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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 23, 1920)
j 10 THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 23. 1920. , - - i - i . Crippled Rourke Teqjn Drops Another Game Score, 4 to 2 . ? 1 ; : t ' i ' i ... " TI I II ". Z u' SOONERS ST At3E BOMBARDMENT IN FIRST INNING T Errors Account for All Scores -But Two Same Teams Meet Thursday in Double-Header. Oklahoma City, Old., June 22. (Special Telegram.) Todays Omaha-Oklahoma City game was directly opposite that of yesterday, for today it was the home club which won the contest. The score today was just half of that yesterday, Oklahoma City wining, 4 to 2. Errors accounted for all except the first two ( Okla homa City tallies. Pitt, first up for Oklahoma City, drew a base on balls. Hughes bunted so perfectly that he beat it out for a hit and all , hands were safet Pitt and Hughes advanced on Darringer's sacrifice and scored on Lindimorc's hard smash to right. Lindimdre cdunted when Platte let Moeller's siftcle get through him in right. Oklahoma City's other tally came in the fifth on Hughes' single, a fielder's choice on Darringer, Mason's error and Lindimore's double. Gislason, first up for Omaha in the fifth, got a life on Darringer's bad throw of his grounder. He ad vanced while Hughes was throw ing out Palmero and scored on Platte's single!- Moseley's throw to get Platte at second on-Donica's grounder, was too late and no one was retired. Hughes, took Lelivelt's gro'under, touched out Donica on the line and then made a bad peg to first to head off the hitter, Platte scoring. ' " Announcement was made today that a double-header would be played Thursday. " OMAHA. A.II. K. H. filslnson, 2b 3 l l 1'nlmero, c.f 4 0 0 Platte, rf 4 1 2 Donles, 8b 4-4) 0 Lrllvelt, lb ...4 0 A l-ee. If 4 0 1 Maaon, a 4 0 t Hair, e 4 0 t Xopp, p 3 0 0 P.O. A. E. 4 3 1 10 0 1 0 1 110 10. 3 0 4 0 1 13 1 1 01 0 1 2 0 S 13 4 P.O. A. E. 110 6 3 2 14 1 11 0 2 0 0 3 0 1 3 0 0 10 1 0 13 0 27 IS 4 34 2 OKLAHOMA,. t'l A.II. rm. f Hughe. 2b. Porringer, m. . I.lndlmore, 3b. Moeller, ef. . . Moore, If. Hroen, c Meseley, lb. .. Covington, . . 3 I A 4 1 4 O 3 0 8 0 0 4 0 Totals) 32 4 a "!'' 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 02 Oklahoma City 3 ft 0 0 1 0 0 0 x 4 'Two-hue hltst I.lndlmore, Moeller. fiatc l!.'Jreh,,,! Dnrrlnger. Moore. Stolen baaeat TUt, Moore. Bases on balls t Off Coving ton, 1; off Kopp, 2. Double plays: Dor. "f.."? Moseleyi Undlmore. Hughes and Moseler Left on bases: Oklahoma WlT 0mah Time: 1:30. Implre: Miners Win. First Game Of Series -From Boosters Joplin, Mo., June 22. Joplin won the first game of the series with Det'Moines, 7 to 5. Three errors by the Miners in the eighth gave the visitors five scores. x DES MOINES. ' I , JOFLW - AB.H.O.A.I . AB.H.O.A. Dwyor,rf. 6 0 1 0Stut, ss 6 2 3 6 wiijr. D i smara ton, 3b 3 2 FrencH. as I l( 1 6IKrueger. 2b 3 0 Connofflf 4 2 3 0! Lamb, rf 42 M'D'ott,3b 4 0 0 IIBogart. ifc 3 0 Hasbr'k, lb 4 1 6 0! Wanner, cf 4 1 10 2 OlYockey, lb 4 1 -Annerson 10 0 ODunn, c Men. cf I 1 1 0 Marks, p Banner, s 4 1 6 nl 4 1 2 0 Buckalew.p 1 0 0 11 Totals 32 9 27 16 Odenwald. p 2 1 0 II xMtian lion zOavenport 0 0 0 0 Total! 