 Cash, balance $45.00 per month. Three blocks of school, carline, gro cery stores. Oak finish in living and dining room, enamel finish in bedrooms and bath, built-in cup board in kitchen; oak floors throughout. Full cemented base ment, furnace, floor drain, etc. Call Tyler 5167 eve., Doug. 2428 days. Mr. Spence. BRICK DUPLEX t A well built, practically new, brick duplex having 5 large rooms and tiled bath on each side; conveniently arranged and In excellent condition; a dandy in vestment for some one; on car line In good residence district. D. V. SHOLES CO. REALTORS. Douglas 46. 915-17 City Nafl Bk. Bldg. BUNGALOW HOME Five nicely arranged rooms and bath. Oak and enamel finish. South front on paved street. Spe cials paid. Possession at once. $500 cash, balance monthly. . Walnut 5373. 7-R. mod. home facing Kounts Park, $6,300. -R. mod. West Hanscom Park, $7,800. 7-R. new. near Field Club. $6,500. -R. mod. Cathedral or St. Johns, $S.C00. CONBOY & GREEN, D. 58 U, -Har. 4999, Web, 6111. DON'T SCARE I'M THE GUY! I'M THE GUY who goes to sleep on the street car and leans all over you. It's a lot more comfortable to have someone to rest on than it is to snooze silting up straight. Fur thermore it keeps me from falling over whenever tlfe car starts or stops, And if I snore in your ear that shoiYJdn't annoy you, for you're not trying to sleep and it doesn't keep you awake. I don't get enough sleep in my bed and I have to make it up somewhere; so why not take advantage of it for a nice nap? You ought to put up with a little discomfort for the sake of the com fort it gives me, to have a. nice soft pillow. If anyone's to be complain ed of, it is you when you keep edg ing away from me. It keeps wak injr me up. (Copyright, 1520 Thompson Feature Service.) Parents? Problems III. Can anything be done to pre vent a child of 8 from taking cold so very easily and frequently as she how does? A physician should be consulted it. regard to this matter. It may be that the child has enlarged tonsils or adenoids such children are very susceptible to colds. The diet may not be just right. Or the child may be too warmly or not warmly enough dressed. The physician will know. Real Estate Transfers Minerva A. Geil Jones Leonard and husband to Holile C. Wescoat, Burdette street ?3 feet West of 4"th street. S. S.. 33x128 $ 1,350 tVllliam Pfciffer and wife to Mike Pappos, et al, 22d street 300 feet South of Mason, V. S. 60x132.. 6,160 Peters Trust Co. to Verda E. Wil liams. 33d street 126 feet North of Burt. W. S. 33x193; 33d street 120 feet North of Burt, W. S. 6x153: N. W. Cor. 33d and Burt. 120x109 9,009 William E. flavis and wife to Joe C. Baker, Grant street 200 feet West of 43d street, S. S., 50x120 4,000 Grant N. Van Arnam and wtfo to Ernest R. Siddons, 30th street 45 feet North of Fowler Ave., W. S., 45x134 4,760 Ellen Barrett to Edward P. Bar rett. 20th street 175 feet South of A street, W. S., 60x170 600 Clarence E. Jackson and wife to Kthelwyn G. Brown, Maple 200 feet West of 43d street, S. S 60x120 4,000 Lena Moshkowltz and husband to Rose Greenhouse, S. W. Cor. 36th and Charles streets, 41.5x130 1,500 John W. Scott and wife to Crltz A. Brown, Whitmore street 126 feet East of 2gth Ave.. N. S., 42x114 7,200 Ralph B. Carney and wife to S. M. Perkins, Park Ave. 19.26 feet South of Leavenworth, E. S., 4.1.12x140 12,000 Ruth H. Van Hnusen and husband to Leroy R. Wilson, S. W. Cor. Florence Blvd. and Curtis Ave., 100x110 2,850 Marie W. Woodman et al. to Sarah H. Joslyn, S. E. Cor. 24th and Capitol Ave., 44x132 60,000 Ward M. Burgess and wife to Sarah H. Joslyn S. W. Cor. 22d and Capitol Ave., 147x178 60,000 John M. Gilchrist and wife to Sarah H. Joslyn, N. Vf. Cor. 22d and DoDdge, 129x278 125,000 Martha Faulkner and husband to Charles Edward Faulkner, N. W. Cor. 64th and Marcy, 107x150.. 