32 10 24 10 Batted for Poorman In fifth. .. xBatted for Odenwald tn ninth. zRan for Milan In ninth. Tes Moines , 0 0000005 0 6 Joplin , 3 2 0 0 0 0 2 0 x 7 -Runs: Dwyer, French, O'Connro. Me Dermott, Hasbrook. Stut (2), Hamilton, Lamb (2), Yockey, Dunn. Errors: Buck slew, Banner, Poorman, Dwyer, Hamilton, Boa-art, Yockey. Bases on balls: Off Odenwald, I. Sacrifice hits: Krueger, Hamilton, Left on bases: Dos Moines, 7; Joplin, 6. Two-base hits: Stutz, Hamil ton. Struck out: By Marks, 2; by Buck Slew. l;by Odenwcld, 4. Stolen bases: Lamb (2). Double plays: French to Cof fey to Hasbrook. Wild pitches: Hue-kale w, 2. Earned runs and hits: Off Marks, 0 runs and 10 hits in nine Innings; off Buckalew, 3 runs and 6 hits in two In nings; off Odenwald, 2 runs and 3 hits In six Innings. Umpires: Becker and Lauzon. Time: 1:55. Richmond Bests Rose in Pitchers' Battle, Oilers Win Tulsa, Okl., June 22. Richmond bested Rose in a pitchers' battle here, the Oilers winning the second game of the serjes from St. Joseph, 3 to 2. Manager. Kelleher of the Saints played the game under pro test. i. . . , ST. JOSEPH. TULSA. AB.H.O.A.1 . AB.H.O.A. Emerlch.rf 3 0 1 OlBurke. If 4 ..2 1 0 Slowart. If V 3 1 1 OlGraham.Jb 3. 0 10 3 Kelleher.s '3 0 2 10lM'Manus,2b 4 0 4 4 Connolly. 2b 4 1 2 4!Tlorney. ss 3 13 2 Conroy, 3b 4 1 1 .HClevel'd, 3b 3 1 1 0 Shestak, lb 4 1 13 O'Connelly. cf 3 2 3 0 Bonowltz,cf4 0 2 ( Davis, rf 3 0 0 1 Crosby, o 3 12 11 Dobbins, a 3 1 0 Rose, p 2 10 II Richmond, p 3 10 4 Totals 30 6 24 19 Totals .29 8 27 14 St. Joseph J 0 J 0 1 0 0 0 0 ! Tulsa 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 x 3 Runs: ' Kmerlch, Crosby, Tierney, Dob bins (2). Errors: Connolly (2). Mo Man us. Two-base hits: Dobbins, Con nolly. Horns runs: Tleensy. Sacrifice hits:- Kelleher, Rose, Graham. Base on balls: Off Richmond. 3.. Struck out: Bv Rose, 1; by Richmond, (. Double plays: Conroy. to Kelleher to Conroy - to Con nolly; Conroy to Kelleher to Shestak. Left, on bases: St. Joseph. '$; Tulsa, S. Time: 1:30. Umpires: Lips and Flti patrick. v Wichita Takes Two Games' From Sioux City Packers Wichita, Kai. June 22. Wichita had 4 little , trouble winning two garftes from Sioux City, 6 to 2 and 7 to 0.. Home runs by Beck and Yaryan decided the first game for the locals. . . Tint rams: SIOUX CITY. AB.H.O.A WIGHTTA. AB.H.O.A Cable. 5b 4 0 0 6 Marr. 3b 4 0 12 Defate, ss 3 0 3 3 lb 3 2 13 0 Smith, cf 4 0 10 Wsshb'n. rf 3 0 3 0 2 1 3 3 14 2 0 14 2 2 0 ( Bere-er, ss - J Yaryan, o Beck, lb Butler, 3b Qrtffln. lb Conlan, If Blllman, p Rob'son. cf 4 00 Relchle. If 3 00 Crouch, rf 3 10 0 Elffert, 0 3 1 S ! Miles. D .2 0 0 2 Glllts. D .1 1 0 1 Total 33 9 27 15 Totals 30 24 131 Sioux City. 1 0 0 0 0 03 Wichita ..2....,.... 1 4 1 x Tluns: Meta. Robinson. Wsshbum. Yaryan. Beck tS). Butler. Errors: Cable, Miles. riTrer. Butler. Base on balls: Off Blllman. 2: off Miles. 3. Sacrifice tits; Scrcer, Reichla. LeXt on bases: BASE BALL DIRECTORY Standing' of the Teams. Western League. . VI . u. I 1. u. 1 . . .... . . Tulsa .....17 13 .730kl. City. .29 30 .492 Joplln ....33 21 .600!Omsh .... 20 .47 Wichita ..33 25 .69Pes Moines 23 3S .390 St. Jo. ...31 38 .52USIoux City II SI .367 . National League, ' ', W. L. PetJ W. LPct. Cincinnati 31 23 .S8i Pittsburgh 26 24 .610 Brooklyn .!H 24 .63S!Boston 22 26 .458 Chicago ..30 25 .64ClNew York. .33 32 .414 St. Louis.. 30 27 .626IFh'delphla 23 33 .418 American League. W. I.. Pct.l W. ti. Pet. Cleveland 38 1 ,67IWash'gton 27 2 .601 New York. 38 23 ,633iSt. Louia...28 28 .600 Chirsgo ..33 25 .661IDetrolt ....19 37 .339 Boaton 28 26 .619!Ph'delphla 16 43 .271 Yesterday's Results. Western League. . Oklahoma City, , Omaha 2. Wichita, 6; Sioux rlty, 2 (first game. Wichita, 7; Sioux City, 0 (second game.) Joplin, 7; Dee Moines, 6. National League. Boston, 8; Detroit, 1. Pittsburgh, 9; Brooklyn, T. Chicago, 10; New York, 4. Cincinnati, 3; Philadelphia, American League. Washington, 6; Detroit, 1. Cleveland, 13; Boston, 6. Chicago, 2; Philadelphia, 1 St. Louis, 9; New York, 3. 1. Games Today. Western League. Omaha at Oklahoma City. Sioux City at Wichita. Des Moines at Joplin. St. Joseph at Tulta. National League. Chicago at New York. Pittsburgh at Brooklyn. St. Louis at Boston. V Cincinnati at Philadelphia. American League. Washington at Detroit. Philadelphia at Chicago. New York at St. Louis.-. Boston at Cleveland. - Wichita. , 7; Sioux City, '4. Two-bare hits: Beck, Conlan. Home runs: Beck, Yaryan. Stolen base: Bergej. Hits and earned runs: Off Miles, 6 al 4 In 61-3 Innings. Double plays: Berger to Grif fin and Berk; Griff en and Beck. Struck out: By Blllman, 2; by Miles, 1; bv Qillls, 1. Umpires: Jacobs and Buck Icy. Time: 1:20. -Second game: SIOUX CITY. I TVICHITA. AB.H.O.A.! i AB.H.Q.A. Cable, Ib 4 12 51 Smith, cf 0 2 3 4 2 2 1 4 0 10 0 0 1 3 0 Marr, 3b Defate, ss Metz, lb Rob'son, rf 0 0 2IWashb'n. rf 21 Borger. ss 0 4 0 0 2 3 0 0 13 01 Yaryan. c 1 6 0! Beck, lb Relchle, If 4 1 0 01 Butler, 3b OIGrlffln. 2b Crouch, rf 4 2 1 Elffert. c 4 2 2 01 Conlan, If Manauk, p 3 0 0 SIGregory, p 0 0 2 A'ltermatt 10 0 0 Totals v 34 27 11 Totals 36 8 24 14f , Sioux City .-. ...0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 Wichita .fT7.... 0 0 4 0 0 0 3 0 x 7 Runs: Washburn (2), Berger (2), Yar yan, Butler. Errors: Cablo Relchle, Crouch, Manauk, Conlan, Gregory. Hit by pitched ball: Beck. Base on balls: Off Manauk, 1.' Sacrifice hit: Griffin. Left on bases: Wichita, 6; Sioux City, 0. Double plays: Marr, Cable slid Metz; Grif fin, Berger and Beck. Struck out: By Gregory, 3; Manauk, 1. Umpires: Jacobs and Buckley. Time: 1:20. Kid Graves and Pete' , Scott, Both Champions, To Meet Here Thursday Kid Graves, former welterweight champion, and Pete Scott, a Mo hawk Indian, claimant of the wel terweight championship of Canada, will meet Thursday night in an eight round show at the Butcher Work men's hall, Twenty-fifth and M streets, South Side, as part of an athletic entertainment and smoker given by the butcher workmen. Scott was traveling through Ne braska with a circus when the circus broke up. ' He and Graves were promptly matched to show , their abilities in a brief bout. The butchers have carded "several other events. Shamrock to Make Its Second Trial Trip Off Sandy Hook New York1. June 22. The Sham rock IV and its . trial , horse were scheduled to sail .-their second trial race off Sandy . Hook today. - The4 Lipton yachts were made ready for sailing Monday, but the race was postponed because of squalls.v State Base Ball Llnwood, Neb., June 12. Linwood ap plied the whitewash brush to the crack team of Bruno to the tune of 10 to 0 on the home grounds Sunday. Batteries: Bru no, Pesek of David City and Koza; Lin wood, Krska and Janlcek. Krska was In vincible, allowing only one hit and strik ing out 14- Brunoltes. Wahoo Country club plays here Sunday. Wllber. Neb., June 22. Wllber lost a pitchers' battle last Sunday on the home lot by the Bcore of 2 to 1 to Greenwood. Meyers and CaldwelK both pitched great ball, neither one allowing a bass on balls or hit, a batter. Wllber booted away one run in the first inning, and Lyck won the, game for Greenwood in Ihe ninth inning with a two-base hit. bringing Armstrong home from second. Wllber's only un came In tho fourth when Prucha singled and Woods tripled. Wilber' plays Prague on the home diamond next Sunday. Score by innings: R. H. E. Wllber 0 0 01 0 0 0 0 0 1 6 2 Oreenwood . .. .10000000 1 2 6 1 Batteries: Wilber. Caldwalf and Prucha; Oreenwood, Meyers and Lyck. Polk, Neb., June 22. Polk defeated Mar. quette here Sunday in a well played game to the tune of 4 to 1. It was a good game from start to finish. Norton's hitting, Hahn's fielding and Ptterson's pitching featured the game. Tie batteries were: Marauette. Goethe and Chamber; Polk, An derson, Peterson and Wright. Umpire: Kroger. About 600 people witnessed the game. Humphrey, Neb.. Juno 