600 Byron Reed Co. to Adolph Speth- man. Frances Ave. 47.3 feet West of 66thsstreet. S. S., 47x129 285 Byron Red Co. to Adulph Speih man. Frances Ave. 47.3 feet West of 66th street, N. S., 47x129 $85 James Conley to Bryant C. Rogers, 28th street 60 feet North of F street, W. S., 60x150 1,760 REAL ESTATE IMPROVED Miscellaenous. Five-Room Strictly Modern Residence $300 cash. Balance $60 per month. East front, facing boulevard, 3 blocks of school, carllne, grocery stores. Beauti fully decorated throughout; buyer has selection of light fixtures. Large living rcom across front, oak finish, oak stair way to two large bedrooms, finished in enamel; oak floors throughout, full ce mented basement, furnace, laundry con veniences, etc. Call Tyler 5167 eve., Doug. 2428 days. Mr. Spence. ; COTTAGE HOME GOOD TERMS See this and you will want it. Strictly modern, new and nifty, built-in features. Cement walks and cellar. Three blocks from 2 car lines; best neighborhood. Call evenings. Walnut 127. GOOD 6-r.'home, mod. ex. heat; screened porch, double garage, paving paid. Im mediate possession. Price only $3,500; about $750 cash. F.ASP BROS.. 212 Keellne Bldg. Ty. 721. WANT A HOME? v Possibly wo have It for you. It costs nothing to phone Douglas 1345 or come to 1506 Dodge St. $2.2fl0 BUTS 3LOTS. Near 29th and Mary. Minne Lusa ndditlon. Must sell at once. Call Ty Ier2 0 22. REAL ESTATE AND INVESTMENTS. N. W. COR. 18TH AND DODGE. D. 601J, AMER I C A NS ECURITY COMPANT. BIRKETT & COX; jtr and Insures. S50 Bee Bldg. Douglas 6iS. CITY OFFICIAL NOTICES. "NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. The Board of Educatlpn, City of Omaha, will receive bids up to and until 12:00 o'clock (noon) Thursday, June 24th, 1920, for grading the grounds of Central High School, made necessary by the grad ing of Dodge and Twentieth Streets, as per plans and specifications by the Architects, John Latenser & Sons. Bids to be addressed to the undersigned, sealed and, enclosed la properly endorsed envelopes. Copies of the plans and specifications can be obtained from the Secretary of the Board of Education upon application. All bids must be submitted on a blank proposal furnished by the Secretary. Each bidder must submit with his pro posal a certified check In the sum of $500.00 as a guarantee of good faith, said check to be drawn In favor of the Board of Education, City of Omaha. The Hoard reserves to itself the right to reject any or all bids or to waive any Irregularities in the bids. , W. T. BOI'RKE, Secretary Board of Education. 03 City JIall. Omaha Ne J21-23 1IV' THE CARP, MIN Witnesses Declare Man Held for Murder Home at Time of Crime Luciano Radicia, sr., charged with the murder of Joseph Marino the night of May 1, on South Thirteenth street, declared yesterday afternoon on the witness stand in District Judge Troup's court that he was al home in bed at 9 o'clock that night'. Marino was shot to death about 10:30, while he was driving home in his buggy. Several witnesses for the state yesterday declared that Radicia had made threats against the life of 18 High Grade In) o-oe mm fl FRIDAY Ranging in Size from 80 to 480 Acres Unquestionably some of the Finest AGRICULTURAL Properties in the Corn Belt LOCATED IN EASTERN NEBRASKA'S CHOICEST AGRICUL TURAL DISTRICT. Surrounded by Good Towns only 35 miles from Omaha and just 20 miles from Lincoln, Nebraska. On or adjacent to New Omaha Lincoln Denver Highway connecting Omaha and Lincoln, which shortly will be paved. South Omaha, Nebraska, the greatest Live Stock Market of the Middle West, lies only 27 miles from any farm and in Trucking distance. CASS AND LANCASTER COUNTIES . if om four to twenty miles of LINCOLN The Capital of Nebraska Farms Located in Cass and Lancaster Counties Directions for Getting to Farms You can make connection for Greenwood on the main line of the Burlington Railroad, where an office will be maintained a week before sale. Automobiles will be provided to show prospective purchasers property. Automobiles will meet any train at Lincoln and take prospective buyers direct to property. Write or wire us when you will arrive and how many in party. Automobiles will meet all trains days of sale with signs and will take you direct to the property. Luncheon will be provided