22. In a fast and exciting game here Sunday Humphrey took Leigh to a trimming by a score of to 2. Upo the eighth inning the score stood 2 to 2. The home team got busy with a half dozen bunched hits and V inched the game. The feature of the gams was a triple play made by Humphrey, the sec ond one made this season by them. Bat teries: Humphrey, Wagner and Baumgart; Leigh, Hahn and Anderson. Harlan; la.. June 22. Caddock's Colts of Walnut won from Harlan here Sunday by the score of 3 to 2. It was a 10-ln-nlng game and 4s one of the most ex. citing contests hld on the local diamond this season. Thleman was in his old time working form, striking out 14 men and al lowing but four scattered hits. Ast. a young recruit catcher made his debut in right field and played good ball during the entire game. Walnut first scored in the fourth Inning when Sldener'a double was followed by Grub's double, scoring fildener. In the seventh Ast wan walked and was knocked In home by Marshall's two-bagger. The winning run was obtained In the inth after Marshall and Ellis had struck out and Nleman walked. He was advanced by Sldenee's single and scored on Grub's blngla over shortstop. 8llver Creek, Neb., June 22. Silver Creek, won from Columbus Sunday in a hotly contested game by a score of 4 to 1. , Knowles, pitching for Silver Creek, held the visitors hltless until the ninth Inning, when one hit and four errors net ted them three scores. The spectacular fielding of Sprague of Bilver Creek was a feature of the game. Batteries: Silver Creek: ''KndVles and Douglas; Columbus, Justus and Burke. Hits: Off Knowles, 1; off Justus. 7. Struck out: By Knowles, 15: by Justus. . . nave Root Trim It Beacon DAUBERT'S HOME RUN IN ELEVENTH FRAME WINS GAME Wingo's Homer Ties Score in Eighth and Daubert's , Circuit Clout Wins , .Contest. Philadephia, June 22. Home runs by Wingo and Daubert enabled Cincinnati to break Philadelphia's winning streak of four straight.v 3 I to, 1, in a contest that went 11 in nings. Wingo evened matters in the eighth by knocking the ball over the right field fence. Daubert's homer came in the 11th inning. CINCINNATI. I PHILADELPHIA. AB.H.OvA.1 AB.H.O.A. Rath, 2b 5 1 3 0lRawllngs,2b S 3 6 3 Dauber t. lb 4 2 OlWIlllams. cf 6 0 4 0 Groh. 3b 4 0 2 4Stengel, rf 6 12 1 Roush. cf 6 3 4 nlMeusel, If 6 110 Duncan. If S 1 2 nIFletcher, ss 4 2 6 0 Kopf. ss '614 llLuderus, lb 6193 Neale. rf Wlngo, c Luijue, p Totals ' 3 0 0 OiK.. Miller. 31) 4 1 3 4 4 1 11 UTragessor.c 3 0 2 0 4,10 2lCausey, p 3 0 0 0 !Leb'veau 0 0 0 0 39 10 33 8iGallla. p 0 0 0 0 .Totnls 39 9 33 20 Batted for Causey In 10th. Cincinnati 0 0000001 00 23 Philadelphia . ..0 100000000 01 Terror: Cincinnati. Daubert. Roush. Wlngo; Thllndelphla. Meusel. Errors: Cin cinnati. , Daubert; Philadelphia. Williams, Fletcher. Two-'mse hits: Meusel. Rawl Ings, Stenitel. Home runs: Wlngo. Dau bert. 'Stolen bsses: Roush (2). Sacrifice hits: Groh, Fletcher. Lebourveau. Double plays: Oroh to Daubert, Fletcher to Lu derous (2), Fletcher to Rawllngs to Lureus to R. Miller to Rawllngs. Uen on ba Cincinnati. 7; Philadelphia, . Hits: orr causey, ji nits in iv innings; on rtallla. 2 hit' In one Inning Struck out? By Luciiie. ; by.Caev 2. Hit by pitched hall:-. By Luque (Traitreerfr), Umpires: O'Day and Qulgloy. Time f game: 2:05. t ' Cubs Beat Wants. ' ' New York, June 23. Chicago nver csme New York's early lead, winning the first game of the series by a score of 10 to 4. Chicago hit all three New York pitchers hard, scoring six runs on straight hitting In the sixth. The Giants made four hits for eight bases off Tyler in a third of an Inning, but they could not hit Carter with men on bases. , . CHICAGO. I NEW Yf RK. AB.H.O.A! AB.H.O.A. Flack, rf 4 2 3 01 Burns. If- 4 3 2 0 Hol' 4 Terry, 2 b 6 Rob'son, If 6 Merkle, lb 5 O'Farrell.o 3 Hersog. 3b 6 Paskert. cf 4 Tyler, p 0 Carter, p 6 2 4 fiiBanrrott, ss 6 ' 2 3 S! Young, rf 4 2 101 Frisch. 3b 6 3 n! Kelly, lb 3 2 3 IlKlng. cf 0 2 2 3lKauff. rf 4 0 3 OlSirklng, 2b 2 0 0 0iDoyle 1 1 0 11 Lear, 2b 0 2 1 6 2 2 0 12 0 3 112 0 0 0 3 1 1 0 1 0 1 Snyder, c 4 40 16 27 H Benton, p 2 Barnes, p 1 xSmlth 1 3 Totals 0 3 1 0 0 Hubbell. p 0 - zMcCarty 1 0 0 0 0 ' Totals 37 14 27 1 Batted for Pickling In seventh. xBatted for Barnes In eighth, z Batted for Snyder in ninth. Chicago 0 0 1 1 0 6 0 0 2-10 New York 3 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 04 Runs: Chicago. Flack (2). Roberston, Merkle (2). O'Farroll (2). Herzog, Paskert, Carter; New York, Burns. (2), Bancroft. Frlsch. Errors: Chicago, Terry; New York, sicking. Two-base hits: Burns, Bancroft, Herzog. Three-base hits: O Farrell, Frlsch, Terry. Home runs: Flack. Robertson. Merkle. Stolen bases: Kauff, Snyder, Young. Sacrifice hits: Young. Hollocher, Kelly. Double plsyst Hollocher to Merkle: Terry to Hollocher to iierme. i.ert on bases: New York. 13; unicsgo. s. liases on nans: utr Larter 5; off Barnes. 3; off Hubbell. 1. Hits: Off Tyler, 4 in one-third inning: off Csrter, 10 in eight and two-thirds Innings off Barnes. 4 in two and two-thirds In nlngs: off Benton, 10 In five and one-third innings; oic nuoDeu, z in one inning. fcirurx out: By carter, !; by Benton, 1; by Barnes. 1. Winning pitcher Carter. Losing pitcher: Benton. Umpires: Rigler and Morffnn Tim.' 1 Dodgers Lose Fourth Straight, Brooklyn, June 22. Brooklyn lost its fourth straight game and nine out of II In the home series with western clubs when Pittsburgh won, 9 to 7. The visitors knocked Pfeffer off the mound ' In two Innings and Smith In less than oneN in ning. PITTSBURGH. f BROOKLYN. AB H.O.A. AB.H.O.A. 6 Carey, cf 6 S'worth. rf 6 Whltted,3b 4 Cutshaw.2b 4 Grimm, lb 4 Barbare, ss 4 Schmidt, c 4 ponder, p 1 Cooper, p 3 Caton ' 1 1 4 OIKIlduff, 2b 4 0 3 2 0IJohnston.3b 6 10 3 01 Griffith, rf 3 10 0 OlNeis, rf 112 4 41 Wheat, If 3 2 4 ft 0! Myers, cf 6 3 0 1 4!Kon'schy,lb 4 0 12 6 II Olson, ss 3 12 0 II Miller, c 0 1 1 Pfeffer, p 4 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 10 110 10 0 0 01 smith, p 1 Grimes, o . Totals 40 16 27 lllxMltchell ZEIIlott - r .Totals . 37 11 27 13 Batted for Ponder in third. xBatted for Pfeffer in second. - zBatted for Griffith in seventh. Pittsburgh 13300020 09 Brooklyn 1 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 1 7 i Runs: Pittsburgh, 'Carey, Whitted. Cut shn,w (2), -Grimm (2). Barbare (2). Schmidt; Brooklyn, Kilduff, Johnston, I unriitn. wneat, Myers (2). Olson. Er rors: .fittsBurgh. Whitted; Brooklyn. KM dufr, Olson, Smith, - Orlmes. Two-base hits: Nels, Meyers, Grimes. Stolen bases: Schmidt. Sacrifice hits: Whitted. Cnt- 'shaw, Barbare, Wheat. Double plays: NeiB- to Konetchy. Left on bases: Pltts- nurgn. 10: Brooklyn, g. Bases on balls: Off Ponder. 1; off Cooper, off Pfeffer, 1; off Orlmes, 1. Hits: Off Ponder. -2 in two innings: off Cooper. 9 In seven in nings; off Pfeffer. 4 in two innings; off :s mil n, t in two-tnim Inning; off Grimes, 7 In six and one-third Innings. Hit by pitched ball:: By Smith (Blgbee). by Cooper, 1. Struck out: By Pfeffer. 2; by urimcs. ;: ny ponner. i; by cooper, 2. Wild pitches: By Ponder. 1: by Pfeffer. 1. Passed ball: Sehmilit. 