on farms on June 25 arid June 26. Each Farm to Be Sold on the Premises Sale starts on Farm Number One at 10.00 o'clock, June 25, and continues on each farm in order num bered. FARM NUMBER ONE IS TWO AND ONE-HALF MILES EAST OF GREENWOOD ON O. L. D. HIGHWAY. Look for signs. Sale starts at 10 o'clock morning of June 26 on FARM NUMBER 11, FOUR MILES NORTH OF LINCOLN ON FIRST STREET. Terms of Sale !Each farm will be sold to the highest bidder on the following terms: 10 cash of purchase price and bankable note for 10 with out interest to March 1, 1921, when possession will be given, 30 March 1, 1921, balance five years at 6. , Farms Will Positively Be Sold to Highest Bidder Without Reserve Remember the DatesJune 25, 26Two Days Automobiles will meet all parties at Lincoln or Greenwood, Neb. Wire when you arrive. FOR ANY FURTHER INFORMATION ADDRESS EITHER Auctioneers: Col. F. M. Woods and Mason Brothers Drawn Marino following his testimony in police court for Sam Nanfito, wha was charged with assaulting Radicia's mother. Mrs. Elsa Ritzi, sister of Radicia, corroborated his testimony that he was in bed at 9 the night of the amirder and did not leave the house again. Luciano Radicia, jr., son of the defendant and himself under in dictment also for murder, also testi fied that his father was at home the night of the murder after 9 o'clock. It is expected that the case will go to the jury today. Crnival Dance Staged At. Lakeview Tonght Tonight at Lakeview park an other one of the resort's famous and SATURDAY-JUNE Woods Bros. 132 South 13th Street, LINCOLN, NEB., Phone B6744. Christian & Herman 201 Firit Nt. BldB., LINCOLN, NEB., Phone B1728. for The Bee by Sidney Smith dance attractions will be staged in the big dance palace. On this oc casion the attraction will be one of Lakeview' annual features and it is appropriately called a Carnival dance. With hundreds of squawkcrs, bal loons, horns, ticklers, serpentine, confetti, all furnished by the man agement without charge, hundreds will journey to the park tonight to participate in the fun. This event is an annual one with Lakeview and is one of, the many that will be offered throughout the season for Omaha outdoor amusement-loving public. Special Ijiincheon, 75c raxton hotel. Main Cafe. Adv. Improved at From twenty to thirty-five miles of OMAHA The Grain and Live Stock Market of the Weit Every Farm from 1 to 7 miles of Good Market Town Hotel Accommodations We will be glad to arrange hotel accommodations at Lincoln for those desiring to stay over night, if you will write or wire number of rooms you want reserved. Companies COMPLETE PLAN FOR FINANCING1 WOOL PRODUCERS Shipper Allowed to Draw Through Local Bank on Bill of Lading. Washington, June 22. Flans fot financing the wool growers until h market for wool is re-established have been worked out at confer ences between the growers and the federal reserve board, it was an nounced today by F. R. Marshal of Salt Lake City, secretary of the National Wool Growers' associa tion. x Under the plan, Mr. Marshal said, a wool grower may ship his wool to one of the usual points of distribution, obtaining from the railroad a bill of lading for the ship ment; the grower may then draw a draft against his bank for such an amount as may be agreed upon by the grower and the bank, secured in this manner at the time of ac ceptance, provided that the draft matures in not less than six months from the time of accept ance. After acceptance such a draft bearing the endorsement of a member bank is eligible for re discount or purchase by a federal reserve bank, provided that it has a maturity of not more than three months from the date of rediscount or purchase. Mr. Marshall said Governor Harding had called attention to the provision of the federal reserve act as to eligibility for' discount of paper secured by warehouse re ceipts. e It was the unanimous opinion of the wool growers, Mr. Marshall said, that the plan suggested was practical and feasible. Farms Auction 25 and 26 Lunch Will Be Served on the Grounds 1 I t