1. . Winning pitcher: Cooper; losing pitcher, Pfeffesi4. Umpires: Harrison and McCgrmlck. Time 1:51 " ' Boston Win ntchlng Duel. Boston, June 22. A single to left by Boeckel, scoilng Cruise, gave Boston a 3 to 2 Victory over St. Louis in 11 In nings. The game was a pitchers' battle between Scott and Haines. v . ST. LOUIS. I BOSTON. AB.H.O.A. AB.H.O.A. Smith, cf 6 2 1 1' Powell, cf 6 2 3 Hea' 3 2 7 01 Pick. 2b 6 6 6 3 4 0 3 2 2 2 3 0 11 2 3 1 2 0 5 0 1 1 0 0 0 Stock, 3b 5 0 2 1 Eayres, lb Hernshy.,2b 4 2 2 6 Fournler.lb2 0 10 0 Cruise, rf Holke, lb Schultz. rf 4 0 3 0 Boeckel, Sb J.avan, ss . 6 2 2 3 demons, e 3 0 4 1 Haines, p 4 0 0 2 Totals 35 831 14 M'nvllle, ss 4 Oowdy, c 1 O'Nell, c 1 Scott, p .3 xChrlst'b'y 1 Totals 37 10 33 13 Batted for Oowdy In the seventh. St. Louis 0001010000 0 t Boston 0010000010 1 3 Runs: St. Louis, Stock, Schultz; Bos- American Association 1 At Louisville First game. R. H. E. Columbus 4 6 0 Louisville 0 3 2 Batteries: Danforth and Hartley; Gra ham and Meyer. Second game. R. H. E. Columbus 6 15 2 Louisville . 9 9 0 Batteries: Barger,8herman, George, Mulerennan and Hartley; Wright, Koob and Mever. At Indianapolis R. H. E Toledo 4 9 1 Indianapolis 8 11" 1 Batteries: Brady and Murphy; Petty and Henllne. At Kansas City R. H. E. St. Paul g IS 0 Kansas City 4 7 1 i Batteries: Williams and Hargrave; Horstmsn and Sweeney. At Milwaukee R. H. E. Minneapolis , 8 14 3 Milwaukee . 5 1 Batteries: Craft and Maver: Miller. usuLura ana usston. Jimmie Duffy and Tillman in Omaha Today Johnny Tillman of Minneapolis and Jimmie Duffy of Lockport, N, Y., two of the foremost weltet weights in the country are due to ar rive in Omaha late this afternoon for their 10-round show Friday night in the City Auditorium. Both boys will finish their training for the con gest at the Omaha Athletic club. . Ed Gillan, chairman of a commit tee of South Side business men, put ting on the show as a charity per formance, announced yesterday that the following preliminaries had been carded: iommie ritzgeraia ana v.ioung Roscoe, both of the South Side, four round contest, weight 120 pounds. Jack Gates of Omaha and Jack Rvan of South 'Omaha, six-rounds at 135 pounds; Ralph Spellman and Battling Garrison, both of -Om.iha, si-rounds at 128 pounds. "Every principal has greed to show without being guaranteed a cent, said Gulan. tvery penny ot the net proceeds is to be turned over for the maintenance of Holy Ghost church, Fifty-sixth and Q streets, South Side. , Seats for the show are on sale at the Omaha Athletic .club. Ernie Holmes pool hall arid base ball headquarters. , ton. Cruise (2). Gowdy. Errors: St. Louis, Stock, Schults; Boston, Pick. Two- base hits Powell. Three-base Jilts. Hornsby. Lavan. Stolen bases: Henth cotte, Fournler, Maranvllle, Smith. Sac rifice hits: Scott. Schultz, Holke (2). Fournler, Heatheote. Left on bases: St. Louis, 9; Boston, 8. Bases on balls: Off Scott, 6: off Haines, 1. Hit by pitched ball: Gowdy by Haines; Fournler by Scott. Struck out: By Scott, 6; tiy Haines, 3. Passed ball: Gowdy. Um pires: Klem and Emslle. Time: 1:47. taste! The longer you smoke Camels the better you like them they are so unusual, so different from any cigarette you have ever tried! First of all, Camels are an expert blend of choice Turkish and choice Domestic tobaccos. Camels blend, backed by quality, gives Camels their remarkable ' mellow mildness never, before attained in a cigarette. Yet, Camels have delight ful body that is satisfying to the most exacting smoker! - j tKwiP' ' Camels are sold everywhere in eeientincally sealed pack' I I J ilai). agoa of 30 cigarettes for 20 cents; or ten packages 300 ' ' Jf cigarettes) in a glaasine-paper-covered carton. We strongly V r I J recommend this carton for the home or office supply or when ' y jT ilV J l you travel. ' V f , R J Rejnoldi Tobtew " - i . ? . i v. .... . . , . . j . i INDIANS TAKE EASY CONTEST f RQMRED SOX White Sox - Win Close Game From Athletics Senators Baf Out Victory x Over Tigers. Cleveland, June 22. Cleveland scored an easy victory ocr Boston. 13 to 5. Busts was driven from the box, in! four innings, while Fortune, who succeeded him, was even less effective. Caldwell'took things easy throughout. ' BOSTON. I CLEVELAND. AB.H.O.A.I ARH.O.A. Hooper, rf 3 0 0 4 2 '0 0 Vltt. 2b 6 13 1' Evans. If 1 MenDsky.lf, 4 12 5 Schang. cf 5 2 2 OiSpeaker. cf 4 Mclnnls. lb 6 0 10 OSmlth. rf 4 Foster. 3b 4 2 2 4Wood,-rf 1 Scott, ss 3 10 5lGardner, 3b 3 Walters, o 4 3 6 2!W'ganss, 2b 3 Bush, p 3 0 0 ll Johnston, lb 5 Fortune, p 0 0 0 OlO'Nelll. c 3 Elbel, p 2 3 0 OlCaldwell, p 4 1 0 6 3 6 0 2 0 0 0 ft 0 2 2 6 0 4 2 1 2 Totals 37 12 24 131 Totals 39 20 27 9 Boston 0 1 0 2 0 1 0 0 1 5 Cleveland 0 0264020 x 13 Runs: Boston, Schang, Foster, Scott, Walters, Elbel; Cleveland, .lamleson (2), Chapman (3). Speaker, Smith, Wood, Oardner. Johnstob, O'Neill (21. Caldwell. Two-base hits: chang. Scott, Elbel, Cald well. Chapman, Johnston. Jamleson, Smith. Wood. Sacrifice hits: Speaker, Wambsganss (2), Caldwell. Double play: Walters to Vltt. Left on bases: Boston, 9: Cleveland, 10. Bases on balls: Off 2: ofLortune, 1; off Elbel. 1; off Caldwell, TT HI I Its: Off bush, 11 in four ' Jliie YOUR taste never tires of Camels! And, you can mark it down on this No matter how, liberally you light spot that you will greatjly prefer Camels up, Camels are always refreshing! Dlend to either kind of tobacco srnoked That's because they have the quality straight .You'll find Camels a revelation and because they are made to meet your no matter how vou comoare them- Innlnas: off Fortune. 8 In two-thirds In nlt.g: off Elbel, 4 in three and one-third innings. Struck out: By Bush, 2; hy Eibel, 3: by Caldwell, S, losing pitcher: Bush. Umpires: Chll! said Morlarlty. Time: 2:10. Senator's Bit Hard and Timely. Detroit, June 22. Hard and timely hit ting won a., victory for Washington In the second game of the series with De troit, 6 to 1. Asldo from home runs by Roth In the eight and Gharrlty in the ninth, the game was featureless. WASHINGTON. I DETROIT. AB.H.O.A.I AB.H.O.A. Judge, lb 6 111 1 1 Young, 2b 3 2 3 2 Milan. If 4 3 0 01 Bush, ss 4 " a i Rice, cf 3 Roth, rf 4 Shanks, 3b 3 Shannon, 2b 4 O'Neill, ss 4 Gharrlty, o 3 Zachary, p 3 1 8 O Flagst' 4 1 1 llVeach. If 4 1 1 SiHellman. rf 4 0 4 31 Ellison, lb 4 0 0 71 Pinellt. 3b 4 1 1 UAlnsmlth, c 3 1 1 3jl)auss, P 0 lAlten. p 0 1 0 4 0 2 0 T 1 3 0 6 0 0 3 0 1 0 0 Totals 33 9 27 19, 'Hale 1 Totals 31 7 27 9 Batted for Dause In seventh. Washington . , ...2 0100011 16 Detroit .1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 01 Runs: Washington, Judge, 'Milan, Roth (2), Gharrlty. (2); Detroit, Dauss. Errors: Washington, Milan; Detroit, Dauss. Two base hits: Roth. Milan. Home runs: Roth. Oharrlty. Sacrifice: Shanks. Double plays Shanks to Shannon to Judge, O'Neill to Shannon to Judge, Young to Ellison to Bush to Young. Left on bases: Washing ton, 4; Detroit, 6. Bases on balls: Off Dauss, 2; off Zachary. 3. Hits:: Off Dauss, 7 in seven innings: off Alten, 2 In two In nings. Hit by pitched ball: By Dauss (Gharrlty). Struck out: By Dauss, 4: by Zachary, 1: by Alten, 1. Wild pitch: Dauss. Umpires: Evans and Hlldebrand. Losing pitcher: Dauss. Time of game: 1:47. St. Louis Beats New York. St. Louis, June 22. St. Louis evened the serle3 with New York, winning, 9 to 3. driving Mays from the box In the fourth and hitting .Collins freely. Davis, La Follette Silent on Politics. Rochester, Minn., June 22. Sena tor R. Nf. La Follette today refused to be interviewed on anything con cerning politics. He has been dis missed from a hospital where he re cently underwent an operation. while wild, was steady In the pinches. Tho game was held up more than an hour o:i account of rain. NEW YORK. I ST. LOUIS AB.H.O.A.I AB.H.O.A. P' 4 1 2 2ITobln. rf 6 3-30 3 12 2 Oedeon. 2b 3 1 4 0 8 2 9 SjSislrr. lb 6 3 4 0 4 13 0; 3 16 0 4 0 1 liWIIIlams. If 5 2 2 0 3 11 ill Austin, 3b 6 13 1 Ward. 3b Plpp, lb Ruth, rf Meusel, If Bodle, cf Pra't. 2b Hannah, fl 4 13- Gorber. ss 3 10 4 Severeid, c 3 1 7 1 Davis, p 4 10 0 3 0 3 1' Hoffman, 1 0 0- 0 Mays, p 2 2 0 3 Collins, p 1 Oleleh 1 xVlck 1 0 0 2 Totals 36 1427 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Totals 35 9 24 151 Batted for Hannah In the sixth. xBatted for Collins in, the ninth. New York 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 3 St. Louis 1 0 3 4 1 0 0 0 x 9 Runs; New York. Perklnpaugh. Bodie. Pratt; St. Louis, Tobln (2K Oedeon, Slsler (3). Jacobson (2). Severeid. Er rors: New York, none. St. Louis, Wil llems. Two-base hits: Plpp. Slsler. Aus tin. Three-base hits Tobln. Sacrifice hits: Ward. Davis. Left ! bases: New York. 11; St. Louis. 12. Base on hallr: Off Maya,. 3: off Collins. 3; off Davis. 5. Hits: Off Mays. 9 in 3 innings (none out in fourth): off Collins, 5 in 6 In nlngs. Hit by pitched ball. Severeid by Mavs; Oerber by Collins. Struck out: By Mays, 1: by Collins. 1; by Dsvls. 6. Losing pitcher: Mays. I'mplres: Nal lln and Connolly. Time. 2:001 Sox Win Close Vnme. Chicago, June 22. Chicago bunched four hits off Harris in the eighth Inning and defeated Philadelphia. 2 to 1. The visitors' rally In the ninth Inning was short Irved when Kerr tightened up. CHICAGO. I PHILADELPHIA. AB.H.O.Al AB.H.O.A. Lelbold. rf 4 14 0! Dykes. 2b 2 10 1 E.Collins.2b 4 1 7 SIBurrus. lb Weaver, ss 4 1 1 5!Thomas, 3b Jackson. If 4 1 0 tllStrunk. cf Felsch, cf 3 2 1 DWalker, If 3 0 6 llWelch, rf M'Mullln.3b 3 0 1 2'Perklns, c Schalk, c 3 15 ( ICal'way, ss Kerr, p 3 2 0 j Harris, p Totals 31 9 27 14lMoore 5 0 3 3 1 0 5 1 3 0 3 3 1 0 3 1 10 2 0 0 0 Totals 30 7 24 10 Batted, for Harris In the ninth. Philadelphia 00000000 11 Chicago 0 0000002 x 2 Runs: Chicago, Schalk. Kerr; Phlla- ainsweir with any cigarette in the, world at any price! Make a note, too, that Camels leave no unpleasant cigaretty aftertaste nor unpleasant cigaretty odor. Just as soon as you really know Camels and their quality you will realize why we do not offer coupons or pre miums. Camels certainly tell you their own story in a mighty convincing way! Stanley Davies, Pro At Field Club, Shoots , Record Score at York Stanley Divies, pro at the Omaha Field club, set a new record on the nine-hole, course at York Monday when he shot a 36, one above, par :uid seven below bogey. Jflie old record for the course wai 42. Bogey is 43, par 35. The course is 3,000 yards long; and Davies crossed a crck seven times, making his record-breaking score. Sam Reynolds was shooting in form Monday. He shot the Field club course in 75. the best mark made there this year. UnliKiff Phrictie nmf cirnal as " . . c (Happy Hollow, turned in a 74 Sun day. Christie has been playing in great from this season. Fr(ank Middaugn Is High In Minden Trap Shoot .Frank Middaugh of Fremont. Neb., was high gun over a field of 4& shootrs at Minden, la., Sunday, with a score of 144 out of a pos sible 150. L. J. 'Crow of Minden, la., was a close second with 143, and E. Weise of Hancock, la., third with 142. delphla. Perkins. Errors: Chicago, Me. Mullln Philadelphia, none. Two. base hits: Strunk. Weaver. Stolen bnsi's: E. Collins. Weaver. SaiTlfVs hits: Galloway. Strunk, GrirflirfcJ Double plays: Weaver to E. Collins (T J. Collins. Left on hases: Chicago. &: ' Philadelphia, 10. Bases on balls: Off Kerr, 4. Struck out: By Harris, 2; by Kerr, 3. Wild pitch: Harris. Umpires; Frlol and Dineen. Time: 1:20. i t 4 1